@Los Angeles Lakers

[Jeff Goodman] Dan Hurley is going into today’s meeting with Lakers “completely open-minded” and the plan is that he will fly back home and mull the decision over the weekend, source told @TheFieldOf68.

[Jeff Goodman] Dan Hurley is going into today’s meeting with Lakers “completely open-minded” and the plan is that he will fly back home and mull the decision over the weekend, source told @TheFieldOf68.

by shreeharis


  1. Eric_T_Meraki

    Watch UConn students do a candle light vigil at his home like how it was done for Coach K to get him to stay. They really needed to seal the deal before he got on the plane back to Connecticut.

  2. slicknick2k

    Damn doubt we get this done then. Just being used as leveraged per usual

  3. Bahamut727

    So maybe next week? Let’s just hire a coach the day before the draft

  4. Fuckthebeard

    If he’s flying home without taking 100 mil it ain’t happening

  5. No-Equipment-20

    If we don’t get Hurley now it will be such a letdown

  6. Elijahc513

    Already starting to see some random dooming in here so I’ll say this: UConn practices Monday. He will want to tell his kids what his final decision is by then and not keep them and the athletic department hanging. He’s not that type of dude. Also he was offered a raise/bonus in April and still hasn’t signed it. If the rumored 100m guaranteed (or around that) is a real thing there is nothing UConn can do on their end except pray he wants to try to be the first three peat since Wooden. Yes they spend a lot on basketball but to compete with 100m? Nah.

  7. How do people know this? This seems like something you’d only know if he literally told you lol

  8. Odd-Direction9452

    Even if he takes the job he’s not going to do it before flying home to tell his players first lol. This is standard.

  9. songs_dongs

    cancel all outgoing flights from LAX, Burbank, Ontario and John Wayne.

  10. 😂 y’all gotta stop overreacting to every little piece of news that drops

  11. laskeshowbroyo

    I’d be a little more concerned if this was Hurley’s sentiment after meeting with Jeannie and Rob but this is his supposed attitude “going into the meeting” as told by one source. Let’s just see what happens.

  12. AdministrativeDig845

    If he gets on the plane, we’ve lost him. DONT LET HIM LEAVE WITHOUT A YES

  13. Oxygenius_

    Chance to 3peat and become an NCAA legend, or be a part of lebrons farewell tour and help the lakers rebuild.. hmmm

  14. _its_a_SWEATER_

    Somebody make sure he ain’t on a flight to Toronto.

  15. _Zap_Rowsdower_

    Usually that’s not a good sign. You want to close them on the same day, next day max. Letting the asset fly back home reduces the chances of closing him.

  16. jobeeeeeeem

    [Jon Morosi] Hurley on the plane instead of going back home, he’s flight is enroute to Toronto.

  17. -anditsnotevenclose

    thats bullshit. woj has said this gets done this weekend.

  18. WideCoconut2230

    The Lakers will offer everything: control over draft picks, coaching staff, access to a private jet for his family to join him, and a boatload of cash.

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