@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Compilation of Celtics targeting Luka on defense (@eric_shap)

[Highlight] Compilation of Celtics targeting Luka on defense (@eric_shap)

by DarrowViBritannia


  1. Maydietoday

    He’s gotten better at on ball defense but is still a big time ball watcher when off ball

  2. deenee2000

    Boston has many players involved and moved the ball well and it showed that a lot more assists than Dallas.

  3. Ok_Acanthaceae6057

    I’m just gonna say I don’t think this will be there after game 1.

    I think they got shown how quickly it can avalanche when you give Boston open 3’s

  4. I could probably make a 40 second clip of him slowing people down last game 1 on 1 as well. They targeted him all game and he’s not a great defender, there were so many posessions, you can make it look worse or better than it was.

    The lack of rotations afterwards on his bad possessions was the issue imo more than the 1 on 1 defense itself. I also don’t think defense was anywhere near the main problem for us compared to offense. We scored 89 points and Kyrie was 6 of 19. Role players took some stupid shots at the rim with multiple rim protectors there.

    We need guys to step up as secondary creators and keep the ball moving instead of taking those forced shots against Porzingis. and Even defensively, the smalls or Porzingis was the most exploited thing.

  5. AllTimeBallKnower

    Nope this can’t be, Mavs fans told me he was above average at defense this season.

  6. Celtics fan here and obviously this is to highlight Luka getting actually getting beat. But Luka more than held his own, he was attacked A LOT and caused multiple turnovers. He isn’t an elite defender but I think it’d be better to show EVERY time the Celtics tried to go at him to paint a fair picture.

  7. Normal_Bird521

    Noticed this and fucking loved it after the narrative this past week.

  8. BananaStandBaller

    This is your best player in the world??? Dude is running a layup line, and will be all series.

  9. Unable-Chair7975

    Celtics happily let Luka get 30 if it goes like this every game. No playmaking for teammates (only 1 assist off of 6 shot attempts from Luka passes), no defense and 30 points on 26 shots. They take that every time.

  10. quetambienese

    b…b…but I thought luka improved at defense??? i thought he wasn’t useless on defense anymore???

  11. This would be a much longer video if you add the great looks they missed

  12. TheLeoMessiah

    This was honestly a poor defensive performance from Dallas as a collective, even watching these clips there’s a few plays where JB takes the inside shot but there’s still options on the perimeter as well, for example on the JB dunk not only does he have a relatively open lane to the hoop but 40% shooters Al Horford and Sam Hauser were both wide open.

    This next game I guarantee Dallas will tighten shit up and Boston’s decision making on those drives will matter more, last night it felt like whatever option they took would work, but imo Dallas will commit harder to either blocking the kick out or the drive next game and JB/Tatum will have to continue to make the right decision every single time

  13. loving-father-69

    I love Sam Hauser pick and pop. I will never not love Sam Hauser pick and pop.

  14. Jack_M_Steel

    He never switches once he’s beat nor does he fully help on the double. It’s why he’s a horrendous defender

  15. tomzi9999

    Luka need to look at this 24 hours a day for next few days.

  16. PapaSheev7

    This compilation doesn’t show it, but Luka actually did a decent job on defense for good stretches of the game. I’ll be honest, Luka’s gotten better on defense than I thought he had. He’s still far from a lockdown defender, but he’s a solid, serviceable defender now which is a great improvement from where he was a few years ago. Although Luka’s decent, even a good defender on occasion now, I like Boston’s strat of running it at him, even if only to tire him out some and(hopefully) reduce his production on the offensive end.

  17. GuestBadge

    I think he held up his own. He’s better now than 2 years ago. It takes Brown physically pushing him to blow by him, and Brown is a big dude. But his rotations are what makes him a lazy defender. He needs to at least try to rotate and just show and not wait for the defensive rebounds out there.

  18. JoJonesy

    this isn’t even really an indictment on his defense specifically, it just makes sense to wear him down as much as possible by running action through his man

  19. jetpack_operation

    I’m sure a lot of people did, but I definitely called it as soon as I saw every fucking Western team just letting Luka catch his breath in the corner on every defensive possession. Best defense against Luka is offense directly at him. Luka’s too good to contain completely, but he’s not immune to fatigue.

  20. BigHornLamb

    Luka really got exposed last night. Sure Tatum has consistency issues on offense but I think the gap between them is a lot smaller than a lot people give credit considering Tatum is always a positive on the defensive side while Luka likes to ball watch and that puts a lot of pressure on his teammates defensively

  21. themrwaynos

    Luka is a fucking killer and I love watching him play, but he is a defensive liability. There was some thread here a couple weeks ago highlighting his “amazing” one on one defense. I pointed out that there was help defenders both to his left and right side waiting to help out, which is why the players weren’t driving on Luka, but I got downvoted to oblivion by Luka dickriders or maybe his PR team.

    So weird now this is ok to show on this sub with so many upvotes. I guess it depends on who the opponent is and who the powers of be are feeling like pushing at the moment. Or maybe Celtic fans just wake up earlier?

    Who knows.

    Mavs need to counter this by hiding the fuck out of Luka on defense. Not sure how they can do this against the celts but the only way they win a game this series without that kind of adjustment is if boston has one of those rare games where they can’t buy a bucket.

  22. Went from abusing a fat euro to being the fat euro getting abused

  23. stickied

    4 plays in a game? I’m not a Luka apologist, but this looks more like normal plays within an NBA offense…..with Luka being an average to below average defender…..than Boston targeting Luka.

  24. chief1555

    The most striking thing to me in these clips is his lack of lateral quickness, it’s like he’s struggling to move from side to side

  25. mnight84

    They did “target” him and they will continue to like every team who plays Dallas. But that wasn’t the reason they got their ass kicked. Because you can put clips together of Luka defense holding up against being “targeted” . This game was more about Boston’s defense, dallas missing wide open 3s and porzingis impact on both sides of the ball.

  26. ClmrThnUR

    he went to the Trae Young school of lockdown defense.

  27. nicklovin508

    More than anything just keep going at him so he can’t rest the knee

  28. Yerison109

    It ain’t McDaniels , Conley or Anderson attacking him this series I’ll tell you that

  29. JesseJamesGames449

    This doesnt even show all the times he was the weak side corner defender and was cheating into the paint to boost his rebounding stats and give up wide open corner threes to the best shooting team in the nba…

  30. buffbobsaget1

    You know it’s bad when Jaylen goes left on you.

  31. Confident_Pear_8303

    Whhhaaaattt? I thought he was a good defender now too.

  32. If you’re a white player in a basketball game you know they are going to try and cook you 😂.

  33. Honestly the thing that surprises me the most is how often JB could give whoever is standing in the dunkers spot the easiest layup of their lives and he instead tries to draw the foul or tries to dunk with two people trying to contest. I’m pretty sure that guy is standing right there specifically for the scenario where his defender decides to help defend whoever is driving to the basket and leaves him open for the free layup/dunk. Someone is there and open in almost every clip

    You see an example with Jrue to White but that could’ve happened *a lot* more

  34. Dunkaholic9

    If the Mavs want to have a chance, they’re going to have to figure out this switch. This is the Celtics’ bread and butter, and they’ll be leaning on it until Luka can figure it out.

  35. sutroheights

    His knee being banged up, plus not being great at defense to begin with, plus having to work his ass off in one on one isos, dude is just going to be more and more of a target as the series goes on.

  36. PomfAndCircvmstance

    The way some people wanna fight about superstars who aren’t good defenders actually being good defenders is so silly. It’s okay that guys like Jokic and Luka and Curry are poor defenders who get targeted because they make up for it with their offense. It’s a weakness like Giannis’ shooting and SGA being Canadian.

  37. There it is, expected luka defense compilation after loss

  38. DonovanMcTigerWoods

    He was getting in the way on a few possessions. He wasn’t just getting blown by the whole game. But this is probably the Celtics plan for the whole series, hunt him on defense to make him expend more energy, and we saw his efficiency on offense wasn’t good. They’re gonna try to make him give an effort on both sides of the ball

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