@Dallas Mavericks

Celtics blow out Mavs in Game 1, was the loss a bad sign for Dallas? | NBA | SPEAK

Celtics blow out Mavs in Game 1, was the loss a bad sign for Dallas? | NBA | SPEAK

well the Mavericks bags they looked like they were packed as they were on the court yesterday game one versus the Celtics Kristof porzingis came off the bench dude had 20 points in about 21 minutes it was wild so it made us question our predictions from yesterday’s show take a listen I’m from Dallas so my prediction should be very simple Mavericks in six I’m going Mavs in seven okay I’m Mavs in six with you I they all do maths though the favorite is is the CTIC that’s what my paper say the ring ceremony for the Mavericks is going to be in Boston in game seven game seven I said six games James Jones says six games Joy Taylor sh McCoy they each say seven games either way we are all picking the Mavericks here at the desk but it did not look pretty for our picks yesterday so shady the question is this as we get going in this jam-pack show should we already be nervous about our finals predictions n nah we we shouldn’t trip too much Miss the game one we’ve seen them mat lose game one a lot it’s the game two you got worry about if they don’t win game two it’s an issue if you look at this Jason kid though right he’s one and six in the game one with the Mavs right so that should let you know he’s the head coach of the Mavericks and they don’t win game on right you can see Kyrie Irving he didn’t play up to his standards what we used to seeing um even the whole team like even The Supporting Cast they didn’t show up and then Luca even though he had some numbers but overall I didn’t think he played really well and and I know that we’re going to see a different Luka we’re going to see a different car game too so you’re a zero nervous on the nervous meter the audence for the I think Shady missed the whole cool graphic thing can y’all do the can y’all do Shady again just so shady can watch it it was kind of creative you I just want y to hear this yeah you know what you guys are better like being creative like you guys like Michael Jackson stuff like that like you know so little more creative Offa little more crazy than I am that off camera joke follow speak on FS1 find out what Shady’s talking about um I am a little more nervous but rightfully so I picked the Mavs in six games so I think if you pick the MS in six like myself there is nervousness I’m about a three and a half out of 10 that is where my nerves and anxiety fall in large part because if the Mavs lose again which wouldn’t be unpredictable if they lose again to Boston next game they got to win four straight for the Mavs to win in six in what world are the Dallas Mavericks about to beat the Boston Celtics four consecutive times I will talk a little bit more about why I am nervous but I’m nervous about three and a half out of 10 Joy Taylor you got the Mavs in seven where do you stand not me and Shady’s standing on business zero zero what did I say as soon as the show ended yesterday lose Celtics win game one you did say that I did say that and I didn’t say it on air so you don’t have to take the guy’s word for me for it but that’s a zero first of all I said they were going to win in seven so they got to lose some games for my predictions to be correct and game order for that ma m they going to take some L’s and game one in Boston seems like an appropriate L to take now look we can get into we will get into how holay loss but the fact they lost is not surprising especially because it’s Dallas Dallas over the past two playoff runs they have only won one game one one one one one game one they went on to win five of those six series over that span and when losing game one they’ve won four of the five previous series over that span so they don’t like to get game one that’s not their thing it’s not what they’re interested in doing now obviously you would feel better about it your nervous meter would be lower but let’s be honest even if they did play a much closer game and they were able to steal game one that would have been a bigger surprise I think than the way that they played last night and the blowout the way that it was I I I think that this was an appropriate way to start this series honestly Boston is a really good team we know that they have a better roster we talked about it yesterday they they were at home it’s a very intense environment up there so no I’m not nervous at all like I said in order for my prediction to be correct they’d have to lose some and game one in Boston seems appropriate James I am dying to know sir where are you with the nervous meter after picking the Mavericks six it’s crazy how we like all watch the games different I I I love it um I’m nervous and my nervousness is a 10 and I know joy joy you’re right for my prediction to be correct they got to lose some games too but Mike Tyson said it best right everybody has a plan until they get hit right so let’s just go to the regular season the regular season we play and it’s before the trade deadline and you beat me down cool all right that’s all good took the first punch boom second time we play is after the trade deadline oh watch what we got for him now after the trade deadline we ready to roll you get beat by 20 something then you come into the third game and you like we rolling now we in a rhythm now right trade deadline over we done beat some really good teams in the playoff watch and you lose by 20 plus again uhoh now you in the corner and your trainer saying I’m about to throw this tow in this is this is like three rounds you’re getting beat down like wake up do you want to fight cuz in three games we ain’t seen the Dallas Mavericks fight and then when we did see him fight the stars have phenomenal games and you still lost by double digits then you come into last night and yes your stars didn’t play as good but you got beat down and what I seen was they do not have the depth the Celtics got can they match up with the Celtics it does not look like it I am nervous and it’s out of 10 this is now transitioning then to my favorite question obviously the night before the show try to figure out the questions for you all at home the questions for us at the desk and and working with one of The Producers Co and he asked me he said was it a bad game or a bad sign and I was like oh that’s a good one I heard a question like that was it a bad game was it just a fluky bad game for the Mavericks or was it a bad sign for the Mavericks Joy I think it was a bad sign because what the Celtics did last night they continuously do the Celtics are the only team in the history of the National Basketball Association with eight players to have a 100 made threes during the course of the regular season they did it this year they did it last year well cut two last night’s game they had seven players make multiple threes in the game what the Celtics did last night they do throughout the course of the Season we were talking about it in preparation for the show now christops doesn’t usually have 20 points in 21 minutes but he does average 20 points on usual during the course of his career Jason Tatum didn’t play a phenomenal game but the Celtics have so much depth they have five players capable of being one of the three best players on the basketball court and in order for the Dallas Mavericks to win they need two players to be in the three best players basketball Luke and Kyrie meanwhile Drew holiday could be one of the top three players Jason Tatum jayen Brown could be one of the top three players Christos could be one of the top three players hell Derek white could jump in there and be one of the top three players on any given night in this series so what the Celtics did last night Joy I believe they’ve done throughout the last 780 90 days if you will last two seasons 810 days so pardon my math so Joy where do you stand bad game or bad sign I think it’s a bad game I I understand it get py a little nervous and listen porzingis had a game of his life he looked amazing they had no answer for him he came right on the court and got busy immediately but they did make a push MH they did get they did get back in it in the third quarter and had Kyrie potentially had a better game or caught fire maybe this game goes a little bit differently maybe they’re playing maybe Boston starts playing a little bit differently maybe they start making mistakes but they never really got got nervous right like Lucas started kind of he gave a little will look to the crowd and then then they settled everything back down I think that the Mavs are better than what happened last night I don’t think that por zingus is going to have that type of performance again now again he averages 20.1 points per game in during the regular season before he got injured in the postseason he was averaging 12.3 points but he did have an 18 two 18o games against Miami before he got injured so he he is able to contribute but the question is really the depth right like they have a lot of players that can catch fire at any given moment and during Championship run as much as we focus on the Stars we did this yesterday the Stars you’re expecting to perform every night but we know every Championship run has a story woven in it of a role player that steps up and multiple role players that step up big throughout the course of the series so the Mavs are going to need that as well the Mavs have to have someone step up if Kyrie doesn’t have a big game but I think that Kyrie will have another big game I think they will have it’s going to be a long Series so I don’t think this is a bad sign I think it was a bad game I want to go bad game I do but I think this sign if you’re saying this is a bad sign this this this is a bad sign because as I was watching the game last night everything came easy to Boston Jaylen Brown going to the basket I’m either goingon to try to finish I’mma make the right pass everything looked extremely hard for the Dallas Mavericks it was either Luca trying to go one on five Kyrie trying to go one on five the role players did not step up and I was watching a game like Dallas I mean the Celtics just have too much it’s too easy at any given moment these dudes are knocking down shots or they are making the right play they have two guys that can make the right play on the Mavs James it’s going to be all right a it is all I’m getting nervous like are you all right I I don’t know I mean this is this is three beatdowns we seen y’all three times but it’s only one game this series don’t worry about the regular season yeah I ain’t going with the three beatdowns with James talking about but I am is a sign for me too right my sign is more of on some basketball level though so if you really watch the game right um You can see the the instantly you can see the talent difference right you can look at the the Celtic Talent Y and you look at the map you can see the biggest difference in the talent and then you see the roster right if you even Al Horford like off the rip we talk about porzingis but Al Horford got it poping early right three ball layup right where his point prop was like seven points how I know that anyway so when you really watch the game for the Mavs to beat a more talented team more talented roster two things has to happen one either Kyrie Irving and Luca have to play phenomenal basketball where they’re dominaing right gotta be the best players on the court or the times when the Celtics beat their Sals they shoot too many three balls right now last night everything went well everybody shoot threes they they fade away three balls everybody starters backups it’s not always going to be like that the things I did see that that makes me a sign of of concern is they didn’t help out with LCA they no double teams they played one-on-one basketball right and they did and they switched right on the pick and roll we going to switch it out so now you’re not giving guys um like confidence like PJ Washington right Derek Jones where they get open three balls there was none of that there was no helping another thing is you watch Kyrie Irving they didn’t double team him yeah play one-on-one defense one-on-one basketball and that’s scary because if your role players can’t get involved then what happens another issue I seen is on Luca if really watch on defense when M on defense they made Luka play defense the whole game right so hold on not done the pick the pick and roll game so you watch the Celtic instead of going to all the main stars to score no it’s your turn it’s your turn I seen Drew go at Luke a couple times so now you you you make him work on offense you have to put all these points up all these shots up and then on defense you make him guard the last point I want to make is when last we seen Luka getting stripped at half court yeah right if you look they had the MS 18 points off for 11 turnovers right so they scoring so now we get this big league where’s the big league come from ER wants to say the three ball lot of was a lot of was turnovers lot of um and all that so when you look at this whole game it’s like yo they making Luka use so much energy and to put a star next to it you know he’s banged up with with the knee injury so all that so that’s not going to change what do the Mavs do well they gonna play better though I mean I just think shoot a little better no what I’m saying is for for them to win this game these games against Boston you need your stars to play a lot better than they did and I think they will because Joy talked about it in the third quarter they did they did come back and if you down by so many points you got to waste so much energy to get it back so let’s say you start like that from from from tip off yeah it’s going to be a better game you you talked to ex’s and O’s of it y’all know me I like the psychology of it studied psychology for my masters and what I noticed was this moment if y’all remember it it was uh Jaylen Brown was shooting at the free throw line the Mavericks waved the White Flag they was like yo we done they took Kyrie out they took Luke out the game they said we done watch Drew holiday family the only champion on the basketball court for the Celtics when the Mavs check out and wave the White Flag Drew holiday looks to his teammates and he says let’s go right now keep going I’m like bro the game is it’s over it’s a 25-point game with five minutes left the Mavs just took out Kyrie they took out Luca the old Celtics team I remember I watched Kenny The Jet Smith he’s one of my favorite basketball analysts don’t know how yall feel about him I watched him postgame and he said the Mavericks this series remind him of the Celtics in the finals two years ago just game one obviously but he’s like remember the Celtics in the finals two years ago they’re going up against the Warriors Warriors always there every year Warriors not phased by nothing when I watched the Celtics versus the m The Moment I Saw Drew holiday in that moment like you smelled blood in the water everybody else usually exhales you know Jason Tatum he probably chilling like oh we won the game Drew holiday like nah nah put on the gas I was like yeah that’s that’s Championship mindset I know a mindset of a champion when I see one that was Championship mindset yeah I’m I mean Kyrie’s a champion too when he was walking up the court so he knows what it takes to win a a championship as well I I hear you listen I love Drew I said Drew is going to be the key to this to this finals I I just I think it’s one game I think it’s one game game one in Boston on the road Luca’s banged up porzingis was Unreal he’s back it’s a new influx of energy everyone gets hype okay he’s he’s hitting everything it brings everything up the building is higher I I think it’s okay I don’t know if everyone’s going to hit all those shots next game I don’t know if Kyrie isn’t going to have the same type of game that he had in this I don’t know if they’re going to get so far behind to Shady’s point if we’re going back and forth back and forth the whole game how does this game end because you’ve got one of the best closers who ever play the game in KY let me ask you this though because we all agreed yesterday the Celtics are the better team yeah so how in the world like we all pick the Mavericks to win but the Celtics are the better team so in theory I agree with you because I picked the Mavericks to win even more fervently than you but how what would it take for the Mavericks to win because the Celtics didn’t too great well we all picked the Mavericks so we can all give our reasons why the great early they did they didot great early and Kyrie are going to have to have great every single game your stars have to perform period if you if you’re going up against a team that has a better roster then your top two guys have to be great every single time the other part is they’re going to have to find ways to play defense and neutralize what Boston does well they’re going to have to cut down in the mistakes because Boston is a great team and they are going to take advantage of the mistakes that you make you got to cut down on the mistakes Luca and Kyrie have to be great every single night and a role player is going to have to step up and hit some shots that’s it that’s it right there I don’t know who it’s going to come from but the role players have to step up two people are not about about to beat the Boston Celtics I mean the best player on the Boston Celtics last night came off the bench true like two dudes are not going to beat him them other guys are going to have to help if you going to have a chance in this series I I just it’s it’s game one I know I’m G say that and another thing is like can we not can we not act like we don’t know who the Celtics been last couple years they’ve been had the best roster in basketball have they not and what have they done they been choking so I know we want to sit up here and have the pom poms green and white but we got to make sure we watch every game because we seen it do this before we not we seen them ain’t no different they got to finish ain’t no we always do that we always get this credit until they they don’t play then it’s like oh what happened to him speaking on every game I know Joy don’t like this game too must win James you got to relax I mean going back to the crib 02 gotx wait team wi hey real quick did y’all peep this though cuz we keep talking about whose team it is and all that you see who the the player was right JB and that’s after the game a he showed a little video of Drew holid he was the starter in there yeah who else was in there that was starting JT was in there trying to G his points you got to look at this stuff the Bat Man in you no I’m saying J JB get all his points out of love right and other the main hey hey hey JB come out hey Tatum get your points CP extra threes come on y’all got to see that subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

The Boston Celtics won Game 1 of the NBA Finals by double digits, and the Dallas Mavericks are down 1-0. Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, James Jones, and LeSean McCoy ask how nervous they should be following their predictions of the Mavericks winning the series.

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Celtics blow out Mavs in Game 1, was the loss a bad sign for Dallas? | NBA | SPEAK



  1. Hey Joy just be thankful you got a pretty face because you are clueless when it comes to basketball. WTF are these people talking about lol like seriously who’s paying them for their basketball takes? Bro at the end of the panel the only smart one and the host the other two are just idiots

  2. who woulda thought KP out 38 games, comes back and scores 20 in20 minutes. I don't think anybody expected it. Mavs fans should be nervous. a bad game in a final's or a bad sign it doesn't matter, Celtics are what the are for a reason, a better team. 9 assists from the Mavs compared to Boston's 9 blocks is unreal. those stats shouldn't even be close.

  3. Acho said " we all agreed the celtics are the better team, we all picked the Mavs to win but the celtics are the better team " SMH

  4. So you all picked the Mavs? Wow. I don't think I know of any sports show that has a panel where they all picked only one team in this finals. Personally I said that if the Celtics play like the old Celtics then Mavs win in 6. BUT I said if I had to make a pick just by looking at both teams, the only smart basketball choice is Celtics in 6. You need the Celtics to play dumb basketball in order for them to lose. Basically if both teams play their best they are going to win. Its only 1 game though so I am yet to know which way the series will go. If they win game 2 as well then I'd bet that Celtics win in less than 6.

  5. The funny thing about them all picking the mavs is this was the easiest route to a chip for the Celtics. This is their year. The Mavs won’t beat the Celtics this year. They just have a buzzsaw of a team. You can tell none of them are former basketball players.

  6. Y’all are just glazing over Luka and Kyrie, when anybody that actually watches basketball knows that Boston Celtics is a way more equipped team.. and this series is done in 5… if Dallas would’ve won the energy in the studio would’ve been different but y’all don’t know what you’re talking about in this series

  7. Did we forget Brad Stevens won executive of the year for this very reason. Pls Send Boston this clip! Of course anything can happen but we're talking about most probable. JJ was the only person making sense about his prediction. Boston in 5 if Mavs lose GM 2.

  8. It's crazy how all these sports talkers mention how great the Celtics are and still disrespect them. 0 nervousness? Lol joy chill out

  9. over analyze friday. swear people act like nba playoffs games and the finals like the nfl. this ain't a one game elimination!

  10. I swear nobody likes Boston, besides the people from the Boston and surrounding areas. Seems like everyone in the country is against Boston

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