@Washington Wizards

June 8th: Wizards vs Deep Ones

June 8th: Wizards vs Deep Ones

good afternoon ladies and gentlemen welcome to Ocean State whiffle ball league where today’s teams are the uh in mouth deep ones versus the Wocket Wizards uh in division Rivals uh fighting for first place right now uh to get us started Aiden is going to interview the Wocket Wizards at the pitching mound ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages my name is Aiden Carol and I am the team advocate for the New England Minutemen but for today I’m going to be one of the commentators so today I’m here with the Wocket Wizards today guys you guys are fighting for first place in the division do you guys have any tactics or anything you’re working towards so you can get first place by the end of the day you just got to keep your eye on the ball your eye on the ball eye on the ball let the ball come to you swing I’m not going to look at the camera no so we’re going to go look at the ball swing at the ball if it’s there and if it’s not there you don’t swing it’s easy as that one two three get three wins and we’re number one baby of course get the good side yes get the good side anybody else want to say something before the game starts what do you got to say Kermit I’m just a frog somehow I got here I don’t know how I got here but um Miss Piggy told me she would love me even more oh all right uh doofy they getting your pregame workout have something like that I got nothing you got nothing all righty back to you Sean all right excellent so yeah that’s that’s the uh the Wizards um my deep ones we are a silent type so uh maybe we’ll do an interview after game one depending on how the outcome of that is but I’m going to be handing it over to Aiden uh to announce this game uh and uh here he is should can I get the line up for yeah that is so don’t play anything for Tom or do you want you what Wizard’s lineup how we doing ladies and gentlemen what’s going on guys we got any oh we got one view so far beautiful that’s what we like to say yes sir yes sir one just grabbing the Whiffle balls warming up we got doofy a first up at the plate warming up it’s a beautiful day outside 70° down on Cumberland Rhode Island at the field wait a couple more minutes until the game starts no one at the pitcher mound right now oh look at this view I just discovered that’s boring all righty just leave it right here for now until the game starts get more commentary in got to get everything set up one over there I should be the I’m not that no little interview we got the team huddling up getting ready for preparing what’s going on what they’re aiming for We Ready first up to bat we got the man himself sea rifle let’s see what he can bring to the table oh nice strike foul ball he’s talking about the Big League Chew watermelon I’m I’m more of a grape type of guy but everyone has their own preferences what are we calling that what do we call oh and he drops it but foul ball and again today is the battle for first place can the oh and that’s an out oh and just another strike doofy is going crazy so far never mind said that too soon one ball one strike oh good eye oh what a strike where just getting close to a Full Count what can doofy do oh yeah and we got a home run let’s go oh yeah that’s what we like to see craziness craziness and up next to bat we got the one and only Colin Carol oh and one strike thing with Colin is it’s only his second game so he still has a lot to learn first season so we’ll see what he can do this season you know but still at the start oh ball two right outside the frame too was actually a pretty nice throw o Full Count let’s see Colin what can you do brother oh and he got lucky only one out the commissioner himself sha rifle oh and one ball already we’ve seen a great season so far from Shawn as well oh oh I don’t know never mind we’ve seen a great season from him so far this season as well everyone’s really been playing good oh is that a home run is that a home run let’s go home run and still only one out yeah it like it was F one out three nothing that’s ball one seems like doofy slipping a little bit I don’t know ball two see the thing with doofy have noticed so far is the way he throws the ball you know one minutes oh never mind two one it’s always it’s always different it’s always maybe a 7525 or a 5050 grounder and that’s an out at first two outs up next we got my brother Colin Carol come on brother let’s see what you can do oh oh one seems like we have a fan on the field oh strike two now Colin has been practicing along with Blake Dexter and me outside oh man huh it is three nothing is now bottom yes sir yes sir oh boy oh boy is it a highway Mike up to bat we got Mega at first Colin at third and that is one ball from the commissioner yeah Sean’s a commissioner we could say that yeah yeah yeah oh and two balls no [ __ ] ooh three and0 might be slipping a little bit I don’t know did did he even get enough practice before I do not know 12 Innings well I don’t know he might be a little tired pitched 12 Innings last week and that is a walk Cory up to bat grounder to Third and he is safe doofy the smoker oh yeah all righty let’s see what can he do at the plate o and just outside let’s see oh and that’s still Sean’s really been slipping up I don’t know see I don’t know what’s I don’t know maybe it’s only the first inning we still got two games left to go two innings left o should have stayed in the way doofy says oh and finally a strike there he goes maybe he’s on on the right track could this be a Full Count coming up soon who knows let’s see oh and that is a walk bases are loaded no out got mark up to that one grounder could be an out or score at home let’s see what can he do oh finally getting the hang of it there we go still no outs though so even if he has to try to get two more people out to end the inning oh okay found Z he F he’s in the zone now he knows what he wants let’s see if he can continue this oh oh right outside all right and that’s ball four and just another oh first point on the board for the Wizards no outs who’s up the bat base is loaded no outs oh foul ball don’t go ay oh strike too I can say that I’m B too strike three F my fault wrong one oh shoot my fault oh one one up oh right outside oh all it takes is one more we can put two outs on the inning oh is that a pop oh and they drop it and that is one extra point for the wizards balls I mean I’m talking on to throw I wouldn’t want to throw go I alone hit oh right outside two and I walk slacking and only one out still it’s now two to three Wizards are finally starting to come back foul ball still Bases Loaded I don’t know I think it’s time to sub somebody in I don’t know I didn’t I’m I’m glad I don’t bet on with a ball games cuz if I did I’d be bankrupt right now oh finally Full Count let’s see what he can do here we going to get a walk or we going to get we going to get another point on the board or we going to get a strike out let’s see what he can do oh and that another oh man so we got mark up to bat again still Bas is loaded and the game is now tied three to three you know what it is what it is one and one now let’s see come on Sean man you got to do this brother come on Sean let’s get something going and that’s a ball another ball two and one now come on brother like I said I’m I’m glad I didn’t put any bets on this whiffle ball game but whiffle ball games in general I will be doing an interview after this o and right outside come on Sean it’s always at this predicament at the end he’s always in this predicament it’s either Full Count or a walk okay as I said Full Count and after this it’s majority of the time it’s a walk a this man has no luck no luck at all oh boy still only one out but you know what miracles happen you know maybe the Deep ones can’t come back then again it is only their first game but if they do lose this game then they’re going to remain second I believe for the people watching at home we’re sorry if you if you’re wearing deep ones merch you know sorry you have to go through this right now it’s a hard time for everyone obviously boy oh boy do I feel bad for you guys but you know I’m a minute man we’re in second two so you’ll see us next week as we take on the one and only Gaba ghouls we got Mike up to bat all right I’ll put it right there oh Str one ball one base is loaded Wizards are all up just because of getting walked yikes this is worson getting rejected oh that ball is gone adding Four Points to the game it is now eight 8 to three wow that that was hard to watch that that one was hard to watch we had to go in to another inning oh boy Jesus dear Lord oh not say I’m for a second that one hurt Cen that one hurt all right Sean let’s see if you can get something done here it’s time to come back oh and a foul ball and that’s a grounder and he’s going to be safe oh and now he’s going for second he’s going for second and now he’s going for 30 he’s going for 30 he’s going for 30 they missed they missed Sean going to home oh boy oh boy there we go starting the game off strong gee whiz wow this could be a comeback but let’s not jinx it now oh that was amazing I wish we could go back to that Replay that oh my Lord oh good eye good eye by Meg going up oh right at the top of the zone oh two and two this could either be a strike out a Full Count oh staying alive staying alive yeah there we go that’s what we like oh oh and he drops it oh you dropped it and now she’s going to second she’s going to Second Fair ball you you touched it fair we’re ruing we’re keeping that yes all righty up next to bat Colin Carroll oh St one oh ground ball run up run up no one there we go Colin that’s what we like to see yes sir yes sir oh boy let’s see what we can get out of Shawn now pop pop pop oh and he catches it smart move on Colin staying at first that could have been two outs right there one out we got Meg coming up to the bat one out let’s see now oh strike one oh ground ball ground ball Colin oh and they tag him out at third but we still got man on first man on second but that is now two outs unfortunately all right Colin let’s see you can revamp this let’s see let’s see the comeback let’s go now come on Colin hate to be that guy that’s my brother that’s family right there I’m sorry I’m sorry ladies and gentlemen ah strike one it’s all right brother it’s all right Colin ah man oh good eye good eye Colin oh a foul ball ah two and two we got three twos running oh good eye Full Count Colin you messed this up you’re sleeping in your you’re sleeping on the floor a a swing that was a check swing I believe man you know what it happens mistakes happen I was I was waiting for Sam’s call on that one oh man can’t IIT for you to call it it’s all good Colin it’s all good bro who’s up to bat car I can’t see that why I need my glasses ah oh we might have to pause the game we got a fan on the field oh ball one man oh ball too let’s really hope this isn’t like last inning we don’t want to end the inning want let’s end this Inning on a good note come on now Sean oh ground ball to First oh still marking hasn’t out see ladies and Gentlemen even the little things like that can play a big role in the game get out of the game doy up see what he can do and that is ball one even doofy he’s had a pretty good I feel like both of these teams are really good teams and as I said in the beginning it all comes down to who can oh one out I mean one strike sorry it all comes down to who really will be in first at the end of the series come on Sean let’s see what you got brother oh and just another ball ooh hit outside what a throw strike was nasty nasty oh oh strike three get out of town two two out score stays w g whiz down like a missile 59 and a half uh oh now he’s getting them now he is getting them let’s see what Sean got let’s see what you got my friend oh one and two oh two and two I almost said Full Count whoops would we call that a b if this was the uh major leagues the game was in play the game was in Play I See sorry oh Colin Carol with the catch and that’s the out what a game what an inning I should say sorry top of the third now still 84 Wizards that was a great catch on Colin cow’s part beautiful job you got you got fans you got fans we got Sean at the plate Now ladies and Gentlemen please keep in mind if the Deep ones cannot come back at the top of this inning the game will be over ooh ball one deep one’s got a lot to do if they can manage to score four more points they need at least four oh wow they need at least four points to keep the game alive two and one so hopefully they get walked alive they start tapping in and hitting some balls oh speak of the devil oh and he fumbles and that’s first at first safe at first beautiful beautiful wow girl that’s my girl that’s my girl Meg up to the play Oh another ground ball and he fumbles it once again and now we have a man at first and a man at second yes sir and no outs up next to bat got the man himself Colin Carol a again Colin’s been working hard but again we all continue to work hard me Blake Dexter and Colin Carol outside of the league oh strike two come on now Colin tap in lock in let’s go boy a strike three I don’t know I think me and Colin will be tied for the mostri breakouts in the league I’m not sure yeah right I think that’s I think that’s a Carol thing it’s a Carol thing it is a Carol thing ball one oh right outside of the Zone but in the front oh that was perfect two two and one 21 one out still four to eight oh oh and he touches it she’s going home a a wonderful back stop and that is one out oh two outs yes just an extra out my apologies oh man that was unfortunate that was indeed unfortunate still first player on first and second oh grounder ah man and that is the game ladies and gentlemen that is the game boy that is a game GE whiz telling you it’s a Carol thing man the off was no I was GNA say theer ladies and gentlemen my name is Aiden Carrol and today I here with well only two players of the wizards but you know what guys you guys played an awesome game you guys took the W meaning you guys will staying first you know what I mean so how does that feel right now right now it feels awesome I mean we still got two more games to go so anything can happen we got doofy throwing amazing pitch last game um you know low scoring games but very close but you know got the W so two more games to go all righty anything you want to say um The Muppets at home are lovingness um just want to let everyone know see you later miss biggie all righty well that’s it once again ladies and gentlemen my name is Aiden Carol and I am the team advocate for the New England Minutemen and I promise you one thing we will be returning to the Ocean State withle ball League World Series and that’s not a prediction no that is a spoiler hold on I kind of want toere myomo I want to get a quick clip that I’m GNA send to the group chat adj hold ladies and gentlemen my name is Aiden Carol and I am the team advocate for the reigning defending Undisputed Ocean State whiffle ball League World Series champions the ocean state the New England oh wait hold on let me retake that hold on hold on hold on take two take ladies and gentlemen my name is Aiden Carrol and I am the team advocate for the reigning defending Undisputed World Series champions of the ocean State the New England Minutemen and I promise you we will be returning to the Ocean State withle ball League World Series this year and that’s not a prediction that is a spoiler I’m glad I got tra that was Paul time he time ladies gentle Def e the e e e e e in I I screwed up on it I said the state minut I England ladies and gentlemen this is the second game of the series hope everybody is enjoying it everybody’s having fun watching this first up to bat we got Mike I’m ride Sean was fumbling last game let’s see what he can do this game oh and already strike one all right that’s what we like to see what we like to see it’s and that’s an out scar a little B not bad not bad at all oh strike one oh not the best pitch hitting the ground again last game can I my water please thank you oh foul ball two and one one and two oh sorry one and two yes refreshing water o two two I said two two he’s going up leg swings and all right listen it’s Full Count ladies and gentlemen they could come back from this could either be a walk or a strikeout we don’t know but let’s see what Sean he got in the tank oh that ball is is gone and that is a home run for the wizards one out right still one yeah one up one out it’s already one nothing o St one as I said when it’s always Full Count you never really know what’s to come come on Sean let’s see what you got kid I shouldn’t even be saying Kitty’s much much much older than I am I’m only playing great guy I love that guy oh no why is why is my thing and my oh strike three finally getting up there who one nothing and two outs o two and0 yikes again it’s whiffle ball you got to have fun but sometimes too it’s O foul ball I was saying it’s whle ball you got to have fun but sometimes it gets really competitive I know I’ve Had My Moments where I I’ve been really upset with the way the game’s turned out oh thank you excuse me N I turned my head I’m I’m good oh Full Count once again every time it’s Full Count sea is always a 50/50 it’s either a walk or R out actually no or a home run oh and unfortunately this time it was a walk huh ah yes Life is a Highway sometimes there’s traffic oh some ah as I was saying Life is a Highway sometimes there’s twist and turns in the road but yeah that’s that’s all I got to say about that for SC moment right there oh one two oh two two just 49 25 down the middle oh strike three finally dear Lord finish top of the inning off at one to nothing it is now bottom of the first Wizards lead the game one nothing lucky tap to the back too bad he doesn’t do it when he’s pitching though ball one yeah is a pretty windy day oh one and one a two and one now oh that’s a ground ball to second he fumbles it and that’s going to be a single not too bad not too bad up next next we got oh shoot sorry I messed up on the sound I apologize one only one oh strike two one and two now one and two oh foul tip staying alive staying alive oh that ball is gone let’s go two points on the board for the Deep ones Meg hitting a home run still no out oh I didn’t mean to sorry this thing is a pain up next got Colin Carol up to bat I’d call that a check swing but I don’t want to argue now oh he’s trying to bun is that bun Fair that’s a fair ball at first perfect that was a great bun that wasck talking about Sam did you guess the bunt was the way to go this thing’s this thing is a pain in the booty to get done this this tablet always giving me problems more problems than my mom gives me o I said tablet gives me more problems than my mom and that’s saying some ah strike one o one and two oh wow that is an out foul tip and hit in the strike zone oh ground ball and safe at first and second that was awesome maybe another bun could get him at base who knows a strict one one one out come on now Colin ah good eye good eye g o d e ye e good ey good ey oo good eye once again little high come on now oh three and one oh it hit wow my apologies count don’t mess up that goes up to both of you good ey load base is loaded guess who’s up the commiss so you better back up always a lucky tap on the back I said he’s always he always got that lucky tap on the back with the bat ground he fumbles it safe at 30 he’s running a and he’s out it’s an EXT that’s one out oh two outs all right gosh darn hold on so what’s the score now 3-1 oh 31 all righty 31 o than I don’t know know man oh oh sorry he’s safe he’s safe we call that oh yeah we calling that oh he was safe oh perfect perfect two outs maybe the Deep ones can come back after the last game little commotion going on ah strike one one good eye good eye on Colin’s part A come on now KH ey on that ball I don’t think announcers are allowed to man that’s the end of the inning but you know what it was a good inning for the Deep ones up four to one now is only now the top of the second top of the second 41 deep on yeah we got Cory up to bat now oh the commish might be coming back I don’t know yeah he’s getting loose now first game was a warmup not the best but oh ground ball oh damn he ate that door like it was a buffet those are the oh man that’s crazy it’s tough to it’s tough to get that momentum to stop oh strike one like I said I think the commissioner oh boy sorry this thing wasn’t there we go seems like the commission is finally starting to come back come on let’s see what he can do foul ball it’s actually really it’s starting to get nice out now I could do I don’t even know what I’m doing after this probably oh ground ball he misses ah safe at first safe F second I think Sean threw a leg out or something I don’t know no outs yeah mark up to B said man on first man on second no outs o just outside for one ball Man O mad low but just enough to call it a strike baby oh right on the outside 2 two oh right outside Full Count no outs man on first and second come on now let’s see what we can do oh ground ball base is loaded up next we got oh boy you noticed that again Full Count kamish is kind of slacking yeah we got Bases Loaded as you can see oh just outside he’s got the arm he’s got that he’s just he’s got the distance it’s just the angle you know sometimes he’s a little outside a little too much in oh strike one swinging at that okay I don’t know I need I need I need an allergy s anybody got anything oh Pop Pop catches it that is one out they got lucky still one out not the best throw I was supposed to cut Sean’s grass believe it or not but my oh that was a perfect strike um yeah I was supposed to cut Sean’s grass uh we’re going to have to work on that W bringing the heat like he’s in the kitchen oh go huh it’s still connected how’s his feet look oh yeah the camera’s on yeah could have just said that GE good ey yeah no camera’s perfect see everything let’s actually see let’s see how we can throw this couple fans near first base oh full Camp oh oh foul tip staying alive staying alive we got two sweaty players on the field perfect I’m in the shade I don’t got to worry about that line drive safe that’s one point though still base is loaded let’s see what he can do oh and that’s combo I’m so tired I want to go to bed might go out for dinner tonight any recommendations B two balls no strikes one out o b three gz and that’s a foul ball 3-1 letting everybody know I’m working on commentary right now oh and that is a walk oh GE w and that’s another point for the Wizards we got Mike Mark uh oh Mark I’m so bad with names dear Lord flies out here oh I hate these flies this been a pretty good game though it’s still Wizards are starting to come back oh strike two one and two now I can’t even turn my head man oh my like I said my neck’s killing me IR Drive Carol going up and he is safe and the game is now tied 4 to4 oh and still only and still only one out huh yeah exactly I see him walking up to the plate I’m hitting that song game is tied four to four base is loaded one out n that was just a cough oh right outside for a ball wanted I thought we going to ring him up and that’s an out saving the game Colin Carol good job kid I’m proud of you bud am I rushing you hey camera’s moving a little bit with the wind all right no this camera’s fine I’m talking about that camera no I know I was just switching it real quick to show the L landcape just trying to be nice two balls one fou damn that camera’s really got some motion on it as I say sea never has good look on Full Count well then I mean i’ would say it’s 5050 33 33 33 as I said it is now five to four two outs let’s see what he can do strike two strike two Falls toight oh just outside for one and two two and two oh my neck H three and two all right I don’t know is this going to be another point for the Wizards or will this be the end of an inning wow so that’s now an extra two points for the Wizards that’s seven points now oh seven yeah huh oh Colin Carol busted open on show your like to that camera get oh six oh my apologies yeah that’s what I’m saying for those who may not know Colin Carl’s leg is just busted open right now yeah all righty we have someone on the field trying to take the bucket oh and she’s gone we got babies crying I’d be crying if I was uh a deep ones fan too right now oh sorry sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to reset the count that ball is gone yes sir Ro girl oo and that is it that’s a walk Colin car over the plate that’s a pop oh but he catches it for one out oh Jee O strike one good and that ball is gone and now the game is tied yeah you got a homer in the first we got contr am I playing the music at the wrong time I have a feeling I am I’m just not doing it at the right time oh here we go I’ll play it again I already played it but hey I think that’s good luck that’s a ground of first and she is safe She is safe up next we got Colin Carol good ey good ey o oh I think that was a check two two come on now Colin don’t la don’t mess up doie oh sorry got to help the little brother out you know how it is we now have a man on First and a man on second out o two one out foul ball oh good eye safe all the way around beautiful base are loaded this software to play music on here stinks it’s so confusing Ah that’s a foul ball B aren’t loaded right two two one that’s one point that’s two points it is now 7 to9 deep one’s coming back O strike two come on Colin oh follow through collect the balls we’ll be right back ready to go baby dist all right we got two outs that’s my girl thist is such is it’s like he’s got fat fingers fing foul ball that is a foul oh going back to third B is are loaded now from now on I’m start play the toys oh strike strike one that’s one point scored that’s two point scored that’s a double it is now 711 top of the third now let’s see if Sean can close this game off oh just outside my Lord O oh my ears are killing me from these headphones these things get uncomfortable after a while oh two and two oh strike the that is one out top of the order oh strike one no wonder of these are hurting they’re on the wrong side oh hit oh on the outside beautiful let’s get more of those sea come on now oh right outside for Avery like I said every time it’s Full Count it’s always 33 33 33 a home run a walk or a base hit sorry yeah yeah home run Walker B hit no home run base hit and out there we go my fault I messed up I messed up leave the robot alone you’re leaving the Robot Man On First oh Avery what did I just tell you oh right on the outside oh my Lord and that’s out but he stays at first now two outs your head is your head is but like the score is like right in front of it strike three and one one Colin stop looking at the camera oh my God a that’s a walk all right you got two out oh wrong one oh shoot my bad that’s my girl oh shoot my my bad my bad which one is it oh Mar there you go here apologies ball one still two outs so man on first and second so unless they do have a chance to end it off but at the same time Wizards can come back we saw it last game oh one more strike and that’s it that ends the game too soon shoot I three oh and that is the game ladies and gentlemen huh and 11 to7 is the final you I’d beine come we got that a I know right LJ usually the for your feel spe the worry the dog go get it going there you go that was ni One now you got to go pick them all up that p game go no no e for e that’s all you hear oh it’s it’s not even that bad yeah I thought it was going to be like PlayStation was no wonder why we got no followers right yeah e e went to the beach work uh like I got up and I was like like I’m and then like I didn’t want to come in once I woke up and saw your text it was a lot oh cool so it’s just like like the whole Tru down I mean can’t be either that I didn’t come ladies and gentlemen this is the third game of the series we are ready to play ball oh shoot sorry not yet sorry oh all right now we’re playing ball my AP my apologies home run first pitch G wz bro oh and she’s ding for B one caught that that is now one out that is a walk wait was that an out and B one ball two the wind is really a expecting these pitches that is a walk bases are loaded ball one oh man I am so tired ladies and gentlemen I just want to go home close my eyes maybe have a beer who knows I’m only kidding I’m 19 I can’t do that ball four base is still loaded next we got my little sister my little brother Colin Carol and ball one all already three points on the board ball one and that’s an out two outs that’s the end of the oh sorry that’s not the end of the my apologies oh strike one what’s the score oh boy it’s Wy no ghost Runner but with all these balls being thrown we might have to get another one that is a walk and now bases are loaded load one oh oh oh he is not happy he is not happy throw in the bucket yikes someone’s got an attitude today one no stri my apologies ladies and gentlemen o b just another point on the board B is loaded five nothing all because of walks and a home run ball two GE Lord I know I’ve gotten a lot of walks this season but ye just another Point that’s going to have to be end we are now progressing to the bottom of the first inning it is now bottom of the first hold on let me get to the uh we got Goldilocks at the mound oh see I wouldn’t really say Goldilocks one and one one and one oh two one oh two and two two two I said it’s all always like this once it gets to full Full Count it’s it’s either score walk or out and we are getting a walk seems like we’re getting the walk for no and that is ball one ball two my ball three foul ball staying alive oh rounder save on first and second boy oh boy in Wendy ball Uno two and0 oh what a strike lately my jam my jam has been uh wish you well by Isaiah creates beautiful song fortunately that is a walk Bas is loaded but uh Isaiah creates his his new song wish you well beautiful song love it love it to death he killed it on that song same with not the one I love not the one I’d make a music video to that if I had the chance Wendy out Dear Lord two one oh three in one my apologies got a couple little kids over here getting excited for the game o and that is a walk giving the wizards one point give everybody a quick sample of Isaiah creates new song Love It go around the springtime this time I have my stuff sorted out everything F fine all of myself beautiful song Everybody Go make make sure to go stream that at uh iTunes isah creates we got Colin gamer playing um sorry Colin Carol not Colin gamer 21 sorry got Colin Carol oh playing between first and second got eating gaming on the mic right here my name’s used to go by Aiden gaming a20 gang yes represent an a20 Colin oh for oh ground ball he dropped it he’s safe and that’s another point for the Wizards you looking at want to see an old guy fall too no no Jimmy one wrong back wrong back might and that ball is saved he’s going she’s going home and she drops it oh and now he’s going to third he’s going to Second oh wow wow RBI that’s so many win two and one one out three and one and that is a walk bases are loaded oh just third no points have been scored so far still 36 I I don’t know I just got the clicker Sam’s got this oh I’m sorry my thing everything’s all lagging on huh six to three oh deep B your Teo where’s my bed and lineup sheet at who’s this up here I forget the names all of them unless I have the list so who’s that up there trying to finder I don’t know what just happened one out right one and one just added more wind that’s one and two Nows two STK two and two and that is the end of the inning is now the top of the second that was nasty was nasty oh Scout I forgot half your name got no I don’t got no pencil for oh thank you B there here we go with a bit all righty let’s see what the man himself can do yeah BP B three and that is a walk no clue thank you oh never mind too soon Brooklyn give the binoculars back pop oh still one and two no round ball oh and he misses he misses he’s going home he’s going home he’s going home and he’s going to third safe it’s another point oh strike hey if anybody’s watching let’s get some fans in here to the we got five watching get some comments in here let’s get the energy flowing get the energy flowing we got mass destruction let’s go doofy bring that Wicked whiffle ball heat yeah he’s been he’s been doing pretty good he’s been doing pretty good ah strike three don’t play with the cord tell them not to play with that cord got Sean up the bat foul ball two all mass destruction says he told Connor Thursday I’m thinking about entering the draft next year told me I should yeah man we love people joining the team it’s our second year running the ocean state whiffle ball league if you want to do it go for it something fun hold on one second save all the way around it’s a fun thing to do really is B loaded I sayle everybody looks at me only what do you mean there’s a rifle oo right outside oh so when we get home Full Count three two what you going to do walk right outside as I said and that is now 8 to four bases loaded and still only one out you’re in your own Zone uh he says she’s on the the loose cannons in that League oh okay cool bro good for you man sick sweet oh right outside any loaded whatever’s easier two and one ball three three and0 see what he can do let’s see what doofy can do and that’s another point for the Deep ones bases are still loaded you’re already TI we got the rifle locked and loaded coming up to home plate oo home run yeah out yeah know my problem is I have to pitch it over here now for the wind to blow it over here yeah we got doofy up to bat all loading the pitch oh oh strike tail all righty oh foul ball stay at two and two Brown ball the first holding it and that’s should be it for doofy Mark up the bat good eye he looked like he was going to swing and he didn’t so foul ball that’s fair safe at first and second we got Kermit the Frog up to bat strike one oh ball on one and two two two two and two no oh that’s a strike three got Cory up to bat split oh strike one let’s check the comments let’s see who’s in the chat oh ball to once again I’d love to shout out my cousin Isaiah create new song you tell me that you to go Awesome song Go all right three and one Awesome song where make sure to go check that out on iTunes Spotify YouTube actually performed by Steve Lacy oh B is loaded but yes he he performed with Steve Lacy Hot Shot I’d say you got one up good awesome get closer to 40 that’s the pot and Carol catches it two outs but everyone’s still on base strike two one and two two and two oh that’s one point scored for the Wizards uhoh we got trash talk on the field yes the original field is under construction until next year I’m not sure where it’s at but that’s all I know for now o ball two Sean is lacking that wasn’t me oh almost hit a fan one stri unless the Wizards can come back at this game o Ball Four the Wizards can manage to come back then who knows maybe it’ll be uh oh we got a fan on the field is that a trip to the we got a fan rushing the field big seems like we got a a fan big fan of the commissioner himself we got security we got this uh taken care of secur took the off the field yes sir uhoh oh just outside do the twist two balls o ground ball oh and he misses oh and now we have another person going to home that is two points for the Wizards oh boy don’t know oh my fault I forgot to play music I think that’s oh boy that is a home run one two three it is now 11-13 it is nearly tied now we got a game going wow my Lord that is a game now top of the third we got a game going we do have a game oh I apologize for the early walk up song that’s my no she I’ll I for one that’s G yeah it’s gone cheap shot but it’s gone and that ball is gone oh wait a St right strike too two oh strike three that’s an out first out of the inning oh foul tip a that is another home run that is 15-1 if they can keep this up they might win the game got me up to B oh and he fumbles try though out Sam Sam strike swing I see that was a check swing I I call that a ball swing that was a ball that was a that was a check swing that was a check swing Che was a I thought it was a check swing and then I had so I said come on get in my go three and two Full Count now and that’s a walk she thought she was slick oh strike one ball baby oh ball one one ball two stes out round ball he misses oh he’s safe he is safe what are you doing you oh my Lord oh my God that was a catastrophe yes we got two out two out two out out out a second that was ug and that’s now it is now bottom of the third let’s see it if the Wizards can come back what are they chasing what theore chask I’m bad with names bro I down for while I know but I could foul ball and that’s a strike man oh and home run home run definitely carried over the fence this could be you know don’t call it a comeback but who knows uh who’s this Mike foul ball so close but so far strike one you know the Wizards probably do have their rally caps on and two I don’t know what they got on man but oh it’s up it’s up it’s up and it’s out one out now the Wizards captains up Cory let’s see if he can get another home run one do watch wrestling right or no yeah should see my promo iut you hear about the I Quit match yeah it’s such an obvious yeah I did a hold Paul hyon speech if you want you can mute that strike strike two I watch one three one three in one’s account and it’s a nice B hit left the main wizard himself doofy is up man on third ghost r on third no no oh f ball you got a piece of that one I went the wrong way the whiff all the way downt trying to move a little closer to it so we can pick it up cuz those things are sensitive that’s why one and two one two count here he goes and two and two two and two no they’ve been pretty good it’s been definitely a good series today I will admit yeah and that’s definitely gone another run for doofy they’re only two points away wow the runs are coming back 14 to 16 I can definitely smell a good comeback don’t call it a comeback we’ve been here for this oh line drive I mean ground ball to First safe safe runs on first no why is it giving me problems allor right it’s the thing’s giving me problems who’s up Mike oh ball one tyan run is at the plate oh ball to oh ball three just miss fo ball three I know man it’s bad finally a strike there we go now we’re getting something going strike two right down the middle too full count a four now the tiing run is on first at the all one strike one baby he really wanted that one two one if you wanted to go golfing that could have been the perfect one for you that’s what I’m ground ball ground ball ball tag second his not the ball with that’s it out you can’t tag with that uhoh there’s a dispute on the field right now oh boy uhoh uhoh and we have no reviews either ml it has to be your the uh did that oh hey so did that run count so it’s 1516 WS are within one now tying tying runs on first winning runs up at the plate and it’s doofy for ball one ball two ball two now keep in mind if if he oh if he’s out the Deep ones will win cuz it’s two out right now yeah two out oh strike two dude the pressure is up press is on the pressure is on yes sir let’s see what he can do Full Count Full Count gave him Sweet Chin Music by God G now we’re on a ball break seems like it got a full count and two outs and ball four tyan runs on second base and winning runs on first and the big Mary mocks up he catch oh and he fumbles he fumbles and he that’s out that’s out that’s the game game over that is the game ladies and gentlemen ir and that is the game deep on definitely stole that one all righty I think it’s time for an immediate post game interview I see that excuse me where my deep ones at Colin you want my deep one my deep ones we need a postgame interview postgame interview if you want let’s get the commissioner in am I in the frame am I in the frame I’m back here col you want to be in this too you got oh let’s wait for her you guys you guys may have lost the first game but you guys managed to come back two games in a row now that last inning right there you guys were you guys you guys could have gone that that could have been it for you guys and you guys could have went ended the series one and two so tell me what’s going through your mind right now after getting that win I’m just happy we took two out of three Sean’s the MVP of that last inning what Sean said Sean said perfect now although you guys may still be second in the league you guys are still second division in the division yes all righty well go celebrate have fun spray your champagne Disney going to Disney all righty that’s what we like to he for

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