@Los Angeles Lakers

[Zagoria] Sources: No team meeting yet today at @UConnMBB and it may not come until Monday

[Zagoria] Sources: No team meeting yet today at @UConnMBB and it may not come until Monday

by Elijahc513


  1. SolarBeam12

    Yeah I don’t think he made a decision yet. I get people can get annoyed at all this but it’s understandable. Probably the hardest decision of his life.

  2. WestVirginiaFan15


  3. He’s taking the offer Uconn gave him to be the 3rd highest paid coach at the college level. If he was taking the Lakers job, it would be known by now.

  4. nottherealstanlee

    Lmao no news is good news. Anyone else Dodger fans too? Reminds me of a few months ago with Yama and Shohei. To me the best and most obvious decision is the Lakers. The pros vastly outweigh the potential cons. But we’re gonna suffer a bit to get there. 

  5. claydavisismyhero

    This is Kawhi all over again. Lakers got played

  6. Magicman1932

    If he has to think about it he doesn’t have what it takes to be a laker

  7. runninthruthe818

    Some of the doomers in this subreddit are insufferable man.

  8. Ok_Board9845

    Why do we have to be edged every single time something like this happens

  9. yeeeeeeboy

    Reports there’s a team meeting today then reports there may not be one today. Useless

  10. Eric_T_Meraki

    Celts better lose today lol.

    Still waiting until Monday while also leaving his players and staff in a level of uncertainty isn’t really the best way of doing things especially with ESPN being headquartered down the street. I still think we find out by end of Sunday.

  11. Odd-Direction9452

    The meeting was originally reported to be Monday. Idk when or why it changed to Sunday

  12. EverybodyBuddy

    He’s holding out for official counteroffer from UConn. UConn has to meet with its board, etc. This is my theory.

  13. Usually a college coach will not want to keep his team and recruits wondering too long, because it’s not good for morale etc. so I’m hopeful this is a good sign he’s coming, since he hasn’t shot us down yet.

  14. DogeFuckingValue69

    Announcing on Monday is better for the Finals. Dan is loving all this attention. He is Hollywood. Once news break, it will dominate the news cycle all week long.

  15. juicewar01

    Monday at 4am probably


  16. this whole thing was hurley and woj using lakers for leverage for his new college contract

  17. Exciting_Attitude240

    Don’t they have practice on Monday?

  18. PhantomPain85


    All of us today

  19. EconomistEfficient31

    Rob & Jeanie probably cracked a cringe joke which may have impacted his decision 😭

  20. sonofsmog

    He should consider the trashing he will get on /r/Lakers if he fails to win a Chip, and then take a bag anyhow.

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