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Lil Wayne reacts to Celtics win vs. Mavs in Game 1 & Lakers visit with Dan Hurley | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Lil Wayne reacts to Celtics win vs. Mavs in Game 1 & Lakers visit with Dan Hurley | NBA | UNDISPUTED

we have a goat in the house no porzingis isn’t here that’s not what’s happening L Wayne is as always on Fridays at 11:30 Eastern good morning to you it’s good but the question is is it time to say good night to the Mavericks cuz this man’s already celebrating he’s smoking his Victory Cigar this he’s got his tucks on he won’t go so far as to say sweep he’s saying gentleman sweep but whatever got this like me you know I got you yeah all right what did you see last night uh overwhelmed Kyrie I saw just Kyrie overwhelmed overwhelmed yeah I just seen overwhelmed by the moment I think and I mean what I mean by that is he was overprepared for it yeah I think he was too prepared for the moment you know just I think he was awaiting thing that things that didn’t come and when you know you’re prepared for something that isn’t there now what so you think the fans were nicer to him than he anticipated I think that it I think that it never was even about the fans and that it ended up being about the fans to you know mentally and when he got out there obviously it was not about it was about the game was going was going on on on the court and also I think that uh we I heard throughout the week how everybody be saying that um Kyrie he’s kind of the the heart of the team and as they go as he go and he’s not as they go as Luka go so it kind of last night kind of was a perfect example of that you ever seen play a worse playoff game yeah we just saw I mean OKC OKC he had nine points in the game oh no but he just wasn’t shooting I’ve seen Kyrie play worse than that in the playoff game yet but it was 190 for five it was the assist it was the assist I thought he could have cuz you know even when he don’t when he don’t put up that many points on the board he still contribute and last night I think he was just a little bit overwhelmed expect him to bounce back um yeah of course that’s Kyrie and LCA man come on man yeah oh no you took Dallas yeah he did yeah I did yeah he did I got a extra seat on the duckboat for you Weezy I got an extra seat on that you know what that is that’s the parade boat I know what talking about I know about I I realize you took Dallas I don’t know why that oh well I took him remember I told you I took him because I said I just remember Luca smiling at me okay all right I was like n they want you didn’t really look at you didn’t really look at everything you just looked at it from a dude smiling at you so you fig man also stop it no man also I felt that I was there to I watched them lose I watched them lose in um Golden State yeah I went and also so I know three years ago they want it you know you know I also know the Celtics been there as well and they wanted as well so I didn’t get to see that like that though yeah but they showed all six of their top dudes showed up last night of course and nobody showed up for the match I know and and I believe I wouldn’t even say all six of us showed up Jason Jason I mean he still did his thing he he he he did everything I think perfect Jason dealing with the jailing he dealing with that jailing effect he trying to trying to embrace the well I think he dealing with that plus all the negativity that he’s thrown his way that pressure that’s why he said he was nervous and I told Paul in in skip the night before the game like he never he didn’t sleep you don’t have to tell me deal Miss shots like Miss shots that come and go like you offer your own the number I look at is the other what else you do on the bu score he rebounded well he was a plus 19 man yeah yeah he was plus 19 but just the only thing I I discredit Jason was the aernal that’s it that’s it the turnovers he had six turnovers that’s a lot and Kean gave him an a because of everything that the dude did everything all around the board all across the board C I get C minus I’m not going to be that I’m not going to be a a harsh dude like everybody else because the Celtics made a decision to anoint him as the top dude in Boston I’m not going to do that let if you take if you took his box scores my kids going to your school exactly if you take his box score and you give his box score to anybody else you sit there and you go outside those turnovers you go man they got a hell of a game because his bar set so hot but they didn’t lose if he lost again because of the turnovers then you got me skip they didn’t lose why didn’t they lose what was the biggest reason they didn’t lose T the the biggest reason they didn’t lose well they porzingis started off and then everybody else just finished it yeah let’s talk about that let’s I want what got to say about foringas man enough said say less how about that how about that that’s what I’m saying that’s for me that’s what tips the scale in this series like gentleman sweet but I’m close to saying say it have the guts you you don’t have the guts because you’re afraid of Luca that’s afraid of Afra I give credit five be afraid and then I saw they had a a segment the other day like yesterday for Luca and it was just said um Luca Sinister smile with a question mark I like that but Luka gotta play both ends of the floor now he can’t just P he can’t I mean uh he can’t back and not defend you going to lose going use up a lot of energy playing defense so you ain’t going to have the necessary legs to do certain things on the offensive end he hand but one thing about Luca though and I know you can agree one thing about Luca give him one game and he going he going to show you going to show and improve in every area but something’s wrong according to skip Lucas his leg his leg his knee is back he came into the league like that that’s what I’m trying to tell him like what’s wrong with his La Luka didn’t look right his back but I but I swear you if they would have won and he had these same box scores we would have never mentioned nothing about a leg nothing about a back nothing about a jaw mention that I skip saying he hurt okay can we boil this down to what really happened last night yeah they boiled it down to his team starts off one for seven from three and they are shaky and they are shaking and they’re not sure about themselves because they’ve lost a bunch of home games in the last three years in the playoffs they and they are hot and cold from three and they live and die by the three and they were dying by the three cuz they had missed five straight on a single possession and they’re looking around like uh oh here we go again it’s happening and this giant dude this unicorn comes off the bench for only the second time in his career and there’s no pressure and there’s no expectation because this is the guy who got rejected by the Knicks and rejected by the Maverick and rejected by the Wizards rejected they said enough enough enough and that guy came in and gave you the opportunity to to bring your Victory Cigar you should have dropped down on your knees last night before you went to bed and say thank God for the Unicorn it was a unicorn game he scores 18 and 13 minutes 18 and 13 minutes and you’re smoking a cigar because of christops porzingis porzingis are you kidding porzingis poor zingus did that that’s all you had the Unicorn stop you don’t get the name unicorn you know unicorn 30 foot3 I said that’s it it’s unicorn is actually don’t a mythical creature it’s a mythical he was a mythical creature he made one three though in the first quarter though skip you making it sound like the dude was N9 n for but what kind of three was it it’s 3 yeah but they but he played both ends of the Court yes but that’s what he was going to do that’s now that but that surprised me though I did not think cuz you hadn’t seen him in a month in a because no no no because he was coming back because seen him I just didn’t think he was going to play defense like that not not the SC Not the scoring no but he’s always been in the mix on the defensive side of the ball I just thought just this game cuz he was just coming back that’s all he 8 feet tall all he got to do is stand there just stand there and you know we you know who I’m a fan you know who on our team I’m used to that happening to big people we going to get to that team that happen to big people so I was a little but when he got up there he took he took homie yeah he tried to dunk him let me get that right jum let me get that you could correct me if I’m wrong skip but I don’t think he’s ever been accused of being a a a paper paper bag right I mean he’s not at all defense not on defense he been solid he I don’t think he’s ever been accused of that not at all not the toughest minded or toughest guy that’s been the knock on him from the start okay and last night I’ve never heard that one oh yeah you I’ve never heard that one me neither I I thought he was always solid to me yeah I heard that about Rudy go somebody I never heard that but Luka just said no to him because he didn’t see the backbone any and they may not work with him I heard it after that you know I heard it after that but then when I when that but that situation was both of them don’t have a back bone so all I know for sure is that Luca and Kyrie got blown out in game one at Clippers and they came right back and one game Toppers at and then what what happened next Okay Oklahoma City they get blown out in game one get blown out and they come right back in game two and said watch this six deep though I’m sorry skip I hate the Celtics they six deep though no you love the Celtics cuz you don’t like Luka you just no it’s not that I don’t like Luka I don’t like what y’all be trying to sell me all right y’all be really trying to sell me this Luke Miss I he’ll sell himself on Sunday night all right okay I’m going bring you back some clam chowder all right good and I’ll swim in it just for you all right up next we got to get this man’s opinion of his very high potential next Lakers coach Dan Hurley that’s you want Hurley to take this job if offered you know I want to take this yeah yeah that’s Howley is yeah definitely yes so definitely man that’s a jersey man come on you know the family the lineage I love I love his brothers brother dad all of it yeah so you think he would work would he work with LeBron yeah it’s about the team man and definitely LeBron love greatness and also I’ve heard BR speak on speak about him as well and uh respect is everything and uh I believe at both of that I mean both of that um The Times They are in their career for Dan Hurley to step into his first NBA um coaching job and get the respect of LeBron James at the point he’s in his career I believe that’s a huge push to go for to move forward okay so you looking for next year or for five years like it I want him for I want him for I want him for I want to leave I mean are are you is your priority to win now or to keep to sort of slowly rebuild for the next I’m a Laker fan skip you’re a Cowboy fan I’m a Laker fan there’s no such thing as a process no process no processes we would we do it to do it do it at all me like what do work actually mean like will he work like Will he win a championship with LeBron and AD like will he good in in developing the future for the Lakers so there’s like when you make this fire it’s like certain things or questions you have to ask and you know I don’t discredit Hurley as a a a brilliant basketball mind it’s just that the program is so much different it’s so much different and you have to gain a respect you have to gain the respect to these guys like like seriously like you come into a locker room as a college coach and you try to put your foot down and you LeBron James and you ad0 and all of that scared scared over there triing scared yeah you scared I said what I had to say about him yesterday but why are you why are you acting as though he doesn’t understand that is different than college basketball he understands that they’re meeting today to get it done they understand that he understands that I understand that hey when you look at the history of college coaches making the leap it hasn’t gone well it hasn’t gone extremely well but a lot of the college coaches that are making the Le but as you know Skip in both but a lot of college coaches that’s making a Le ain’t got no damn LeBron and ad on their team BL okay period the last dude that I can think of that had some Hall of Famers don’t you do it the last dude that I can think of that had Hall of Famers on the team is Billy Donan that made that LE that’s the only but he had Kevin for only he still Hado miles some Hall of Famers he was started with when y’all got Rick patino in Boston you turned into a Hall of Fame fam eventually but you was a rookie you couldn’t even figure out how to drive a car right now all of a sudden 87 bin that’s what I’m saying he inherit he inherited a 87 bins he inherited two Hall of Famers he inherited 87 bins that once they waxed it up and it wind up looking like a brand new one because he gave them 28 this year on average it just ain’t too many more Ms on it they going to have to that’s okay they going to do that have to get a new car they got a new car already sitting in and they got to go get another one we not saying that they going to win a championship this year with just Him and AD no matter what coach you bring in they got to change I just want to know what the goal is like when you bring in a college coach but he’s not a college coach is he he’s a basketball coach that knows how to coach basketball y’all brought in Brad Stevens what how did that work out for y’all so hello how did that work out for y just because I’m great as a let’s not even talk about speak if you’re a great college player that mean you let me ask you that just just no it does not mean that don’t no but here’s what I’m going say though or or you buying into what the coaches are selling as a great player or is it your or is it your physical skill set or your your mentality in your mind that doesn’t allow you to succeed that’s what you got to look at you got to look at that not just am I great college player most college players are good it’s the right situation the right circumstances and surroundings that will take you to the next level right situation for him and the Lakers yes because guess what I don’t know either I don’t know he has nice two championship skins on the wall he has LeBron freaking James that everybody is going to follow he he not going in there with some what a player that they not going to listen to we going until they following LeBron if LeBron signs off on it they going to sign off I’m just trying to figure out what’s their expectation and we got hard in La too n two college coaches oh my we gone we gone tick or tap TI or I’m selling all my season tickets Kean you got to riddle me this answer this question yes so w is reporting that that Dan Hurley was the prime target from day one for the Lakers I believe and yet if that’s true and W says he’s the hottest candidate in all of coaching right now I can believe that the most sought after candidate okay why would you go interview four Dudes and they’re just dudes except for JJ reck not a dude because he’s he’s a guy and why would it be widely reported by every all the plugged in sources why would it be widely reported it was a done deal with JJ Reed did it fall apart happened right the same reason it’s the same way for every other team when they about to get a coach I was about to say that the same what did I tell you a montho same way with every other team I went back back on what I said a month ago because I got all y’all saying he’s putting his staff together we were putting together seriously that’s what they was report reported but I had told you a month ago on this show and in private it ain’t bleeping happening okay but something itive about it but all the best reporters were saying it was happening it’s called if you look at the Lakers in the history of hiring coaches this is what they’ve always done they’ve always interv a bunch of dudes just just guys that’s what they do they’ve always done that to figure out for what due diligence exactly not just dudes those guys were coaches too they were but put it this way it’s happening because the Lakers or public with it happening they’re saying they never said JJ R the Lakers never said JJ reck is in contract negotiations or S can sell any other but you know they were somebody inside was saying he is the guy or would get reported they were looking at it they didn’t they just look you got a source to it you don’t think LeBron wanted JJ Ric but the Lakers ain’t doing this to have on face they not putting this in the public skip for Hurley to say N I don’t want this job they not going down to Mike jesi Road anymore they’re not doing that so this a done deal man it’s so dumb man they gonna get him out here going at the beach don’t let him out of the building as you say they’re you know what they doing right now man they showing him Beverly they’re showing Bair they better showing his wife that she’s with they did all that they doing all that it’s over thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Lil Wayne joins Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson to discuss the latest news in sports including the Boston Celtics win over the Dallas Mavericks in Game 1 of the NBA Finals and the Los Angeles Lakers meeting with UConn HC Dan Hurley.

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Lil Wayne reacts to Celtics win vs. Mavs in Game 1 & Lakers visit with Dan Hurley | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. Skip you can't stand when a BLACK MAN OUTSHINE A WHITE MAN…Why not have the Courage to accept the fact the Celtics are better

  2. Luka was just being a ball hog, didint play any defense. Kyrie was trash not prepared., Weezy was right. Kyrie made it about the fans and the fans were all about the game supporting the Celts

  3. Luka definitely going to have to sell him self sunday after hes been exposed. Poor guy hope he still can make it in Slovenian basketball

  4. Why can't they discuss the Lakers business when the finals are over? Why everything got to involve him and the Lakers…dam shame

  5. Keyshawn is the most unprofessional looking person on tv, dude doesn’t care at all about his appearance, just rolled out of bed and ran to the a near by corner store and grab a shirt and tie and was like yeah!! Let’s go camera ready 🤦‍♂️

  6. Keyshawn is the most unprofessional looking person on tv, dude doesn’t care at all about his appearance, just rolled out of bed and ran to the a near by corner store and grab a shirt and tie and was like yeah!! Let’s go camera ready 🤦‍♂️

  7. Wayne's on to something 🤔 Being that Kyrie is the teams engine.. Kyrie looked kinda overwhelmed 😳 being back in Boston no matter what he says..He couldn't get started so the team couldn't run..if the team is looking up to Kyrie and he looks scared 😱 the rest of the team going to play scared.. Kyrie gotta shake that Boston shh off..

  8. Unless the Lakers change their roster I don't care what coach they get, they will lose again. The Lakers need a roster change more than a new head coach, there are too many good teams in the western conference. Besides the Lakers two stars the supporting cast is garbage 🗑️😞

  9. Skip is truly a very hard person to live sometimes the way he changes people names, or how he tries to diminish someone career to make a point. Porzingis was rejected😂😂

  10. pressure for kyrie and luka tried to hard. if luka shared just a bit more ehen he’s off. maybe different story. have to find the HOT hand in one of the player with trust

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