@Memphis Grizzlies

Was Luka Doncic Tired, Injured, or Both? | Gary Parrish Show

Was Luka Doncic Tired, Injured, or Both? | Gary Parrish Show

uh I mentioned Luca he had 30 points and if that’s all you do is look at the box score or at Le look at the points you might be hey Luka had 30 he was fine he wasn’t fine he looked tired right he looked hobbled and I never know if the whole looked hobbled thing goes hand in hand with we’re getting our brains beat in right like if you’re up 20 instead of down 20 are you moving around the court differently maybe that’s a good point maybe but he did look tired and he had one assist did you notice this one assist that’s the lowest number of assists he’s had in any game this season it’s the lowest he’s had in any playoff game ever and it’s the lowest he’s had in any game in the NBA ever when playing at least 35 minutes and that is not an accident and that is not a coincidence okay you know what it reminded me of the national championship game of the 2024 NCAA tournament okay in this way anytime a team does something negative that it has never done before it is almost always a byproduct of game planning and strategy by the other team if you remember in the national championship game Purdue Yukon yep Purdue barely took any three-pointers can’t remember the number it was like six or seven it was but it was the lowest number of the Season three-point shot attempts that Purdue had the entire season mhm and the lowest number of three-point attempts Perdue had had in a game in like 300 and something games damn that’s not an accident right so you go okay what happened how did that happen why were they not even it’s not like bad shooting nights are a thing in basketball this wasn’t that they didn’t even get the shots why didn’t they even get the shots you know they want them why didn’t they get them you know why they used Kling and the guard Edy and they did not double they just stayed with the shooters and they said if we’ll let Edie go get 35 and he did we’ll let Edy eat we’re just not going to let Braden Smith and Fletcher lawyer and these other guys make open shots and Corner threes we’re not going to collapse let him kick it out open three we’re not these guys are going to get nothing and we’ll let him eat but we’re going to guard him one-on-one as best we can and these guys are going to get nothing and Yukon dominated in that way Purdue couldn’t even get three-point shots on one assist for Luca donic you know what that’s the byproduct though they guarded him oneon-one they switched everything and they got into like they even had Al Horford out there guarding him in space and it like was okay it wasn’t devastating the way Rudy go gobear was devastating trying to handle luk in space they just said we’re going to guard him like this and we’re not going to leave the shooters so you’re not going to just have these guys standing out on the three-point line knocking down open shots that’s how he only gets one assist yeah there’s nowhere to pass the ball there’s nobody to get open shots that was by Design now this is the way this stuff works Dallas will adjust to that right and they they’ll you know they’ll at least try to adjust for that but that was really impressive stuff from Boston last night and again the fact that the point spread didn’t change and but the series price did and the most likely number of games in the series did in the betting markets this time yesterday it was seven now it’s five it suggests that uh I don’t know the people who are smarter than us wagering real money on this type of stuff they uh they saw something last night that made them think maybe this isn’t going to be as competitive as some people thought it was going to be the Gary Paris show live weekdays at 10:00 a.m.

Gary and Bennett discuss Luka Doncic’s performance in Game 1 of the 2024 NBA Finals.

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  1. Oh wow here come all the excuses in the world rn, stop it!!! Y’all are going out sad rn 😂😂😂

  2. Let's be real. This is a 5th place team in the west that for a large chunk of the season didn't even look like they were going to make the playoffs. Yes, they beat the Thunder. But that was the youngest NBA team to ever take over #1 in a conference, and youth usually chokes its first few playoffs.

    The Celtics are a 60+ win team. The Mavs winning would be one of the biggest upsets in history. Luka is a weak defensive player and that usually doesn't get you through playoffs versus an experienced opponent. I know the NBA is desperate to get people interested in this pansy league, but the Celtics are a full 17 games better than the Mavs.

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