@National Basketball Association

Scottie’s advice on how to find a girl

Scottie’s advice on how to find a girl

by catch22milo


  1. legend023

    Lmao imagine trying to hit on a girl while she’s running

    This is poor advice

  2. Pickleskennedy1

    Scottie Barnes should be the first NBA player with braces

  3. jonathanisaacisgoat

    Is bros main streaming audience 14 year olds lmao

  4. Professional athletes rate pretty highly on the list of people I would not trust to give advice on this sort of thing.

    Edit: that said, it’s pretty okay advice except for the running women part.

  5. ottawacabbie

    Says millionaire 20 year old who shoots hoops.

  6. CommonerChaos

    People in general don’t go to the mall much anymore.

  7. Victordobado

    He is right though. I know some guys who talk about wanting a gf and don’t know what to do. When you ask them how often they meet girls or approach a girl they find cute and ask them out, they always say ”never”.

  8. CrazyPersonXV

    I am walking outside everyday, no girl in sight

  9. Scottie a old soul. Thats how we did it way back in the day.

  10. DeedleDumbDee

    To be fair if you have $22 million dollars this is a completely viable strategy.

  11. Look the guy he was responding to is clearly a dorky teenager who should know better than say corny shit like that, and probably does need to go outside more, but…

    Yeah no, nobody should take dating advice from a 6’7 professional athlete who hasn’t known what a normal interaction with the average person is like since he was probably like 15 or so. Do go outside and shit but “go find some random woman in a mall” is terrible advice lmao

  12. I feel like the mall strategy only works nowadays if you’re a 60 year old divorcee because nobody goes to malls anymore lmao

    Any time I’ve been to a mall, that shit has been dead af

  13. Yes and handing out your resume with a firm handshake will get you a great job too.

  14. Data_Disk_196

    Scottie: “If you want to meet women go outside”

    Redditors: “This only works if you have 22 million dollars hurrrr”


  15. Just_Natural_9027

    Holy incels in this thread.

    His larger point is 100% correct here.

  16. aliencardboard

    He’s not lying. Touch grass instead of staying inside all of the time. Meet people. You only miss the shots you don’t take. You’re not gonna score every time, but there’s definitely going to be a woman/girl who wants your number and will spend time with you if you treat her with respect and just be yourself.

  17. jcilomliwfgadtm

    Go outside is the best advice to finding a girl.

  18. Scottie: “Go actually talk to women with confidence instead of sitting in front of a screen saying ‘I’m down bad'”

    Reddit: “You privileged autistic piece of shit”

  19. sheepish132

    This dude really said that you have to go outside and talk to women if you want to a girlfriend, and guys on here are acting like that’s only possible because he’s 6’7 and a millionaire.

    Ya’ll are hopeless.

    I mean, the focus on going to the mall is weird, but the general idea is true.

  20. The going outside part is true but simply asking for a number unless you have confidence and are good looking you’re not getting that lol.

  21. capitalistsanta

    I have severe social anxiety and I was on the west side of Manhattan laying in the grass playing the fucking bullshit quick look crap with this woman next to me and never approached her – her friend met her and they were talking for a bit and I overhear her literally say “the people in this city are so hesitant, honestly I want to just walk up to a guy and ask if I can suck his dick”.

    That’s of course insane to fucking say and you should avoid that, but the whole “just go outside and say hello” thing just needs to start happening and people need to get rejected hardcore en masse so they can realize that probably won’t even happen like that, and I think there will be a lot of good long term change. I’m older and at this point over half of my life the internet and this tech rise of very instant solutions have just destroyed my brain to where this is the impossible task and focusing is harder and communicating with people is harder and it would be one thing if I thought it was just a me thing, which it is of course, but like I’ve gone on online dates and stuff and it’s like 2 parties that suck at communicating and disagreements that like in normal budding relationships, prior to the rise of the internet, got talked out and discussed and people gave peoples goodness the benefit of the doubt and chalked up things to mistakes and just emotionally really managed themselves better in relationships. Now there’s always a hotter and more agreeable person a couple internet clicks away who will pay for my pregame.

  22. Annual_Plant5172

    I don’t get this nonsense about nobody going to malls anymore, lol. The ones near me are always full of young girls. If any kid wanted to find someone they could easily put themselves out there and they’d have lots of options.

  23. YpsitheFlintsider

    I’m pretty sure this video is old because he got the old teef

  24. NoThomasNoParty

    I was 100% sure this was a r/nbacirclejerk post

  25. masterofallmars

    The mall advice is outdated but he’s generally right.

    Go outside and do activities with clubs or friends or friends of friends. Make natural connections with people of both sexes.

    If you base your entire life around finding a girl it will just result in being miserable.

  26. AlexCosta

    A lot of insecure dudes with barely any experience with women stating the advice is bad. Classic Reddit.

    It might sound stupid simple, but he’s right. The only way you will be able to get that woman you want, you need to get your ass off the couch, swipe out of the Reddit app and put your phone in your pocket, and go outside and approach women that you are intrigued / attracted to. You have to shoot your shot.

    If you all are hoping that your DoorDash driver is the woman of your dreams and you finally get asked out, you are in for a rude awakening.

  27. Relative_Airline_354

    now i understand r/nbacirclejerk’s facination with him.

  28. Heisenburgs000

    I thought this was r/nbacirclejerk for a sec

  29. ThunderCr0tch

    he’s right there’s like 6 bad bitches just roaming around my street rn

  30. He’s not wrong even though people act like this only works if you’re some 6’7 athlete millionaire lmao. Just go meet people and treat them normally while being friendly. You’ll find one eventually you just have to be there to shoot your shot when it happens

  31. Funnel_Hacker

    Imma be honest. I’m divorced and have been trying this for two years to no avail. Guess what? I’m going to keep trying. I’m not a millionaire, I’m super social, and decently attractive but you won’t get anywhere with a defeatist mindset. Guess what else? Was broke too and now at GT about to make six figures. Life is what you make it. I might be a loser now but someday, I ain’t gonna be a loser and I’m not going to stop trying until I’m at where I want to be.

    I encourage yall to do the same. You gotta be confident in your game. If you don’t believe in you, who will?

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