@Cleveland Cavaliers

UCSS 6/7 continued: Do the Cavaliers have to draft a wing + coverage of 3 city sports

UCSS 6/7 continued: Do the Cavaliers have to draft a wing + coverage of 3 city sports

[Music] guys in 10 and nine games respectively so all right welcome back to the ultimate Cleveland sports show we had to take a technical timeout uh something happened with the computer I don’t know Steve what happened it froze it reset itself reset itself bizarre well you know what it’s interesting we thought we were going to be doing a channel 3 show and we would be starting the channel 3 show in 4 seconds we ended up not doing a channel 3 show today because the French Open is on they’re getting down to the nitty-gritty at the French Open and NBC has to carry the Friday Saturday and Sunday matches at the French Open so no WKYC show today obviously that’s why we’re still streaming we apologize about the difficulties where were we Mike when we left what were we talking about yeah we’re going to pick this up with the Cavs discussion we are back and uh if anyone s a Super Chat earlier it has been erased because it crashed so we we sincerely apologize we’re not going to a chance to read those but let’s start with the Cavs discussion as we were talking about earlier guys the Cavs have the 20th pick in the NBA draft which is coming up in less than three weeks and Chris Fedor of their Cavaliers beat reporter reported that they’re bringing in players from all different positions doing their due diligence on guys to possibly draft draft at number 20 that includes point guards like Isaiah Kier from USC to wings like Tristan D Silva from Colorado all the way up to 74 centers like Zach Edy from Purdue and knowing the glaring need the Cavs have at the wing position do they have to take a wing at number 20 or can they really go best player available but because of the need at the specific position and this is without knowing what they’ll do with the future of their roster the the cor for Garland Evan Jarrett and Donovan if those moves happen have to go with a wing Mike you’re talking about the 20th pick in what everybody considers the worst draft maybe ever in the history of the NBA I think every that’s the general cons I mean one of the odds whatever position you take that you’re going to get I mean listen anything’s possible but the odds they’re going to get a player that’s a valuable player at 20 in the worst draft ever seems so slim I would not that I’m like I’m not going to say oh I got to take a wing player I mean how good is that Wing player going to be who are who are and by the way like let’s who are Wing players like that are going to be any good I mean and let’s not act like Kobe Alman is is has been hitting home run exactly like you trust him to get it right I mean you drafted Isaac hakuro and he it I mean no disrespect I mean if Isaac kakuro was in this year’s draft would he be a number one pick he probably would be a top five pick in this probably would honest he probably is a top five pick in the disrespect what you said top five he should be by far the number one player on the board if he was progressing or or had had that type of game in his back we ask real quick some who could be an impact Wing obviously it’s a craft sh you don’t know but one guy I particularly like who I do think fits the Cavs and he’s being mocked in the range of the Cavs anywhere from like 15 to 22 is Tristan D Silva from Colorado is a 69ine wing who can shoot who when you watch Colorado play he’s just a connector he just makes plays he’s not a guy that needs the ball he’s a guy that can facilitate if needed can defend can shoot can rebound so he can do all these things why is he getting drafted so low cuz he’s 22 years old that’s the reason yeah they don’t draft older guys or 21 years old they don’t draft upper classman that high and he is not a young Prospect but I think he actually has a chance to come in and play pretty Qui that seems like a stupid reason he’s 21 he’s not old he’s 23 excuse me he’s 23 oh so he’s an older guy which means you may be getting the final product essentially when you draft him but I do think can step in and play you take the list against Steve the other four guys on that list Kon George Jobe Walter Johnny Fury and Carlton Carrington they’re all freshman by the way these are one andone guys in the college ranks who offer probably more upside but less immediate impact he’s a guy like I said the Sila is a guy I have found myself gravitating towards because I think the Cavs could use a plug-and place guy in this scenario especially with the skill set he brings but I’d be shocked if they don’t go Wing I understand that you may go best player available if someone slips there’s a hundred different reasons to draft the best player available but they have such a hole at wing and there’s not a ton of free agent wings that make sense for this team at the price they could afford so I really hope they go in the wing Direction with this draft pick man yeah I mean I don’t I don’t if if they’re relying on getting the wing they need at the 20th pick in the worst ever NBA draft that that’s that’s like hoping that you’re going to be rescued on a boat at the middle of the night and all you have is a bit lighter and you don’t have a flare or you don’t have a radio or you don’t you just like that’s that’s a lot to ask yeah I mean that’s a lot to ask you’re telling me that there isn’t a better available free agent the list of free agents are it’s incredible well they they could afford they have no cap space hey go over the tax done it before we’re talking about winning a championship and by the way the way Boston has decimated everybody else they’ve played in the playoffs maybe we’re not that far off talk talk talk to them um the best reg real quick I was going through this the other day of like the realistic free agent targets I think that that makes sense for the Cavs at the price is Nick patum that ain’t moving the needle for anybody no that that’s not it either trade that they’re goingon to have to get no you’ve got to make a trade or you’ve got to sign a free agent I agree I agree with that trust me I’m because this is a championship caliber roster and like I I bring up the Dallas Boston thing because B Boston has boat raced everybody they’ve played in the playoffs they’ve lost two games in the playoffs if I’m not mistaken yeah but they still beat the Cavs in five they did but Donovan Mitchell wasn’t on the floor Jared Allen wasn’t on Donovan Mitchell wasn’t on the floor for the last G Jared Allen wasn’t on the floor they didn’t have poor zigas I’m not they you’re right that’s very fair I just think the Cavs are at best a fif team in the East so I I they can’t I I don’t know that I I don’t know that anymore I don’t I mean it looks like the East was Boston and then a bunch of teams oh oh I know I listen you know tell me tell me a New York Knicks Squad they come back if they had been healthy that would have been if the Knicks had been healthy I think it would have been a better series bcks and the way that they play is different like they play hard like they play like defense they got guards that beat you up they beat you up they got Jaylen Brunson they still got Julius Randall who who’s a second all NBA team type caliber player and jannis and beid were both hurt this year so you know I me that’s true there were a lot of pieces it really the the runway for the Celtics to win another championship was huge crazy oh and halberton got hurt in the series too that’s right now they were without porzingis until remember Dall wasn’t Dallas down 20 Dallas was down 20 to Minnesota no that was Denver yeah Denver was down to Minnesota Dallas has lost one in their first two Series in they beat Minnesota game you know what I find you know what’s so crazy is is Kyrie was Bo they neutralized Kyrie is the way is the way that these picks are devalued in the NBA like the number 21 20th pick ain’t worth nothing like it a you can’t even put that with nothing why is that I feel and this is just my opinion that the college game evolving to what it’s become has shredded the importance of the NF NBA draft at least when it comes to American players see it that has been the case I’m not sure it’s because of that but now with the new uh second apron of the luxury tax and right draft picks are going to be more important than ever before they’re going to be more important but are you going to be able to build through the draft like you once could I don’t think you can I mean it depends on your picks and if you hit there’s good players in every draft it’s just a matter of can you identify them like there’s never been a draft even the worst drafts ever have guys who have come out of it but Kobe Alman what’s his track record of identifying them that’s a legitimate question and it’s not great zero and here’s what I don’t like I don’t you know we got to get guys that can play none of this pass cut screen away and we like cuz you’re pass cut screen away and we like you because uh you can uh pass the ball on a weak side that ain’t going to Wi you nothing are you when you watching these NBA finals games when you got Luca at the top of the screen doing what he doing at the top of the key these kids that you’re drafting I mean we taking the Luke Travers of the world and uh Mike I like that graphic that you put up there the last last 20 picks yeah but let me ask you this because I don’t follow it like you do there’s been hits at 21 22 23 like can you give us a list of differen makers that have been 20 or later in the NBA draft over the last five years I mean if you take that graphic Steve Jaylen Johnson’s a really good player for the Hawks he’s he’s a good player I wouldn’t put him in a Difference Maker I mean he was their second or third best player this year but again Mike you we’ve made the point that I think this graphic is is meaningless because how bad this draft see but actually can can I give you a Spin Zone on that real quick okay Spin Zone it and and it could be terrible and we have no idea but because there’s no consensus whatsoever on who the top 20 prospects are literally I’ve talked to three different guys across the league and I’m like who your three favorite and I got is there consensus at the top of the draft at least not even the top five there’s like two Alex saw who’s a guy who averaged we talk about bronnie James averaging Four Points this guy’s going to get drafted first overall probably Alexa he averaged nine points a game in the Australian Basketball League last year what’s happened he’s a defensive guy what the hell’s happened but but to B Point real quick then we get back to to that what the hell’s going on because there’s no consensus whatsoever literally no consensus you could get a guy who thinks the fourth best player in the draft at 17 or 18 in this draft on your board so like there’s a chance if you like a guy more than someone else you could identify someone you think’s a top five Prospect who another team may have as the 3C Prospect one one of my buddies worked out someone and I I can’t say the name but he goes this dude has enough talent to be a number one pick in this draft and his mentals he he’s not a first round pick so like you’re going to find a guy depending on what a team likes and needs that could that could go anywhere so in most years 20 you’re like oh we could probably get someone right out the lottery in this particular year you might get a guy who values a top five pick just because the rest of the draft is so bad but but you got to also you got to also think about it Mike you know there’s other teams that are willing to play their younger guys there’s other teams that are willing to say look you know Oklahoma City Thunder right they started off with all young guys right and by the way in the draft they took um in the draft they took uh your boy uh darus Garland Shay Gil guilders Alexander was taken after him way after wow no he wasn’t yes he was wasn’t he SGA was like three years before bro what round did they take him was a sorry sorry I’m confused that was the college sexting draft sorry Colin yes I think you’re right on that oh yeah it was Colin section draft sorry Colin section draft SGA went three picks after Colin saon wow God oh my God hurt my heart but you know what you could you could nitpick post you know cuz we have the benefit of the results as we can make these discussion we can but that’s his job his job is to you’re you’re right it’s his job but let’s face it a lot of teams also missed yeah yeah um Michael Jordan famously wasn’t the number one pick in his draft the Suns hired LCA Don’s national team coach the year they had the number one pick and took DeAndre over Luka donic which makes no sense whatsoever it makes absolutely sense as good as Trey young is they took Trey young ahead of luuka well Y no Luca was picked first but then they traded him to Dallas that night that’s still a swap terrible tradein morvin Bagley was the second pick in that draft oh and he’s listen oh my God wor all yeah well you know the NBA draft is a weird Beast cuz you can go back to one of the most memorable drafts was the LeBron Carmelo Bosch and they weren’t the top three was what’s his name Darko michic snuck in there for Detroit yeah and everybody when they called his name everybody was like what yeah what who by the way Mike I think you was it you that said like people when I said people have criticized the Caps have taken a court that uh that there was no like if you look at some of the picks between so cororo and five that year between 8 and 12 you had Obie toppen Denny ABIA Adia don’t know who what you say his name Devin vassel and Tyrese halberton all went with I’m not saying it was a good pick I mean what a dis Co how is Kobe Alman still have his job I keep saying it what is happening here he I just keep saying it like trust him to get it right he just keeps showing up the work and they’re like okay cool your ID still works your your scam badge is still working oh by the way 21st in that draft Tyrese Maxi oh my God uh you also had 30 Desmond Bane and 28 Jaden McDaniels oh yeah sorry chalk that up and yeah listen I Isaac I love him to death he’s a by the way you know you know who the the Mr relevant of that draft was who was it Sam hey gez one thing I curl then we’ll switch up my biggest frustration with the Cavs the last really the last two or three years and it’s a cororo and it’s Mo in particular we have an idea of what they can do but they have been pigeon hold into s into such specific RS we’re really not even sure and that that’s on coaching as well like thank you Kobe for better or worse in this draft he missed it wasn’t a good pick with the Coro and Evan Mobley is still TBD his ceiling is we literally have no idea he might be this or he might have way more we just haven’t seen enough uh or he hasn’t been allowed to do enough like they have to see what they have in these guys and if that means you lose an extra regular season game or two because you let Isaac aoro try to initiate offense right now they’re playing with uh with like swimmies in the pool what is enough at what point is enough like on the have Mo argument I keep hearing this he’s young it’s early we haven’t seen enough of him but you saw what he did versus Boston versus what like in the regular season it was a completely different schematic thing he’s had moments where he looks like he will be that unicorn but he’s had way more moments where he looks like he won’t this is it it’s got to happen this year it better happen that’s what I’m saying like it the the kitty pool letting him have floaties he’s too big for the kitty pool at that’s my point like this year and I’m assuming it’s this year it should have been last year like it should have happened IED not saying I’m not giving a pass I’m just saying we are now we can’t change a pass we can only look at the future you have really no idea what Isaac aor could do offensively we have no idea if Evan M’s capable of being a focal point of the offense and you don’t unless you let try let them fail you feel like you have no idea what Isaac aoro can do you think there’s more upsid I’m just saying that he hasn’t been given the chance now I don’t think he has more but we maybe he does and he just hasn’t a chance and if you don’t give him the opportunity to at least what kind of what opportunity how many shots you want him to get I mean more than just stand in the corner and shoot threes like let’s see if he has the ability to initiate offense or if he’s purely not they have never asked him to do more than just that unfair to say like we we absolutely had to have a coaching change and it was a year too late if for I think it was and for no other reason like to me when I look at what Max stru was year to year completely different last year this year and it was because of how we used him and that’s on the coach and and it it can be on the GM if because this question had to be asked before you brought Max in can he do he what he did there if he’s playing in position I think he could no yeah but see that’s that’s not part of the question the question is can maxu Cleveland be maxu Miami because this is a puzzle all these pieces have to intricately fit together and the way he was used he absolutely could not be maxre Miami because we didn’t use him the way he was used in Miami can he be used that way here silly it was we talk about not fitting you tried it out the whole season a 61 62 guard another 61 62 guard and a bench roll guy who is 6’5 at best guarding 69ine Wings yeah that doesn’t work that’s your starting lineup G that’s why I said they got to draft a wing that that’s my point and they gave him a bag of money yeah but if there’s nobody any good Mike you got to add a wing I don’t know that you have to draft a wing you have to add a wing clearly I like the dis Sila kid I think he could play I really do you think he’s a starter in the NBA about what about well he’s just a 74 like what is what is Eed G to be in the NBA I mean he was a dominant College dude he’s better than I think he gets credit for because he’s annoying and he’s just Giant and he annoying I’ll dra he says he can shoot I have no idea he can I listen I’m not these these other I don’t think he’ll be there at 20 I don’t either I think there a smoke there’s a chance he’s a lottery pick like there’s a chance some two time Collegiate player of the year and the worst draft ever why notest a two-time Collegiate player of the year has ever been drafted give me a second I see if I can find that I know that is very specific I ask Mike some of the craziest questions and he always comes up with the answer I I think is a Mecca Oker from Yukon a two-time player of the year and he had no offensive game no I don’t think he won it twice did he Mike by the way the look that I got a bizar the list of guys that have won it twice is going to be very small zero almost I got a bizarre stat for you that I heard today I found it bizarre maybe because I started my career in Upstate New York and like Syracuse basketball was so big do you I guess they haven’t I know they haven’t been as good lately but I think a Syracuse basketball traditionally is a Powerhouse program right yeah now since beheim left yeah I don’t but how about this there’s some I don’t even know his name I can’t even think of the name but there’s somebody in the finals some backup player that is playing in the finals that went to Syracuse I can’t even think of who it is but uh he was the first Syracuse player to play in the NBA finals in in like 45 years I would never have guessed that wow they has now beheim plays a ve he played a very specific system he had a lot of players that were better college players than Pro and you know what Hurley might be doing the same thing at you maybe yeah oh by the way can I get my love for Hurley where’s the Hurley can I get the confetti to come down I told you that they should be looking at Hurley and I told you that I love his systems in his sets and I told you that listen it’s a terrible uh I don’t think it’s going to transition to the NBA at all I love it I love it in in the college game I don’t think it’s going to they’re not looking at the Cavs are not looking at but the Cavs should be looking at him that’s my my thought process the Lakers would I I’m sure the Cavs would Jay I got your answer by the way the lowest a two-time national player of the year has ever been drafted was in 2021 when Luca Garza went 52nd overall wow I forgot about him I forgot about I toally I totally yeah he’s now on Minnesota um and there has been a couple more but the most recent one was Garza before that was Jay Williams before Jay Williams you got to go back to Michael Jordan so it very infrequently happens once very in because typically if they’re that good they’re they’re out exactly you remember who got drafted before Michael Jordan yes it was um no it was the guy that broke his leg Yeah Sam Buie s b Buie was first and then Sam bu was second but so don’t say incorrect by the way was first in that draft oh was second right but Sam buy was nice in college though like he was nice he was he was E’s nice yes all right guys we got one last topic one last read that we got to get to or else we don’t get paid today and we want to get paid today so let me get this read and then we got our last topic of the day eBay Motors is a sponsor of the ultimate Cleveland sports show passion drive and patience that’s the formula for winning championships it’s also what keeps you ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home some big time wins keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay’s guaranteed fit is only available to us customers guys we have you three on the panel Jay you have a TV background G you’re the king of the internet boy you come from a radio background so I’m curious and I’ve been saving this topic for you three in particular how does the coverage of the Browns compared to the coverage of the Cavs and the Guardians in the city and why do you think it’s so different you know it’s funny um I I just brought this up recently Mike I don’t know if that’s why you brought this I had this actually on my list of top and then you brought it up and then I was saving it to go into more depth with you guys now when we talk we’re talking in generalities it’s not every specific person in town There’s a couple of different angles of this I think by and large by media and fans in this town the Browns get a pass for almost everything the Cavs get a get almost no pass and the Guardians get no pass whatsoever none but but the the Cavs don’t really either more than the guardians but they don’t really get anything the Browns going a pass for everything the Browns have by far been the worst of the three organizations until recently and yet they are given way more benefit of the doubt than the other two organizations it’s always been stunning to me um but in the end that’s because by and large there are many more people passionate about football and specifically the Browns than they are about the other two sports I didn’t mean to interrupt look at the number of people yeah that are assigned the Browns beat yeah and you can add the number of people that are assigned to the Cavs and the Guardians beat double it yeah triple it yeah and you still won’t have the number of daily beat reporters that cover the Browns in fact outside of Chris Fedor I don’t even can’t name another Cavs beat reporter is there anybody else not a beat reporter Jason’s on the beat right but he’s not but he’s not everyday travel with the team beat reporter right but just specifically beat reporter Chris is the only traveling Cav be for the Guardians you have Mandy Bell Guardians four Paul HS yeah is um does the Beacon Journal have it every day I think they do Chris ausen Heimer but I don’t think he goes on the road though I don’t know I he does either I’m not sure but to your point you’re you’re absolutely right yeah I and I it interesting I have two perspectives on this and you kind of do twoo um I’ve lived half of my life here right and I’ve lived half of my life outside of Ohio right and so what I learned about the way the media covers the Browns after I moved away is exactly what you just described kid gloves with the Browns and I’m going to explain why I think that’s the case and the other two teams do not get the benefit of the doubt particularly the Guardians I that they’re the ones I can’t figure out they’re the ones that have had obviously the Cavs are the only ones that won a championship but if we’re going to say which team over the last 30 years has had more success it’s easily the Indians right they’ve lost two World Series both game sevens both Extra Innings they’ve made it to the playoffs countless times they are the most decorated team over the last 30 years yeah even though the Cavs have the championship right what what I can’t understand is when the media tends to pay attention to them it’s for negative stuff often yes and a lot of the positive stuff is overlooked and and I don’t get it cuz they hate the owner probably which I don’t think is fair because even though I don’t love the way he operates you can’t op you can’t argue with the results he’s been relevant and that’s what you want out of your team you want them to be relevant now I want him to spend money and he’s done it on the cheap but what he’s done with what he has spent is nothing short of a miracle all that being said the reason the Browns reporters in my view go easy at the Browns is because it’s the one thing in town that all sports fans care about we care about it year round and it is a click it is a click based society now we know that when we put headlines up DeShawn Watson expected to do something no Browns quarterback has ever done before people could be like what the hell’s that they’re going to click right if I put on there DeShawn Watson to return from shoulder injury in September nobody gives a [ __ ] about that right but if you if you write it the way I initially put it out there and so what the media has learned it’s like Pavlov’s dogs when the bell sounds the dog comes to eat the what the reporters of this generation have learned is if I’m nice to the Browns people are going to click on my stuff that’s right if I’m positive people are going to click will sell their soul for that type of stuff unfortunately but I feel like so I’ll give you the internet perspective the internet perspective is different there are people in this town who have made a living killing the Browns when the Browns aren’t relevant and they’re 1 and 15 and 1 16 on the internet the rants are what get clicks right but what else did you see but I’ve heard that a lot I’ve heard that a lot there’s people that are constantly but the Browns were so bad for so long how positive could you be right exactly well I I can understand it I think the reason why it it gets the magnifying glass is sometimes we forget football was started right down the street in can it’s the birthplace it is the Hall of Fame is there it’s the epicenter everybody knows what this the state of Ohio is football like so when you got something that big and you have a team in the Cleveland Browns who have the greatest player ever Jim Brown they have the greatest coach ever Paul Brown they got one of the most story programs and franchises of all time right you’re in the hot bed we just don’t see it because we’re not good and we haven’t traditionally been good but I name me a place anywhere in the World Bernie Kar is not in a Hall of Fame but he get recognized like one yeah see what I’m saying like I don’t know no other place in the world like Ken O’Brien can’t be a he’s not going up to people in New York getting drinks Bernie Kar is a legend it only happens in this little I I think in other markets similar to Cleveland not like this it would happen but I I don’t know not like this New York’s not a good comparison it’s two biger City we have been doing this forever and guess what people still come back it’s in their blood it just is what it is it’s a long I mean this could be a long conversation I mean part of the issue is that we are now in in in sports talk whether it’s on the internet YouTube Radio it all hits the internet that’s the one thing it all has in common yes and and the younger people in the business by and large don’t know baseball no we’re seeing more and more of that so when I came up in New York everybody at the fan in New York could talk baseball because in New York you have to be able to talk Way New York baseball is what Cleveland football is right now I any moment on any day when I was in New York I could talk Mets Yankees Jess Giants those four teams I could talk about anytime yeah anytime it didn’t matter and then the Knicks after that but you could talk College you could talk college basketball too not really I mean college basketball was huge in the north well when I was I mean when I was a kid but not when I when I was on the fan right before coming here we didn’t talk I mean we talk college basketball a little but not that much but New York’s a baseball town but you had to know baseball to work in New York you don’t have to know baseball to work here and so we have a lot of members of the media that know nothing about baseball and then they jump in which is fine and you know listen um the one thing I’ll say is and and I appreciate this I I there’s two types of of um when it comes to covering baseball there’s a lot of people in this town that don’t know baseball but there’s in that group there’s two camps there’s people uh like tyus for example he’s not a big baseball guy but he tries sure right like he watches the games he’s into it and he’s making an effort but that’s in the minority a lot of the people in this town that don’t know baseball as well they don’t care they’re not even trying and what’s interesting to me is that the market has tolerated it yeah otherwise those people would have been run out where if you go into New York and you try talking baseball you’ll be exposed in one day yeah if you don’t know it and then you’re gone now yeah now the thing you can get away with in New York that I learned when I you know that you can’t get away with here as much believe it or not is in New York you don’t have to know anything outside of New York because you’re you could talk you could talk National stuff in like big football games maybe with football a little bit you don’t have to know teams in other markets although the baseball guys in New York can go deep on the Dodgers the Giants I mean when you listen to Russo talk baseball and I don’t know where you are talked to you about Chris he’s one of my favorite baseball voices ever yeah no doubt I think he’s become like a lot of the older guys very crogen Le in his old days he is a kogin now but he knows every team in baseball he knows them inside and out but the problem with guys like him sometimes is he knows the other teams better from like 10 20 years ago that he’s not in the minutia of The rosters on the other teams now he is but not like he used to be like he used to he still goes on MLB and talks he can get deep into not like once upon and you talk when you bring up the history of the game when he wrote his book he came on C Pizza to talk about he goes where you from I said I’m from Cleveland goes all right tell me the best players ever play in Cleveland and I rattled off 20 him he’s like all right you’re a baseball fan yeah right he knows it ins the history he could tell you a story about any baseball team from the 50s the 40s the 60s yes it’s crazy but it you know whereas and you just can’t like we it’s harder to have a conversation about the Guardians if you’re doing a radio show and your partner doesn’t know baseball it’s hard to do that it makes it challenging fortunately on this show we have a good balance of guy like but even on this show we have everybody on this show can talk really well about football sure and then when it comes to baseball and basketball some of us are stronger in basketball some of us are stronger in baseball I admit it I don’t know basketball as well I try even though I make fun of the regular season I try but I don’t know the other teams that well in basketball whereas baseball I’m a lunatic I know every player on every team do you are a lunatic crazy basketball has has fallen to the Wayside a little bit like I you know I was going to do a a video and it talks about how like as you get older as I get older yeah there is a less and less a of a population that grows up in schools that play anything right baseball is diminishing like what do you mean by that what so there’s a study that there’s a study that that shows that um Les kids are playing enrollment in football is down almost 25% because it can we’ve talked about on the show how I wouldn’t even know where to sign the kid up for baseball that’s sad yeah like between the ages of it’s still pretty strong in certain communities certain communities right but not it but not like it was in the 50s and 60s it was a way of life basball overall basketball has become an El leaders like basketball to me is almost like field hockey and Lacrosse like if you ain’t 6 foot two in sixth grade yeah you’re done you’re done ain’t nobody playing pickup games there’s no youth it’s an El I will say this about baseball Jay and you’ll appreciate this this is only the town I live in I can’t speak for other towns but a Rocky River Little League had been trending in the wrong direction we’ve been getting less and less people this year now we have new leadership our uh we you know our our new uh commissioner of the league is around my age which is good you know so we got younger I’m I’m hearing good things about Rocky River little leag and not not because people know I know you but you’re right about that it’s about the people in charge are you still passionate about making it relevant and our third and fourth grade League this year increased from eight teams to 10 so that was good and how about this so myself so there a g guy name we we did a video here in the studio you weren’t here that day after our show we recorded something for the kids yeah I was here when they came in oh yeah you were that’s right so we recorded a video cuz cuz this guy George hin who was one of the guys was here he had this idea about because little league for us ends the middle of July yeah and he was like well there’s a lot of kids that love playing baseball they want to play more so he decided to start a fall well we’re calling it fall but it’s really mid July to the end of September mostly late late summer anyway it’s called fall through the wreck league but it’s it’s fall it’s fall ball and most of the kids playing play little league and a lot of the coach so I got involved and a couple other coaches what’s the interest it went through the roof so the original plan was to have the first year four teams in the majors which is kids that are about to start sixth and seventh grade and four teams and the minors which is kids that are starting uh to do third going into fourth and fifth grade right uh two weeks before the deadline we were short in both leagues and then we started getting the word out and it’s Gone Bananas we’ve now filled those teams over we’ve had to expand to six teams in each division we could go to eight teams we just don’t right now have enough managers yet but for next year we will expend do you have a relationship with the high school coach at Rocky Riv we do absolutely in fact the guy in fact George who’s like our commissioner uh he just texted me a text an exchange between him and the high school coach and they are involved and Rocky River baseball had its best season ever this year I noticed they had a good year so bull I saw this in Florida I’ve seen it in Ohio and New Jersey where I was very involved with Corey in wreck right Little League uh I mean travel and then High School right the communities where baseball is thriving and doing the best is a community where the high school Coach Works hand and glove with the little league coaches i’ heard it was a problem finally changed this year I played a game two weeks ago over in Rocky River oh what oh West it was actually not Rocky River it’s uh Fairview Park Fairview Park was it Lutheran West I don’t know what it’s called there was a little leag field right next to it there was a game going on there we were playing on it’s over there by uh Target okay the Target store yeah I mean our little league is pretty close to the Target and the uh there was a travel game going on and some guys had come over and they were watching watching our game and we were talking and and I started asking them more questions than they were asking us they origin what age group is this where is it from and then I was curious about their game and what I found was and this is when I heard good things about the Rocky River Little League I said how was baseball on the west side and they said it’s really it’s thriving Rocky River doing great things with their little league yeah like okay so it’s being noticed by and the team was from Ohio city and I think Lakewood okay were the two teams that were playing they were they were travel teams but all their kids play travel has finally made peace with little league now which is good well they have to they have to they all working we had the high school coach and the high school team at opening day for literally for the first time ever so it’s good and I and I was in charge of the All-Star Game and we’re doing the four All-Star gam so it’s this Saturday is our All-Star we’re doing we’re playing third and fifth grade games at 9:00 a.m. we’re playing the fourth and sixth grade games at noon we’re having a fastest pitch contest fastest around the bases for the third and fourth graders and then for our fifth and sixth grade kids we’re having a home run derby at the Major League field tell you do what you want on the fastest pitch I would just tell you from experience I’ve seen kids suffer injuries trying to hitar very care they got to be loose they can’t just come up there cold and throw a pitch and you still might see an injury right we’re out of time we went over today but we every once in a while day we appreciate y we’ll see youall Monday enjoy your weekend peace peace peace peace yes [Music] oh

The Cleveland Guardians bats and defense went MIA in the series finale against the Kansas City Royals, ending the series in a 1-1 split.

What did we learn about the Guards in the two game set against the 2nd best team in the AL Central?

How many Cleveland Browns would start on an All-AFC North defense? Myles Garrett and Denzel Ward are locks, but who else would make the starting 11?

The Cleveland Cavaliers have the 20th pick in the upcoming NBA Draft. Is there any scenario in the world where the Cavs don’t take a wing with that pick?

Plus, why do the Browns get covered so differently in this town than the Cavs and the Guardians?

We’re on WKYC/WKYC+ from 12:30-1 today!


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  1. Talking Cavs with this particular crew is pointless. Difference makers not in the top 20? Lmfao look across the entire league Jay. Get a clue.

    Jimmy butler, gobert, jokic, Derrick white just top of my head

    Just in last five years you have Brunson, gafford starter for wc champs.
    Maxey, Desmond bane, herb jones all defensive team, walker Kessler, All 20 or later.

  2. Jay: Just sign expensive free agents!

    Mikey: well they’re over the cap

    Jay : go into the luxury tax

    Mikey this is not serious nba talk. When people say nonsensical stuff even if they’re older than you please stop the discussion and explain why they make ZERO sense and clearly don’t know the CBA. It’s honestly embarrassing how little they know about how roster building works and the constraints.

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