@National Basketball Association

Chris Paul on the referee who called him ‘biggest a——s’: “He was in the league for a long time, and you probably can guess who one of his homeboys is.”

Chris Paul and NBA referees go together like oil and vinegar these days.

While the Warriors guard's contentious history with official Scott Foster is well documented, Paul recently was slammed by former ref Bill Spooner as one of the "biggest a——s" in the league. When asked about Spooner's diss Wednesday on "The Pat McAfee Show," Paul responded in a way only he could.

"There's probably a lot more [referees] that feel like that," Paul told McAfee. "That ref, I had to look him up … He was in the league for a long time, and you probably can guess who one of his homeboys is.

by supremeboxlogo12


  1. YouTellMeBeavis

    What is that word? Still trying to figure it out

  2. The best timeline is Chris Paul retires and begins his journey to become an NBA referee

  3. XXX--WRLD

    Silver can’t wait for the day they’re both out of the league

  4. There is a world where both side could be telling the truth- both are asses 🤣

  5. Equivalent_Ad8314

    Fuck cp3, but if it’s him or refs I’m in his side all day

  6. avacherryxx

    CP3 may be a pain, yet refs really ain’t saints either 😅

  7. SpinJitsu259

    This Chris Paul v. Refs thing is hilarious to me. Chris Paul is an asshole on the court and there are many examples demonstrating it. Many of the refs in the league are assholes in their own right.

    For any of these guys to expect us to say, “Poor Chris…” or “Poor refs…” is a huge lapse in judgment. You’re all just a bunch of miserable assholes who treat people poorly and you don’t deserve any sympathy from anyone lol

  8. Deely_Boppers

    Oil and water.

    Oil and vinegar goes together really well. It’s a whole thing. 

  9. ontimenow

    Imagine somebody saying “hold up, my homeboys calling” and turns out it’s Scott Foster on the line.

    I don’t have a point to make. The scenario is just crazy to me

  10. imahotrod

    Oil and vinegar… hmm I’m quite interested in this take now

  11. RoosterCock247

    It’s not surprising that he said this because “in order for it to be a rivalry you have to win one and I think it’s 0-18 against Scott Foster”. Said by Scott Foster

  12. rounder55

    I wanna wear a Scott Foster jersey to a Chris Paul game

  13. Angularbackhands

    Both things are true. CP3 is unquestionably an asshole and Foster is unquestionably a biased referee.

  14. quivering_manflesh

    Next time Richard Jefferson tries his hand at refereeing I need Chris to be playing just to see what happens.

  15. TakeOasis

    Retiring and immediately talking shit like they still think it’s the ref show is so delusional, unprofessional and pathetic. Why would someone care what Bill Spooner has to say?

  16. RedeyeSPR

    I used to tolerate Paul until he tried to poke Rondo in the eye during an argument. That’s way beyond the line and could have done permanent damage. Fuck that dude.

  17. IgnorantGenius

    Chris really doesn’t realize being an enemy of any official is not going to be good when you are trying to become a champion.

  18. enterusernamethere

    When Chuck and Ernie retire I want Scott Foster and Chris Paul for Inside the NBA

  19. here_for_the_lols

    He called him “biggest assholes” lmao

  20. LV_Blue-Zebras_Homer

    Chris Paul is a dirty POS player and shouldn’t be revered or liked for anything.

  21. InnerKookaburra

    I cannot guess – who is one of his homeboys?

  22. Rod_Todd_This_Is_God

    It’s always pathetic when an attempt at an insult proves itself to be illogical:

    > “That ref, I had to look him up … He was in the league for a long time, and you probably can guess who one of his homeboys is.

    So he wants to spread that the referee is too unimportant for him to know about (big narcissist energy), but he also wants people to think that he has a good idea of who his “homeboys” are (small narcissist brain)?

    Chris Paul’s always been a piece of shit, going back to punching opponents in the nuts in his college days.

    Because he’s short and has good posture, he has a reputation of being savvy and businesslike (yeah, that’s all it takes sometimes), but all he could think to say in CBA negotiations was “Take it or leave it? TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT?!?!” a bunch of times in a row.

    Any ref who has a grudge against him is justified because all the cheap shit he pulls during games in order to get an illegal advantage while flying under the radar needs to be penalized. He consents to any unfair-on-the-surface calls he gets. What a little puke of a weasel.

  23. I am pretty sure Scott Foster AND Chris Paul are both assholes and not enjoyable people to be around independent of their hate towards each other.

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