@Los Angeles Lakers

Geno Auriemma Shares Reaction To Lakers Targeting Danny Hurley Reports | 6/6/24

Geno Auriemma Shares Reaction To Lakers Targeting Danny Hurley Reports | 6/6/24

so what’s your reaction to Danny Hurley you know this is really funny because uh I happen to be with at a thing with him um last night and uh I have no idea what’s going on you know I have no idea where this where this is going and what’s happening but I said just leaned over and I said uh hey I think you can win a lot of championships with the Lakers uh you know more so than a guy who’s never coached and um he just looked at me and you know nodded and we had a good laugh and then this morning I wake up and voila so I don’t know what’s going on and it’d be a bad day for Yukon for sure if this happens and it would be a great great day for Dan Hurley and a I’m sure a Bittersweet day for Dan Hurley okay now you’re being serious that you did bring this up to him last night about the Lakers John out of out of nowhere I just leaned over and I said you know I don’t know why it came to me I don’t know why but I said it and and if you ask him he’ll tell you and I had no idea and I woke up this morning and somebody sent it to me and I went you got to be kidding me I know that he’s talked about not going to another College job that if he does go down the road when he thinks he’s mature enough to coach in the NBA this happened a lot quicker but I’m wondering the state of college basketball certainly men’s college basketball Gino does that um make this decision a little bit more I guess palatable or easier when you think about him wanting to go to coach the NBA instead of trying to go for a three Pat um all those are true I think um the state of college basketball is a mess uh anyone who if anybody could manage it though it would be Danny because he coaches this program like it’s a high school program like he coached the St Benedicts their player development program is second to none um but I do think that being at Yukon and given the state of colle basketball and the amount of money now that’s it’s going to take to be able to put together a national championship team every single year I think uh and without knowing where it’s going it’s a charade it’s this idea of student athlete student athlete Ware every single thing that comes out of the nca’s mouth about student athlete welfare mental it’s bull that that has no Factor ever anymore and I never want to hear anybody other of those words associated with college ball BB they are they are professional athletes just not called that so you might as well go coach professional athletes where it’s real now if Danny were to leave and somebody said to me you know he just took this NBA job I won’t name any particular City I would say you know you’re set up for failure but it’s the Lakers and if I don’t know the details of it but if you’re saying Hey I want a 10year deal I want the same deal Brad Stevens got at Boston it might be more than that well Dan you know what I hey Andrea’s wife might not like me but he’s crazy if he doesn’t take it but that’s what surprised me though Gino is he’s an East Coast guy yeah and and he’d have to convince her to go out you know to Rodeo Drive yeah well that part she might not she might not you know she might not argue with it maybe all the other parts she might have a problem with um but yeah yeah it’s a it’s a huge family it’s a huge family DEC no question about it

UConn women’s basketball head coach Geno Auriemma joins the Dan Patrick Show and shares his reaction to reports that the Los Angeles Lakers are targeting UConn men’s basketball head coach Dan Hurley to be their next head coach and says he was actually with Hurley last night and randomly joked with him about the Lakers job


  1. Geno looks amazing. He has discovered the fountain of middle age. He looks much younger than his age. I guess he will coach forever.

  2. If JJ is serious about coaching in NBA it would be in his best interest to join Lakers as assistant. Having no experience at all to head coach never seems to work out very well.

  3. I think it's Coach K's voice in the Lakers' room helping to lead to this. And I don't disagree = Hurley's a fine choice.
    Though I wonder why no one thought Ham – or Vogel – could coach through to the next youth movement (post LeBron and AD) because I believe both could have.

  4. Money talks. With that said, why would anyone what to move to CA. Also like Geno said, college is not student athletes anymore. May as well go coach professionals, at least you may be able to keep a players at least 5 years. I was shocked Geno extended for 5 years. I thought he would go after 24-25. He does appear to be in a good place. Maybe UConn is a lot healthier than he is letting on.

  5. Hard to read Geno. He's direct but he's slick. 'Crazy if he doesn't take it': if Geno is helping a friend, then he is greasing the skids for Dan to leave. But Geno's legacy might be Mr. UConn Sports, and Dan could threaten that. UConn sports is in a precarious position. Football loses a lot of money, women's basketball loses money, Geno's been extended, Ollie payoff, players now getting paid. Geno and Mora complaining about not enough for NIL. UConn boosters/bag men need to help come close to the Lakers offer. Benedict's job depends on it. I like Geno, but 3.5 for a program that loses money (not even counting XL rent) just for school recognition is bad business (UConn doesn't have a problem with applicants – arguably the best tech school in the state (F Yale)). Otherwise, drop football. On the flip side, general athletic funds could shrink with Dan leaving, affecting women's BB.

  6. Love Geno, but, he likes being the "big dog on campus". With more parity in womens game and Dans success, wonder if he didn't intentionally "plant the seed"?

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