@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The Detroit Pistons PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

what’s going on y’all welcome back to Ideal off season this is the series where I get to put the GM cap on for a little bit and help an NBA team navigate through their off season we try to make this series as realistic as possible like we’re not just going to be putting LeBron or something on some team and being like look look how much better they are no we try to take into account Like A team’s realistic needs and what could like actually maybe like feasibly happen in the NBA if we’re looking at the San Antonio Spurs they’re obviously not winning a championship next year it’s okay how do we make them marginally better next year so that they’re building upon the young Cor that they have if we’re looking at a team like the Lakers and they still got LeBron then well we’re trying to win a championship so we got to help them get there so hey this Series has been awesome for my channel thank you guys for the support please make sure you guys keep like subscribe and commenting I’ve responded to every single comment on my YouTube channel up to this point and I intend to keep on doing so so let me have it with those comments and one other quick side note um I’m pre-recording a bunch of videos uh this weekend and putting them out throughout the week so that you guys can see them I am traveling throughout the week and NBA team actually did hire me on retainer to do some Analytics and some roster building like work with them so it’s cool I’m doing like real life ideal off seon this year um I could talk about my NBA past and everything a little bit uh but that’s for another video most likely just want to let you guys know if something happens in real life and it doesn’t reflect accurately with this it’s because it was recorded on Sunday today so now you guys know let’s get into the video so we’re back here with the ideal offseason spreadsheet you guys know where I’m going with this uh this is a cool little spreadsheet that I use to kind of help visualize this series and bring it to life in a way um if you guys want access ACC to the spreadsheet I’ve given it out to over 100 people so far which is really cool considering how many subscribers I actually have um all you have to do to get access to the spreadsheet is leave me a comment saying I would like the spreadsheet I told you guys I read every single comment and it helps my videos if you leave comments so when you do that I’ll drop you a link to my Discord you hop on my Discord which is good for marketing and then um you can just shoot me a DM there being like hey I was hoping to get the spreadsheet I’ll hook you up with the spreadsheet really simple nobody’s really had any problems with it so far so yeah you guys just let me know and I’ll make sure it gets to you but anyway let’s talk about the Detroit Pistons that’s the team we got today um the Pistons have been absolute booty cheek buns for a while now and they’ve acquired a bunch of these like top picks that aren’t always the first overall pick CU they keep falling out of the um uh the first overall pick in the lottery it’s really unfortunate I’m so sorry Detroit Pistons fans and so normally a team that was just worst in the NBA right you’re like okay need to start rebuilding how do we do this this team doesn’t need to like rebuild anymore man and here’s here’s why I’m telling you guys this because this is going to influence the direction that we go about this for the rest of the uh episode when you lose this much it starts to become your culture in a way and like uh culture is a really hard thing to explain to people because if you guys just haven’t been around like high level sports or something like that you just you just don’t know okay but when you’re losing this much and you’ve got all these young guys on this team that are trying to grow and they’re trying to find their place in the league and you just keep losing over and over and over again they’re not going to develop and it’s not going to get better like at some point you just need to start winning some basketball games so that you can win some basketball games I know that sounds crazy but like for these young guys to get better we got to help them start winning some games right now so this is not going to be an ideal off season where I’m like let’s set us up for the future let’s try and get more young players I can actually tell you we’re probably going to be trading a young player in this one and we’ll we’ll get into that but I’m trying to make this team a little bit better what does that mean let’s shoot for like we’re trying to become a playing team next year or something right like Kade Cunningham’s been in the league for a couple years now right um I think this will be his is it his fourth season I believe it’s his fourth season this next year and he’s not winning like any basketball games it’s really sad Jaylen durren been in the league for a little bit he hasn’t won any games assar Thompson had a sad rookie season they’ve got all these good Young Players let’s start winning some basketball games with them we need to start getting better so without further Ado let’s start diving into this we have a ton of cap space what does that really mean for us not a whole bunch besides the fact that we can take in some contracts via trade because nobody’s signing with us let’s be honest like there’s just not a ton of guys out there that are going to want to sign with us at least not Star level players doesn’t make a ton of sense so we’re going to be using this cap space today to try to take in some higher level Talent some dudes that can help us get better right away um those are some things I definitely want to do but we also want to make sure that we uh maintain some flexibility so that if like the perfect player becomes available that we can try to bring them in uh as well so we want to try and balance it but we’re we’re trying to get better this offseason we’re going to try to take on some highle players looking at draft picks this year we’ve got the fifth overall pick and the 54th pick this fifth pick is not safe right now it’s not safe I don’t need another fifth overall uh player on this team I just don’t I don’t need anything more like that and I don’t really think there’s someone in this Draft worth taking with like the fifth overall pick for our team like I just I really don’t so I’m probably going to be packaging this pick with somebody else to get us a player that can help us start winning basketball games right now we’ve got a decent uh pick situation going forward we have most of our picks uh we we do have a gap in 2025 which is unfortunate because are we going to be like a great team this year no and next year’s draft class is good so I’d like to find a way to get us into the 2025 class if at all possible um but for the time being I’m not worried about like pick situation too much I don’t want this pick now we’re going to trade it to try and get us a better player let’s take a look at the salary situation here cuz we’ve got we’ve got a lot of things going on here a lot of things going on let’s start out with Evan forier team option $19 million for the time being I’m going to probably say I don’t even need to like trade this contract because I just don’t think that it’s going to be necessary Evan forier we’re not picking up your team option you are not going to be coming back we would rather just have the cap space and I would just I’d rather just go see him sign from for a minimum somewhere where he can just go and compete now we’ve got beef stew on the team who’s got a nice like 3 years 15 million a year still left on his contract he’s a guy that’s not necessarily safe on this team either I just I don’t know like I feel like uh Isaiah Stewart’s more of a center and they’ve been trying to play him at the four he’s got a decent three-point shot but he’s not mobile enough to play like perimeter defense or anything so I think he’s a little out of place I’d like to probably try to find him a new home in this as well but we’ll see Kade Cunningham’s got a team option obviously we’re bringing Kade Cunningham back I think Kade Cunningham is a really really really good basketball player I think he’s just been on some booty cheek teams that just really need some help in showing him like a little bit of love right like we need to get some better players on the team assar Thompson phenomenal basketball player I love assar Thompson um here’s what I know you guys will say about assar Thompson his jump shot sucks it’s so easy for everybody to say what guys stink at if everyone was good at everything they’d all be Michael Jordan right it’s just I I just hate comments like that because here’s what this guy’s already really good at he’s an elite defensive player he’s a really good passer he’s phenomenal with without the ball he finds so many soft spots in the defense by just like cutting and getting to the right places he gets so many easy baskets he’s an 11 out of 10 athlete he’s an amazing rebounder for a while he was averaging like 10 rebounds a game as like a two3 he’s a phenomenal basketball player we got to find a way to keep him in the starting rotation to make sure he gets devel he gets a chance to develop Jaden Ivy a nice uh young point guard for him uh started finally getting some minutes after like uh I’m guessing that Monty Williams has a someone holding a gun to the back of his head because I don’t understand the coaching decisions that are being made on that team and and Monty Williams is a good coach like I’ve had interactions with Monty Williams this guy’s a really good basketball coach I really think there’s something in the Pistons organization that was telling them like who to play and who not to play last year because it just didn’t make any sense we’re bringing back Jaden Ivy Jaylen durren the exact same thing I know there’s a lot of Team options on this there’s a lot of young dudes um Jaylen Duran I think is a phenomenal Center in this league his defensive IQ is really good he’s really tough he’s a nice athlete nice rebounder good modern run jump and dunk Center that’s got a lot of size and strength to him I love it want to keep Jaylen durren around I think he’s a great guy to have next to Cade then we’ve got Troy Brown Jr who I’ve never been like too high on like he’s kind of just like eh at everything he never has a great three-point shooting season he’s always okay defensively he can put the ball on the floor a little bit for $4 million maybe he’s someone we throw into a trade to make something happen but if at the end of the day $4 million it’s not the worst thing in the world we’ve got the cap room for just another season so I’m not going a trip about it Marcus Sasser a guy that again kind of lost out on some minutes last year but when he played as a rookie last year really really really productive really saw some good shot creation creation some shooting I want to make sure we’re getting Marcus Sasser uh some ability to get out there and play some real minutes this next year so we can keep developing him uh Quinton Grimes the guy that we got via trade for boan and Alec Burks definitely want to be picking up his option he was mostly hurt at the end of last season which is pretty unfortunate ideally he’s a nice three and D2 guard um so we’re going to be trying to develop him as well Stanley Amud and chimi metsu um I actually have a lot of experience with Stanley Amud uh really hard competitor and everything and chimi metsu solid uh Reserve big in the NBA I don’t feel the need to bring any of these guys back personally so I think I’m just going to be letting both of these guys go one other thing I want to bring up is there’s another $2.7 million down here that’s being used and that’s because we still owed Dwayne deadmond some dead cap money for this last season so I just included that there so that we’d have an accurate cap reflection right here so just know that that’s the case so what does that leave us with that leaves us with $77 million in cap space which is really exciting we definitely want to put that to use we also have seven roster spots open but before we even get to the draft we want to get a trade in place because we don’t want this fifth overall pick I don’t want it I don’t think it’s necessary I don’t know who we would get in this unless we were trading up to get like a rese I think he would make some sense to fit there but we fell to five so you know what that’s that’s what happened this is the situation we were in if we could get reace I’d probably be okay with it but I’m not that interested in it right now so what I want to do is I want to go to the trade market and try to execute a trade that can get our fan base just like a little bit more excited about something and just give the some of these young guys an opportunity to like really start playing some winning basketball so we’re back here on fanso you guys know what fanso is at this point it’s a really cool like basketball social media hub where you can like do a whole bunch of things with like trade simulators and like mock draft simulators and everything and you guys probably already know where I’m going with this man you already know where I’m going with this I think that there’s a way and a world where we can land Brandon Ingram in this now Brandon Ingram is supposedly on the trade block and stuff that’s what some of the things we’ve been hearing if I was a New Orleans Pelicans like front office person that’s not probably the way that I would want to go about things but we’re working in the world of realism and they’re looking at mov him and maybe they want to get some more guys that are a little bit more on like the age path of like Zion Williamson and like Dyson Daniels maybe guys like that like Trey Murphy herb Jones stuff like that I think that we could make something work all right so I’ve gone through and done a couple things to adjust this um I had the Pelicans not pick up Jeremiah Robinson Earl I just don’t think it’s a guy that they’re probably going to be looking to bring back this year he had a team option so I declin that for them I also declined the guys that we just talked about so just know that now these are accurate at tax numbers um the Pelicans are in the second tax apron right now and that’s because they’ve got enough cap holds that put them in the second tax apron and what does that mean it means that they can’t package uh players together to go get one player that’s that’s just what that means when they’re in the second tax apron they also can only take back like a certain amount like more money they can take back less money but trust me we’re going to be the guys packaging stuff together to get back Brandon Ingram in this one so let’s start off with this Brandon Ingram is coming our way and what are we going to do to supplement these guys here’s the first thing that they’re trying to address over here in New Orleans right they would like a new point guard CJ McCullum is pretty old he’s going to be off the team soon they need a young point guard that they can start to develop and so I would be moving Jaden Ivy over here first and I know Pistons fans Jaden Ivy is a nice young player we’re getting like a borderline Allstar and Brandon Ingram in this that’s 26 years old like just calm down for a second these are the types of things you got to do to go get Jade Ivy especially if the Hawks are throwing around like a dejonte Murray Trey young type thing right so we give them somebody that’s a little bit more on their Age timeline that they can develop for a couple years perfect that’s the first guy that we include in this the next thing we’re going to do with this is we’re going to throw Isaiah Stewart into there um most likely the Pelicans are going to be losing out on yonas Valen chunis they just don’t seem to really care about bringing him back we throw them Isaiah Stewart another younger guy that while yes he’s coming off an injury has been able to space the floor a bit at times would be a good rebounder for them he’s not like my favorite player ever in the NBA but he’s got a lot of toughness right and he does have some skills that he can bring to an NBA team and he’ll be allowed to play center here so I think you throw them those two guys and now all of a sudden you got two young players that you’re getting back for Brandon Ingram that can still help contribute to a winning team obviously we’re not giving them enough the next thing we’re going to throw over to them is the fifth overall pick and after that we’re probably going to want to trade them another pick so what I’m going to do is I’m also going to throw them this 2027 first round pick we’re going to call call it we’re going to put a protection on it cuz we’re already giving them the fifth overall pick and we’re going to say we’re not giving you two top five picks so we’re going to do that one and trade it back over to the Pelicans as well so let’s take a look at what this trade is right now they’re getting Jaden Ivy they’re getting Isaiah Stewart they’re getting the fifth overall pick in this draft and they’re getting our 2027 first round pick that adds to their deep collection of draft picks that they got going on right now what do we get back we get back Brandon Ingram who they apparently don’t want to be paying anyway they don’t want to give him an extension we would be giving him an extension by doing this so let’s try this trade and see if it makes sense we’ve got a success wonderful wonderful wonderful this all makes sense everything works out they only traded one player so they didn’t violate the second apron rule so what happened here the Pelicans got two young players saved a bit of money which is good for them right they got two first round picks they got the fifth overall pick which honestly there’s a decent chance they could get Donovan kinging with this and they can get their center of the future anyway just right then and there and then they can go and move um Larry Nance or something like that if they want to or maybe they can flip beef stew again who knows but the point is they’ve got flexibility now it’s a lot easier to trade contracts of that size and some younger players that are interesting we’ve brought in Brandon Ingram to help us start winning some basketball games right now so we’re going to change this to Brandon Ingram look at that look at that and then Jaden Ivy is no longer on the team let’s move these guys up a little bit wonderful Wonder F and this is kind of what I’m thinking the rotation would look like then I would picture Cade here I’d see AAR now I know what you guys are thinking why is assar playing the two just calm down for just one second while I explain it to you we throw Brandon Ingram there okay so this is what it’s looking like right now cool cool cool cool cool uh I think Kade Cunningham’s plenty good enough to play the point guard I’m not worried about that whatsoever um assar Thompson not a shooter not a floor spacer we understand that we’re going to have to address some more floor spacing with the power forward I think assar Thompson is just fine though uh we actually did a study on him me and some of the other Scouts about how he actually created spacing despite being a bad shooter and it’s because he was so good at finding these like little pockets around like the Baseline and around the nail and the and in the paint and stuff when other guys were messing around with the basketball right that he created space and guys had to sink down cuz they’re like okay I need to make sure assar Thompson’s not like slipping through and causing some sort of problem so this is the rotation that I would I would actually put him in I think he’s best as like a two um this gives you an enormous team right now like you’ve got a lot of size with Kade a lot of size with assar and a lot of size with Ingram you got a big strong Center we just have to make sure that we address the issue at a power forward to make sure that we do add some shooting cuz we definitely got to add some to this team and I want to be clear about something with this cuz I’m sure you guys are already looking at this and you’re like oh this team’s not winning a championship this isn’t doing this we need to start making winning moves within the organization to develop these players I’m going to Tim stamp this for you guys if you comment this and I love timestamping you guys because I never get a response and I know that you go oh I didn’t actually watch the video but anyway we just need to start making some winning basketball moves and again assume that Brandon Ingram gets an extension here we’ve got him going forward now all of a sudden you got a really interesting core with like these four guys here right I think this is really really interesting uh we still have the 54th pick in this draft I don’t think there’s necessarily somebody else that I want to trade um we might look to see if there’s a Troy Brown and like 54th overall pick that we want to give to like a championship level team or something like that maybe they want like a cheap guy to come in off their bench or something so maybe let’s explore that real quick is there a way we can help out the Denver Nuggets with this and by the way I’m keeping the other trade up because I don’t think there’s a way on fanso to like save like the progress that you’ve been making and everything and so just just hear me out for just a second here so Reggie Jackson’s kind of a weird player that the um that the Denver Nuggets have going on right now it’s probably not someone they necessarily want to have come back but he’s got a player option for like $5 million would it make more sense for them to have like a Troy brown or something like that I want to be able to sell people on Troy brown but I just I just struggled to do so man it’s just the numbers are not there like he’s always like he shows like a spark like here and there that it’s like oh maybe he’ll be a three andd player and then he’s just not so I don’t know if the Denver Nuggets are going to actually end up pulling something like that off maybe maybe I’ll just look around a little bit more what about the Miami Heat here can we save them from Duncan Robinson’s contract maybe we’re the team that can do that to give them a little bit more flexibility to make a move so they can’t package players together but that’s totally fine so if we throw them say Troy brown right we trade him to the heat in this one um do we even like necessarily need to give them Troy Brown back or can we completely like resolve them of their contract let me just let me just try this out and we move Duncan Robinson here like does this trade just work this trade does just work okay that’s really interesting what kind of picks to the Miami Heat have they have the 43rd pick and what are we working with the 54th pick what if we do a little swapi what if we what if we do a little Swap and say like hey uh we’ll move up in the second round because we’re taking on this contract with you we do a swap of second round picks we move up they still get a second round pick so they can get some sort of a second round guy to fill out the back end of their roster we’ll take on Duncan Robinson because we can use them more and we save them like a ton of money uh and they just don’t really need Duncan Robinson we need Shooters on the team I like this a lot like I’m we look we’ve got the money to spend right now we do and we’re not getting some bigname free agent let’s get some more Shooters around Kade assar Brandon Ingram and durren right like that’s got to be the priority going forward let’s let’s execute on that let’s let’s do that so we’re moving this over to the heat the 43rd pick comes over to us we’ve moved up in the draft now a little bit so we can try to get somebody decent in the second round okay let’s let’s operate on this trade and let’s go do that so Troy Brown is now Duncan Robinson so obviously that takes up a lot of our cap space and everything but that’s totally fine like we can use his Services right now he’s a win he’s a winning type player he’s going to give us some floor spacing I feel really good about this so now we have the Heats first round pick here and what did we just get did we get the 43rd pick we got the 43rd pick beautiful beautiful beautiful awesome okay I think those are all the trades that we really need to make I’m I’m cool with this team reminder we’ve got another shooter in Quinton Grimes that we could throw here if we really need to like cuz here’s the thing um if we really wanted to we could move Brandon Ingram over to the four and you guys can tell me that that’s what you want to do fine like we can talk about rotations all we want right we can move Brandon Ingram to the four move assar to the three and start Quinton Grime so that we have a shooter there I’ve got an idea for who I want to put here but um I think this is fine for now okay let’s go to the draft and let’s start making some things happen all righty so we’re here on the fanso Mock Draft simulator it’s a really cool tool that kind of adds a sense of like Randomness to the NBA draft I think it helps make the series a little bit more realistic instead of me just being like I think this guy’s going to be available with this pick so that’s what we’re going to do uh no this this adds like a new sense for things but uh we don’t have the fifth pick anymore I am going to be trading it to uh who did we trade it to we traded it to the uh New Orleans Pelicans I’ve got to find them there they are there’s the Pelicans that pick is going over there and and obviously when the 43rd pick comes up I will move that over so just know that we’ll be picking with the 43rd pick there you go New Orleans Pelicans they take buellis with it what a shame yeah know I think you guys should mess around with fans SPO as much as possible it’s a really cool thing like they got all these like little sliders that you can mess around with to kind of determine how it goes through this I just kind of put it on the pretty basic sliders and tell it to go with the most like accurate rankings of people I tell it to go by like needs and stuff like that cuz I think that’s going to be more important in this draft class is like actual team needs yeah I’m really curious to see who we can get with this pick like what do we kind of need like uh probably just this might be something where we take a young guy to try to develop it depends on really who’s available I wouldn’t mind taking like an older guy either but somebody with a little skill Baylor shyan would have been a good one for us here but all right we’re here at the 43rd pick so this is the perspective I want to have with this because at the end of the day um you guys have heard me say this with like the Portland Trailblazers a lot I hate when teams take guys with these high draft picks and don’t put players around them that are cohesive to helping them win what do I mean by that Kade Cunningham has been on this team for so long and why haven’t they found like any players that make sense to put around him like I think guys like um Duren make a lot of sense and I think that’s really cool but we we got to make sure that we’re putting guys on the team that makes sense to have around our young star player right so I want to make sure we’re prioritizing that looking at the depth chart that we have right now we could use a little bit of everything so I don’t think there’s a huge positional need but I see two Frenchmen that I find to be particularly interesting and they’re very similar players as well we have oh I um I I know that people were just telling me how to say this guy’s name Pome uh I believe it’s Daddy a is it Daddy a I think that’s how uh thank you guys to all you people that are helping me pronounce things like in the comments those comments are very well appreciated I’m trying to get better at them uh I did call somebody in a video um you guys will see it if you watch my channel this week I I just I keep messing up somebody’s name it’s just it’s a habit I can’t break so just watch my videos this week you’ll it’ll be very obvious which one I keep messing up so you guys just watch it and feel free to Flame me in the comments for it I know I’m dumb but anyway uh Pome daddy a and Melvin ainsa uh two taller like shooting guards that are already really really good Shooters I like that I want more Shooters on the team more length on the team if we can just build like the ultimate lengthy team that sounds fun to me a lot of switchability a lot of potential for good defense a lot of floor spacing I think that’s really cool so which one do we kind of want so this is the kind of the difference with the two players um I think Daddy a is maybe a little bit more polish right now they’re both pretty raw so they’re both going to be projects like don’t get that wrong I think you see a little bit more um like defensive potential out of daddy a maybe a little bit more like basketball IQ a jinsa you get like really good shooting like he’s hitting it from Deep sometimes but his defense is a little bit more like so I feel like for that reason alone cuz you also get a little bit of play making with Daddy I feel like I just like him a little bit more as a prospect in general and I’ve taken him in a lot in a lot of these like second round like drafts that we’ve done recently but I think I’m going to take the boy Pome here so Pome would get this much money he’s a rookie we get we put him on a two-year deal we’re going to throw him right here at the shooting guard spot we’ve got seven roster spots left and we’re done with the draft now we only took one guy in it because we walked away with Brandon Ingram going into this and by the way I know there’s a stien rule for why the fifth pick like couldn’t be traded it would just have to be a draft night thing just don’t worry about it I don’t want to see any comments about it I will timestamp this as well but anyway um some things we need to address we got to find like a solid backup center for this team got to find a power forward I’ve got somebody in mind but we’re going to make some additions to this team probably try to bring in some more vets as well we’re trying to be competitive this year look we don’t have a draft pick anyway might as well go be good at basketball right like we got to start growing these dudes internally let’s get to work so let’s First Take look at our own free agents here cuz we’ve got some interesting options obviously we let forier go James wisman I’m not interested in the project anymore I’m just not he’s a restricted free agent he can go where he wants not matching his contract I just I don’t want to deal with that project anymore I think it was a dumb trade like that was like the sadique bay like Gary pyton uh James wisman thing I never understood the trade it didn’t make any sense for any of the teams involved in my opinion but you know is what it is Simone fanto I love his his game restricted free agent we are going to be matching anything that comes his way and I’m willing to bet that he’s probably going to go for like8 to10 million cuz he had a nice back half of the season and here’s the thing like I know I’ll probably see some comments saying like oh he’s probably going to go for this much teams are really afraid of the second apron right now because the rules are crunching down on them more and more and teams are still trying to figure it out I think some of these middle level guys are kind of going to get screwed on these contracts so what we might do for fonio is we might give him like a 2year like $10 million a year type thing so that he feels happy he feels invested he wants to be here he’s probably a guy that’s going to start for us this season because he was so good for Detroit while he was there gives us enough floor spacing um but then he also has the option where if he plays well for two more seasons uh he can go get another contract after that and we’d be happy to sign him to that or do we want to give him three years so that we can have his bird rights he’s going to be old at that point I don’t know how how big of a contract a guy like fono is going to be getting at that point um so we could screw us over a little bit in that sense but let’s let’s do this let’s give him maybe three years but there’s a team option how about how about we do that for Fon right or do we want to give him a player option for the third year would that be better let’s let’s do something like that so let’s go get Simone fonia we’re going to give him because we’re giving him a third year with a player option let’s give him nine let’s call it nine 1 2 3 1 2 3 perfect $9 million and we’re going to say that it’s three seasons but there is a player option on it if he wants it I I Envision fonio can fall in you can say that either him or Brandon Ingram would be there I don’t know where the picture is just give it a second but either of these guys could play the three or the four all righty six roster spots left in $38 million still to spend obviously Kade Cunningham’s got to get his money Brandon Ingram is going to be getting his money this year so we don’t want to go like too crazy with this right we don’t want to go too crazy Quinton rhes we’re going to have to give a decent contract to he’s probably not getting an extension this off season he’s probably going to hit restricted free agency just because like he just hasn’t proven enough yet uh I’m sure they’ll try to lowball him with like something and maybe he signs it I don’t know but guys usually don’t do stuff like that and they just hit restrictive free agency anyway um so just keep that in mind we’re not trying to spend all 38 but I’d like to go get another decent player we’re okay with going into luxury tax we haven’t been there in a while so let’s go find like some other guy because just looking at these other guys Malachi Flynn we’ll talk about in a little bit might be a guy we bring back we’ll see but let’s just go see who’s available right now spoiler alert it’s not anything all that crazy like we’re not in contention for Klay Thompson Paul George LeBron Tobias Harris you could probably make a play at I don’t know if he’s going to sign up to be like a backup SL potential starter at the four I just I don’t really see that I feel like he’s going to want to take like a short-term contract where he can increase his value again for like a bad team um and get a ton of playing time like I see the Charlotte Hornets as a really good fit for him personally but I’m just let’s just take a look around and see what we can or can’t find here’s a move that I think could be really interesting yonas Valen chunis so let’s presume that like we were saying the Pelicans probably aren’t bringing back valent chunis right like it sounds like they’re going to mutually part ways they’re not all that interested valent chunis is getting a little bit older I’m sure he wants to win a championship at some point but I bet you he’s trying to get one last payday we don’t need to pay anybody really anything crazy this year so what if just pay him to come in and be a really Dynamic backup center for us we’ve seen how powerful it is to uh have two really good centers at any given point Valen chunis can also step out and hit a three if he absolutely needs to which I think is valuable on this team he’s a guy that could practice with Jaylen Duren all day he can come off the bench and just be a guy that really helps to develop him bangs with him all practice and everything and then after that he can go ring chasing if he wants maybe we’re really good and we bring him back on another one-year contract but let’s just give him like one more big payday and maybe wants something longer term I personally think we just throw something at him that he can’t say no to at the end of the day like I’m I’m going to show you guys what exactly I mean by that in just a second here but just something just come in help us win some basketball games right now and then we move on so I’m going to bring in yonas valent chunis here and again I know he can probably go get a starting center job on like a couple NBA teams run league I don’t think it’s going to be like anything that crazy like it’s going to be like hartenstein Claxton those guys will go first like someone’s probably going to try to make a play at Mo Vagner or something like that but like valent chunis probably is the guy that comes in after that and I just I don’t know what teams are really taking him in to be a starter like there’s going to be some championship teams that try to pull him in and maybe he is interested in that I don’t know I don’t know the guy but I’m going to throw a contract at him that I don’t think he can reasonably say no to and that’s 18 one two 3 one two 3 million for one season come in here and help us winning some basketball games bring us some toughness and help us win games right now so what do we have now right um I know you guys are still mind blown that Jonas Valen chunis got this much money and honestly maybe somebody will throw more at him with how much players are going for nowadays what do we got going on we’ve got some Shooters on the team now Marcus Sasser hopefully a good shooter for us off the bench hopefully Q Grimes becomes a good shooter right we’ve got Duncan Robinson we got fonio funis can step out and hit one but he’s mostly just going to be an attitude guy for us we got a lot of Versatility I’d like to go find like one more possible rotation player to add to this team I don’t know how much we’re going to have to pay to go get them but like I I’m willing to Shell out just a little bit more money to go make something like this happen what do you guys think about Jaylen Smith and so here’s what I’m thinking with Jaylen Smith gives us an option to play the four or the five can step out and hit a three-pointer if he needs to which is important to us actually hits 42% of them but he doesn’t take like a ton uh is a solid all-around player gets you like 10 point points five six rebounds a game a lot of people think he’s going to opt out of his contract I don’t necessarily think that that’s like the most likely case scenario like maybe he does but here’s the thing we talk to his agent a little bit we say like hey we’ll give you more than the $5 million opt out we’ll give you a nice two-year deal or something like that so we don’t screw ourselves financially going forward you can continue to prove yourself to someone get a really nice pay raise you come in and be another nice reserve for us um probably doesn’t play like a ton of minutes necessarily but we can afford to pay you right now and look we’re trying to win some basketball games right now so I’m going to say that I’m going for Jaylen Smith here I’m giving him $12 million for two seasons $12 million for two seasons come in be our backup four right here now all of a sudden we’ve got 10 solid basketball players on this team now all of a sudden this a pretty competitive basketball team right for the most part you presume Kade Cunningham is going to keep getting better you got smart players in assar Thompson Teo Brandon Ingram you got durren you got a ton of size on this team a ton of size and that’s going to be the big thing for us switching a lot of things being big being strong right so I I like this let’s use the last four roster spots to kind of round out maybe find like a restricted free agent or something like that that we could be interested in find some other young guys this is this is becoming pretty interesting to me I know we’re making a lot of moves for this team but it’s got the ability to make the moves so we’re going to do them and we’re trying to we’re trying to win some games first thing I want to do is bring Malachi Flynn back I think that’s more than fair he did have like the 50o game for them and everything is somebody going to give him more than like 34 million a year I don’t know I I’m fine with giving him like a 2year like four million or $3.5 million or something so let’s let’s go with Malachi Flynn we’re going to say we’re giving him 35 we’ll do that for two seasons right we bring uh Flynn back onto the roster could be a guy that plays rotational minutes for us I’m not too big on him I can tell you most Scouts really aren’t that huge on him either yes he can go score for you at times but the rest of his game’s pretty iffy uh I want to look at wings now so let’s go over to forwards and see who else we can’t bring in on the chap I actually have an idea the next guy I want to bring in is Reggie Bullock uh Reggie bulock I know you guys probably aren’t too high on him he’s not the craziest player you’ve ever seen in the world but I want to bring in Reggie Bullock because he is just like a tough veteran dude and I want to make sure we’re putting as much effort into developing guys like Kade assar right Q Grimes Duren hell even like Brandon Ingram to an extent right and a Sasser so I want to be bringing in guys like this that are like winning culture dudes we’re trying to start winning basketball games I want to bring Reggie bulock in Reggie Bullock is also nice because he can shoot the three ball really really well so Reggie can slide in here probably not a guy that gets a ton of burn Force but great locker room guy what other forwards do we really want to Target like I think like a Tory Craig or something could be interesting I thought about cheddy Osman I’d want this other kind of four to be more of a wing in general all right the next guy I want to bring in is Jordan noara um a little bit younger of a guy he’s an unrestricted free agent at this point that just really hasn’t found his footing in the league yet he’s supposed to be kind of a stretch Wing but hasn’t been doing a great job of stretching if you will so I’m cool with throwing like a minimum contract at him being like hey come try to prove it in the locker room this year you’ll have a chance to fight for a roster spot and stuff like that so I’m cool with bringing him in on a minimum noara would get this much money for one season as well we’ll just throw him he gives us a a different option as well so I like that let’s try and find one more Center to throw on this team even though we’ve got a couple guys that can play center on here is there’s somebody that we would find kind of interesting maybe a little bit older of a dude to come in and be on this team let’s just go get another guy with some playing experience man let’s just go bring Alex lenon so we’re going to have two really big dudes that durren has to go up against and practice all the time I’m not huge on Alex Len but he’s played enough NBA minutes at this point to where like I’m just not really all that concerned about it like if if he has to get in the game at some point he’s not going to be absolutely like putrid for you so that’s that’s honestly fine by me it’s hard to find seven-footers nowadays this is what you get with it I’m totally fine with it and this is your 2024 2025 Detroit Pistons let’s recap we traded the fifth overall pick in some nice young players for Brandon Ingram we’re trying to win basketball games we’re trying to start winning some games for the benefit of Cade assar Duren Sasser all these dudes we’re trying to win we’ve made sure we prioritize some floor spacing because we realize Kade and assar aren’t the best perimeter Shooters of all time so we’ve got guys like fono Jaylen Smith can step out and hit one yonas can if needed Duncan Robinson Reggie bulock Quinton Grimes uh dadd yet is some daddy a is somebody that we drafted that we hope can be a nice role player for us eventually Sasser and Flynn are two scoring guards to come off the bench we’re very very young at the point guard position but that’s okay cuz we’ve got other ball handlers on the team if we need to now is this team going to win a championship next year hell no it’s not but we got to start being more competitive than what we are like this formula isn’t working we got to break the cycle we got to find out what we have in these guys because here’s the thing maybe we go through this whole season and we just find out that like Kade ain’t that dude for some reason I think Kade is really that good or whatever and then maybe we got to make a move and we got to do someone else and presumably we have Brandon Ingram on a long extension at that point he he’s still going to be a valuable asset to teams and everything we’re not locked into any major contract as you can see going forward um presumably kad’s getting an extension as well as like I don’t know somebody else on this team but um I like this team right now it’s going to be competitive we’re shelling out money to some guys that are just trying to help us get better right now because we can afford to and otherwise I feel happy about this I I’m really excited with how this team would look I’d be curious to see them play next year I mean the East isn’t that good maybe they could just straight up surprise some people I don’t know it’s a pretty talented team for the most part but hey you guys let me know what you think in the comments below I appreciate it as always and we’ll talk to you guys later thanks so much bye [Music]

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  1. Pistons fan here! Great, in-depth video! It brought up a lot of thoughts, so I apologize for the long read. I'll make them as digestible as possible.

    1) Rumor has it that the Pistons might be a bit lower on Duren right now because his defensive effort was increasingly pitiful as the season went on. And while it's somewhat understandable because of his frequent injuries, he may have been one of the biggest factors in our defensive struggles as the season went on, because he was just letting guys blow by him without much of a fight in the second half of the season. There's talk that the Pistons may aggressively target Nic Claxton with a big contract and even move Stewart to the backup 5 position, because Stew's defense and floor spacing has worked well with Ausar for what we've seen. It may even be possible that in that trade scenario the Pistons would send Duren instead of Stewart. In which case, I think it may suffice to do Ivey, Duren, a 2027 1st and swapping the 5th overall pick this year for their 21st, if you even trade multiple firsts at all. That way you can probably use the 21st to pick up an older and more developed player in the draft like Tristan da Silva, or maybe Filipowski if he's still there.

    2) I appreciate your comments about Ausar, and not just because he's my favorite player on the team. I also tend to see him as a future 2 on the team, because it ideally helps create a size/defensive advantage if we're able put good two-way forwards like Ingram and Fontecchio, for example, around him.

    3) I love Jalen Smith, actually, and just mentioned him as an option to the fellow Pistons fans yesterday. Both Cade Cunningham and Ausar Thompson benefit tremendously from playing with bigs that stretch the floor. Heck, in the exceptionally brief time we were playing Mike Muscala off the bench with Ausar, before we waived Muscala for some reason, the two looked great together, and were torching the Bucks in one game (that we still lost because Cade was out and our starters were NOT good). We've been talking heavily about Valanciunas as an option too in the Pistons community, partly because he's got that connection with our new FO comprised of former Pels staff.

    4) Speaking of the Pelicans connection, I think there's a good chance the Pistons would pursue a guy like Naji Marshall for wing depth, since they apparently attempted to acquire him at the deadline during the season. Considering Trajan Langdon drafted him, I feel like that chance increases further since he's a UFA now. I wouldn't even be surprised if Langdon makes a strong attempt at prying Jordan Hawkins away from NO, since he adores him. After Langdon left Brooklyn for NO, they had Brooklyn trade the newly drafted Nickeil Alexander-Walker, whom Langdon apparently scouted, over to NO. So it wouldn't be the first time he made an effort to bring "his guys" over.

    5) I think the Duncan Robinson idea is alright, since it gives us some draft mobility and a decent veteran wing with basically an expiring contract.

    Thanks for all the hard work you put in, and congrats on this latest NBA work you secured! 🙌

  2. At this point I just want Asur Thompson to start at PG while Cade goes to SF instead..oh and change the coach to Silas Stephens

  3. This would be a really great offseason for them. I thought you were going to trade for mikal instead of ingram for the same package and i was a fan of that. I dont know if its even a possibility but the fit would be amazing

  4. Idk why but I can see them making a move for zach lavine or kyle kuzma. They need guys that can get a bucket & win them some games. That 5 pick with jaden ivey maybe some contracts to match could work. What do you think?

  5. Anther pistons fan. Like most of the moves.. the free agent signings..i would look at players like Andre Drummond, Naji Marshall, Gary Harris, Kelly Obre, Cedi Osman…

  6. At this point, I think Duncan Robinson has played well enough for Miami in the past season in addition to the fact that the deal is only 2 years left for them to just dump him for a 2nd rounder.

  7. Troy brown jr contract is non guaranteed

    Pistons first is protected from 2025-2027 so cant trade a first till 29.

    Its hard for me to see the heat moving robinson. Had a bounce back yr, team desperately needs shooting, the final yr of his deal only has roughly 9-10 mill guaranteed. Ik they are a 2nd apron team i believe so its possible

    I like the idea of a brandon ingram trade for both sides. I do wonder if this would be enough to free agents that this shows hey the pistons are tryna compete so could they be more appealing. The players id target after this move would be monk and hartenstein (maybe 4yrs 90-95mil to both). Then simone fontechio (around 3 yrs 30 mil) and tobias harris (15 mil a yr 2-3 yrs).

    Whatever the pistons do, dont settle for zach lavine

  8. As a Pistons, idk if I like this roster setup for this Piston team. Besides, I don't think the Pistons are going to trade the 5th pick without getting anything back.

  9. you can't trade that pick to no until the pick to the knicks conveys. Also the brandon ingram thing at least shouldn't happen. He's a bad fit with cade, his own team doesnt think he's going to be worth his contract (the gm of which is now the pistons POBO), and you gave up 3.5ish frp for him. IF that move doesnt work out (which given the fit next to cade, probably wouldnt), the team is in a hole and is going to hit the reset button again in 2-3 years. no thank you.

  10. First time watching your videos. Loved your breakdown! But I would renegotiate Wiseman's contract and resign him to a smaller extension instead of signing Alex Len. Also, I like Jalen Smith but would prefer a more seasoned veteran like a Naji Marshall or Larry Nance Jr. instead. Hate to see Ivey traded but it's time we start winning some ball games. I wonder, could we sign a player like Issac Okoro or Caris Levert instead of a Reggie Bullock? #PistonsFan

  11. Ideal for me, trade Ivey and the pick for Zacchaire from France/top 3 2024 pick . Trade Stew, Grimes and some swaps with Utah for Lauri Markkanen. Trade some 2nds for Johnathan Issac. Trade Sasser, Stanley Umude and some 2nds for Grayson Allen. Sign Kelly Oubre and Dario Saric in Free Agency and bring up a Promise 4/5 with size from the G League

  12. It was in fact the opposite, ownership and management had to tell Monty to start and play Ivey instead of Killian Hayes, it seemed like Monty didnt like Ivey from day 1, and i dont understand that and Jalen Durens defense was abysmal last year, and his effort was even worse

  13. Hire Adam Simon as GM rajon rondo as hc trade Stew sasser the 5th pick 2029 first 2030 pick swap three seconds to Utah for Lauri markken resign fronttechio and grimes get oubre hartenstien cp3 in Free agency start
    Duren with cp3 grimes asuar Kelley hartenstien perfect team to grow together

  14. Don't like bi we already got too many injury prone unclutch players need killers on team Dawgs rather have Ivey

  15. you have my dream job. keep it up man. my theory is only make a move if you gain draft capital or move into contention. being a tweener team is the worst thing you can do IMO.

  16. Troy Brown Jr is unguaranteed, I don't think Detroit should keep him, he is not worth more than the minimum, so raw cap space should be more valuable. I do like what you did with him tho, Duncan Robinson would be great for Detroit, and maybe Miami could use TBJr.

    Detroit can't trade the 2027 1st (they can if they play with the protections) but they owe a future protected first to the Knicks, and untill that's resolved they can't trade future firsts, they could trade a 2031 1st I believe, but not 2027, but I think #5 + Stew and Ivey could be enough to get an expiring Ingram, I don't think a team as bad and as dysfunctional as Detorit should be trading any more future 1sts to be honest.

    One free agency move I would love for Detroit to make is sign Naji Marshall. He never made too much money in his career and he proved to be a legit playoff rotation piece, and he should be cheap and he is a winger with a skillset that would be great next to Cade (he plays hard on defense, can shoot, and can handle the ball).

    I also love De'Anthony Melton, another free agent that should be cheap, plays great PoA defense has a high BBIQ and would fit perfectly next to Cade (or anyone fwiw).

    And I would love for us to bring Umude and Evbuomwan back for the minimum/2 way as 3rd stringers

    But overall I like the video, you're knowledgeable and well informed. I particularly love what you said about Monty Williams. Imo he quit on the team because he was forced to do a few things against his will (start Ivey and play Stew at the 4) also I think the players quit on him because of the whole Ivey situation.

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