@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers interested in Hurley, Caitlin Clark and Celtics Game 1 win vs. Mavs | THE HERD

Lakers interested in Hurley, Caitlin Clark and Celtics Game 1 win vs. Mavs | THE HERD

Jim Jackson we’re going to have to take that conversation on the air eventually it’s the best conversation it’s all about cigars if anybody knows me they know okay where’s Jimmy at he’s at a cigar bar he’s somewhere smoking a cigar and great people in cigar bars uh it is some of the best people ever met in my life didn’t think I had a commonality with somebody because you sit down and maybe they’re businessmen or they worked somewhere else whatever but then you start smoking a cigar it’s like okay what what kind of cigar you smoke you start talking about that and you start talking about family business what do you do next thing you know you find a lot in common so it’s and it’s grown folks up really you know what I mean is it really is you got to sit and talk and have a conversation yeah you don’t have to talk me into it it took you some time though it did it it to you evolved into the cigar smoker that you I’m proud of you man thank you you’re welcome I have your admiration so uh speaking of Lakers would smoke a cigar if they could land Dan Hurley uh do you think he takes it should he take it with the changing landscape of college basketball you it’s it’s so difficult I think Jay Wright was a precursor to a lot of things I think he saw a lot coming early in regards to Well w with regards to the transfer portal where nil was going to pay for play and not that they don’t want to coach but now you’re basically coaching Pros you’re a capologist you you you are because now the in college you got to figure out the best recruiting for college coaches now is retention of your your own players that’s right of how to keep them hor and that means that now you’re going to have to raise money to overpay to keep a player that’s probably disgruntled and not as patient and now you got to still deal with the bureaucracies of the NCAA also with board members also with alumni also with you know um raising money you might as well go to the league you you might as well go to the to the NBA or professional sports because a lot of the back noise you don’t have to deal with as you do in college when you’re a college coach you know that especially at a major university you’re like a CEO you’re running everything so some of these guys are just if I’m going to pay people I’d rather be a pro coach yeah might as well I mean because the the lifestyle is a lot better it’s a lot different well you’ve done Yukon games does he work I mean but I I love Dan I love from a ex’s and know from a coaching perspective he’s a little bit younger than me I actually I played against Dan Danny when he was um at Sean Hall my junior year he was a sophomore uh Bobby his brother is the same age as me uh we came out of high school together in ‘ 89 but I love his mind as a coach now the flip side is that is that he’s a fiery individual like his mom like his father like his brother like they bark the transition to be able to do that in the NBA especially with a veteran team that’s the challenge because you just can’t turn that switch off he’s fiery and it works for a reason it’s a reason why his players uh respond to that um so I don’t worry about the x’s and all I don’t worry about basketball and putting basketball people around Dan it’s that other side of it that could be a little tenuous especially at the beginning so Jim let me throw this at you I said this yesterday is the Lakers were in this market and for 20 years there was no NFL team here they owned it and the Dodgers were good but they weren’t winning World Series titles and the Lakers were winning they own the newspapers they own Talk Radio in La it would be like the Yankees without the Giants of the Jets Y and they got arrogant and they’re not patient and my thing is now this is a draft and developed League the new CBA you can’t have three stars it doesn’t work that way Boston’s like an outlier y my take is are the Lakers built for Hurley which is Wagner Rhode Island Yukon take about three years to get us going are they built for that well the history will tell you no no and a good friend of mine Antonio Daniels who oh I love him is the color analyst for the Pelicans yeah he he uses this when he talks about the Lakers and I think is spot on organizational arrogance from this perspective is that because the the things that you said about the Lakers for so long and I was a part of organization briefly that we are the Lakers you should be honored and Pro to come here Rob pink is a great friend of mine Rob was with the Fab Five when I was in school greaty great unbelievable but they do have a sense that we’re doing you a favor by bringing you here yeah so you remember when When Ty Lou was offered the job where they were interviewing they kind of low ball him didn’t well listen at the time a five-year deal was standing for a guy that won a championship okay they offered him three years and wanted to pick his coaching staff he’s like ho ho wait wait wait wait hold wait I I’ve won this but in the backdrop was Frank vogle you know I’ll take I’ll take the three years Darin ham you bring a firste coach seconde coach in with championship aspirations understanding that there’s a learning curve that has to be there so your patience is not there now internally if some other things happen I don’t know what is there to change now if you bring in whether that’s JJ reick or a Dan Hurley their Championship window is now so what happens if it doesn’t happen after next year LeBron is on the back end of an extension you got figure out what you want to do at ad is it okay Championship AB bust year two and if it doesn’t happen we blow it up but we keep the coach and let him grow or do we search again because stability is one thing that you need Colin you know that to win but if that if that you think people think the NBA is a mobile League take LeBron out it doesn’t work go for the no it it especially when listen one of the things people talk about when I was in Dallas they say well why didn’t the mavage work this Tony braxon stuff this worked this this I said let me tell you something I was there five years five and a half years I had four coaches and three owners in that time period so you tell me do you think we establish any kind of continuity any kind of Mantra of who we are as a team and as an organization we had n none of that so how do you expect from a Lakers perspective if you’re changing who sits in that pilot seat every couple of years that mean philosophy changed defensive schemes change everything and now you’re a coach too where you really don’t have control of your roster either on who’s there players can smell it oh big time they they know when you’re in trouble they know when you’re in trouble so it’s it’s one of those things man that’s as great as organization and that’s the that’s when you’re the Yankees when you’re the Celtics when you’re the you know um Red Sox yeah you deal with these issues because of expectations every year yeah good stuff um I’ll get to the finals I want to go Caitlyn Clark I have said listen she’s okay with it we don’t know how to handle it she’s not fragile in the media we’re kind of fragile it’s just really hard to go at every sport Bryce Harper spent time in the minor Alex Rodriguez spent two years in the miners in Tacoma like basically Caitlyn gets drafted they give her a jersey an hour later they blow a whistle go play yeah she’s not she’s getting pushed around so like my thing is everybody she’s going to be fine there’s a racial component there’s a gender component we don’t like to see girls pushed and picked on them just you know I was saying this early we didn’t let women box in the Olympics till 2012 yeah you know we were protective so some of this is just like we’re not we’re okay with guys getting picked on we are Joe burrow getting hit late yep we’re good of that some of that we don’t like this which I think Bri speaks well but I think she’s going to be fine she is I mean the right to passage right the right to passage you think Norm Nixon was happy when Magic Johnson came in seriously I mean it’s when Michael Jordan came in he had his detractors it it it goes down the list with men in with with regards to the right to passage football baseball basketball hockey you know it’s a thing now it happens in basketball too Candace Parker had her share when she came into the WNBA CU she was a star in she was a star now the anomaly is she was NBA Rookie of the Year and also won MVP yeah I mean she’s one of the greatest players she’s one of the greatest players ever the dynamic see everything is timing with Caitlyn Clark because college basketball I’m able to follow in and see the dynamic build yeah you’re one of the few people that does college and pro you did a bunch of Yukon games listen the the dynamic people think well you w talking about Ken cart yes you were you you just didn’t pay attention to it you didn’t pay attention what was happening in the landscape but she was doing this before the national championship game for people in college that really followed it the challenge is now that you go to the WNBA who has been growing and those who follow the game understand that the league has been great for a long time it it did just happen yeah the quality of play oh the quality the Catalyst she’s the she’s the star which by the way Conor McGregor was for the UFC but the UFC over 10 years was getting better fights better cards better Fighters and then Connor just made it explode it but the timing was right Connor was the right person at the right time for the right product yeah and what people don’t understand is that as good as Angel Reese is her story is a lot different than Caitlyn’s Caitlyn’s story sells to Middle America yeah to the east coast to the West Coast to the South classic Midwest Underdog yeah that’s a story so a milon times you don’t have to be the best player but your story is a lot better and more intriguing so now you’re drawing more eyes that’s not making it right wrong or indifferent that’s not saying she’s better than Angel Reese or whoever that’s that’s that’s irrelevant what’s relevant is the story and the timing yeah and the challenge for the WNBA is accepting what comes with that with with her start with Conor McGregor with Conor McGregor it’s going to be likes and dislikes but now you got more eyes on the TV and you’re going to get you’re going that adds more criticism too the thing I think that the WNBA and and to to their credit they’re like listen there a lot of people now just coming on board and want to say stuff you haven’t been following yeah but that’s what happens right it it happens with every sport casuals pour in with big opinions listen you think from a minority perspective with the eyes on PGA when tiger came then all of a sudden the Casual fan came in became golf experts when tiger came because the story was so phenomenal you had people that really didn’t watch Saturday Sunday or even Friday golf yeah but it’s the same it’s the same thing here in regards to the new eyes and now you got more opinions yeah sometimes the story isn’t the best player Baker Mayfield for a year was the story in the NFL number one pick trash cocky wasn’t the best player but he was a story he was a story he was on nine commercials as a rookie well people can follow that they can buy into it and listen Steph Curry wasn’t the best player but his story for Davidson and Gro and this wild wildo okay is he a better player than LeBron James no but his story of how he got to where he’s at and what changed is a is a is is is very intriguing yeah Steph is the only basketball player my son wasn’t a big athlete that like he liked he was small he was thin my son’s like I could be that the the the best story is not always the best player it just certain athletes and politicians make us feels there’s a connectivity right connectivity connectivity let’s talk finally the finals um sometimes I pick Denver Celtics finals right but Minnesota’s GM formerly Denver buil to beat Denver I think Denver would have clobbered Dallas yeah I don’t think they matched up so now I watch a Dallas team that’s hot but flawed very offensively lobs sited very much about two guys I watched last night and I thought hell Tatum didn’t play great and they still rolled them is it possible that Dallas got a huge break that Minnesota knocked out the team that would have beaten them Denver they matched up very well with Minnesota and Dallas maybe a little old overwhelmed in this series they just don’t have all the pieces to defend all the Boston Shooters but isn’t that what happens in in sports though because that’s the beauty about the playoffs and the regular season and think about this too how seeding matters at the end of the season Denver wins a few more games maybe they’re a higher seed than Minnesota and things work out different Denver led by 20 in game seven you I mean things work out maybe it’s not Okay C at the top but that’s how it works out the only thing you can do as a team is prepare yourself to win and play whoever’s in front of you okay whatever happens in the other series you can’t control now but we all get down to it when you get to hear it’s all about matchups Denver is a better matchup for probably in the long run for Boston but Minnesota was a better matchup to beat Denver okay so that’s how this thing circulates now when you look at Boston playing the Mavs the advantage Dallas had against one of the best defensive teams in the league was that it was a rim protecting team this is a they can do Wing defending here so again Antonio Daniels says this defensive versatility what would you rather have a rim protector or five guys that can guard over the court that’s the Celtic that’s the Celtics OKC had a little bit of that too but they weren’t mature enough to toay fundamental that’s right so OKC’s a younger less mature less refined Boston exactly so thing about Minnesota is like this there like little things so everybody saying well Rudy Gober the drop coverage the lob passes well guess what Boston played some drop coverage but they were disciplined enough not to inch in on the Baseline and give up that corner three where you know Anthony Edwards and Alexander some would inch in and bite for Luca and bite for Kyrie for that floater and then they spray it out to the corner if you notice it was a lot of open Corner threes for the MAV Boston’s game plan okay we’re going to drop coverage we’re going to force Kyrie and Luca to make tough twos we don’t care if you make two-point shots you make two-point shots we want to eliminate those Corner threes and then on offense what we have the advantage is okay where’s Luca he’s over there put him in his pick and roll we’re going at him oh you want to switch bring him back we’re going to attack force you to help rotate attack again force you to rotate then we’re going to get shots and that’s what you saw last night from Boston beautiful thing you going to have a cigar tonight let me see let me see I’m work out in about an hour I would say about 3:30 JM those afternoon cigars are the best with a little come on we got to have a little Double Espresso hi everybody it’s me Uncle Colin subscribe here to get the latest from the herd including exclusive behind behind the scenes videos and more wherever you may be however you may be watching thanks again for making us part of your day

Fox Sports Analyst Jim Jackson joins The Herd to discuss the hottest topics in sports. Jim weighs in on the Los Angeles Lakers targeting UConn’s Dan Hurley for the head coaching position. Plus, hear what Jim had to say about Indiana Fever’s Caitlin Clark and the Boston Celtics dominating Game 1 of the NBA Finals against the Dallas Mavericks.

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Lakers interested in Hurley, Caitlin Clark and Celtics Game 1 win vs. Mavs | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd


  1. The problem is that CC fans are not basketball fans. She's a great hope that riled up the clan mentality in that defeat against Angel.

  2. Colin wouldn’t let us decide if we wanted the jab or not but says Clark doesn’t need protection from something real.

  3. Quit with the Caitlin Clark nonsense. Obvi Fox is telling you to push the product. . . The WNBA is not watchable, interesting, or even really a sport. I know other fans of the show that are also ready to find a new podcast if you keep forcing the wnba. . .it is objectively terrible. . .stick to the nfl/nba/mlb and if you want to cover womens sports, cover gymnastics or volleyball or figure skating, where it is a high quality watchable product.

  4. I am tired of hearing Angel Reece is any more than a role player who can rebound. She cant shoot at all and no offensive skill

  5. Collin think the economy “ isnt that bad” yea coming from a millionaire.. the average dad working a 40 hrs week making 600 to 1200 a week can’t afford the normal bills let alone put food I.n house…. But if u don’t work u get all hand outs😂 place is a joke

  6. I am tired of these analysts saying that these "new" eyes don't know basketball. Those "New" Eyes have been watching college ball for Years. And have probably watched more basketball than just WNBA viewing fans! The WNBA only has 12 teams!!! College Basketball has hundreds! College ball is also more available to watch on TV and Streaming. The "new" fans are coming from that college Viewership, and they KNOW basketball.

  7. Jim Jackson is extremely eloquent and philosophical in his analysis and commentary! One of my favorites.

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