@Boston Celtics

NBA Finals: How CONCERNED should Luka & Mavericks be? Start of Celtics dynasty? | Hoops Tonight

NBA Finals: How CONCERNED should Luka & Mavericks be? Start of Celtics dynasty? | Hoops Tonight

all right welcome to Hoops here at the volume happy Saturday everybody hope all you guys are having a great weekend our Cadence during the NBA Finals is going to be obviously the live shows on the night of film session the second day that third day we’re either going to do an interview or we’re going to do a mailbag so like we’ve got s Vini coming on on Monday next week that’ll actually air on Tuesday but it’ll be our kind of like interview based reaction to the first two games of the series for game one though we’re doing a mailbag so I’ve got a mailbag uh sent out a tweet earlier today we had 70s something questions I appreciate all of you guys for for participating obviously we can’t get to all of them but we’re going to get to as many as we can we’re going to be bouncing all throughout the NBA Finals around the league and some offc stuff in this mailbag you guys know the drill before we get started subscribe to the Hoops Tonight YouTube channel so you don’t miss any more of our videos follow me on Twitter _ jlt so you guys don’t miss show announcements don’t forget about our podcast feed wherever you get your podcast under Hoops tonight and then keep dropping mailbag questions in the YouTube comments so we can keep hitting them throughout the rest of the summer all right let’s talk some basketball first question what’s the concern level if you’re Dallas that Boston completely owned the lower third Court of uh lower third of the Court defensively 23 for 47 49% in the paint took away their lobs by nullifying the one5 pick and roll only got three Corner three-point attempts went one for three by staying home and trusting defenders in space so yeah that was the my major concern coming into this series just how different Dallas’s pick and roll attack was going to look in this series by virtue of an adjustment that honestly I was surprised Minnesota didn’t try I’m surprised Minnesota didn’t try putting Jaden McDaniels onto Gafford or Lively and just have goar guard a Dereck Jones or a PJ Washington to try to disrupt the spacing of Dallas in pick and roll to put it simply if you allow Dallas to screen with their Center then they have traditional four out spacing shooter in the corner shooter in the corner shooter on the opposite Wing screen both guys are rolling hard to the Bas or one’s driving one’s rolling to the basket right so the paint is effectively empty with two guys kind of attacking the rim right as soon as you switch that matchup to where they have to to bring the center into the ball screen they have to use a wing instead of their center now the spacing gets all janked up right because now it’s corner corner but instead of this Wing being occupied by shooter it’s vacant that guy’s setting the screen and then the center is sitting in the dunker spot with on him with his ass parked right underneath the rim and so it just it just screws up the spacing of everything and then PJ Washington or Derrick Jones Jr has the predicament of like either rolling into all that traffic even though they’re not great vertical spacers or popping into that vacancy above the brake where they’re not very good above the break three-point Shooters and so that problem is not going away we talked about some specific things in our film session yesterday one trying to set more RAM screens so basically having Derrick Jones or PJ Washington instead of screening for Luca just Sprint down and Screen Tatum as hard as you can and then maybe Tatum will forfeit a switch there so that when Lively or Gafford runs up you just have to have Lively Sprint up into the screen which will probably bring poor zingis with him if Tatum switches then you have to have whoever screen Tatum quickly relocate back out to the wing so that they have the space necessary to operate that’s one thing they can do uh looking to attack less out of ball screens and more out of the post or an ISO but not targeting Horford who switched incredibly well in game one but maybe attacking the smaller guards instead that’s an angle that they can look to go through they uh just in general they’ve got to move with a lot more Pace I thought the ball pressure from Jaylen Brown got them into a lot of late clock situations as well there’s but here’s the thing those are none of those are clean easy solutions right like it’s going to be hard to set a pin down on Tatum he might just fight through it and then follow Lively or Gafford up into the screen right like it’s not going to be easy there’s not an easy solution here this is kind of a tough matchup because of Tatum size it’s a tough matchup for uh for Dallas in this sense so I I I I don’t see that problem going away entirely but Dallas certainly can do a better job but Boston dominating the lower third of the Court defensively is a big part of just what their advantages are in this series and it may not go away entirely see next question does LeBron not being involved in the Lakers coaching decision and them looking to go with a development coach in Hurley more so point to LeBron being open to leaving La this off season or retiring soon in your eyes I don’t see that as What’s Happening Here I actually I think LeBron’s going to stay and I think he’ll play at least two more seasons I think the Dan Hurley piece actually represents the Best of Both Worlds here because in the post LeBron phase you’ve got a coach that’s excellent with development in and scouting and development you’ve got a coach that will instill a culture that will last for years after LeBron James is gone but also I actually think he’s a great tactician for this particular roster he with Yukon had a lot of success generating space with a team that had multiple non-shooters on the floor through a lot specifically through off Ball action so think of it like this when you’re running ball screens like Dallas does where you have Luca uh having a center set of pick and you got Shooters in the corners and shooter on the opposite Wing let’s think more in the Minnesota framework where the floor is more spaced when that’s the case help defense is pretty standard right like the guy in the opposite corner is going to kind of try to find a sweet spot in between the like the the block and the corner where he can help but also rotate the guy on the opposite Wing is going to come pretty close to the nail same thing on the strong side corner like the drop coverage big is going to run a drop like the spacing is pretty standard and you could really load up on the ball right like that’s one of the downsides a four out one in offense is there’s not a lot of ball and player movement right but when you run action off the ball so that let’s imagine let’s imagine the Lakers for instance if you have LeBron James and Anthony Davis running a ball screen on the right side of the floor and you have guys just standing like wing wing a little bit further on the wing Corner those guys all can sink into the lane and they can have their kind of attention geared up on the ball screen where they can help one of the things that Dan Hurley’s great at is keeping help Defenders occupied with action so if you have those three guys on the weak side running like a double wide pin down where the first guy curls around the first screen and then the second guy curls around the second screen and they’re just like doing on the opposite side of the the court those three help Defenders now their mental their their their their focus is geared towards that action and so they have they have a decision to make they can either Gear Up on the action and then not help on the ball screen now LeBron and AD are cooking or they can favor the ball screen and you could leave an opening for a shooter on the weak side because you’re not or a cutter on the weak side because you’re not paying attention to the action Dan Hurley is big on Ball and player movement and making sure that especially when you’ve got a team like the Lakers that’s going to have Anthony Davis who can’t shoot and Jared Vanderbilt who can’t shoot you because Jared Vanderbilt if he’s healthy next year is probably going to start at small forward so like with that with that type of configuration like you’re going to need ball and player movement to maintain space to maintain your threats offensively and I think Dan Dan Hurley’s a perfect fit for that so like I like his schematic approach to maximize this Laker roster while also being the future of the franchise in the sense that he can scout and develop young players and also establish a culture that lingers long after LeBron is gone I think it’s a perfect fit and I’m very hopeful that they can get a deal done what can Dallas do defensively to mitigate being in so many help rotation situations leading to open Boston 3es based on my observations I think it’s worth considering not pressuring the ball handlers so far out this was a really good take I when I watched the film it was something I noticed but I didn’t actually put in my film session last night but there were several possessions where Dallas players were picking up ball pressure close to half court and then they get beat and then they’re in rotation before they even get a chance to set their defense and so that’s a good adjustment like playing a more passive defense where you’re just working on containing the ball right like in general with Boston if you play off of them they have a to settle on some pullup threes now you got to be careful cuz guys like Tatum and brown are good at seeing a defender on their heels giving space and driving at them at one angle and then crossing over or getting into their body and spinning off so like sometimes being on your heels can work to your detriment if you’re not good at actually uh absorbing contact and staying in front but in general there’s not really a lot in terms of scheme that you can do differently you just have to do a better job guys just like when it comes to Boston driving kicking from a spaced out floor the job is simple you have to contain the basketball if you contain the basketball you prevent help defense from being engaged if you prevent help defense from being engaged you prevent spot up opportunities on the weak side which are going to be more efficient than a loaded up ISO you need to basically take it so that the spot up attempts go down and the iso attempts go up and the more you do that the better chance you give yourself to get stops against the Boston Celtics this is an interesting one what is a better set of third fourth and fifth options the 2024 Celtics with Drew holiday Derrick White and christop porzingis or the 2017 warriors with Klay Thompson Draymond Green and Andre guala really interesting question but I think it’s the 2017 Warriors Klay Thompson was is the was at this point the second best shooter in the league is the second best shooter of all time and he also was an elite perimeter Defender uh unfortunately he hasn’t gotten the recognition he deserves for it over the course of his career but he’s an elite perimeter Defender Draymond Green is the second best defensive player of this era in my opinion obviously and then he’s a guy that keeps their offense flowing with his ability to uh function as like a dribble handoff fulcrum in their five out offense and then Andre guala is probably the second best perimeter defender of the era behind Kawhi Leonard I drew holiday drick white and Christof porzingis are really good players I don’t think they’re on that level though and again there’s no shame in that the 2017 Warriors in my opinion are the greatest basketball team ever assembled in the history of the NBA we’re this close to crowning a new NBA champion and with the action heating up on the court it’s even hotter at draftking Sportsbook an official sports betting partner of the NBA and draftking Sportsbook has you covered every step of the way with same game parlays live betting odds boost and so much more don’t 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Premiere came out the first two episodes it was awesome my buddy Luke and I did full a full reaction to it that’s on my other podcast feed that’s the two suns podcast you can find that on YouTube just under there two suns podcast have a full re reaction to the first two episodes of the acolyte we’ll also have a reaction um uh we’ll also have a reaction to episode three coming out about pretty late on T is it Tuesday yeah I think it’s Tuesday night so keep an eye on the feeds on Tuesday night as well I have another one but hop over to that feed subscribe I’d really appreciate it check out some of the Star Wars content Sith Grand plant pretty simple so the Sith for thousands of years were many they were numerous right and they are the the Sith are very inwardly focused and selfish so they would just betray each other like anytime a powerful Sith would rise multiple ler Sith would team up and they would overthrow him whereas with the Jedi they always worked in uh in concert with each other they were selfless they were all in on the larger goal and so anytime there’d be a major Galactic conflict the Sith would try to attack and they would fail sometimes they get close but they would fail and they’d fail the same way every time they’d Splinter and they’d fall apart whereas the I would come together and so Darth Bane a thousand years before The Phantom Menace identified this problem and realized that that was a weakness in the Sith order so he actually manipulated and killed all of the Sith and so it was just him and his Apprentice he instituted What’s called the rule of two where there’d be one Sith who would embody the power and then a second Sith who would crave the power and then eventually take it from him from there he understood they’ll never beat the Jedi through Force of Arms because the Jedi will always come together so they had to find a different way to beat the Jedi and overthrow the Republic right and so the person who first referred to it is the grand plan was Darth pagus but it actually initiated with Darth Bane and the idea was you’re going to uh you’re going to work underneath the surface you’re going to work with subterfuge and cunning and you’re going to try to sabotage from the Shadows the Republic right and so there was a plan that took shape over the course of a thousand years through accumulation of resources and political influence and all these different things and basically pagus and Palpatine executed the final phase of the grand plan but essentially from from the way if you’ve ever read the book Darth plagas I highly recommend it but in the book Darth plagas he actually breaks down how essentially the thought process was he wanted to Foster division between the inner core worlds and the outer rim worlds and basically make it so that the inner uh the the core worlds were prospering while the outer core worlds were uh were suffering uh through uh um through a lot of hardship right and from there he wanted to basically Force the Galaxy to turn on itself so that it would go to war and then he used the Clones as the vehicle in the war to kill all of the Jedi through Order 66 right like pagus actually hatched that entire plan Palpatine just executed it and like it’s really it it like my opinion it’s just like really good World building and lore and I’m obviously a huge Star Wars nerd so like I I apologize for the people in this who are listening to this episode who aren’t Big Star Wars nerds but that’s like a little short uh quick synopsis of what the Sith grand plan is uh but again I did talk a ton of that on my two sons podcast with my buddy Luke so hop over there and check that out assuming Boston can finally get over the hump do they go into next season as the favorites or does a team out west like Minnesota or Denver get nod because of the matchup so I actually only viewed two teams on the top tier going into the postseason Boston and Denver Denver was the only team that I like Minnesota was an interesting one matchup wise because of their um uh a couple things with Minnesota that I really liked for this for a matchup with d for Boston really good defense that I thought could cause some issues for Boston and uh also Boston can struggle to protect the rim sometimes now with porzingis and goar that might have been an issue and I don’t know who I would have picked between Minnesota and Boston I would have needed to prep I don’t know but the only team I would have actually like certainly picked over Boston was Denver and they lost to a tough matchup in the Western Conference so the next question is what will the top tier look like next season because I don’t necessarily View Dallas on that tier what what will that tier look like next season I think Boston is in that tier again I think Denver’s in that tier again maybe Dallas maybe Minnesota Oklahoma City I think is a team you look at getting back into that tier Memphis could be really interesting we’ll see when we get into next season how all the teams shape up but to me Boston is going to be on that top tier again until that starting lineup gets broken up I just I don’t think they’re like Head and Shoulders above everybody I think they are beatable they’re just a really bad matchup for Ballas which is something that I’ve been talking about over the course of all of our prep and they might uh there are teams out west that do fa match up more favorably with Boston so as is always the case what did I say to Denver fans at the beginning of the Season you guys I’m picking you as the favorite right but it’s more likely than not that you lose because that’s just what NBA history tells us right and then I got to a point where I was more optimistic with Denver right remember I said I expect them to win unless they get an injury to their starting five well Jamal Murray got injured and played like and that ended up being something that brought their ceiling down enough just enough for them to blow a 20-point lead in game seven against Minnesota right so like again I tend to think this is pretty even at the top among a handful of teams I don’t know who that team handful of teams is going to be at the start of next season but Boston will definitely be there Denver will definitely be there out of Trey Dante Cade lamelo and Simons who would be the best fit on the Spurs I actually want them to go after Darius Garland I think he’d be a perfect fit alongside Victor wanyama in terms of timeline in terms of a pick and roll threat that can both score and pass kind of an opportunity I think you can get him at a discount too I think the Spurs can afford to overpay him for a few years like I think Darius Garland is the guy that I would go after what’s the reason you had for that poll between Jason Tatum and AD so I put a poll I said who’s a better basketball player Jason Tatum or ad and it went crazy viral and like there were thousands and thousands of votes and it was really close I think Tatum finished at like 5248 as the better player and all it was is like whenever I have an opportunity to present a poll that I think will be close to 50-50 I’ll send it out just because I think that’s fun but like the the the reasoning is pretty simple I think Jason Tatum and AD are very close to each other I think they’re on a similar tier as players now they’re very different right like Tatum’s a better offensive player ad is a better defensive player Tatum is a little more consistent ad is a little more volatile but ad’s ceiling is higher T Tatum ceiling is lower right so like there’s all these like differences between them but I view them as more or less on the same tier in the sense that they’re clearly not as good as the guys at the top of the league but I think both of them could be the best player on a championship team if they’re surrounded with enough talent and so that that was kind of my thought process behind putting them on the same level um uh but to be clear like I don’t I don’t think either of them are at the top of the league I just kind of I just wanted to kind of give an opportunity to compare the two of them early in the season and to start the playoffs you had the opinion that Denver could be the next Dynasty in the NBA with a possible Celtics title and the team staying together for at least next year how do you feel about the Celtics Dynasty or Boston Denver in the coming years great show uh I absolutely think if the Celtics win this year they could put a dynasty is a loaded word because like how many teams have really been dynasties in NBA history like we’re talking about the Warriors the Spurs you know the the Lakers in the early 2000s the Bulls like there’s just not a lot of examples of them right um I do think a lot of people writing off Denver and I think that’s stupid I think Denver is going to be right back in the mix at the top of the league next season I think Boston will be right in the mix at the top of the league next season so like it’s very possible that over this four or five year span we get two Denver titles two Boston titles like that’s all on the table um I just don’t think with how talented the league is I don’t think anybody’s going to be running like three four in a row are we going to see teams lean more towards five out offense in the future I think so I think you’re seeing some of the limitations of four out with Dallas in this series just in the sense that they one simple Personnel adjustment has like rendered their offense uh severely limited so like I think ball and player movement is a great counter to any defensive approach and in general like it just it opens the door for better matchups like if you want to prevent Tatum ending up in one place or porzingis ending up in another a great way to do that is just lots of reversing the floor uh reversing the the side of the floor that the ball’s on multiple actions in the same possession that sort of thing is a great way to counter that and so I do think more and more teams will will see the value of that in the long run not really a question but the Celtics going from playing the Pacers crazy uptempo fast-pace offense especially the games halberton played to this slow non-office has to feel so much easier easier is the wrong word I think um it’s just different like this puts a lot more pressure on your individual Defenders to hold up against the best player in the world potentially in Luca donic and one of the best ISO players in Kyrie Irving and so even though it’s different it’s still very hard it’s just different assuming they get him how do you see Dan Hurley’s offensive defensive schemes translating to LA and how will his Playbook help generate easier looks for Braun and AD great show has always keep it up I went over the offensive part earlier it’s just uh like off Ball action to occupy help Defenders using Vanderbilt and Anthony Davis Mo as screeners than spot up players different things like that to manufacture spacing without shooting on the floor but I’m not going to go any more into that because you saw that earlier in the show I have not looked into Dan Hurley’s defensive approach yet if he gets hired I will and we will cover it in the film session if the Mavs lose this series would Luca still have the bragging rights title with no MVPs and championships or can he play well enough in a loss and still have the title going into the summer here’s the thing I think Luca to this point he played like in game one don’t let the box score fooled you he played like he was so bad on the defensive end and he wasn’t good enough offensively when it mattered but I think he’s been the most impressive player in this postseason run so far so like we’ll see how that all dust settles at the end of the series I do think Luca will play better but like if Luca plays poorly for the entire series like that’s going to be something we’re going to have to look at but again at the end of the postseason run I’m going to do two separate lists and one of them will be who had the best season right like who gets the bragging rights for this season and right now I do think Lucas still maintains a spot at number one hey Jason in the video with Colin you said you were in real estate how and why did you make the switch in a similar situation and I’m questioning should I pursue a passion in basketball and media love the vids and Analysis so I got into real estate simply because that was to me the most flexible career for me to be able to pursue something in basketball media now real estate’s tricky there’s a bunch of different jobs in uh real estate there are salary jobs there are transaction coordination like Administration jobs and then there’s like the investment side where I worked for a while and then there’s residential real estate like like just being an agent which I did that as well and when you on the uh the salary side the excuse me the uh um investment side I was on salary so it was a little easier to manage in terms of like the month-to-month budgeting but like when I was in uh the residential side like it’s super volatile like I had months where I made a lot of money and I had months where I made zero money right and like one of the big things I learned when I when I did that for a living it’s % commission so it’s like you got to be really really self-motivated and you have to put in the work it’s all about lead generation so like for me I was just holding a ton of open houses to meet new clients and that was what what floated my business but again like that that’s a great job that’s super flexible the residential real estate side if you want to pursue a passion but you won’t make money unless you put in the work so it’s a delicate balance like you it’s not like you just get your real estate license and money starts coming in you have to sell houses and so it’s it’s a difficult job but if you can figure out how to do it it then that is a very flexible job to allow you to pursue jobs uh to pursue a um to pursue something like sports media on the side as far as the the sports media side just start making content get a camera get a mic put it out on a podcast feed put it on YouTube put it on social media and just see where it goes and lastly I would just say be yourself don’t try to pretend to be someone else just authentically talk about whatever it is your topic is the way you want to talk about it and see where goes from there people just have people can see through it when you’re not being authentic what was Boston doing better than the wolves in the last round in terms of dribble penetration why was ant’s drive not nearly as effective as Jaylen Brown and Tatum’s yesterday why is it because of KP spacing or lack of effort from luuka and Kyrie it’s simply because the spacing that Boston provides in general it’s not just porzingis it’s Boston always has five Shooters on the floor they did not play a single non-shooter while the game was uh in question yesterday even the guys off the bench porzingis Pritchard and Hower all great Shooters and so Minnesota with Gober and Jaden McDaniels and Kyle Anderson and Nel Alexander Walker it’s just that they they the Mavs could pack the paint and most importantly Gafford and Lively were just parked under the rim the entire time and so even though ant’s a better driver than anybody in a Boston Celtics Jersey it just doesn’t matter because the spacing isn’t there who’s your second favorite player of all time after LeBron Steph Curry and the main reason why is uh uh and because I actually watched him I’ve always been a big Kobe and MJ fan but I didn’t start watching basketball until the mid 2000s and uh or to the late 2000s and at that point Kobe was kind of already starting to fade obviously I’m a huge Kobe fan huge Michael Jordan fan but like in terms of like the majority of my basketball fanhood Steph Curry was the guy that uh that I enjoyed watching the most other than LeBron super unique Savage competitor really good lead genuinely just an awesome television uh watch just Ste Steph to me was my second favorite player to watch if the Rockets had beaten the Warriors in the 2018 Western Conference Finals who do you think would have won the finals between them in the Cavs with Chris Paul coming off a hamstring injury I’ve had this take before but like I think LeBron was so much better than James Harden at that point uh as a playoff player I know Harden won the MVP but like Harden just did a bunch of damage in the regular season I I think if Chris Paul was injured that the Cavs would have won but if Chris Paul had somehow been able to come back and play in that series then I think Houston would have won why do you think Jaylen Brown is so underrated to me he was obviously one of the 15 best players in the league this year and didn’t even make all NBA also it makes no sense that only one Boston player made it actually it makes a lot of sense they have five $30 million players in an open market and there aren’t Just5 $30 million players in the league there’s a hell of a lot more than that right I like I want to say there’s uh I’ll have to look but I’m I’m sure there’s 40 50 players that make at least 25 million a year right like there’s just a lot of players that make a lot of money um I think that where I rank him we’ll see after the season but I I think I don’t think it’s just like a sure thing that he’s one of the top 15 players in the league I think that’s debatable I think I I I I don’t even want to have a take on it cuz I haven’t thought enough about it as far as whether or not he’s underrated like what let let’s be real about what’s Happening Here the top 15 players in the league generally have major offensive responsibilities for their team we know what it looks like when Jaylen Brown has major offensive responsibilities he’s not consistent enough as a guy who breaks down the defense to be in that role he is a part of why he’s looked so good with this team is it’s allowed him to operate with an advantage a lot and two Focus his energies on the defensive end of the floor where he’s a top tier athlete so like a lot of this is Boston by virtue of Brad Stevens has surrounded Jaylen brown with so much talent that like his weaknesses are just not exploitable the way that they are in other systems so I don’t think it’s fair when you look at like let’s say let’s take another guy who’s in that same range like Damen Lillard I think I had him at 13 or 14 coming into this season Dame’s job on Milwaukee is way way way way way harder than Jaylen Browns on the offensive end of the floor like they they live and die based on what he can do and what Giannis can do right whereas with Jaylen Brown it’s like Derek white runs the action a lot of the game you know Drew holiday will Co-op possessions like Tatum obviously is the number one like there’s just so much talent in Boston that it allows Jaylen Brown’s uh strengths to rise to the surface and his weaknesses to sink even just last year without porzingis and without Drew holiday you saw how much more Boston needed from Jaylen Brown and how more how much damaging it was how much more damaging it was when he couldn’t actually fulfill his end of the bargain in that sense so like I’m not trying to undercut cut undercut what Jaylen Brown’s doing but all I’m saying is is like there’s context here this team is really good and it makes the job really easily it’s like when Kevin Durant went to Golden State there were so many people around that team were like holy he’s the best part in the league he’s better than LeBron and it’s it’s like he’s literally playing in a system where the game is so easy for him that doesn’t mean Kevin Durant’s not awesome it’s just context we literally saw him in Oklahoma City look significantly less efficient the previous season right so like again the the context is important here Jaylen Brown’s awesome he may be top 15 we’ll see when I do my list after the season but he’s in a system right now that accentuates his strengths and minimizes his weaknesses because of how much talent is on the roster uh and lastly like again like the only definitive top 15 player on the roster was Tatum so that’s why he’s the only guy who made all NBA it’s really that simple I’ve seen a lot of people trying to dismiss last night’s Celtics performance by saying how we just got hot and how we won’t repeat it again but with this Celtics team I feel like these types of knights are built into their identity and their style of play allows them to have multiple so I do think they’ll do it again at least once like I said before the series I think they’ll have two blowout wins in this series also so like the shot quality is replicable like the problems that Boston presented aren’t going away but they also shot really well in that first half to put it simply they went up 29 like we all think most of us picked Boston to beat Dallas right but we picked Boston to beat dallis in a competitive is Series right like we don’t think that they’re just going to beat the out of them every single time they play when Boston shoots like that they’ll beat the out of him but let’s just take that exact same first half but five of those threes don’t go in now instead of being up 29 you’re up 14 you’re still up 14 in the NBA Finals in the first half that’s still a dominant performance right so like yeah the Celtics shot really well but they got really good high quality shots and they were so much better that even if they hadn’t shot as well they still would have won so like like again over the course of the series they will have performances I think Boston will win a game in this series where they don’t shoot well like I I think that’s something that’ll happen so like again what happened last night is replicable in terms of shot quality and when you get that type of shot quality consistently you will have kns where you shoot it well when they shoot it well they’ll blow them out that was kind of why I had that take that they’ll have multiple blow up uh blowouts what moves if any does Denver need to make in order to get back to the 2023 postseason levels of dominance I all I think they need to do is retain kcp and make one addition to the bench preferably an athletic guard like a guy that can beat people off the dribble someone athletic guard with the ball in his hands right uh it um if they can do that I think they’re going to be right back in the mix I think a lot of people writing off Denver for losing in the second round when they were up 20 in game seven in the second half and if they won that series I would have picked them over Dallas and if they would have won that series I would have picked them over Boston so like it it really is a game of inches they caught a bad match up they got tired they blew a big lead in the second half but Denver is going to be right back in the mix next year what counters do you expect the Mavs will employ against the Celtics tendency to switch on on screens I went over a bunch of counters in the film session so I’m not going to go into too much more detail but one avoiding attacking Horford and targeting the smaller guards instead we talked about Ram screens to try to bring porzingis into the action against a lob threat like Gafford and Lively that uh would allow potentially unlock some stuff in their pick and roll game but mostly Luca and Kyrie just have to do a better job 0.54 points per ISO is not going to cut it last question what guitars do you have okay I’m going to move the the mic micophone a little bit here so I can show you so I have this one this is a this was my first PRS this is a c24 semih Hol um really fun guitar 24 Frets really easy to play and uh the main thing with the c24 is it’s a bolt-on so you can see how it’s got the U the neck actually bolted on instead of glued and then it’s got steel trim so it’s a Steel Bridge um and then steel trim up top and so it kind of has like a resonance to it that’s kind of unique to uh to a steel um the this one right here is a Fender Stratocaster pretty standard I like love the Vintage colors on this one but just Defender Strater we have let’s see here this is my pride and joy this is my the uh most expensive guitar that I own um and one of the two that I play most frequently this is a hollow body Pio so the main thing with it is it’s completely Hollow so there’s two Maple pieces one on the back and one on the front and then it’s mahogany around the side and a mahogany neck that’s glued in and then the main thing is is it’s got their vintage style humbuckers these are the what they call the 585s they’re like a kind of like a vintage sounding tone super warm think similar to like what you’d see in like a Les Paul but these are these are beautiful sounding I’m obsessed with these and then this bridge has what’s called a Pio pickup in it which makes it sound like an acoustic guitar which I really like this one is is my second favorite to play and I think is the prettiest guitar that I own I like this one a lot and then lastly oh God all right here we go this is my favorite guitar to play this is the silver sky this is John Mayer signature guitar it’s basically like a Fender Stratocaster but ps’s version uh I won’t go into too much detail geeking out about it but like love the maple neck I think it’s the prettiest Maple neck that I’ve seen on a on a guitar I love this kind of like rust kind of like um uh it’s like kind of this just kind of reminds me of Arizona which I really like and then it’s just got a really classic Stratocaster sound that I really like and then it’s just so well built it’s got a really rounded radius this one’s a 7inch radius so it’s rounded um easy to get your fingers around this is this is like the if you’ve ever anybody who listens to the show is play to silver sky knows it’s like literally one of the best guitars to uh funnest guitars to play it’s also like relatively affordable compared to some of the core models that PRS makes like the purple guitar is more than twice as much as that one um but yeah so and then I’ve got a couple of cheapes a couple epon like entry level ones and then I’ve got a um an acoustic guitar over there as well all right guys that is all I have for today as always I sincerely appreciate you guys for supporting the show we will be back on Sunday night with a live reaction with Colin coward after game two I will see you guys then [Music] he

Jason Timpf answers listener questions during an NBA Mailbag segment. Jason discusses how concerned Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Dallas Mavericks should be after their Game 1 blowout loss to the Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals. Jason also shares whether Jayson Tatum and the Celtics have dynasty potential, whether Jaylen Brown is underrated, and what makes Boston more difficult for Dallas to defend than Anthony Edwards and the Timberwolves. Later, Jason discusses why Dan Hurley is a perfect fit with LeBron James’ Los Angeles Lakers, the Sith’s Grand Plan in the Star Wars universe, what offseason moves Nikola Jokic’s Denver Nuggets should make, and much more!

Watch the Game 1 instant reaction here:

00:00 – Introduction
01:00 – How concerned should Mavericks be
04:24 – Dan Hurley is perfect for LeBron & Lakers
07:52 – What adjustments can Mavs defense make
09:24 – Better support: 2024 Celtics or 2017 Warriors?
11:30 – The Sith Grand Plan
15:21 – Will Boston be favorites next season?
17:41 – Who Spurs should go after
18:08 – Why did Jason poll Tatum vs. Anthony Davis?
19:22 – Could Celtics be a dynasty?
20:22 – Will teams go 5-out more often?
21:05 – Difference between Mavericks & Pacers for Boston
21:40 – Dan Hurley-Lakers
22:13 – Will Luka be #1 on Jason’s player rankings?
23:00 – Why Jason switched to sports media
25:00 – Why Celtics offense is scarier than Timberwolves
25:51 – Jason’s second favorite player of all-time
26:35 – Would Rockets or Cavaliers have won 2018 NBA Finals?
27:05 – Why is Jaylen Brown so underrated?
30:37 – Is Celtics Game 1 performance replicable?
32:12 – What should Nuggets do this offseason?
32:51 – Counters that Dallas can run on Boston
33:22 – What guitars does Jason have?

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  1. LeBron likes Hurley's game-time tactics and has said so publicly, even if he's not an obvious voice in the hiring process.

  2. Wait wait wait, if you see this Timpf, please let me know why you arent being contradictory at 28:30

    Ive heard you in the past (like talking about where Jamal Murray ranks in the league) that it doesnt matter how good he is in a vacuum, it only matters how good he is within Denver’s offense and their team, and thats what makes him a top-15 player. You’ve made a similar argument like this with other players before as well.

    But now when we talk about Jaylen possibly being a top-15 player, you start focusing on the advantages of playing within the Boston offense as if it makes Jaylen look like a better player than he is in a vacuum.

    Why are we not staying consistent with our arguments between different players like this??

  3. Not concerned at all just yet. Celtics gonna think they are hot shlt now and drop second game. And we know what happens the second something doesnt go their way. They crumble.

  4. Matchups make games if Denver or Minnesota played it would be way more competitive but this is a horrible match up

  5. Interesting thoughts on the ceilings of JT vs AD. Very few people can point to the "best" game that would illustrate a player's best performance. I wonder if you'd consider doing that sometime (for any players).

  6. so jb ddint get better this yr from last yr??? and so we're clear what are his weaknesses that you think the team is hiding?

  7. I feel like this finals has made so much of the media make the public realize they don’t know much about basketball because so much of them picked Dallas. How don’t they not see that the Celtics are just nightmare matchup for Dallas. Just like Denver is a nightmare matchup for the Celtics.

  8. Going into the Finals, many people were favoring the Mavs because of unknown factors around the Celtics going into game 1:
    1. What contribution could KP make, if he even played?
    2. Given the weak Eastern Conference and the injury riddle'd playoff cake-walk, if the Celtics are not really as good as 76-20 and their net rating suggests, how good are they really?

    The fundamental logic mistake was taking the answers, which should have been, "We don't know", and turning them into some version of "No".

    Now we have some more direct information about both questions:
    1. KP might be close to his regular season effectiveness, 20 pts in 30 min per game, with significant offensive and defensive contributions with spacing and rim protection.

    2. One of the most consistent things that was said about the Celtics all season was "They have the best 'starting' 6 in the league," and that seems to hold. Another consistent thing was that they have the best perimeter defense in the league, with four players, and that also held in game 1. Especially for Holiday and Brown.

    Perhaps it is time to accept that the Celtics are good enough to beat the Mavericks, and only the Celtics are capable of beating the Celtics.

  9. My question for your mail bag would be, do you think Popovich should retire? I’m only asking that because I don’t think he’s the best coach for Victor. It’s a new generation these days.

  10. I think the 2014 NBA Championship Spurs can upset the 2017 Warriors. That Spurs team was in the zone throuh games 3-5 shooting 60-70% as a team. sheesh

  11. Sorry the 96 Bulls the 85 Lakers and the 2001 Lakers would beat those warriors in my opinion and I saw Wilt and West win a championship

  12. I am concerned, but only a little and not too much. The Clippers and OKC destroyed the Mavs on game 1s of the 1st and 2nd rounds of this playoffs in a similar fashion. Honestly the only game 1 the Mavs won under Kidd is the TWolves series. I’m sure they adjust. If it’s enough to win it remains to be seen.

  13. Luka played like shit? He literally gave them a chance by getting hot and getting to down just 8 but no one came along and the lead got back up to 20. If anyone played like shit it was kyrie. Yeah Luka needs to go back to playing more defense but you cant say he played like shit

  14. I'm sorry, but in what world is ADs ceiling higher than Tatum's? If we are talking potential I would agree, but in reality ADs health, inability (with no intent on changing that) to shoot lowers his ceiling a lot, unlike Tatum who visibly actively improves every year. AD has been constant, but he hasn't really improved in years just been relatively healthier. How do you say a player with less availability and less desire to get better has a higher ceiling than one who doesn't have those issues.

  15. There’s no adjustments to be made, there gonna continue to attack Luka in space and he not turning onto some elite defender lmao

  16. Question for the next mail bag: what was the process like regarding getting the usage rights for the nba clips in your film sessions? I’ve been listening/watching for awhile and I remember for a long time that you said there were certain things blocking you from being able to use game footage.

    Also, how do you think it has fared so far? Has the channel seen the growth you expected now that you can use game footage?

  17. You weren’t honestly surprised Minnesota didn’t try out that adjustment, you saw it working yesterday and today are claiming you have been thinking about all along.
    Praise love and criticism Jason, as you do it too.

  18. Why are people like you saying Luka is the best player in the series and the world now and he is the worst defender in this series, he is the slowest, out of shape and chubby? JB has been the best player and is a true 2 way player, the best cannot be offence only.

  19. Jason: "I'm a huge Star Wars nerd"
    The Acolyte: destroys Star Wars lore and cannon
    Jason: "it was awesome"

    Me: ….so you're not a real star wars fan. Got it.

  20. People gotta realize the team runs better when they offense is flowing through jaylen brown

  21. What Mavs can do is pray that the Celtics misses their 3s. Thats the only chance the Mavs has.

  22. Depending how this series goes and porzingis health this could be the best basketball team of all time. Also your love of Star Wars and knowledge of the lore is refreshing but also highlights how lost the franchise is after Disney destroying it. Also YouTubers and commentators pretending like the officiating in the wolves nuggets wasn’t so blatantly in favor of the wolves in some of the games that it ruined the series and the playoffs as a whole. We could have had nuggets mavs.

  23. Jason, your whole response to the "why is Jaylen Brown is underrated question" was based on context, but also you said in last years player rankings that you can't do hypotheticals and take players out of the context they're in – you said this when you were justifying Jamal Murray's placement. Considering that criteria, I think you do need to have Brown top 15, I'm not a Celtics fan, but his defense has stood out all season when he's locked in as being better defense than most of the guys you have top 15, and his dribble penetration was the key to holding off Dallas in G1 – he seems to be better at that than Tatum, or at least have a better understanding of who he is as a player, leaning into it more often. At the end of the day, all I ask is you be consistent with your criteria this year.

  24. This guy is so malleable. He always changes his pick the moment the moment his original pick loses. Can’t trust his take anymore.

  25. Love Star Wars movies just don’t know the whole lore, was obi wan the chosen one then? I know they said it was anakin but idk if it was actually obi wan, Luke, or was it actually anakin

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