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Miami Heat: Zach Edey an option? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Zach Edey an option? | Five on the Floor

welcome to latest episode of five on the floor in the five Reon Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app if you’re apple apple podcast if you’re Android we recommend Spotify or the Five Reasons YouTube channel also make sure you’re subscrib to off the floor $2.99 if you were subscribed to off the floor today you would have gotten this before anyone else the fact that Zach Edy of Purdue has worked out for the Miami Heat we’re putting the workout updates we know the heat are telling people not to tell anybody but we have our ways check it out on the five on the floor updates that’s one of the 10 channels that you get access to if you just pay the $2.99 per month the link is right here in the description on the podcast feed and on the YouTube channel also check out great sponsors the five reason Sports Network our friend Lynette she subscribes there that’s right she does a Aggressive Insurance Agency 954 581 8800 95458 8800 insurance by linet that’s two ns2 T’s Insurance get your car insurance your life insurance your renters insurance all of your other insurance from the net and a huge Miami Heat fan probably a bigger Miami Heat fan than you and now check out today’s episode on the floor ride for my dogs where the you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS we bubble frog just like Buck Say you in trouble yo check the floor plan got to all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and Pat trust is f have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network if there’s one thing I do this entire offseason we’ve got about five months we’ll add Brady to the top there I promise I I I asked a lot of to do it a little while ago but you she’s been busy getting married and all that stuff so she hasn’t had time but congratulations to her we will uh we will we will get back on that because Brady certainly Des deserves to be on the Mast head now uh today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skullet you can follow me Ethan J sculling and a five re Sports we got Alex too you can follow him at Tropical blanket I mentioned earlier that you should be subscribed to off the floor um we are trying to round up these draft workouts just because the heat workouts someone doesn’t mean that they’ll end up interested in him um there are smoke screens that are thrown out there but the heat do tend to be more secretive than other teams about this stuff some other teams literally just release all of it like they’ll just somebody’s in the building and they just tell you uh it’s not the way that the heat operate but one player that we thought that the heat might take a look at even though uh he’s sort of outside of their usual um preference in the air exposure era is Zach EDI uh the center from Purdue well over seven feet tall uh was player of the year was he not Alex I believe I don’t watch a ton of college basketball yeah you’re asking the wrong person here well because because I watch I mean I’ve seen him play several times but I’m just saying uh yes there we go go well he W back-to-back Sporting News National Player of the Year Awards uh he joined Oscar Robertson Jerry Lucas Kareem Abdul Jabar Bill Walton and Ralph Samson uh so pretty good category there 24 points 11 rebound more than 11 rebounds two assists two blocks per game and uh and look obviously AP player of the years corre okay the one that matters um and so you know he’s listed at 74300 PB I don’t was he in Chicago I’m not even sure of this did he weigh in in Chicago with the comb okay I don’t have up right now but I was I remember when the combine was happening there was Clips going around of him doing the shuttle run uh there was some of him shooting so you already know people were getting themselves hyped up over that well and here’s the comparison this is from a college basketball Insider named J Ro John Rothstein I know some people have mentioned him before they called him the Edy is the Yao Ming of college basketball even sort of uh I don’t he resembles him even a little bit uh terms of the way uh that he looks and the way that he plays um he’s never attempted a three-pointer okay so we’re going to be very clear on what he is and what he isn’t uh it says this I don’t know when this was taken but according to instat he took only one single shot outside the paint or block um and it say this was uh part of The Scouting repor on the sporting news on offense teams will force him to his weaker left hand he’s a non-shooter away from the rim uh his biggest strength is his most glaring weakness he’s so big it’s almost impossible to be as mobile as he would need to be to excel at the next level on defense he’s not quick enough laterally to keep up with the athletes in the league with NBA spacing he would be played off the floor as a frequent Target in pick and rolls he’s not versatile for switchy NBA schemes and even in drop coverage three-point and mid-range Shooters would have a field day now let me give you some of the positives and again this is from a sporting news article 77 wingspan uh immovable force in the paint drop step and dunk with ease and if defenses are lucky enough to force him away for the restricted area he has developed soft touch on his right-handed hook uh also uh good with good rebounder putbacks uh patient has a feel for the game inside the paint and just outside of it on defense he’s an Intimidator reliable shop Locker uh he’s look the times I’ve watched him and again I don’t watch a ton of college basketball anymore but I try to catch up with it around the tournament um he he’s Relentless he he does play horror uh he plays hard uh he plays with an edge and uh and he has a lot of those traditional big man things that you look for but Alex here’s the question do he really want a traditional big man so that’s a good it’s a good conversation and we’re gonna get into it but I heard you say something about the wingspan and I have more here on his measurables at the combine according to the CBS sports article he he was just under 74 without shoes with uh a 711 wings so yeah the guy is massive uh and a 9 fo7 standing reach but um I think I think the heat should look into it I’m not saying I’m sold like he’s like my favorite guy for them to draft but you know it would be a fun project in the sense of like if they first of all if the heat were to draft him that means they see a lot in him right that’s that’s that doesn’t even need to be said but it’s like the things that he’s really good at he’s very very good at and it’s so extreme like you pointed it out there with you know the way that he doesn’t really take any any shots that are outside you know right in front of the rim basically and he has great touch he’s a great interior post presence he’s ginormous um and yes he’s a little bit slow he he can be considered one of the trees but and I think like you mentioned there since the the defense is considered to be like his biggest weakness right and how he’s going to be able to guard in the NBA and play in space and all that you know some things actually did come out um in his favor from that stuff like from the from the combine and I’m looking here at the same CBS sports article and you know like it feels like the narrative was um when you compared him to Donovan kingan of Yukon who you know they won the national title on all that they played against each other for the national title is that kingan who’s gonna probably go top five with the way that he’s his stock has been going up um right he was considered to be the mobile modern big man and Ed the traditional one and in fact at the combine Ed ranked ahead of Donovan kinging in Lane agility time the three quarter Sprint Max vertical leap and standing vertical leap um so I mean the he did have to be fair one of the worst like just straight speed uh times just like up and down the floor but the fact that he did he graded a little bit better than kingan and some of the stuff that that you know is going to be more useful in a half court offense or excuse me half court defense right I think you know it’s good because he’s not a complete tree right but I do think if the heat were to look into this guy it would 100% be just to you know be the backup center it’s not going to be a play with bam thing and I know a lot of you know a lot of fans want that you see it all over the YouTube comments people really want you know a traditional big man next to Bam and I’m not a fan of that I I think you know their spacing is already like very not good as it is and like I don’t think I don’t think SPO was into that idea of you know messing up their spacing with another guy who has to get all his shots in the paint I don’t I don’t think they’re going to do that and so it’s a backup five and I’m not against that it’s again he’s not my favorite Prospect or anything like that but there’s a lot of good fives in that range in the Heat’s range just when you look at the mock drafts and we were talking about it the other day on playback right with uh Brady we went to a lot of those bigs and I think there’s some more athletic ones that are out there some more uh you know guys with more perimeter skills that are out there in that range if they wanted to do that so going Zack Ed Not only would be surprising not just because oh they’re getting a a guy who’s going to be the backup big and people are gonna be you know getting PTSD from the precious thing because that’s that’s what that idea was right um I just think it’s like there’s other bigs out there who people like as well and who are good so I I would be surprised if they got them but look like he’s good at what he’s good at it would be a project for the heat to fix you know not fix but like hide his weaknesses and and we know what they do with their backup Bigs like they’ll be in a lot of zone They I don’t I don’t know if they’re GNA have him come up to the level and hedge or Blitz I don’t know if that’s the the move for Zack Edy but probably a lot of Zone and and a deep drop for for Zack Edy Off the Bench well look I mean as far as the center thing goes I mean let’s uh and I appreciate you going through uh all of that because I mean he he is an extreme uh in the modern NBA like I mean you talk about traditional bigs that been phased out like this is like this is the traditional big like this and and the reality is that you know we can talk about joic and we can talk about embiid uh and some big guys who are extraordinarily skilled but um this is more of sort of um I don’t know I I he’s more of a scorer but I go back to like the days of like the Rick Smiths uh Smith’s could score actually uh but like Mark Eaton or or those when when every team had like two seven-footers like you rolled out one you rolled out another one uh they didn’t leave leave the basket and again that comes you know but again this this comes back to that question like if you’re not gonna play him next to Bam then what’s the point that that’s where I’m at with it like I have my reservations about playing a big big next to Bam I’ve said this team needs more functional size right okay that doesn’t necessarily mean bam needs to play the four it could mean that bam plays I mean yic is functional size potentially if he develops but I’m saying like getting uh guys at all the positions who are longer bigger Etc uh I think is something that this team needs to do they’ve been small they haven’t been Ultra athletic uh you add those things together with short wingspans not a lot of height all of that like it this it’s a recipe for disaster you you you essentially need to defend at an insane level and shoot the ball extremely well just to compete okay because you don’t have those other natural advantages but I to me like you have the 15th pick like this is this is an asset pick it’s not a great draft but they’ve done work in this range before I mean right ahead of it they took Tyler 13th they took bam 14th so to take a guy who like projects as your backup center because it’s not like Bam’s going anywhere so like what are we talking about then like what is going to be his contribution 15 minutes off the bench maybe is he going to be more playable than even and I look I don’t know if Thomas Bryant’s gonna opt in or opt out but is he even going to be more playable as a rookie than Thomas Thomas Bryant type I mean you’d hope right but I’m just saying like and and as much as everybody talks about okay they need bigs and they’re hard to find and they tried they end have having to play Kevin Love Kevin well they have Kevin but Ian Kevin’s obviously an Uber skilled player who’s just you know in in the downside of his career but still adds a lot of those uh you know elements that are useful to to this team I’m just like okay like wouldn’t you just be better off instead of investing the 15th overall pick in a guy who’s never going to start for you wouldn’t you be better off like just trying to find a better Thomas Bryant like out there like I or a better Dwayne deadmond or a better Cody Zeller and maybe you swing and miss again but like that’s that’s kind of where I’m at with it like I I’m just I’m not seeing the vision for this like and and I had trouble seeing the vision for the precious pick too not that I thought precious was a bad player but I’m like if they’re not GNA play him with bam then again what’s right like your your upside here is capped like and so let let me ask you this Al let’s say he’s great Off the Bench okay let’s say he’s great like said the 15 minutes you still can’t expand his role I mean unless just to address that part of it because I know people are going to point out that he was making shots at the combine and left Scouts impressed I think that also has to do with like expectations right everybody like you mentioned the numbers everybody thinks of him as like 100% inside the paint guy interior presence you have to run the post-ups for him so him just making open shots at the combine is cool right like you can kind of talk yourself into the idea of okay maybe he can be on the perimeter sometimes and doesn’t always have to be down there in the dunker spot or having postup offense run through him because that’s another thing the heat don’t really do that like we’ve seen what they do with their backup fives and maybe it’s because of the talent they’ve had right so maybe spell would expand his game and try different things like run running post-ups for Zack Edy and kind of having him be a big of the offense as opposed to being just like a handoff guy who ends up rolling to the rim you know and not really doing much you would kind of have to expand his role I just don’t I don’t think that you know I I it’s cool that his shot doesn’t look bad and he’s making the wide open those wide open ones in a practice gym at the combine I mean in front of Scouts to be fair like there’s pressure for sure but like I just don’t think that translates to oh he can be a spacer out there you know and and maybe he he will be I just don’t think that it’s reason to think he’s going to be that not’s espcially in the Heats in the in the heat offense where we they’ve brought in backup fives throughout this whole era that have shot more threes than they end up shooting here it happened with correct and and then we were screaming for them not to shoot them like when deadmond or or Briant would would take them right like Brian has shown exactly well whatever that’s another good example like whatever uh Bran’s limitations were defensively which we knew about like he was a skilled offensive player when he came in and very little of that ended up getting utilized and I just don’t see how it’s going to get utilize more just because this guy is at a higher level in terms of that or is shown to be at a higher level and has competed at a high level in college against good you know good players but absolutely College he has but you can do that in college like I I just I because again there aren’t that many of those in college either and if a team is going to commit to build their entire offense around a guy he’s If he if he has talent he’s going to be effective I’m not saying he’s not a talented player okay but it seems to me like he’s a player on a team that already has say a yic right and then like okay so you want to give Nico some nicoa some rest during the regular season and and Edie follow feels a 15 minute a game roll like okay I can see that but for the heat you’re talking about changing everything they do like I I I don’t get it and then defensively but in defense yes you’ll have someone in a tree in front of the rim but and okay I guess you could argue that that allows bam that frees bam up to Blitz more and do all those kind of things no right and so and and the whole thing about workouts and we’ll get to the spot and then we’ll we’ll we’ll get some more after the break but by the way like maybe I’m wrong there but like bam just started shooting threes this year and we all feel like you know his but we heard about bam making all of his shots at a workout too yeah the workout the Miami pro league stuff every and but but but even when he came out out of college like that his form was and we’ve seen that like they’ve developed him into a very good mid-range shooter which was not something he did a lot in Kentucky but I’m just saying like and he’s not gonna be spacing for Ed that’s not gonna happen before people come that no yo yic could be like if that’s your three-man big rotation yes but I mean yic has proven that but again yic came out of like the overseas and like we’re like okay he’s raw as hell but he has point guard skills he has shooting form like they they can just into this it’s just a question of how long he picks up the defensive you know awareness and that which he started to this year and so there’s real growth there I just I don’t know I mean part of me has said okay get a guy who’s ready to play and and Edy makes sense for that he’s clearly ready to play but he has to be playing in a situation that that fits him and I just I just don’t see it I mean look we heard all about didn’t we hear about precious making every shot his workouts too also Pat said the one time that it actually did play out was Pat said that Tyler hero had the best shoo workout he’s seen uh for them Pat sometimes exaggerates but look Tyler’s a great shooter like that has not that has played out the other right like so so I mean and that’s why every like okay he’s Nick staus when actually he’s better than that they even had Nick staskus on the roster at one point but the Edy thing is like okay to me yeah interesting player you know Yao Ming there also is the issue with those kind of bigs that they get hurt a lot um I’ve talked about that with wemi he’s built different but if he’s built like ya Yao got hurt all the time obviously that short in Yao’s career if you’re getting Yao Ming that’s different you build your whole offense around it this is not a once in a generation type yah is gonna be a Hall of Famer if not for the injuries so I I just I don’t know I’m I’m out on this um so I’m Gonna State it right now I don’t like the idea I I just I think they need skilled uh long wing span wings that’s what they need in my view okay that that that’s what fits them the best they need they’re not going to find a player of this talent in this draft but they need an Aaron Gordon big 15 period I wouldn’t either I to me because I’m okay with taking a big at 15 no no I I if the big cans shoot outside the paint no I I just I don’t we got a lot of if the big can’t if the big can’t switch no I I just know the way Eric’s gonna play like this is he’s he’s not going to change his whole offense for a rookie I just I I I don’t see it and that’s the thing like be some athletic bigs out there that are in that range like a kware like a Missi um like a Don Holmes there’s other guys there who are more athletic who have like I said more perimeter skills but Zack Ed like you mentioned is just such an extreme on both ends of the it’s like all paint offense and defense you could only Zone you can only deep drop you’re gonna like you can’t bring deep deep drop deep deep drop like that that’s and and look uh look I would take a Daniel Gafford like big a vertical spacer okay that kind of stuff you’re not gonna right you’re not going to get a Derek liely maybe and with his upside but I’m saying like I would take a Daniel Gafford like big but like this particular big like how many of these have worked I I even go back to like am okaf for a few years ago right shorter than 80 okay with 610 whatever had a traditional back to the basket game at Duke but was slow he didn’t pan out like he Philadelphia tried it they of course they had too many bigs at the time but they bounced around for a little bit he was I mean he was wasn’t he also National player of the year I don’t feel like he was he was certainly in the conversation I I I just think and he was the top five pick I mean people complain about justice but I mean Justice was on the same team was picked 10th that year I’m out on the whole I they need to get bigger for sure but like okay the seven4 guy is gonna fix it like I I don’t see it all right uh one more thing I want to get to on the other side of this uh I do want to mention a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network legal in the state of Florida here you can find a five use the code five FIV get your initial deposit matched up to $100 again it is legal again in Florida they are honoring that it’s pretty much the same game that you had before um except for last night where I went under on porzingis which was silly uh or in game one uh of the finals uh I’ve done actually pretty well on this lately check check it out priz uh set your lineup and win your money use the code 5 FIV get in there before the NBA finals are over you can also play the Stanley Cup finals on there you can pair players from the Panthers and the Mavericks if you choose use the code five all right um just give me uh real quick here okay uh before we close you said there are other bigs in that area that um may make more s so give me like 30 second rundown on each of them well some of the guys like I mentioned already I think a lot of people like kware and again I’m not like a big draft guy big college guy just giving that disclaimer but I have looked into him I’ve looked into some of Don Holmes I’ve seen some of Missy and they’re all you know kind of different but I think Missy is more like of what you’re describing like a very much screen and roll guy who’s really nice on defense I think um kle wear very athletic rooll big who you know had a nice shooting percentage from three but did it on low volume um Don Holmes another guy who has I think the most perimeter skill out of these three can do is more of an inside out type of player uh you know can put the ball on the floor a little bit but it’s I think he’s he’s intriguing uh I’m not necessarily like I don’t have a lot of preferences with these guys yet but uh you know to me those those three are the most interesting ones I might be missing one there just off the top of my head like maybe some people might point out filipowski from duke um I I need to see more of him I haven’t seen enough but in general I think those the three guys I mentioned are more athletic and more you know traditionally modern I don’t know if that makes sense traditionally modern but you know they’re more of a modern big than than Zach Edy is I think Edy is like it’s such a gamble on you’re basically betting that he’s going to be great at what he does in the NBA and not just like passable right that the defense will be passable enough and um not enough you know a big liability and I think that’s what you worry about is that when he’s out there um he’s going to get you know just put in space in the pick and roll all the times and people are going to pull up for easy jump shots against the Deep drop I think if he was on the heat he’ll be playing more Zone than not for sure I think they it would just be Zone Off the Bench whenever he’s in the game you probably stagger and play him with yovic or play him with a smaller lineup um definitely don’t play him with Kevin Love Before people try to um suggest that in the comments I don’t think that’s going to happen either um or maybe I don’t know maybe you put CB and Ed in the zone but teams are be going to be getting threes off at a very high rate if they do that even higher than normal and the other thing is to me I think Ed has like potential in the league like I think you mentioned the Nuggets teams that have just in general very good spacing right um and and like a movement offense I think that’s where he would fit nicely I don’t consider the heat the best well I I I well I I I I I look at OKC for instance right okay you have Chad who is more of a modern big as you speak as we speak of right needs to put on some weight but highly skilled I I think they could probably play together a little bit I also think that Ed could come off the bench uh for them and provide some scoring punch for them off the bench Sacramento but again well behind some modus right and they have so many picks in OKC that like Zack Edy like okay like we’re gonna get somebody to fill a specific role for us right but the heat like I I again I just don’t see it I I don’t see it from a the only the only part that would even make sense of is the timeline perspective that he looks like a player who could contribute offensively immediately okay and they’re a bad offense fine but but the the skill set that he brings it feels like it would slow down everything else that they do like I and they they’re slow enough like iate stuff to him for sure like you can’t just be you can’t draft him at 15 and then have him be a guy who only is like a you know handoff and roll guy or a screen and roll guy because I think like he can be fine there with his size for sure you know if he’s just a good screen and roller that’s cool but it’s like so much of his game clearly like when he’s at his best is when he’s in the post down there with again great touch and I the heat don’t necessarily play like that a lot I mean they to be fair they’ve like run a lot of post-ups recently for bam and of course for Jimmy in the playoffs but those are your two best players so we’re can can can I can I ask a question before we close C they read some stuff for hakz in the post too but that even that dwindled after they got Terry and well and he showed a lot okay so to your point okay as we close this up thanks to our sponsors also check out autograph use the code five if Ive and download that app for free where real fans get unreal rewards we can doing another giveaway on there I just did an exclusive video about this exact topic actually so that’s how I got the idea for this so check it out uh get into a little bit more use the code 5 FIV over at autograph here here’s you mention it like okay he’s a great post sub player who’s getting involved in the post this team doesn’t even know how to feed the Dan post yeah they’re not great they’re not great no they’re not they’re not and and and again if Terry is back like you want Terry freelancing more creating for his own stuff he’s not a just throw the ball into the post uh type situation and go from there so I I’m just saying like I I’m out on this idea um we’ll revisit it on draft night I I just I don’t I know the name gets people’s attention I understand that uh but I just I I don’t not with this coach and not with this roster and not with this system and may he be first team all end all all rookie somewhere else that’s that’s the way that I kind of you nothing personally against the player it’s just I I don’t I this is like if Pat was coaching then then okay and Bam would be playing the one but like yic at the two okay that that’s the way that they would be going but uh I think we have enough of a sample size on Eric spoler at this point to to unless he just falls in love with the player and wants to do something different but I again I don’t I I’d be surprised all right thanks pressure Rim pressure right he gives you that the way you thought it exactly it is rib pressure no question about that all right so again we’ll be wrong and on on draft night we’ll be trying to talk ourselves into it and then I’ll be getting spun and all kinds of great stuff all right have a good day everybody thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the five Reon Sports Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad

After our report that the Miami Heat have worked out huge center Zach Edey, who was a national player of the year, Ethan Skolnick and Alex Toledo discuss whether that type of player makes any sense for a team coached by Erik Spoelstra. Are there any centers who would?

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  1. Wasn’t Jaquez an anomaly, why would this pick matter from a roster perspective if … in general coach doesn’t play rookies. Talent should be first.

    Heat with this front office will be bad for years to come

  2. I would take a chance on him, you can’t teach his size.. Edey being that big will grant the Heat a lot second chance points from offensive rebounds. That’s something the Heat hasn’t had in a long time. The Heat have to scramble so hard to get the rebound after getting stops because they are just too small right now.

  3. Y'all sound like a bunch of haters. What part of making the playins twice is considered successful? We need sweeping wholesale changes. Let's keep doing the same shit that has us at the bottom of the standings is our option? And it's the 15th pick. It's low risk massive reward. If he's all rookie somewhere else what chances do we have with our kids??? We don't have the best young core, barely in the middle of the NBA.

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