@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks mailbag: 2024 NBA Draft, Contract Extensions, Luxury Tax, Kobe Bufkin, Zach LaVine

Atlanta Hawks mailbag: 2024 NBA Draft, Contract Extensions, Luxury Tax, Kobe Bufkin, Zach LaVine

on today’s show we dive into the mailbag on a Friday touching on all kinds of stuff from Trading down Kobe buffkin the luxury tax and more and all that is coming up you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Hello friends welcome to episode 1733 three of the lon Hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you on a Friday here in early June and today’s podcast is brought by the folks at prize pick the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports the place to go is lockon NBA and use code locked on NBA for first time depit match up to $100 check it out now at priz piix also want to encourage you at the top of the podcast to make us your first listen each and every day check us out and subscribe to Lon Hawks anywhere you might find podcasts we are on YouTube on the video side we are also on Apple and Spotify overcast on the audio side and again anywhere you might find your podcasts I appreciate you being here on this Friday it’s been a busy week as it almost always is in this space this is our fifth show of the week and plenty to come I’ve actually already recorded our next episode which I I will not give too much of that away right now but it’s going to be a two-part NBA draft Focus episode we have more to come on that and the draft is about two and a half weeks or so away at this point in time and playing to get to but today’s podcast is going to mostly just be mailbag questions and there’s some topical stuff in there as as well there isn’t a ton of new news but I would encourage you to listen to all the other podcasts from this week I did some mailback stuff some some rumbling stuff I had be I had uh Glen Wills in the podcast I had B Philip on the podcast talking about the NBA Finals number one pick stuff all that’s still relevant right now but without all without all that out of the way we can dive into the mailbag on today’s podcast first up a question from Davis that’s certainly relevant right now I think I heard you mention the Spurs trading 4 and eight for number one but not really weighing in on whether the Hawks should do that if is possible what do you think about that deal as far as me mentioning it I poked some fun at bag bad aggregation earlier this week when Jonathan gon ESPN who’s their draft guy simply just kind of mentioned the Spurs kind of been passing on a podcast about a potential trade up not even necessarily to Atlanta but one of those things and that turned into stuff about how it was reported that he talked about four and eight foral that actually didn’t happen so I made fun of that a little bit on the podcast I will note that today actually on Friday gavone did write about the Hawks Elite exploring trade down scenarios though he did not tie that to San Antonio but the Hawks are exploring that I’ve heard the same um it’s Le on the table we’ll have a whole discussion about that later on in the draft process but they are going to be looking I think at least I shouldn’t say looking evaluating potential trade down stuff you know usually is there’s the trade down trade up stay the same obviously you can’t you can’t trade up from number one but um they could trade down conceivably anyway the number four four number eight for number one thing has been a popular topic because the Spurs are the only team that has two picks in the top 10 of this class uh worth noting the Blazers do have two lottery picks but they’re seven and 14 and seven and 14 is not going to be enough to get number one in even in this class which I think everybody kind of agrees on before I answer the question even more I should also stress that trade down scenarios do not have to just be for picks in the same draft I think there are two semi-realistic packages involving just picks in this draft you know 4 and8 from San Antonio is certainly one of them and then also Washington has the number 26 overall pick so two and 26 is probably a realistic thought process for number one overall potentially again I’m not saying that’s going to happen or that it’s likely but it would be reasonable to at least think about that in something in that area I could also see Washington offering two and something else for instance to go up by one spot I can see the Spurs offering four maybe one of the Hawks future picks that they actually owe back to the Hawks rather than using the eighth pick this year there are different scenarios around there I could see a bigger deal involving San Antonio involving maybe one of the guards that’s possible to me the Rockets have the third pick I can see them offering number three in a future pick or one of their young guys Detroit could offer five and some other stuff not K cutting him but basically anything else to go up to number one I think all those things are at least in play potentially I would guess the Hawks don’t want to go down too far in this class because they are they I would say they are excited about having a top tier pick in this class um especially when it comes to a future facing package but there are other possibilities it’s not just about what picks have uh sort of currency in this particular draft but anyway back to the question there’s been a little bit of digging on this for me I’ve made some calls about what this hypothetical and it is hypothetical could be it’s not Universal or anything but the majority of folks that I have talked to believe that it would be a pretty good deal for the Hawks to get 4 and8 for number one but also the belief is the Spurs probably probably not definitely probably wouldn’t offer 4 and8 for number one in this class again that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t happen I heard Sam talk about this a little bit on his show kind of like some sism about 4 and eight being a little bit too much I number one but if the Spurs fall in love with one particular player they do have some incentive to go and get that guy whether it’s SAR ruche Etc they have wmi they have extra future picks of course from the Hawks in that trade for deante so they can probably overpay a little bit um I do think that it probably has to be S ruche for the Spurs to go up to number one because anybody else they probably go up a little bit further a little bit less than that um I think particularly for SAR if they were to fall in love with SAR the only place on the board where you can be comfortable that SAR is definitely going to be there is number one so I’m not saying it’s going to happen but at at least possible to me on the hawk side it’d be a little bit tricky especially if they really wanted a particular player I’ve made this point before but the uncertain nature of this class means that trading back and then also being sure about one player being there is kind of risky for instance I had people ask me about Donan Kling and trade down stuff especially today by the way gavone mentioned trade down scenarios around kingan potential because the Hawks like him and maybe don’t want to take him number one I get that I kind of agree I think kingan is not not your pro typical number one overall pick but I think in this class it’d be reasonable and also if you can get him a little bit later that might make even better sense I would just say that’s pretty obvious to uh if the Hawks like him that much to be able to go down a little bit also get cling and get something else would be awesome but that’s obviously just hypothetical it’s hard to project that though in a real world scenario I think you gotta be pretty comfortable with more than one player if you’re going to move down you know three spots for instance to the spur spot I think if you go to number two sure like obviously you know reasonably who’s available one guy might be gone but you have other options if you if you go from one to four that’s reasonable to me but if you want one player like for instance if you’re just trying to get Donan clinging you better be very very confident in your Intel at one two and three because other teams can go also trade up ahead of you Etc so it’s always a little bit risk risky I should say to trade down that many spots if you’re looking for one player if you’re more open to this kind of being a flat class kind of like I am because listen for me I would be listening to trade down stuff not doesn’t mean you have to do it but I think because everyone in this class at the top of the board is fairly close together for me I don’t have huge gaps if you are someone who believes that you know SAR is in his own tier or res his own tier whatever that’s different but if you have a similar tier for all these guys going down makes some sense in a vacuum but anyway everyone abuses differently and I will certainly acknowledge that and that’s not going to change between now and draft night question from Alex I keep hearing everywhere about the players like Donovan Mitchell Lori Markin extension talks can the Hawks not extend anybody why is there not more talk about the Hawks extending players well technically the Hawks have five players that’ll be eligible for some kind of extension in the near future but without picking on Alex’s question I’m not doing that I promise the LW done a lot of extensions recently actually they did the Aku deal before last year they did the bogy extension um capella got a two-year extension that was kind of controversial at the time they gave Hunter rookie deal ahead a year ahead of time perhaps most famously Deonte agreed to extension that most people in the league including me and even with the Hawks were kind of surprised by so that all happened within the last couple years so they’ve been pretty uh active in extensions but anyway there are five guys who will actually be extension eligible at some point this summer for the Hawks um four guys who are on veteran deals and one rookie so Trey actually could extend at some point beginning in August and he could add two more years at 50 million plus per year from what I can gather that’s not considered to be likely at all I think he can wait another year and get a bigger Longer deal next summer if he wants to but he is eligible capella is eligible again for an extension as of July they could pay him three or four more years if they wanted to my appreciation for Clint is well documented but I think that’s not going to happen as far as that long of a deal it’s at least plausible that if they want to hold on to him for a little while longer they could extend him for Less salary maybe going down because the Cap’s going up and it becomes more of a um amendable salary but not likely to happen just at least possible Garrison Matthews is actually extenstion eligible if they pick up this teen option for next year um they could give him actually a four-year deal for a bunch of money they’re probably not going to do that but they certainly could keep him around on a small extension it wouldn’t Shock Me U and then Brutto Fernand the fourth guy um he’s extens eligible in October if they decline his 20 25 26 team option that one’s unlikely I would say at this point in time but he’s at least eligible and then there there’s the Jaylen Johnson rookie scale extension which is the one that I’ve been talking about the most and I would say is by far the most likely to happen of these five we’ll talk about this more a little bit later on in the summer but jayen could get an extension this summer as actually as early as July 1 basically could you could agree to that it could be all the way up to the 25% Max now that was not what I’m expecting to happen as far as the max concern but I am quite confident his reps and his uh his Camp basically is going to be asking for a deal that’s well beyond $ hundred million that’s a lot of money I get that but Jaylen is very good they like him a lot and also it could be as much as a five-year deal for Jaylen so people have compared his situation to like Deon Vel last year dve McD’s last year might be more than that but no matter what but I will be sort of fall on the floor shocked if he signs for less $100 million and by the way they don’t have to do that it’s the typical will they or won’t they between July and October but um no matter what Jaylen will be on his fourth year deal with the Hawks sorry his fourth year of his rookie contract with the Hawks this coming season so any any talk of an extension will begin the following year he has locked in for this year and that will be a huge Topic in addition to the draft and the backourt and the center spot all that stuff in between now and the start of camp in October all right we’ll have more coming up on questions from you the listener viwer of this podcast but first a word from our friends at priz piix Today’s Show is brought to you by price piix and with price piix you turn $10 and $11,000 in a single game while watching your favorite sports this summer you can make a Prix lineup in less than one minute which is huge if you’re 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appreciate all that anyway but one more thing that he included was actually hypothetical about Marie and Ingram and how that might change the answer all I would say is if I say right now with with very little information I would lean to Kobe not being the starter at the two on open night if they move to Jon but it is possible that that would happen not likely but possible for one thing the last thing we saw from Kobe on offense last year wasn’t really starter level and I like Kobe quite a bit but he’s not quite there yet again he was a rookie rookies are usually not very good and he also had also missed a lot of time injury-wise but there is growth that needs to happen on offense for Kobe buffkin everyone knows that including him on one end it would help him to play next to Trey because he would have to run the offense but on the other on the other side of things he would have to kind of Polish up his off ball game a little bit but there’s stuff beyond that as well for instance bogie is just better than buffkin right now um and while the Hawks do like bogy in the bench roll I think he’d probably be more more likely to start than Kobe would be on opening night um also it depends on what you get back fromon like in the Ingram hypothetical it’s kind of tough because ideally you want a little bit more defense between Trey and Ingram than bogy would provide but on offense that would be awesome uh Trey bogie Ingram Jaylen in the center is pretty scary on offense I think um you could get a two back in the Jon trade as well you can get a two with a mid level or a trade exception or whatever so there are options there you can make trades involving capella or hunter or even a Kong or whatever to acquire another Wing you also still havee who’s more of a three I think but still could play a little bit of two as well so there are lots of options there I think a lot of Kobe’s value comes from being able to play both guard spots this is always a hard thing to sell to some people that just want to think about the starting lineup I am not a starting lineup guy necessarily but I think a lot of what they saw in Kobe and drafting him at 15 he wasn’t the fifth the fifth pick of the draft he’s 15th pick in the draft so was that he might look he might be a third guard I’m not saying it’s gonna happen but he could be a long-term third guard and by the way at 15 that’s totally fine if he’s good um but a lot of his appeal is that he can play the one he can play the two and you know I can see him kind of be them like this this coming season if they trade to Jon like this question is sort of laying out being the backup point guard and also playing a little bit at the two next to Trey or even if they trade Trey keep to Jon which I think is less likely but it’s certainly possible they could have him back up de Jon Etc so like I think Kobe will play more in year two if I had to guess to answer the question I think he’s not likely to start at the two but he certainly could and it would not surprise me if it happened at some point along the way question from Mark with a c Mark says I’ve been seeing reports about Zack LaVine being a trade option for the Hawks to be honest LaVine is not a player that follow too much I always off of a injury and has a massive contract do you have any thoughts on hypothetical LaVine trade not sure it makes a ton of sense unless he’s pack with something else and we get some and we get to dump some salary in the process so good question here from Mark I got probably five or six things from listeners about LaVine in a short period of time I was confused by that because there really wasn’t any reporting about this but I went and found uh a little bit of a fake trade thing online which I’m sure is where it came from um there’s a question also that was similar from AJ who says the tax concerns basically but also asked that there’s a world where the Hawks could take on LaVine um I want to stress again there’s been no reporting about Zack LaVine and the Hawks it’s all fake hypothetical stuff but there nothing wrong with that just not a rumor right now I’ve referenced LaVine before in this space but it’s been a while no matter what you think about him as a player the big thing as Mark even mentions is his contract it’s three years and almost 140 million left for LaVine it’s a lot of money for a guy with injury concerns he’s not that good I me he’s a good player but he’s not like a superstar player again he is quite good he made teams in a row not that long ago and 2021 was actually pretty awesome he avered 27 points a game on really good true shooting but that’s kind of an outlier for him to some degree last year he played 25 games and had foot surgery so that’s kind of the injury concern stuff there even before that he was already like being openly shopped by the Bulls I would say and kind of shut down as a result of that he did have some injury stuff early in his career as well so um it’s kind of similar to Brandon Ingram in that he’s just not always been particularly healthy he’s been healthy at times and played you know 60 games games a bunch of times but not a ton of like fully healthy campaigns um also last year while he was not 100% And you have to keep that in mind he wasn’t that good either particularly if you look at his Rim numbers last year they went way down LaVine is a really good athlete you know famously a Dunk champion and all that stuff but as he gets older not quite the same explosive athlete he’s a good shooter he’s a really talented offensive player flat out uh I won’t do a full dive on him right now but I think he’ll be as long as he’s healthy he’s going to be good on offense for a while longer I would say but defensively he has gotten better he was early in his career he’s taken some real strides he’s still not a great defender by any means I think he and Trey defensively is not what you would want necessarily and the big thing is again the money so I’m not saying there’s no way you would take on LaVine but you gotta for me I think lavine’s contract is underwater it’s not like he’s with with guys who are star Star level players or substar level players they can be underwater and still actually get traded for like positive stuff I wouldn’t be trading like good assets for Zack LaVine if it was me um and given where the Hawks are MoneyWise I would be surprised if they acquired Zack LaVine maybe like as even Mark said like if you take on some if they just you know sent Hunter and whatever else like Hunter and capella I’m not sure what it would be even salary matching wise but I think dejonte is better than Zack LaVine um you could argue Zack lavine’s a better fit with Trey because of what we’ve seen from Deon the last two years and I would probably agree with you on that with try on the court but of course you don’t get the same like uh floor raising with Trey off the floor that Deon brings so I wouldn’t trade Deon for Zack LaVine I think de is on a much better contract it’s like $10 million a year less and he’s a lot more durable Etc but so that’s the thing like if you’re doing this you kind of have to be moving to jant somewhere else and then trading for Zack because I I would not swap those two directly personally if it was me but I could do a deeper dive if this comes up as an actal rumor but for now hopefully answers the question and I’ll leave it there in the meantime all right so I will have more coming up in the rest of the show about the Hawks financial situation because there’s a lot to get to on the lury tax salary cap roster building side but first a word from our partners on today’s podcast all right and before we get out of here a little bit of the Deep dive on the roster situation right now as well as the cap and financial situations around the Hawks so I got questions about this I’ve teased it a few times about how things have changed like basically the question I’m answering on the mailbag here is basically how does the number one pick impact the money stuff because I’ve referenced it other people have referenced it it costs a lot more and I’ll say this now I’ll say again later you still want to win the lottery I’m not ever saying otherwise but it is more expensive and given the Hawks pension for tax avoidance that all matters anyway Atlanta has 10 players under guaranteed contract for next year right now that’s capella and the Kong with center it’s Johnson Hunter and gay at forward it’s bogie and Griffin on the wing it’s Trey Deonte and Kobe at guard that’s 10 players and they have two non-g guaranteed contracts Garrison Matthews has a team option and Bruto Fernando non guaranteed that’s 12 guys under contract right now then you have three guys who are restricted for agents sque Bay be cree and Seth Lundy put those guys to the side right now and come back to they have decisions to make on those guys for sure particularly on Bay that could impact the cap and tax is going to be more expensive I think we all know this but the Hawks needed to make the roster better and deeper no matter what coming out of last year’s disappointment particularly at Ford before you even consider the tax or the top pick Etc because I said it a lot during the year but they had three guys who were like rotation caliber at four on the whole roster that just cannot happen and they kind of I think they know that now um anyway to the numbers themselves the 10 guys I listed earlier that are under contract fully guaranteed are due to make about $ 158.3 million with 10 players that goes to like 163 with Garrison and Bruno on the team now that may not happen it’s possible that they that that won’t happen but those guys are making just more than the minimum so like you’re not getting a ton of savings if you move on from Garrison and Bruno it’d be basketball reasons why you would do that anyway that is about eight and a half nine million I’m trying I’m trying to be broad on on purpose here under the luxury tax line with 12 players on the roster crucially you have to have at least 14 players and roster hold still cost money so here’s the thing where it difference where sort of differenti but because they won the lottery at number 10 overall which is where they were going into the lottery that pick was is gonna make about five and a half million dollars as a rookie which is real money but keep in mind here the number one pick is gonna make about 12.6 million so it’s a $7 million approximate gap between 10 and one so again it’s still great news the Hawks won the lottery but it immediately added $7 million in pretty much guaranteed salary for next year it also took the Hawks from below the tax if they wanted to be like really penny pinching to above the tax with no other moves at all right now if you just put the number one pick on the roster nothing from Bay nothing from Cree you are over the tax again nothing from Bay nothing from C or Lundy or whatever already over the tax line the tax Line’s about 171 with the number one pick they’re like 176 and they’re still one player short at that point in time so I mentioned briefly on the player capsule I did with Glenn Willis about sadik Bay but it’s not a total lock that they offer sadique a qualifying offer I think it’s probable if they do that his cap hold is like $13 million his you know it’s it’s a lot of money so he he’ll cost that on the books until he’s a renounced or they sign him for less money so that’s a factor V has a very tiny cap hold but whatever he signed for eventually is going to count even against even if it’s the minimum still counts against the tax you know again you could cut Bruno or cut Garrison but you have you have fill up the roster so it might save you like a half million dollars total but that’s not a ton of money so here’s the deal in plain terms this is already the case to a big extent but it’s even clearer now with the extra seven million that they have on their books with the number one pick the Hawks are going to have to actively cut money if they are mandating that they want to stay under the tax line in fact they might be over the first apron line if unless they try to act they try to cut money so that’s I won’t go down that road right now but there’s the under the new CBA there’s the tax line first apron second apron I will tell you this right now I will fall on the floor if they go on the second apron there you go but the first apron minimal penalty but anyway you’re still on the tax and the Hawks haven’t been there in a long long time so that’s the reality if you’re a Hawks fan I think you should hope that they don’t do that as far as as far as cutting salary because it’s not impossible to cut money and improve the roster at the same time but it’s hard it’s not impossible but it’s hard in the past I have come on this podcast and said flat out no caveats that the Hawks will not pay the tax the last two years before this I have been a correct about this but also B I’ve been very definitive of the Hawks are not paying the tax and I was right even if they wanted to hem and Hall and mislead and say things that were not necessarily true about it the Hawks actively cut money two years in a row to get under the tax line that happened I called that I said it was going to happen and it happened this time around I’m not doing that at least right now I not saying that they are definitely going to get out of the tax line because number one it’s going to be harder number two maybe they’re willing I I I haven’t heard that they’re not as willing this time around now there is I would say huge skepticism around the league that the Hawks will pay the tax including for me to be honest but every time I talk to someone from a different team or someone in the National Media or around or agent or whatever they almost kind of chuckle about the Hawks paying the taxes they just the Hawks were just one of those teams that has not paid the tax for a long time now that could change especially if they make a splashier move I I don’t know what that’s gonna be by the way but you know it’s going to be hard for them to gut but maybe that changes this maybe Tony changes this tune this year it is possible if he doesn’t they are gonna have to do a lot of work to cut money and it might look like the last two years where you trade someone in your top six or seven like capella Hunter for like little money coming back and that probably makes your team worse now the trouble is they don’t have a ton of depth so while I know not everybody likes capella and Hunter at this point in time trading them for nothing all what they did with Collins last year that does make you worse it just does now the harder deal is a little bit different they got a first round pick in that trade that’s at least more of a selling point than just literally selling a guy for nothing what you do with Collins but then you throw in sadique Bay who was a very very complicated free agency with his injury and restrictive agency and match rights and all that stuff V I don’t think he going to get a huge contract but they might give him some real money this summer and that adds to the bill as well um you have the decision between Trey and dejon um which may not happen they may not clarify that but I think they’re probably still likely to trade one of them um the center situation aong was making a getting a raise this year all that stuff so as I’ve said many times before the willingness to pay the tax is a huge pivot point in the roster building from this summer and yes I know that Steve coonan has gone on the radio multiple times and said the the line that they always say about spending whatever they need to spend that’s been the line before and they’ve obviously not fulfilled that now again and by the way Steve coonan is the marketing guy he does not he’s not in the front office as far as basketball decisions are made Tony russler makes a decision about whe whether they’re gonna spend this money or not that is what it comes down to and I am not advocating for just spending to spend but like for instance we’ll touch on this probably a little bit more detail at another time but they had this trade exception from the John Collins trade that they could take in a player up to $23 million without sending anything back that’s a huge huge weapon if you will spend the money but it puts the Hawks further in the tax and they’re probably not going to do that so flexibility wise the big point I want to get across is that a they’re in the tax right now doing nothing else already again with no Bay and Noe already in the tax B I am less sure this year that they’re not going to go into the tax but I still am skeptical that they’re going to go in and it’s basically I believe it when I see it kind of thing about whether the Hawks are going to be wi to pay the Leer tax and that’s kind of the feeling around the entire league not just from me who you could say I’m jaded I get that people around the league agents other teams media no one really believes it until it actually happens um and look I can’t tell anybody how to feel about this but for me that’s kind of how I would put it I don’t want to be a downer because and this the reason why I waited a little bit longer to do this little Deep dive uh because I was asked about it after the lottery because I mentioned it in passing I’m like well I don’t want to rain on the parade because it is still a great thing they won the lottery you still want to have that pick you have options you can pick whatever player you want to you could trade the pick whatever you want to do it’s a great asset to have in your coffers but it does add money and they were already going to be up against the tax and now they’re over it and it did complicate things as far as the nerdy money stuff which which dosn’t matter and trust me I know that not everybody fan cares about this and I don’t blame you at all but in the NBA you have to care about the lury TA about the not not the tax but the the salary cap limitations because it impacts everything in baseball yes there’s a competitive balance task but in the end of the day it’s just money you don’t have to match salary And Trades it matters a lot less in basketball especially when it comes to salary matching And Trades like deals matter how much guys make just matters whether it should or not is different thing but it just matters so anyway long rambling over about the CBA and the luxury tax and the salary Capital Hawks have some real real money considerations money decisions and if you’re a fan I I wouldn’t be rooting for the Hawks to cut money because that doesn’t matter to me it’s not your money it’s just money in 20 R’s pocket and there’s a debate about that as well but that’s how I feel at this point in time if you have questions I said I once before but always always send them to me I will answer some on the show I will answer some in just reply fashion or whatever uh but you can send them to me a number of different ways you have we have an email it’s l. Hawks you can send them to me on Twitter BT rollan or Lon Hawks is the show account you can also leave a festar apple rating and if you do that there’s a place to leave a review you can ask a question there uh if you are a patreon of mine at BTR Rolland I’m also taking questions there all the time and uh hopefully that is a good place to kind of a this out I try to do mailbags every once in a while just kind of empty them out and also just give me something to talk about in certain times but much more draft aage to come I promise you that in fact I already recorded one I already said it at top of the podcast but I have um several conversations with people lined up for next week one of them is already recorded a couple more hopefully I’m going to do over the weekend U I’m traveling next weekend so I’m trying I start next week for work so I’m trying to line up some stuff while I’m gone but uh we’ll react to any news any Rumblings that are out there it’s a big time for the Hawks again we’re two and a half weeks until the NBA Draft so a good time to go ahead and lock into the podcast if you not done already please subscribe to the show on Apple and Spotify and overcast as well as YouTube on the video side likes and comments and and uh subscriptions are appreciate on YouTube as well it helps us to grow I’m not a YouTube expert by any means this is not the most high-tech show in the world but I’m always told that likes and subscriptions really matter on YouTube so go ahead and do that as well and honestly if you want to help the show do it multiple times across multiple platforms Apple Spotify downloads spread the word as well I know people have found us more and more during this draft season which is great but uh I’m sure you have a Hawks fan friend in your life that you know does not follow this show and go ahead and pass it to them send them a link share it on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or Tik Tok or whatever and hopefully they’ll join us as well thanks L everybody I really do appreciate it enjoy your weekend I’ll be back early next week with more on the Atlanta Hawks and we’ll see you all next time

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland) hosts episode No. 1733 of the Locked on Hawks podcast. The show answers mailbag questions on the Atlanta Hawks, including the 2024 NBA Draft, trade-down options, contract extensions, Kobe Bufkin, Zach LaVine, Atlanta’s luxury tax situation, and much more.

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  1. Can the Hawks agree to a draft and trade? Example, agree with a team to trade the player that they draft before the draft.

  2. In your opinion, what helps the Hawks defense more in their rookie season, Clingan's rim protection or Sarr's versatilty around the perimeter?

  3. We could use Dwigjt Howard. Hes a good defender and rebounder. Our centers are tiny and always injured. I wonder if he cant get signed cause he too freaky. 🏳️‍🌈

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