@Los Angeles Lakers

Stephen A. isn’t sure Dan Hurley would change the ‘trajectory’ of the Lakers | First Take

Stephen A. isn’t sure Dan Hurley would change the ‘trajectory’ of the Lakers | First Take

do you think Curley will make the Lakers Western Conference contenders next year um I don’t think he will do it um I think if it’s going to be done it’s going to be done because LeBron and AD and somebody else that shows up I don’t think that you know I think when I think about Dan Hurley I think about longterm in terms of the immediate moment for this future I don’t think his arrival changes uh to the trajectory of the Los Angeles Lakers person personally I think that Darin ham I would remind everybody he was in the Western Conference finals last year all right this year he got when he lost in the first round he lost in the first round to the reigning defending NBA champions okay so you know what when we were talking perk refresh my memory if I’m wrong UD same thing when we were talking about the Los Angeles Lakers before the playoffs began we had the Denver Nuggets as the only team they shouldn’t want to face we looked at everybody else in Western Conference and we said LeBron James and Anthony Davis can take them that’s what we said they just ran into the wrong team and it happened to be the first round the year before that that same team prevented them from going to the NBA finals so although I love Dan Hurley and I think that he is an exceptional coach he is a champion I think that he deserves this opportunity if he decides to take it and what have you what we’re not going to do is sit here and act like he’s going to pull off something that wasn’t on the verge of being pulled off that the Lakers were so far removed from a championship equation or anything like that under Darvin ham that all of a sudden he’s coming in as the Savior darham had him in the Western Conference Finals Darin ham when he lost in the first round one team in the Western Conference beat the Los Angeles Lakers with LeBron James and Anthony Davis it wasn’t Dallas it wasn’t Phoenix it wasn’t Minnesota it wasn’t Oklahoma City it wasn’t the Los Angeles Clippers it was nicoy yic Jamal Murray and the Denver Nuggets let’s pump the brakes Hurley I think we’ll do a good job I really really do but the job that he would come there and do for the Los Angeles Lakers I believe Darin ham would have done that job that’s where I’m at with all agree with you I I think he deserved a job I think he’s going to do a great job down the line but I just remember when I had conversations with Billy Donovan and the first thing I asked Billy was the transition coming from college into the pros and the first thing he said to me was I had to realize that one day what the hell can I possibly tell Russell Westbrook about playing pick and roll defense so there’s a learning curve when you come from college to the pros yes he’s prepared he’s leveled up from every level when you talk about high school he leveled up when you talk about college he leveled up from Rhode Island to Connecticut he’s leveled up and he’s met all those challenges so I fully expect him to level up I fully expect him to meet the challenge of being the Lakers new coach I fully expect him to meet the challenge of implementing a system implementing a culture but it takes time to do all those things I don’t think one year is going to be enough time this is not a knock on what I think he will be this is not a knock on what I think he can do but I don’t think in one year it’s realistic to expect Dan Hurley to send the Lakers to the championship or make them a contender piggybacking off what Stephen A said they was going to do that last they was going to do that regardless no matter who the coach was if it was daram they was going to get back there again and one thing I would say East going to get tougher them Thundercats over in Minnesota they coming back they coming back trust me yeah I’m Excuse yes I’m sorry the West them Thundercats over there in the west they coming back you know what I mean Denver it’s coming back they’re going to figure out a way to get better they are coming back so yes the West is going to get better he’s going to come over there but it’s GNA take time he can’t do it in one year I don’t think anybody can do it in one year that’s unfair expectation and by the way big perk before you go one could argue if Jeff Brown and Bruce Brown were you know were retained by the Denver Nuggets they might be here now yes one could argue that I agree yes they miss I agree now now with all that said that was beautiful I love the praise that both of you guys gave dingham but damnit dham is not there no more that’s right so they got to feel the void and right now Dan Hurley is the best available option yeah and if I’m Rob pink and jeie bus I’m pulling a Doc Rivers move when DeAndre Jordan tried to sign with the Dallas marriage didn’t they go into didn’t they uh go down his house and they hun it they bu they hun it down in his house wouldn’t let him get any phone calls wouldn’t let him leave the house all of that happen yeah they kidnapped in his own that’s what I do I’m not I’m not letting Hurley walk out of Los Angeles I’m not letting him walk out of Los Angeles because for so long right for so long think about it we’ve been we have been talking about the Los Angeles Lakers for the last three years as being a disfunctional organization why because they haven’t had culture they haven’t had a foundation they’ve been looking and searching for the right coach they’ve been looking and searching for the right players right and right now is the perfect time and I believe they believe this is to start addressing the Long Haul again this is not a LeBron James hire this is a Anthony Davis hire this is a Los Angeles Lakers hire on what’s next for the future do I think he’s going to make them a a title Contender yes just because anytime you have LeBron James and Anthony Davis on the same team they they’re going to be considered title contendant as they should here’s the thing know right this another thing we got to keep in mind who are the guys if he does get this job who’s the guys that are going to be sitting next to him for as the assistant coaches UD Stephen A y’all know this the assistant coaches matter right who’s on that bench who’s who who can they bring that had that has had uh uh uh NBA uh experience right you look at the Boston Celtics right now one of the things that goes unnoticed when you think about the Celtics and the success that they’re having guess who they went out and hired with gr spec finally got it right he went got Sam C he went got yeah he went got Sam cel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

Stephen A. isn’t sure Dan Hurley would change the ‘trajectory’ of the Lakers | First Take
On First Take, Stephen A. Smith, Kendrick Perkins and Udonis Haslem debate whether Dan Hurley would make the Los Angeles Lakers Western Conference contenders next year.
#firsttake #nba #espn

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  1. I despise stephen A man. He doesn't watch games, too self centered, all around too foolish and out of touch. GET HIM OFF ESPN

  2. The media outlets like ESPN are a joke. The Western Conference is stacked. Put it in consideration injuries and a long 82 game season can affect a teams trajectory.

  3. Darvin Ham is as bad an NBA Head Coach as has ever existed. The Lakers would have been better off last season with no head coach than with the one that they had.


  5. I don't know if he will be successful at the NBA, some coaches are just better suited for college. I remember when Rick Pitino left college and coached the Knicks, it did not end well for him. Other college coaches like P.J. Carlesimo left Seton Hall to coach the Golden State Warriors and that did not end well for him either. There is a reason why Hall of Fame College Coaches like Dean Smith, John Thompson, Bobby Knight , John Wooden and Mike Krzyzewski never tried to coach in the NBA, they knew that college coaches have power and NBA coaches have no power. It is also hard for NBA coach to yell at a player who makes more than they do. There have been a lot of NBA coaches who were cursed out by their players. The nba player's contract is guaranteed and coaches are easily replaceable, so the player is always going to win that argument.

  6. I see why Stephen A smith got rid of guys like Max Keller man and stopped having JJ reddick out. He doesn’t want people to provide any push back on his trash takes, just so he can push whatever narrative he wants 🤡

  7. How are the lakers a “dysfunctional organization?” In the last 5 years, one chip, one WCf, playoffs every year and in season tournament winners. 25 other franchises with this 5 year run would probably qualify as their best ever.

  8. So getting two shots at beating the same team and failing to do so, isn’t that reason to move on?! Not sure how many chances you need Stephen A. Get over it, Darvin made alot of mistakes by being stubborn. Adjustments that were obvious even to the casual. I get it Stephen a, he was your friend but he just wasn’t it.

  9. OH GOD STOP DEFENDING HAM STEPHEN A if you had actually watched the laker games u would know ham was a bad coach

  10. I really want Ham to get a 2nd chance somewhere else so people can see that he just stands there with his hands in his pockets looking stupid. I doubt we see him in the head coaching position anytime soon.

  11. Anthony Davis said Ham couldn't coach on the summer jam screen lol.

    LeBron & AD were beating the Nuggets for three quarters in spite of Ham and getting beat because the coaching broke down late in the games. Lol

  12. I’m so tired of everyone in national media trying to paint this narrative that Ham did a good job !! Ham was horrible 😂

  13. Yea two years in a roll getting out of play-ins. With that roster, Ham was unfit for the job.

  14. This is racist..why cause he's white? If he was a black coach then its a good fit? Racist espn!!!

  15. Stephen A should stop talking about Darvin Ham and his WCF stint if he didn't watched all the Lakers game this year.

  16. Lakers are a garbage franchise and have been for a decade. the only thing that saved them is lebron signing there. most of their draft picks have been busts or traded away. lonzo ball over jayson tatum was arguably the worst decision in the history of the NBA.

  17. Now when Dan Hurley give out the same results I wonder what the excuse gone be then Anthony Davis who played over A 100 games these 2 seasons ?? Lakers don’t know how to build they want instant results 😂

  18. When is Steven A and the rest of the sports talking heads going to apologies to lebron, i thought they said lebron fired the coach and wanted his friend to be the coach

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