@Portland Trail Blazers

Dalton Knecht Works Out for the Trail Blazers: Strengths, Weaknesses and Fit with @HoopIntellect

Dalton Knecht Works Out for the Trail Blazers: Strengths, Weaknesses and Fit with @HoopIntellect

in today’s show kandre ashrey from hoop intellect joins the program and we talk all things Trailblazers NBA draft plus Dalton connects workout with the Blazers welcome to lock down Blazers let’s get into [Music] it you are locked on Trailblazers your daily Portland Trailblazers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday what up world it’s your past first point guard and Trailblazers reporter Mike Richmond you listening to another episode of Locked on Blazers part of the locked on podcast network available wherever you got podcasts and also on YouTube thanks for making this show your first listen coming at you each and every weekday Monday through Friday so make it a part of your daily routine make it your first listen tell your friends to do the same in today’s episode a very fun one returning to the program friend of the show and a true hoop head you know him from hoop intellect on YouTube it’s Keandre asley Keandre how you doing man I’m doing good I appreciate you having me on once again yeah happy to have you back you are this time of year for me for someone who’s not as plugged in like yeah you’re doing it year round I am I am like a I am a true casual it’s like April I’m like okay time to time to draft um I’m getting it in April and and then really plugging in in June but you your your YouTube channel is just a fantastic resource a deep dive on prospects you have big boards you got mock drafts I I learn more from you this time year than maybe anyone else on the internet so I’m super super excited to have you back here um in today’s in today’s show I I want to talk about Donan connect he worked out for the Blazers today in a Solo interiew a solo workout they’ve had um this is their fifth workout that they’ve had they’ve had six group workouts which are mostly like kind of late Lottery guys uh like fringy Lottery guys in second round picks this is like a we have the seventh pick in the NBA draft and we are considering dalon connect let’s get him in the gym to work out and like shoot really well against a chair um you did a deep dive on on connect what what what makes him a lottery Prospect in this draft Yeah so connect had an unbelievable season this year at Tennessee you know being that kind of late bloomer guy transferring from uh Northern Colorado and really just taking the entire SEC by storm and I think the first thing that he brings to the table is obviously the the shooting um he’s been an elite shooter for a while but uh obviously getting to this level and being able to do it um in the way that he did and with defenses keyed in on him you know putting up 40 balls against you know North Carol’s and uh other big time teams out there that’s kind of the thing that he brings to the table uh first and foremost and then obviously the shot making on top of that being able to do a few things off the dribble pull up in transition um as a 65 66 Wing broad shoulder is a good vertical athlete so I think you’re looking at a guy who has the potential to you know really shoot it first and foremost attack Closeouts be more of an off ball scorer and then um in terms of just being able to to move the ball I think that’s something that he can do uh there’s a little bit more questions in terms of his ability to make plays off the live dribble and do things of that nature and obviously the defensive end of the floor is kind of the thing that um gives him a little bit wider of a range than uh maybe just being that Surefire top seven guy in in some other classes obviously being a little bit older too um but that’s kind of what he brings to the table uh first and foremost and that’s why he uh is probably going to land in the top 10 on my board and and many others even higher than that yeah I I think do you I guess let’s start here how much do you put into age with this stuff because I feel like sometimes we treat a 23y old like they’re they’re ancient right like this time of year it’s like 23 oh well he’s that’s it that’s it for him we might as well just you know like like how much do you when you’re evaluating guys how much does the age factor in yeah so I think it’s a case by case basis I think historically you look at a lot of lottery picks who were you know 23 or older um it’s not necessarily in favor of them you’ve got guys like Obi toppen Davon Mitchell um the list goes on and on I actually kind of talked about it in that scotting report yeah video um but the I think in in each individual case and with him specifically the advantage that he has is he was a late bloomer he’s a guy who grew late he had to go to the jco route first before even getting a D1 offer at Northern Colorado um grew into his body there and figured things out and then eventually was able to do what he did this year so I think for him specifically and you can kind of look at it like Obie toppen was a lottery Pick and he’s kind of started to really form out a role with the Pacers this year I think you look at a guy like and see um someone who it doesn’t necessarily matter as much as I once would have put stock into it so um you know I guess if if if you’re in between prospects where it’s like okay this guy’s 23 he does similar things that has s similar strengths and weaknesses as a guy who’s 1920 then you probably go in the direction of the 1920 year old but with you know some of his details and background I think that there’s still room for growth in a way that maybe it wouldn’t have been there if he was a fouryear fiveyear player that had just kind of plateaued and just kept playing that way yeah the thing about I think in this draft and and and I wonder if you agree is like there aren’t many guys who are similar to connect right like the other Wings aren’t Shooters um the other wings are more like oh this like impressive athletic profile can’t shoot you know and it’s like he at least fits that um and he’s a pretty good he’s a pretty good like up and straight up and down straight line athlete he’s not a very good lateral athlete from what I’ve seen I I didn’t I hav watched him as closely as you have but but from what I’ve not a great lateral athlete but he there aren’t like he might be the best shooter in the drafts maybe Jared McCain like he’s definitely he’s going to be one of the best Shooters taken in the top 15 um I I I wonder if that could change things what position do you think he is he measured 65 and a quarter barefoot in at at the combine um he doesn’t have a super long wingspan 69 I mean that’s it’s not like he has little T-Rex arms but he’s not super long there what what what position do you see him playing yeah see him playing most easily in that two or three range it’s going to depend on a night and night basis who he guards just and obviously uh there are some concerns there in his foot speed but I think once he gets into NBA organization and has kind of a a point of emphasis on the defensive end of the floor in a way that hasn’t been there obviously Tennessee that’s kind of the reason he went to Tennessee was to improve defensively but they were like okay excuse me uh we need you to score 40 points for us to have a chance each night right and he was carrying the team so I think just based off of his foot speed it’s going to be somewhere in that Wing uh realm where he’s uh playing off the ball and you know guarding other other wings and maybe not the most creative guys or guys that are heavy pick and roll um just more of a off ball offall kind of guy you mentioned in your video and I will link uh I will rink link excuse me ke Andre’s work in in the episode description for this episode because it’s really good and helped me learn a lot about D connect because I I only saw him play a handful of times um I did see him give Carolina buckets in a game that Carolina scored 93 though goar heels um but uh I I wonder like one of the things you mentioned is like some of his offall defense is a struggle like I think when people think like bad Defender they think like sit they think like sit down in the park type of Defense um but for you you mentioned that his like one of his struggles is maybe as a help Defender as a Team Defender is that something he can like how big of a concern is that because usually a guy like him okay he’s a little bit slower let’s hide him off the ball but if some of his struggles are in helps side and in in sort of that alertness um is is that is that a big concern for you I’m I’m not super concerned about it I mean it wasn’t good this year but I think that that kind of stuff is again something once he’s getting into an organization and has more Direction and pointed towards you know where he’s supposed to be the things that he needs to um you know do obviously it’s a bigger adjustment at the NBA level just given the speed and and the rate of things going on but I think that that’s stuff that we usually see improve a little bit easier than more of the physical um you know just tools and and certain things that guys don’t have or do have um so I’m not I’m not particularly too concerned with it in the right situation but it is something he’s gonna have to get better at sure he seems to be built as I think um sometimes like a 23-year-old white college guy just like kind of gets this label but like he seems to be buil as a high floor low ceiling type of player do you think that’s true do you think he is a do you think he’s a high high floor low seiling guy or what’s your read on that I think this is like a big draft like philosophical question that has kind of come up the last couple years you’ve got guys who may have certain skills that are going to allow them to see the floor earlier than maybe the guys with more perceived upside but they’re not quite there yet um but one of the biggest uh factors in being able to you know grow and have and recognize some of that potential as being able to get reps on the NBA level so um I think that he has he doesn’t have necessarily the highest ceiling like some of the playmaking stuff in in uh that I kind of mentioned before is where I think he would be able to recognize more of that if he was able to have some uh sort of growth that hasn’t been there yet but I think that he doesn’t necessar he’s not like a guy that’s like oh already is who he is he’s just going to come in he’s just going to shoot only and uh play 15 minutes a game like that’s not necessarily who I think he’s going to be would you take him at seveners are on the clock would you take him at seven I would consider him but the way that things are going right now I think that there’s probably end up being an option that I would rather have above him so um obviously this is all hypothetical right this is Friday June 7th show we’re recording this you know whatever 20 days before the draft so we’re we’re far out there but so okay um give me a scenario right like the Blazers are on the clock at 7 what are some names that you would say okay I like this better what are some what are some names that would sort of push you that are gone that would push you towards connect yeah so I think a guy like Ron Holland who is all over the place depending on where you look if he’s there at seven I would highly consider him um before I get to uh a Doon connect I think there’s other guys like a a Modis buellis who I think is worth a potential swing uh there you’ve got uh Stefan Castle who you know is a little bit in that in that same range as well I think I would uh definitely consider him quite a bit there as well and then Donovan kinging I think that’s another one that there’s a lot of noise around for the Blazers especially with I’m already having Eon and the kind of the uh direction of of the team if they were to go big but I think he’s someone I would consider there as well probably more in the same general range as connect I think there’s it’s a little bit easier just long-term fitting him into the team uh clinging um because he doesn’t overlap as much with the backcourt guys but um yeah that’s kind of where I would I would look at things yeah it’s like at three and like the sort of perfect version of the Blazers do you want like a guy who’s who’s whose weaknesses are like maybe not a great team Defender and maybe not a great passer I I I think that is an issue the Blazers were one of the worst shooting teams in the League last year like they were 28th and in in three-point percentage and they were near the bottom of the league in they were I believe in the bottom third in in just attempts like they were low volume low accuracy three-point shooting team Allon connect helps with that but I I I I kind of I would tend to agree with you is like you’re aiming for you’re aiming for the future right you’re not saying like how can what is the rookie that best helps us be good next year kind of um you’re looking further down the Horizon to try to figure it out speaking of that Horizon let’s talk about some other guys you like at seven and 14 oh I should ask you this if connect is available at 14 is he a no-brainer absolutely definitely get him at 14 and I think that’s a decent possibility depending on where you look as well like right I I don’t think it’ll it’s not necessarily likely but um it could happen and if he is there in that range he’s in he starts to get um know he’s still on the board at 12 13 14 uh I think anybody who’s who’s um picking right there would would take him yeah I’m I’m I’m with you on that I think the Blazers like the nature of this individual workout suggests that they view him as a as a seven type of prospect but that’s probably just because they’re reading the tea leaves right and they’re like if we you know and also maybe his people are like dalon connect won’t be doing any group workouts if you like him in the gym he’s coming to shoot in the gym by himself all right let’s talk about some other folks that Keandre likes uh because because if he likes him you probably should like him too join us in that second segment won’t you first though I want to tell you that Today’s Show is brought to you by prize pick America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 5 million users it’s the most fun and exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to a 100 times your cash with priz picks that means you could turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports all summer long you can make a price pick lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on a two to six player stat projection and you’re locked in if you’re looking for more promotions well prize pick has got you covered every week from lowering select player stat projections on Tuesdays which increases your chances of winning to getting your entry fees back if you have a losing lineup on Fridays have some fun it’s super simple to do so just download the app today and use the 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what he brings to the table obviously he doesn’t address the the shooting issue uh at least in the short term but what he brings to the table as a slasher being able to um be kind of that two-way Wing who’s able to affect the game um and bring energy in a way that uh the Blazer team doesn’t necessarily have in that way um I think that I would really like him on the wing as a long-term piece there and somebody who can give you some real size uh and at the three spot and and potentially be able to play the four more down the line so he’d be somebody I’d definitely be interested in um you mentioned Williams I would rather have him as a 14 uh type of pick I think that I’m just a little bit lower on his uh one he kind of profiles similarly as a slasher um but his physical uh abilities is is and athleticism is a little bit more um a work in progress than a guy like Ron Holland and I think that that’s just going to be more of a struggle I don’t necessarily buy the shot as much but I think that if if you’re looking to take him that 14 spot and take a swing on him would be a little bit more uh what I would be interested in sure and Holland doesn’t You See Holland drop but you rarely see him drop all the way to 14 so that’s like that’s one that like just on on mock now we’re like you know a few weeks out and the plugged in people typically have I I Feel Like You See Holland in that six through 10 range um but Williams is someone who is occasionally a little bit deeper back you mentioned the physicality like I think he weighed at the combine like 168 pounds like he’s that’s skinny um and I think that that will you know obviously you fill out as you get older and you say like okay well what if you add 25 pounds to this dude’s frame and all of a sudden he’s 24 like what does he look like um the shooting though he like theoretically Cody Williams is like a shooter but he took 40 threes in college 41 I believe is the total number of Threes like just not why are you hesitant on the shot like what what um is it just the volume or is there some physical stuff that you’ve seen too yeah it’s the volume it’s of mechanic uh some mechanics in his um shooting Motion in the way that he’s um a little bit more I don’t know what you want technical he kind of winds up certain things sure uh and in addition to that he hasn’t been much of a pull-up threat ever in his entire career um going back to high school it’s just not something that he does fluidly well um so beyond the shooting or beyond the slashing and being able to get to the bucket in his great touch I just don’t know if he’s going to be able to do it at the NBA level within the first three years I think it’s going to be really tough for him I think the big also when you look at his handle and his ability to just do more than go in straight lines um I think a lot of his projection is based off of what his brother had had done in his progression um at Santa Clara but I just don’t necessarily buy um the other pieces of his game and I want to like him a little bit more because he is the wing he’s long he bble to you know defend in a couple spots you know make smart plays doesn’t make a ton of mistakes um obviously like you said he shot 40 over 40% but it was low volume so I I just um a little bit more skeptical uh the other the last thing I want to ask you about is is is kingan um it seems like it seems like um everyone keeps saying like kingan is in play for one of the top three picks but really they just mean three like to me they it’s like it’s like to me they just just continuously mean three right like um they they’re saying oh like um you know maybe maybe Atlanta maybe Washington and then every mock is rash and and SAR right like and and then it’s three is like if Houston wants him or Houston trades out he could go there but if not a lot like a lot of teams in that those those four through six picks those are teams that that rarely are you see are mock taking a guard like the Pistons probably or taking a center right the Pistons are probably unlikely to take a big um they’ve got a lot of young bigs on the roster as is they’ve been collecting centers for years um so if if kingan were to fall P three the Blazers seemed like a fairly reasonable landing spot for him what are your thoughts on klling in um just as a prospect and then maybe as a fit as well yeah so kingan is especially with the um impact that Derrik Lively has had as a rookie kingan has appeal is only grown as another guy who shows up very highly on all the defensive metrics obviously played on a two-time national title team Yukon was the anchor of those teams he’s 73 he’s able to block shots he deters even more shots than that um good on the defensive glass somebody who projects well as a screener and somebody who can can finish plays around the rim has good hands um so that’s kind of the the the gist of what he brings to the table as an anchor big who is going to be able to to finish plays off of more stars and and uh you know make some plays that the short roll High post you know some delay action things of that nature um so that’s kind of the the gist of what he brings to the table and then in terms of fit for the Blazers and I thought about this too when I was you know doing the mock and thinking about uh you know where I would necessarily want to pick him at uh it’s gonna depend on just the direction of the team I think if you look around the league a guy like DeAndre Aton um based off of the defense that we’ve seen him play over the last couple years he was pretty good during their finals run but has kind of uh with the Suns has kind of taken a bit a couple steps back in that respect but you look around the league and a guy who if you’re confident can anchor a top five defense and be a perennial guy like that he’s got to go top five to seven I just don’t see that there’s even with Aon being a much more talented offensive player than kingan will probably ever be in he ever will be in his career um but if you’re confident that he can do that you look at a Rudy Gober you look at um all the winning most of the winning teams even Chad holgren um all have a a big time guy on that backside um that’s kind of the direction you want to go so it might not be as you know smooth sailing I would say in terms of like oh you you pick a center you already have a center but in the longterm respect if he’s going to help you win more games in the future that’s the direction you want to go they just have to make that decision ultimately and then have a plan for um moving Aon recouping that ass uh in some in some way yeah I also think it’s like Aon is not a 40 minute a night guy he’s not a low minute guy like he he ended up playing he ended up pushing up a north of 35 at the end of the year but he’s like a 32 is you know like he’s not he’s not um he’s not a crazy high minute guy so like as a rookie playing Donovan Kling in 16 minutes a night as a true backup is totally fine like I don’t think it’s a problem in year one at all and then the following season will be Aiden’s contract year that they’ll be Aiden entering free agency then you then might have to make a decision um I’m glad you mentioned Derrick Lively I hadn’t really thought about that Lively rocks right like he’s taking he’s taking this team he’s like maybe the third most important player on a team that’s playing in the finals um in like an hour by the way as we record this um uh but like uh Lively as a as a high school dude was like taking threes and stuff but his role in the NBA is like Drop big mostly almost exclusively drop big who can pass a little bit Yeah Donovan King is a drop big who can pass a little bit I I I I I totally I that’s a great call that his his specifically his role in his Ascension this year it’s like making Donovan kingan more appealing I hadn’t I hadn’t considered that that’s a good one I I’m worried about Donovan kingan’s overall offensive skill set um but if he’s a if he’s a defensive anchor he’s useful um yeah I I I think I I think in general taking a center in the lottery is maybe unsexy I’m like yeah I’d rather take I’d rather take a swing on one of the upside wings but I like I’m pretty confident that Donovan kingan will be a good Pro I I I’m not sure what his ceiling is but my confidence level is is relatively high in him being like a a good Pro because he’s just so freaking big and at his size relatively mobile not mobile for normal NBA players but mobile for 73260 dudes um okay you got some second round uh Second Round Guys you like the Blazers have 34 and 40 you ready to share some some second rounders with us let’s do that to close the [Music] show still pass first point guard I’m still Mike Richmond you are still listening to lock on Blazers still chatting here with kandre Ashley have hoop intellect over on YouTube check out the channel you’ll learn more about draft prospects Blazers have we talked about you know some Lottery type guys mostly in the seven range but also some folks that might fall to 14 but the Blazers have have two second round picks 34 and 40 um I know Keandre you like you like 34 34 is your range that’s like you are you are a top of the second round type of guy who are some names in that range that you like uh for the Blazers yeah so the interesting thing about this draft is I think teams are going to do whatever especially as we start to get to about pick 20 um I think there’s a wide range of names that could go anywhere and you could find a lot of value in that 34 and possibly even 40 range little bit uh less of a chance there but I think you got a guy I believe I mentioned um nicoa jurich uh last time yeah but he would be on that list as somebody who um you know as a is a wing with size has shot the ball better down the stretch of the season and is able to make plays off the live dribble uh as a passer and be able to get all the way to the rim uh he’s looked better defensively as well and I just think he’s somebody who um is a little bit undervalued in some ways uh at least at the moment he played really well at the combine um and he would be somebody that I would be interested in adding as a potential shooter on the wing for um a team like the Blazers and then you’ve got somebody like Ryan Dunn that would be a guy that I would really like for Portland um he has a wide range as well but he has an elite skill um one of the best defenders in the class in my opinion super versatile athletic about 68 can defend multiple positions um the offense is a very much a work in progress he doesn’t really have uh anything that he does well on that end right now outside of you know just being a plus athlete um but what he brings defensively I think is going to in the right situation really help out a team now maybe you could say that Portland ends up being uh not good enough uh during his you know rookie contract that he ends up going elsewhere and you don’t get the value out of him that you would have liked to but um I think that he’s he’s a guy that I would highly consider at that point um and then you know I think it’s hard to choose for from all these guys I think I’ll throw out one that could go for 3 34 or 40 and that’s Jonathan mogbo um out of San Francisco this is a name that you know is kind of been floating around a little bit more lately um and for good reason he’s been somebody I’ve been a fan of for most of the year uh out of San Francisco he played he’s another late bloomer guy who um was a guard in high school with the Jo route ends up going to Missouri State transfers to San Francisco this year explodes leads College basketball and dunks at and at a listed 66 without shoes um highle athlete one of the absolute best defenders in the class period top five um in my opinion uh somebody who I think is going to feel sort of a jured Vander belt type of role in the league very well somebody who can defend multiple positions pass the ball from different spots handle it um he’s kind of a weird player he doesn’t necessarily fit into any one area particularly well as a sort of tweener bigwing um can’t really shoot yet but I think what he does defensively his playmaking his athleticism he has the tools to become something uh very interesting and intriguing and I would definitely highly consider him um at that point if I’m Portland um so I’m curious about this he’s a guy who um you know you said you were watching him in in West Coast Conference play but he he was a guy kind of had a nice combine right like he had he had a nice day in the five on five um and kind of probably raised his stock particularly like people like me who just like didn’t know his name um so uh how much do you put in like obviously you’re studying these guys from you know for years right like you’re paying attention to their prep to their prep production and their college production um how much do you put into this time of year like how much do you put into the to the combine and and uh the sort of Whispers from workouts like how much does that factor into sort of your thought process here yeah it factors in a decent amount I would say more on the combine side I don’t necessarily pay attention to too much to like uh measurables unless they are a lot significantly different than we would have expected um you know if Stefan Castle really was 6’2 that would have been a big issue for his stock but you know usually those things are at least in the ballpark but for the combined scrimmages I do think they matter and I think how players perform especially being in a situation where this is new for everybody you kind of just got to get in where you fit in and figure it out um that stuff is important and you got a guy like a Jaylen Williams who performed well you got po jimsky who performed well in the combine um even like he hasn’t played well in his early NBA career but like David Rody uh has a he was another guy who who stood out in some ways um but I do think it matters uh to an extent I just kind of build it into the sample that we’ve already seen and and kind of um you know take whatever’s new and whatever they do great uh from that yeah I I I I kind of I I tend to lean the same way I probably don’t have the same breath of knowledge for all the prospects that you do but uh one thing I I don’t ever care about is when they’re like he shot it really well in the workout yeah nice I love that it’s like he like yeah a lot of these dudes are pretty talented like especially a guy who like can’t shoot quote unquote and they’re like oh he shot it really well in the workout it’s like yeah man like I bet he does practice at a high level like these are good these are you’re talking about the best players in the world like take the bigger sample like take always with these guys take the bigger sample if they’ve played two years in college like whatever you got there 150 attempts is going to be way more meaningful than an afternoon in the gym so um I I tend to I tend to this time of year if I hear any information about a workout I’m like nope can’t that that mean that can’t I can’t let that mean anything to me I have to resist I have to yeah I I would say definitely more on the workout side because even like Derek Lively shooting the ball really well in in workouts that’s not a guarantee that he’s gonna shoot it in the NBA obviously he hasn’t now maybe he does down the line but that doesn’t necessarily unless they’re like completely changing their form in certain ways like if Lonzo ball would have went immediately from the way that he shot uh in college in Pre you know pre UCLA to the way that he shot in New Orleans that would be a big subject and You’ be like he really shot it well um but most other times you know that’s it’s not really a lot to put a lot of I hear you uh if what do you got coming up if folks are looking for you um obviously they can go to hoop intellect on YouTube what do you got in the hopper for us what’s coming down the line yeah so lot of prospect scouting videos coming up uh every other day pretty much from from now on and then we’ve got big board coming up as well so updating some things on that a lot of big changes um look into some of the tiers that I’ve uh put into uh the guys in this class now especially with everybody uh that was testing the waters going back and and internationally kind of making those decisions as well so that’s all coming up on the channel real soon yeah listen um I’ve probably said it a bunch during the show and and now you’re 30 minutes in and you and you’ve listened to Keandre and you know that he’s smart so let me just tell you hoop intellect is the best resource for learning about prospects go subscribe to the channel if you’re already subscribed to the channel go watch some videos like I wouldn’t know what I know about Dalton connect and be prepared to talk about it on this episode without the work that kandre does so go over to the YouTube channel And subscribe how about that like just simple set you’re if you’re if you’re watching on YouTube it’s linked right there click on his dang name in the title and go over there and subscribe to the channel and and like make yourself a smarter fan because um it’s a resource I use dang near every day this time of year and you can do it as well um dear listeners guess what we have five more shows next week it’s what we do um I’ve got a couple more fun interviews for you coming early in the week some more draft stuff some trade talk that’s what we do you’re not getting this anywhere else for if you’re a Trailblazers fan 5 days a week wherever you get podcasts and on YouTube free on all your platforms tell your friends about the program I appreciate you listening I’ll talk to you soon [Music]

Keandre Ashley of Hoop Intellect joins the program to talk Dalton Knecht and other Trail Blazers draft prospects. Knecht, one of the best shooters in the draft class, participated in a solo workout on Thursday and is a potential target for the Blazers with the No. 7 pick.

Dalton Knecht scouting report on Hoop Intellect:

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#TrailBlazers #NBA


  1. Keandre is definitely intellectual when it comes to scout profiling college hoopers. His channel is 👑.
    Mike Rich' I like your style. U say you're not the best at scouting college kids. So what do you do? U brought in thee best in Keandre.
    Lez Go 🤟🏾
    #LockedOnBlazers &

  2. I think Knecht is a great pickup at 7, he is a relatively proven commodity that can play right away and fits on any NBA team. He's this year's Jaquez. A Ginobili-esque, Klay-esque dude. There is very low risk that he's bust or takes 3 years to have trade value. And I just love his competitiveness although my main concern would be if he doesn't pass it when he should. Would love to get Knecht and Edey. I like Knecht a lot better than drafting another G-League maybe child like Buzelis or Holland who are unproven against real competition. Scoot proved that Ignite was little league compared to NCAA.

  3. I'm honestly fine with Knecht, I'm sure if Joe and Mike draft him it's because they truly believe he has a somewhat high ceiling based on their previous selections

  4. if we can some how land 2 wings kinect and holland a ying and yanhg where 1 is a offencive force and 1 is a athletically gifted defender i see it as a win win

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