@Atlanta Hawks



hey guys what is up it is the fast break report here bringing you guys another Vlog uh NBA finals are finally happening but uh unfortunately uh the Celtics absolutely like throttled the Dallas Mavericks in game one uh I don’t have any too many crazy opinions about the NBA Finals I think Boston’s going to win uh but I do want to talk about a different team um a team that didn’t make the playoffs because I have a lot of opinions on this team and I simply just haven’t voiced it been covering so much Pacer that I haven’t even bothered to talk about other teams um and I do want to talk about the Atlanta Hawks because this is a team that I think really needs to consider going in a different direction I mean an an insanely different direction and the reason I say that is because they got the number one pick in the NBA draft this year um this is a team that is spending an astronomical amount of money to not even be a playoff team like they are a playing team at best uh their record this year was 36 and 46 and if you look at the contracts on this team um they are simply not good um you know Trey young say what you want about Trey young I understand why Try young got the extension that he got um but the truth is you’re paying $0 million a year for arguably the worst Superstar player in the NBA um you know like this is a team that has Trey Young on it they have him locked in until the 2026 2027 NBA season um they have Clint capella locked into 20 million a year for the next two seasons they have DeAndre Hunter locked in until 2026 2027 at 20 plus million dollar a year like we’re talking about let’s see I got to do the math on this because I can’t do all this in my head but let’s see over between three players let’s see 178 + 42 + 90 you have $310 million in guaranteed money going to three guys that are simple like just simply not making you any better um this is a team that they tried to trade for dejonte Murray it hasn’t worked and the crazy part about this whole thing is dejon Murray is worth basically half the amount of money almost that Trey young is I mean there’s a $78 million difference in guaranteed money between the two and I I actually believe dejonte Murray is the better player I can’t believe I’m saying that but like Trey young is getting paid an astronomical amount of money to be a guy who yeah he had his run against the New York Knicks but it it just after that hasn’t been anything really worthwhile since then and it doesn’t even stop there right as far as 300 0 million in guaranteed money you owe boan bogdanovich or Bogden yeah bo bo Bogden bogdanovich uh you owe him $51 million in guaranteed money almost $52 million in guaranteed money as well uh through the 2026 202 uh 2027 season with a play uh no a team option in that final year for 2026 2027 so when you get done with just the and on Aku is also locked in until 2027 2028 which on aong is pretty good his contract is fine he’s only guaranteed $70 million but if we add another $52 million to that 310 you’re talking about $362 million in guaranteed Cold Hard Cash between four yeah like four guys that are not able to get it done okay and being that this team has the number one pick this year I really think like they should just clean house and and I know that’s going to be an unpopular opinion um people are going to be like oh well you know they only they only have what they have the number one pick like they could get somebody good and I understand that but like the only really crazy bright spots I see on this team are dejonte Murray who’s 27 already by the way uh on a conu who’s 23 and Jaylen Johnson who’s 22 to me everybody else on in this roster is Expendable even you could even make an argument that dejonte Murray is Expendable at 27 years old okay this is a team that I feel like should be doing something like the Pacers did okay like taking what you got taking Trey young seeing if you can trade him for some maybe some more younger guys that are maybe a bit promising same thing with dejonte Murray trade him somewhere maybe trade him to I don’t know the Lakers and see if you can get some young players from them or just just or or or trade Dej honestly the best place to trade dejonte Murray would probably be probably be a team like the Brooklyn Nets you know see if you can get I don’t know a cam Thomas out of them for dejonte Murray or somebody like that considering they don’t want to get rid of Mel uh Michel Bridges but Clint capella at $22 million a year feels ridiculous I don’t know why but it just it feels kind of ridiculous compared to what he’s actually putting down um the court like Clint capella is not worth what he’s getting paid DeAndre Hunter is getting paid $20 million a year when uh if you look at the Pacers you can look at guys like Aaron n Smith who is about just as good as DeAndre Hunter who’s making half of whatever he DeAndre Hunter is making and DeAndre Hunter is already 26 years old um you know Clint capella is 30 Trey young is 25 uh sadique bay is a guy that I I just simply don’t see them bringing him back I mean yeah maybe they I mean he has a team option for 2023 2024 so yeah he’s an unrestricted free agent this summer but this is a team that really really needs to like find its identity this is a team that has done absolutely nothing since that run to the Eastern Conference Finals a couple years back against the New York Knicks um and I I honestly feel like this team is kind of in the same boat as the Brooklyn Nets as a team that’s like all their good players are like 25 years of age or or older and all their young players are under the age of 25 and you have a discrepancy where like your good players are simply not on the same timeline as your younger players and it’s not helping like if you’re a team that is a Bonafide playoff team and you’re winning games and you’re you know you have a shot at the second round okay then then then I could understand keeping guys like dejonte Murray and uh Bogden bogdanovic and DeAndre Hunter and Clint capella right like if you had a legitimate shot like I could understand keeping them but the problem is you don’t you don’t have a legitimate shot you’re spending $362 million in guaranteed Cold Hard Cash for a team that’s can barely like can’t even make the play in you know what I’m saying their their record this year was I think 36 and uh 36 and 46 if I said that correctly I mean like let’s go what was their record yeah 36 and 46 and there’s a lot of young guys out there that I think the Atlanta Hawks could maybe get their hands on and it would at least provide a brighter future than what they they’re currently having I mean I think you keep on y a conu I think you keep Jaylen Johnson but outside of them I think everybody else on this roster is Expendable I think DeAndre Hunter is definitely Expendable uh Bogden bogdanovich is definitely Expendable um even if you even if you want to keep like Clint capella Trey young and dejonte Murray I think bogdanovic and DeAndre Hunter are two guys that you should absolutely Ely get rid of and if you can get rid of Trey young and get somebody maybe young and promising in there you know like maybe I don’t know if this team could pull off a trade for a guy like tar een or you know maybe Target some of these younger guys in the NBA that are showing a little bit of promise that are maybe not going to get the type of burn that they should um a guy that this team should maybe Target in free agency is Jaylen Smith from the Indiana Pacers like they just need to get younger and put together a roster that’s going to build together because having you know your one of your star players be 27 years old and there’s like you know outside of your starting five there’s nothing super crazy going on I I think this is a team that really needs to reconsider uh its future you know nobody wants to be a luxury tax team and just not make the playoffs you know what I’m saying like this is I think the second or third year in a row that they haven’t like made a serious or or I can’t even say serious like made a convincing playoff run you know what I’m saying like this like the Atlanta Hawks are not a team you play in the regular season and look at and go yeah like they’re they’re a threat you know even with the $362 million in guaranteed money they got going to five players four or five players so that’s what I mean when I say this um you know I can’t off the top of my head I can’t think of any guys immediately that this team should trade for but you got the number one pick and uh I would honestly if I’m Atlanta I think you use that number one pick I don’t think you trade it um this is a team that needs to be considering a rebuild uh instead of trying to build on what they got because honestly I don’t think Trey young and de jont Murray’s enough to even get you out of the second round and that’s just my honest opinion on it yeah you have you have boan bogdanovich but you can find like you can find three-point shooting and free agency that’s going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than $51 million guaranteed for boan bogdanovich like you like shooting is an abundance in in the NBA at this point point guard play is at an abundance in the NBA at this point what you really need is like good Wing Defenders which granted DeAndre Hunter is a good Wing Defender so like I understand that aspect of it like yeah maybe you keep DeAndre Hunter you get rid of Clint capella you get rid of Trey young you get rid of dejonte Murray and boan bogdanovich and maybe you build around an A conu jayen Johnson and DeAndre Hunter I mean that makes a little sense but I think you could get a whole hell of a lot for Trey Young and dejonte Murray I think you could trade Clint capella for somebody younger um and I also think you could get rid of Bogden bogdanovich for somebody younger but the problem is like he’s making1 million a year to be a three-point shooter um I don’t really know like like teams are simply most teams in the NBA are not paying a whole hell of a lot for three-point shooting at this point because so many players can do it and unfortunately Bogden bogdanovich is not only bad at defense but like he really is great at shooting threes so like I I understand this might be a unpopular opinion but this is a team that should just blow it up like like just like the Chicago Bulls need to blow it up the Atlanta Hawks need to blow it up uh I mean maybe maybe if you’re Atlanta maybe you I don’t know swing trying to trade Trey young for a guy like Zack LaVine I don’t know how old Zack LaVine is uh but it’s just the idea like I I feel like even if you want to keep dejonte Murray you know what I’m saying like uh let’s see oh Zack lavine’s even older he’s 29 but I mean I don’t know it’d be a you know you wouldn’t have two guys of similar positions in your back court and Zack lavine’s uh pretty much exclusively an isolation player but this team really needs to reconsider its future this off season and I look around it’s like you got Brandon Ingram out there maybe I don’t know maybe you take a swing at Brandon Ingram um I do know Bleacher Report put out a trade Trey young for Brandon Ingram the problem is I don’t think that really does a whole hell of a lot for either team uh yeah if you’re the Pelicans you get a Bonafide point guard and Trey young but uh that’s a whole he’s Trey young is a volume shooter he’s a guy that needs shots in order for him to even be efficient like so I don’t know like the Atlanta Hawks are between a rock and a hard place at this point and they’re just they need to do something about this salary cap you know like the the the amount of money they’re paying and this luxury tax they’re going to be paying I think if you can get rid of anybody I think Bogden bogdanovich I think has to be gone like he’s a guy that I just look at and I’m like yo paying him a whole hell of a lot of money to do nothing but shoot threes uh he’s 31 I think he’s the most likely trade candidate on this team uh so I got Bogden bogdanovich who is a guy that I think they’re going to trade this off season and I think Clint capella could be on his way too um you know maybe you tried to trade for Mitchell Robinson from the Knicks Mitchell Robinson’s another guy that at least he’s young you know like Mitchell Robinson uh would fit your timeline a hell of a lot more than Clint capella Mitchell Robinson’s 26 Clint capella is 30 so not a whole hell of a lot younger but you know four years younger is significant enough to swing a trade like that I don’t know I’m not quite sure what clink uh Mitchell Robinson’s getting paid okay yeah he’s he’s making like 17 million a year for 2022 2023 so yeah you know like I mean he has actually he has a contract that actually gets cheaper as time goes on it looks like hold on one second here um yeah current contract NBA contract some oh wait hold on his current contract with the Knicks is next year he’s making 14 million so they’d probably have to include something for Mitchell Robinson but these are the type of players I’m talking about you know like a Mitchell Robinson Atari een um I think even Denny AA of the uh Washington Wizards um wouldn’t be the end of the world Denny aia’s 23 and he’s been pretty good he’s a guy that I don’t think the Wizards are going to trade him but he’s a guy that’s good at defense his three-point shot got a whole lot better this uh this year um this is a guy that was not shooting the three very good at all um you know over the past you know three seasons he’s been shooting the three at barely like 32% um this year he shot the three at 37% uh he shot 50% from the field uh he’s been a a he’s always been a solid Defender you know he’s shooting the free throw uh better this year so like guys like Denny AIA you know uh Mitchell Robinson tar een maybe even try to make a run at cam Whitmore from the Houston Rockets um you know guys like that uh point guard play is out there you know uh for example Marquel Foltz is going to be a free agent at point guard like I said like I understand like none of these guys are amazing names you know obviously like the the Atlanta Hawks would be doing a rebuild if they went to do this Emanuel quickley is going to be a free agent I think a restricted free agent he’s a guy you could make a run at that makes a whole hell of a lot more sense than Trey young um like it’s just the idea this team I think needs to go in a different direction I think this is a team that really needs to reconsider its future um especially with the amount of money you’re paying some of these guys it’s going to be very hard for them to unload a guy like Trey Young by the way um that’s I I mean there’s very few teams in the NBA that need point guard play but Trey young is still Trey young you know maybe somebody would be willing to take a swing on them I know for a fact the Lakers are like the Lakers would be willing to and it sounds like the San Antonio Spurs might even be in there and the Spurs would be ideal if I’m being honest with you uh the Spurs would be awesome if you could get like a couple young players away from them like a maybe get Kon Johnson um you know Blake Wesley is a guy that I think could you know in his own situation could be very good um you know there this is just a team that I feel like they should just sell everybody and try to find young talent and then try to uh build upon uh whatever they can find through through all of these young players because uh you know I hate to say that they need to rebuild but they need to rebuild you know there’s not there’s nothing extravagant going on in Atlanta at the moment and you know especially when Indiana was able to rebuild their team in a faster timetable than the Atlanta Hawks were able to put talented players around Trey young and with all the sneak dissing like that Trey Young’s been doing it kind of on like I think it was on Twitter uh he’s just been liking a whole bunch of tweets that are like oh you know the Atlanta Hawks wouldn’t be here if they just got Trey young some help uh so it’s very obvious I honestly think there’s going to be a trade a Trey Young trade request this off season uh it’s seems like Trey young is maybe done there and dejonte Murray is a solid enough guard that you could get something decent for dejonte Murray I would argue that dejonte Murray is probably more valuable to the Atlanta Hawks than try young is at this point simply from a a monetary aspect for how good he actually is as a player um Trey young is a decent player but is overpaid whereas Dej dejonte Murray is a very skilled player and arguably underpaid uh he I would say that dejonte Murray has probably one of the best value contracts in the NBA at this point so I I don’t know what the Atlanta Hawks are doing you know the the the dejonte Murray extension was very good but the Trey young extension even though you know hindsight’s 2020 but right now the Trey young contract looks like the the DeAndre Hunter contract looks like the Bogden bogdanovich contract looks like um the Clint capella contract isn’t the end of the world uh but there’s just a lot going wrong in Atlanta and they don’t play defense like they that’s another reason why I’m saying Mitchell Robinson tar een Denny AIA like uh Emanuel quick is not exactly a model of Defense but like this is a team that needs to get better at defense as well I think they had like the one of the if not the worst interior defense in the NBA last year like I’m going to be honest if he was on FanDuel this past season and you know Giannis was playing the Atlanta Hawks you could have took him for like 35 Plus every game uh so you know Indiana Indiana’s not a good defensive team but at least they got the offense to compensate for it Atlanta sucks at offense and they suck at defense so I don’t know man we’re working on 20 minutes here but this is just what I think about the Atlanta Hawks tell me what you guys think about this down below in the comment section below like helps me out subscribe if you guys want to see more on The Fast Break report and I’m out of this peace guys

So the Atlanta Hawks have missed the NBA playoffs again and they’re paying an awful lot of money for a team that cant even finish the NBA regular season above .500 anymore. I think it’s time to rip it down and just trade everyone and start from scratch again.

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  1. Maybe you should stick to the pacers… do you do a rebuild……WITH NO FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS

  2. We are not going to allow the Spurs to feast on our picks. Just like we defied the odds in the lottery, we're going to defy the odds again by winning next season. That's more than anybody can say for your no pick having Pacers.

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