@Boston Celtics

Draymond & Danny Green react to Celtics-Mavericks NBA Finals Game 1 + new Lakers coach | Champs Only

Draymond & Danny Green react to Celtics-Mavericks NBA Finals Game 1 + new Lakers coach | Champs Only

[Music] n [Music] no [Music] what’s up everybody welcome back to the Draymond Green show the NBA finals are here uh best time of year and um you know we here here got some some really special live episodes coming for y’all as a part of the NBA final Champs only meaning if you’re not a champ I’m sorry but you can’t talk after the finals I saw I see some people be talking during the finals and I’m like you’re not a champion so how are you talking during the finals so this is Champs only you can only be here if you’re a champion today’s episode is brought to you in part by hyper ice um myself as a as a 12 year ba veteran uh you quickly realize that recovery is not the same um however you get these young guys that come in and they talking and and they yapping and you want to perform at that level you know and for me uh my normat tech boost has been a huge part of my recovery uh carry him on the road always got him with me and Hyper ice has made that even easier uh with the nor Tech Elites uh they’ve ditched all of the EXT ra hoses and control units from the old model uh this one is fully self-contained with a small set of buttons to select your compression level uh super easy to travel with and to get set up after a hard workout or after a game after a hard work day um not just for athletes by the way um and on top of that the normant tech Elite packs four hours of battery life uh which is enough juice to get full leg compression Cycles in before games after games on the on the playe after work before work before your workout whatever works for you um and as I said it’s not just for pro athletes so everyone you can get your hands on knees to help with your recovery increasing your circulation and reducing the swelling in the lower body so shot all your warmup and Recovery needs at hyper use code Draymond for 15% off of your order today exclusions apply and now now it’s time to welcome our first G guest of Champs only and as I said you can only be here if you’re a champion uh this guy happens to be a three-time champion um as he just said before we got on here Warriors fans are not happy that he’s the first guest on Champs only um he beat us in the championship and I am honored to welcome none other three-time Champion Danny Green welcome to the show my brother I appreciate you man I appreciate you having me I’m I’m glad that there’s some type of Love on that side of the the coast well I guess in the Bay Area and I was asked earlier today I was doing a radio hit he like is any organization that hates you and I couldn’t think of one until you tweet they tweeted out that I was on your show and I’m like damn I know there’s only one organization bro that the fans are like nah they a they ain’t messing with it so but you know I understand you know know I get it five years ago I was hoping some of them forgot about it or let it go I’m not a dirty place I can imagine how it is being the villain every night in every Arena so lot of flowers kudos to you brother because a I just have one organization that because I was thinking about teams where I’ve left and they might have booed me and actually they all received me pretty well but the only one that that does not like me that much at all is Golden State fans but I you know I still lot of love to the fans everywhere so love brother and you know for us there’s no love loss obviously we know you’re not a dirty player um plays happen bro when you’re competing on an NBA Finals level on a championship level I get it like two points changes everything and by the way you know unfortunate you know that Klay got hurt like love Klay to death and like none of us are ever trying to hurt anybody it’s very unfortunate but like basketball is also very much so a game of inches just like football and if you come up with that block what it does for y’all from a momentum standpoint in a game where we really had the momentum what that does for y’all from a momentum standpoint if you get that block it changes everything for sure I mean said you you know how you know how critical everything matters man from loose balls to D Floor block steel and today’s game and we’re going to get to that there’s a lot of guys a lot of plays that stuck out to me that started the momentum for Boston and it wasn’t necessarily the Stars you know you I’m watching the others and I’m sure you are too uh but I really think Al Horford kind of set the tone for them tonight he’s the one that came out first basket dunk hit a three ball and then I think everybody kind of follow suit Hower another guy hitting three ball timely you get up that big said Dallas found something they cut it to eight but those guys set the tone and of course porz inas was just unbelievable night first game back and weeks couple months so but it was interesting game to watch I think it’s gonna be a fun series I can’t wait to to see what what comes next it was a very fun series uh I think it’s going to be a very fun series very fun game to watch I uh one thing that I want to keep my eye on is porzingis and the reason I want to keep my eyes on porzingis is like that first game back like you riding that high motions through the roof you feeling good like adrenaline going crazy after that when you no longer can ride off the emotions and you gotta ride off of the work that I’ve put in not saying he hasn’t put the work in but your work has been limited reason you reason you’ve been out you know and so when you then got to rely back on that and not necessarily the juice of like I’m back out here I want to see how he respond you know how that comes about you know yeah because GNA be like he was huge for tonight I know I know you got a Boston fan on staff there um they played well tonight hell of a win for him but Dallas found some things I wouldn’t be too confident after watching T game Kai didn’t have a great game and I don’t think the energy said porena is gonna be able to sustain that like you said everybody has their group chaps everybody’s playing GM everybody’s watching and criticizing they’re like yo there porz had hell of a game but there’s no way he could sustain that there’s no way he can keep that energy he had three blocks in the first quarter and that’s where I was watching more so is what he going to do a defensive end and he stopped the lob for Dallas you that was a key thing for Dallas and you know kai and Luka weren’t able to you know get to the rim is easy or you know find Lively and Gafford for lobs that’s a big change but I think Dallas is GNA they’re G to find something you know JK is gonna find something they had they still they switched they didn’t trap as much I didn’t see many of that both teams switched and um they’re going to take advantage of that Luca took him a quarter to settle in but once he settled in he’s he’s found some he knows where he’s at now Kai just has to sett him once that happens so we’re going to have a series man it’s going to be a real series I agree with that you know uh funny enough I um I I thought in my prediction I said that Dallas will lose this game and the reason I thought that they would lose this game was because the Celtics like and I I played against this team this year that their length and you’ve played against through the years that the length like Jason Tatum is 610 Jaylen Brown is 68 um Drew is is 65 Derek white 65 Al Horford 610 611 when you have that much length on the floor there’s no gaps right and they they switch they load up right when you porz is seven feet yeah even Sam hoser come off the bench 69ine like the only guy that they play that’s under 65 is pton priter and he don’t play yeah when you have that type of Lane and you can speak to it a like that was kind of our team for all those years that was y’ team in Toronto you why only guy that played though smaller than that uh Fred Fred Fred and C we had Pascal play way bigger than his size right like but you got Pascal you got you you got uh uh bu Serge Serge marcol yeah we had Norm come up the bench we had o didn’t even play but we had OJ on that roster but we had a we had a really good defensive Squad and we figured it out but like you said that that that defensively they have a lot of length um the only thing with Boston I said I’m not confident said because you know how they live and die by the three yes they do they came out they came out very hot and they’re always going to have a game or two where it’s going to be it’s going to be dry you know what I’m saying they’re going to be cold so when that happens we’re gonna see if that defense if porzingis can continue to you know protect the rim and if they can stay in a game um but ultimately they’re going to drop a game or two just so because they they’re not going to shoot well and then if Dallas can steal a game or two a game or so just because they you know play well and they they limit them this is going to be a six seven game series man and it’s one we’ve been looking for for a while because you know finals hasn’t been actually no I’m tripping finals has been pretty good man since y won y had six games before that and went to you know six games so it’s been pretty good it’s a good matchup for sure so tell me this so coming into this game as a coach when you get to this level and you know it you got to pick something that’s going to beat you and it is very evident what Boston said today is gonna beat us meaning Luca we not helping on your drives we for try and we not helping take the layup you’re gonna have to score 70 or 60 60 go ahead try you gonna try to be beat us by yourself one assist Luca has that’s unheard of Luca got one assist do you think that game plan from Dallas uh I mean excuse me from Boston it where they can where they kept those other guys out tonight and gave up what they gave up to Luca do you think that continues to work or what would your adjustment be if you’re the Dallas Mavericks on how to get the other guys involved you know we were talking before you got on um you were saying how blowouts are never a good thing and never Advantage for the team that won because a lot of times you just don’t make the adjustments you’re like oh it worked but you should have a backup because I was L the team that lost is going to make plenty adjustments and you need to make sure you have adjustments for their adjustments um I don’t think it’s going to work it worked early Jaylen Brown played great defense early first first half plucking Luka a couple times making a phys Al Horford even contested blocked a shot or two like that’s not gonna be sustainable for the seven game series Al Horford those guys switching on to Kai and Luca is not going to work um I I think they’re gonna have to change up once luuka gets going early they’re gonna probably try to trap him some if Kai gets in the Rhythm Kai just had a very off night you know what I’m saying like when you have the both those threats going the other guys are just going to open up you can’t just stay home and let those guys kill you because they will kill you and they can win games it reminds me of to bring not to bring back bad memories for you guys but when braon and Kai you know you don’t see that often with guys two guys can beat you it’s a fact they did it and then these two guys have the talent enough to beat you with just those two guys so ultimately I think Boston got the have an adjustment they’re not probably gonna make it right now or right away it might take a loss to figure that out but you don’t want to take a loss going back to Dallas you saying you want to be one-1 going into Dallas absolutely no I agree 100% like and you could tell Kai was having an off game Kai dribbled the ball off his shoe yeah Kai don’t lose the ball never happen call the travel on him I’m like they call the travel on Kyrie yeah yeah like so you could tell it was off and I think for him too like for him I think also he has to make the emotional adjustment right like you go back in this place NBA Finals where they would expecting you bring them the NBA Finals now you going back there like what’s that like emotionally going back to a place where you’ve played and and like this is the NBA Finals so this is an even different thing yeah I think he has to adjust emotionally as well it’s and this is why I was like it depends on what and we look at Kai like you know kai is great and I’m like even though Kai Kai is one of the strongest mentally mental you know tougher guys in the league no matter who you are going back to a place you played before is not easy emotions just you just never know how it’s going to turn out and you’ve never experienced before and I hope you never have to but if you leave a place you’ve been there for a long time and you go back and try to play there even if they don’t boo you because we were back when I was with kawhai and Toronto they booed the hell out of Kawai they they cheered for me they still cheer for me which was which was cool but I don’t think I’ve ever had a I’ve haven’t had a good game in San Antonio since I left there you know it’s just not easy to do um and it’s just like adrenaline it might take it the wrong we might shoot too much you know what I’m saying like you just never know how the emotions are going to make you play it make make make you play really well I feel like there’s no in between you’re going to play really good or [ __ ] shitty it’s gonna be a really bad game so I’ve had some good games against San Antonio at my home teams Arena but just not in San Antonio and it’s just one of those places it’s just hard to settle in it’s hard to feel comfortable or you feel too comfortable and it’s like damn I don’t know why shots aren’t dropping but I knew it was going to take him a game or a quarter at least a half to like let those emotions kind of still settled even though it’s been removed still didn’t leave in a great way I can’t imagine playing your former team on this stage of how H you know you want to do you want to do well so badly that it you know it may counteract like be counterproductive may affect you differently so either way it’s a I think Kai’s going to settle in he’ll be fine but um this is not an easy place or easy situation to be in bro and I said I hope you never get have to experience it cuz it’s it’s it can get ugly for you and you like damn you be thinking about it all night all day all year and then said Kai mentally tough he bounce back but you just never know I got my fingers crossed I hope now you know what just dawned on me and thinking about you [ __ ] beat me in the NBA F I mean in the NCA Championship too I just thought about that we been we go back we go back bro we go back at some time we go back some time bro uh since College yes um I’ve been fortunate enough to have some really good teams and some good teammates said I had Tyler I had Ty I had Wayne you know what I’m saying and then so when I was in San Antonio y’all were like said of course you know Steve came from there Mike Brown came from there so y’all were like little brother and eventually it only be a matter of time before y’all start kicking our ass and we knew it and we got old we got older and then you know y y’all playing Five out y’all changed the whole league to small ball and it was like damn we I don’t think we can I don’t think we played Timmy in the series I don’t think we could play Timmy in the series we had to sit him and um yeah yeah we had a chance we had a shot then y’all would got KD we had Marcus and why and then why when he had the ankle go down it was over for that but yeah we we gone back some for some time now bro 15 years now 15 16 years we’ve been competing bro it’s crazy do you do you still wish to play right now or like do you think this is it for you you just you by the way you do incred I enjoy watching you on TV I appreciate you brother job and like you know like you don’t need that from me but yeah I just enjoy watch I [ __ ] hate watch a lot of people on TV but I watching you on TV as much as I’m not a fan of dup guys there’s certain guys that are good on TV and JJ was one of them because he backs us you know what I’m saying and I always like make sure that we you know we can criticize guys but not tear him down and and regardless of that you know I want to if I can criticize I want to be able to do that and be in that space and I still have a lot to learn I’m learning from everybody when I do it even you you know what I’m saying you you handle yourself very well bro for me it’s like I know I got to slow down I talk too slow talk too fast I got to slow down I got to be louder try to make some good points like you’re really good at that grabbing the viewers attention making some good points you know what I’m saying dropping some bars dropping some gems people like oh Joe Dre got some bars with him you know what I’m saying so I’m learning from everybody so it it’s it’s been great for me it’s a new challenge people don’t understand how different it is and it can be fun but also how it’s not easy you know it’s not easy to do with people are doing it so much respect to all those guys that do it at a high level and grab people’s ATT attention um and do and said do as a profession so now for me man I’m still trying to hoop bro um just unfortunate this year I was with Philly training camp I thought I had a really good training camp and to me it showed me that like I could still hoop you know what I’m saying it was like the training camp was like y I still belong here I still can hoop I still play but James won it out trade happened they brought in more guys and they they sent out and I my G my contract wasn’t guaranteed you know me and Daryl had a situation whatever um so they talking about Nick nurse wanted to bring me back it just didn’t happen but I feel like I have another you know few years left couple years left to hoop um you know cuz I can do TV at any moment we can do that we’re 40 50 years old and I thought about it now something comes along where it’s like all right they give me a a a deal or a certain type of network it’s like we want you and they like to hang it up it’s going to take some more but like I’m not married to the NBA if if I really want to play Bad also a conversation with the wife I just had a little one if she wants to play if she’s okay with travel cuz going somewhere else to another country I don’t know but it’s like yeah we only got two more years maybe three more years left of this of hooping and might as well make the most of it if you want to live in a nice country it has to make sense though if I go overseas has to be a really nice country where you’re living well but if not give another shot here play see what happens um but you know ultimately transitioning man just just adapting adjusting and learning the media game and you know making sure that I have something because I’m not going to be one of those type of guys where I mean we all we both all want to save to where we don’t have to work but I just can’t see myself sitting at home and not doing a damn thing you know I’m saying I got to be doing something bro I got to find a purpose other than you know what I’m saying with the kids and coaching them of course but I can’t just be at home and being a you know a house Dad or house husband but yeah ultimately I still want to play hopefully somebody will give me another opportunity another shot but if they were to see me play and see me work out they’ be like you know what he’s still he could still hoop you can still move and I think I could you know help a team but if not I’m healthy bro I think I’m years out now I was pretty I felt really healthy this past year too so training camp with Philly went really good um okay but yeah just the luck of the I mean cars isn’t play out that way you know how teams with the the taxes the cap you know teams are scared people don’t want to go into the BR you know the second second uh apron whatever yeah just just a lot of that the politics come into play so you know just how it plays out sometimes yeah no no doubt I respect that man a lot of people don’t understand like they’re like oh you your contract would be this now I’ve been in the league this amount of year so my number than a guy if you bring in in their second year that number looks totally different than what it does for the cap people don’t understand that they like oh man like he can’t hoop no more like no he can’t hoop for sure like and they don’t understand the numbers how it works and the taxes and stuff for sure just uh I pray that you don’t well you can’t fight getting old but just don’t ever get hurt man when you get hurt and you’re old the league just they forget about you or they just like ah you know your time is up they ain’t kind of really messing with it they rather find a younger guy groom him and they said it’s cheaper so they’re cheaper they’re younger um but yeah man I hope you don’t have to but I feel like for everybody it’s a it’s it’s always like a a culture shock trying to figure it out trying to navigate me and you we were kind of you know tapping into other things but most guys don’t know what to do after that’s a fact and a lot of things people were taking your con your your statement out of context I feel like when you talking about you know the league doesn’t really set us up to to be wealthy after you know you talk about the fines and like that uh I think it’s more so like that type of situation but also the lifestyle doesn’t set you up for you know what I’m saying I think that’s more of the point that people are missing it’s like you’re making a lot of money but when you make a lot of money ultimately your bills are just going to become more naturally you make $5 million a year you’re going to have $500,000 bills maybe a million if you make $10 million it’s going to be a million or two million you make 20 you probably have like two or three million bills now you may save up 40 50 when you’re done but if you don’t work and you got $3 million bills per year your bills are $3 million per year you got 10 20 years to to make it last that’s about it you still got to Li to 80 you know what I’m saying but everybody else they don’t realize you have to get a job to at least cover the bills get another job where at least covers two three million you let that save you want generational wealth for your kids to have it um you know you can find a job to cover the bills but a lot of guys don’t prepare for that so they don’t have a job when they’re done to cover the bills ultimately they’re not broke but it’s only a matter of time before that money runs out in about 10 years and you know you don’t hit you until you you’re done playing you’re like you realize how expensive [ __ ] is like damn that wasn’t expensive when I was playing but when I’m done playing the checks a coming damn [ __ ] that cost that much when you’re trying to budget it’s it’s a different thing man so I’m glad I’m going through it I’m glad I’m learning it as I’m and I was prepared for it I had vets that taught me like yo try to tap into this and have other things to fall back on um and I have a lot of opportunities people called like seeing if I wanted to do coaching interviews and I’m like I’m not ready yet do media uh so yeah I’ve been blessed man to be around some great people and some good organizations that give me opportunities for after as well no doubt man that’s great to hear Switching gears a little bit uh as a player who’s like you said you know want to do it still can do it probably will still continue to do it but it’s closer to the end than you are the beginning as I am um yeah and and understanding as a former player the opportunities that we have uh what was your thoughts on the Lakers the rumors that the Lakers zeroing in on JJ reic former play um you know just like more former players getting these these coaching jobs and being in the running for these jobs what was your thoughts on JJ you mentioned him uh being you know with that report coming out yeah yeah I mean I like JJ I think we all love respect what he does for us in the media you know what I’m saying he does a great job I think he has a great basketball mind um you know the reports are going around now Dan Hurley is another candidate um but I think JJ does deserve a coaching job I don’t know if I would like it that one for him you know the Lakers job is a tough one man and people think you you you’re tough mental player kid coach whatever you like you know I could do anything I’ve been through the ring you know I can handle it I’ll be fine till you get in there that ring is a different type of ring and I’ve seen certain guys even the most toughest guy Russell Westbrook yeah there’s not a guy that I know in this league that is as tough mentally than him you know what I’m saying that carries that confidence chip on his shoulder night in night out don’t give a damn but who says anything and he went to LA and he just looked like a different person and I’m like damn those lights are different that organization those fans are different it can change you it can kind of break some people and it can make or break your career and as your first coaching job for JJ I’m like I don’t know if that’s the first one I want to get into you know what I’m saying but I think it’s I think it’s a good hire I think it’s dope obviously some conflicts with JJ and Brion having the podcast you know they’re not sure if you’re gonna get the respect in the locker room if Brian respects him everybody else should I think everybody else respects JJ even as a player he was a really good player he’s a great player and he’s so good at what he does media wise he’s you know people kind of forgetting how good he was as a player that’s how good he is as a as a media head uh but yeah I I think it’s a good I think he’s a good hire anywhere but I just for JJ I think it’s going to be tough and if I’m him I I don’t know if I want that to be my first one I don’t know what’s your thoughts on it if you have any other better candidates and who’s assistant coaches over there y have some good assistants over there like is there somebody you think would fit better in La I I think JJ would do a great job and I think you know with the report that him and Bri have like at the end of the day no coach in the NBA is successful without the backing of their best player like if their best player don’t back them that coach ain’t gonna be successful so I think with their report that they have I’d imagine that Brian you do a podcast with this man I’d imagine you respect them you respect this basketball mind you respect all those things so to your point if you know um you know if that’s the case then I I think that ultimately helps where I think the business of the NBA happens is like when you see people don’t understand the dynamic of having multiple stars like yeah and the dynamic of having multiple Stars can be different so there could be a dynamic where JJ um like Braun loves JJ and wants him as the coach Anthony Davis is a totally different start that may want something else I don’t know facts I’m just saying how the Dynamics could work because for me when I see Dan Hurley all of a sudden come out of nowhere like he’s their guy they’re reporting they’re flying him out the LA like just a day ago they were zeroing in on JJ re now yes these are reports but this is sh’s report like this ain’t Fox news or like yeah this is Shams repor and so you know when he reports when wge reports it holds water that’s that’s a different thing like that like they know what and so for that to come out one day and then the next day is like Dan Hurley to me like how does that change that fast right and I I just sit back and I’m like whoa maybe this happened because I do understand the dynamic of stars in the NBA for sure it’s interesting also because I feel like we came in at a similar time early on social media wasn’t as big when we first got into the league it grew and certain things that were reported did not affect how people coached how people traded GMS looked at things you can see now how the media is huge and it can get into locker rooms it can get into organizations I think when they put out the JJ thing they didn’t like the responses that they got and people were like what the hell is this serious I thought this was a joke or Y who’s going to respect it BR they probably saw a lot of Nega heat and was like are y’all not vetting anybody else is there no better candidates I like James bgo I had him in San Antonio JB good peoples everybody else that is really good has a job already or has been picked up so there’s not a lot of options I think this was I wouldn’t say like a cover up but it was something like all right we got to do we got to do some other research and see other options now does Dan take the job I don’t I don’t think he does I don’t think it makes sense for Le Ukon especially if he can get extended there for the same amount of money um and stay in Connecticut um cuz it’s said it’s a tough situation but you know who knows I I thought that you know maybe Kentucky would have threw some money at him when you know Cal left for Arkansas um but yeah he’s got the pick of L he’s in a really good situation and he can do whatever he wants to do I don’t know if he would take the Lakers job but I think this is just them kind of like seeing the response they got from the media and like all right we got to kind of see see what else is out there and see what the see what the response is from like Dan Hurley what do they think of that I’m sure people like oh this is a probably really good candidate because JJ even though he’s really great he’s never coached before you know what I’m saying like it’s like we kind of forget that you think that because how smart he is and how he knows the game how he talks it in media it’s like yo he’s really good but he’s really never coached before and said for him I wouldn’t want that that job for him having to manage that locker room with Egos and and and that nature I have a couple questions for you like what do you think outside of coaching what pieces do you think they need the Lakers yeah to like make because I thought they had great Foundation I thought it worked obviously they match up with Denver which is not the best match up for them but I feel like any other series they could win or beat teams but obviously they’re missing some pieces so you keep ad and Bron what moves they talking about Trey young they talk about Deonte Murray what do you think they should do or make put your GM hat on what do if you’re the Lakers what do you do coaching wise and players wise I think any young guard they can get would be like what will help that team because for for them if you got like a Trey young or dejonte Murray with the backing of Brun and 80 like that’s a totally different thing and that young guard is in point in Braun’s point guard school because Brun is a point guard like a point guard been a point guard his whole life like so not only um with with their skill you know and um you know whoever that young guard can be it don’t have to be Deonte or Trey that’s just the names you mentioned but like any young guard you have talent you have skill your dynamic in the way that these young guards are in the NBA and you get to go to Braun point guard school and you get to play with one of the best bigs in the NBA and Anthony Davis like you and I both know for a long time teams were built in the NBA on having a great guard and a great big and you fill everything else out in between then it start changing with like us but you’re starting to see that shift back again like that it’s starting to shift back to like it’s just a different big now it’s like a wmy chat type of big now um absolutely and so with that shift kind of happening like so now you say you got a great big in Anthony Davis and you get you got like a guard young guard that can go to LeBron James point guard school oh and by the way way you still got LeBron James who can get great at any moment don’t don’t got to be there all the time he’s in year 27 like but can can be great in the blink of an eye in any moment you need in between that like I think that’s I think that’s that’s dangerous for sure none of us would want to see that you know so I think um you know I think they you know it’s gonna be interesting to see what they do but I if I’m not mistaken get a young guard gotta get Young they got they got pieces they got stuff they can do um ultimately I think they need to start preparing for the future and that’s if Anthony Davis stays there they do need somebody to replace Braun instead of a guard that’s a young guard that could kind of do some of the similar things or give you that type of dynamic of the you know onew punch um so yeah they it’s gonna be interesting man it’s a tough job I’m glad I don’t have it being that GM um but I also have an incredible job though yeah yeah RP RP’s been doing his thing man big shout out to him but uh I do have one other question for me to take over your podcast I love it but for you guys man I think you guys are still a contender you keep the group that y’all have together what is it you think that y’all were missing this year obviously you had some ups and downs you being in and out some injuries what do you what changes do you think might need to make or what you think you need to do for y’all to get back to where y’all were for next year like um I think for us like it’s going to be very important for us us to Define who it is that we’re going to be like like we changing bro like like you said we getting older like we are not the same basketball team that we were in 2019 or even in 2022 for that matter like yeah it changes you know what I’m saying and and I think you know we’re adjusting to that change which is which is great like Steve I think Steve is doing an incredible job of where he’s becoming more open to like Jonathan kaminga having the ball more and like kaminga being in the pick and roll and like running some isos for kaminga whereas you know it takes some time to adjust to that when you’ve had the level of success that we’ve had doing what we’ve done like it takes some time to adjust to that and and it also takes you know everybody want to come in and do things right away and I think what kaminga end up learning and I commend him I commend the young fellow because he stuck with it is you come in and you’re looking at like a Jaylen green or one of those guys that’s in Houston or you know one of those places that you know they got in they got the ball right away let them groom just do whatever they wanted to do right and you look at that and you like man I I wanna you know I want to show what I can do and you don’t realize and like I said this is this is no knock on Jonathan kaminga that’s my young fell I love from to death and again I’m crediting him you don’t realize that a when I’m in a great situation respect is earned yeah B they’ve done things a certain way and it’s on me to show them that doing this where my way where I can be successful will work for them and they should do that and you know when I watched the young Fell’s growth is for a little while it was up and down because I don’t think he understood that and by the way how do you understand that without going through it and then I think it clicks for him let me do the things that I need to do to get on the court once I’m on the court I can then do a little more of what I know I’m capable of doing oh and by the way when I do that now all of a sudden Steve Kerr trust me and I scored 20 points in 17 18 straight games in a row because he trust me oh look how that works and so I think you know that has helped like young guys you know we got the young guys coming along in BP and Trace like I think as the year went on you started to see like man Trace is a live threat you know we went through the early part of the year without without necessarily having a live threat you know what I’m saying and me and L me and loon got a certain chemistry that’s great I love playing with Kavon Looney man you know but like with the league changing and getting bigger we ain’t that athletic together you started to see all right you know uh they start like separating me and Lon like all right I’m in the line up when I’m out loon’s in the lineup you know what I’m saying L’s in when I’m out the game loon in because you just start to see the leagues changing and so then all of a sudden incorporate that young live threat and that changes our offense it changes our defense and things start to change and so I think for us it is just important for us to shore up I always tell people and you know it championships are w six through 10 yeah and Champion championships are not one one through five and so it’s just on us to shore up and make the decisions of what does our six to1 look like you know what does our one to five look like does that mean Draymond you’re out of the star lineup and kaminga in although I think kaminga is a better three than necessarily a four right but like these are the decisions that we have to make and you know like you said I’m happy I ain’t got the job it’s all but in those situation I think he’ll make them I think Mike’s doing a great job uh it’ll be very important for us to try to get clay back you know what I’m saying like I think you know that’s huge what what what does clay do if clay decides not to come back then what does that look like for us right like are you swinging to try to get another big guy like what does that look so it’ll be weird man I just think there are some decisions that have to be made for us and I trust and know that our our front office and our coaching staff will make the right decisions but I think we still got a small window to make something happen and yeah you know I know this organization will honor Steph and myself and Clay I know they’ll honor Us in that way of giving us every chance they can to help us win yeah D Le’s done a great job man so is Steve I love what they’ve done I said it would be weird to see clay in another uniform I hope he doesn’t leave it would just be weird and as much as I [ __ ] hate y’all winning so much and competing against y’all it’s just weird to see a group like that special to have to break up because of you know some other things um but yeah end of the day ultim we talk about the young guys do I hope y’all keep your core you said fill it in with some pieces because if y’all just stay consistent and healthy y’all just had some in like y’all were definitely a playoff team it’s just getting back to the level of contention and if y’all are healthy I think y’all can compete with any like any given night like y’all can win a series or beat a team four games um just finding the right pieces and said a lot of the young guys don’t understand which I like so much in Derek Lively is you don’t have to do what Jaylen green does to show your value you know saying kaminga it’s like yo people you don’t have to do all those things people know how valuable you are you can still do the other since baby steps work your way in work your way up but just because you’re not you don’t have to do that and you can still make a lot of money because people can see that in you before you have to show it they can see you can grow into that and they eventually let you get there but you just had to kind of wait wait your turn wait your time but you can still be valued by doing what you’re you’re good at first and then kind of opening you know get stepping outside the box and then you know add some more things to the bag but yeah the value is not on you know let let me show what I can do let me show the world of the fans you don’t have to do that do it it’s only a couple guys they’re going to let do that it’s like 2% if that in the league it’s 1% of guys in the league is going to do that and you you can get there at some point you’ll get there but ultimately just win do what you’re supposed to do to feij of him you’ll show your value by doing that you’ll keep getting paid and getting years in the league and then you get to that level but that’s why I like Derek ly so much and a lot of guys on Dallas and I think they have a really good shot because guys know their roles very well and know it early and they’re not tripping about having to be that guy yet no we got a young guy like that also where like I think he actually made it very tough on our coaches this year because when he plays he plays well um Moses Moses plays he’s good man I like I like this I’m like this game I’m like yo shoot well compete defend you know but like as you know it’s a numbers and sometimes the numbers don’t fall your way but like you keep going back to this dude because you know every time he produced the numbers just don’t always fall your way and that’s like a young guy who like even with Moses right like you’re at that position in in young guys careers where like you have to make those decisions and I think making those decisions help because it’s like you know what Moses is our guy he in the lineup and when you start solidifying that stuff it really helps to growth and so you know Moses I love Moses that’s my young brother but no man that’s huge coaching staff backing you encouraging young players because you know young rookies are just that’s the big confidence is a making a breaking them in the league and you have the right coaching staff behind you the right group behind you right vets I think he’s in a good spot man so is Trace I think I think my young brother play with Trace at IU so I’ve been seen him play for a while but um they’re in a good spot man because you said I see a lot of young guys man and they have the potential to be so great they’re just in the wrong organization with no no vets and no one blames organization it’s always player so and I don’t want to point out any organization or players but it’s like it is some a lot of talent here he’s just not getting groomed the right way he’s not having the right vets around him he just don’t understand how to be a pro yet first and then be a basketball player and then grow into being a star it’s it’s a process man that’s a fact before we get out of here man I appreciate you coming on the show of course appreciate you have him who you got before the series I predicted Dallas in six um I’m still in stick with that if they don’t if they don’t get him in six and it goes to seven it’s going to be tough for them to beat Boston at home I just said Boston to me has been they’re really good they’re not as battle tested as they should be they they so they live and die by the three porzingis played well tonight I don’t know how said I don’t know if he can keep that up him being healthy I I wasn’t I wasn’t sure on his health and that was going to be a big part of how well they were going to succeed if he can stay healthy and keep doing what he’s doing they have a really good shot but if not I just don’t see said Al Horford had a really good game Hower had a good game Kai didn’t have a great game luuka settled in late and they cut it to eight and that showed me that’s the real part of the game where I’m like all right this is what the game is more like going to be like instead of the 20 30 point game and if it’s close I’m trusting more in Dallas’s closers than than Boston’s closers so I have Dallas in six but I think this is going to be a good one it’s it’s a toss up we just don’t know how the emotions of Kai being in Boston bro said game two going to see how he bounces back I expect and hope that he does but you just never know when you’re in that scenario I hope that for him I had saw some stat where it’s like he’s 0 and 10 and in games in Boston since either he stumped on lucky or since he left Boston or something like that and that now makes 0 for1 so I just want to see him get the monkey off his back because you you know all it takes is one one just one shot one win one basket you’re like yeah all right we good definitely want to see Kai get the monkey off his back um rooting for him but I appreciate you coming on the show brother of course brother I appreciate you having me absolutely and thank you to everybody for watching the show uh we’ll be back next Sunday game two do not miss Champs only there’s only room for Champions so make sure you tune in hit the Subscribe button so you don’t miss the show yo you can also catch my catch your boy um I’m doing some stuff with Odyssey inside the green room with Danny Green doing some stuff with ESPN too I’m going be on ESPN tomorrow I don’t think be NBA today but you know I’m a free I’m a freelance guy so I’ve been able to do stuff with Turner ESPN Yahoo it’s been cool man to see which networks if you get a chance to to to dabble in different ones you see which one more fit you but um I’m enjoying the process man but yeah inside the Green Room ding room you catch me covering some of the final stuff as well I love that by the way I just want you to know also inside the Green Room at so fire and I was so generic with just the Draymond Green didn’t come up with the name bro I can’t take credit for it okay the homie he was uh we grew up together we went to high school well not mutual friends but I’ve known him since high school and he threw the podcast at me and this is actually year six I’ve been doing it for six years and I was in San Antonio I know if you know much about San Antonio they don’t care for Media or they didn’t want to do they so I was very skeptical about doing this podcast I was like bro I don’t know if they gonna let me do this [ __ ] honestly and um I said I was going to do it and we got traded to Toronto and then I had the news they thought I had the inside scoop on Kawaii blew up you know what I’m saying we got a little studio in Toronto and from there it went it went off so it’s easy and Toronto they they did a great job organization to let me feel comfortable with it but the homie came up with the name I didn’t really wasn’t sure if I was going to do it I’m glad I did I got the Reps it’s allowed me to like get behind get you know build some type of resume on screen and learn ins and outs of media but yeah ultimately it’s a year six and I said the name is dope but I have to give credit to my my guy Harrison Sanford uh who came up with the name and AMJ Osman my producer he was my producer at the time so they they came up with it but it is it’s catch it’s a good one it’s a good one now that’s fire I would love to come on your show too bro if you bro come on now you know what time it is yes sir we got to get you on got to get you on so I appreciate you brother enjoy the finals man I’m sure you’ll be out probably have you fly out to Boston one of these days or Dallas I know you going be covering on the big screen on the panel I’m enjoy watching done you know I’m with Turner we done oh oh y done I’ll be right here I’ll be right here on the okay I man I was looking forward to you and Chuck and Shaq man Kenny go at it it’s funny as hell man I got to bring that show back they can’t it they can’t lose cannot lose the show the show is everything it’s very vital to the game of the sport the the NBA so we need that back absolutely that’s a wrap appreciate y’all peace e for

Danny Green joins Draymond Green for a Champs Only breakdown of Game 1 of the 2024 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and Dallas Mavericks. They discuss all aspects, including Luka Doncic’s performance, Kyrie Irving’s return to Boston, Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown rising to the moment, Kristaps Porzingis’s return, and more. They also discuss the rumors around Dan Hurley and JJ Redick for the Los Angeles Lakers’ coaching vacancy and the future of Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors.

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  1. Dallas literally had Brunson , Luka, and Porzingis, now they have Luka and Kyrie, I’ll take the before mentioned any day, Cs sweep 🧹

  2. This is where you gonna separate the idiots to knowledgeable most of the idiots overreacting to a game 1 blow out saying its a sweep dallas cant keep up with boston etc etc just wait for the chess match to start which will be on game onwards then youll see

  3. Acting like Boston played the game of their life and they are just lucky Kyrie was "off" LOL Boston has to clean up their turnovers, sloppy passing etc. Tatum will be better, as will D white and JB haha If the C's had been blown out tonight like that they would have dumped the garbage truck of hate and they would have been like "see that's what happens when you play a good team" blah blah….forget the fact that the Mavs haven't beat the Cs in 2 years and the last time they played Dallas lost by 28 with Luka and Kyrie AFTER the trades…but hey facts don't help their argument

  4. One team won and they making it seem like it's a bad thing and the other team will be better off.

  5. Boston only did what he supposed to do win at home so I am not impressed Dallas will take the championship in 6 games go Mavericks

  6. Ky had a bad game simply because of boston’s defense. Luka had a good scoring night but it was within the confines of what boston wanted him to give

  7. Now quick question wat happens after a possible game 2 blowout and boston does the same exact thing but this time jt snaps the hell out man come on saying this shit aint sustainable id utter damn nonsense these 2 are so damn clouded in there hate for boston they gonna cry when boston beats them dkown again

  8. How does the 2024 Boston Celtics offense compare to the 2018 Houston Rockets' offense, given that both teams relied heavily on three-point shooting?

  9. I love these bozos who picked the mavs in this series. There all worried now trying to make excuses for everything that happened. Lol. Ahhhhh……haaaaaa i love it! The hate is real yall. 3-0 against the mavs with two 20+ blowouts. They sta- sta stuttering is absolutely hilarious!!! Wait what guys your not starting to make any aense. You played there for sooo long they now thinking of what or why kyrie played soo bad. Danny said whrn u play somewhere soo long??? Yoo danny ill pretend u didn't say that. You know he now 0-10 against them. And kyrie only played for celtixs for acouple years. And he was hurt for 40% of it. Danny u talking and rambling way too much. Donkey lookin at em like "Braaaah wtf are u talkin bout"😂

  10. Ummmm ….am i only one listening to Danny Green Ramble bout nothin and more nothin! Huh?? Danny u just talked bout the mavs to how much your bills are all in one sentence 🤔

  11. By the way the lakers wanted to put the dan hurley thing out there soley to get headlines while the celtics are in the finals. Lakers be doing shhh like that. Remember lakers dont care bout real decisions they are in the entertainment business. Period. They xare more bout that shhh then really wanting a solid young coach to groom for the future. Nobody talking bout thwm trying rain on celtics parade while they are in the finals. Lakers are a hot mess!!! And i love it

  12. Danny Green's "go to move" is "act dumb while injuring star players that are more valuable both monetarily and for winning than he is"…

    But he's all over the place as an "analyst"…

  13. Bro! “they can’t sustain this for a 7 games series!”!! Ok bet!! I bet they can for 5 games tho!!

  14. 🤣 Com’on Danny bos isn’t battle tested? For many reasons u are wrong but can u tell me who on the mavs (playing) besides KY has playoff experience? Yea Dallas ran through a hurt/young/inexperienced west now their real test begin.🍀🏀💪

  15. 🤣 Com’on Danny bos isn’t battle tested? For many reasons u are wrong but can u tell me who on the mavs (playing) besides KY has playoff experience? Yea Dallas ran through a hurt/young/inexperienced west now their real test begin.🍀🏀💪

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