@Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Lakers reportedly making ‘massive offer’ to Dan Hurley | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports

Los Angeles Lakers reportedly making ‘massive offer’ to Dan Hurley | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports

well we didn’t see that one coming welcome to the program hour one on this Thursday Dan and The danet Dan Patrick Show the Lakers do have a coach in waiting it just probably not the coach we thought who would be in Waiting if you’re just waking up W with a W bomb that Danny Hurley is being targeted as the next head coach of the LA Lakers here we thought it was JJ reic we’re waiting until the NBA Finals is over and then he would assume that position not so fast so once again I guess being targeted according to wge usually when w says that it feels like the contract talks are a little bit further down the road and I’m guessing if Danny Hurley is looking at what would be compensatory for me what I did at Yukon now going to the Lakers Lakers have been historically cheap with some of their coaches here and they lost out on tyo because they didn’t want to Pony up what the Clippers were willing to pay he might look around and go I want what Ty is getting or I want what Eric spoler is getting is it going to be uh you know $12 million $15 million a year that’s something that Connecticut would not be able to match because they’re a state school not a private school but this this was a well kept secret in a town that doesn’t keep secrets very well didn’t even hear a hey you know what’s crazy here’s a wild rumor you know what I heard from somebody who talked to somebody who talked to somebody well we didn’t have any of that but uh Danny Hurley and the LA Lakers are engaged in talks at least that’s what I and I want to be fair with the wording on this woes said targeting Danny Hurley now I want to take you back to April 177 and uh Danny Hurley was on the show and I talked to him about the possibility of leaving Yukon what would make you leave Connecticut um maybe just burnout uh at this point for me just uh you know pushing too hard and probably you know just breaking down at some point just uh because you just can’t keep up the intensity and and the energy and and you know the output uh and then maybe down the road if I could grow up a little bit um mature know mature a little bit with the emotions maybe the NBA you know down down the road uh so why do you want to do that why you want to do that to yourself go to the NBA well you know I think college has become like the G League uh you know yeah in a way I mean it’s uh you know not that’s obviously tongue and cheek but um you know a lot of the the college game has changed you know you you you you win a National Championship and um obviously we’re going to do things go to White do these we had the parade to do these things but um you you’re basically right into free agency frenzy so um you know uh it’s uh I’m more worried about burnout than I am going to the NBA so there’s a lot of elements here in play and you hear all the time LeBron not involved in the coaching search he I know has given a stamp of approval to what Danny Hurley has done at Connecticut I think he’s already responded to the possibility of Danny Hurley going to the Lakers Danny Hurley and his staff uh Bill Murray’s son Luke they have kind of um reprogram college basketball with their approach on recruiting to uh style offensively and maybe this is something the Lakers looked at and said this isn’t a two-year play this is a seven-year play this is about the Lakers not LeBron and not Anthony Davis this is about us as we move forward as a franchise now we have a coach who we believe in in developing players and Hurley is very good at doing that and uh he he sees what others don’t see now his style is always what’s going to be the Curious part for me because he talked about burnout now you have 82 games and you’re going to have 82 games under a microscope like you’ve never had before every you know moment with LeBron or ad is going to be Amplified you’re not in stores Connecticut anymore if this does happen now you’re with the Lakers everything is going to be magnified your style uh we hear from Brian wior all the time Wendy says LeBron loves to be coached okay you’re going to be coached and here you are at the end of your career and you got Anthony Davis they did not play Kate LeBron because that probably would have been JJ reck JJ reck calling the finals and we thought you know this was just uh you know mere formality he’s going to do the NBA Finals once he’s done with his requirements with the ESPN ABC then he takes the Lakers job you didn’t hear anything about any possibility with Danny Hurley and that is surprising but I think it’s awesome I think if Danny Hurley wants that challenge uh and he’s you know he’s lived and coached grew up on the east coast and I think he’d always said you know remember we talked to him about the Kentucky job and he like no my wife no we she would she doesn’t want to leave you know the tri-state area and that’s something you know I’m sure this is part of the negotiation of convincing her to go out to Los Angeles to take that job but you know given the state of college basketball n transfer portal I mean it used to be at control now you don’t have any control I mean you can try but let’s say it doesn’t work out if he goes to the Lakers and maybe after four years he can always go back to college basketball so I get it I understand it it’s the next challenge for him I mean if you’re at Yukon you you’re you’re sad if this happens but you also have to say hey thank you I mean gave you back-to-back national titles so there’s something to be said for everybody involved in this with the Lakers with what they’re doing why they’re doing it LeBron how does this work with him ad how does this work with him and then Danny Hurley that style of what you were doing at Connecticut you know he’s he’s an he’s like Mike McDaniel with the dolphins like he’s an inator he’s trying to come up with different concepts this might be what he runs might be similar to the triangle offense as far as this could be something that other teams try to adopt or you’re trying to understand it so many different options and the offense has been great you know they dominated college basketball outscoring their opponents by what close to 200 points it felt like and then you win back-to-back title so that’s the big news today once again W is reporting that the Lakers are targeting Dan Hurley and uh you know if I’m looking at what is going to be security guaranteed contract you know six seven eight years you know it would take that you want me to run your organization all right then you got to pay me and they’re going to have to pay Danny hurling stat of the day brought to you by Panini America the official trading cards of The Dan Patrick Show as the weather gets warmer it’s time to think about the three FS that’s family friends and food and nothing brings those three together quite like kings Hawaiian so make every Sunday a slider Sunday Kings Hawaiian oh yes e do you put well how much value do you put in uh the chance to three Pete it’s pretty rare in college basketball that’s a once in a generation once in A- lifetime opportunity I’m trying to think of reasons that Dan Hurley would stay at Yukon because jumping to the Lakers for a crazy amount of money which we assume it would be is almost like and the stamp of approval from LeBron yeah is uh like just an insr Mount why wouldn’t you do that anybody would do that yeah I think the challenge like everything about Danny Hurley is a chip on his shoulder when he was playing to when he was coaching he still has a chip on his shoulder and he’s probably going to say all right you know I’m the third most famous hurle my dad Bobby I’m going to be the most famous and I think that probably you know kind of feeds into who he is and his personality now you go to the Lakers as far as staying you know you you stay you’ve created something now you are the face of college basketball but I I don’t know what motivates him what makes him Tech yes Eden well that is the thing too that I think about is that he was sort of born and raised in basketball as a lot of people have uh and their family is much more famous for college basketball than for professional basketball right the it certainly won’t be his last job offer although I don’t know how many times the Lakers come calling um but just knowing that uh or at least thinking of him as a little bit of a college basketball historian the chance to three Pat is pretty great yeah I don’t know what motivates him like for us you’d go boy that’d be awesome to three peat you know what would be more awesome to win a title with the Lakers yeah one peting with the Lakers yes just one title there one Pete yeah nobody ever won pets a singular Pete with LeBron and the Lakers on his way out yeah I’ll do that all day that’s awesome say good morning if you’re watching on peacock streaming partner one Pete yeah download the app if you haven’t done so radio Affiliates around the country we have our pull question play of the day stat of the day all of that coming forthcoming and by the way the NBA Finals starting tonight I wonder what the commissioner thinks of this this morning where he’s like all right yeah all this attention game one everybody excited wait what’s W reporting the lake what at least it’s basketball you imagine if it was an Aaron roders story then all of a sudden everybody would be you know that would be suffocating you but get ready for a healthy dose here because it’s the Lakers and it’s LeBron it’s not like he’s going to the Bobcats he’s going to the Lakers if that’s the case wow and he’s going to that is accurate though C Strays yes it’s the Lakers it’s not the Bobcat it’s LeBron and the Lakers ad well LeBron still yeah he is I know let’s see if he wants to be coach too yes Paul it’s kind of sad I was just thinking if Danny Hurley leaves college basketball a true character and basically the face of college basketball Nick Sabin leaves college football a couple months ago Jim Harbaugh leaves college football a couple months ago and they’re all going pro I went and looked back this is kind of comparable to Nick Sabin when he was in the middle of his run at Bama Ed every year there was a rumor about him being looked at for the Cowboys job and it was never real you never found any reports but there’s always rumors this was the opposite there was never rumors just real okay it’s my job to think this way could this be leverage for Danny Hurley with the new contract at Connecticut could this I I just want to I got to look at all angles here could it have started that way because he’s been looking for a contract extension all of a sudden and you know what let’s I said I wouldn’t take another College job but I didn’t say I wouldn’t go to the NBA right now I don’t know if it’s leverage play wge and Wendy keep saying hey this isn’t a done deal yet they’re targeting him okay I do have to look at sort of what’s been going on and is there a leverage Play We taped an interview with Gino Orma about 45 minutes ago I’m going to play it next hour and I’m going to tell tell you it’s appointment listening it is wild we touch on a variety of things including a conversation he had with Danny Hurley last night about taking the Laker job what are the odds that he spoke with Danny Hurley last night not even knowing that Danny Hurley had been talking or is talking or going to be talking to the Lakers he works down the hall from him so Gino the interview that we did last uh 45 minutes ago it’ll be next hour at this time and it is must listen radio we do talk about Caitlyn Clark the treatment of Caitlyn Clark as well and he’s got some things to say about college basketball and certainly on the men’s side of where we are right now but Gina Orma who just signed the contract extension with the Yukon women uh 5-year deal he’ll join us coming up yes Marvin do you think the Lakers need Hurley more or the or Hurley needs the Lakers more the Lakers need Hurley there’s no great coaching candidates out there I mean there’s no Marquee name where you go Jerry West or Pat Riley or Phil Jackson Danny Hurley he’s on the short list of most famous coaches in America and what he’s done wherever he’s gone he wins I mean there’s a harball feel to him of Hey I’m here I’m there I’m there and everybody body’s a winner and Harbaugh coaches this raah Rah College type way Danny Hurley coaches that way as well but it’s uh it’s pretty shocking though but I would say the Lakers if the Lakers get get somebody you know you want stability it’s not you know who’s the coach now well he won’t be coaching too much longer that’s what I wondered about JJ reic would he be a two-year coach because is LeBron going to play for two years and then all of a sudden do you change because you’re going to be in a rebuild Danny Hurley and you know the Lakers aren’t going well this would be good for us five years down the road they still think that they can win and rightfully so and you have LeBron and AD and you should think you could win but I think this is a a bigger picture bigger play for the Lakers to say we got a coach who’s going to have tenure he’s going to be respected he’s a bright mind and he’s going to be the future the current and the future of our organization but as far as Danny Hurley I mean unless it’s money he could have stayed at Connecticut tried for a three repeat and you know maybe this is just you you put it all in the blender and you go golly this it it’s too good to pass up yes Mark Stores Laguna Beach same thing ven Beach yeah it’s all the same yes D I know we just won back-to-back titles and not we’re not saying that Danny would be instantly successful if he took the job but is he going to hear the same kind of things that J.J reck’s dealing with hey he’s never coached one game in the NBA is no one going to sayate anything about Danny Hurley and what he can do or not do in the pros no no he proved it in college guys have proven things in college and then there was a disaster in the pros well but I think because of that because of what he’s did at Yukon JJ reck hadn’t coached at all Danny Hurley has coached young players and he’s won back to back titles that’s that’s a pretty good resume to go into the NBA now we’ve had coaches uh Jerry tanian didn’t last long when he went in to coach the Spurs uh it was on this date this is the anniversary of Coach Kay considering going into to coach the Lakers there you have Billy Donovan when Billy Donovan left Florida uh Steve sper when he left Florida go to Washington Nick Sabin when there’s it’s littered with that but I think this is a great hire by the Lakers I love it now if it happens I think it’s a great great hire I do and I think that’s once again WJ is saying this so is Wendy they’re just they’re targeting him now it feels like if WJ is saying this they’re further down the road this is like w is saying hey they’re targeting him and then six six hours from now it’s like yeah done deal yes C you know it’s weird I bet that the one thing that might actually be standing in the way of Dan Hurley taking this job job is lifestyle yes yeah I don’t think I don’t think he has any interest in moving a portion of his family to Los Angeles I think he wants to stay right on the East Coast where he’s near his parents and he’s near his family and all the Jersey stuff that they got going on that’s all real that’s all very real he he wants to be right here that’s that that’s one of the biggest surprising parts of this not that he would be taking the job interested that he would leave the East Coast

The Dan Patrick Show discusses news of the Los Angeles Lakers reportedly set to make a ‘massive offer’ to UConn’s Dan Hurley for their vacant head coaching job, analyzing how the college coach would fit in the NBA. #NBCSports #DanPatrickShow #DanHurley #LosAngelesLakers
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Los Angeles Lakers reportedly making ‘massive offer’ to Dan Hurley | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports


  1. The Lakers can’t deal with Hurley. He wants to coach men but the players want to be coddled. Dan, stay in college.

  2. Lakers called LeBron's bluff. Whether LeBron stays/Bronny signing is in play, they will put in a coaching infrastructure to outlast LeBron's tenure. And as usual, the Lakers steal everyone else's thunder.

  3. Dan literally talking about a hiring rumor while being amazed that no rumors leaked out ahead of time. Lofl

  4. This is not a leverage play. UConn could not match Kentucky. Why would you think that UConn could now match the Lakers. For Hurley, he knows that money isn’t the deciding factor because he would’ve been a Lakers coach yesterday. This is more of a personal matter. For him, he’s wondering if he should stay and go for a threepeat and live on the east coast with his family. Or leave to go to the west coast and live out his dream of being an NBA head coach.

  5. Dan Hurley is the 7th highest paid coach in college. Bill Self almost makes twice as much as him. And they report that the Lakers are prepared to make him a "massive" contract offer. He just won back to back titles this is all to get a well deserved hefty raise to return to UConn. Don't be surprised if it's soon announced he is returning to UConn and they gave him a "massive" new contract

  6. But a more qualified coaching hire than JJ. Lebron likely pushing for Reddick so he has a surrogate as coach. Love the podcasts though……

  7. Well Lebron won’t be round for very long. The bigger issue is simply being in the lakers fishbowl and the daily nonsense and drama that entails. Uconn isn’t even talked about until March.

  8. Only go if you get a slice of Lakers ownership and percentage of tv/merch/ticket sales revenue. He’s an idiot if he just takes straight salary. CA taxes are insane. L-A itself is Not a selling point either. It’s best days (and Californias’) are in the past.

  9. if hurley's smart he will reject this offer. he makes enough money and owns connecticut. in the nba the players will own him. that's not the way he rolls. stay at uconn and become an all time legendary coach or go to the lakers and be fired after a few years. remember its happened to other successful college coaches.

  10. Actually, there were a bunch of great college coaches who failed in the NBA, especially during year 1.

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