@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic previews Game 2, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

Luka Doncic previews Game 2, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

[Music] Nancy hi Luca Nancy liberman um yes when you had a chance to watch the film and you saw how they were playing you uh what difference do you think you can do uh to be able to get into the paint so you can maybe manipulate the defense and get your passes or your lobs off uh yeah I think just be a little bit more aggressive uh you know I think we all came out of the game with a little uh with little energy uh so I think we got to be be better with our energy especially from the start [Music] front right Bobby Bob Manning Med W KY talked a little bit about you know how the crowd gets on him here you know how he kind of deals with that when you hear them kind of going after him is that something you take personally too do you guys talk about that like is that something that kind of impacts you at all kind of here in Boston uh no I don’t think so we just uh I mean we talk about it uh but we just got to stay stay together you know I think uh we talk about two we got to talk more on the court uh than we did in game one so that’s got to be better from my side too [Music] [Music] four throw over here I look Steels gbh news um you’ve been in Dallas your whole NBA career and after going through game one um having the motion sort of calm down I wonder have you had any time to reflect on what it means for you just to be representing Dallas here in the finals I mean it’s big uh this the team that draft to me uh theam the team that believe in me uh so I’m really happy to represent Dallas uh hopefully it’s not the last time uh but I think the whole Dallas is proud of our team uh so I’m happy to represent them back left [Music] back to Center next question Thompson Thompson twin Network I was wondering when you play it seems like you play so freely and you have so much fun and I was wondering how you are able to balance playing freely and uh being serious at the same time uh I don’t really know but I just trying to have fun uh that’s the game I love uh that’s the game that getes me paid and it’s nothing better in the world that playing basketball for your job so just trying to enjoy it next one fourth row in the center [Music] [Music] for anyone want last question uh last one on the far right we’ll get the microphone over to you a second uh luk a bit of a two-parter iide with a light one uh killing mbappe went to ra uh recently I wonder if you had a reaction to that I already knew it had had you spoken to him at all no not yet um I mean not since he was he signed I guess do you have a prediction for the upcoming Euros uh Slovenia thank you thank you

Dallas Mavericks vs Boston Celtics – Full Game 2 Highlights | June 9, 2024 | 2024 NBA Finals


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  1. If you watch game 1 against clippers, okc and game 1 in the 3rd quarter of boston game. I think dallas already beat their real opponent which is the okc. This finals is just tune up game for dallas. Dallas in 5.

  2. Question in slovenian was; Your trainer Jason Kidd was in a situation like this, he played in finals and won a final, did he give you any special word of advice, have you talked about this? Luka: No, we have not talked about this specifically, he just said that they also lost the fist game, they were also like 20 points down so all you have to do is to focus on the next game.

  3. Luka is a basketball genius. But i don't to see you again how you played in game1. Pass the ball. Use the Luka Magic come'on👏👏👏

  4. Those idiots asking non english questions are so annoying. I can’t understand 2/3 of lukas interviews.

  5. Seems like all the Spanish reporters are going to the Luka press conference. If the NBA smart, they should be marketing Luka like crazy for the Spanish speaking countries.

  6. Luka is casually dropping 30 points with no effort when defense is being played well which I think he could very well stand this defense for some of the game where as most of the other players can’t stand such defense.

  7. I like his calm demeanor, he knows game 2 is THE GAME, borderline critical, big performance from Luka is coming, he knows when is the moment to stamp authority in series

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