@Detroit Pistons

Coping Hour #56: A Potential Detroit Pistons Scoop + The Kristaps Porzingis Game

Coping Hour #56: A Potential Detroit Pistons Scoop + The Kristaps Porzingis Game

[Music] good morning good afternoon whatever time of day it is that you are listening folks thank you very very much for listening day today is the 7th of June year of Our Lord 2024 welcome to yet another edition of the coping hour hosted by Nicholas inle AKA Motown Noah got a big show for you guys today uh taping part one here uh before the first game of the finals got a very jam-pack schedule soon as these games are over Jacob AKA Rusty bucket’s going to be sending me um his recap of all these games going to be editing late into these nights um so I wanted to get this first part out of the way and then the back half of this will be a game one finals breakdown I don’t know how we’re going to do it you guys know how things go on this show so we’ll see when we get there if that’s all you’re here for please use the timestamps to your advantage but before we get to all of that ladies and gentlemen uh we will get somewhere in just a few minutes minutes but before we get where I want to go I need to qualify everything that I’m going to say with a bunch of [ __ ] okay we on this program almost costume as journalists right when in reality what we’re doing is almost we’re almost documenting the journalists themselves right so the documenters become the documented here at the coping hour where we cover all of the biggest stories and we cover them from all angles now and any time that I do this one thing is always true I don’t know anything I very seldom know things especially as it pertains to my favorite basketball team and I never want anybody to think that I know more than them because the odds are that I might not that being said something came across my desk the other day and some of you may have seen that I ran like I had a a bunch of folders with like loose stacks of paper I’m running around corners paper flying all over the place my glasses are all disheveled you know I’m breaking lenses my hair is all over the place I’m trying to let anybody know who will listen to me I think JJ reck is coming I think JJ reic might be the next head coach of the Detroit Pistons and hold on and stay with me okay Nick what do you know I need to set the stage first again use the time stamps to your advantage but if you’re interested in the setup here Stay With Me so the other day I had this like real life Nicholas Cage and knowing moment like real life The Big Short moment okay where I’m sitting here and I’m texting my brother and we’re going through wait a minute it makes a lot of sense that JJ’s going to come here now I did put out a video about this the other day as like oh my God people need to know this that this is about to happen and you you can I I I beg of you and implore you to go watch that that video it’s only seven minutes long if you do not have the time I will give you the spark notes right here so we hypothesized that if you look at Tran langon where he went to school he went to Duke JJ reic also went to Duke the biggest thing here is that JJ reck’s first agent in the NBA who was it who was it I’ll give you a second it’s AR tellum it’s AR tellum if you’ve been around for a while you know that it is well documented on this show that AR telum is secretly pulling all of the strings if you look at all of the dudes that we’ve added I mean top to bottom it’s not just on the it’s not just on the court it’s Personnel it’s on the bench it’s everywhere look at if AR tellum had a previous relationship with them the numbers are [ __ ] shocking okay Nick the Pistons already have a head coach Monty Williams already has a job I’m not so [ __ ] sure that he does by the way I’m just not so sure that he does the Pistons still won’t hold that press conference for Tran langon still nothing on that front I’m telling you it’s because something is going on behind the scenes they’re trying to get their ducks in a row because the next time that you hear from Tom gors and like whoever is in this front office whatever they want to let you know exactly what’s going on and that The Boogeyman of yester year who just LED you to The Worst season that you’ve ever had they’re gone mty Williams and Troy Weaver they’re gone they’re gone and we have this new actionable plan that we’re going to put in place I’m telling you right now that it’s going to start with JJ reck so here’s what I heard so here’s what I heard I put out that JJ reic video okay I don’t hear much on on the Pistons front these days honestly that you guys don’t hear at the same time that I do I don’t learn that much these days but I got a text and the text read that internally Monty Williams has been out since March they decided that they’re like whatever the timeline ends up being here you know whoever we hire if Troy stays whatever Monty Williams is not going to be the coach apparently internally there are people who believe that he was trying to get fired this year I don’t know if I believe that I don’t honestly that’s that seems too like Reddit pilled I don’t think that was I don’t think that’s real um but okay so Monty Williams is out so who would the Pistons be looking at for their head coach there are three names that I was told Chris Quinn who by all accounts within the next 365 days will probably have a head coaching job in the NBA definitely one of those sneaky up next guys to get a head coaching job in the league okay cool cool who’s next James bgo interesting interesting because he just wasn’t good with the last young team that he coached okay who is the third name it’s JJ reck apparently that’s who they would want to look at okay so what did we hear the day after I put out that video yeah the Detroit Pistons um are currently evaluating Monty Williams job how do you think that one’s going to end do you think they’re going to get to that end the end of that evaluation period and think n man we [ __ ] you know let’s let bygones be bygones and let’s kind of let’s just Kickstart this thing but but let’s roll it back with the same coach I doubt that [ __ ] very much to be honest with you I’m pressing X as fast as I can I don’t believe it right you’re thinking oh okay well JJ’s going to take the Lakers job anyways uh apparently [ __ ] not because as of this morning the rug has been pulled out from underneath all of us all of us not just around America but around the globe W coming out of the [ __ ] Rafters to say all the [ __ ] you’ve been hearing from Stephen A Smith all that [ __ ] from that Shams chirania character it’s lies Dan Hurley has been the Lakers contingency plan from the jump this entire time okay so Dan Dan Hurley is being targeted as the Lakers head coach where does this put JJ reck where does it put him not that many coaching vacancies out there we argued on this program that the risk reward for JJ taking that Lakers job it was a death sentence it was never in a million years in in no doctor strange I’m going through all the unv there is not one Universe where that [ __ ] worked out none of them and they all went as poorly as they could go right people say well why would he come to Detroit because what are the stakes what are the stakes if you’re JJ reic oh it doesn’t go well and he’s out in two and a half years he’s out in three years that’s fine that’s not on JJ that was just an unfixable mess you know Tran langon couldn’t put the pieces around them people would [ __ ] dance circles around that argument man it be free it’d be free the other part of this that I’m thinking honestly if you’re Detroit why the [ __ ] not why the [ __ ] not by all accounts you see what social media is like when JJ reic touches a microphone people eat that [ __ ] up they do we don’t on this show right because we’re over it but people do people like JJ reck they come out of the Woodworks for that dude he’s like the media darling right now JJ reck having a moment on television and in audio by the way is it the worst look for your franchise to get a bump because now all eyes are on Detroit this isn’t just a you know the local hey the Pistons you know we really like this JJ Reed gu it’s not just an our fan base everybody likes this guy everybody consumes what JJ reic does it’s impossible not to in 2024 if you consume basketball media in any sense through any medium JJ reic is everywhere I think it sets a precedent if you’re Detroit I’m not telling you that your your takeaway from everything that I’ve said here should be that Monty Williams is getting fired and JJ reck is going to be the head coach I’m just saying between when I made that video that was like Hey this keep an eye on this and today dominoes are falling and they’re they’re falling in that direction I would say h so okay so what’s the precedent here so JJ reick is your head coach I I got man we’re gonna I would I don’t I don’t know what’s going to happen if I’m right about this this is not a Victory lap podcast so I’m don’t let me be [ __ ] right about this I will end the show the show will end if if if we call this ladies and gentlemen and again by the sounds of it we’ll see about a month from now you know some of you will come back to this oh look how look how long look how wrong you were God I hope that does happen I sure hope it does what else do I want to talk about today ladies and gentlemen a matter of fact I went to uh pull up an email coping hour Subs spelled phonetically email will be available in the description wherever it is that you listen to the show I was looking at an email that I wanted to read first and then on the way to doing that we got an email sort of recently and I don’t have a ton on this but I I did think it’s important and it’s sort of about the Pistons so email comes into us from James James welcome to the show subject line 2017 Warriors vers 2004 Pistons Nick I’m going to cut straight to the chase this 2017 Warriors 2004 Pistons talk isn’t real right because I saw people talking about it on Faceook Facebook as though the Pistons were favored and I was like what and I was like huh we’re talking about an alltime defense and a bad offense against an alltime offense with a very good defense as as though it’s even remotely close matchup yeah see and I’m sure the rest of this is very well nuanced James uh I didn’t see much about this other than it was a conversation and I believe because as soon as I saw a YouTube short about it scrolled nope not interested in this I believe this came from Draymond did it not damn damn you know first they came for Draymond on NBA on TNT inside the NBA I said nothing then Draymond came for Rudy goar I said nothing and then by the time Draymond Green came for the 2004 Detroit Pistons there was nobody left to defend me damn that’s where we’re at I see people get mad all the time about oh man it’s always why is people always talk about the 2017 Wars blah blah blah blah how about that 2016 team that won 73 games folks that 17 Warriors versus anybody question is our generation’s 96 Bulls 86 Celtics for the for the generation prior right well that’s technically the same one you know what I mean though everyone’s going to be compared to that team well not compared to that team but any good team that we come up with yeah it is crazy that they actually won more games the year before but like Steph Curry Klay Thompson Draymond Green Kevin Durant you know in Prime um when you really think about it you’re like what the [ __ ] that was something we lived through and I at I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it again I’m gonna do it again I know you guys don’t like when I do this godamn do I miss them I do because when was the LA and this isn’t fair of me to say actually I was going to say when was the last time that you know you turned on a game and teams are just putting up like 130 at will first of all I would be curious to see how many times they even put up like 120 I’d be interested to know that what would be a failure what would you guys think without looking it up the 2017 Warriors first year with Kevin Durant and Golden State H that’s a good question they’re going to be compared to everybody man because I missed not because I missed the [ __ ] out of them but because like oh that’s what I was going to say sorry I like I looked outside and I saw a spider on this is going to sound really dumb just walking you through why I just had a weird Buckle in my flow in my rhythm there I looked right outside the window and there was a spider crawling up the thing and then my brain went to damn it’s annoying that we were supposed to have window cleaning the other day and then it got delayed CU if that if we that if that did happen then that spider wouldn’t be there that was all happening in like M micros seconds and that’s why I I I forgot what I wanted to say there I guess what I was going to say is it’s not fair of me to say oh nobody scores like the Golden State Warriors you know how many times do they put up 120 points a game but it’s like yeah dog that’s just the NBA in 2024 though you can turn on any team and they might there’s a there’s a better than nonzero chance that they’re going to score 120 points I guess not post All-Star break I we did kind of run into that there was a little bit of a Adam Silver cracking on cracking down on [ __ ] and then but then because because that was a product of what of of uh Carl Anthony towns and and Luca and Joel ID putting up a combined like 200 points in three games three separate games um and so the response was like hey we need to we need to start calling more stuff but then but then what happened Malai Flynn had [ __ ] 50 points and that’s something that we had to as Pistons fans we had to reconcile with Malachi Flynn 50 points you know imagine that as a trivia question someday that’s going to suck Malachi Flyn the this this Detroit Piston despite the worst season that they’ve ever played [ __ ] literally ever dating back back to Fort Wayne by the way this piston had a 50-point game in the 2024 season you’re going to think ah damn that couldn’t have been Ivy no couldn’t have been Ivy because we just ended up trading him so it couldn’t have been him I’m just I’m just going to say it had to have been Kate Cunningham you’re going to be wrong it’s [ __ ] Malachi Flynn the answer to that future trivia question that you will hear someday it’s Malachi Flynn had 50 points for Detroit in 10 years when nobody has I don’t need to keep talking about this but in 10 years when nobody’s had 50 for the Pistons because we [ __ ] suck the last piston last piston to score 50 points in a game I’m going to think was that the sadique thing could was it Blake no no that was sadique Bay final answer sik Bay no it’s Malachi Flynn it’s [ __ ] Malachi Flynn last piston to have 50 points James thank you for the email another one that I wanted to read and shout out to this guy in a very major way uh I’ll actually just let the email do the talking first sentence just a beautiful opener email comes into to us from Kurt Kurt welcome to the show coping hour Subs spelled phonetically email available in the description wherever you listen to the show subject line Mark Cuban governor of Texas and random jerseys I don’t know if we’ll read the second question but I do want to read the first one Kurt welcome to the show hey Nick my mom and I were listening to last Friday’s episode and she had a counter to your Mark Cuban for president take quote Mark Cuban governor of Texas unquote she said she thinks it’d make more sense for him to start his political career with a goober National run against Abbott in 2026 instead of a presidential campaign for 2028 do you think this makes sense and does it pass the politics version of your insert name NBA champion test this is an amazing email and for so many so many different levels here so first let me explain the email for those of you who did not listen to the segment that they’re referring to uh we basically broke down all of the reasons that Mark Cuban is 100% going to run for president in 2028 and so Kurt’s mom here uh who he was listening to the show with in the in the car I guess not in the car I guess just listening it’ be funny you guys are huddled around like an iPad or something watching the coping hour coping hour shout out to Mama CT uh thank you for the contribution here cuz on the surface I think this is a genius this is your right on the surface right let’s start to peel back some layers though okay if I’m Mark Cuban and by the time it’s 2028 right I mean I I don’t want to say it’s no spring chicken but it’s like do you really want to do the governor thing in 2026 and then [ __ ] around for four years and then another four years after that and then have to wait two more years to actually run for president that would be how that would work right so you get elected governor and okay and then you’re just killing that so much time and the other problem is is if you’re the if you spend time being the like Texas is just such a tough state to be the governor of because if you’re if you spend even four years being the governor that’s four years of [ __ ] that people use against you to not vote for you because oh well now we see how he handled we now we see how Mark cubin handled the border now we see how Mark Cuban handled you know God forbid some like humanitarian disaster there’s another hurricane in the gulf and you know some uh uh southern Texas City [ __ ] floods again like how does Mark Cuban handle that and if you just if you just circumvent that because in 2024 you can’t right like so what you’re I think what you’re mentioning here this is more Reagan Era right this is the Reagan path the Reagan Playbook is like do the governor thing and then use that leverage that get to a [ __ ] uh higher position of power become the president or like said on the show markk hbin following the Donald Trump Playbook which is where you just skip that and how many how many presidential candidates do you see who the novelty of them to people is the unknown when we haven’t seen them lead previously right it’s there’s a third party candidate right now we talked about him a handful of times on this show not in an endearing way but RFK what do people like about him he’s just like a rogue guy he’s kind of a loose cannon kind of doing his own thing and you know he just really wants to shake things up there’s it’s this element of unknown right of the unknown rather so so I I think it sounds right because he would kill Greg Abbott honestly he would kill him I I think he would but I think you talk about you know the return on investment if you’re like JJ reic taking the Lakers job there’s just none it’s like mostly risk and almost zero reward I’d say it’s the same thing if you’re Mark cubin and you become the governor of Texas because you know that’s how it’s it’s just a again man it’s just a it’s such a tough State like if he um if he wanted to take over like Vermont or some [ __ ] I mean he could right probably could so I do think it it just makes more sense for him uh to do the presidential thing but Mama CT I sincerely appreciate the contribution here all right ladies and gentlemen I think that’s going to do it for the first part of the show uh we got the NBA finals coming up we did a finals preview on Monday we said our brains we’re saying Boston but our heart wants Dallas heart says Dallas but brain is like probably Boston The more I’ve sat on it couple hours from tip off I think like Dallas and five sounds really nice but I’m also like relax settle down a little bit there partner but I really want Dallas man I really want Dallas all right folks let’s get to the finals 5 minutes left in game one Boston up 25 points over the Dallas Mavericks game one of the NBA Finals thank God I had the presence of mind to sit up here every time we talk about the finals folks I think Boston’s going to win in five thank God I’ve been the guy who’s been saying that right I think I think Boston’s going to take this serious I’ve been saying it the whole time what the hell what the hell what just happened big record scratch Freeze Frame moment here at the coping hour I’m serious I’m this isn’t I’m not this is this isn’t canned like I’m genuinely watching this game I’m like I just got to press record now because I’m I’m watching the Celtics team who the [ __ ] is this who is this who are these players we remember these moments differently game one of the NBA Finals the finals is a series you know but game one really setting the tone we we remember these moments differently in the in the grand scheme of things in the greater Pantheon of of NBA narratives as it pertains to the NBA finals and for christops porzingis to come out here fresh off of an injury and and dominate this game dominate this game imagine imagine eight years ago nine years ago hey uh christops porzingis one day is GNA swing not just a playoff series but a [ __ ] NBA Finals series christops porzingis is going to be responsible for that we said on this show what do they need out of him two and a half good games if they can get two and a half good games this [ __ ] is over in four there’s one right and that’s I mean that’s putting it lightly I got to I got to put a hand up to be honest with you you know we’ve poked fun at the Boston Celtics home crowd you know in in during this playoff run we had a a Boston Celtic fan chime in and say oh man ESPN they they turn down the crowd noise maybe they do maybe they do and I was just harsh on that guy for no reason maybe that is a real thing holy [ __ ] did they set the tone tonight wow what an atmosphere that was electric TD Garden was electric early in that game uh Boston goes out to like an 80 run and the man the crowd is just into it Dallas kind of fights back a little bit and then it was at the end of the first quarter that poor zingis went on a little run by himself on like two or three possessions crowd is just going bananas out of the first quarter and man but also it kind of just it it did kind of prove me right a little bit that Boston fans just were waiting for this the whole time and I was like I don’t I don’t doubt that they don’t care about the team or that they I don’t doubt that they care about the team tripping myself up here for no reason over over some semantics like I get it but I just thought like the moment it just has to be the finals for the Celtics because they’re it’s just such a storied franchise but it’s it’s funny when you think about it and this isn’t to [ __ ] on the Celtics at all but just as a mental exercis it’s fun to think about this we always talk about Man banner 18 for the Celtics when’s that going to happen and it’s just funny when you think about think about okay so when was 17 oh that was 2018 wow 16 years ago wow for a championship that is a story is Boston is 16 years since they last won a championship how [ __ ] far back do you have to go before that what 22 years 1986 was that the last one before that H okay so what would that have been number 16 so they won 15 championships in like how many years like huh you’re like yeah Nick [ __ ] Bill Russell ever heard of the guy I’m just saying I’m just saying whoa I didn’t even notice they’re wearing the Bill Walton patches whoa that’s awesome shout out to Bill Walton rest in peace king um this has been an awesome atmosphere to watch like seriously I’ve I’ve really enjoyed it but again I just think it’s cuz they’re like yeah we finally got to the thing that we’ve been waiting for uh this entire time I did have a few notes uh very quickly as it pertains to the broadcast um I think the main one that I had really the only one stop making Mike Breen read off [ __ ] 2K Locker Codes be [ __ ] for real don’t make him do that he’s sounds insane you know when he talks about getting a a 99 overall player in in a my team pack uh with a Galaxy U Magnus opum uh Diamond 99 don’t make Mike Breen say all that [ __ ] that is that’s like making that’s like if you were like Lee Corso like say the alphabet backwards like oh my God can you imagine what would come out of that man’s mouth uh so just not very nice you know this isn’t an overreaction uh program that’s not really what we do here we don’t do overreactions but if we did and I was thinking about game one and like what’s the how do we overreact to this right okay so I’m I’m the editor at the New York Post and is the headline like to hell with The Book Depository check the grassy null because there’s a [ __ ] there there we got multiple Shooters they just showed a graphic on the broadcast that Boston is the had seven players with multiple three-pointers in a game which is the NBA Finals record by the way uh to end the first quarter they were up by 17 which is the largest first quarter margin of like score margin in in game one of the NBA Finals ever in history so they’re breaking they’re breaking we got finals records left and right here’s the thing we’re talking about the Celtics oh wow oh my God the Celtics wow how how wrong were we about the Celtics we don’t know an apology to the Celtics by the way people’s brains just [ __ ] stopped working and forgot what we spent seven months saying we said you know what team is probably going to like moonwalk to the NBA finals cuz they the talent disparity in the east is just such that like there’s just no way they’re going to have any trouble Boston we were saying that literally all year literally all year at the very like they’re just getting to the final like they they’re just and then what happens Boston goes to the finals loses like what like two games on the way executes every single night to the highest degree the only games that they lost were because the the shooting disparities were such that it was like it’s just some teams just have those games like it just happens right Boston delivers seemingly every single night every single night in these playoffs and what do people do they forget that we spent the entire season saying that they were going to [ __ ] brutalize everybody in the East anybody that was in front of them didn’t matter who it was you know we could do the whole what about the oh what if the Nicks were healthy blah blah honestly dog are you seeing this are you seeing this because I’m not so sure I think this is just who the Celtics have been right people just turn their brains off a little bit and then they actually got here and we were supposed to say [ __ ] them no they did exactly what we thought that they were going to do and then in game one people are talking about ooh did Boston you know they didn’t face enough adversity are they going to be ready for the moment getting punched in the mouth by the the best in the west the Dallas Mavericks you know taking down all these juggernauts on their way uh doesn’t seem like that matters doesn’t seem like that matters if you’re Boston and you know what else doesn’t matter about Boston I was texting with something about this during the game just [ __ ] H come on man I’m looking at like contracts and I’m I’m thinking like dude we’re not that far removed from people saying that the jayen brown contract is like one of the worst that has ever been handed out and that the Celtics were basically held hostage and what what the [ __ ] were they supposed to do right and they didn’t want to break up the Jays and so they you know they get in bed with this jayen contract all right man well when Tatum when it comes time for him to sign that super Max uh kristofh porz actually on an awesome contract two years $60 million I mean that’s just that’s just great value for like a I mean two years dude everybody wins here literally everybody wins here and so you say all that and it’s like yes so Boston’s going to be in like the what like the seventh apron over the tax okay cool not to sound like rangs culture right not to really show my age I’m looking at this score I’m looking at Jason kid [ __ ] surrender craing on the [ __ ] sideline with four minutes left in an NBA Finals game they’re down 20 to a team that is like how far into the tax I don’t care about that at all you think Celtics fans are like going to lose sleep tonight because they’re like oh my [ __ ] God how are we supposed to pay this team I don’t know but you are and if if there’s any reason to go into the tax at least it worked right at least it worked what else did I notice from this game hey the the whole Kyrie game yeah um did any of us that wow I got s Maho checking into the game uh the pride of Ukraine shout out to S logging NBA Finals minutes that’s [ __ ] crazy man that’s crazy look at that how about that Sam Hower he was sitting in the corner and he caught the ball like mid-stroke like he caught the like pause but he caught the ball while he was already in his motion holy [ __ ] and and JJ highlighted on highlighted it on the broadcast I think Mike even caught it in real time uh which was a which was a when they did spend like a 15 seconds on it it’s great use of the broadcast time is highlighting um uh something like that from a player of samer’s like caliber you know most people turning on this game they don’t know who he is you know what I mean he’s just he’s not nobody knows who he is so to highlight the little nuances of the game from somebody who you just I don’t know like showing I don’t really know where I’m going with this it made sense when I started to say it um I say all everything that I’m saying about you know Boston kicking Dallas’s ass it’s like well you know what could you look at I mean oh I was going to say something about the Kyrie game we’ll Circle back to that in some in in in in some way I’m already talking about something else and then I actually forgot what the [ __ ] I was going to say let’s let me look back at my notes really quick ladies and gentlemen because I accidentally just like ADHD myself oh dude here was something that I noticed wrote this down so three minutes left in the first half Dallas only had 31 points did you hear that 3 minutes left in the half Dallas was at 31 points at that same moment uh Jaylen Brown and kristofh porzingis were combined for 28 points Dallas again had 31 Jaylen Brown Christof porzings combined for 28 at that same time Jaylen Brown had three steals uh Dallas as a team had four Jaylen Brown uh it ripping Luca on oh my God that was just a picking his Pock was disgusting going down yamming on the other end uh again at that same moment Drew holiday had five assists Dallas as a team had four it was like everywhere you’re watching the first half you’re like did Jason Tatum need to play in this game like did he have to the dude could have been like a sideline reporter and I I know that’s not true there were a good handful of shots that he hit where you were like oh you talk about the tough bucket yeah man he had a few of those and he was impact in the game um he had like three assists didn’t even in the in the first couple minutes of the game so no sure yeah he did need to play in this game but you guys know what I mean like dog they were getting it from everybody um it was awesome oh and then uh this I don’t think this note matters they showed um there a little promo for like bad boys okay so it’s Will Smith and Martin Lawrence on my TV and it finally clicked for the first time I was like whoa this is like Will Smith’s like real I think he’s done like a movie or two since the post uh since the Oscars slapped but this is his first time like really really back in the spotlight in a major commercial way I was like you so you just are going with the same look that you had when you slapped Chris Rock I don’t know maybe just not the goatee maybe just do the full beard do something else that you don’t look exactly the same as when you slapped Chris Rock because now we’re just immediately be like wow remember when you slap Chris Rock does anybody else still think about that does anybody else still think about that ball was in the Celtics court tonight ladies and gentlemen very literally they played in Boston Massachusetts but I don’t think enough can be said about you know just to Circle back a little bit I don’t think you know you could really overstate how important it is like when when when Boston in game one was playing down to Indiana and you’re going the whole time you’re like who the what the [ __ ] is about to happen without Jaylen Brown’s heroics getting a double Bang from Mike Breen um you know Boston was about to go down a game on their home floor to what was Indiana the five or the six seed what the huh what hell no and so you know through whatever rig a rooll they took to to to get there they still got there and in a game like this when really Dallas is the one playing with house money and you’re B I just love this moment for them it’s such a it just feels like such a bam get [ __ ] man you know I can say I was rooting for Dallas and to be honest folks I still am but I’m I’m I’m truly just I’m impressed as a as a fan I just I wasn’t expecting to see this team perform on this level and you know Jason Tatum’s been here he’s been this moment Luca hey man it’s his it’s his finals debut and how and how fun was that there were a few moments in this game where you were just like Luca Magic on the big stage for the first time like we’re really seeing it’s the first time we ever seen Luka in the finals um you know we knew eventually he would get here even if it you know not to do the whole like oh oh it’s guys guess it’s over like maybe next year LCA nope we’re not doing that I have a point on that just a second uh but just to see Luca out there what has he got 30 points that it’s 12 12 uh 12 for 26 that’s and I didn’t see what else they show but luuka had 30 tonight um and and and maybe that’s one of my major takeaways here is I don’t think this is over I really don’t feel that way I think Boston just got that game out of the way immediately they just got out of the way in game one because how many threes did Dallas Miss with like eight minutes left in the game they’re like five for 23 somewhere in that ballpark Boston was shooting at around like 15 for 40 so roughly they finished around there okay there’s arity there I see something there there was that sequence early in the game too where uh Lively had a he walked and then Kyrie on the next possession walked and was like no the [ __ ] I didn’t he definitely did that was definitely a walk tried to do a little spin move Court seemed a little slippery or he just doesn’t have traction on those shoes get some spit on it Kyrie um both were definitely walks but and that was and that’s what sucked is it was in that moment where Dallas you kind of felt like oh my God are they about to make it a game like is this really about to happen and then it was those back-to-back turnovers damn then Lively picked up a fifth foul man it was just all going wrong I don’t feel like it’s over though I I really don’t even if you know on Monday show when we come back and game two happens even if even if Boston goes up 20 and it’s the same [ __ ] by the way even if it’s the same [ __ ] I’m just when they go back to Dallas I just don’t I’m just gonna be shocked I think is what my takeaway here was is despite the punch in the mouth that the Celtics just threw I think that Dallas is perfectly capable of doing the exact same [ __ ] but then you just think about it I guess a little more critically I’m just watching a little highlight package they threw together I’m like yeah but they have Jaylen Brown and Derek white and Drew holiday and Jason Tatum and and and by the way now christops pors think has ever [ __ ] heard of him Al Horford had a moment or two in this game what they can throw at you on defense like what okay all right this is I don’t like where I’m going with this but I’m going to say it all right would Minnesota have been the better matchup there’s the overreaction because if you do the man-on-man [ __ ] and you talk about well you know they throw Jaylen Brown Derek white J didn’t throw anybody at you Minnesota was the same who are you saying that about with Dallas um Derek Lively go like Patrol within 5 feet of the rim cool on it boss um Daniel Gafford go do some like thanasis Santo [ __ ] out there cool like you got it King Josh Green like go guard Derek white okay there’s I guess we pluged that hole and and then you’re you’re like well okay Kyrie sure sure Kyrie is a he yep sure you’re like okay Minnesota and I don’t even it’s not that I don’t believe what I’m saying it’s that I don’t really like that I’m even spending time talking about it because it’s like what the [ __ ] who cares would I really rather be watching Kyle Anderson do his horeshit in this series not that honestly kind of grounded me a little bit no honestly I don’t think that I did that’s it folks I mean I’ll do one more quick skim of my notes I I had a I had way more fun watching this game than I thought that I would um yeah dog that’s it I just I nailed my notes wow didn’t even have to look at them that much but something else that I kind of wanted to talk about a little bit here get you guys out of here a little bit early again sorry I’m just on such a crazy schedule for the next like month um I’m a little confused because have you noticed that Netflix has been like treated like champions of of like the industry because of their live Pro programming pivot that they’ve done people are treating it like oh my God it’s this like revolutionary Netflix has like Live Events okay we’ve talked about it a little bit on the show so okay so when does Netflix do the live news thing that’s my question that feels like the next step feels like the next logical step cuz you’re like oh okay so you you guys are doing like Tom Brady roasts and like Jake Paul and Mike Tyson like oh like whoa Big Time Live Events like musty like culture [ __ ] honestly whoa and then they’re like also we’re going to do the WWE also they’re doing the NFL right whoa okay so you’re getting in bed with all of these um sports leagues too whoa so then when is the news thing going to happen because if you really think about it all of Netflix’s competitors have a live cable option they all have X amount of news networks and so the question becomes one of two things one does Netflix do like an algorithm based like news program um but with Netflix I just feel like that would get so weird cuz we also don’t know any of their numbers that’s like the whole thing about Netflix that makes them [ __ ] shady is that we know nothing about how they do anything um and so you’re like okay but I’m just wondering if the temptation of Netflix wanting to do like oh so somebody’s logging on right now and they’re they want to watch like Black Mirror like Breaking Bad or something but what if the first thing they had to navigate in our UI was like what watch coverage live coverage from the Trump hush money trial how many people are going to divert what they were going to do but I’ll check this out for five minutes check this out for 10 minutes oh and then I get tied up with this thing I leave it on in the background well then it’s just on huh I just wonder when that’s going to happen and then like what are the implications of that I think is what I’ve had a hard time thinking about like what about this is bad what about this is bad cuz if they just do like um you know if they just do like what all of the other uh streaming Giants do and they just have like uh well I guess they can’t just do like NBC so like CB no they couldn’t do CBS cuz [ __ ] Paramount dude they’re all just going to fold into each other eventually anyways we’ve talked about it on this show uh they’re going to do the whole thing where they recreate cable which they are already in the process of doing shout out to Comcast reverse shout out to them [ __ ] them [ __ ] you Comcast hey is this a good time I don’t know how to I don’t know how to do this I need companies to start asking me if I want to do ad reads at some point I’m going to need to [ __ ] make money off this show and I realized something I had a um like a burner email that I used for live streams that I used to do on this channel and I recently checked it on accident because I was trying to log into the email for this show coping hour Subs at spelled phonetically email available in the description wherever you’re listening to the show and I keep and [ __ ] companies keep reaching out to me on my burner email that I’ve not checked in like two years and dog I lost on like three mint mobile opportunities they just kept following up kept following up kept following up and by the time I saw it in real time about six months later long enough later that like I’m [ __ ] regardless well ran Reynold Reynolds had already sold his shares at mitt mobile so I was like well I don’t want to be involved in that company anyways then it turns out he like what he didn’t he’s [ __ ] still their dude and then I was and then I think they ended up emailing I just can’t I just can’t catch a [ __ ] break so because I don’t run mid rolls on uh YouTube and then Spotify I don’t you know makees [ __ ] on there I think I can I think I’m eligible to I maybe I need to actually look into that but this rev split on Spotify oh my God it’s so bad oh my God it’s so bad but eventually I’m going to need to so ad reads I think would be funny if like Hooters wants to reach out I’ll do Hooters uh they opened up not opened up but we discovered recently right near our house there’s a Hooters but it’s an Express Hooters you know what I’m talking about you go to like a pizza Hood Taco Bell Express you know what I’m talking about what the [ __ ] a Hooters Express dog on the the sign it just says Hoots and but it’s just a Hooters it’s just Hooter Express I go you think if you go in there it’s just a bunch of like regular ass dudes like working not even in any sort of uniform they just kind of work there Hoots we we talked about it on the last show which maybe I need to address some allegations um in the last episode I we talked about the first time that I ever went to Hooters when I was like 10 years old also the last time I ever went to Hooters I did go to one like Hooters adjacent I was taken there uh probably when I was like 14 called The Tilted Kilt uh basically the same thing but just more like Irish Scottish uh type of vibe the [ __ ] was I talking about oh yeah I was I was talking about the first time I went to Hooters and how I if I walked into a Hooters in 2024 I would [ __ ] explode and cry I don’t want don’t want to be there I’m so sorry that I’m here a couple of you guys said that um I’m scared of the hose I didn’t seem I’m not let me clarify my position although I don’t think I can I think part of it is you’re just right to be honest with you I don’t want to [ __ ] be in there I don’t want to be in there occupy there I don’t want to bother anybody sorry for being here sorry but I do but the here’s the thing is I do I but I want the merch like I want all of it I don’t know the [ __ ] am I talking about man all right ladies and Gentlemen let’s get you out of here let’s uh make sure everybody has a fantastic weekend um apologize for running like 15 minutes short today but I know you guys are you guys show me a lot of Grace and are very empathetic um I’ve kind of I’ve sneaky been on a a role with uploading I don’t I I actually I know I always love this is not a Victory lap podcast but I always do Victory laps uh this is not a show where I like to really uh show myself any Grace Pat myself on the back or anything like that um but I have been uploading a lot recently like sneaky a decent a bit decent amount like the the last week like four or five different videos oh wow impressed you best believe if anything happens on the JJ reic front we will be here reporting it immediately uh we will be not quite boots on the ground but uh digitally digitally we will have boots on the ground wherever the news is breaking and I guess dog maybe we broke some news in this show to be honest with you I don’t know I heard what I heard I just relayed that information to you guys if it if if we threw some [ __ ] at the wall and if none of it sticks that’s okay it’s okay I don’t you know but what if it did and I think it might I think it might all ladies and gentlemen I love you all very much very very very very uh deeply if you listening to this on Spotify sure rate Five Stars if you’re watching this on YouTube uh leave a like subscribe nice little comment for the old uh algorithm the old algorithm I guess not having a heart attack to end Today’s Show which is nice none of you really gave me any well wishes for that one said all of you just thought it was funny so I will catch you [Music] guys beauti beauti primary control beautiful primary control beautiful primary control beautiful

email in to the show:

0:00 Intro
0:55 I need to setup where we’re about to venture on this program
1:43 I’m literally living the plot to The Big Short: Detroit Pistons Edition
4:22 Something I heard about through the Pistons grapevine
9:21 2004 Pistons vs 2017 Warriors conversation
13:07 The future NBA Trivia question answer you’ll need some day
14:40 Mark Cuban as the Texas Governor? Hmm!
19:25 Game 1 of the 2024 NBA Finals goes to Boston
20:10 The gravity of Kristaps Porzingis’ legacy game
21:00 Apologizing to the Celtics home crowd (kind of)
23:08 PLEASE stop making Mike Breen read 2K Locker Codes
23:51 We do not owe Boston an apology
26:28 Caring about Boston’s cap situation right now makes you a dork
29:16 A brief breakdown of the Celtics’ dominance
30:28 That’s the look Will Smith is going with? Still? Alright
31:28 Revisiting the importance of how good Boston just was
36:50 Netflix having a “pivoting to live programming” moment
41:25 Addressing some serious allegations


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