@Detroit Pistons

Kwame Brown Interview At The Detroit Pistons Media Day (2008)

Kwame Brown Interview At The Detroit Pistons Media Day (2008)

uh can you tell us what are you looking forward to most about this upcoming NBA season winning that’s the one after being in Memphis and you know getting traded LA from Memphis and uh being around organization that lost so much and me not even playing uh it’s going to be fun to win and what do you guys have to do this year to win to make it that fun I mean this this team has been together for a while um so you know they pretty much know how to win a lot of veter veterans guys on this team uh myself you know I just have to come out and and just bring the en and effort every night learn from these guys and buy into the system and just play hard what personally do you think you’ll have to work on the most in your part in your game this year well I just got to get in sync with them offensively uh I think um in the past couple years I’ve shot away from my offense and just played defense and uh I think I definitely have to get back in sync because you to win the championship you got everybody has to carry the threat okay tell us something something that happens behind closed doors maybe a ritual a tradition something that goes on here that that maybe you’ve taken a part of that you can share with us um well I don’t know really what the rituals are yet but I’m sure if I find out I’ll let you know and you know you haven’t been able to experience it yet but Detroit has very special fans have you played here in the past where you’ve seen how they’ve reacted are you looking forward to this community i’ I’ve played here and usually they reacted against us so now it’ll be fun to have a some fans like that behind you instead of against you thank you so much for your time good luck


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