@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown previews Game 2, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

Jaylen Brown previews Game 2, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

we’ll take first question on the right side John John caralis Boston Sports Journal Jaylen when you’re out there looking for specific matchups offensively where’s What’s the timing like for you with the ball and you’re looking for the matchup versus I can’t get to this matchup I have to move the ball like trying to avoid stagnation is there like an internal clock is there something that you have to realize like okay we can’t get to this matchup I got to move the ball to see if we can get to a different matchup yeah it just depends on uh you know how fast we get the ball up the floor you know if we are walking the ball up the floor and we starting our offense at 17 or or whatever is different from you starting your offense at 20 because you got the ball up the floor so um I think that goes into it if you got a little bit more time maybe you can and the floor a little bit but for the most part you want to kind of make quick decisions and and keep the ball moving uh Stephan Bonnie from the New York Post um Jason kid just said that uh said it twice that you’re the best player on the Celtics I was just trying to get your reaction to that I don’t have no reaction uh I don’t know you know I think uh it’s a team game and we’re trying to focus on that and you know everybody has their own opinions fourth row on the right yeah hi Jalen um how is your mindset coming into game two especially after your explosive game in game one say that one more time I said what is your mindset coming into game two and finishing like the game early um specifically after game one yeah coming out even more aggressive but even more disciplined you know Dallas is a really good team and they’ve responded very well to you know game one losses they come back in game two um so we’re going to get a um a forceful more aggressive team to on Sunday tomorrow um we got to be ready um because they’re they’re really good after l so we can’t be surprised and and that’s what I’m preparing my team for Mark in the third row jayen Mar toos right ahead of you um when you went back and looked at the tape what do you think you guys really did well defensively to kind of take them away from what they like to get to um just try to keep them off balance um they got they’re here for a reason um they they’re well coached they do their roles they perform their roles well um so um can’t give them the same look every time because they are you know the more comfortable to get the better they are so just try to keep them all balanc Mark can you pass it back to Gary behind you Jaylen Gary waser Boston Globe in 16 you visited the finals you went to Oracle you know it was like a couple weeks where you got drafted you had the high ta and all that what what did you take from that experience just like being in that NBA environment a few weeks and you didn’t know where you were going to be whether it was being Boston or not what was what do you remember about that uh I remember it being a pretty cool experience you know I was I see some of young guys in our league now like walking around and and stuff like that um and I think that’s pretty cool when I was it was before I got drafted like you said I was still you know fresh out of college and you know I knew some cuz I played at Cal Berkeley I knew some of the guys on the Warriors um Steve Kerr’s son was my my teammate Nick Kerr at Cal so you know I went to a lot of Warriors games um That season and you know I got to to meet a lot of those guys you know and talked to a lot of those guys before I even got to the NBA mainly Andrea guala who is like a older brother mentor to me now um but you know that those experiences is or everything you know being able to see what a winning environment looked like being able to talk to guys who have done things at the highest of levels and then give you encouraging words and wish you well and good luck that was that was my experience um NBA Finals when what 2015 or whenever that was um before I got drafted and I think you know it’s a part of the reason why I was able to get back course we on the center J Jimmy Goan from the associate of press one way to interpret Jason kids comments would that be that he’s trying to kind of get some rivalry going between you and Jason that might hurt the team why do you think there’s this perception that uh you guys aren’t happy to be teammates and share the ball and all that U I’m not sure I’m not I don’t know uh I’m not sure um but know we’ve been just extremely focused on what we’re our roles and our jobs are um we’ve all had to sacrifice um Jason has had to do that at the highest of levels right and you know and and I respect him and tip his cap for it but right now at this point it’s whatever it takes um to win and we can’t let any outside interpretations try to get in between that Nick over here in the second row hey there Jaylen Nick gy field level media uh I know on Thursday night Kyrie said he thought it would be a little louder in here this crowd you’ve challenged it before ahead of game seven last year against Philly said you need everyone to be loud they responded what did you guys think about the crowd on Thursday night here and what do you think you’re going to see here on Sunday I thought the crowd was good I think we can be a little bit better so um I expect us to be even louder Sunday we’re going to need um our fans to be hype you know it’s it’s not just team versus Team it’s crowd versus Crow crowd is gas station versus gas station Supermarket versus Supermarket we need it’s the whole city versus the whole city so um we need we need everybody last question David Jaylen David Aldridge with the athletic um your team spacing offensively has really been great the last couple of years and I just wonder what that process has been like in terms of figuring out the best ways to absorb space and to be in the right spot to start the next action and to get the shot that you to get the best shot that you can get on each possession yeah just watching film taking your time seeing and reading the game um being aggressive not hesitating um but but also you know um making the right plays like you said being in the right in the right spot spacing has a lot to do with that U making sure our team is properly spaced and then being aggressive from there um we expect them to be a lot more aggressive on defense um Dallas coming out into this game too so um that’s going to it’s going to put a emphasis on us to be more disciplined um we got to get to our spacing well um we got to make the right the right reads got to take care of the ball um can’t do stupid fouls um cuz uh we expect we expect a great punch from them thank you jayen Jason will be up next sh

Dallas Mavericks vs Boston Celtics – Full Game 2 Highlights | June 9, 2024 | 2024 NBA Finals


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  1. He is the best player on the team tho. Better defender. Better mid range. Attacks the basket better. Tatum play like a pretty boy

  2. Quick story guys I had a downphase my story was I needed discipline I know play for state level in table tennis and look to grt even higher. My influence has come from jaylen brown. I don't care what tatum. Browns mentality is an inspiration and is celtics best player. What you guys think regarding my table tennis

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