@Detroit Pistons

Pistons writer says starting opportunity could await Malik Monk in Detroit

Pistons writer says starting opportunity could await Malik Monk in Detroit

Mavericks did not make the playoffs this year today they’re getting ready to open the finals against the Celtics in about half an hour we’d like to think maybe somehow some way the Kings can do something like that it’ll be a lot tougher if they don’t have Malik monk around what’s our general sense now of optimism about whether Malik uh stays we’re just hoping against hope right I think I was at a five I think uh the other day so I’m you know I’m a stay of five right now that’s good enough that works uh our next guest is is the Pistons beat rider for the athletic James Edwards I third James we appreciate your time I know you’ve written that uh you think Malik may be somebody the Pistons Target why do you think he’d be a good fit for Detroit well I I think first and foremost a team that won 14 games can use as many good NBA players as possible so we can start there um secondly though I I I do think he addresses a lot of needs that they have right like obviously a team that wins 14 games has a lot of needs but uh three-point shooting the ability to to create shots off the dribble um I don’t think he’ll be Uber expensive relative to how much cap space the Pistons have and the limitations the Kings have and the biggest in terms of the biggest contract they can offer them uh I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a starting role here for Malik monk it just there seems like opportunity there for him and obviously that that Michigan tax is probably a little bit better than that California tax when it comes to those paychecks too yeah yeah he uh James when you look at you know what you guys have where where does Malik fit in is he your point guard your offu guard just a guard with Kade how how does that work do you think yeah I think he’ be the offg guard with Kade um obviously assuming Monty Williams is the coach next year they like using Kade in that lead ball handler role I think most coaches um that would coach Kade would probably prefer him in that role just a bigger guard but to have another guy next to him who can take on some of those ball handling duties but also so can go off screens and and be a good kickout option I think that’s very important um and obviously they have Jaden Ivy there now who is obviously super talented and super promising but streaky shooter um just still has a lot a long way to go and I think he’s been thrown into the fire early on and could benefit from maybe a more diminished role being so young and um and and even learning behind somebody like Malik monk too talking to James L Edwards I third from the athletic he’s a Pistons speed Rider and he uh wrote I think it was yesterday he thinks uh Malik monk might be a good fit for the Pistons and James a moment ago you mentioned the finances let’s look at that and as you alluded to the kings are limited they could most they can offer what like 179 a year uh what and you said oh he wouldn’t be too expensive for the Pistons what do you think of the Pistons would be willing to offer what do you think Malik can uh reasonably get from the Pistons or or some other team here yeah no that’s a good question I mean I think it really just depends on the market for him right like yeah obviously I think the floor is what the Kings can offer which I think is four for 78 which I think comes out to like 19.5 a year or something like that yeah uh so I mean if you’re Detroit like you go to 23 that’s four more million yes plus he saves money on the tax uh the tax difference between California and Michigan um and then you factoring the Pistons have 65 million in c r so for the Pistons that’s wow a really good NBA player and you still have what another I’m bad at math 302 million to play with after that so um I I think they could go up to 23 or and 24 and be comfortable there if if push came to shove depending on how bad they really would want them and they would be if they wanted to they’d be in position to if there’s other suitors they could offer more than that right certainly certainly I think I don’t think they’ll go to a situation where you see Malik making like 20 728 to come to Detroit that feels kind of high uh but given that the Pistons can go above what the Kings can offer um you wonder how many other teams value Malik uh do some teams see him as a starter do they see him as a high-end obviously bench player he’s performed in both roles um I I think that probably is the difference in terms of how teams view him and I don’t know if teams will want to go to 20 million for a guy that they want to come off the bench but yeah there are guys out there like for example like Gary Harris who’s also an unrestricted free agent fits a lot of the kind of the the holes the Pistons need three-point shooting defense three and D Wing right um who might not be as expensive as Malik monk so not only could like maybe the Pistons pivot if the price gets too high but other teams could pivot and they leaves the Pistons with Malik monk for a decent price too right yeah James you know we were having a conversation me and uh Kevin here Whitey here about you know the Pistons and where they stand and actually like some of their young Talent you know whether it’s I’m a Jay iy fan I like Jay G I like Kade uh how far are the Pistons away from not necessarily being a contender I’m not saying that but just being respectable 30 wins making that leap you mentioned 13 wins this year I think their talent is better than their record indicates what say you I agree I don’t think they were 14 win bed um it’s hard to be 14 win bed in in the end ba but somehow they did it and I mean even the year before when Dwayne Casey’s last year they only had k for 12 games and still managed to win 17 so I think they had to look a real really hard at themselves in the mirror and figur out what happened I think this year I think I agree I think they do have talented young players but I I also would push back and say I don’t know if some of them are ready for the roles that they’ve been pushed into um you look at a guy like Jay iy who again super talented and has all the potential but streaky shooter struggles with turnover over is not a great defender Jaylen Duren monster rebounder right but really struggles defensively um so it depends with Tran langon here we’re still um waiting to talk to him and kind of learn about his vision but I I think they could make some waves if they’re able to go and get the type of like Malik monks of the world or um Nick claxton’s of the world just add like two or three legitimate NBA players to build around Kade who I’m not sure how closely people paid attention because the Pistons were so bad but kade’s numbers were identical to like T banchero’s numbers and he did it in a much worse situation with a team that’s not really catered to his strength so you got a guy to build around now I think the important thing is getting some veterans in there who like have proven skill sets who know who they are who are who know what they do I just think right now they’ve done too much experimenting and allowed the young guys to try to play through mistakes and it’s and it’s cost him in the win loss column Pistons beat Rider James L Edwards the third is with us he’s a beat rider for the athletic we’ve been talking a lot in a roundabout way about Monty Williams Because you know Coach Brown just signed his deal and for weeks we’ve been looking at coaches and how much money they’re getting now and obviously Monty’s name comes up a lot I want to ask you if I may a two-parter one I know you’re focused on the Pistons but what did you think of Mike Brown eight and a half uh per year for three with some bonuses potentially and then also what kind of pressure what are the expectations for for Monty Williams coming up this season yeah I think Mike Brown I’m glad he got that deal I was a little worried that the with all due respect that the kings were going to Kings there and be a little bit uh a little too come on man welcome to the club right welcome to the club yeah I mean I said with all due respect I I thought the kings were going to Kink there and be a little too big for their britches because they they’ve had some success lately but that’s the guy that’s helped them get some success and change the culture and I’m glad they took care of them and didn’t Penny pinch over what was it just like an extra two million or something like that million whatever so I’m glad they got that done and then in terms of money yeah like I I I think right now they’re with the new president coming in he’s in the process evaluating everything um obviously they moved on from Troy Weaver last week they’re in the process of evaluating the coaching staff so um I think if if if Monty does come back there’s obviously going to be big um big expectations for him to to maybe make some big changes whether that’s with his sta his staff or um his approach uh in terms of how he uses players or or things like that like I certainly think there is going to be an expectation for things to be altered if he does come back uh simply because whatever happened last year clearly didn’t work hey James how how do you think the Pistons are are viewing this draft I think they have the number five pick are they uh looking at this as an Allstar kind of player they can pick up you think do you think that’s available there uh in this draft or what do you think about you know just how deep and what kind of player caliber player is available in this draft yeah it’s kind of hard to say where where the Pistons is mind is just because Tran just got here and still trying to obviously learn him but if you look at the history of the Pelicans they really targeted long rangey Wings right like you look at herb Jones uh you look at Trey Murphy you look at Dyson Daniel so um this draft has those guys I don’t think that there’s a lot of question mark with guys like you look at buellis you look at Cody Williams um you look at the likes of like even Zachary ret who could go top two or top three um I think there are questions there and in terms if they could find a star I mean I think this is the type of draft where you look back and like look the best player was found pick five through 15 right I think a lot of these guys are grouped together um I I I’m just very curious to know how fast Tran would like to accelerate this rebuild like do they use the number five pick in a trade to bring in somebody more um proven right because I know there’s a lot of talk about this draft being weak but because it’s weak maybe there’s a rival team who likes somebody who thinks the best player in the draft could be had at five and that fifth pick isn’t cost nearly as much as the first pick and second pick um especially in a draft where you’re iffy on the prospect so uh they have a lot of options they can do I know the Pistons and their fans are at least their fans are obviously in right ful uh kind of worried about where the organization is going but you look they got 65 million in cap space they got a pick they can trade they have some interesting young players like they can accelerate this a little bit sooner than than May than it may look to The Outsiders who just see that as a team 114 wins and could be in some trouble James thanks very much for your time I wanted to before we let you go clarify one thing because I hadn’t realized I know that Pistons have a new regime there may be some issues based on on what you just said as to whether uh Monty comes back now couldn’t that that potentially that could affect a decision by a guy like Malik right I know we’re speculating a lot here but Malik even if the Pistons have interest he would be interested in who is going to be the coach if it weren’t Monty right that that could be part of this decision for him yeah it certainly could be you never know yeah relationships that these players have with coaches so you never know certainly um I’d imagine that the Pistons have a decision one way or the other within the next week or two um but yeah certainly I would if I were a player I would put that into consideration gotcha I just yeah I hadn’t considered that thank you we appreciate it James thanks very much for your time we hope to talk to you again soon definitely hope you guys have a good weekend all right Jam yeah huh boy the Pistons can offer a lot of money we can offer 23 and still have more left yeah and I I I didn’t know Monty there was any question about whether he was coming back or not what yeah yeah that’s interesting that definitely could play a a factor in that yeah soik saying right right yesterday weren’t you at like a 0.03 yes where you at now like a 0.05 or something like well I don’t know it’s going to be Detroit but when he talks about how much money they could offer a 0.01 you heard them dollar figures you’re like oh my God it just has a chance to make so much more money somewhere everything comes back dude no matter where it is it’s like well you know the taxes are better taxes that’s a real thing you know we all see those W2s or whatever it is and uh no you’re right you’re talking you know you know 4 million five million a year more just in salary over four years you’re talking close to $20 million and then the tax uh implications too it’s it’s a big draw we’ll come right back with our final prefinal look at the

The Athletic‘s Detroit Pistons beat writer James L. Edwards III joined Whitey Gleason & Kyle Draper this week to discuss why soon-to-be free agent guard Malik Monk could be pursued by the Pistons this summer.

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