@Boston Celtics

Can’t believe Tingus Pingus did all this in 20 mins

Can’t believe Tingus Pingus did all this in 20 mins

by jewchains_


  1. rockphysicsdude

    “One man to beat, but it is a 7 footer”

  2. JaylenBrownAllStar

    Seeing the mavs defenders who are too small flopping for fouls in a finals game was so satisfying when those shots went in

  3. AbunRoman

    Cool but there was a certain individual that went 0/10 in an elimination game against the Kings 🤔

  4. The_Dok33

    And he was smiling all the way.

    Must be frustrating when you are holding your dislocated jaw(that’s how serious he made it look, anyway) with your shooting hand, while looking at the ref for help, and then you look back at the 7’3″ Latvian that just ended your career, and he is just troddling back on D, while smiling at you.

  5. iAm-Tyson

    I think he was actually healthy for most of the Pacers series but they decided not to risk it vs a physical and fast paced team when we already led 3-0, and he probably played a role on downplaying his health to the media so he could suprise Dallas who seemed like they did not expect him to look like this.

    I also think he does well off the bench for many reasons he’s like instant offense, and rim protection sort of like having Naz Reid off the bench.

  6. Who else posts up from 18 feet out in such a physical way and then just shoots over the defender like he is not there? It looks like it’s going to be a terrible forced shot, but at the very end, he just casually drains it.

    He’s one of the reasons the Celtics are like they are this season. They’ll often be playing a team pretty evenly for a good stretch of the game, but they’ll usually have at least one ridiculous scoring outburst while completely limiting the other team.

  7. Dustoffman

    When the defense over plays you, and you bust in their eye…..🤣😂🤣

  8. jackstraw97

    I jumped out of my chair when he blocked that transition dunk.

    Lots of guys coming off an injury wouldn’t leave it all on the floor like that especially on a high-risk play like that. I fuckin love the effort!

  9. Larrydp72181

    For those people who got to see Walton play on the Celtics who played with more joy; Walton or KP?

  10. Virgil_hawkinsS

    I really hope the refs stay consistent because some of the flops in this game had me worried.

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