@Chicago Bulls

Patrick Williams to The Oklahoma City Thunder?! | Chicago Bulls Trade Talk

Patrick Williams to The Oklahoma City Thunder?! | Chicago Bulls Trade Talk

looks like Patrick Williams may find himself in a different Jersey potentially next season let’s talk about the of the team that has interest in him and ultimately what this could mean for the Chicago Bulls right now listen if you’re new to the channel it’s your boy PK from the wind City Breeze this is Chicago Bulls Breeze giving you the things that we don’t talk about on the main show for the Chicago Bulls let’s just get into it if you’ve been watching me you know I have not never really been a huge fan of the pick uh for Patrick Williams when we made it I didn’t think it made sense then ultimately it hasn’t wored worked out for a variety of reasons and to me it was just never going to work out because the position he played was something that we we pretty much had sewn up by two or three other people again I think the entire debacco that’s happened with the Chicago Bulls is that we got we brought in players who encompassed fied a role that should have been replaced by two others and ultimately just didn’t really work out I mean the acquisition of demard De R rozan and him revitalizing his career impacts Patrick Williams because he played the three and Patrick Williams is better at the three than he is the four in my personal opinion uh and it also impacted Zack LaVine because he’s a wing player who needs the ball to be effective and that’s what you kind of want Zack LaVine to do ultimately they both are impacted because we see what happened with Billy Donovan’s ineptitude to handle that situation and Patrick Williams just never came into fruition for a variety of reasons but overall this may be one of the things where we finally admit didn’t work we picked him too high he wasn’t the right player was too passive he had some other things now that doesn’t mean that he won’t be a good player he isn’t a good player I mean he’s averaged about 10 points a game which again in the NBA it’s an accomplishment let’s not make any let’s let’s not make any jokes about it like for real he plays in the NBA he is an NBA player he’s in the top 1% of ball players in the world it is what it is right so it has accomplishment in itself but when you compare him to his peer being picked fourth overall it’s a lot to be desired it’s a lot to be desired and that’s can’t take you have to be real about that when you’re picked fourth overall you’re you’re expected to have impact you’re expected to be a lot more than just a bench swing bench player I don’t even know really what we would call him because we never really saw it come together and that’s ultimately why we find him on the trading block and rightfully so I think the team that can use him OKC that interest there would do more for him than it would do for us now here’s why I say that uh OKC seems to be really really good at developing young Talent if you look at what they have how they’ve built that they’ve done a they this is a master class of how you draft a master class of how you develop and how you get all those young players to play together and with them potentially moving on from from giddy from them potentially making some other moves with some of the pieces there I can see why Patrick Williams will fit that mode and what they need especially if he can stay on the floor from a defensive aspect if you really look at some of the things that OKC was missing they really lacked in defense um realistically and Patrick Williams is on one of the best defensive teams in the league so naturally that would be an added benefit again if he can stay on the floor now I’m never going to sit here and denigrate a player to the point where I think he can’t Revitalize his career and things that nature but again Patrick Williams in the system that we wanted to use him how we wanted to use him didn’t really work out but on OKC knowing that he’s not going to be a main scorer again KN that Chad hram is going to be there as well he may still have the opportunity to kind of be this guy who be can pick his spots and show up and show out and it may work for him it may give him enough insulation where he can develop his game and be amongst his peers and not have that pressure and it could also be a situation where he absolutely Bloss because we saw moments especially in in the playoffs where OKC really needed a consistent guy to be able to get them a bucket and Patrick Williams is still is has shown signs that he could potentially be that guy if given a shot so again the way that that situation looks I think is more of a it’s an ideal move for Patrick Williams be an ideal move for the Bulls because the one thing the Bulls really would need and could probably give AK another you know swing at this is draft picks and guess what okay still has a lot of draft picks now we know that this is we know that this is all tongue and cheek uh the Thunder have the 12th pick overall in this upcoming draft on June 26 the Bulls have the 11th pick maybe this is something that you can actually make a move forward and get get both PS maybe not I’m not really quite sure how that would work out or what the offer would really be but what I do know is that there that Patrick Williams comes in as a at a number that is palatable for the OK Oklahoma City Thunder to kind of take G and would actually make sense especially if you consider all the other moves that they’re going to make now I want to hit your thoughts ultimately I want to hear two things one how do you feel about this particular move this rumor what you ultimately think about uh Patrick Williams tenure here period again there nothing set in stone but where there’s smoke there’s fire and I believe that there’s enough fire here for us to actually consider this a done deal or real possibility and I would love to see us make some different moves and and just move on from what this debac all Al together so again I want to hear your thoughts whether us love whether us ha put it in the chat I’ll be in there with you to next time peace

Could Patrick Williams be traded to The Oklahoma City Thunder?

Patrick William was drafted with the fourth overall pick in 2020, and his tenure with the team may be coming to an end this offseason as rumors have the Oklahoma City Thunder showing serious interest in the young player.

Will AK trade PWIll this time around?

Lets talk about it!!



  1. I'd hate to see Patrick Williams leave the Bulls, much like Derrick Jones Jr. did with the Dallas Mavericks, I wouldn't be mad at Patrick Williams for betting on himself. And if AK & Marc Eversley choose to match the offer, then that's on them.

  2. I heard, or saw rather, a rumor that the asking price (from AKME) — for a Zach LaVine trade has dropped precipitously as of late 😅

  3. Pat could've been so good here if they actually developed him and made him be zachs Robin to start his career. But no by trade deadline tome they had given up on their #4 pick and traded for vuc thrn a few months later signed Dro and ball

  4. Billy Donovan is doing a TERRIBLE job developing the talent we got! (MARKKANEN, DJ, GAFFORD, CARTER)

  5. OKC had a top 4 defense the whole year and they had a top 3 defensive rating in the whole playoffs

  6. We had one of the best defenses in the league brother lol, that kinda ended it for me. Bro if you're gonna grow your channel and make videos about how guys would fit with other teams yo might want to watch that other team, the only thing we lacked as a team this year was size and rebounding, plus a scorer off the bench (someone who can shot create and if need be go get their own shot).

  7. Giddey is 21yo the youngest starter at OKC. The ball was taken out of his hands and he became a ghost player who is going to be a great PG for some team.

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