@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Dominate The Rebounding Battle On the Way To A WIn Over Cleveland Cavaliers

Chicago Bulls Dominate The Rebounding Battle On the Way To A WIn Over Cleveland Cavaliers

you have found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls and today me and Pat are going to discuss the Bulls getting a double OT victory over the KE Cavaliers and while they did that they also set the season Rec well the record for this season of most rebounds in the game by a team also some history with the bulls we’ll talk about as well and then erot batim gets his number called and shows up big time for the Bulls we’re going to talk about all that and more right after this you are locked on bulls your daily podcast on the Chicago Bulls part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day thank you for tuning in locked on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network we’re at your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes host creator of Chicago Bulls and Chicago Bears Central YouTube pages in podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by grammarly make a bigger impact at work with grammarly sign up and download for free at podcast Pat the bull like this oh leave it up to this Bulls team to lose to eight- win team twice in the Detroit Pistons and then turn around and beat one of the better teams in the NBA the second best defense overall in the NBA the Cleveland Cavaliers in a double overtime Victory 132 to 123 now in this game specifically demaro Rosen of course led the way 35 points uh Nicola vvi had 24 points 13 rebounds five assists two steals two blocks Andre Drummond also with a double double of 17 points 26 rebounds three blocks we talked about those 26 rebounds and then uh Kobe white as well who had a terrible shooting night but still had the highest plus minus on the team chipped in 12 assists eight rebound bounds 14 points one Ste one block we can talk about the other players as well as we go through this what was your opinion on the Bulls performance tonight P um good job like like I I’m not I’m not overhyped about this and this is I feel bad about it because I was hyped in the moment I was hyped that the Bulls got the win I was literally sitting down here screaming at the top of my lungs my daughter’s sitting over here she’s like is this just what we do like we just insane people when the Chicago Bulls win a game um yes we are yeah I don’t know how to tell her this but I am I I’m at the point in the season where now I’m looking at what are all the reasons that things have gotten to this point what are all of the reasons that even specifically in this game we probably shouldn’t have gone to double overtime versus this team we outrebounded a team by 35 tonight yeah we out boarded a team by 35 tonight and we went to double overtime those extra possessions that me and Hayes have talked about that this Drummond bch lineup or having Drummond play more minutes lineup puts into the game isn’t brooding enough offense I love that we got the win I love that we won in double overtime I love the guys that stepped up we’re going to talk about the team I have to commend him for what he did I’m going to cook Billy Donovan when we get there because I got a whole another issue with that when we get there but when I watched this game tonight it felt to me like many of the shots that the M that the Cleveland Cavaliers had that felt like the Bulls Miss rotations on they missed Cleveland shot 43% tonight took 104 shots which Bulls took 110 but taking 104 shots double overtime game for sure um and from the three-point line they outscored You by almost 30 points they put up 66 points from the three-point line tonight and you were struggling to compete and literally the only reason we’re in this conversation is because we’re having the conversation on outrebounding them by 33 points and I believe our margin of a second chance buckets on this one was 24 points that that will help you get a win but unfortunately in double overtime I still have the same concerns with this Chicago Bulls team coming out of a a a very fun game to watch but nothing changed for me tonight I don’t think this is about one one game I don’t well at least for me one game isn’t going to change how I feel about the Bulls regardless to be quite honest with you so I look at it as personally I’m taking it as what the team did well in this game what did they learn how how can they continue that but you know the one thing that I will say that this team did that they didn’t do even in last night’s game considering it was on the second of a back toback the energy that they brought into with the uh in the in the overtime period was something that you definitely can feel and was pable like the energy was different now you did play players that hadn’t played but team well shout out to Billy donford for actually keeping but team in there in the overtime period as well talk about that when we get there we’ll talk about that when we get there because I know we both we both got issues to to to say in that but you know you know what I think we flipflop bro because no the thing is that last season every I remember last season my quote was we believe in the losses more than we believe in the wins I was super pessimistic almost everything positive of this season you’ve said hey I don’t know about this right now like they’ ruined Pat they look what they to my boy my boy look what they done to my boy my boy what if they done doing boy what a great line for this maybe but here here’s my issue with it right for everything we saw today that we’re like oh my God they did this versus one of the best teams in the NBA you couldn’t do it versus literally one of the worst teams at every metric like when you sit there and go through like hey what are they good at nothing literally nothing you couldn’t do it first them and this is in a and I saw some people in in your uh live like well what if they didn’t care about the Detroit Pistons game what if they didn’t care about uh they knew they had a back toback so you got they need to win every game they don’t have a time to not care the Chicago Bulls are dog water there’s no moment where you can’t car in the game if they didn’t care ship all of them to the team that un Al played on before this one what are we talking about oh man talking about they didn’t care in the game before what then fire everybody fire everybody on the and this isn’t a win I get it we won I I loved it I enjoyed it I was cheering CED chant chant and I was pretending like we didn’t lose to Detroit last night and then after the game in that 45 five minutes that Hayes does his postgame show 35 to day thank you very much apprciate that appreciate that uh uh in the 35 minutes that Hayes does his postgame show I sit there and I go through all of the numbers and I sit there and I break down everything that we saw and I rewatch The Game and then I go hey if Donovan Mitchell played at all like the Donovan Mitchell we’ve seen through most of this stretch in the first half we probably get dog walked like like it it’s it’s not to say I want to take away from the winds but what are the winds really mean at this point and to me they mean the the effort isn’t there versus the team that literally Kota drinks out of his bowl I don’t know if people can see him in the back he’s back there scratching away he’s going crazy right now that’s funny he’s like man leave me alone I don’t know I hate to be the pessimistic guy tonight but that’s how I felt coming out of this game honestly I mean no I mean and that’s that’s a that’s a that’s a natural response to have for somebody who like the thing I think people got to understand because I already can see not the live viewers are are you know they they usually are are fair but like people were watching this after we’ve already posted it’s not live anymore realize we aren’t analysts that get paid to just sit here and and and cover the Bulls we love this team and so with people who actually love and are invested in their team you do have that like the people who just like people who get paid that ESPN who don’t really care about the Bulls they can move in and out of every game be a win and can do whatever us we hold on to that right I’m not talking about you hey that shot was crazy dog in Chicago there’s different right I’m talking about the main ESPN the people who are who are out in Bristol they don’t give a damn about the Bulls um so like it so it’s a different level that we look at it as yes we we are analysts yes we do cover this team we do talk about the team but we got hired to do this because we loved the team first and so that that fan part of us is still there and when we get frustrated after seeing a disgusting loss like last night it doesn’t completely wipe away just because of a really good win tonight against the Cleveland Cavaliers team and I think the tough part is right like yes I’m I’m sitting here nitpicking at this point the Bulls will ended up getting a win but here’s what I’ll say what about this wi felt like it’s something that’s sustainable what about this wind felt like this is in the F now maybe when we get the OB and we talk about Julian Phillips minutes maybe maybe we could talk about that being sustainable but who’s our head coach he he gonna switch up who he is all of a sudden he’s magically Gonna Change he’s gonna be different than he was the entire last three seasons or maybe if we want to go back to OKC when he was losing games with some of the greatest players to ever dribble about basketball we want to go back that far who’s our head coach now see we definitely fit spaces because you remember we got into a whole heated debate last season because I said exactly that about Billy Donovan and you said it wasn’t his sist we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about I’m I think the heated debate was more how much blame can we put on the players versus the actual coaching system and that came at a point where the play where Kobe white what’ he go he went like 0 for 13 I think yeah that was one of those CL up game wasn’t that hold on maybe it was I think it was the Clapping up week I don’t know if it CLA up no we both killed the team and Kobe white after the clap it up game I was that night yeah that that was one of those nights where we both looked at each other when we logged in and to do this screen was like everybody we here we go we well next up we’re gonna be talking about the Bulls setting the uh the record for this season as far as rebounds in the game by an NBA team I guess who else would be setting records in the the NBA nonetheless before we get into that I got to talk to you guys about one of our sponsors and that is our partners at eBay Motors they have teamed up with locked on Fantasy Basketball host Josh Lloyd to bring you some of the best fantasy picks each week all season long whether you’ve been prepping for your daily draft or scouting the waver wire every week we’re going to provide you players that are guaranteed to fit your roster so let’s see what Josh has picked out on this week’s eBay’s guaranteed fit fantasy picks of the week and he has down here Ben maon Benin mathon is in a career best form and posting numbers in multiple categories we have concerns over consistency but while he’s rolling he’s worth using now Ben matthers is always one of those players who just he has that mentality and as a fantasy type pickup he’s always going to work for you right now averaging 14 and a half points per game on the season four rebounds 2.1 assists a half a Ste per game he shooting the ball effectively as well P I’m G throw it to you on this one kind of on a on a basketball conversation as well how concerning is it to you that Ben math we both love Ben math we talked about about him since last year but he looks the best when coming off the bench is that at all concerning for you when it comes to Ben maath well I think it’s more so he’s coming off the bench but now with the with the injury issues that they’ve faced right he’s getting more time on the floor 35 minutes over the over the last four games since the All-Star break uh 30 plus minutes I should say uh in every one of those games he’s had a had a 30 plus point game offensively he’s been efficient uh he’s fitt in where he’s needed to and rebounding wise he’s giving you great effort every time I think it’s more about time on the court for Ben mathan than is about where whether he starts or comes off of the bench great point there well you guys can pick up B Ben maon if he is out there available in your leagues he’s guaranteed to help your roster help you win some more games and hopefully guys are winning the championship Josh Lor for locked on fantasy basketball is going to help you win your fantasy championship and eBay Motors knows a chance championship team is about each part being uh a perfect fit same with your your vehicle with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you can make sure your ride stays running smooth smoothly brake kits LED 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well the Bulls they rebounded the ball and when you’re going to that double big uh lineup y I almost said double big back I I’ve been listening too much B Club they been talking about big backs a lot on there but um you go to that double big you better rebound the ball well double big back is crazy hey double big back would be crazy that’s wild bro I got a friend that was into double big backs he was uh he was cool people though he was cool people I got a cousin you actually know him who do I you got to tell me after the show’s over yeah I got a cousin I can name him cuz he don’t watch sports his name’s Terry he’s in the triple big backs it’s like I be like hey man what are we what are we doing bro like anyway how do you feel about the rebounding battle tonight well I mean first off we talking about big backs I’m fine with a big back double big back is pushing it depending on what the snack counter is triple big back’s insane activity anyway shout out to Hey listen I’m telling you right now if you if triple big back triple big back they gonna bring you doing man what they got show for you they got a show for you if you in man listen listen we always see them dudes out there you gotta be blessed to deal with the triple big back hey you hey that’s crazy I know where my limitations stop you I’m saying I got it but I ain’t got it yeah I got it but I Ain got it anyway uh can we say any of that on we did we may get tomorrow that’s all I the note is going to say what does big back mean that’s hopefully thank you like yeah no unless Nick decides to use urban dictionary then we’re oh God no anyway so um listen I I I love the fact that the double bigs lineup work tonight I I love the fact that um you saw Vu and and drum be able to give you great production out of it uh I think that this is one of the best teams to do that against because they’re going to allow you to be a lot more physical um this is a lineup I will say this with with the with the rules with the competition committee looking at trying to change some rules this might be a lineup that the Bulls May focus on in the future depending on what rules end up changing because it it’s a very it’s a dominant lineup when you allow them to play how they need to play when Drummond is allowed to play physical when Drummond is allowed to actually be the guy who was the 20 and 20 guy right this Andre Drummond’s not a surprise to any of us this is the Andre Drummond that we know can be when he doesn’t start the game with four fouls but when you sit there and you have refs that are calling the Ticky Tac fouls or you’re calling the uh um well you know he tried to grab a rebound over another guy that tried to grab a rebound so that’s a fou on him what how’s that how’s that end up working out they’re both going for the ball that’s literally free game right like I think that’s the part where you start to look at this lineup and maybe see some Intrigue with it um but it’s going to be a spot lineup at best I don’t feel like I I had a bunch of people uh tweet me um didn’t you and Hayes say that the The Bigs lineup wouldn’t work and you can’t play Andre Drummond extended minutes there’s a there’s a great team to play it against well hold on and let’s let’s let’s actually talk about that because even with that Drummond Vu tonight played 18 um a little over 18 minutes together in that the net rating was still negative 10.7 negative -1.7 was the net rating now where it did help the Chicago Bulls at is specifically while you played them together they got 88.9% of the defensive rebounds that’s amazing we also got 40% of the offensive rebounds while we out there and guess what we blocked 177% of the shots while the double big uh lineup was out there so the offensively it’s still not having a positive impact but it is creating more opportunities for us which the Bulls converted more on tonight but even on that right offensively you talk about the second chance opportunities the Bulls were able to to knock a lot of those down at the bucket they were able to get a lot of those buckets from people cutting people diving different things like that a lot of those possessions that went out to the three-point line did not end up falling the Chicago Bulls another poor night shooting the three tonight I mean like uh what we end up shooting 35% from the three-point line 13 for 35 end up putting up 39 points that’s cool but right like you’re losing at math yet again the the the Cav shot horribly tonight from the field but from three they shot 41% they put up 66 points on you and so when you’re creating those extra possessions the only way this lineup Works which is everything that we said when we talked about why this lineup doesn’t work is if you have the right roster out there and I just don’t know if the Chicago Bulls have the right roster out there I love the fact that it is the first time the Cavs have lost in over lost in overtime in 11 games I love the fact this first time the Bulls have beat him since 2021 but right like tonight felt like a night again on the flip side of of what we saw last night the the Cavs lost this game I don’t know if the Bulls won it pessimistic pad is crazy bro that’s is crazy this what we like I said look what they did to my boy man my boy look what my boy no but here’s the thing man I listen I love that they found that tonight we needed every bit of those rebounds right because we didn’t we didn’t play overly efficient brand of offense so when you can get more opportunities when you’re not playing Super efficient that’s good like our assist to to to bucket ratio was terrible right so when you those type of things they we found a way to make it work and that’s the biggest thing in it like but for anybody who thinks this double big lineup is going to be the thing that that just helps the Bulls win more games it’s especially lineup we are playing another team on Friday which we can uh definitely use that again so big UPS there um and we’ll see other Bulls could I tell you what if after losing to the Pistons we turn around and beat the Cavs and the Bucks you still going to be stuck on that Detroit Pistons lost their pack yeah you lost to the worst team in the NBA tce yes this team is indifferent here here’s the thing right me and Hayes talk probably four or five times a day literally what did I say when you called me the one day and you said the Bulls have one of the toughest stretches of the season coming up and it it’s going to be a struggle to win I say bet you they win more games than they lose he said 9 and seven I think something like that said they probably go 9 and seven bet you they win more games than they lose because there’s going to be this dig deep we got to go out here and do it and Bulls F here we go oh we’re back and then they gonna be exhausted heading into the playing game and we gonna L lose to the I don’t know who’s ahead of us right now we got we we not gonna lose to Atlanta I tell you that much uh yeah we’re not gonna lose to atanta I’m trying whoever is ahead of us Miami one of them was oh ahead of us Orlando we still got more another game against Orlando I think yeah that’s the one that’s the one yeah there you go yep that’s the tape uh but no man I don’t know I it’s it’s not that I want to be down on my Bulls I would love to be optimistic about my Bulls but I just I have a tough time seeing a difference because LA right like the averages end up averaging out because last night you get dog walked by a team that literally couldn’t stop people from scoring 100 points and tonight you go out there and you dominate they are who we thought they were and they let us off the hook uh hey let’s talk about grammarly as before we head into this final topic but we got to give some love I gotta give some love to somebody on the Chicago Bulls tonight but first have to tell you guys all about grammarly listen no matter what kind of work you do how you communicate is key all those 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able to turn into a turnover but just Obie out there you can tell that this guy has been a professional yes over in Euro league because he understands how to operate in space he gave the effort defensively at times Garden Garland and uh Mitchell at different times and played well enough that Billy Donovan even in the overtime period kept him out there which I think says a lot what do you what do you think about the performance I know you’re gonna cook Billy Donovan but the performance of OB how’d you feel about it well first I’m GNA cook Wyatt here Wyatt talking about I have the worst uh it it has the worst analyst first off you has to use grammarly so that you can learn how to speak properly Wyatt uh you need to figure out uh what game you’re watching because all the analyst I all the analysis I gave was correct but I mean it is what it is you’re entitled to your own opinion even though it’s a wrong opinion you’re entitled to it um Billy Donovan Billy Donovan said one thing in his postgame press conference that tells me everything I need to know about Billy Donovan obviously I didn’t expect that you watch him in practice every day you watch this young man oh he doesn’t watch him play in the g- league apparently doesn’t doesn’t watch any of that because he also said that he’s not really focused on the G League during the season fine okay you’re trying to coach an NBA team but you’ve watched this man come up in practice you’ve watched him play multiple times you’ve put him in the game you’re getting scouting reports from the people down down in the G league and you had no idea that he can do this why are you not playing our young players why are you holding our young players back every single time one of them steps on the court magically magically it’s magically it it’s Lucky Charms they just find a way to make an impact Julian Phillips walks on the court and all of a sudden it’s like wow he made three defensive plays got two tough buckets how do you do that I’ve never seen it before except the last time you put him in are you kidding me dog listen I I am the type of person who will obviously say the players need to do better I am the type of person that will say the players need to make more of an impact Billy Donovan can’t tell them what shots to make and what shots to miss he can only put him in a position to do that and the Bulls do that enough themselves but you got to give them a chance and my God if your name shouldn’t be Billy gsy for the fact that all of a sudden magically you put guys out there because you’ve your your team is too injured to play and you’re impressed every single time they step on the court and yet you won’t stick with them because guess what when AC comes back who’s not getting minutes probably the team Andor Julian Phillips when Zack LaVine comes back next season are either of them going to play who knows that’s the problem with what this team has right now you’ve got a head coach that has no idea that these young guys can play because he’s not giving them a chance to play in real games that’s a problem I don’t care how bad Marco simonovic is your team is bad you need need to find pieces that are good he he played less than an hour he played minutes more than me and Hayes like they like the fact that we’re having this conversation on players that actually might have talent is the part that is concerning me most with this team and I know Billy’s not going nowhere I know Billy’s not going to leave he’s got a secret extension he’s going to be the coach of the Chicago Bulls until the last Ry dies off 600 years from now you’re cutting a little short there maybe a little short maybe I’m cutting a little short on that one but my God give him a shot you gave dalen Terry a shot just because I don’t know what we got nothing else let’s throw him out there first and dalen Terry can’t shoot better than either of the dudes that are behind him right now I love the energy Dal brings but like un ala team walked in and knocked down two threes I ain’t seen dalen Terry knock down two threes in three games I just I I I don’t know why you can’t give guys like why why is it a surprise to him every time one of these young guys shines that is concerning because as as the head coach it shouldn’t be a surprise like I would have much rather Billy Donovan say something like yeah you know we always have faith in him but we had to get him in we had to pick the right time to get him out there something like that but say that it was a surprise to you it’s like what have you been doing what have you been doing you haven’t paid attention you don’t trust that you clearly aren’t paying any attention to what the coaches are telling you at the at the g-league level because they there’s no way they can’t tell you that unov hasn’t played better you you you won’t allow Adis Sago to see an NBA floor like like it it’s it’s the same conversation that we’ve continued to have and I’ll tell you this no matter what and and many NBA players have said this there’s no replacement for playing NBA basketball you can practice at the NBA level there’s no replacement for getting into NBA games and playing NBA competition unor out batim looks like he’s prepared to play NBA competition and you know what’s going to happen we see a game like this his confidence is up he’s excited he feels like he can do anything right now and he will probably have a couple of games once AC is healthy where he just doesn’t get in the game all of that confidence is gone I love what we saw from unal today none of what we saw should be stifled by a head coach that seems like he can’t figure out which end shoots out the crap I couldn’t find a better way to say it because it’s not how you say the say I get it I I I’m I’m with you there brother I understand it um I mean look that that’s that’s one of the things with Billy Donovan and that is I remember at a point last season I say you kind of have to insulate the roster against Billy Donovan’s bad decisions but you can only do that so much he’s your head coach um and at some point you got to trust the decisions that he’s going to make but if he says that a guy who’s literally worked up through your system that you went out into Euro league and recruited as a cost effective player that can come here and shoot for you he’s like I had no idea he can do that what what what do we doing here sounds like Stacy he yo freea team the entire game that’s a shot y’all gotta understand Stacy see these mugs at every level Stacy watches g-league basketball Stacy sees it all freea team is a shot to your coach it really is him saying freea team is like why haven’t you played this guy I don’t know man but maybe this needs to be a wake up call for Billy donov as well because some of the things that you’ve been looking for and this team’s been been desperately needing has been here the whole time the whole time just there sitting there play me play me you’ve put in so many guy and we keep that’s like the time I was talking to you you remember I was talking to you I was trying to leave the house and I was looking for my phone I was on the phone with you I’m like where the [ __ ] is my phone at do dog but he keeps playing Javon Carter why he keeps playing Javon Carter that’s what that’s what V said did you see V after that pass why bro bro Vu got the most cartoon character shrugs and all I’m sorry even even when he got upset and was on the uh throwing the tally at the bench that was a cartoon moment if I’ve ever seen one bro that was dead dead my boy cartoon bro I love I love the passion for vucha he gives us one great meme every single day I don’t know man I just I I just I want to I love what we saw froma team tonight just we got a few minutes here not really but just to quickly break down the actual game the fact that he was confident on the three-point shot the fact that he didn’t have to be perfectly set to knock down the three ball I thought was really intriguing tonight I thought the aggressiveness that he showed was was uh as the game went on was very uh inspiring to see and and I’m really excited to see if we’re actually going to play him more to allow that to grow unop is a guy that does not lack confidence at all and I’ll tell you this right now European players look at the NBA like I could play in that League a lot of the top guys said it so many times they they really do so I would absolutely love to see un ala team get so much more time continue to put him out there continue that trust that you saw tonight he played in overtime continue that trust and the biggest issue that me and you had with him coming into the season was not an issue tonight the defense yeah yeah listen he gave great effort on defense and then not only did he allow him play in overtime he took not not a buzzer beater but he ran a play for him at the end of the first overtime period that would have won the game was that a run play I thought he got that off a rebound was it I think he got play he didn’t come off a screen maybe I’m thinking about in the fourth quarter I I don’t think he came off a screen I think he got that off of a rebound ran down there got excited because it definitely could have tied the game you’re right you’re right you’re right up and it was like oh snap I’m open like he threw that my clean over but I I just to your point he wasn’t scared tonight you got players that aren’t scared that too young to know they shouldn’t be good take advantage of that especially right now but when AC comes back Javon Carter still gets 15 minutes bro Javon Carter needs to be there’s no reason to me I’m sorry I get it he’s from the city he’s technically has a reputation of a hardnose Defender but at this point really bro we just got to be real there’s nothing that Javon Carter is providing for the Chicago Bulls out there that we can’t get in other places there’s nothing I’m sorry he’s just it’s it’s nothing there’s nothing he’s given the Chicago Bulls right now you’re supposed to be a supposed to be a three and D point guard you missed a wide open pass you can’t hit threes to save your life and your defense has been lacking my boy there’s no no reason to play in this game erop showed better passing ability better defense and better three-point shooting in one game so far is he the worst player from Chicago to ever come back I can’t think of a worst player who Jabari Parker Jabari Parker was damn near in play boy times like he had some really good games I guess the heights I don’t bro I don’t know but I I think jaar is but you got but you got to give it also per the pay we paid that man $25 million a season we did and that was not good but you also were at a point where you just had to meet the floor on that team weren’t you because we got rid of everyone I think we had meet the act like I remember that part of it I won’t even had to meet the NBA pay floor that year and that’s what trading for Jabari Parker I I don’t know I I have more fine memories of Jabari Parker and an absolute dogwater season than I’ve had of Javon Carter through what is however many games he’s actually gotten in and done literally nothing hey V is ready to dunk him that’s pause that’s pause all right Diddy calm down calm down all right Diddy is Crazy by the way you see do you see the video him and Usher posted today he’s never beating allegations he’s never beating allegations I’m just letting y’all know right now it’s the combination of like the the things that Meek Mill has said about him and the likes that Meek Mill has that just aren’t looking good but hey man appreciate y’all for tuning in and showing love follow on everything at lock to Bulls you can follow me on everything at Pat the designer y’ I know what time it is you guys can follow me at CEO ha thank you guys for tuning in to another oh you’re [Music] right hey see Big O he can shoot the three drun for the re he got 70 F and somehow the Bulls still went to the double [Music] up shout out to the triple big backs out there you guys can follow us colle Lo not the triples just the doubles just the doubles we being available in every podcasting app platform of your choice as well as YouTube and the audc app for path designer am it’s been locked on bulls y’all peace just the doubles the triples is crazy bro triple big back is that’s illegal hey bro that’s that’s crazy that’s illegal in Utah for sure oh man y’all better hit the like [Music] button Monique hus big

Haize & Pat The Designer discuss the Bulls double OT victory over the Cavs. The guys also talk about the Bulls setting the record for the 202-24 season & Onuralp Bitim getting his chance to shine for the Chicago Bulls.

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  1. The rebounding showed alot of effort. That consistently should be the strength of this team.

  2. Small ball is the problem why the bulls team is not good, they are a real potent team if they play Drummond and Vucevic at 5 and 4, respectively. Rebounding and interior defense are just the lacking ingredients. They should fire Donovan asap. He is the reason why the bulls remain a garbage team.

  3. Shit maybe start OB at this point.. he also looked great on defense. The energy was there from second 1. He adds a whole new element. I noticed Vooch’s confidence shooting the 3 went up when he saw OB knock down his.

    Also, how many air balls has JC shot at this point?? Even when he makes a good play on defense he ends up missing the shot or turning it over.. but to be fair to him, he did knock down a couple nice jumpers that helped the scoring when we were stalling… having said that, OB could be doing better and I’d love to see Phillips get more mins.

  4. Biilly is so stubborn its about time hes playing O.B & Julian Phillips he need to play them the rest of the season.

  5. Think about how many more games against really good teams that the Bulls might have actually won by now if Billy Donovan wasn't so stupid & actually let Bitim play meaningful minutes a lot sooner than now.

  6. Bulls had OB in the G-League to get acclimated to the game and keep his reps up. Looked like he didn't get comfortable until the last month or so. Then they converted him and brought him up. Even still who would he have played ahead of earlier in the season when everyone was kinda healthy? Zach, PWill, TC? DT and JP were ahead of him then as well. Thankfully those things are about to change as OB is a bucket!

  7. Shots fired at everybody who works for ESPN. ESPN is trash. Pat, unfortunately, you're included, too. Sorry not sorry.

  8. Yep the bulls has no identity no guaranteed bucket no inevitability. Its always i hope they make their shot, i hooe they get a shot at the rim. Its never i know. I know we can get coby white open, or drummond an easy bucket inside or demar demarzon a wide open mid range shot. Its always maybe.

  9. That Jevon passed up layup made me throw my water bottle across the room. No idea why he gets hella mins too

  10. Bitim should've been playing from the beginning. He's a rookie but he's been a pro for years. Billy's been holding back young guys and that's the real problem Da Bulls have.

  11. Wow, I can’t believe Billy said he didn’t know Bitim could do that and still have his Job, because we all knew he could shoot threes and his reputation of being a fierce competitor, It’s just a matter of transitioning. But we seen Billy do this to Jaylen and Phillips.

  12. At least Haize took himself out of the Double Back equation😂 Pat seem to be still hovering around the notion.

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