@Sacramento Kings

Sasha Vezenkov Reportedly Doesn’t Want to Return to the Sacramento Kings | Locked On Kings

Sasha Vezenkov Reportedly Doesn’t Want to Return to the Sacramento Kings | Locked On Kings

Sasha venkov wants out of Sacramento according to a report from Euro hoops and while nobody here in the United States has confirmed that report it’s understandable it’s believable in fact it feels like it’s been brewing for a while we’ll discuss the king’s options with Sasha and what his future could possibly look like here in Sacramento right here on locked on Kings you are locked on Kings your daily sac Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of Locked on King hello and welcome to lockon Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all off seon long today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game Time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento sports reporter and producer for ABC 10 news here in the California capital and when I read this report this morning from Euro hoops and I’ll read the report for you right now it says Sasha venkov has informed the Sacramento Kings that he doesn’t intend to return turn for the second year of his contract for now it’s open whether he will continue his career in the NBA or he will decide to return to Europe that again is a report earlier today coming from Euro Hoops which is a a basketball publication obviously over uh in Europe they’ve covered Sasha a ton throughout his career I remember reading a lot of their content covering Sasha before he came over to Sacramento so while I can’t confirm the report and while I can’t necessarily support Euro Hoops as a publication they seem commendable they seem like they understand they seem plugged in and they have a history of following and Reporting on Sasha venkov and his career so I believe there is validity to this report and again while I’m not going to go as far as confirm it here I just share my perspective and my perspective is that when I read this report I was not surprised by it I also wasn’t really bothered by it and I don’t mean that in any kind of disrespectful way towards Sasha V zenov but I mean I think the overall feeling with Sasha and Sacramento was that it hasn’t worked and I don’t know if I was ready to go as far as saying it it could never work and and that the ship is sailed that time was done but from my the conversations that I’ve had with people my own observations of Sasha some of his comments at the end end of the season talking about how difficult it was for him and the rest of the roster outside of the core seven or eight guys to to break in not knowing and when they’d play sometimes they’d get opportunity other times they wouldn’t like just just reacting to all of that as well as just seeing his frustrations with my own eyes again I was not surprised by this report I know for a fact that Sasha was not happy with his role here in Sacramento was not happy about how his first season in the NBA remember his first season coming from being a Euroleague MVP and competing for a Euroleague title which his team lost in the Euroleague Championship that was a goal of his to win that he chose to walk away and step away from that at the top of his game over there again as the guy in the Euro league League to come to the NBA to join the Sacramento Kings who had his rights now a big portion of that too was his payday he got paid as a role player here in Sacramento a few million dollars more than he was making over in Europe so the money certainly had something to do with it but you go from the top of your game right you go from being the guy it doesn’t matter where you are to coming to Sacramento where the Kings have courted him right the Kings actively pursued him wanted him many coaches including Mike Brown members of the front office going to Europe to watch him play to have conversations with him before officially bringing him over right you go through that entire process this team expresses how much they are interested in you how much they want you they bring you over as one of the Marquee moves they made in an off season that was mainly about running things back after the first successful year in Sacramento in almost two decades and then pretty quickly it was apparent that hey his role in Sacramento was not going to be what we were hoping it would be maybe what he was hoping it would be and who he was as a player and the direction that the Sacramento King’s going were going there there was a a disconnect there so again I don’t think this is a spontaneous decision at all by Sasha like he got he went home to Europe over the offseason and went you know what I’m homesick I love it here I don’t want to go back maybe that had something to do with it I have no idea but my speculation on this is not that he suddenly just made this decision out of the blue I think this has been brewing for a while here’s the thing I understand both sides right this is not a pick a side thing now if I if I naturally fall to any side it’s the Sacramento King’s side because I cover the Kings the kings are here and I’ve been following the Kings a lot longer than I’ve been following Sasha venka I’ve got one season of Sasha in Sacramento plus I I paid attention a little bit during the courting phase and courting Saga of trying to get Sasha to come to the NBA so if I lean in on any side it’s the king’s side but I don’t think this is a situation worth picking a side because both sides are understandable from Sasha’s perspective like I said you go from the Euro League MVP competing for a championship to coming to Sacramento disappointing season you’re not cracking the rotation you’re not getting maybe I don’t think I’ll go as far as to say that the Kings did not give Sasha what he was promised but he certainly how he invisioned his NBA career going how he envisioned his role would be on the team that he chose to join and left his life in Europe I imagine was a lot different than being in and out of the rotation barely cing the rot and for his team to struggle to find a way to effectively use him so I understand how difficult this past season must have been for Sasha I also feel like personally the defensive inefficiencies that Sasha venkov has there there but I think they were at times here in Sacramento whether it was by Mike Brown or just in General I think at times they were overemphasized because look I I saw the struggle with his his horizontal and lateral quickness right didn’t necessarily move his feet fast enough to guard players on the perimeter at the NBA level right the speed of the NBA better than anywhere else in the world and that’s not that’s not turning a nose up at Euro league basketball because they are incredibly talented over there and look at the amount of European players that are dominating in the NBA right now right the best players in the NBA currently are Euroleague players european-based players so that being said the NBA is a completely different league and Sasha did struggle defensively with adapting to the speed of the NBA game but when I watched him play when he did get his opportunities here in Sacramento we saw the offensive fire power we saw the offensive opportunity the quick trigger the willingness to hit to take threes and hit threes even attack in the basket trying to finish around the rim like you saw the offensive promise that you know he had maybe not in as much of a volume as we were hoping for but volume also comes with playing time and his playing time was inconsistent because his defense was inconsistent but his defense I felt was hyperfocused on because when I watched I didn’t see Sasha make astonishingly bad defensive errors right he did not do things that just made me oh my God this guy is unplayable on the defensive end did he meet Mike Brown standards clearly not like that’s that’s abundantly clear he did not meet Mike Brown standards of playing defense at the NBA level but he’s certainly not the only guy on this roster who ha who who has to say that or who we can say that about so I think Sasha deserved to play more at times I think Sasha deserved to get more of an opportunity and have have a longer leash especially on the defensive end of the floor that being said from the Kings perspective I feel like Sasha was the player that fit what the kings were doing their first year under Mike Brown the first year of the playoffs but they added him in a time where they were looking to transition to how they want to play now Sasha in many ways is a representation of the past version of the Kings now obviously that version of the Kings won two more games and actually made the playoffs so some of you might be going hey Matt shouldn’t the Kings want to get back to that past version because last year’s version didn’t necessarily work I agree and disagree in some areas the results obviously were not as good and this is a results based league but the Kings made exponential growth and are I think building a foundation and building a way to play that ultimately can bring about longer term success but potential doesn’t mean you know what if it’s not realized and I think where the kings are clearly potentially trying to go Sasha just does not fit that mold and on top of that unfortunately Sasha battled with in injuries especially at a time where Sasha had an opportunity to really break out right treyes started the season hurt comes back gets hurt again window is wide open for Sasha should have get opportunity he gets some playing time he gets hurt had that I think it was an ankle injury that sat him out for a a good portion of the remainder of the season and then while the Kings started to figure things out on the defensive end and and while they were trying to deal with those injuries Sasha was not a part of that so by the time he was available to come back he was behind the eightball defensively which at that point had kind of become the calling card or identity of the Sacramento Kings and how they were going to play for the remainder of the Season as the Kings adapted to a more physical style of play Sasha did not fit that mold so had Sasha not gotten hurt maybe things would have looked differently and this conversation would look a lot different the Kings would feel a lot better about his role going forward but those injuries certainly kind of bolster the the king’s argument of hey man like we’re trying to win we brought you over we can’t wait for you this was going to be your if you’re upset about the opportunity that you got or did not get that was your opportunity and you got hurt it’s not our fault and we we have to move on and we have to play guys and unfortunately guys stepped up while you were out here’s the harshest reality of the situation right I’m putting this bluntly it might be unfair but it is reality Sasha venvs money the amount of money he is being paid which is 6.6 million next season followed by a $6.9 million option for the 2025 2026 season but guaranteed $6.6 million next year that money matters a lot more than Sasha himself and that’s how this situation is going to that like that’s I think the most important thing to focus on in this situation because Sasha can say I don’t want to go back I’m not returning but the kings are the ones that have the control they have contractual control of Sasha V zenov so essentially they they have three options they can one and this is I’m sure there’s things in place to where the Kings can’t force any but essentially they can tell Sasha to honor his contract like if you want to continue playing in the NBA this is your contract you have to honor it come back to Sacramento report to training camp and try and earn a better spot if that’s what you’re looking for two the Kings could wave him and be forced to eat his $6.6 million salary which I can’t really imagine them wanting to do so that’s the king’s doing Sasha a favor at the cost of almost s million I can’t see Sacramento doing that but it is an option available to them the final option is trading him now I guess there is also a fourth option too but this one’s a little more convoluted that Sasha could retire from the NBA and then try and go back can play in Europe but I think that would be there would be struggles with that with with feba and their things that goes down a road that I don’t know enough about but the three kings options are essentially to me like have him report and honor his contract you can wave him and eat that money or you trade him and if we’re going down the trade conversation the Kings could replace Trey ly with Sasha venkov in the Washington Wizards deal that we were discussing now again I I bring up that trade package specifically because that’s what we’ve talked about a lot here on lockon Kings and that’s something that makes a lot of sense I’m not reporting in any way or suggesting in any way that this deal that I have laid out there and that we’ve discussed expiring contracts in 13 to the Washington Wizards for Kyle kozma is an actual deal on the play on the table that both sides are discussing I think it makes a lot of sense for both sides but since that’s a hypothetical conversation we’ve had and a lot of you responded to that conversation or that trade with can the Kings find a way to do it without including Trey lyes well yes they could replace Trey lyes with Sasha venkov and his 6.6 million guaranteed it still can be an expiring deal because with the team option or with the option at the end they can like wave that option and it’s just a a one-ear I’m pretty sure it’s a team option and not a player option should probably should have double checked that before before looking let me double check that right now I’m stall for time here while I’m I’m looking that up on my phone um which is always great on a on a podcast um but if if it is a team option then essentially it’s a expiring deal next year and and the Wizards could still get off his money move on from him and open up all that cap space uh next season all right let’s see here checking right now if my phone would load it is a yeah it’s a team option in 2025 26 so if the kings were to trade Sasha to Washington at the end of next season Once his guaranteed money is off the books they can wave and move on and it does the same thing essentially as as Trey and they might even prefer that because next season they would pay Sasha $2 million left than they would have to pay Trey although I think we all believe that Trey could be more of an impactful player for Washington than Sasha would be immediately if that’s what they care about so you add Sasha to the deal with Davon Mitchell and Chris two expiring contracts attach 13 to that and get Kyle kman that deal could still work so there are options out there if the Kings would look to trade Sasha but in just a little bit we’ll talk about what Sasha’s opportunity looks like in Sacramento if he were to return if the kings were to have him honor his contract and play next season here in Sacramento we’ll discuss that plus we still will talk about how this looks for Monty McNair and what this looks like for for Monty in the king’s front office who brought him over is a major piece of their offseason last year it’s all coming right here on lockon Kings like I said at the top of the show today’s episode is brought to you by game time which is making it as easy as possible to get your NBA Finals tickets now maybe you Kings fans aren’t too interested in watching the Dallas Mavericks versus Boston Celtics but hey if you have the opportunity to go I can imagine attending an NBA Finals game is an incredible once in a-lifetime experience but regardless if you’re trying to go to a major event like that or maybe even a local show at your theater or comedy club or anything like that game time is what you should be using from now on to buy your tickets they have incredible uh last minute deals 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off the tickets to the first event that you choose download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed as of right now the most likely result or scenario involving Sasha venkov even after this report is that he’s a Sacramento King next season he’s under contract to be the expectation as of now unless things change the expectation out of now as of now should be that Sasha will report to training camp and do his job I don’t know Sasha personally again I’ve only really covered him for one year and even then have not had too many interactions or conversations with the guy from what I understand he’s an absolute professional I believe that he would honor his contract if that’s what it came down to but if he were to return to Sacramento let’s talk about realistically and this is probably also playing into why this report is coming out and why he has hesitations to return to Sacramento what his opportunity would really look like here in Sacramento next year I think Sasha would get a fair shot at earning a consistent rotational spot he’s good enough to get a shot but assuming the Kings do what they are supposed to be doing this offseason or what they need to do this offseason which is adding overall Wing depth earning a spot comes from likely a combination of noticeable defensive Improvement to where Mike Brown has the confidence that Sasha can play the team defense and the physical style of play that the Kings want to replicate from the end of last season throughout this entire year and make their identity going forward and Sasha being the lights out flamethrower undeniable bench scorer that teams have to respect or fear enough to where if you rotate him in there with any fox or sabonis lineup you either risk giving him open opportunities and open looks or you can’t leave him and that gives the other kings featured offensive players a little more room to work to me it’s pretty simple as long as Trey lyes is here I don’t see Zasha having any kind of regular rule unfortunately it is a one versus the other type scenario I don’t see a situation where Mike finds a way to balance them in the rotation consistently the same way he found a way to balance the Keon Ellis Davon Mitchell guard lineups instead of one over the other because that’s what it was at the start of last season and he figured out WS the end of the year and it worked great at least during that time and I have to imagine assuming Davon Mitchell is on the Sacramento Kings to start next year that they’ll continue to run with that I don’t see a way that the Kings can find an effective use of Trey and Sasha at the same time and if they have to pick one or the other it’s going to betray easily now if the scenario we’ve discussed at length here on locked on Kings plays out to where Sasha comes back and the Kings Trade Trey LS as part of a package to get Kyle kozma Kyle obviously steps into that starting four role with Keegan probably moving to the three or some combination of the two of them at the three and four then Sasha maybe has a window to crack into a consistent rotation spot off of the bench then again in addition to a Kyle kosma trade I think the Kings still need to be doing their best to add more Wing depth and Wing talent that more fits the style of play better than how we think Sasha does and will going forward the realistic best case scenario that I’ve come up with for Sasha here in Sacramento like if things are going right the best case scenario for Sasha that I see realistically is like a 12 to 15 minutes A Night Roll where he is a volume Bend shooter who can hang and fit in in Sacramento’s physical defensive system I really truly do not feel that that’s that far out of the realm of possibility some B best case scenarios are man A lot has to go right what I just said there that role for Sasha does not seem absurd for me to ask for or for the Kings to to be looking for for Sasha to expect but he has hasn’t earned that yet and reporting to training camp is the only way that he can earn that if he is looking for more though truly if Sasha is truly looking for more than what I just said there it ain’t it ain’t happening here so the question is if the Kings go the trade route is his NBA career done if it doesn’t work here I don’t think so Sasha being the valuable volume three-point scorer that he is an offensive option that he is even with the defensive question marks that’s valuable in the league Sasha does have a lot to add to this league and I do personally believe that Sasha venkov is an NBA caliber talent I think his ceiling is significantly lower than many of us were hoping for there were people talking about Sasha being a starter for Sacramento eventually I don’t think he’s an NBA caliber starter if he is you’re probably not a very good basketball team if he’s starting for your team you’re probably not very good his best case scenario is kind of what I laid out there if you’re looking for a little bit more than that maybe he can be a 15 to maximum 20 minutes a guy a night guy who just Chucks up threes Off the Bench and maybe you can squeeze him into a closing lineup if you need to but I don’t I don’t see him finding that I do see though teams having interest in him I mean just looking at the teams who are at the bottom of the league in three-point shooting right San Antonio a lot of European history with San Antonio and with Greg bovich Toronto Detroit Washington Orlando all teams that I think could use a player like Sasha off of their bench to help bolster their three-point shooting and give them more of an offensive punch with that second unit so I don’t think that the Kings would have a tremendous amount of trouble trying to find a team to take Sasha on his $6 million I do think though we have to be real istic with what you would expect in return if you’re moving Sasha you’re either doing it as part of a package deal where you’re adding Sasha to some kind of deal to go and get a big player and he’s kind of a a throwin to either make the money work or to kind of add icing to the cake and and give a team a player that theoretically could help them in the short term and if it doesn’t work out you can just wave them the year at the end of the year or going into next season The Following Season or like if it’s straight up value what is the straight up value for Sasha venkov it’s probably like a second round pick or that that level talent I can’t imagine the Kings gaining much from a Sasha trade other than like I said including him in a bigger package or simply trying to get off of some of his salary today’s episode of the locked on Kings podcast is also brought to you by prize picks the number one Fant fantasy sports app in America with more than five million members it’s the most fun and exciting way to get in on all the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to a 100 times your cash 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Kings viewed Sasha as the Savior as maybe so many members of the fan base did I could be trying to step too far in front of the Kings I know they were looking at him as being the primary addition that this team made to last year’s group that they essentially ran back but ultimately again this this this just Falls right into the overall path of sa Sacramento last off season just not working running it back bringing it back bringing in Sasha bringing in Duarte bringing in McGee as your main offseason additions and trying to maintain your offensive Firepower from the year before while making noticeable strides on the defensive end which this team ultimately was able to do it just didn’t work right in many ways the Kings kind of had to go the route that they running it back I agreed with it at the time I still understand it now but we have the context of it did not work and Sasha kindly kind of just falls into that in in so many ways like venkov he’s not the reason but he is a representation of what we’ve talked about a lot this offseason just the overall disconnect with this roster and where the kings are trying to go in the system that Mike Brown is trying to implement like Sasha is a perfect example of that and he’s not alone you could say uh you could say Kevin herder is a guy as well that kind of fits this mold of the offense of opportunities there by the way Kevin herder a much better player than Sasha fenov is just to make that perfectly clear but these are guys that fit kind of how the kings were initially but don’t necessarily fit where the kings are trying to go I’ve said it before I’ve said it a million times already this summer and I’ll say it again to me this off season is about getting your roster and your system on the same page and if you’re doing that it likely does not include Sasha venkov in any kind of significant role he might still be on this roster but I don’t see it in any kind of significant role I think he sees it the same way hence the reason why this report is coming out he has hesitations to return to Sacramento overall if he does return to Sacramento though I do believe he can be impactful and I think he has to stay ready because there are going to be times where the Kings call his number whether it’s because of injuries or whatever they need some buckets Off the Bench I believe he can help this team just like I believe he can help a lot of NBA teams but our our expectations have to be realistic it’s straightforward this is who he is this is what he can bring you he is not a featured guy on a playoff run but he is a guy that can be on a playoff roster and can help a playoff roster when needed but his opportunities might be few and far between between and certainly will be inconsistent unless he shows tremendous amount of growth which he’s an older player it’s not like even though he’s a rookie technically last season he’s not a rookie by age right he is an older established player he kind of is what he is at this point here’s the thing ultimately going back to Monty McNair Monty has to find guys this off season that clearly Edge Sasha venkov Chris Duarte Kesler Edwards the Kings need to find guys that basically Edge those guys out whether it’s replacing them on the roster alog together or adding them to the roster and that pushes guys that are Fringe rotational pieces to yeah you’re probably not having much of a chance at cracking their rotation and again I’m not saying that any of all three of those guys don’t have any value that they can add to the Sacramento Kings I’m just saying if the Kings truly want to be the team that competes in the Western Conference and if they Tru want to address their shortcomings from last season Monty needs to add players to this roster that are more established NBA rotational talented players that can play the way that they want to play to where it makes the decision easy it makes it understandable why Sasha and DTE aren’t playing that’s what Monty’s job is we’ll see how this Saga plays out I have no ill will towards Sasha whatsoever if he returns to Sacramento fantastic we’ll cheer for him if he doesn’t in whatever capacity a trade a buyout whatever it is I don’t think there should be any ill will at all towards Sasha and it not working out here it just didn’t work and that’s kind of the reality of the situation again it’s harsh but it’s true Sasha’s Money Matters a lot more to the Kings than Sasha himself he thankfully does not make so much money to where the kings are in a really really tough kind of gross spot 6.6 million in the grand scheme of things is not that big of a deal but it’s also not nothing when you don’t have a lot of cap space to begin with and you’re trying to improve your roster as it’s been all season balls in your court Monty just add it to the list of things you have to figure out well of course r the roller coaster with the Kings all off season long whatever decisions they make about Sasha about Malik monk about all these guys going forward for the remainder of this offseason make sure you keep it dialed in here to the lockon Kings podcast we’ll get you through this offseason get you ready for training camp we got the draft coming up we got free agency after that California classic summer league action so much still to come this summer and we’ll have it all right here for you on lock on King so I appreciate your support can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the Time Podcast Network

Matt George reacts to the Eurohoops report that Sasha Vezenkov doesn’t intend on returning to the Sacramento Kings. But the Kings have him under contract at least through next season. What are their options?

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Sasha Vezenkov Reportedly Doesn’t Want to Return to the Sacramento Kings


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  1. I don’t blame him. We owe him an apology. There’ll be no shortage of takers for an elite shooter and a high IQ basketball player.

  2. Let him leave NBA too physical for him just like I figured it would be it was a nice try by Monte but he missed on this guy too looks like

  3. Sasha needs more time to acclimate to the NBA game. He'll be ok if he gets more run, but he couldn't crack the rotation and then he got injured. I think he needs to stay one more year and really commit and put in the work. We really don't know what this guy can do because last year was his rookie year in many ways.

  4. Seriously…. the fact that brown failed so poorly to utilize sasha is a serious blight on him… the fact that you can't make a euro league mvp AT ALL.. is completely and utterly a ridiculous failure

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