@Boston Celtics

“Dominant!” – Rich Eisen on the Celtics’ GM1 NBA Finals Rout of the Mavericks | The Rich Eisen Show

“Dominant!” – Rich Eisen on the Celtics’ GM1 NBA Finals Rout of the Mavericks | The Rich Eisen Show

hey man uh game one for the Celtics couldn’t have gone any better than that I mean with the exception of of getting a little bit of a throat tightening in the third quarter with a 29-point game whittel down to an eight-point game I wonder what you were doing at that moment I can run it down for you so I played a little golf yesterday so I recorded the game oh so I assume tape no no but it’s all good I had everything muted uh so I started watching at around 6:15 so that’s 9 15 for pretty much most of America cage and Sarah were at Disneyland because his school was randomly closed oh my God so it was just me and the dog did you take your shirt off oh I was definitely shirtless I had my green Celtic shorts on cuz I had to take a shower post golf why was that the first thing you that’s how he walks around his house I’m I’m sure it was most of seriously the man the man the man is from New England he’s spent time in Alaska he’s all over the place but the way he walks around his house is full Florida man I Florida man in me so figure like the Celtics are on he’s gotten around the golf no one’s home he has successfully kept the sports blackout completely I was oh everything was going great I shot 80 yesterday so anyway so we’re uh we’re just making shots porzingis is going nuts I am screaming so loud at my house my neighbors thought I was probably murdering someone named Dallas okay you know what I mean look at him I am just like fourl 12l bombs are going nuts I’m just so the commercial spping through commercials and free throws I finally get caught up at halftime oh you did okay yeah so I caught up right right right around the start of the third quarter and then you know Dallas comes out hot that’s when the cooler the Cel I know I I I go live and we start sucking I was wondering where did that run come from now you and I have the answer TJ Dallas starts doing their thing the Celtics do their thing when they come out cold to start the third quarter a little few extra turnovers the threes aren’t dropping and I I got to say honestly it’s it’s 7264 and I’m kind of like oh no now you got to play some more golf Dallas starts making some open threes here we got a game right quick and then 140 run and that was pretty much that that was that couldn’t have asked for a better start from porzingis how about uh Joe moula having him come off the bench that was a a Nifty little uh wrinkle I just kind of kind I mean who the hell expected that like he’s back and let’s go for it instead they bring him off the bench and he scores 18 of his 20 in the first half and he was just dominant dominant you know and and and the big men for Dallas disappeared you know also disappeared was Kyrie I mean the the perimeter defense on on him even when he was getting his open looks he was missing him but he couldn’t finish at The Rim either jayen Brown my God is there a part of his game that isn’t two-way stupendous I mean he is unbelievable and he gets that huge deal in the off season we’re like man is this guy really worth it yep worth every Penny he was awesome last night and I I’ll I’ll keep repeating what I’ve said about Jaylen Brown who did lead the Celtics pardon me with 22 points last night he had six rebounds three Steals and three blocks uh protection was amazing had four five block stupendous stupendous and um and so yeah you know the the Mavericks were smothered I mean for the radio audience we have on the screen right here one single assist for Luca dungeon one single assist just nine assists in the game for Dallas but uh I’ll keep repeating what I’m I’m repeating for Jaylen Brown when you get paid what he got paid and few people in your you know in the fan base believe that you need to play up to that oh few people in the fan base believe you deserve it be honest the high like the super of the the superest of the supermax to of the top the Maxi of the supermax the Super Maxi contract ever and I don’t know how many people in in NBA circles thought Jaylen Brown would be the first to receive it and the Market’s the market we say that for the NFL too but to receive this contract in the Northeast in that aella Amtrak Corridor where you know longtime listeners and first time carers reside and lurk and 247 365 chitter chatter non-stop non and to perform the way he has performed in his first year his contract and to perform the way he’s performed in these playoffs and to perform the way that he performed in game one of the NBA finals last night it truly needs to be remarked upon and and and and Jason Tatum should thank his Stars he’s there because if he wasn’t there it would all be on Zero’s shoulders and I don’t know if the Celtics would be where they are that’s a fact and zero would be getting killed today nationally for you know didn’t shoot great but he did kind of everything else well five assists high in the game 11 rebounds is kind of what he’s been doing but you know the scoring wasn’t there did hit a big three after they cut it to eight you know Tatum did hit the three to kind of get that run going I just think though what we’re what we saw in game one and again you don’t treat the NBA Playoffs like it’s the NFL where every game is now a cemented narrative for just to discuss and believe in for the rest of the campaign um and game two can absolutely switch and we could be talking about another Celtic game two if you will let down yep I mean haven’t they lost game two one of their two losses in these playoffs both both of the losses game so and Dallas look they missed a lot of open threes last night I expect some more of those to go in it’s going to be a lot closer toally totally but this is what the Celtics I mean when they draw it up it’s not Tatum scoring 40 and the rest of them just watching right it’s not it’s not anything like that it’s what we saw it’s just make your threes play smothering defense don’t turn it over if the Celtics do that this things are w i i I fully believe it certainly way por zis is playing they’re at full strength so that is H that’s the way they draw it up that’s the way Brad Stevens draws it up that’s the way Joe Missoula draws it up doubt it’s not like Tatum just being the Superstar and everyone else just fills in uh that’s not their that’s not the I mean can they win a game like that absolutely of course might they win a game like that maybe I don’t know but that’s the way they do it right there where Kyrie can’t get a shot I mean I I knew the Mavericks were absolutely in trouble when he’s one of the greatest finishers like all in the same way when that someone like DeAndre Hopkins gets close to the sideline and you’re wondering did he get his feet in of course he did like literally 99 times out of 100 he did right when Kyrie gets within like 2 three feet of the rim he’s going to finish not last night he couldn’t he couldn’t he couldn’t finish he couldn’t start he couldn’t get anywhere and and Jaylen Brown was absolutely everywhere so congrats to the Celtics they got it done in game one catch the rich eyes and show every single day on the Roku Channel 12 to3 Eastern for free

Rich Eisen reacts to the Boston Celtics’ rout of the Dallas Mavericks in Game 1 of the NBA Finals.

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  1. The lead getting cut to eight then going back up to twenty after the timeout… a championship type shift

  2. I’m ashamed of you Brockman! How tf could you be playing golf when THE NBA FINALS ARE ON?!? What happened to the basketball pod? Casual fan

  3. I have no dog in this fight, But everyone is praising the celtics like they just won the NBA championship, I thought you had to win four games for that🤣🤣🤣🤣 You guys are in for a rude awakening

  4. Thanks for talking posotive about the celtics. I'm so sick of all the negative celtics aren't that good non sence

  5. Idk what you’re talking about rich. No die hard fans in Boston ever questioned giving Jaylen his money. That man has been the hardest worker in the franchise since he arrived in Boston. casuals and non Celtics fans have tried to break up the jays but ain’t no way in hell we were ever letting him go

  6. Exactly why this 2024 team would beat the 2008 celts team , this team has 5-6 players that could drop 25-35 pts on any night, 08 team was Pierce & KG dominant with Allen trickling in 12-18 per night

  7. Everyone ignoring 6 turn overs by Tatum, which was his gremlin in 2022 finals. Brown is going to be the real hero if the C's win the chip!

  8. Glad SOMEBODY is willing to praise Jaylen Brown! What is it that people have about him? He's intelligent; he's a learner; he's socially conscious and willing to speak (Hey! Maybe THAT'S the reason they diss him!) He's mature beyond his years, active in his community, and overall just seems to be a fine human being. And he stays quiet about all I just said.

  9. Rich and his "NFL Intell wrong again!!! Darnold will not be starter in Minnesota as he said over and over again……

  10. These parents taking their kids 4-8 times a year because yall can’t stay home.
    Get a hobbie
    Ride a bike
    Head to beach
    Play outside.

    Everyone goes to Disneyland to pay for treats and standing in lines

  11. Smh.. The goal is to win the game and become a champion. Stats are for that Inseason tournament mess. Dennis Rodman would've had only 3 points. Fit in. The game is not about scoring only.

  12. Kyrie is 0 for his last 11 games vs the Celtics.

    Luka is 0 for his last 5 games vs the Celtics.

    Mazzulla is 5-0 coaching vs the Mavs.

  13. Celtics played great, but it’s only one game. Porzingis played the best game of his career, not sure if he’ll do that again. Dallas looked bad in gm 1 of their first 2 series, but bounced back so I’m not crowning Boston just yet.

  14. Crazy… started the game standing up, laid down at half time, Mavs run came, coach called TO… my butt didn’t touch a seat again until 4mins left in the game… I thought it was MY fault.

  15. Idk about "dominant ".. Celtics pretty much won the game in the 1st Q. It was 69-70 in 2nd, 3rd & 4th. Both teams have places to improve. Especially Kyrie. I have to believe that Bostonians put a curse on Ky. 11 losses consecutively is something mental. Obviously even Kyrie doesn't know what it is.. Still, i expect the Mavs to shoot more 3's & Luka to score somewhere in the 40's.

  16. This is how the Mavs like to start their series, until they're down they have no fight… Mavs in 7… 🎉, giving the Celtics their respect nevertheless, they've been great all season

  17. I think the biggest advantage the Celtics have is the scoring depth to actually be able to attack Luka and Kyrie and actually make them have to work on the defensive end. There were many times in the OKC and Minnesota series where one or both got to just stand around on the defensive end and let other people do the defending.

  18. Boston missed a lot of "open" threes in the third quarter; it wasn't so much Dallas' defense. stop it with the b.s. and acting as though if Dallas would've won…IF. If Tatum, White, Pritchard shoot better, then guess what? who on Dallas can guard Tatum/Brown/ Porzingas? or y'all acting as though Porzingas didn't average 20 points per game this season. he led the team in scoring on several occasions this season. when Boston plays their game Dallas is going to lose. Lastly, I wish all of you NBA pundits would stop saying Luka is the best player. he's the best offensive player in the league, but can't a friggin' ant. the best player plays on both sides of the ball.

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