@Golden State Warriors

The 2004 Pistons Vs The 2017 Warriors: Let’s Settle This…

The 2004 Pistons Vs The 2017 Warriors: Let’s Settle This…

y’all lost to the Pistons in ‘ 04 and by the way they’re my big Bros I love them I respect them but like they scored 70 points a game we would have mopped them you would have mopped them too they scored 70 points let me see would the 2017 Warriors beat the 2004 piston y was barely winning we got we have a we have an NBA record that will never be broken what’s that when we kept I think it was either six or 17 teams under 70 points in this in this scoring era yeah that never get broke that will never get broken again we were defense we hung our hat on defense we would have beat the out of them and I’m going to address that because Draymond said this bull killed you you crazy as can’t guard Draymond Green he said this the other day on him and podcast we would have beat the out of them because for the simple fact they couldn’t match up with us at any position all right so today’s video is not something that’s breaking news or even something that many people would think warrants a video this just a fun topic of debate and something that I think is worth talking about and something that I really wanted to give my two cents on so Draymond Green and Rasheed Wallace two guys who are known for getting lots of technical fouls albeit being incredible players as well have been having this beef about which team would win the 2017 Golden State Warriors or the 2004 Detroit Pistons just a quick recap on these two teams the 2017 Golden State Warriors famously signed Kevin Durant in the prior off season and then storm through the regular season and especially storm through the playoffs as they went 16-1 in those playoffs now on the other hand you have the 2004 Detroit Pistons who was a very defensively minded team to put a lightly a more accurate assessment of them is probably that they were the greatest offensive team of all time or at the very least they were in that conversation as they were regularly holding teams under 70 points and famously they put the clamps on the 2004 Los Angeles Lakers who had Shaq Kobe Carl Malone and Gary Payton people act like that team wasn’t a championship Lakers team but the reality is they were on their way until they ran into that wall that was Detroit now you saw Rasheed Wallace’s original take at the beginning of this video Draymond Green actually responded to that on Twitter SLX whatever you want to call it and he tweeted this Sheed we would have smacked y’all y’all was scoring 72 points per game that’s not winning a half just to interject real quick that is Major cap and we’ll get into that and we putting you on them big ass forces in every pick and roll let’s see how you move your feet that one ring was great though big bro we all appreciated it so obviously some great shade thrown in response so here’s the thing you’re talking about two totally different teams from two totally different eras I will say the most frustrating part of this entire debate between Rasheed Wallace and Draymond Green is not one time did anyone bring up pace Rasheed Wallace did bring up the physicality of the 2004 playoffs in comparison to 2017 but let’s be honest nothing affects the score of the game more than the pace of play you could talk about physicality defense three-point shots in different eras the reality is if the game is at a snails pace it is going to dramatically affect the score of the game and that was the case for the 2004 Pistons throughout the regular season the 2017 Warriors actually averaged about 13 more possessions per game than the 2004 Pistons but what’s even crazier is that the Warriors actually picked up the pace in their playoff season while things slowed down for the 2004 Pistons again if the Warriors are getting 14 to 15 less opportunities to score on every single night then of course scores are going to be dramatically affected regardless golden state is going to be nearly impossible to put the clamps on for just about any team but these 04 Pistons were not just any other team I actually think they matched up with golden state quite well chony Bops was their starting point guard he’s going to be guarding Steph Curry and chony BBs was a two-time all Defender it’s not a bad matchup Richard Hamilton has a high IQ and he’s good at coming off screens he’ll be a good candidate to guard Klay Thompson I’m not saying they’re shutting these guys down I’m just saying that they’ll do a decent job and then a small forward for Golden State you have Kevin Durant and again there’s nobody that can stop Kevin Durant regularly but I will say when you’re looking at the vast history of NBA defensive players and especially Wing Defenders one of the guys who stands out as a good candidate to contain Durant is actually taan Prince he’s 6’ 9 in tall with an incredibly long wingspan and he was one of the best defensive players of his era very few players can match Durant with his length and taan is one of the guys who actually can then you have Rasheed and Draymond guarding each other on the court and I think we all can admit that would be highly entertaining especially when you bring their Antics and attitude into the equation and then at Center you’re going to have zasa patulia and Ben Wallace and especially when it comes to the boards and the defensive play Ben Wallace is going to be eating him for lunch again Warriors are threats all over the court they have incredible scores they have incredible Shooters you’re not just going to clamp These Guys across the board so trust me I’m not saying that I’m just saying Detroit’s one of the teams that actually might be well suited to defend them especially when you consider how they’re arguably the greatest defense defensive team of all time draymond’s tweet said they were scoring 72 points per game and that’s not true sure there were some games where they scored 72 points but they were actually averaging 87 in the playoffs and again that’s still not much by today’s modern standards but when you look at less three-point shots and about 15 less possessions per game it starts to make sense now the one thing about the Pistons is they don’t really have that advantage on the offensive end that’s why the 2001 Lakers always seem like the ideal matchup for the 2017 Warriors because we all know Zaza pachulia wouldn’t stand a chance against a prime sha Sha’s easily getting 40 points and 20 rebounds on every night because Ben Wallace is such a limited offensive player they don’t really have that Advantage so I think the most difficult part for Detroit is not slowing down the Warriors offense but it’s just keeping up with their offense with their own now I got to say these guys are both very biased to the teams they played for and that’s rather obvious you expect that but neither guy is giving the other team enough respect I always think it’s funny when old heads act like they would mop these great modern teams when they didn’t even mop the entire competition they were up against that year the4 Pistons are a great example of that for goodness sake they went to seven games in the Eastern Conference semifinals that year against the New Jersey Nets and again as much as I love Jason kid Kenyan Martin and Richard Jefferson they’re not the 2017 Golden State Warriors that series was up for grabs all the way up to the final game and now you’re trying to tell me that you’re going to handle the Warriors in say four or five games that’s insane it’s the same thing whenever Kevin Garnett or any of the 08 Celtics go on about how they would just sweep through other all-time great teams like in your own playoff series in 2008 you went to seven games with the Joe Johnson L Atlanta Hawks and then to seven games with the Cleveland Cavaliers who just had LeBron and a bunch of guys who weren’t nearly on his level so again in order to earn that level of respect in order to get into this conversation where you could just say oh our team would just sweep that other team we’d them in four or five games you got to at least have handled your own competition in that era to that extent otherwise you just look ridiculous and in this case rashed Wallace does look that ridiculous ultimately in a hypothetical series like this I think the Warriors win in about six games I’m just saying that I think Detroit could do a better job containing them than they’re given credit for especially when you understand the context of the pace of play and how the game was played the problem and where golden state is really going to take advantage is the Pistons don’t have any major offensive advantages if they were stronger at the center position then yeah they could take advantage of Zaza that’s where other great teams like the 94 Rockets the 2001 Lakers the 1983 pH Philadelphia 76ers or other teams like that would have a major advantage cuz they have those all-time great bigs to take advantage of that matchup and Detroit doesn’t bolster that personally this is just two highly emotional guys who are very emotionally attached to their teams and therefore really biased making some ridiculous points and not giving each other enough respect but to be real with you I do think it would be a great series and I wish I could see it let me know what you guys think in the comments section below I’m may do more videos like this every once in a while when there’s just something in the news or some guys are beefing and I just want to react to it and get my thoughts out there because a lot of the time there’s a lot that isn’t being said that needs to be pointed out also if you’re waiting for the Ultimate Team Series to get it simulation video we are working on that if you haven’t checked out the Ultimate Team video I’ll have a link in the Pinn comment so please check that one out but I promise you it’s coming just getting the rosters ready is going to be a lot of work and I probably won’t post until the NBA finals are done that way more people will be looking and hungry for basketball entertainment so let me know in the comments who would win this series and how many games would it take I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below thanks for watching as always make sure to like And subscribe for more basketball content and I’ll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]

My thoughts on the war of words between Draymond Green and Rasheed Wallace… Who would win in a 7 game series, the 2004 Detroit Pistons or the 2017 Golden State Warriors?? In this video, I do my best to answer that.


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The game of Basketball has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I grew up as a kid watching my dad’s recorded VHS tapes of playoff games through the 70s and 80s, and collected all the Basketball cards. Something about the game and what it represents just hooked me from a very young age.
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Intro Music: Turn On – RW Smith​​​​​​​​​​


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  1. pace, spacing, and transition defense is the problem for Detroit. Given the ball movement and offensive schemes, it won't matter that the 1v1 matchups are good, open shots are going to be generated by GSW. Meanwhile, a mere decent defense by GSW will generate a ton of transition offense, where the '04 pistons ranked 23rd in the league in opponent fast break points.

  2. Excellent breakdown. I will add that I think RIP and Curry would check each other as well as Klay and Chauncey would check each other.
    That Pistons were a very unselfish team and offensively took advantage of the best match each night. In this series the pistons would have 3 favorable match ups were the warriors only have 2. Nobody on the Pistons can guard Curry or Durant. And whoever Curry, Durant, and ZaZa are guarding is a very favorable match up for the Pistons.
    The Pistons had the better deeper bench with veteran guys.

    The way the Pistons played defense was straight man to man with no help except Ben could freelance. So Curry and Durant would get their buckets but the other guys would be locked down. So I have the Pistons in 6.

  3. It depends on the era cause we seen how Durant and curry don't play as well when they go against the best defenses like Durant vs the 22 Celtics and curry vs 16 cavs pistons 1-4 can shoot the 3

  4. Underrated x-factor for Pistons just like in 04: Lindsey Hunter. He and 6'9 Tayshaun Prince with the freakishly long suffocating wingspan are 2 of the greatest perimeter defenders in history who locked down Kobe in the 04 Finals, and Prince locked down Tracy Mcgrady in 03 after the Pistons got down 3-1 and is perfect for KD (Tracy 2,0). However, the 2 Pistons defenders couldn't be more different.

    Hunter is like a lightning quick, rugged, strong NFL RB who is the one guy who can get in Steph's grill 94 feet for 15-20 minutes a game like he's never experienced and physically wear him down. Whenever an opponent's offence got in a flow Larry Brown would throw Hunter in with fresh legs and it would throw a wrench into the machine. Hell, Matthew Dellavedova gave Curry problems with his Rugby athleticism and build before he was hospitalized with exhaustion because he wasn't used to playing half the minutes and expending energy guarding a generational player like Curry over multiple games.

    Pistons D Matches up perfectly:

    1. Prince has Durant and will smother him like he did to Mcgrady in 03 and Kobe in 04.

    2. Rip can chase down Klay better than anyone because he does the same thing on offence and never gets tired.

    3. Chauncey, who also has the build of an NFL player, will be a much better (2nd Team All Defense multiple times) version of Dellavedova on Steph before Hunter checks in. Then Steph really has to work.

    4. Sheed guards Draymond who will have no problem sticking with one of the least athletic players in the NBA. It's Draymond's Jokic like IQ that's the wild card. Yet if that's a problem the Pistons can switch one of the most athletic, strongest and possibly GOAT defender in Ben Wallace.

    5. Ben Wallace can start on Iggy

    And Pistons shoot 3s too. Chauncey and Sheed can from very deep with Prince able to stroke it from the logo like it's a walk in the park, just watch his five threes in a row to start the game against North Carolina when playing for Kentucky. Future 7'0 All Star Mehmet Okur is a great 3-point shooter off the bench.

  5. Lol, I love the 90's-2000's nba era better but lets be real, the warriors would mop them. Im sorry, this is one of the few instances where I side with the new era. Sheed woulda worked draymond though

  6. That Lakers team was super old except shaq and kobe Malone and Gary Payton were way i mean way past their prime and it showed but they were still serviceable and did what was needed of them

  7. ​@slee2695 This the kinda ish I be talkin bout Kyrie busted Klay ass @6'3 RIP is 6'7 I give GS the Advantage but Detroit with all the pieces they had that Jonny didn't name plus Larry Brown as the Coach he's top 5 ever prob top two with the clipboard i.e. Xs and Os Steve can't match the OG…

  8. My only comment is you are not giving enough credit to Ben Wallace prime Ben Wallace playing center, and not having the score any points, and barely having to defend the other center

    He would wreck havoc

    And as far as I’m concerned, every other matchup you have it’s a tossup

    If they’re allowed to put their hands on the Warriors, like the 2004 rules and like they were calling the last two round of the playoffs this year

    I’ll take the Pistons in 7

    And also nobody is mentioning the fact that Larry Brown was the coach of the Pistons and Larry Brown one in every way you possibly could in every different type of lead, you can imagine

    I’ll take him over Steve Kerr

  9. This is not a debate, the 2017 warriors are the best team ever. Not only they are a million times better offensively, they are also exelent in defence. In a 7 game series it ends warriors in 5

  10. What perimeter defense did Detroit have? That's where GS beats you, on the outside. Ben will get you if you wanna go inside, maybe Sheed too. But GS' strategy is from the outside. Durant, Klay, of course SC all had/have outside game; while Detroit dared you to come within 10-15 feet of the basket.

    He is 6.6ft who cant guard SHEED who could shoot and post up and was 6.10ft.
    B.WALLACE could move his feet and was a great defender..he would prevent drives to the basket and make GSW just a shooting team.
    SO now its all about if they are having a good shooting night or not…

  12. Warriors in 5. Now the older pistons that's whole other topic wow
    Zeke> Curry
    Klay > Joe D
    Kd> Mark aguirre
    Rodman > Draymond
    Laimbeer > Zaza

    Chuck daly vs Steve kerr

  13. Hey Jonny, you forgot one small thing, these same 2017 Warriors were getting SMKOED by a team who played a very similar style. I give you the 2017 Spurs! They were beating this same team by 23 at home before the Zaza incident with Kawhi. This same Pistons team had better defensive players and a very similar offensive system. The X factor? Coaching! Larry Brown(Popovich’s mentor) would coach circles around Kerr. Oh, and don’t forget the unsung hero of any great team, the bench! The Pistons with Okur, Williamson, Hunter and James was far better than the Dubs’ bench due to the acquisition of KD. Dubs were terrible in their defense of the midrange/post offense due to defensive scheme and lack of size. Detroit would search for Curry being he was the weak link of the Dubs’ defense and exploit it. And finally, who would you take in a clutch situation? A team who valued every possession and have a true closer in Chauncey(Rip is a closer second) or a team who’s core was responsible for the greatest collapse in NBA History. Easy win for the Pistons, 4-1

  14. Warriors spacing tho… their ball movement is incredible, warriors could sub in a shooter at the 5, Ben Wallace gotta run around the three point line, the paint is wide open. Warriors in 5

  15. I think it would close actuall . Prince would guard Durant , Chauncey on Steph, Hamilton on klay , Wallace on Draymond ,iggy vs sheed

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