@Boston Celtics

Why Stephen A. believes Game 2️⃣ is MUST-WIN for the Mavericks | First Take

Why Stephen A. believes Game 2️⃣ is MUST-WIN for the Mavericks | First Take

perk tell me this sir who wins game two Mavs or Celtics and Boston’s home floor oh Boston win I can answer that quickly Boston wins game two uh Jason tayum would not go six for 16 again he will come out and he will perform in great fashion jayen Brown he he has no plan on slowing down he’s going to continue to elevate his game and again in this series role players are going to play better at home this is why I picked the Celtics to win this in seven and look they understand what’s exate they know that they have been sloppy throughout the this postseason for us dropping game twoos at home and they’re going to correct that that’s why we saw last series in the Eastern Conference Finals they smoked the Indiana Pacers look that crowd is going to continue to be hostile it might even be more energy after what Kyrie said in his postgame interview Christoper zing he got one game under his belt go see how he feel he’s going to get iced up and getting the cold Tu get the right treatment right now what the Celtics are doing the way this home the way these fans have embraced this this them being back in the finals this is a tough environment for any team to win I’m not expecting them to blow them out I think it will be close but at the end of the day they will be heading to Dallas for a game three on Tuesday with the Celtics being up two Z I agree per two two main points there they learned their lesson as far as game two went when they had the Pacers series and Jason Tatum talked about that he said I know we haven’t played very well in game two we wanted to show that we can perform in game two they did that in this that series they got a big win in game two after game one was close I think this is opposite fashion big winning game one I think game two will be a lot closer but I do still have Boston getting the win I think the Mavs have too many questions that need to be answered that can’t be answered in just one game and I think the Mavs need to go home I’m going to say that the Mavs are going to win this series but that’s also with the hope that my pick is correct because I don’t think they have a snowballs chance in hell of beating Dallas I mean beating Boston four out of five if they lose game two and they fall2 going to win the series no yeah I picked them to win the series remember so you’re picking them to win the game that’s the only way they win exactly because I don’t believe coming down 02 they’ll come back exactly how could I be confident after that ass kicking they got last night I can’t be confident after that with por zigas and what I saw I mean I didn’t notice well you’re telling me Stephen A is it’s a must win essentially I believe so because listen I did not I’m not alone in this I did not this at the beginning of season before the season began I picked Boston to win the championship porzingis goes down I don’t expect him to be back let alone looking like that yeah he showed up I I couldn’t believe it I I’m sitting at the fans are looking at me we told you stepen I mean I couldn’t believe that the brother shooting chut pulling up from three sitting there posting up turn around jump shots blocking shots I’m like what the hell he looks healthy yeah I I couldn’t believe that I saw that because I wouldn’t have given Dallas a chance to win the series now you got a situation I’m still believing it’s still possible he can get himself hurt it depends on whether or not you make a run or not but in the end here’s the bottom line Dallas is one and three in game ones in the playoffs they’re three and0 in game twos in this postseason they haven’t lost two games in a row in the postseason thus far so let’s see if they’re going to hold down the fourth just go round I just think the Celtics are a little bit different than the other however I don’t know if the Mavs believed Kristof porzingis was going to look that good and that’s why they kept going to him over and over again and challenging him at The Rim I’m like the definition of insanity doing something over and over again and expecting a different result that is what insanity is and the Mavs it seemed to me like they were like oh no he’s not actually back let’s go at him at The Rim again let me go at him at The Rim again let me trying to go over the top of Chris Stop’s Pingus again and he showed him time and time again no I’m back and I feel good yeah I I didn’t expect it at all take us home I’m going to Commercial and you you know what else is key that christop zingas in the Boston Celtics they do so well because at times teams love to switch pick and roles this is the day that this is the new NBA this is what we live in right this is the world we live in they do an excellent job of making sure that they utilize christop porzingis and take advantage of those post-ups it could be at the nail it could be at the low block wherever he have the mismatch at they’re going to give him the damn ball that’s why he led the entire league even over joic in post-ups in post-ups and he’s efficient because he could just turn turn around and shoot right up over is nothing you could do he’s 73 73 nothing you could do tell he was just chopping at the bit to get out there and play again my whole my whole deal is I’m thinking porzingis can’t last after that injury if he lasts and he’s on the court yeah I can’t see what Dallas can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

Why Stephen A. believes Game 2️⃣ is MUST-WIN for the Mavericks | First Take
On First Take, Stephen A. Smith, Kendrick Perkins and Andraya Carter join Molly Qerim to look ahead to Game 2 of the 2024 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and Dallas Mavericks.
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  1. Whoever didn't win the last game is a must-win the next game. The same old flip-flop trope is getting old.

  2. Why y’all think Kristal’s been smirking he prolly been able to play since Indy just got that extra rest

  3. When the Celtics shoot more than 33.3% from 3 or better they are 67-7 this season including 11-1 in the playoffs.

  4. please can one of yall being consistent with a pick. how do you get all of this out of one game. if the mavs blow out the celtics in game two like the cavs did then what. over analyzing the celtics way too much.

  5. Perk has the Celtics going up 2-0 but also has the series going 7. I wonder what his logic is there, I'm not saying he's wrong, it can technically happen but I feel like the Celtics would win in fewer than 7 games if they go up 2-0

  6. Y’all keep saying Tatum not gonna play this bad again. But porzingis ain’t scoring 20pts in 20mins again. That was the last time. lol he might twist his ankle in game 2 n we won’t see him again til next years nba finals.

  7. Perk is a clown, I fast forward him talking. Stephan A owe kp an apology, he was smiling in the press conference and stephan A got on him.

  8. KP could have started games 3 n 4 of last series, they held him back because they didn't Need him to play sore or at less than 100%

  9. the media shouldve known the celtics are gonna win this series , they have 5 players who can go get you 20 dallas only have 2, kyrie has had games in this playoffs just like last night so has tatum but tatum has brown holiday white and kp dallas only has luka who is a bad man but need others to step up who wont because the lights are too bright and they are overmatched

  10. It ain't over until the Celtics get that 4th win,anyone pretending like Kyrie and Luka ain't gonna put up a fight are delusional.

  11. People always go in panic mode after the first 2 games like it's over and not a 7 game series. They did the same thing every round except the last one when the mavs lost the 1st game smh.

  12. They kept making the same mistakes since the start of the playoffs, somehow Tatum can't have a bad game again but Irving and the rest of the Mavs will suck for game 2? The Mavs are coming out with everything and you can't trust Porzingis to keep the same level for the remainder of the series.

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