@Los Angeles Clippers

What Were They Thinking with the Casting of the TV Show Clipped About the Los Angeles Clippers?

What Were They Thinking with the Casting of the TV Show Clipped About the Los Angeles Clippers?

so this week I started and immediately stopped watching this new docu series on Hulu called clipped which is like a reenactment sort of like what they did with Pam and Tommy and the like Elizabeth Thea whatever girly and it’s what yeah yeah you know what I’m talking about the the one with Elizabeth something I always want to call her a her I can’t ever remember her last name H Elizabeth she had the fake story or she had the fake company about the BL voice black turtleneck black but this is this is not the point okay what is the point I’m getting to it so it’s like shows no not Elizabeth Holmes Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Holmes wears a lot of black turtlenecks give more give me more keyword that that is her I thought Elizabeth Holmes was a different celebrity I always want to call her Elizabeth Smart which is like was kidnapped not the same but you know how they did the show with Amanda cyre playing her they had the Yeah so basically what I’m doing a really horrible job of explaining is that Hulu made a show like that about the Donald Sterling like voice memos really Doc Rivers yes and so they put together this they tried to put together this little like reenactment of it whatever series and I got through the first episode and it took all of 30 seconds for me to be like I what in the world is going on here it is some of the most insane casting I have ever seen we’re going to pull up some pictures this is a clipped Steph Curry come on no way that’s Dak Prescott that’s 100% Dak Prescott for our for our audio wait is Dak playing Steph Curry Tony Parker for our audio audience this is going to be really tough to explain but just whenever you think Steph Curry who doesn’t look like Steph Curry and then that’s this guy just picture Dak Prescott yeah picture Dak Prescott um I’d like to get the Blake Griffin guy up there next this is BL Griffin that’s not that’s not Blake Griffin B literally it’s I don’t even he doesn’t look anything like Blake Griffin that can’t be Blake Griffin that’s BL Griffin that’s the you you called up the wrong person there’s no way can we get another photo of Blake Griffin in this show because throughout the first episode which by the way is bad it’s not a good TV show I kept having to look up the cast because I said I don’t know who that is I don’t know that’s Chris Paul that can’t be Chris Paul and Lawrence Fishburn is playing Doc Rivers and so like you can kind of see like they they kind of look likee but a means Doc Rivers sounds more like Doc Rivers than Lawrence Fishburn it’s you’re sitting there and it’s impossible is he trying to get it is he going down into like the no not even a little bit he using his regular this is Blake Griffin what no it’s not it’s this is they they are trying to tell you it’s actually not just not hair there like no little freckles on the cheek they they didn’t really get many tall people to play the basketball players too I’m like I know he’s not like that guy’s 5’11 okay he’s not in the NBA you have to quit like lying if we can get JJ reic up for JJ reck they said they the casting call is just let’s get a white guy we’ll just take whatever white guy walks through the door and we will call him JJ reic and it made it impossible to watch the show because you the whole time you’re like that you didn’t even try you didn’t even try to make these these like actors look like the players they’re representing it’s crazy and the show is just straight up bad the like guy in Modern Family who marri yeah yeah to sopia that’s not a bad he kind of look the way they’ve make made him up he looks enough like him but he’s likable and you’re like so it’s weird that he’s playing like Donald Sterling and then the woman who’s playing like Vivan the lady yeah yeah released the tapes she looks like her but all I can remember from when that’s JJ reck that’s JJ re just just a white guy they said just give us a white guy that is the actor playing JJ reick yes but JJ reic has to be thrilled with that no he loves it’s the opposite of Blake Griffin Blake Griffin’s pissed JJ reck’s excited I literally I was like who is that I had no idea I had the whole time I had the Clippers roster pulled up being like I don’t know who these people are I have no idea who they’re trying to pretend to be and so they have a woman playing viven who like all I can remember from this and this happened what like 10 15 years ago and like it’s pretty still like most people know what happened in the recent memory all I can remember is when she gave the interview to barbar Walters and she was like what was your relationship with Mr St Sterling and she was like I was his rightand arm man his what and yeah his right hand arm man his silly rabbit no it’s one of the greatest pieces of sound we have ever played on this show hold on Lucy I’m just going to hit pause for a second because I want to play that clip can you tell me what your relationship with Donald Sterling is I’m Mr Sterling’s right hand arm man I’m Mr Sterling everything I’m his Confidant his best friend his silly rabbit his what his silly rabbit his silly rabbit yes is that what he calls you no I myself in the doc that’s why Barber is the best to ever do it by the way in the series he call like they have him calling her his silly rabbit like there’s like a piece of dialogue his what the woman playing her doesn’t sound anything like that that’s Chris Paul come on God I had no idea who that was they couldn’t have gotten Cliff Paul literally well they the only reason I knew that was Chris Paul is because they made some remark or they had fake Doc Rivers be like you know this isn’t a State Farm commercial and I was like oh my God that’s Chris Paul is what yeah it is maybe the most poorly cast show I’ve ever seen and it’s straight up bad like it’s bad TV right uh Chris what happened there I clicked the wrong clip and I I I have me screaming for my daughter all of [Applause] yeah how do we feel about do Riv oh my God that’s not bad though not bad of all the casting of all the castings it’s one of the better ones but the voice he like didn’t really even try to like get the doc voice and so the whole thing is just like who okayed this what and this happened like recently enough and most of these like players are still active in the league or like active in Media so you like can’t get away with doing a bad casting job because we all like still know what Blake Griffin looks like I think that’s the big issue right winning time people had issues with some of the casting there but at least everybody in winning time has aged so much that you’re not actively thinking about what they look like at that age all the time where right now like Blake Griffin still looks like Blake Griffin Chris Paul still looks like Chris Paul JJ reck still looks like JJ reck so to have these random actors playing them that don’t look anything like them is so like them but to to a point though Jeremy like when you look at Magic when you look at Kareem when you look at all the guys in winning time you started watching and being like Oh wait a second like no I can kind of see it there’s no kind of seeing anything in clipped it’s like I don’t know what this this is like a bad dream you know when you have a dream going to see it you can’t really focus in on the guy like I know this guy I just don’t know where I know him from he doesn’t look like himself that’s what this is a bad dream of Clippers his what I so badly want like a movie about that team but I want it to be good they’re canceling this for sure no it’s not a I don’t I think it’s going to be like a short series I made it through the first episode and straight up like even taking the casting aside which is really hard to do it’s not good like it’s just not good the writing’s not good their weird transition or like Instagram Scrolls like it just doesn’t make sense and then you’re like you don’t even look like these people I can’t believe you’re acting and I can’t believe what you look like and it’s the whole like this has just happened too recently like where this is a better documentary than it is like uh recreating it in like a little biopic type of deal it’s so bad me and Greg are laughing at Blake Griffin and Jeremy makes a great point he’s actually a good actor yeah Blake Griffin’s funny he’s a good actor could play all sorts of TV shows he should have just played himself he’s not playing basketball anymore right that that looks like Eric Griffin the comedian not Blake Griffin I would have never guessed if you had shown me this actor’s picture before like watching clip and said what NBA player is this guy representing I would have no clue I mean eventually you would say Blake Griffin because you’re at it like you’re towards the end of all the NBA players who have ever played right it was just like I don’t know how all of it got okay because the casting just continued to be so just like I can’t believe believe you’re Chris Paul you can make your state form jokes as much as you want but I know that’s not Chris Paul and then like the guy who’s playing like DeAndre Jordan is like probably the best cast out of them be short right and you’re like I know I know you’re not in the NBA you’re not tall DeAndre was seven feet tall yeah they like they got like a 510 guy playing them and you’re like and it was the closest like casting in the sense of like looking like the person they’re supposed to play I would say j J got a a major upgrade he’s a good-looking guy JJ but he got an upgrade there I would say Chris Paul even got an upgrade there just in terms of who played him in terms of he’s a better-looking version of Chris Paul if I were Blake still doesn’t have a ring but he’s a better looking version of for Blake for sure though downgrade for Blake yes that’s that’s not it was it’s just so bad and so I won’t be watching the second episode I just couldn’t do it we got that impression the content isn’t good you don’t say say yeah is this a case of still active agents working for Chris Paul and JJ reick lobbying to get them better-looking actors while Blake Griffin’s agent really isn’t doing much at this point because he’s not playing anymore and so in turn the lobbying for a more handsome actor you have all these guys having the approval like Chris Paul has to approve over his actor I mean not necessarily approve just like a wink wink n n he come on help me out a little bit no you think they’re going to the actual guys and saying are you okay with them playing you no I think that they’re going to them but they said yes to this but I think when you find out when you find out that there’s going to be a show made about you if you have a very good Agent you’re not going to send that agent over to these directors and producers and just have them just kind of lay some groundwork for you lay the table if you will on hey I’d like a a more handsome actor to play me kind of get people in their memories thinking of me as a handsome guy I would too Greg I’m with you but I think that’s what Chris Paul did and JJ readd it right the only one who didn’t do it was that’s my point get it hey full circle come back around you feel better yeah I do good news for them is it’s so bad no one’s going to watch did you make it through the entire first episode I watched the first episode and it was one of those things where I just really didn’t have anything to talk about on the show so I was like oh I really have to bring something for the next day so I prepared and I was like this wasn’t worth it I’d rather just be bad at my job thank you for your sacrifice Barbara Walter who’s better than her Craig seriously no nobody I mean can you give me a list of people better than Barbara Walter absolutely not top five barbaras

Have you seen the casting for the new Los Angeles Clippers show “Clipped?” Well, Lucy has, and it’s insane. We look at all the castings and react to the new show including a review of the first episode.


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  1. So the only critique is that FX didn’t clone the actual people involved and force the clones to reenact events from 10 years ago?

  2. Oh Come on. Everybody in this room is ridiculous as far as actors not looking EXACTLY like the people in real life. That happens in every movie about real life people. It’s a tv show you really think you’re going to find actors that look exactly like athletes. That are tall and look to play basketball? Everybody here sounds like 9 yr olds when they are asked to describe an adult and their description is waaaay off. The series isn’t that bad.

  3. please kick her off the show,, she is so airhead, and her voice is sooo feel sorry for her man who has to listen to her all day

  4. I watched both episodes…..I thought it was great…Fishburne and O Neil are killing it. And there are moments you see the essence of V 😂😂😂

  5. She acts like there are tall dudes who look like those professional athletes, who also can act….come on lady

  6. I wish yall would just shut up and stop interrupting and talking over each other… there's too many folks with microphones on this show. Let homegirl talk please.

  7. Y’all reaching so hard.. it’s so difficult to get actors to play fucking athletes… it’s not even about them it’s about Donald and the girl

  8. Once I saw that Dans fill in looks nothing like him, I can’t watch it’s too distracting that they look nothing like him

  9. I havent seen the show and from the trailer it looked absolutely terrible, that being said why do the actors have to look exactly like the players? That is not why the show is (probably) terrible

  10. Laurence Fish burns voice is getting more scruff as the storyline goes. If you get past the casting, the craziness of the story is actually pretty good. So far I like it

  11. I can't over the stugotz level confidence Lucy has in dismissing Chris getting Elizabeth Holmes right. Love Lucy but that was hilarious.

  12. This chick is an example of how SLOW some ppl are nowadays.
    She brings a topic up that she knows nothing about then screws up the entire story! Nevermind last i checked when you cast a show you can't always get ppl that look exactly like their portrayed ppl….
    I admit they could've done better!
    Regardless the show is actually pretty good, like a WILD RIDE through Fame & Fortune and Hollywood.

  13. Wtf is this? Who cares how much they look like the person they are playing? Has this lady ever watched a biopic in her life 😂

  14. So Lucy thinks Will Smith looks like Muhammad Ali? Or Will Smith looks like Richard Williams? Wait…. Actors don’t have to look like people they portray?

  15. I tried to listen to this clip but I must admit these people criticizing the show sound dumber than the show could ever be. Where does Dan Le Batard find these people? People who flunked out of broadcasting school?

  16. Winning Time being cancelled was a travesty… such an amazing cast and had a lot of story yet to tell. Fucking ended it on the Lakers LOSING🤣😭

  17. Re: the casting… Lol I saw a picture of the showrunner and it told me all I needed to know. White woman. Wh-white white white white whiiiiiiiiiiiiite.

    That said I thought the show itself was good. Lucy’s trippin.

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