@Dallas Mavericks

How Kyrie Irving & Luka Doncic Can Be Better in the NBA Finals for the Dallas Mavericks

How Kyrie Irving & Luka Doncic Can Be Better in the NBA Finals for the Dallas Mavericks

on today’s show is there something to Kyrie Irving losing his last 11 games against the Boston Celtics why did Luca only have one assist in game one of the NBA Finals I’ll tell you on today’s lockdown Mavs this is lock down Mavericks maver NBA champions it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game thank you if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away [Music] and welcome you’re locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angad media member and NBA channel manager for the lockedown podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show make it locked on maps your first listen today with the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a five star viiew like the video on YouTube and comment anything below let me know in the comment section what do you think about game one how can the Mavericks change going into game two this episode is brought to you by prize piix the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to prize piix / lockon NBA use all lowercase lockon NBA as the code for a first deposit match up to $100 and joining me from 1053 The Fan what you got for me reat Tula look win loss draw it’s always baddy time it’s what baddy time that’s right okay all right for whom for all okay did it make you smile I just I I’ve been I’ve been talking to Nick before we went live here ladies and gentlemen and it’s it’s starting to wear on him so I just wanted to bring a smile that’s maybe the 15th time I’ve talked about this game one today uh but all right we’ll get into we’ll get into some of the big questions I have after game one we’ll talk about Kyrie we’ll talk about his being zero and 11 against the Celtics in his last 11 games we’ll talk about Luca and his one assist was it more about the Boston’s defensive scheme or the map’s missing shots my answer may surprise you we’ll talk about the offense and we’ll talk about the role players and so we’ll get into that a little bit but but let’s start with this Reggie there was a lot of talk about Kyrie Irving and the emotion of the crowd and all that and it wouldn’t be a story if he came out and had a really great game even if he had a great game in the Mavs lost it was this would not be a story this is a results-based story that we’re going into do you buy that Kyrie Irving just let the crowd get to him in game one and that’s why he struggled in the game not entirely I did hedge re hedge yay there’s there’s a little HED like I mean I want to just be like no flat out no that that was not impactful but in after the game obviously listening to all of the media availability Kyrie Irving makes mention of it and of course like I think he makes mention of it if I remember correctly before he was asked explicitly about it just the environment and getting getting up to uh speed on being in that environment now he didn’t single himself out I think he talked about the entirety of the team and so he may be acting in the capacity as leader guy talking about the youth on the team and getting themselves up to the feeling of not just the Boston TD Garden and the Celtics but then just the the environment and the field of being in an NBA Finals with those level of stakes but that’s there right and so I imagine that that factors in but more than anything it just felt like an off shooting night and a very particular tough match up against a really good defensive team that he’s going to need some level of adjustment to and honestly they’re going to need a little bit of coaching too as well because this is not the first time the Drew holiday has guarded him and there is a history of Drew holiday giving him issues like these are things that were accounted for and documented before we got here and so I think those things probably weigh in a lot more than uh folks yelling Kyrie sucks at him because he’s had that happen more than more than just in Boston as well yeah I have it I have a one more thing coming out tomorrow about Kyrie where I go into some of the shots that he took and some of the things that I think he got rushed and out of his rhythm but I I do think that the crowd got got to him a little bit because he did you mentioned it that he did talk about it and he said that you know there are a lot of emotions going into it just waiting for the opportunity to get out there and compete you know going against a great Boston Celtics team so we talked about the emotions going into the game that he felt different things and then he said I thought the crowd was going to be a little louder in here I’m expecting the same things in game two crowd trying to get me out of my element trying to get my teammates out of my element the fact that he mentioned that means that he was thinking about it beforehand which means that I think that it did have some sort of effect on him and so I I do buy that this that it did have an effect now I don’t think it’s the only thing because even if you say that if you say that the crowd oh it was the crowd that got got to Kyrie and that’s why he missed shots he did Miss wide open shots in this game and so maybe there’s some of that like there’s just some I mean I I posted some screenshots at ni van exit some just wide open shots Kyrie Irving missed but if you just say it was the crowd you’re not giving the Boston Celtics defense enough credit because I I do think that they played a really good game on the Mavericks as well and I think that Drew holiday is a really good defender on him drick white is a really good Defender as well and they have good help Defenders they have they have length that they can send as help with Tatum and and Chris porzingis and and Al Horford those are the guys that are switching on to you like those are not amazing matchups there is not somebody that Kyrie can hunt in the same way that there was a Mike connley the same way that there was a goar or a towns or somebody like that in this series a zubot even a Harden you know somebody like that where Kyrie can hunt and has all of a sudden a great matchup that’s why the Celtics team is so good that’s why they’re in the finals and I think it’s just a different kind of matchup and I think he struggled against them because of all those reasons yeah man it’s the physicality that Drew Hol and the quickness that Drew holiday um has that pairing but you you mentioned it right the additional help in the back stop I don’t think that you faced a back stop as good as what the Celtics are giving you in this uh in this series when you consider obviously Christof porzingis Al Horford to some degree and apparently backup center Jaylen brown right like apparently that also um is something but yeah like yeah get getting down hill and getting into the paint was not an easy task for that dude even though uh difficult shots is uh what he’s made his what he’s made his career on almost exclusively but yeah the thing that is obviously the biggest uh the biggest I guess concern or the biggest thing of note for me was the way that he missed some of those open threes and I think you you mentioned and you’re very correct in that you could visibly see him rushing especially there was one from the right wing and I can’t remember exactly when it was I wish I I had taken notes like you typically do but uh like on that right wing you could see him almost leaning into the shot as if I need to get this off and it’s like dude you got 10 feet no one’s near you take your time take it in Rhythm and maybe you attribute that to the the crowd or maybe you attribute that to the urgency of I I can feel that my team needs it but one way or another he needs to find a way to settle in because he’s vital to this series he talks about that you know Tim KO had a good article where he talks about the next day after the maps have some of these disappointing losses and especially in game ones talks about what happens the next day after that and he just said regroup with the teammates and things like that what do you think takes him out of this thing where he’s rushing shots and things like that um not making them right like understanding that hey we tried the rushing it didn’t work so we got to move on to something else right I think that that’s one of the nice things about having some experience in the postseason is that I think you can operate a little bit more clearheaded uh the lights of the moment do not I guess aren’t aren’t as transfixing i’ I’d imagine as Joe moula says unless they change the lights they’re not going to get any brighter right sure and he he can make that very dry equip but the fact of the matter is we’ve seen enough times and we’ve heard enough uh firsthand accounting that that can slow you up for a little bit I don’t think he’s been in that situation where it slowed them up so I think that there’s that and I mean you you’ve seen it you’ve been in those Arenas to see that coaching staff is robust and I imagine that they’ll talk to him like Hey man I understand I understand we can see you hesitating and the same way that Kyrie has been the guy that’s given that pep talk to the likes of lively or other guys like hey just shoot it I imagine that the players is you know this this locker room seems to be able to give as much as take I imagine that they’ll tell him hey man just take it in Rhythm we trust you and I imagine the coaching staff will do the same do you think that there’s anything to the stat that Kyrie is now 0er and 11 against Boston in the last couple times that he’s played them three of them with Dallas all of them have been in 202 the calendar year 2024 so it’s been game one of the finals the one where they got dominated and the one before the trades and then eight with Brooklyn so we I I didn’t go back through all those and say all right who was healthy and who was not and all that but he’s zero and 11 against Boston anything to that I mean there’s there’s got to be something because that’s that’s a really robust like we’re getting to a pretty big sample size but I think some of the things you pointed to some of the things you pointed to is like hey man for a lot of those you can absolutely point to the idea that Boston has been a better team like wellb built that doesn’t mean that that’s going to be the team that wins the series because we’ve seen situations where the better team does not come out because the team the team that played better in that series ultimately comes out and that the Mavericks have to hope that that’s the case but yeah this is a Celtics team that has earned this over there’s a reason why they’ve been to so many Eastern Conference Finals in a short in a relatively short period of time so yeah yeah no you have to give them their credit for being a good team and I imagine that that kind of harms the way that uh Kyrie’s record ultimately looks this wasn’t just on Kyrie we’ll talk about Kyrie a lot because it it’s Boston it’s Kyrie sucks it’s F Kyrie the crowd chanting all that kind of stuff but it’s not just on him let’s talk about Luca where he can be better was Luca’s passing he only had one assist was it on Boston’s defense or is it because the Mavs missed shots talk about that coming up today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks prize Pi daily Fantasy Made Easy all you have to do is go to prize and pick two to six players and more or less on their stat projection so if you think that you can go and go to prize picks and see uh and and pick what guys are going to do if you’re like all right I think I know how Kyrie’s going to play in the next game go to prize bicks and see what they got for you see if you can uh pick some of these right and you can win up to a 100 times your money you can turn $10 into 100 you can turn uh $100 into a th000 you can turn do all kinds of stuff check it out what they have they have nothing for the NBA right now but they will they’ll have all kind they do have all kinds of stuff for WNBA they’ve got uh this I’m 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off season because that’s what we do here right Reggie all right Reggie we’re here we’re talking about the Mavs and we’re talking about the Mavs in the finals Ms lose game one talked about Kyrie Irving we we’ve put that past us we’re not going to talk about Kyrie Kyrie anymore in this episode Luca donic has one assist he’s only had one assist six times in his career three of them he didn’t play very much in those games like 3 minutes 13 minutes 2 minutes here and there has never had a one assist game in the in the playoffs do you think Luca’s one assist was mostly on Boston’s scheme or the Mavs missing shots yeah man I think it’s mostly about Boston scheme I think that that was a key factor of what they were trying to take off the table in the playoffs it’s it’s it’s about you know what are you trying to take off the table what can you live with what can you not live with and um you’ve had you had the crossover episodes and I thought that those were really insightful in this one of the reasons why you have to listen to lock on every day because it was laid out very clearly the idea that hey man the Celtics are probably going to want to take away Luca’s ability to pass because he generates so much offense for the rest of these players yes he’s going to get his in some ways and you saw that it was a 30-point basketball game for him even in the course of him only lodging one assist but he only has one assist and I think the number that’s even more uh astonishing and mindboggling only six assist opportunities like that tells you that it wasn’t just miss shots this was the Boston Celtics taking that off of the table now there were some instances in watching the game back where you see hey there might have been one of those crazy skip passes that Luca is capable of making we’ve seen it time and time again however that’s a lot to ask for that to be the exclusive diet of the assist through a defense that’s proven to be as switchable as quick as handsy as the Celtics this is something that they tried to take off the table and so it’s going to require the big basketball brain of LCA donic and Jason kid and his staff to try and make some adjustments to get some of those open including the fact that the lob was entirely off the table you’re Cent were ineffective and completely gone in this and that’s one of the big ways that Luka donic can be effective getting the ball to others getting super efficient shots and just breaking down a defense so it definitely was I think it was definitely on Boston here yep I teased it as saying your my answer may surprise you it’s not GNA surprise Reggie because I’m with you I think it was all the Boston Celtics scheme and I think honestly look watching this game back again and thinking about what the Celtics did to him and or did you know with their scheme I think this was not a good Luca not not a great Luca game 30 points 10 rebounds you look at the shooting efficiency it’s not too bad all that the thing is if he has 30 points and one assist he’s not creating the same amount of points that he creates normally yeah I mean he’s just he’s not and so the Mavericks then all of a sudden don’t break 90 points and then you go oh man Kyrie didn’t have enough Point okay some of this has got to be on Luca too because this is how the Mavericks have got here and so you have both of your guys that didn’t have great games for themselves they’re going to have to have those great games if they’re going to win four in this and you mentioned the stat that Luca had seven potential assists in the in the game seven that that there’s he averages more he averages more assists per game in the regular season and in the playoffs than that right and so you look at the like he he didn’t have the he didn’t have the uh he didn’t even have like the uh like the opportunities to get more assists than this Luca in the regular season 16.9 potential assists a game and he had seven in in game one like think about that difference um I counted like five of the potential assists were were open shots so teammates did miss some shots so you could look at those and isolate those and say oh well there’s five five examples where they missed open shots but there should be like 15 if if you’re talking about there should be 15 examples if he had one assist and it’s just on teammates missing shots so it was not that it was their scheme and so this takes me to this if Luca is only going to get one assist or two or three or four or even five how many points he have to score how many times do he have to take advantage of this Boston Celtics team because he got 30 and it was not enough I look if you’re talking about trying to win the game one assist means the game is out like I don’t I don’t know that there’s an answer that you feel great about like hey Luka would you they can’t win a game if he has one assist again I don’t think unless Kyrie Irving is in the hub right like maybe because this is the thing is when we start talking about the points that he creates in addition to his scoring it’s it’s still we’re talking about what like 60 70 points on any given night that he is creating just off of those assists and points you have to make up for those and so Kyrie would have to then be doing some of the point generation and adding in and I know that we had passed the Kyrie portion of the program but I mean that I think that factors in with this part of it it out we’ll bleep it out all right no problem fantastic that’s what post is for but yeah I mean you are we talking we’re talking about breaking um postseason records if if he’s not going to be able to be a distributor that’s what he is like that’s what makes him incredible yes he can get to his spots and I I would quibble with you I guess on the idea that he it wasn’t like a particularly good game for him or maybe I’m misrepresenting what you said because I thought that in addition to that the three-point shot was not really on the table for him he had to do it a lot attacking downhill and attacking a defense that really could stay in front of him and taking mid-range jumpers which I thought he did very well so I understand like the way that you’re trying that you’re talking about it I get what you’re saying but I still think that with the parameters that were in front of him he did a good job but what makes him great is being Maestro being being a point guard bending defenses and that’s not what he did in the course of it because you can only see that one assist and those very limited uh assist opportunities it was a great NBA game it was not a great Luca game fair enough okay that’s that’s the difference and for this team to win like I’ve been saying this whole time I think they needed one more score they didn’t get that one more score in the trade deadline or or buyout Market or anything like that and they made it this far because luuka and Kyrie have been great in certain moments or they found another way to get PJ Washington to be that guy to get Derrick Jones J be that guy to get Gafford or Lively opportunities and things like that and there there those opportunities may not be there for this team now I think there are opportunities with PJ Washington I may talk about that tomorrow but yeah I think that that Luca the one assist thing is is part of the is part of the plan so he’s got to find different ways to create advantages to create you know and and I think he’s got I think he’s got to put so much pressure on them that they have to start trying to change their defense and I think he can get there I think he can create a little more I think he can create more pressure on and I think that he can he can hit a couple more shots here and there especially some mid-range stuff and between him and you know redacted player other star other star player they’re both if they’re both better uh then it’s you know it’s a different game maybe they’re in it close late and then all of a sudden that’s a game the Mavs can win instead of a blowout on the other side and I think some of that is I mean again as we’re talking about the Celtics basically forcing in some ways that upon uh Luca and not being able to be a a playmaker I think some of that is they the places where you want to attack them they allowed you get the Horford switch they didn’t they did a great job of kicking KP out of those situations yeah and I wonder if things like I mean incorporating more those double drags honestly Spain pick and roll those types of things where it’s a lot harder to dictate who ends up ultimately on yeah multiple actions tied together that makes it more difficult for the defense to dictate who ends up on the ball handling I think those are the types of things that maybe allow you to get those mismatches that Luca can then attack and I think maybe that can allow them to force Boston’s hand a little bit into maybe overh helping that to create that little window or maybe even Shifting the way that they’re going because look it’s been it has been uh straight up switching and one-on-one or just drop coverage they have not thrown any of that blitzing that Luca tends to absolutely eviscerate and I don’t think that the ball and Celtics want to it all yeah they’re too smart of a defensive team to to struggle with that or to or to give the Mavs that opportunity either I think coming up what’s one area Dallas has to be better on offense and which one non-star non- redacted player and Luca player need to be better in game two the most we’ll talk on that coming [Music] up all right Reggie we’re talking about Mavs game one of the NBA Finals can’t believe I still can’t believe we’re in the NBA finals and actually talking about this Dallas Mavericks team it’s still insane the fact that they’re here and that I’m in Boston and that we’re uh we’re talking about this team and we’re like oh man Lucas got to be better and I’m like hold on we’re talking about him being better in the NBA Finals like that is this is the highest of the high the the it was insane to walk through and to see like I saw Shaq and JJ reic like shaking hands and talking before the game and I just I just wanted to like you know I just wanted to pull out one of those ear nocular things just like listen into their conversation and see Shaq being like though you would be a really good coach of the Lakers sad that Dan Hurley’s going to get it sorry you should have just walked up you should have just walked up on him just slid in youve you’ve done that plenty in the in the uh in the AAC when you know just there’s conversations happen famous people are talking I just slide in I mean not necessarily you in particular but just everybody we all just kind of walk into a circle talk a little bit oh as far as the Mavs offense goes what’s one thing what’s one area the Mavs offense needs to be better I would like to take the easy uh thing off the table finish bunnies right like this is this it’s going to be difficult uh and you were challenged a lot at The Rim as we mentioned kristos porzingis had a fantastic block party joined by uh J Jason Tatum got a little bit and of course Jaylen Brown did a lot which was wild um but there was that but there was also instances where you did not make it easy on yourself you missed easy buckets and particularly that three-point battle is going to be tough enough if you are not getting the most efficient shot to go at a at a high enough rate at a reasonable clip that’s not going to help you at all it’s a it’s not the biggest thing I don’t think but I think it’s one of the easiest things is take the easy ones when you get them and make sure that they go down because you can’t afford to lose those in what is a tough uh tough battle I’m gonna take yours a step further hit the bunnies but also don’t give up the easy turnovers don’t give up the easy like there are so many instances I go back I was watching the game and like Luca has a turnover where he turns the corner and all of a sudden the ball just completely leaves his hand and you’re like how did that happen Kyrie dribbles the ball off his foot Lively travels Kyrie travels it’s like there’s all these instances of of dumb turnovers every single possession matters you cannot be given away possessions where Kyrie is on the right wing un like kind of unguarded and he passes to Maxi and he passes into the backourt instead of to Maxi it’s like what it’s you cannot have that in a game like this how many mistakes did the Celtics make like that right it’s like hard to it’s hard to think of some examples of that turn the ball over a decent amount to be fair when it’s when it’s just like nobody’s standing around them and they just chucked it in the back cour I mean you had a couple examples where Jaylen Brown drove and like the Mavs pressured him and then he made a bad pass or something like that or t or Tatum through that one tat wild yeah he had some bad ones yeah they made turnovers I’m not saying that I’m just saying like for the Mavs to be in the position that they’re in every possession matters and I think that you you’ve got to take it take care of the ball and take care of the the shots that are easy that you get South LS went 14 to 14 at The Rim because they were all easy they were dunks they were putbacks they were layups they were you know shots at The Rim that were against you know favorable matchups and things like that my thing for the Mavs to be better on offense is in the half court you’ve got to be more efficient and some of it is with with the bunnies but you’ve got to get into some more actions and you can’t just say all you can’t just settle for some of the things that they settled with the the things that you know Derrick Jones Jr driving to the rim the Kyrie one-on-one and then driving to help and then all of a sudden he’s taking a really tough shot where he did hit some of those but the Mavs half court offense is kind of the key to some of their wins in this I tweeted at Nick Vex I tweeted a chart of them LA’s half court offense and their offensive rating in the half court and like 100 is is good that’s like a a good you know offensive rating in the half court the Mavs in game f game five against the Timberwolves 130 they they destroyed that they destroyed that dang team yeah I like that their their losses against Boston it was their worst half court offensive rating the whole playoffs 75.3 if 100 is good 130 is insane 75 is awful fourth percentile it’s the same as OKC game one 76.1 exact same the exact same half court offensive rating with against OKC in game one and that one they got destroyed too you’ve got to be more efficient in that you’ve got to get into more sets and find more favorable matchups than you did in this one and I felt like some of that was nerves you know trying to force things that weren’t there I think you can go to PJ Washington against a Derek white oneon-one a little bit more and maybe he doesn’t score on him a bunch of times and score 20 points but maybe they get some better stuff out of it where somebody comes over to help eventually you got to just press like push the pressure points a couple times because there are there are things that you can push on this Celtics defense how about bring Tatum’s man up to the up to the screen and have Tatum guard Luca a bunch of times like how about we how about we do that test him yeah I think that that that would be uh interesting but like I think the tough thing about it is again any one of those guys individually is going to be fairly tough and then on top of that there’s a back stop so I think really you need to see no easy answers yeah you need to force um kind of a bigger change and of course I say that not to you know knock you down but just to point to how difficult a challenge it is for this team to do that and also to recognize that what I’m about to throw out there as well I don’t necessarily have a good answer to however 27 threes is simply not enough right they put up the Mavericks put up 27 three-pointers in this game you lost three-point battle by I believe the technical anount was a gazillion um can’t beat that right like I think if I remember the statistic correctly 27 three-pointers in a full game is the fourth fewest that the Mavericks got up in the course of this season like that just it can’t it can’t be that few shots particularly in a three-point battle that is uh a Celtics team that’s going to put up a whole bunch here’s here’s the number the Mavs average 33 and a half threes a game in the playoffs where they get 27 up Luca got what seven potential assists he normally gets like what 15 that’s the difference right there Luca just did not create the threes for him that’s how they create him he just didn’t create he didn’t create him in this game that that is the difference so it stems from Luca being able to do that Luca being able to create stuff he’s got to create more offense if he’s going to be limited in a assists and passing he’s got to score more than 30 points it’s just it’s tough but that’s the way that it is last one here which non-star player needs to be better in game two the most it it it feels kind of tough to put this on him but we had questions in one of these one of those uh one more things D Derrick Lively I think is the answer and it might be as simple as hey man stay on the floor the flurry of run that they were able to go on was import was I mean I think a large part of that was with Derrick Lively on the floor he picks up a whole bunch of fouls and that kind of goes away I think that he he provides so much for you in energy and ability on defense and I think that he has to be helpful for you and then also I think he gives you the best opportunity of maybe getting that lob threat going during the course of this series or at least in the next game and so I he needs to be on the floor first and foremost and then find himself a little bit more uh a little bit more action a little bit more viability in the offense I think that’s going to be go a great way that is insane to me that I asked you the question which non-star player role player needs to be better for the Dallas Mavericks in the 2024 NBA finals in order for them to win a game that’s right and your answer was their 20-year-old rookie that they got fined for tanking for to get the pick to to draft him to bring him in that I was wondering if he was going to play g- League games at the beginning of the season and now we’re talking about him as the most important non-star player on the team probably although like to be fair I think that PJ Wasington was one of the answers that I was thinking about and that might be your answer here he was thought I thought he was all right exactly so I was like I don’t know how much I can be like hey do more but I mean there have been instances and the the Thunder series is the one that comes to mind where he had to give you 20 24 27 at times and you got 14 if I remember correctly from him in this one like not not quite that same thing right if you start getting into those different levels that different Stratosphere and I don’t know how fair it is to ask him of that specifically Derek Lively giving you I mean nothing offensively uh when you talk about the scoring and then also not g only giving you 14 minutes that’s not what you’ve come to expect from him which again I think it highlights how great he’s been and how well they’ve done developing but this is the time where you need it like all of that development is for right now so you’d love to see yeah Lively is a great answer to this question it is it is one correct answer I think there’s another correct answer I think it’s Derrik Jones Jr too think yeah you know I I posted a stat today and we talked about on the Bleacher Report stream that slightly and I did uh D Derrik Jones Jr has been block was blocked 24 times in 76 regular season games he took almost 500 shots so he got blocked 24 times in 500 shots in the regular season yeah he got blocked 10 times in 10 Western Conference playoff games 130 attempts so 10 times in 130 30 attempts he got blocked four times in nine attempts in game one of the finals blocked four times is tough don’t like that percentage he was aggressive and you you respect that about about him to be aggressive to try and get to the rim but you got to pick your spots if you’re that guy like you you’ve got to and this is what I’m talking about getting more optimal shots because him and Kyrie I thought made bad decisions in the half court to make to give the Mavericks like not good opportunities which made them have a 75 offensive rating the half court which is just absolutely putrid and terrible I think he’s got to be better I tweeted that out and by the way K from the ringer says he got an F minus in this game as a that’s a grade that’s the grade that he decided to give him I think he’s got to be better for the Mavericks he’s a starter he played almost 30 minutes you know to go two of nine he did hit a three he had six rebounds like he did some good things it wasn’t he wasn’t terrible trash I wouldn’t give him an F minus but he’s he has got to be better I think for the Mavericks cuz he’s going to be one of the release valves too for the Mavericks to set screens to roll to finish around the ring things like that and I think he took that a little bit too seriously that all right if you if I set the pick and I got a roll I’ve also got to finish at the rim and so he tried to dunk over Jaylen Brown and and KP and just did not work those guys are too good as Defenders and he’s got to adjust to that yeah and that’s that’s one of the things that Boston kind of moved you into when they put the big over there was that we’re taking your non-traditional screeners and seeing if you want to screen with them and of course the Mavericks are like yes we want the matchup but the ability to screen cleanly and roll and then also make decisions in the short role Derek Jones Jr hasn’t had to do a very much very much of that and I think you saw some of that I guess lack of experience at least when it comes to this team in that role show up and I think that’s that’s that’s one of those things that you’re right he’s going to need to be better in those instances and again I understand that he was trying to go uh and attack the rim and was not all that successful but he’s one of those guys that you that you depend on in some ways to try and attack the rim and give you some Rim pressure and some production there and so yeah elevating that would definitely be incredibly help for this Mavs team there you go guys thanks for hanging out with us on lock on Mavs we’ll be back listen to Reggie on 1053 the fan go watch lock on Mavs on YouTube and apple podcast Spotify subscribe we’re trying to hit 50,000 subscribers on YouTube guys thanks much for listening to lock on Ms peace out boom

The Dallas Mavericks lost to the Boston Celtics in Game 1 of the 2024 NBA Finals, how did Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Dereck Lively II, Daniel Gafford, PJ Washingon, Derrick Jones Jr, and the Mavs come up short vs Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Kristaps Porzingis, and the Celtics?

Nick Angstadt & Reggie Adetula @1053TheFan discuss how the Dallas Mavericks’ stars can be better and what else the Mavs need to do to beat the Boston Celtics. Do you buy that Kyrie Irving just let the crowd get to him in Game 1? Do you believe there’s something to the stat that Kyrie is 0-11 against Boston? Was Luka Doncic’s 1 Assist mostly on Boston’s Defensive Scheme or Mavs missing shots? What’s 1 area Dallas has to be better on offense?

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  1. I think that the Mavs are not having the personell to defend the Celtics. If they stop KP One of the other will take over. Tatum had a bad game in the first game. As much as it hurts I am not able to see how the Mavs can win even one game.

  2. Imma be real whenever i choose the mavs its not because i feel the other team is weak… no it's because im clearly biased and just believe in Luka and Kyrie….

    LUKA cant have the same 1st half he had last game and Kyrie just needs to close better and Dlive was the wild card if he doesnt get in to foul trouble then we had a legit chance… and low key KP is on a minutes restriction i can tell so we better attack him or move him away from the backet… as well PJ and good enough to penetrate that defence he can score on them forget about the 3s let him cook inside

  3. After review I saw what Boston did…. they allow Luka and Kyrie to go under basket one on one but when they are close two players went to help and White and Holiday were covering "visible" pass targets really good so Luka and Kyrie needed to force shot many times… solution is simple just have one player on non visible position to Luka nd Kyrie corner three and make no-look pass to that position and they will have unlimited no guarder corner 3pt attemps so sooner and later Boston will need to change defence and then Boston is in problem!

  4. I always hear titigarden… are Boston fans and owners really calling their home ground titigarden? After Mavs eats 🍀🍀🍀 they can call their home ground wawaground!

  5. Play omax now hes healthy, i dont want to see JoshGreen or THJ's face next game. Josh think he can dunk on 7'3 prlorzingis..idiot

  6. Luka will always be good, Kyrie can turn it on… (although Kyrie does have the need of having some plays drawn for him).

    What about the rest of the roster? How can Mavs avoid bad random iso drives from DJJ? How can Mavs get their bigs more involved offensively at the rim? How can Mavs avoid having the likes of Hardy/Green end up on Porzingis?

  7. I don't see the panic here. Losing game 1 is certainly nothing new and they've even lost by more lol. This game was decided by 3pt shooting. Dallas was a -18 from 3 and lost by 18. They made a heck of a run in the 3rd to get back into it when they were way behind. All the other stats were neck n neck. If Kyrie just has a good game this would have been a much closer game. We've all seen this already. They won't be as sluggish to start game 2 where I remind you they're 3-0 so relax everybody. Even if they lose game 2 they just need to defend home court to even it up. Boston is nowhere near dominant enough to just roll this Mavs team out. I still confidently have the Mavs in 6 or 7.

  8. To have everyday show about one team for 100 years is human insanity. Internet is killing humanity.

  9. I swear if there is even 1 second that Gafford or Lively isn't on the court, we lose every time! I called out everyone doubting Gafford… he was probably the only one that did his job in the 14 minutes Kidd played him. 14 minutes…. While Green and Maxi are out there soaking up 40 minutes scoring just 5 points between them… Gaff had 8 points, 3 rebounds, 1 steal and 1 assist in 14 MINUTES AND KIDD SAT HIM OUT………………………………………….. DJJ, same thing with bad contested failed dunks over and over for just 5 points, WHERE'S GAFF? On the bench wondering what he was traded here for….. Play Gafford 25 minutes, that's all i ask, let him cook and find his groove. You know what energy he brings when he starts hitting dunks and blocking shots, it's infectious and we need that spark at times. PLAY GAFFORD KIDD!

  10. Game 1 Jaylen Brown in the 3rd Quarters Defense Prowess saved the comeback. The way he made Lively pick up 5 fouls was cccrazzyyyy and those timely blocks. INCREDIBLE!

    Game 2: We gotta win the rebound battle! Maybe a Lively Gafford lineup to deal with Porzingus. We just gotta make our shots and Gafford MUST make plays when a smaller guard is on him.

  11. If I don't believe then I shouldn't be here. Well guess what, I believe Luka and co. did not take GM1 seriously and threw the game delibedately. Game 2 is where it really starts. 💪💪💪

  12. They should do the same adjustment they did against OKC after game 1. PJ in the post, let him get going. Luka look to attack and score. Kyrie look to attack and create. Porzingis and Jrue actually don’t play the pick and roll well. Kyrie was just playing terribly and not looking to create. But he had plenty of drop off/pocket pass opportunities on the roll.

  13. Good learning experience for Lively. Kidd obviously told him to be more physical with Porzingis during half time and he was. He'll be better in game two along with Kyrie.

  14. Now that I've had some time to process…here is my hair brained take.

    JKidd is a secret genius. I think his MO in game 1 is to throw every conceivable lineup out there and see which one works. He has so much data now about which lineups work, that making adjustments in the future is now easier. He's making adjustments before needing to make adjustments. Moving forward, he now has 3-4 lineups that work that he can call on. 70% of the work has now been done, at the expense of a game we're supposed to lose (on paper).

    The Celtics, on the other hand, have played their main lineups 60-70% of the time against lineups that we will no longer use. When we now go into game mode, they will have to make adjustments on the fly.

    JKidd is sacrificing a battle to win the war. This has been his MO in every series so far, evidenced by the blowout losses in clippers and thunder. He did the same thing in the wolves, but we actually ended up winning that game just barely, which was a bonus.

    I believe in JKIDD!

  15. Medicos need to cut out the turn overs and hit a few more 3 point shots. They would be in it. Also they lost a lot of easy rebounds, loose balls. Maverick’s seem more nervous.

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