
Taranaki Airs v Wellington Saints | Full Basketball Game | @SalsNBL 2024

Taranaki Airs v Wellington Saints | Full Basketball Game | @SalsNBL 2024

[Applause] yes C everybody Welcome To New Plymouth we’re at TSB stadium and we are here for skyp Broadband rapid league basketball action between the tanaki SS and the Wellington Saints this will be the second meeting between these two teams they met on April the 21st and the Saints won the game that night 3634 so good tight match between these two however of course the venue is different this time we are in New Plymouth and we’re looking forward to another competitive match between these two sides yes hello it’s Glenn ly here got cam gliden who’s taken a bit of timeout from preparing for tomorrow’s top of the table Clash against the can Rams of course cam play with a two AATA that’s going to be a big game cam yeah it’s going to be a fantastic game really looking forward to that one and uh but this is what I’ll be doing anyway at home watching these games and getting familiar so good to be in the booth with you yeah 100% so let’s have a look at the lad on this is going to be a good match because we’ve got second versus third here cam yeah both the rapid League teams are doing well and the NBL teams are doing well so looking forward to this one we played the Saints very recently in the rapid League team uh won in a a dramatic fashion against us two Atara so looking forward to this game indeed so if Wellington actually uh win this game they will join uh Nelson at the top of the table Nelson would that win last night actually have 11 wins in the rapid League now and the Nelson Giants were too good last night for the totem R of five and actually have moved up to a 11 point so or 11 wins so they’ve been at the top of the table pretty much right from the start right let’s have a look at the starting five we’ve got th gold prer and we’ve got caslo Evans Jr and hippy’s been called in Lake Karu hippolite being called in late for Coach ziko coronell so uh interesting to see someone like Dion prer in there of course he’s just recently resigned with the Saints I think he’s on like his fourth stint at the team and uh with Harris out injured they need all the experience I guess they can get at the moment here is the uh the Sam McKinnon coached ears team that’s to bias Cameron number 11 we’ve got Nico Hill Jordi hoata Quinton Bailey and Daron Roa so plenty of experience there too cam yeah definitely and you mentioned Dion prer definitely a vet in this league and to have him suit up with the rap league boys is is a you know big plus for them and Raa in the A’s team same sort of situation there very experienced player and we have uh the head-to-head stats here on the Chemist Warehouse stats and you can see both teams in excellent form I think that’s the the thing that stands out right away there yeah both teams are hot playing playing great basketball and um when we’re preparing for that late game you can hear the Roar of the crowd and I remember two Atara vers Saints like I said a couple weeks ago um very hotly challenged Game T Samuel one to watch too 13 points per game in the rap League that is decent for a match that only last 16 minutes yeah he’s he’s a he’s a handful in the in the late game so I think in the rapid League he’d he’d be putting up some pretty good numbers wow that is going to be interesting to see how he goes but he’s not playing in this game uh he looks like saving him for the Sals NBL game so there you go but Sam gold coming to the team as well he’s playing his fifth rapid League game of course on a college break at the moment Sam gold heading back soon to Milligan in Tennessee for his senior year yeah he’s a talented kid he’s um very athletic gets up and down the floor and gives that Wellington Saints team um a good punch off the bench in the later game yeah gold the gold family very talented of course Ben his brothers at Marquette and older brother Thomas playing for the Jets it’s going to be Bailey to win the tip and we’re underway here in the rapid League game with r with his hands on the ball for the ears so if the ears win this game they won’t overhaul the Saints on the ladder as we see hoata missed that three-pointer but they’ll keep in touch with Wellington and Nelson at the top of the table and straight away a foul has been called and a good drive to the hoop there by Evans Jr yeah a great penetration caught the defense uh sleep at that that moment but um great start to the game for Wellington getting feet in the paint caslo Evans Jr good young player just 20 years of age first year at the Wellington Saint having played for Nelson last year gets the first one to go he’s managed to get on court eight times season for the Saints in the NBL games a good start for the Saints and a bit of full court pressure too on rwa rwa finding some space down the lane and put back in impressively by Bailey yeah nice play by Bailey he’s uh one of those guys that just seems to have an eye for the ball especially on the offensive rebounding end and shows it right there Evans Jr now prar is Sam go going for three and he’s sweetly hit that one hot stop by both teams here yeah gold can really fill it up like I said in the later games he’s coming on and providing such a spark for the Saints and in these rapid leagues he’s putting up good numbers s go very nice shot rwa from the free throw line can’t nail it there’s Bailey in there making a Nuance of himself again and it looks like the Call’s going to go against Quinton Bailey yeah a bit too fasty I think on that one but getting himself in that right position to Evans Jr coming down court again CR up back to Evans Jr gets the screen from hippolite now gold oh did he stand on the sideline he did there so it’s going to be a turnover pretty decent crowd in the Nai tonight for the rapid League looks like a nice little family event down there yeah mate it’s uh it’s the same last week it’s always it you know when you start winning games cam that’s it it’s all it takes sometimes to get another couple hundred into the gym it is and I think the airs do a great job in the community making sure they get out there and put their faces in the public and it’s sure paining off for here Roa Hill coill just overcooks that one a touch and a nice rebound taken there by DG maho’s playing in this game as well now Evans Jr gold running it back and he’s taken up excellent position there Sam gold another good basket for the Saints yeah another tough shot by him he’s just he’s so active um makes his presence felt every possession and there’s another two points he’s got five in the game now Tobias Cameron that’s classic Tobias Cameron there so hard to defend Evans Jr it’s been lost out of court by Wellington duger couldn’t keep the ball in the court that time yeah the airs on defense doing that ice kind of sideline guarding defense giving them the Baseline um and they’re getting in the paint pretty easy I think the air should switch that up a bit keep them a bit more middle because they’re creating havoc on that on that Baseline Drive Tobias Cameron going for three gold doing it at both ends nice rebound taken by the young fella he’s only 22 P out there now here is Evans Jr again just been tipped out of court by Cameron so it’s going to be Wellington ball about 10 on the shot [Music] clock r back out there Xavier Adam Jackson wanaki the p is again oh it was a nice ball into goal but there was no foul there and it’s going to be tanaki ball yeah it was a nice weave action up top of the key um that kind of action can really confuse the defense do you switch do you stay with your man and gold Open Over the Top just failed to execute it at the end Bailey gives it back to Cameron who was trying to get a foul on pra oh looks like it is going to be a foul on PR there good play from Tobias Cameron yeah he’s a strong kid and you low that shoulder um not much prer can do other than try to sell the charge but it wasn’t happening the lab didn’t drop there for Tobias Cameron that’s two shots from the Chemist Warehouse line Cameron been averaging 10 points per game in the rapid League he’s uh been converting 52% of his shot so it’s it’s good percentage Yeah and I think it’s translating over to the lady game as well he’s playing a good role him and his brother nice little one-two punch in the later later um event couldn’t grab the second though Cameron as gold captured the rebound th again goal giving it back to Evans Jr turn over car has it for taranaki now Bailey and Bailey he’s going to count that one Quinton Bailey four points for him and he’s off to the kemas warehouse line for a three-point play yeah unfortunately prer a bit in no man’s land there he tries to take a charge a few possessions before doesn’t get rewarded so now tries to get out of the way but gets his shoulder collected and gets another foul and he gets the three-point play to drop so taranaki take the lead and this is the the first time they’ve been in front in the game coming up to the end of the first quarter in this rapid League game it’s going to be caslo Evans Jr to settle it down for the last play perhaps here th to ESS again Jr trying to work off gold that to P it for three from the corner beautiful offensive rebound but smashed out of the hands and did that get in in time is that going to be count for Wellington looks like it might count referees are having a discussion yes it is there it is so it’s going to be a 98 score line for the Saints just in the nick of time that basket dropping from dgal meter yeah the airs won’t be happy with that final possession um giving up three offensive rebounds to finish the quarter I think they just stopped and watched and thought the clock would expire but uh very up play by the by the Saints getting three offensive rebounds in the last two two three seconds there large migle pizza for 30 bucks Cam’s not allowed to have that tonight folks cuz he’s playing tomorrow if I’m being honest um had one last night so so uh yeah me father-in-law and mother-in-law is in town they ordered it so I had to eat it yeah you had no option yeah no option yet yeah don’t want to be a wower do you I can’t eat that cuz I’m a professional athlete I mean it wasn’t that hard for him to twist me arm well a competitive first quarter wasn’t it between these two teams so uh nice job done by the Saints there to grab those two points Quinton Bailey with five in the game and at Gold the leading scorer for the Saints with 5-2 yeah you can tell the quality from these two teams it’s not up and down a rapid Pace it’s uh even though it’s the rapid League it’s very they’re executing really well and trying to get through their offenses at signs of two teams that are huming along pretty [Music] well Saints for the first possession of quarter number two hope you’re enjoying the Sky Broadband rapid leag game Sal’s NBL match remember starting at 7:30 this evening that to Ping nice oh that two-pointer didn’t drop there that layup love the explosion right at the end there cam yeah nice change of pace nice hesitation and uh gets himself rewarded to the line he’s a rookie this year action in seven NBL games this year that to P he’s played every rapid League game for the Saints averaging seven points per game at 46% going pretty decent from the three-point line as well 37% for the young fella can’t get the second free throw but gold AATA has it again for the Saints oh look at that pace there from Evans Jr and he’s fouled here by niik Hill this time yeah the the airs really shooting themselves in the foot this first half with their offensive rebounds they given up um and good take to the rim Again by the Saints not settling for threes getting making sure they get feet in the paint getting the best shots available so Evans Jr this time to the line he’s got good energy hasn’t he Evans Junior’s being ripping in yeah to be honest all these Saints guys their bench mob they uh in in in the later game they bring so much energy um and it’s great to see him out here running around nice little run here for the Saints has them up by three Raa will back out there now for taranaki boata over to Hill hasn’t scored yet Nico Hill and that will remain the case gold with the rebound he’s doing it well at both ends he’s got five rebounds already Sam gold pra going Baseline here on Xavier Adam now gold for a second three and he nails that one too he’s having an excellent all round match yeah that’s a it’s a pretty looking shot I actually wasn’t aware he could shoot like that but um every time he releases it looks like it’s gone down at the moment 7 and0 Run for the Saints in this game at the moment rwa left alone at the three-point line and he makes the Saints pay yeah I mean you’re right the Saints have been playing good defense forcing mid-range jumpers but you cannot leave Deron alone on that three-point line he’s going to make you pay prer had a little flip Baseline there go giving trying to give Evan some space Here’s prar gold again from the same spot up they go for the rebound and F to pay so that’s unlucky it’s going to be taranaki ball they dodged the bullet there the air giving up another o board luckily the Saints spill it out of bounds but they got to take care of that if they want to be in this at the end mlan of course a former Saints head coach assistant this season to ziko coronell he’s running the rapid League team yeah great coach um saw a bit of him last year with the aam toara and he had that Wellington Saints team playing well and one from Raa uh good take there he’s he’s a tough player he’s a tough matchup he’s a three level scorer he can get to the rim he’s got a great mid-range game that you have to respect and like we saw a couple possessions earlier can shoot the three as well he’s fired up to Ron Ro Kawa three-point play coming up here and taranaki oh he can’t nail it and there’s D what have we got a foot violation looks like rabwa might have to take that again he seems stoked with that you now this one there goes he’s never going to miss that one W it’s a tied ball game again 14 a piece hi light back out there now number 99 gold trun can’t get rid of Bailey three-pointer coming in from dgal meter not dropping good defense by taranaki that time yeah you’ve got the young gold trying to battle with the old head in Bailey um it’s a nice little battle [Applause] there it’s Cameron trying to work on goal for a foul Cameron that’s nice what a take good take Cameron very good basket five points for Tobias Cameron now the Saints looking to up the intensity and the pace and it pays off with two more yep now it’s becoming that rapid League sort of style we’re getting up and down now 16 a piece [Applause] rwa [Applause] Cameron Cameron again that was a tough basket to make Evans Jr with the ball now Evans Jr nice strong layup and that’s going to the three-point line uh the uh free throw line as well for Evans Jr great take by him he’s super fast coming down in transition and a just didn’t cut him off off he got to his spot and uh made him pay see if he can convert here I think he missed one earlier on from the free throw one the lead for Wellington was six at one stage we recall earlier on in this quarter it’s tight right up again every Point vital in this game Evans completes the three-point play from the Chemist Warehouse line he has six points in the match now car there going to be a foul here on F pce CLE a play from Roar to lure that one out of his opponent yeah he was pressuring him up the court he can really move that young fell and derone just being a vet didn’t appreciate it very much and made sure to get him off Co Hilder to inbound it oh gee that’s lucky for taranaki there yeah that’s what sometimes the pressure can do you know you pressure him and maybe you don’t come up with a steal or a turnover right that Split Second but maybe the next play they make a mistake like they just did he just wasn’t a able to Corral it Roa Roa looking for some space down the lane and is going to be another fou I think hippolite can seee that one yeah just great use by raau of selling the contact I think it wasn’t the heaviest of contact but the way he positioned his body made the refs have no other you know no other thing to do but to call it for him gets back to the line is having a good influence on the on this match for taranaki isn’t he yeah he is and he’s he’s a vet he knows how to play and like I said he’s a three level scorer so he is a tough guard [Applause] maawa has eight points now back to a one-point game he created space for himself really well but that’s come off tanaki so it’s going to be another possession for Wellington yeah if you’re the a you don’t want to give Wellington this many more possessions than you especially in a 16-minute game it’s going to come back to bler ready treasure possession it’s [Applause] pra oh he took steps oh as a player you don’t like that call I mean it didn’t get him any momentum or Advantage uh but he definitely did take an extra extra hop in a skip so again oh oh he knows itawa up to 10 points now yeah pretty good defense I think you live with that you got a piece of the ball and then he has to take a mid-range fade away but like I said he can do that onepoint game now for taranaki last few seconds of the second quarter th to P nice fake beyond the three-point line five on the shot clock aslo caslo Evans Jr can’t nail it and that will end the quarter [Applause] it’s tight in this rapid League game taranaki out scoring the Saints by two points in their quarter take the lead by 120 [Music] to9 with 10 Bailey and Cameron with five each so just three scorers for taranaki in the game yeah but they are the main guys you know they’re going to have the most usage and uh derone doing really well with that Bailey getting on the offensive glass and being creating havoc in that mid middle area and getting on the rim and using his physicality Sam gold worth mentioning him eight points five rebounds he’s going great two three-pointers as well pran selfishly has two assists steal there to Jake car for taranaki well flip the coin cam camp Pi this one yeah it’s uh it’s been a good good half um I’d probably give uh if I was to if I was a betting man I think I’d put on the Saints I think they’re executing better and their their tenacity is a bit High getting all those offensive rebounds and extra possessions I think if they start making more shots um it’ be an uphill battle for the years we see how they go cuz Cameron and Roar are going pretty well Bailey when he’s been on court too has been rattling a few cages as well yeah they have I mean they’ve been pretty explosive with their scoring and their attack on the rim but I feel like in these shorter games if you win the energy areas uh the 50/50 contest I think you give yourself the best chance to win I think Wellington are doing that right now and smart play by the the young Wellington Saints by taking that last shot I think they had an open shot with 5 seconds left but that would have allowed the airs to grab a rebound call a timeout in advance so smart by the Saints to pull the ball back out and use the whole shot CL absolutely back here with mentioning early today that uh you missed the game between the otago nuggets and the Hawks Bay Hawks it was otago winning the rapid League game 36- 30 and then in the NBL game was a big win to the Nuggets yeah it was a huge uh huge win for them at home um looked like the crowd came out and drove so big win for the nuggets hopefully get their season back on track 108 to 86 was the fulltime score against HS Bay here goes the third quarter in this game rwa now Cameron Cameron can’t drop it but that’s Cameron at his best again he’s such a good driver of the basketball he is and you know a lot of people get contact I think he got contact from two guys there that would fumble the ball and not be able to get a decent shot up but he almost gets the A1 so Cameron goes to the line again what are your thoughts on the lime green Ah that’s that’s enough said mate exactly sometimes you don’t have to say anything cam shall I ask you the same should I be a enough to ask you the same question is camera makes you s it is it is different I mean it is different oh Evans Jr nice play from him the foul on ni Hill yeah it seems like his job is just to push the pace and bring his boys with him and sometimes he beats everyone up the court just like that and he’s back to the line I think this is his might be his seventh and eighth free throw for gone six and seven six and seventh yeah still third visit to the line he’s only missed one so far oh sorry he’s only got one but he puts it down yeah five from six in the game now look at that it’s a tide ball game once more we’ll see what the SS can execute I actually really like their first offensive possession and they draw a foul which is always good in these short games um they’re moving the ball quite well got it through some hands and get it to Cameron to go downhill which is always bad news for the other team that foul was on dgal meter aawa over to Cameron with the mid-range jump this time he’s gold with the rebound oops oh no that’s unlucky well you wouldn’t read about that would you yeah you don’t pass your guy falling over but I think bit unlucky there for gold but good defensive possession forcing a mid-range jumper just got to secure that one cold saing a little smile himself nothing more you can do really there Bailey nice pass into hoata and hoata can’t na but Cameron can good physical play the airs I mean I talked at half time about the Saints winning the 50/50 ball winning the physicality plays but I think the airs have flipped it they’re getting all the rebounds they’re getting downhill in the paint the Saints need to respond oh there is the response Wellington needed that they’ been a bit sluggish in this third quarter so far Okawa looking to up the pace and there’s another foul as we see three players go flying yeah he’s an expert at drawing that contact I think last year he baited me into fouling him when I jumper and I lost some sleep that night oh really and you promised yourself never again prom myself never again how many times have you played tanaki this year once just just the once at home I think we had down there the very last game of the year or possibly the second last looking forward to it it’s a nice little trip alone probably when he looks back at this tape of this game he would just uh just Mark that yeah he will go for cam again [Laughter] eh we having an excellent match here he’s uh staying on 11 points misses that second free [Applause] throw Jr play good nice pass underneath is that was a nice cut to the basket left all alone yeah it was great high low U great slip out by pra just a high IQ play by a veteran first points of the game for Dion prer now Cameron there’s two more for Tobias camon how many times have we seen that play from him this season lost count little reach in nearby Cameron he’s going to pick up the foul here’s a physical player I don’t think he knows any other way so maybe he gets a foul here here and there but you know he’s going to bring that physicality which is what you [Music] want gold junor nice kick kick out pass to Fay a up goes DG me get the rebound he can shoot it go how good was that that’s backto back threes for him from memory isn’t it he’s got one before yeah he’s up to 10 points now he is the Saints leading scorer all of a sudden yeah he’s a great shooter and he doesn’t need much time um when I guard him in the in the main game he um I always got to make sure I’ve got my head on a swivel make sure he’s not back cutting me or hitting that corner three it’s ni Hill with that basket his first of the game and it’s staying tight as it was at halim Juni oh that’s out of court off Sam gold it’s going to be t ball a turnover I think they’ve made a mistake here pretty sure it came off the taranaki airs did it [Music] go Rens J with 8.7 on the shot clock Roa no hesitation and putting the three up and he be there yeah that’s tooo much space for him um not known as a knockdown shooter but he can definitely shoot the three if you give him that much time Kawa was that tipped in by Bailey well it’s two points none either way back to a two-point game dual meter in the corner again almost getting another three savier Adam with the rebound for tanaki here’s ni Hill for three and he drops it this game is heting up or was it Cameron it was Tobi Cameron yeah nice transition play from the airs it’s uh yeah this pace is starting to lift I think everyone’s getting settled in now shooting percentages both teams shooting the ball above 50% well above 50% now foul there Ians Jor is ratty with himself I think it wasn’t uh too much of a foul but it’ll send him down to the line down the other end so probably not the best foul to give tanaki shooting the ball at 57% and the Saints just under 50 under 60% as well he missed that last shot 57 as well so excellent game unfolding here great offensive game or is it bad defense Glen you tell me I think it it doesn’t feel like bad defense can no I think they’re getting after it I think it’s just some good shot making well five from 11 from the three-point line for the Saints that’s 45% and tanaki 2 from four so both teams going pretty good now they’re sharing the ball and that’s what’s creating the the very open shot rather than the semiopen shot so you create good shots um they’re bound to go in more often so I think that’s why we’ve seen such good shooting performances at the moment still a couple of possessions left in this third quarter Sam gold has lost control of that one and that is definitely off him see what they’re trying to do there but I think better off swinging it and getting a few small hands but we got a tire down there who’s that is that Cameron look at this Cameron Hill hard he’s Bing a little bit there ni hill run off whatever issue he has there he doesn’t look right but I didn’t see what happened off to the locker room he goes May he’s dislocated a finger or something there yeah he looks in a lot of discomfort but at least at least he’s walking but it doesn’t look good pressure by f p just applying that pressure to derone deron’s one of those players you don’t want him to be comfortable you don’t want him to feel like he’s got control so always being tight on him always pressuring the ball goes a long way for the Saints Cameron tough basket to make now the Saints have got a chance here with about 12 seconds left in this quarter look up a play here and keep this ball line tight p p here o hard lack there for the young guard it’s going to be a three-point lead for taranaki we’ve got a game this is exciting I I think man my half time predictions kind of going out the window I’m actually jumping on the air wagon now I can do that right I’ll go with the Saints then okay I reckon the Saints are going to come back here all right all right but either way it’s been an excellent game cam I mean we’ve got two well coached teams there’s good structure to both play te uh strategies at the moment there shooting the ball well it’s a it’s good signs coming out of tanaki and Wellington yeah yeah for sure and I think the stars of each rapid League team are really shining bright and it’s great preparation I love this league I love that they’ve got this thing going on because it’s great to watch it’s great for the young players to get a run in the legs which they otherwise might not get um and it’s great to see them playing the rapid League then their skills and and their performances translate over to the later game so um it’s a great initiative reminding you that the later game starts at [Music] [Applause] 7:30 stay with us here on sky sport should be a uh really good match between the ears and the Saints good crowd building up excellent crowd to watch the end of this rapid League game check that out we’ve almost got every bench seat t on that side of the Court yeah it looks awesome we we were lucky enough to play a couple games there with the breakers and the fans are just awesome down there they come out they support they get loud and um they make it a real good atmosphere well it’s all to play here for both teams it’s tanaki up by three scoring the Saints by two 16 to 14 in that third quarter biggest lead’s only been three which is what it is at the moment Wellington’s biggest lead’s been six that’s been pretty tight all the way through and who’s that come off it’s come off Jake Carr so Wellington position still with 14.8 on the shot clock and all these points like these two teams are quite tight in the rapid league but all these points matter in the later game as well and with the league being so tight every point every possession matters every game matters and these guys guys will be taking this really seriously well indeed one thing that Wellington won’t want to do is let this lead get any bigger ker there’s that weave junor good defending that time by taranaki is the three goes up from dug Meer and the rebound is taken by Wellington dug me’s lost it oh he got tackled there ankle tapped even here’s Cameron out to car and car’s going to L it in for two on the break yeah probably to me just like you I think that was a foul diving into someone’s legs is um something I think they should call even if it’s minor it’s something that we probably don’t want to see too much of but the airs take advantage and get a two-pointer down the other end Evans Jr DG meter again and there he goes again bearing his third three of the game and Wellington cut that deficit back to two can’t give him space excellent shooter he’s up to 11 points equal top score with caslo Evans with 11 as well rwa steps back behind the three-point line and then rather have another shot he was either deflected or he got away with a foul there but and he’s gone again and he it again wow DG meta his 43 from Seven attempts yeah he’s really filling it up way to shoot don’t touch him you’ll burn your hand he’s hot Adam for pass that time oh is gold going to be called for the foul perhaps a little unlucky there Sam gold yeah I thought he had pretty good position and the the passing angle was horrible by the airs I think yeah probably shouldn’t have rewarded that one there and given him a foul I think he he did all the right things taranaki senor Point late lead evaporate pretty quickly soon as I jumped on that bandwagon I told you Ro carwa can’t kiss it in off the glass EV Junior didn’t it didn’t it happen like that you should have uh you should have stuck with them cam you would have looked like the Oracle mate if you had here’s Bailey mind you this game’s far from Done Yet less than 2 minutes to play now tanaki able to not able to retain the ball there hippolite Evans Jr looking to get gold into the game can’t do so here’s hippal nice spin move and a nice basket kaparu hippal that means every Wellington player has scored in the game now that’s great to see he was good defense by the airs for 23 seconds and then a spin move right hook sometimes that’s about all you can do Bailey o a little reach in near by dle me G must have touched him with a feather Bailey gets the [Music] call feels like it’s going down to the wire either way yeah it does I’m hoping it comes down to a final shot really Cameron almost got it lost out of his hands come on Bailey J but he can’t nail the three Cameron’s got the a rebound on the weak side and was he fouled there he was laying it in for two Tobias Cameron great play by Cameron and it brings it back to even if he can finish this free [Applause] throw Cameron has what’s that 18 points now that is a decent score that is yeah I’d be May our stat man Justin Nelson can flip me a text or something and tell me what is the highest individual score in a rapid leue game this year that’s a great question see we can see if we can find it because Cameron who’s up to 19 points I don’t certainly in the games that I’ve called haven’t seen a guy score that many 41 a piece now but just on a minute to play caslo Evans Jr oh he’s fouled there goes gives a five to his mate in the crowd great take well one minute exactly to play and every opportunity is now critical yeah it is who can execute in this one minute period the best and maybe even utilize the player time out to to get the best look look possible Evans Jr with that one he been to the line plenty of times in this game six from [Music] Seven get second as well gets the Saints back on back ahead by two rakawa roaa from the free throw line nails that and the scores are locked up with 47 to [Applause] play execution critical now foul there by Adam great take by derone just calm collected and gets to his spot that mid-range jumper puts it in tied ball game let’s see still fails to give for tanaki here’s a big shot from Evans J not going to nail it and roar’s got it now there’s about a 5-second differential between the shot and the game clock so tanaki can execute here nothing like creating a bit of scoreboard pressure with just a few seconds remaining yep and I think Deron will be the guy to take the shot oh he gives it to Xavier Adam he wants it back here’s Cameron oh is there a foul there there was I think PR has been called for that one now as Tobias Cameron going to the line here prer concedes the foul 5.4 seconds left and Cameron of course with Wellington in the penalty has the chance to give taranaki the lead here Wellington going to be good enough if Cameron knows these two free throws 20 points for Cameron yeah that’s that’s impressive it’s got to be the highest score of the year but he’s playing so well playing a physical game let’s see if he can give him a little bit more breathing room he does so 5.4 seconds left player timeout called by prer so Wellington now it’s all on this play to see what would you do if you’re out there cam they’re trailing by two points I’d shoot a three really um no hesitation answer either if I was the Saints um they’ve got time to you know run a good play here it’s not like they have to pass it in and jack up a quick one so I’d look to end it with a three no let’s not go to OT let’s end it with a three and I think um maybe maybe prer we’ll see DG me has got his hands on the ball looking for that foul Sam gold oh rattles out no hard luck there for Sam gold and taranaki get the win in the rapid League game thrilling finish wow what a finish what a take what a set up sometimes it just doesn’t go in but great game and uh Wellington Saints had a chance to tie it up with the airs uh get it done and that’s what I predicted so I’m not surprised at all 45-43 well an excellent game and Tobias Cameron we’re bowing to you 21 points roaa had an excellent game 36 points between them that means only nine points were scored by the rest of the team yeah well they are the they are the guys to get it done in that rapid league so that’s not surprising Sam gold with seven rebounds he was all over the court and had a great game was great great to see his Improvement throughout the year yeah duger just touched on him before with 14 points four three pointers in that game too so a really good job done by him and caslo Evans too real energy running the the point for the Saints in that game yeah he really controlled the tempo for the Saints and uh just unfortunate that didn’t didn’t come up in the end but great game great a some first game and looking forward to this the next one 100% so congratulations to the years they get the the job done just in the Sky Broadband rapid League game but standby for the sales NBL match in about 15 minutes here from New Plymouth as the same two teams go at it again [Applause] all [Music] [Music] every time see every time see you you [Music] w say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we are we need to go how you [Music] you [Music] that we we and also [Music] got we we [Applause] we so hope will see you tomorrow abely fantastic let’s go let’s go I me anyway after you come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell you make some noise [Applause] a no okay no okay no okay [Applause] [Applause] and to we got a a [Applause] [Music] that name we need this game we need your support we need you to Make Some Noise there no way I a or are we does how know we are hardore not about the something so we we to the we got to do everything so make sure that you are ready to really to stand your feet really to do our an here T when I sayi you going say so these F come here to destroy us to stand this FL and now how no so we got to S the 5 we going to take this to a whole another l so you as well time get my to see you my brother so make sure that you are and that you are ready to go make sure that you do that every and you reply with the ear we got to the game and this we do it I tell you what we coming to you live at5 here as the home of we’ll see you soon B [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] again here let go head [Music] come on come on come on come on black yellow black yellow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dan [Music] what [Applause] [Applause] w yeah e e e basketball is a mov and every game is a blockbuster e for exciting entertainment energy and epic Sal NBL 2024 rated [Music] EO we are in TSB stadium for new pouth thank you for joining us for the Sals NBL match for tonight which is the Kaki is against the Wellington Saints this promises to be an absolute Ripper with both of these teams nestled comfortably in the top four of the ladder and we’ve got a a good vocal crowd in here in New Plymouth hoping their team taranaki get over the line against the Wellington Saints who well they thumped taranaki earlier on in the year April 21st was the other meeting this year the Saints 103 tanaki 8 6 it’s going to be interesting to see what response we get from tanaki tonight yes Glenn L is my name thank you for joining us cam Glennon with me toata Guard toata in action tomorrow against the Rams here is the mix and toll cam who will win the game is are the Saints and the Saints are heavily favored by you out there folks that’s interesting I would have expected that to be much closer yeah Glenn I definitely would have as well I think the airs coming in this way uh this game they were missing Mitch mcar in the first time these two met so I think they’ll they’ll do a lot better than they did that game and and at home as well I thought it’d be a bit closer and I’d probably actually go tip the A tonight there you go well it’ll be interesting to see if the Saints can get up in this game there is the ladder and it’s tight between the ears down to the balls with the two a of your team going nicely at the top of the table what a game that’s going to be tomorrow against the Canterbury Rams so one versus two three versus four good weekend of Hoops isn’t it great weekend of hoop so I’m happy I can sit in this booth and call this with you Glenn it’s going to be an awesome game and looking forward to tomorrow as well at the event finder Stadium against the Rams yeah that’s going to be a rip of that one and that one’s coming up at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon and then we have the other game tomorrow in the double hitter in palon North between the Jets and the Bulls and then the next round begins on Wednesday with the otago game against tanaki live on sky sport from 6:30 in Den [Music] so teams going through their final warm-ups here is the Wellington Saints starting five Isaiah Leafa Ben a l Mayan toi Smith Milner and car Samuel still no ham Harris few Whispers floating around now that he might not play again in the season for ziko Coronel but we will see let’s get our pre-match interiew now and let’s hear from danir the Saints have split the last six games what are the keys to the Saints finding some consistency today against a formidable opponent in the Years um I think it’s just about the process for us and letting the results take care of itself um just just locking in on the finer details that we go through a practice and um executing them in it in the game the Saints are so good from the three-point line and it plays a big part in your offense how do you find a balance between the Deep ball and attacking the r as a collective um yeah it’s obviously a strength for us but not necessarily a huge Focus so um I think just offensively um trying to pick targets um obviously Z shooting the ball gray so finding him from the three but you know we got some Bigs like to um and Dan that we can get switches on even lat is a is a bit of a mismatch problem so I think finding that inside out which we’ve been pretty decent out this year so uh just to try and continue that tonight well what about Ben here against the Jets 35 points in the last game he scored let’s have a look at Sam McKinnon starting 5 for taranaki Flynn Cameron Elijah mini Mitch McCarron Carin Davidson Sam froling it’s the same starting five no surprise there all five players in excellent form let’s hear now from Mitch McCarron the years have Reed off four straight but against teams on the lower half of the ladder what can you take from the recent wins that is transferable against the Saints this afternoon I suppose it’s just trying to build good habits um you know it’s not really for us it’s about you know developing us growing as a unit um and you know yeah we’ve got some big wins but then obviously we had a close scare last week against Oto who came out and kind of punked us early so we took some good lessons from that one especially the Saints are opponent team from deep do you as a team look to force the Saints off the three-point line or are those shots that the years are willing to live with we definitely don’t want to live with uh open three-point shots against the Saints they obviously shoot the ball really well they got a lot of guys who can really shoot it so for us obviously we got to stick to our coverages really well we got to know our Scout um but if we’re going to let then walk into transition threes and open threes it’ll be a long game MIT McCarron has been in pretty decent form of late hasn’t been scoring heavily Cam he’s averaging just nine points per game this season is Mitch McCarron but he is is nailing eight assists per game at the moment let’s check out some of these stats here Wellington scoring more Point points per game but conceding more than taranaki whose defense is the best in the league at the moment yeah it’s going to be a great matchup Saints want to play Fast and the airs want to stifle you on the defensive end and that key clash between Mitch mccar and benir both play the same positions but I think Mitch McCarron more of a distributor make sure the other four on the on the quarter eating and happy and Ben a he can really fill it up from deep and he also does distribute the ball as well but I think more of a scoring mindset for him so it’ be a great great clash between those two both great players and uh both leading their teams really well well this year yeah fascinating beir as are touched on 35 points against the Jets was an outstanding form and if he can get going the Saints will probably come through and win this game in the mid from if you haven’t seen this before folks just scan that QR code and answer the question who’s going to win the ear or the Saints and you could be in a win a free pizza from CS another key player we haven’t talked about yet is Sam froling and uh you know he can be a real dominant player under the hoop at both ends of the Court critical the Saints keep him quiet yeah it is he’s he’s a great player uh Australian Boomer uh I’ve talked to him a lot this year and he he doesn’t like when people double team him um he hasn’t been able to play his game because everyone else in the league respects him so much they see him as such a threat that they can’t let him do single coverage so they have to go double team him so let’s see how Wellington deal with him to start the game um I think that’ll be sending a lot of double teams his way yes indeed and Carlin Davidson is a player to watch too 27 points against the Nuggets last time they played on this court did the ears and uh you know in that game froling was a touch quiet but Davidson stepped up and really took control of uh the the the defensive end in particular G yeah I mean they’re deep that’s a deep team right there and if rling um getting double teamed or not having a KN that is accustomed to um they’ve got other players that can step up and Carlin’s definitely playing very well he um he’s very athletic he gets on the rim um he defends really well and his shots come a long way since last year so you can’t sleep on him on the three-point line also L Mayan again the uh looking at this Wellington starting five they have got some threats haven’t they I mean uh maybe perhaps not the deck they might have had in a couple of the past Seasons there but the starting five at the moment is in good form yeah their starting five doesn’t lack anything they’ve got speed athleticism they can shoot uh they can get on the rim they can defend Isaiah Leafa one of the best defenders not only in this league but in the NBL as well in the Australian league so they they’re not lacking much at all so big ask for the airs to go up against them but I really think the airs at home and the way they’ve been playing it’s going to be a great great match up I don’t think either one of these teams going to run away with a big victory tonight no and if you miss the rapid League game that was certainly the case and if we get this a similar kind of vibe going in this game to the rapid Le game which was won just by taranaki um then we’re going to be in for a really good game aren’t we yeah that was fun to watch a lot of lead changes which is always good and uh the big time players on each team making big time plays so we’ve got a lot of Big Time Players out here tonight so hopefully um they come to play and and and star and there’s Carin Davidson just come off a 27-point game against otago career high score for him he’s averaging 15 points per game this season six rebounds a game having a pretty solid season the exciting 20-y old yeah he’s a great player and uh he was actually my barber this year with the New Zealand Breakers he cut my hair he never done that hairstyle for me but um he’s a great kid and a huge future um a lot of potential and um it’s great to see him you know using that year the breakers working on some things and showing it this year in the NZ NBL yeah he’s been he’s an exciting player got some Showtime qualities in there for sure another player we should mention is Tobias Cameron just come off a 21-point game in the rapid League which was an outstanding achievement by him and uh again uh he you know put that to bed now get going in this game isn’t it it’s pretty simple yeah well it is I mean I I give a lot of credit to the rapid League guys that go out there run around for 15 or so minutes go back to the locker room sit down come back out rewarm up it’s not it’s not the easiest task so um credit to him for having a great game let’s see if he can transfer it on to this game but maybe his brother won’t let him get the ball as much well exactly bit of Brotherly Love between Flynn and Tobias final instructions there by Sam McKinnon for his team Ando coronell the hit coach of the Wellington Saints try to weave a couple of new players into his team of course the on prer play just his fourth game Samuel’s been there for a little while now s gold fifth game coming up for him you’ve had you’ve also had Isaiah take off to the USA for a couple weeks he’s got to get re acclimated which which isn’t hard for him because you know he plays a pretty self selfish selfless role um and then you got harm sitting out as well so they do have to figure out how to cover for him yeah and harm Harris such a great all around player just kind of glues everything together doesn’t he he he does he’s uh he is that glue guy he does everything on the court for them and it’s sad that he’s going through that knee injury hopefully it’s not as um he’s he’s not sitting out for as long as um some people have predicted but um yeah sad to see him out well and of course the tall have got that big Olympic qualifying tournament coming up in Greece in early July it’s not far away is it like 4 weeks away and if man if he can’t take the court it’s going to be a bit of a blow for New Zealand’s chances yeah I think they could definitely use his services and he’ll be a shame if he he can’t get out there with the boys in Greece absolutely it’s going to be an interesting tournament New Zealand in that pool with was it Slovenia and Croatia oh my goodness two tough European very tough pool but um got a lot of talent here on in New Zealand and let’s see what they can do about it when they head over and at least they’ll be all fit from playing this league and and ready to go together all right we’re not too far away from the start here the Saints versus the ears second game of basketball today earlier Oto 108 Hawks Bay 86 Big Win there for otago few spping Hawks to win there game and in the end they were beaten by 22 yeah I guess I was a bit surprised by that but that Target nuggets team can get really hot real fast with henel and those guys getting um getting the ball up from three and it just looked like they took that early lead and the Hawks just couldn’t fight back great game from Ben Henshaw 30 OD points as we get the game underway at the second occasion with a getting the ball for Wellington that’s going to be a great battle between he and McCarron all game Samuel and Mayan gets it going early yeah good to see him back they’ve missed him for a few weeks now hopefully his injuries all settled and it looks like it looks like it’s settled down he’s nice back door play Super athlete and that was an ambitious pass to Davidson leaa coming down court for the Saints now that may have come off froling it did just got tipped out so a nice little kind of hand slipped there by Sam froling there’s that back door play again lovely pass from Samuel yeah it was both teams with good execution in their first play just the airs just falter at the end with a horrible pass but car and Davidson definitely open on the rim a eventually over to Samuel and he’s not going to miss that big strong Center four to nothing to the Saints Davidson for three and Wellington already applying some score Ballard pressure on tanaki as Mayan comes down caught again Smith Milner a gets around McCarron now Smith Milner we know he can bury threes yes we do and there’s leaa putting one straight back can’t nail it but Mayan still got the ball so a third opportunity for the Saints here it’s a fastpac game and if it’s a fastpac game I think it favors the Saints a lot more Mayan there’s those long arms and Mayan gets six to Wellington now nothing to taranaki interesting start here tanaki still can’t get on the [Music] board Saints have been a really fast out of thegate team this year they’re showing it again great take by b a baseline draws the contact so there’s a foul for taranaki so air is going to go to the Chemist Warehouse line for free throws 72% free throw shooter this season averaging 20 points per game 43% Ben a I wouldn’t have predicted this it’s been a fast hot start by the by the Saints here gets the two free throw 8 to nothing now I think tanaki will settle once they get that first basket surely yeah Fring might be right here smash there by Samuel and there’s another Miss from Davidson from the corner this time Leafa a nice play from Isaiah Leafa looking for Samuel in the in Leafa up a low percentage shot that time but may again finds himself with the ball yeah this Starting Fire for the Saints like we talked about they don’t have many weaknesses and the Air’s better start locking up start waking up otherwise it could be a long night Samuel couldn’t n that basket now McCarron gives it to Davidson well that spark up the ears it’s a great take by macka dumps it to Carin and Carin does the rest taranaki finally on the B but it’s Taken 2 and 1/2 minutes nice hands from Smith Milner two more for the [Applause] Saints it’s a fastpaced game and the Saints love to play like this Flynn Cameron can’t nail a three-point offer there tanaki not playing with much structure at the moment cam here’s Smith Milner davidon with a rebound yeah you’re right I think they need to get it to McCarron settle down a bit get something familiar there a couple of the shots I have taken theyve been a bit rushed and you don’t want to play this fast game with the Saints Fring hasn’t had any opportunities yet there’s the double shot clock on to three and there’s going to be a jump ball here’s [Applause] Leafa Fring with that look I don’t like being double te he hates it he hates it he just wants to hoop he should love being double teamed it’s a sign of respect how good he is isn’t it it is it that’s 100% what it is he’s he’s too much of a force to leave one-onone with majority of the guys in the league there’s some five men that can hold him strengthwise but it is a sign of respect if the other team needs two people to guard him but I think he just wants to hoop the poor fell early challenges for Sam McKinnon but he hasn’t been hasn’t pulled the trigger on an early timeout just yet one second on the shot clock [Music] here Cameron couldn’t get the shot away in time yeah not much excuses for that they had a lot of time to know and talk as a team that there was only one second on the shot block and he still up fakes and takes too much time so need a bit more awareness there from the airs we are F oh that’s good just missed that would have been pretty here’s Cameron on The Fast Break Flynn Cameron fouled tanaki shooting at one from five early in this game 20% that will left won it yeah they’ve done the right thing get feet in the paint try to find some contact there’s a great take by leaa down the other end doesn’t get the roll but Cameron with some Pace gets to the line hopefully a set left the A and Cameron doesn’t miss many from the Chemist Warehouse line coming at 87% one of the best free throw shooters in the league so that lead back to 6.1 for Wellington as air looks to up the pace and there is a foul thearon can’t believe the [Applause] call yeah I guess he’s frustrated with the fact that the closest ref Let It Go but the furthest ref decided to call it and that’s always a stickler for a player bener at the line for the second time in the game this is that one be here see Marik biny is into the game now for the Saints bad when your American impor is coming off the beach that shows you how stacked they are but um he’s a great player made some tough shots against us a week or so ago and um he’s a good personality too pretty fun to talk to on the court might have to expand on that cam here is McCaron over to froling froling wants to score oh ugly there from Sam froling no foul where’s the call Shan either T he got the cleanest strip of his life I think something was missed there out of bounds by May so are going the other way anyway bit of Justice yeah perhaps some justice here with May standing on the [Applause] sideline so taranaki with their hands full early in this match Cameron nice ball down low good defense by May Cameron couldn’t get it and no foul and he’s got the ball back again Mayan well that’s being turned over by the Saints Flyn Cameron hustling and bustling love this sort of basketball it’s chaotic everyone’s putting their body on the line it’s good to see Saints we talked about that they’re not lacking much in the starting five offensively but even defensively they can really switch on the ball really G oh goodness that basket from Tobias Cameron very tough finish Thea May yeah just keeping it in the court shot clock down to single numbers now to do a number on McCarron now been ly for three karon with the rebound and he’s getting the break going again now Flyn Cameron for three and now taranaki starting to heat up Ando coronell no hesitation in calling the timeout great defensive possession by the ear but what I’m looking at is Ben looks like he’s done a hamy he’s hobbling off holding his right hamstring that’s not good news um have to keep looking at that but the Air’s great defensive possession probably the first one of the the game where they was so solid that getting the defensive board got to run out and MAA does his patented no looker to a three-point shooter never got the momentum coronell conducting this time out just out of shot is Ben [Applause] ear and yeah he didn’t look in good shape did he no he didn’t um [Music] telling sign when you’re grabbing at a certain muscle and you can not really put weight on it so hopefully yeah he’s not even involved in the timeout you can see him right on the far right of your screen there just sitting on the chair looks like he’s talking to the doctor or physio but hopefully it’s nothing too serious hopefully he can return to the game but he’s already got the ice on it he’s not happy being here could also have taken off looks like could be maybe took a knee or something but it did look like he pulled something didn’t it it looked like yeah he was definitely hbling yeah well yaffa pretty experienced player pretty good point guard to put the ball back in his hands so not really going to they’re going to lose too much from that so Samuel comes back into the game got a big lineup there the Saints at the moment haven’t they as May almost loses the ball Samuel does well to hold it and that’s a great steal from tanaki and the outlet passes a beauty from McCaron but Smith Milner picks out the rebound off the shot from Flynn Cameron Samuel it’s going to count no foul so Wellington back in the lead by four this is up and down this is great to watch that’s a big lineup isn’t it Ben Levy Samuel and Smith Milner I mean there’s 3 something plus kilos right there some solid Lads for sure and guys that can move their feet as well so they should be able to lock it down on the defensive end just like that elafa oh well I think the idea was right cam but the execution just ever so slightly not yeah I’d say that’s almost a trademark move from Isaiah now passing to that big to his big man and running straight back off him for a hand off it’s so hard to guard doesn’t allow you to relax yeah Ben looks like he’s walked back to the bench but he doesn’t look happy with himself he doesn’t look like he’s comfortable based on that I don’t know if he’ll be back rwa out for his first action here’s toas Cameron another aggressive take foul against one of the Saints players [Applause] interesting that rolling hasn’t scored in this first quarter yet and has only taken one rebound he has uh he’s playing in a library at the moment very quiet yeah he is but I I don’t expect that to stay like that but like we talked about he’s a big focal point of the other team so he does get usually the best defender the strongest Defender and the double teams that was Quinton Bailey with a three Quinton Bailey check that might be his first three corter of the Year here goes Leafa oh yes Isaiah leaa awesome from him it’s a great shot by Z as a right-hander as a shooter that’s probably the the Direction you don’t want to be running to shoot having to get your right leg all the way around to square up usually Shooters with the right hand like to come the other way so that’s a very tough shot and he takes contact with it it’s an elite play by Leafa well it’s not Quinton Bailey’s first three-pointer he has had I think went to the Archard yeah looks like he’s had one maybe this year as we see McCaron good pass and Bailey working away again can’t n it but again well defended by Samuel Le Under The Hoot there for the Saints yeah and good to see Ben a back out there yet unbelievable hobbling seriously but he’s okay here’s Samuel Leafa just buried that brilliant 3v4 can’t get back to back and fring’s got his rebound and now fast break for taranaki three on one can nail it Tobi Cameron everything but the Finish you see that coming a mile away just looked like a good pass from MAA to just gave it too much curry maybe I’m just trying to may we shouldn’t speculate as to what this injury is maybe he just got a CK or something or a hard knock on the back of the league or something yeah well I thought it was a hamy but then when they showed the ice pack it kind of looked like it was more on the side so maybe he did take a knock Smith Milner rattles one in Wellington starting to cook with gas now now and that’s going to force Sam McKinnon to call a timeout for taranaki and he Shooters we after Smith Milner starting to look really dangerous yeah all it takes is a couple possessions you fall asleep on Smith Milner has fall asleep on Leafa it’s a quick seven points with Leafa getting the end one as well that’s a a nice little run by the Saints and Air’s great timeout [Applause] see if samon can settle the troops yeah it’s been an unsettled start for them cam hasn’t it they just showed a just right at the start of the game when Wellington got a couple of baskets I think Davidson then pulled up for a three and it just lacked a little bit of composure at that time and that’s got them into a bit of scoreboard pressure yeah I agree I think Wellington definitely punched them in the mouth first and when you’re the home team you definitely want to be the aggressor you don’t want to be the one uh on the back foot especially with your home crowd there egging you on so um Saints definitely started off hot a with their little run but the Saints have continued to bounce on with the points 20 to 12 is the score let’s have a look at some stats for you as we move through this first quarter and the Beautiful Thing is all the points have been shared around by the Saints five for Smith Milner four each for Leafa Mayan and Samuel and three for Ben [Applause] a Bailey starting to really mix it up underneath the basket for taranaki he’s made a real impression coming in off the bech yeah he has and he’s important if fring’s going to command a double team or the best shot from their their best defender Bailey has to be aggressive and and take advantage when he can Bailey’s going to go to the line here Fring is sat down after his first stint 7 minutes and 38 seconds no points two rebounds and he’s only taken one shot that’s the uh you know the burden of being good I guess well exactly and this is a guy that scores 23 per game this season at 59% and takes 12 rebounds a game yeah I I don’t think he’ll be this quiet the whole game game he’s um he can accumulate numbers just in one quarter um so I Look to look to him to be very aggressive what he back here lovely pass from Leafa well it wasn’t the prettiest dunk T it win in eventually all he yeah he um that was a bit of surprise rise there what’s happened here Fen looks to come back in into the contest Sam hand here R I think we might have got a offensive faou with a screen in the back court that’s that’s what my guess is but I’m not quite sure so yes that’s exactly what it was so rington get the ball back 126 to play in this first quarter Smith Milner here’s a Smith mner for three again and that looked good from the moment it left his fingertips beautiful offensive set great pass by air and toi does what to he does but like to see Minnie come alive for for the airs he’s their import he’s got a young fell guarding him they’re struggling to score let’s see if he can get himself involved in in the action he’s another one who’s been very quiet in the game Fring comes the double Fring trying to get the left hand to drop he does again C the foul and doesn’t get it so froling finally gets his first points of this contest it was a great take but you see how hard he has to work if he’s playing against two guys toi with the heat check love it mate Here Comes Flynn Cameron Fring can’t get it to mini froling working on Samuel little fade away is good for Sam froling back to an8 point game and we’re leading by 12 just a moment ago last play now of this corner and look at benir finding space under the basket and rwa Fs him as well great cut by Ben great pass and great finish with the [Music] contact yeah Sam Sam fring’s come on and being aggressive like we talked about he they need him they need him to have that 20 points if they want to have a chance in this [Music] thing starting five from Wellington has been brilliant all the way through this first quarter air up to six points if he Nows this free throw from the Chemist Warehouse line which he does Saints now need a stop taranaki would love one more basket here to end this first quarter roaa with a big three can’t get it thring with the rebound and that is going to end the quarter with Wellington up by 11 a very impressive quarter by the Saints 28- [Applause] 17 keep we go 2 1 let’s [Applause] go win s yes yes yes a good one a good one here we go [Music] a let much G have a one almost got got in the the let’s go is let’s go away give us away [Music] [Music] [Music] well an interesting first quarter here in New Plymouth it’s the tanak is down by 11 with the Wellington Saints really looking good in that first quarter and looking good too as that large meatball pizza for 30 bucks yep yep yep yep you’re speaking my language Glen yeah but not on game night no not on game night for me or pregame day yeah pregame night yeah yeah so that’s sorry s but everyone else should jump on that 100% 30 bucks to that special on offer until next Tuesday the Wellington Saints they are going a 52% from the field 10 from 19 they’re out rebounding taranaki at the other end of the qu 13-7 as well and tanaki only getting six baskets in that first quarter as we get the second quarter underway they’re shooting at uh what is it 33% air for three rims away and here’s Flynn Cameron with the ball now for taranaki yeah the Saints playing solid defense let’s see if they can continue that in the second 17 points in one quarters very low for the airs so they need to find some shots they need to find some rhythm Cameron nice play into Mitch McCarron there’s two there for taranaki here’s Leafa looking to up the pace Mayan thought about a three Smith mner he’s been hot from Beyond The Ark leaa took a shot to the face there leaa but he’s okay they call out a falcon here’s uh leaa missing that mid-range jumper Cameron has another rebound here’s McCarron again froling good ball in from Cameron and froling me and drink there two more for him he’s got six all of a sudden yeah he’s a big strong man and when he gets a position you got to give it to him because you know like we’ve talked about they’re going to send a double so when he’s open feed the man Smith milder couldn’t work off the screen there from Leafa Samuel strong to the basket no foul either for Dan Samuel he’s got six in the game yeah unfortunately for him he’s he’s too strong for his own good when even when he gets foued doesn’t really look like it but great play by him he’s big and he’s strong isn’t he rakawa here onto him in a Flash but works off froling and rwa nails that that’s good play from rwa and froling yeah that’s what he does and great screen by froling gets him open um they’re going to need a lot more of that they need some stops that’s what they need yeah and they’re going to find it tough there with Smith Milner finding more space again under the basket yeah he’s going to work right now he’s feeling too comfortable um a just can’t let him breathe at the moment but it’s too easy for him Smith moona up to 12 points leading scorer in the game Cameron for three he’s as stray weak side rebound by Davidson couldn’t get the put back here comes air again oh and that is going to be an off a foul against benir yeah tough one I don’t I don’t and I’m not sure I agree with that call I think there’s been a lot more contact than that but we need a replay to get my definite answer on that but I think he he sold that one car Rose a clever player he’s been around a long time debuted in the league in 2013 with which team wle Pistons okay yeah M just getting into a little bit of a tangle there and he’s going to concede the foul definitely trying to bring some defensive energy to their team but checking Mitch McCarron from 90 ft probably not the best bet he’s pretty solid with the ball yeah McCarron sure is now Davidson Tobias Cameron is Davidson again defense Again by Wellington as Cameron goes for three Davidson brilliant nice play Davidson is his catch and rip has improved so much he gets in the keyway and it’s all about making the right decision he flicks out to Cameron with a great pass and and gets his own offensive rebound he’s a highlight real isn’t he Carlin Davidson now McCarron Cameron PS up rolling T Cameron so no Elijah mini on court at the moment he’s a n he’s had a very quiet game so far his Fring y made space for himself really well there that’s classic Sam Fring right there that’s great work by Sammy and that’s the exact reason everyone double teams him he’s a strong man he’s a tall man and he’s a skilled man prer out there now for the Saints CL just back from Japan of course where he’s been assistant coach to PA H’s team here’s Samuel oh smashed out of his hands by froling no foul either good defense by the a there showed a lot of bodies and I think that’s got to be their way to go about it to get back in this game really a lot of of pressure no easy shots for the Saints because for most of this game it’s been too easy for him feels just feels like as Leafa is way with there Smith mooner almost tapped it in just feels like tanaki are really coming back into the contest now though look at the time there for Cameron and he buries it yeah they’ve definitely got comfortable now and Ma is doing his thing leading his team now it’s up to ziko to make some adjust which I’m sure he can he’s a very talented coach nice comeback here from tanaki they are out scoring the Saints 13 to four in this quarter so [Applause] far really good from taranaki and Cameron he could have had a cut of teing that one he definitely could have and he’s had the rapid League to warm up so he’s never missing that one yeah it’s B Cameron 21 points in the rapid League game he’s got five in this game game he’s having an excellent Night Out Sam McKinnon will be delighted with the response in the second quarter yeah I think so and it’s not just they’re making shots I think their energy is better their defense is better they’re showing bodies they’re hustling they’re not giving up o boards and that’s leading to good things down on the offensive end that score tight right up remember it was 11 at quarter time now it’s just two [Music] now they right back in the in the ball game and now we we look to the other side going be interesting to see what the Saints can how they react to what’s just happened I think a bit more movement I think the last few shots Z’s Corner jumper that he had to throw up with low shock block and the roll down by Dar they haven’t had much many good looks I think they need to move the ball a bit better I see how good their offensive set is here [Applause] here coming down caught Sam gold out there for another stint Mayan Samuel Leafa nice bucket there from Isaiah Leafa that’s a tough shot running opposite leg high glass he can get it done Thea of two six points in the game devis Cameron again for three crashing the boards was Davison almost got it too among about three Saints players there beautiful set by the a though unfortunate to Miss Smith mner Davidson yep that’s a foul every day of the week from Carlin Davidson yeah he’s just out of position he was still kind of last back and D trans and T he’s going downhill wasn’t much he could do crowd don’t like it but yeah I think the replay was fairly compelling he tried to act like he was looking the other way and didn’t know what was going on Davidson but I think he just a little too much contact on the AR so Smith milder goes to the Line This is the first 2 at 77 descent from the Chemist Warehouse line in this NBL season Smith Milner didn’t miss nothing against us the week before he was hot yes that type of player isn’t he yeah he can really streak out some shots and um such a threat from inside and outside both of them that’s surprising as we see Cameron give it to Davidson nice finish from Davidson great play by Cameron great Pace Leafa has it blocked by froling oh Sam golden there to pinch it oh and they’ve lost it out of court the Saints Smith moona just colliding with that advertising sign there he’s all right though the big fella yeah nice hustle from both teams this is really heating [Applause] up really is taranaki have not LED in this game the chance to get on Le levels terms again for the first time since it was n all Cameron Brothers both doing good things are aren’t they yeah the pace has increased but the pace can’t increase if you’re getting bad shots but the airs are running hard but taking good shots and it’s it’s paying off long Cameron trying to stick to him here’s Shifty here goes Fring Oh short with that one normally You’ Nile that one Mayan with the rebound now may hasn’t got hot yet another player that can get really hot he sure can he’s um great shooter great athlete to he throws one up can’t nail it and he’s rolling with another rebound for him it’s is six Karen gives it back to Flyn Cameron High AR on that one and now the ARA tips it to LP Mayan to go to Wier on thearon and now Samuel is free leaa nice fake good ball Movement by the Saints isn’t it Mayan Smith [Applause] Milner Wonder one I wonder if the shot should have gone up a bit earlier in that set as we see Tobi Cameron fouled by Mayan hang on what’s Happening Here that’s some Mari I think it started with Mayan getting caught up with Bailey as they were running down the court I think Bailey took exception to it gave him a little shove in the back which caused the foul and then some words exchanged like like the fuse under mind watch out for that as we touched on he can get cooking look out [Applause] I don’t think it was too much I think just common foul on the shot and let’s let the boys [Music] play lots of discussions with the referees What’s Happening Here the refs get together and talk about did they see anything extracurricular that might need an unsportsman light might need a technical but from my side of things from what we saw I think I think Bailey got away with a slight shove that caused the foul and may wasn’t happy about it but I don’t think anything further needs to happen is known as the score 34-32 Saints have scored just six points in this quarter so far as compares to 28 really interesting in basketball how you can swing like that yeah yeah it is and I think as you’re watching it the Saints I don’t know if they’re tired I wouldn’t say that but their pace is really slowed down they’ve started walking it up maybe it’s a combination of fatigue and the airs putting more pressure on but their Pace has gone right out of the game and that’s what was getting them open shots what’s going on here cam let’s see mysta two there’s that little shov Bailey Bailey shoves [Music] B the refs have decided now calling two [Applause] fouls they haven’t ejected him ejected L Mayan he looks to be walking to the no way obviously something more has happened I think that we couldn’t hear or see because that seemed that seems a bit excessive but we’re not right there we don’t know exactly what happen so well it took them some time to come to that decision but there is Mayan us away he’s out of the game yeah you rarely see that unless there’s been an unsportsman like or a technical earlier in the game and then it combines for two and you have to get thrown out but to get thrown out of the one incident something must have happened that maybe we did not see but this could be a game changer we’ve got Ben a that’s running around with a limp L man’s gone off to the locker room we talked about harm Harris not being here yeah now we’ve got Tobias Cameron at the line for two free throws here and momentum with the airs this could be a huge swing all of a sudden you’re feeling a a little bit more comfortable about your pre-match prediction there cam yeah I am actually so here comes Bailey now for free throw so well be interesting to know exactly what’s been decided there but the Saints have being absolutely punished here yeah I don’t want to get it wrong but the two shots for the foul of the shot and then he’s taking two more a technical foul is only one so there must be an unsportsman like cold miss both two technicals yeah that’s right and tanaki get the ball back well you don’t see that very often there’s the little yeah there was the little indication just after for the halfway line there you can see may push Bailey but again it didn’t look much and it did it again no I think we’ve missed something but that’s right we resume resume play after a long break let’s see who gets first kill here’s a chance for tanaki to take the lead and Sam fring’s got the offensive rebound can’t put it in Sam gold tid’s up for Wellington Saints Heaven through Leafa oh that’s a sweet shot from Isaiah Leafa another brilliant three from him that’s class by that’s his shot put it in the left hand step back it’s like a layup for him well that might have been ejected with four points here is Bailey toise Cameron the AER from behind almost pinches it pretty amazing play from a great play Cameron gets him with the pump fake but Z’s quick enough to get back into the action gets the block gets the steel and gets [Applause] pushed W this is going to be fascinating no lap M for the rest of the game we’re still out there but it’s still enough Talent out on that court for Wellington to get it done definitely but I think last game there was also a bit to do with the both both the coaches having a few words with each other so like this game needed any more intensity we got it M Levy fouled there by Cameron so it’s going to be Malik mevy to go to the [Music] line hasn’t scored just yet but he’s going to now be expected to to up the slack that Mayan perhaps was respon mle four yeah that Saints bench looking pretty thin not many people on it um but they are deep the people that do have can play offensive rebound by Smith Milner so those two free throw misses don’t impact the Saints at all strong play by Milner that shouldn’t happen that will really irritate Sam McKinnon and there’s a foul on McCaron think he got fouled four times there value for money maybe he’s going to go and shoot four free throws like they just before I don’t think so here’s M [Applause] McCaron 9 to 34 so so far May’s ejection has not impacted things too much on the scoreboard for the Saints now you’re right maybe that small break got some wind in the lungs and they’re feeling better about themselves but see if they can withstand the 22 minutes still remaining in the game but I think for macka maa’s playing such a good role of feeding his teammates I think I think for them to get the big scals to win the top against the top four five teams Mack is going to have to shoot he’s going to have to take those open shots three points he’s been here kicking it out come on it’s dug oh he should have perhaps taken the shot there himself he’s trying to find Ben Levy May been ly thought dle me was going to take the shot anyway yeah I think dle Meer made up his mind before the play he definitely should have taken that layup rakawa Davidson inside the last two minutes of this first half now Minnie takes the three McCarron weak rebound on the weak side there’s MAA there you go MAA nice crunchy basket there from Mitch [Applause] [Music] McCaron lead is back to two for the Saints Leafa and Levy almost gets the ball what a play by Carin there you go oh hard luck there hustle from both teams but Carin scooped that thing with his right [Music] hand I think he’s pretty happy with himself he’s got be a foul in the in the end cord it’s like the Saints being here not happy with that one of course Wellington are in the penalty so down come tanaki to take free throws Theon [Applause] Roa I guess every foul for the Saints is Precious too now with their them being so undermanned that’s why Ben a had some things to say [Applause] drone gets the first D he’s up to three points it’s tied ball game now 39 a [Applause] piece yafa Smith mner rolls away but Malik B liy goes for three Smith mner there again to pick up the rebound nice play from him leaa working off Samuel Samuel open nice play from leafer again yeah great pass leafa’s really creating for him he gets Ben L the open three it doesn’t work for him but has another pick and roll with Samuel to get him an open one oh Smith Milner smashes it out of there R carwa and now Leafa who’s having a fine game look at Ben Livy charging into the basket and gets two more and he’s going to go to the line for a three-point play very strong play by Ben Levy another assist by is who’s really taking that uh Distributing role up another level elaa with nine points four assists four rebounds and a block no no that’s false that’s according to the stats there Le with a block oh yes yes when he got pump faked and he jumped back in yeah sorry sorry just never seen that before got to time out on the floor here Leafa again critical player for the Saints they got plenty of heart and courage in that team yeah for sure and Z is one of those players that can bring a bit of everything like that stat line shows so with the absence of Mayan now he’s going to have to put the the team on his shoulders a little bit um and lead them to a victory but the airs won’t go away quietly they’re playing some good basketball right now some good Pace sharing the ball I think they’ve settled into the game from that rough 2 to 3 minute [Music] start just on 58 seconds left in this first half to play and [Music] also still the Saints just hanging in there 4339 4 point game here we go still need uh still looking for mini from s to get involved yeah um they don’t run a heck of a lot of stuff for him to get the ball but he’s athletic enough he can shoot it well enough that he needs to find a way to get involved whether he’s rling marked by bin Ley Fring gets a back and Saints have another stop little untidy that time from taranaki Leafa gives it into Samuel nice fight by tar Samuel gives wave to someone in the crowd too L Samuel has 10 points in the game last 20 seconds of this first half Wellington is out again Davidson triple team there gives it to froling two points I thought Davidson had dribbled into trouble there but finds Fring for an easy one player timeout to called by the Saints so 5 seconds precisely left in this first half shooting at 47% tanaki still down a bit at 37 yeah they are down a little bit but they are getting better shots and I think it’s coming from Fring being so aggressive and he’s so talented that when he’s getting majority of the shots he’s going to put him in he’s he’s such a good player and let’s see what the saints come up with here there’s been a few player timeouts that have been successful lately with some good plays being run let’s see what the Saints can come up with they love another basket here just to give them a little bit more breathing space a Samuel can’t control it is a time left Ben Liv’s lost it Fring can’t now the PRI it’s 46 to 41 at halim it’s the Saints up by five have Shan a bit of courage to keep in front following the ejection of LP Mayan it is a five-point game here in New Plymouth [Applause] [Applause] go [Applause] ch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] put your hands in [Applause] [Music] up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is 46 to 41 the Saints leading the ears at halftime gutsy effort by the Saints to stay in front they were outs scored by six in that quarter but they hung tough key moment came with LP Mayan ejected Midway through that second quarter for something we’re not too quite sure about but Wellington despite that blow to one of their best players have actually just put that behind them pretty quickly to uh Focus I was actually quite impressed with how they hit that reset button cam Glen yeah they did they’re actually the ones that went on the little run after the whole incident um you can see there Smith Milner with 14 he’s getting open a lot of them from Isaiah leaa P penetration and then Sam were doing well as well but Sam froling finally came on board after pretty slow start and that’s what really got the airs going yes indeed and he’s doing it well at both ends now Fring had an excellent second quarter most of those numbers posted in that quarter Smith Milner nine rebounds already he’s got 14 points yeah he’s he’s playing really well and he’s getting open and I think that would be one of the main focuses of the a is how do we stop him but we’ve got McCarron dealing the ball like he usually does with four assists and my man Z with one block along with Smith Milner with two yeah Smith mner having a fine all round game just a few steals in the game so far so those the Chemist Warehouse stats here in New Plymouth but this crowd’s going to be on the edge of its seat cam Glen in the second half can the Saints hang on with Ben air also going down with a knock to his leg in that first half Oran taranaki get going I reckon this game even though it’s a five-point deficit for taranaki they’re still well in the hunt here yeah I think so I don’t think they’ve played their best basketball um and that’s not to say the Saints have but with a couple injuries and the ejection I think taranaki probably got the fresher legs it’s just a matter of can they string some good possessions together both offensively and defensively because at times they haven’t been great on either end but at times they have so can they be consistent and if they can I think they can make a game out of it second half coming up shortly with the Saints up over the a 46 to 41 [Applause] e e [Applause] e e e 46-41 it’s the Wellington Saints up by five thanks for staying with us here on sky sport hope you’re enjoying your Saturday night Hoops as we uh enjoy this clash between third and fourth in the Sals NBL for 2024 don’t forget tomorrow afternoon Orland toata against cbury Rams one versus two I’ve got one of the players for the Tata sitting right next to me now cam you know let’s actually have a brief chat about that game what are you guys been locking in trying to lock in this week ahead of this game yeah well a lot I mean the Rams are really talented they’re on a nice little win streak they’re playing some really good basketball and like these two teams we’re watching now they’re very deep so we got to bring everything we can to this game and and and treat it like a potential kind of playoff matchup so we’re really looking forward to the challenge um I think the Rams present some uh difficulties for us that we don’t see every week uh so we’ve been working on things that we think might come up in the games but I’ll keep those to myself of course and but no really looking forward to the game and hopefully event finders as loud as it has been the last 5 6 weeks yeah Lu popped over to one game earlier on in the season against the Jets good crowd in there nice good support for the team at the moment yeah we’ve been getting some sellouts and it’s credit to the club doing so much work in the community and getting people through the doors and um luckily or happily sorry that we’ve been putting on a show and and getting some wins that’s kept them coming back well be great occasion tomorrow afternoon so if you want to pop along to event final Stadium that’s the old Northshore Event Center and get to it folks it’s uh going to be a great game between the top two teams in the NBL this season oh for Wellington saint player or a taranaki player might be sitting next to me right now oh you’re calling those two teams the best two teams in the in the league are you well the ladder doesn’t lie but uh we do have a lot of season to go and um it’s not a matter of who’s playing well now it’s who’s playing well at the end that’s going to hold up the trophy and we got close last year but didn’t matter that we finished top we didn’t get it done so uh hopefully we can go one better indeed well the crowd thoroughly enjoying this match here again here in New Plymouth fans taking their seats again as you get this third quarter underway leading scorer in the game is to Smith Milner with 14 points he’s got nine rebounds he’s leading the rebounds as well and you’re throwing a couple of blocks excellent all around match for the tall blacks forward shooting the ball well isn’t he 50% C the threes yeah he is he’s doing a little bit of everything and that’s kind of what to game’s all about just doing whatever the team needs and I don’t know about his season percentage but the last few weeks he’s been on fire which has be awesome to watch he season’s percentage is 53% he’s okay he’s been on fire all season oh here’s Mini only played six minutes in the first half Elijah mini again having the ball stripped out of his hands no referee no whistle Leafa here’s Smith Milner from Way Beyond the line and it’s another three for toi it’s just too much space he he’s tall enough that you’re not going to block his shot you cannot give him that much time in space you’ll make you pay Cameron down to froling this is the layup that’s unusual as we see here looking to capitalize for the Saints and Smith Milner again can’t nail it this time love the pace the Saints are running with right now but very similar to the start of the game the airs need to wake up there you go mini finally Min gets on the scoreboard yeah a quiet game from him that’s his first two points doesn’t even have a rebound either they haven’t really worked up any place for him whatsoever cam have they they haven’t but he needs to show up he needs to they they need him to win um he’s a great player and they need him to show up put some stats on the board he clever again from Leafa players like Leafa and you you know when you’re going to get fouled three or 4 seconds before don’t you yeah sometimes there’s times where you definitely know you’ve got an advantage and and can draw the contact I’m probably not as good as Z is but he’s he’s great at finding that contact and being able to get the shot off and selling the contact as well as half the job no doubt no question to one of the Premier guards in the NBL he’s up to 10 points now make that 11 he’s uh also has six assists and four rebounds too there’s Wellington he’s out to 51 to 43 go there you go it looks like the Airs of actually put the ball in min’s hands and said let’s go we need you to contribute and we’re going to give you the ball we’re going to run some plays for you and he’s been aggressive which is great to see 100% Allington out scoring taranaki so far in this quarter 5-2 as many goes to the kemist warehouse line for the first time tonight sometimes you just need to see the ball fall fall through the hoop yep free your mind out that one jinxed him hit don’t feel bad cam yeah it happens to every commentator mate is here I’m a bad person oh beautiful cut by air but FN Cameron was right there to close the door on that play Air Samuel you can see what they were trying to cook up there see just half a yard behind Samuel claiming he was held may have been the case but he has come away with it got away with it as we see Davidson mini once again going for three this time rolling just keeps it in the court for Cameron double yeah on in a Flash aren’t they that means the play is open and it’s Davidson can’t capitalize yeah if you’re getting your fiveman start play a double you really want to make the threes when he throws it out but the airs have been struggling a little bit nice rescue job there by oh that’s a strong move from Ben Levy a tough cover especially when they go on that spin move it’s very hard to keep the physicality and and body him away from the rim mini now McCaron it’s come off Leafa 10 seconds on the shot clock but it’s going to be reset to 14 because it came off the leg of that Saints player Co coronell will be delighted with how his team has responded to the ejection of L Mayan Goodway through the second quarter but he knows he’s still a long long way to go in this match here’s rwa back out there now shot clock down to 5 Seconds frings had it stripped out of his hands and lost out of court it’s still going to be taranaki ball with 1.1 seconds left on the shot clock yeah one thing I’ve noticed in playing in this league is they let a lot of slap Downs go a lot of hands um so when you get in that keyway you kind of have to protect the B protect the uh the basketball like it’s a American football you got to tuck it under your arms and you see Sam froling getting a few ball slapped out of his hands and asking for the foul but they’re not going to come Davidson Wellington out by nine again because the lead of the ball game for them’s been 12 now froling taranaki still haven’t been in front in this game it’s McCaron scores a much needed two points yeah strong take by maeran um the way his basketball mind is he was probably looking for a pass get someone over but he needs to be aggressive in score and the move was be a rolling with the rebound he’s Fring Davidson nice passing to mini under the basket and there is a three-point play for Elijah Minnie great work great ball movement Carin could have shot the three he was open and he can make that shot but makes the extra pass to Minnie who makes sure of it I’m not going to say anything this time I don’t want to jinx my man Min there you go another three-point play from the Chemist Warehouse line fell Elijah Min he’s up to six points Le back to four tanaki hanging around lefa [Applause] [Music] back to ear Leafa nice feed to Ben Levy that’s excellent play by is leafer again yeah noticed he had the mismatch in Sam Fring and just uses his speed creates a second Defender and leaves off to Ben Levy that must be number assist number seven for Z correct marcaron behind the back to Davidson getting bit messy there from tanin come off them Davidson maybe to should have taken the shot there cam yeah that one was probably a bit too unselfish he’s looking at Min who he hit in the past couple plays but it was a tough pass being so close together and Colin’s athletic enough to go finish that out the rim Sam gold out there for more action now for the Saints continues to impress 17 points and 13 rebounds now a double double for him scorer and rebounder in the game here good pass into Ben Levy again strong player and Ben Levy’s fouled yeah Davidson got him um Ben Levy too strong Davidson got there late tried to do it legally but just got a got a bit under him and tunnel him a little bit well we we thought that Ben Livy would need to step up with Mayan out of the game and that’s exactly what’s happening different player type of player isn’t he but it’s happening definitely but he’s a Bruiser so exactly what he doesn’t bring in the kind of play Mayan brings he’s going to be physical he’s going to get some rebounds he’s going to throw his weight around and seems to be working for him Ben Levy with seven points in the game three rebounds 2 this is the second as well Ben Levy he’s one from five for in three throws Here Comes rwa again some space for him at the free throw line can’t period though oh that’s commitment there from McCarron unlucky there Mitch McCarron B Ricochet to a Saints player now Smith Milner oh wasn’t far away was it dodged a bullet there that’s probably the most open shot I’ve seen toi get tonight Roa from the corner Quinton Bailey couldn’t time is Jump Wellington now have another opportunity to settle it down here then Levy another one easy man they’re they’re really dodging bullets right now the air that could easily be six quick points for T Karen rolling goes to work Cameron for three oh high luck to Vice Cameron yeah the Air’s just struggling to make him pay from downtown and it’s just it’s so congested in there with Sam Fring drawing those double teams and you throw it out and you’re not making those threes and here can’t convert to very low scoring quarter folks just 98 in Wellington’s favor so far McCarron’s lost it but is it going to be a foul right there against Sam gold so he picks up his second foul they’re putting him at the line for two and I think the refs have just warned the Saints with a flop warning if I saw correctly I don’t know who that’s specifically on if it was on gold or if it’s on benir he’s complaining oh we did see bener at the other end of the court for when he went for that three-pointer yeah oh yes you’re right actually yeah I think he uh tried to S some contact on a three and maybe the Flop warning came a couple possessions later Karen gets that free throw to a five-point game Karen has eight points they need him to continue scoring Samuel with a strong move but it’s going to go against D Samuel speaking of players selling things to the referee what do you reckon yeah I just I maybe it’s a charge maybe it’s not but I just don’t know how consistent it is I’ll tell you what if Samuel dropped his shoulder into me I’m falling down I’m going through the back I’m going through the back wall well if you are I definitely am and look at that technical foul caught against the Saints well we saw Samuel having a little bit of back chat yeah not sure sure who that foul was on but you can see that the Wellington Saints haven’t played a few guys on their bench so if these fouls start piling up on the Saints and they have to make a change in the third late in the third or the fourth they’re going to be Southern guys in that haven’t even touched the floor yet that’s right they do have fer and Dule meter there they’re pretty handy players might be needed down the stretch here is Bailey out to rakawa trying to get around B air nice drive by rakawa great take by [Applause] to a two-point game three minutes to play in the third quarter nice ball into Samuel again and Samuel gets his revenge there and he fires those guns great play by the Saints A’s had two guys kind of in the split line position but none of them fully committed when you don’t commit to it you get in trouble and Samuel gets there quicker than both of them and draws a F the a beging for a travel but think his footwork was pretty clean samel at the line for a three-point play doesn’t convert it Ben Ley almost tips it back to him though but McCarron comes away with it three-pointer H luck for the Cameron tipped back into r his hands there you go MAA W McCaron stepping up he has 11 points that equal his season’s best score this he’s achieved on two three occasions now Ben Levy for three oh what a comeback there from Wellington from an unlikely player as well from Beyond the yard yes I love this kind of basketball back and forth big shots Karen nice ball Bailey is the beneficiary thear starting to get comfortable with the ball Smith Milner back out there now B air to nice ball into Samuel Samuel oh not quite getting the roll he’s a tough cover inside we we talk about froling commanding a double team but Samuel he’s just so strong and so poised with the ball he doesn’t Rush his shot he takes his time he gets to position he wants and he uses his strength and B really well doesn’t Hees he does he does he knows how to throw his weight around and makes it very difficult to defend TI we haven’t seen for a little while is Flynn Cameron he’s been sitting out on three fouls for a little while see warming up warming up again out the back there 3 2 1 yeah he’s a real key player for them they’ll need to get him back in soon maybe with a tip back to Ben here just what tanaki didn’t need Smith Milner a hard luck that’s smch McCarron oh it’s actually come off Ben Levy I reckon what do you reckon looked like it was McCaron to me yeah I thought that was off McCarron um sometimes when it’s a 5050 you just kind of go with you know what momentum where the momentum of each play is going mackers is going that way the Saints obviously the other you kind of just have to go with an IM Manion of the player what about that inbound play there cam was a great play Smith Milner curling around great inbounds play and probably caught the airs napping a bit more focused on the play before there froland concedes the foul just his first of the game Smith Milner got that spring in his step 19 points 15 rebounds he is thanks for coming and we’ve still got a quarter and a bit to play he’s not messing around but he is three of 12 for three imagine if he was shooting the clip we all know that he can shoot goes for another point from the Chemist Warehouse line and it’s Wellington back out to a six-point lead every time taranaki come up there cam Wellington respond yeah that’s the smarts and the leadership and the the veteran play of that team not to get rattled and just to continue grinding away Samuel with the rebound that time he’s had a good quarter he’s up to 13 points blows Bailey out of the water there Samuel he’s enjoying himself and he should be his playing really well really smart poised basketball right now and he can’t do anything [Applause] [Music] wrong big bulky lad Samuel Ben Levy Smith Milner proving too tough for taranaki at the moment that’s a strong talented front line Samuel gets the three-point play to drop this time 16 points for him just on a minute to play McCaron looks to up the pace two more for McCaron 13 for him season’s high score for Mitch McCarron the prediction of him needing to score more as bearing fruit I think he has to and Ben Levy he can move his feet but if he’s guarding macka full court McCarron’s just going to put him on skates go by him and create for his team and it’s exactly what he did but Ben selling the contact again back to the free throw line as all good guards do right as all good guards do man you have to do it it’s part of the [Music] game when you do sell at two cam feel good about life don’t you yeah he’s been here having a quiet game offensively just seven points for him but he has seven assists and again he’s a good team man Ben here yeah he he puts him into offense at the right pace and I think he’s sing out now but yeah he he plays the game at a good Pace he gets his guys running with him and he’s a threat offensively so really good combo guard all of a sudden is back out to nine points this contest Davidson oh poor pass there from Carin Davidson he’s passing it to Mr invisible yeah who didn’t catch it yeah I think it was a designed play and he knew Deron was going to be running to the corner but just way off offline with the pass that one was in the shadows y that one was the fourth row just what the Saints need again to execute another play yeah ooh doesn’t get the roll off the rim there the Wellington Saints so here is f though will go to the kemist warehouse line for two more free throws and a Wellington really dominating at the [Music] [Applause] moment big substitution for the air getting some fresh fresh legs in but yeah seems like the Saints are a bit too comfortable right now I think the airs have to ramp up their defensive intensity cuz Ben a is doing whatever he likes t getting every shot he likes and obviously D Samuel has been having his [Music] way here gets the second one to fall L his free throw shooting has been not the best to be fair 14 from 23 they’re shooting it just on 60% not flist oh it’s not but that pressure on the rim all those fouls add it up it’s going to do wonders for him froling again having a quite quarter again isn’t he as we see Tobias Cameron trying to bring some energy and he’s picked up the foul been really impressed with Tobias I don’t know too much about him before coming into this league but he’s just a head down physical no second guessing himself player just go back through the play by play face here just trying to see whether Fring has actually scored in this quarter now he hasn’t that’s interesting it’s a bit of a barometer isn’t it if he’s if he’s cooking if he’s getting the ball the airs seem to go on their little runs and make it again but if he’s not getting the ball that’s when the saints kind of get out these free throws are important too for Tobias Cameron score is 60 to 58 at one point to the Saints so outscoring 10 to2 m towards the latter part of this third quarter and make that 10 to three now with that one dropping so here’s the last play here for the Saints of this third [Applause] quarter going to work up a play for here Samuel oh lovely from D Samuel what a quarter from him he’s feeling it probably not what you draw up but when a man’s hot he uh made that look easy actually yeah Samuel finishes that quarter in style he’s on 18 points as the Saints Tak an 11-point advantage into the fourth quarter which is coming up [Applause] next throw e e [Music] here we go with the last quarter in the sales NBL match between the taranaki years and the Wellington Saints and it’s the Saints who have led right from the start they’re up by 11 72-61 outscoring tanaki by six in that last quarter 26 to 20 have’ not really been affected by the ejection of L May Midway through the second quarter whatsoever and it’s been impressive yeah they’ve just gotten on with it and um not hung their heads and not yeah just doesn’t look like they it has affected him and just other guys have stepped up and play a bigger role like Samuel and Smith Milner Leaf has been great too Samuel why not why not brilliant from D Samuel 21 points for him what a luxury to have like three forwards maybe even four that can just fill up 20 points if you need it Cameron misses that and Samuel’s pushed out a court there Samuel’s season’s best prior of this game was 16 against the Jets in round six so he’s well and truly eclipsed that and to Smith Milner dominating the game MVP but to be honest IR is a tough call we got Samuel Leafa been really good in the match too they sure have I think tor’s just probably his his job on the glass has been pretty well um well done by him but yeah everyone’s had their run had their little stint of being unguardable um Z at the start Ben a for a little bit Samuel right now and Smith Milner in the like second period yeah Smith mner in the second period got hot so it’s just kind of come in waves for the Saints and makes it extra tough for a team to defend doesn’t it when you have multiple kind of threats and they all offer something slightly different yeah and it’s good to have a team that that can do that but what you need to get them do is to to play together and play um unselfish basketball and that’s what the Saints are doing right now taranaki being that they’ve been fighting the scoreboard right from the start of the [Applause] game they should take encouragement from this game to cam because there have been times where they’ve gone right you know come right back up to the Saints I mean they got a a tied game again there for a couple of times only for it to unravel once more yeah I think um if you’re looking at it honestly Saints have probably controlled the game and the airs have gone on these nice little runs but the Saints have always composed the the game and composed themselves and made sure that there I think they’ve been leading every quarter and just continu to build on on it throughout the game but the airs are having a crack and we’ll see still plenty of time left and the deficits definitely not insurmountable so see the leadership of McCaron and froling and the Cameron Brothers can get them back on track yeah McCarron at times has shown some signs of grabbing the game by the Scruff of the neck or the challenge by the Scruff of the neck but maybe not others and uh but you’re right if the Cameron Brothers can get going froland can get going again things might happen again for taranaki [Music] yeah that could be the spark of something thearon good runaround play Cameron loses the momentum by dropping the ball now Flynn Cameron into Fring Fring will finally get to the free throw line for the first time in the game yeah I mean he does get pushed around a little bit but you see the type of Mo move he has to manufacture action just because you’ve got Ben sitting under there running at him as a d for a double team not only does froling have to get by Samuel he has to figure out a way to also avoid Ben air so it’s a tough job for the big fell but he’s batling he’s put up some points and he rewards himself cuz he needs to cuz they need it first points for Fring since the second period they have done a number on him in this game they have and you if s happen to make a few more threes then maybe they stop doubling him and are more concerned about the outside shot but the airs just haven’t been able to shoot the three ball well enough to make the Saints change their cover nice play from Samuel to get then Livy a chance from the corner Flyn Cameron can’t get it to drop Flynn Cameron he’s just f points in the game and two there for Elijah mini back to [Music] 11 good good job by mini we talked about the offense isn’t really ran through him but if he can go grab himself some points by just being aggressive on the boards it’s bit of a dog break for somehow the Saints still have it Leafa then Levy for three Samuel trying to get the ball and finally taranaki get the possession back as Flynn Cameron gives it to many can’t drop the three and look at Ben Levy strong rebound taken by him need they needed that three and yeah great rebound by Ben Levy that was a dog’s breakfast for a second there you’re right about that it was all over the place you got a win ugly though in this league none of the game or not all the games are going to be smooth sailing you get out by 20 and cruise it’s going to be ugly at times and who can who can Embrace that who can keep playing and keep their head switched on and not get rattled by the referees or the Miss shots and just keep on keeping on FN Cameron having a tough game isn’t he can Five Points one from eight from the field and uh that one shot that has gone down has been a three-pointer yeah we we do expect more from him from what he’s already brought this year and the taranaki SS definitely need him to bring more than that but maybe it’s a credit to the Saints I mean they do play some good defense they can throw multiple bodies at you um and they clog up the paint really well I talked about those those hands getting in there in the keyway and that’s where Flynn likes to operate is getting to the rim and it’s a bit congested in there Saints they they’re a smart team though there are some smart players who know the inter out of how to play this game and really done well Smith M with 20 points D Samuel’s now actually the leading scorer in the game with 21 that uh fantastic third quarter of his he shooting at a Great Clip N from 12 12 from the field the Saints all up shooting at 46% tanaki down at 38% [Applause] blowing past Flyn Cameron oh nice anticipation from rwa who throws it away laugh Lea to Ben Livy with authority unlucky there by the a but great heads up play by the Saints not given up back to 13 Fring not his night is it can’t get that free throw or that rather that layup to drop here’s Leafa chance here for the Saints to take their biggest lead in the game and is that going to count I think N I think they got him on the first shot which was a great call it’s hard to move Ben Levy off his spot he’s so strong he had a mismatch down low and it was over with for about 5 seconds it’s just a matter of getting the ball to him well remember back to that mix andp poll right at the start we were surprised weren’t we with the percentage who of the new fans out there who thought the saints were going to clean up in this game and it’s uh Pro proving to be the case as they go to a 14-point lead can’t go to a 15-point lead Davidson back out there now on four fouls by the way Smith Milner and Samuel dominate the MVP voting at the moment now Flynn Cameron camon did well to keep possession but the it’s just not connecting tonight for taranaki sometimes I guess that happens cam yeah it does um they’re finding it hard to string consistently good offenses together and get good shots but it’s a credit to the Saints defense it’s if you sit back and allow a team to get comfortable it’s going to be a long night but the Saints are applying pressure they’re blowing things up up they’re switching things they’re being physical and it’s not working for the airs at the moment 64 points 640 to [Music] play still playing with a lot of intent there’s a lot of time left in this game Smith Milner around Fring two more for Tori Smith Milner great take by Tori they have to respect that three-point shot so much that just a little head fake can get him off balance just not happening for taranaki here comes a and Leafa dominating the back court in this game thearon toiled away pretty well nice ball to Smith Milner again soft hands from the big fella and a timeout called by Sam McKinnon is’s a Wellington really stretch out now Isaiah Leafa flirting with a double double like say he’s pretty close to getting that 10 assist [Applause] Mark absolutely just checking out the scoring run here that Wellington on we get confirmation of that at the moment score 80-64 really stretching out now a look here where you happy birthday young man years it’s just a five-point Lun off that layup from mini but uhon really twisting the knife turning the screws you use any cliche or metaphor you like at the moment they sure are they won’t let up what we’ve all come to realize in the last few years is that this points differential is really going to matter especially with the league so tight so you’re up by 12 or 15 you want to win by 20 you don’t want to win by eight so they’ll continue competing this whole thing out Karen leading the way for taranaki with 11 but it’s been a quiet night for Sam Fring 11 points 11 rebounds now most players probably be happy with that but really if you consider his season stats really needs to be up around the 20 point mark now coronell very animated there with Sam pan Davidson Cameron tipped in there by someone I think it was Carlin Davidson but great take by Cameron A’s really have to play fast now get up and down hope that a few things go their way say goal Camp here the three from the corner McCaron ooh he might get unlucky here and get more than just a common foul exactly was that an unsportsmanlike foul I don’t think he meant to cuz he tripped but sometimes it doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter if you mean to do it or not it could be ruled on Sports like but I think just a common foul is what theyve call exactly aliaa saint have had uh a few challenges on the fing front in this game with L May being ejected and of course we saw that other incident as well a technical conceded as well in the second half so they’ll probably do some luck cam yeah yeah you’re probably right actually bit hard done by like we said earlier though we weren’t really sure exactly what happened with the lap main thing I’d love to find out that was a very fast ejection Davidson with a rebound on the weak side and a wobbly old pass from Davidson again here Samuel Saints all over that one here’s Samuel posting up nice feed to Smith Milner no foul given as Cameron picks up the ball Fring head down lays that in nice and [Applause] effectively rolling up to 13 points that’s how he’s going to have to get his points oh here we go Showtime what’s going to happen here ah just a simple standard Jam got to say it’s a bit surprising Davidson didn’t do something a bit more special on that occasion yeah he’s definitely got the legs to do something better than that but probably a smart play they definitely need that two points and not worth trying to do something tricky but um great play there but but yeah for Sam froling great way to get yourself a couple more points running the floor get an easy one rather than posting up and seeing two people in your face every time it’s worth mentioning folks this game isn’t over yet you’ve got some serious five power someone maybe two can get hot here y I agree it’s never over and stranger things have happened and some of the runs that these teams G in the NBL is the reason it’s so fun to watch well strategy comes into play now Saints they know some good defense we just get them home here cam yeah I mean the the time the clock’s on their side and the nice lead they have so it’s just about well it is 4 minutes I mean things things can happen but they play solid basketball they use their smarts protect the ball get a good shot down the floor every time I think they will be home free but playing against a desperate a team exactly T could get a couple stops here things might happen Dan a shot clock down to 4 seconds [Applause] leaa and tanaki get the stop he’s a whistle yeah I’m not sure about that foul on Tobias Cameron it was even the teams aren’t sure about it they’re not sure who’s ball it is wow that was a break there for the Saints in the bonus now to the Saints they are indeed wow Smith mil out to the line tough break for the a t will be will be happy gets a couple freebies 100% locking that MVP of the game 100% And he’s getting close to his career high score of 30 points which he’s achieved twice 21 against theago nuggets earlier this season he’s up to 26 now just four points away from that totle is davidon good Davidson he’s got the ability to do that sometimes he goes a bit missing but he needs to be aggressive was a great play and they need to play fast so he’s someone that they really need to turn it on yeah Wellington you can see they’re in game management mode now and fair enough too looking up some set plays yafa nice hands from Smith Milner then Levy tips it back to Leafa big play from him oh leaa it’s a dagger it is isn’t it big playay from him he has 14 points from Cameron he go goes back in from Sam froling still a very healthy margin here for the Saints got a habit of just getting these big baskets just at the wrong time for taranaki then Levy oh that’s go tending surely it’s got to be two points there for B Livy Saint sharing the ball so well Z easily could have shot one up reverses it to Tor who was open too but they continue to move the ball to get the best shot Davidson Cameron Cameron nice play 10 points for him K Carell props to him he’s got his team right on point for this game he has and it’s a great response by them a bit angry though to three of 13 for three I think against A’s bloody eight of 10 is Samuel nice pass out to Ben Levy close call there Davidson with the rebound good take Coast to Coast lays it in for two more for Carin davidsson he’s up to 14 points again Wellington don’t need to push the ball or the pace at [Music] all yeah it’s not an insurmountable lead but it just seems like it’s not going to happen just the body language of the airs and the way the Saints are controlling the tempo just doesn’t seem like it’s in the cards that’s right and taranaki are of course in the penalty too so they can’t really use any fouls to their advantage [Applause] either Davidson nice play from Tobias Cameron SS almost let him score that that basket yeah I think they think the nails in the coffin already kinding to put it taking the foot off the gas but it is possible but like I said I don’t know if the airs are committed enough to make it happen Samuel in space Samuel still has it and there’s a foul there and that’s all the saints need to do at the moment yeah use the clock get the right shot Samuel going to the line excellent game for him 21 points six rebounds three assists two steals all good numbers for Dan Samuel the ball wi to two for four and he’s getting Superstar treatment love it he’s been up in Japan before rejoining the Saints 3 2 1 oh I should have left it [Applause] [Laughter] wet there it goes yeah got the flight on that one just perfect didn’t he 22 for him 10-point game time out called by Sam McKinnon taranaki’s coach 10-point game one last chance here for taranaki but everything’s against them this has been a very impressive performance from the Saints yeah it hasn’t I feel the same way it feels like their backs against the wall the airs and if they don’t score a three very fast in this upcoming possession I think it it’s all but over so good effort by the airs but the Saints just on another level tonight they are aren’t they and you know why if if you’d said with what’s left to play just on a minute to play if you said someone said to me that tanaki never let him the game I never would have believed you but that’s exactly what’s happened cam which is again another tick in the in the in the Saints Playbook isn’t it yeah I guess that just means that they just controlled the game it was in their hands the whole game and that’s what good teams do they they get up and they control the game there’s going to be es and flows teams are going to go on runs but you withstand the runs and withhold the lead and Saints have done a good job of [Applause] that shows the depth of the Saints as well with everything that’s going on they still able to put this kind of performance together on together on the road that man remember ejected after 12 minutes and 47 seconds and of course ham Harris still sitting out injured they might be if Harris was playing at the [Applause] moment 124 left taranaki need points and they need them fast Tois Cameron and it’s gone out of court and going to be Saints ball and that might just about be that now yeah I think that’s that’s all she wrote [Applause] umly there for the Saints but they get it over the half court Samuel have been Livy oh pause that could have been dangerous but refs right on top of that so what happens there the shot clock get reset to 14 does it actually never seen that before on the technical foul for the crowd I don’t know the saint just going to get possession again 13 on the shot clock let run around play by Ben a that was pretty kick out pass for Ben Ley they’re toing with them are they no rolling with the rebound McCarron can’t gather Leafa and Yep this one’s done now isn’t it Smith Milner helps himself to two more points big victory coming up here for the [Applause] Saints going on here timeout called I [Music] think if the coordinat has no idea I don’t know yeah I think maybe they call a timeout but ziko doesn’t seem happy with the the way they called the timeout or the reasoning behind it or something he doesn’t seem happen two of the officials just having a chat over there oh no not not happy with thring at all he’s given it the big St down very vocal coach Davidson here is the three-pointer from him and he knows at Carin Davidson 17 points just over 30 seconds left they’re going to foul Ben here are they [Applause] foul given just lost out of court going to be Saints possession Messi to end the game yeah it’s um it’s tough this time of the game because you want to foul but you don’t want to foul too hard yeah it’s just a weird time of the game because these unsportsman like fouls that get thrown out if you don’t make a play on the ball make it very hard to foul and not get punished for it in in in in in a more um intense fashion so sometimes at the end of the game it is a bit ugly yaa at the line now another professional experienced all round game here from as yafa 16 points if he drops this free throw six rebounds nine assists two Steals and that block and that and that block top five players of the week he’s another one though got hot against us last week could not miss he’s missed a few tonight but he’s played a great all round game great game from Leafa for sure Davidson just gets there in the nick of time Flyn camon Davidson that’s some Showtime play there but it’s all come a bit too late there’s another foul on Ben here from Davidson nice play combination between Cameron and Davidson that’s Davidson’s athleticism I think he’s fou out now but y huge potential there like he’s trained with him all year all year with the breakers and he improved a lot and not many people have the gift of being out to jump as high as he can and run as fast as he can and being as strong as he as he is so as long as he keeps improving I think there’s great future for him absolutely Ben rather Ben ear hits double figures and he has 11 points as the Saints just EAS out again last play coming up here in the game and here is Flynn Cameron can’t bury the three and LEF is going to have the final say is he with that rebound give it out to Ben Levy ah Smith Milner couldn’t get the ball to match his career high score there with that last play but job done for the Wellington Saints a very well executed match by them LED from the start never trailed in the game against their top four rival and deservedly get the double over taranaki this season winning here in New Plymouth by 96-85 so an 11-point win won by 17 earlier on in the season against tanaki who have been highly rated by many in before the stars of the Season being a championship Contender but based on that they’ve still got some work to do yeah they do but um it was just a great a better showing by the Wellington Saints sometimes you lose games not because you’re so bad it’s just because the other team played well and I think there was a little bit of that tonight let’s have a look at the Kem Warehouse stats toi Smith Milner 28 points great game by Dan Samuel particularly in the third quarter far the majority of those points coming in the third quarter Carin Davidson top scored for taranaki Sam Fring a quiet night for him by his high high standards yeah it was a quiet night for Fring but um he demands a lot of attention on the Block and um just didn’t get free as much as he would like but he still contributed with the 13 rebounds macka with nine but toy Smith Milner was a monster with 16 rebounds and he’s a he’s a force down low and um Isaiah contributing seven of his own 16 assists between leaa and a that’s going to get it done isn’t it yeah that’s great guard play on that side of the ball and um I think probably would have had more if toi tore it up like he did against the toar indeed ring with three blocks and Smith mner with a couple and the steals well pretty even spread across most teams on the Chemist Warehouse stats well done to the Wellington Saints thanks cam good luck for tomorrow thanks man I appreciate that are you coming through yeah no I won’t be there tomorrow oh come on man ion be there tomorrow I’ve got a i’ finally got a day off after a busy week but let’s have a look at the other M matches coming up we do have a double hitter tomorrow with Mano two hosting Franklin down and py and then we have action resuming on Wednesday night with the otago taranaki game going to be interesting to see how taranaki bounc back from this loss nfo Taro can carry on from their big win today over Hawks Bay well there it is it all wrapped up here from New Plymouth congratulations to the Wellington Saints too good on the night for taranaki winning by 96 to 85 we’ll catch it tomorrow for more SS NBA [Applause] election for

Watch the game between Taranaki Airs and Wellington Saints in Round 11 of the 2024 Sal’s National Basketball League, held on TSB Stadium. #NZNBL #FIBA #SalsNBL

The National Basketball League (NBL) is the pre-eminent men’s basketball league in New Zealand. The inaugural NBL season took place in 1982 – known then as the Countrywide Basketball League. The start of the 2024 Sal’s NBL season will be on March 27 and the regular season will run through to July 14. ➡

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