@Atlanta Hawks

NBA Draft 2024: Atlanta Hawks, Zaccharie Risacher, Ron Holland, Number One Pick Looming (Part 1)

NBA Draft 2024: Atlanta Hawks, Zaccharie Risacher, Ron Holland, Number One Pick Looming (Part 1)

on today’s show we are diving back into the NBA draft with ston Hansen this is part one of two and it’s coming to you right now you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Hello friends welcome to episode 1734 of blon hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you on a Sunday here in early to mid June and today’s podcast is brought by the folks at LinkedIn jobs help def find the most qualified candid you want to talk to and they help you to do it much faster post your job for free at lockon MBA terms and conditions apply also want to encourage you top the podcast as I always do to make us your first listen each and every day here at lockon Hawks check us out and subscribe to the show on YouTube on the video side and we’re also on Apple podcast Spotify overcast Etc and definitely appreciate everybody listening to the show today as always we are back with some more NBA draft talk myself and stone Hansen joining the podcast from the upside swings podcast this is part one of two so if you want to stick around for part two I definitely encourage you to do so it should be available in your St podcast feed right now after this show is over we dive in all kind of stuff on number one overall pick at the end of part two we get into some of Stone’s favorite players in this class etc etc we have more to come later on this week too some more draft stuff some more Hawks Stuff Etc it’s all coming to you it’s busy busy time right now around the Hawks about two and a half weeks until the NBA draft without any further delay here we go ston Hansen in part one I am joined Now by ston Hansen I I’ll I’ll say it now the better half of upside swings I’m just kidding I mean I’m not kidding but how are you how are you still uh I’m doing well especially no I’m just kidding uh but I’m doing good uh I’m you know looking forward to I don’t often get to talk with other teams uh in their picks so I always get excited when I get to do that from their perspective um so looking forward to this and thanks for having me on no it’s my pleasure and we’re talking before I before we went live here and it is interesting because the Hawks have this one pick and it is number one overall which makes it interesting of course lots of people looking even around the league people are kind of interested in what the Hawks are going to do in a way that they often aren’t but I have also said and I wonder how much this actually factors in I’m GNA ask you um the Hawks are not the blank slate that teams often are that pick number one overall like they’re they’re trying to win I I mean they I guess they could pivot in an unexpected fashion and go to a rebuild here but I’d be I’d be surprised if they did that based on what I’ve heard um and they have some tent poles you know there’s this decision to make in the back court with Trey young and jontay Murray but obviously they’ve been wetted to Trey young for a long time they love Jaylen Johnson as a guy who they think it’s going to be a star in the future so it’s not this Blank Slate um I wonder even philosophically for you but also within the context of the Hawks because I know you follow this stuff how does that impact your evaluation at this pick because you know realistically without the presence maybe there is a guy in your mind but without the presence of a consensus number one overall pick in this class there’s this debate raging right now in Hawks land about like how much fit or how much any of that stuff should matter and usually I’m not a fitt at number one guy but given where the Hawks are and given this draft it’s kind of I think probably more in play than it usually would be yeah um I think typically we for me it’s always evaluate sort of every option that you see as as reasonable I think to I’ve always like in the back of my head thought like if you’re a bad GM if you don’t listen to every trade opportunity every pick opportunity like it’s just it’s your job to understand and and listen to all of that so I think that that that aspect doesn’t change for me going into this class either it’s just uh you know there maybe there’s more variety in in the sort of talks and ways that people want to approach this uh then as opposed to like last year like I think most people would just say you know keep the number one pick and draft win this year it’s a little more versatile in the ways that you could go um the fit does matter but for me it’s difficult when I don’t know which way the Hawks are going to go yet agreed so it’s hard to factor that in it’s really hard to factor that in when you don’t know who’s staying and who’s going for this team um and so that it it matters to an extent but without that information I could only Factor so much yeah and I do think and we won’t go down this Rabbit Hole too far because it’s not the team you cover every day and I’m talk into that but it’s one of those things where I’m having to make some assumptions and how I talk about things like I’m like I said before I’m assuming the Hawks are not going to go into this full blow rebuild and that means whether they keep Trey or deante or both or whatever they’re gonna have a guy in the back court that they like um I think Trey more most likely but we’ll see um and I I’m very convinced that they’re not going to get rid of Jaylen Johnson anytime soon and then they got other guys I mean there’s there’s a Kong Wu at at the center spot that comes into play with someone like SAR or someone like kingan um R is a little bit more malleable that’s part of his appeal in theory is that he can kind of play Anywhere um but you know if what what should say for instance we’ll get into some guys now if you’re thinking about drafting Alex SAR it’s a little bit easier to see Alex SAR on a team with Trey young in my opinion because Trey young makes everybody better and especially on offense and also Alex star’s defense is really really interesting if you took TR try young out of the mix for me anyway that kind of lessens alexar a little bit I’m not saying that it takes him off the board but it’s just easier some of his offensive uncertainties are a little bit more uncertain if there isn’t an All-Star caliber guard setting him up so is that a good example like of what you’re talking about because like again we’re having we’re having to make some educated guesses because it’s still early June here exactly yeah yeah that’s exactly what I’m talking about and also to you factor in you know how he works with for me I always think think the first most important thing with your pick especially at the top is how do they pair with your best players like I think that’s probably the most important aspect to consider um and then also you know if let’s assume Trey is there what does this mean how how highly do and you know this probably better than I do but like how highly do the Hawks value a conu and like if SAR were to be you know really more impactful than they assumed in his rookie season would that start to push a conu you know a little bit further out if they didn’t play that well together like if you know s we saw like for example like with with Mo and Allen they’re they’re really good as at their at their best I would say when they’re the sole Center on the court and if that were the case with like SAR does that mean they’re willing to move on from mangu I just don’t know all these things and how you know they value each guy I assume they’d be okay with moving capella at this point if they had taken SAR but again it’s a lot of assumptions to make when you’re not the GM and you’re trying to figure all these things out yeah I mean and I I cover the team every day and have for a long time and I’m still having to make these kind of guesses because number one I think it’s probably a good thing uh they are not showing their hand and that is probably wi how much of that is on purpose and how much of that that they don’t know is another is another thing because I think people that generally have better Intel than I do still don’t know what’s going on and I think it really is at this point at r j as we’re talking the Hawks don’t know what they’re going to do and I think also that’s not just with the pick that’s with all of it because it’s it’s hard and this it’s hard for a lot of teams but obviously this is the microscope right now with the Hawks if free agency was before the draft like it is in the NFL like it would be a lot easier to figure out who the Hawks are going to draft if you could simulate the rest of the offseason beforehand and for fans and I get this question all the time and I’ve answered it I’ll probably answer it again before the draft it’s like well how does this draft pick impact like what what does it tell you if they draft star what does it tell you and the answer is like I can make some guesses um but you would hope hope that the Hawks have an educated plan about what they’re planning on doing after the draft or even the night of the draft like a lot of traits happen the night of the draft that could happen too but it should all be in conjunction they’re not gonna at least I again I hope they wouldn’t go into the draft make a pick without knowing what this what step two three or four is going to be with their roster building so that’s a long Preamble but I haven’t done that in a little while with with a guest just kind of like you know we’re talking about these players we’re going to get to the players but all this stuff is not it’s not a vacuum I mean if it for the Wizards it’d be more of a vacuum that’s the team that they’re picking too even then that’s not a true vacuum either but they are much more of a blank slate and they’re the next they’re the team that picks next the Hawks are a I would say maybe not unique but a rare situation of a team that has so many maybe not locked in pieces but so many guys that they are considering and they’re trying to win now like and I’ll use S as example TR transition into players Alex is much more of a longterm bet who is not a plug-and-play player in my opinion and for a team that’s trying to win like I’ve already I get this question all the time like well so and so like where’s he is he gonna start opening night next to Jaylen or whatever and it’s like well guys alexar isn’t probably gonna be very good in the NBA in October that’s not why you’re drafting alexar whereas like Donovan kingan sure he might be pretty good right away like all those things so long Preamble out of the way Today’s show is brought to you by eBay motors and passion Drive patient or formula for winning championships that’s also what keeps your ride or die alive with the folks at eBay Motors they have all stuff you need to maintain your vehicle and also live up to Peak Performance they have superchargers they have exhaust kits roof racks LED headlights and much much more whether you are into speed or style or 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looking at maybe three guys so far um that’s at least that’s what’s been reported but put that to the side how big would your Universe be if it’s one it’s one by the way it could be seven could be one uh Blank Slate for you yeah for me uh and this is going against what most people think but for me there’s a clear one in this class and so for me it would be one player and the philosophy I typically use is like if especially at the top nailing the best player is of utmost importance um for me it’s it’s magnified at the top because that’s where the biggest talent disparity really is uh so I think that that would be my priority is is locking in that player and and in acquiring him but uh I also think as you said they’re they’re in a win now state of mind um that to me just to lay the groundwork for people and and where they understand I’m coming from is not as important when you’re drafting I I tend to look at who they’re going to be you know in their third fourth fifth year then who they are in their first year and I think it’s for a lot of times it can be shortsighted and trying to get that best player now uh and you end up missing out for multiple years on on better end value especially at the top I would say no I I totally agree with you and I’ve I’ve already started doing it in this class as sort of preemptive measure to what I’m going to hear about because I always say that especially near especially the higher you go you’re you’re you’re drafting for the future and you know sometime I obviously ideal ideally you’d get both like you’d get wemy who’s awesome right away and who’s also that’s not the case in in this class maybe there is a guy I don’t know but it’s not the clear guy necessarily but I I I have said already I will say probably 1,000 times between now and October and February that like it’s not the rookie season you’re worried about so like if you’re worried about alexar or Zachary sh or whoever starting at opening night or playing 30 minutes in November like I personally don’t really care about that um I I think it’s way more and the Hawks should be drafting with the future in mind and yeah is it a tiebreaker maybe or is it a bonus if a guy can help you right away sure because they’re trying to win now I get that but I totally we are lock step on the fact that you’re drafting for 2026 like you’re not drafting for uh October of 2024 when you’re making number one overall pick because in theory you know the one position there’s been studies about this the one position on the draft board uh that you can maybe not half the time or more but like the one spot where you can kind of project a star level players number one overall you get pass number one the history is mixed every other spot on on the board except for number one and not by the way just to say it’s not loud there are plenty of bust number one overall too but the hit rate on Star level players is pretty hot number one overall all that stuff um all right let’s get it out of the way you you have a it’s one guy for you who’s the guy uh it’s probably a surprise for a lot of people I’m going to go with Ron Holland is is for me the one guy see I I I suspect I I did my research I suspected you were going to say that but people will be surprised you’re not alone I’ll say that um I know at least I believe John Hollinger is like more the mainstream most main person that I’ve seen that has Ron holl number one but I know people that are in in your in your in your space let’s talk about him because well I want to get to the guys who have been like more reported but I do want to talk about R by the way because I like Ronan too probably less than you do based on this answer but I find myself higher on him than most so what’s the uh selling point for Ron Holland being at the top of your board uh for me it’s I mean a a high level playmaker on both ends uh and for me that there’s not a lot of I don’t think there’s really anyone else in this class that provides that SAR certainly does it defensively I don’t at this point in time by the offense I think as much as people do I still really like Sor him too by the way but I don’t by the offense being that level of just give the guy the ball and and let him run an offense sort of a thing I don’t get that from SAR I think he’s he’s far away from that for a multitude of reasons um but I think with Holland I’m really in I buy the shooting I think more than a lot of people do and I think that’s probably the biggest thing that you have to buy if you have them at number one um I really I know the numbers aren’t good I know uh people have questions and concerns I actually like the timing of a lot of his shots I think that he’s uh pretty cognizant of the fact that he’s not a good shter but I think he’s does a lot of the right things to improve as a shooter um I think oftentimes we are quick to say this guy can just be an average shooter in the NBA when I think when we look at the average of What shooting is it’s it’s difficult to get there when you’re a bad shooter uh so I try to be a little more reserved in how often I I talk about players that I think can be serviceable but I do think Holland can be that um I also think a really good court mapper with the ball in his hands I think that he uh tends to get the best path available when uh to the rim uh he doesn’t always make the best read available as a passer but I think as a scorer he’s typically taking the uh the best paths and he’s he’s wiry he’s skinny but he’s strong he’s uh he’s got a frame that could put on weight I think too and he he really is um impactful with his footwork and how he takes bumps as a slasher on the way to the rim so all that to say I think for me in this class uh Holland is not only one but I have him in his own tier at number one in this class for me yeah so you know the I think the selling point is is fairly clear and I have a I have a thought I think I shared before but I’ll say here I I I wonder what would have happened if Ron had gone to college and people had gotten just to see him a little bit more because you know people like us watch our sickos and we watch G night games and NBL games whatever but most people I feel like have probably seen Ron Holland play once or twice if that um but he does have and we’ll get into this a little bit more he does have the kind of the prototypical wing you know size athletism combination that like every team seems to want and you mentioned it the shooting is kind of where you got to buy it I was Wai I was gonna ask that question you answered it for me is like do you buy the shooting because I feel like you have to to have him as high as you do um the numbers are not great but look the numbers can be overblown on not just on good shoot on bad on shaky Shooters but guers too like there’s small sample size stuff and all that you want to get carry away with the numbers it’s more about process and things like that um and then defensively you know the again he’s always been lauded and I’m sure you’ve heard this too about just like his his motor as character like he’s just seemingly awesome character High motor guy who just plays hard all the time and super competitive and that’s really appealing to me that’s where you get the like Jimmy Butler comparison which I’m not trying to make that comparison but like I’ve I’ve seen it out there of like a late development offensive player like you didn’t Jimmy didn’t shooting College of course he went 30th or whatever he want in the draft but um who becomes who’s the maniac in in a good way you know what I mean um but okay so let’s swing it to Atlanta let’s act like when nobody’s heard anything about anything Ron Holland is in the mix number one by the way he might he might be I I have been very clear to not foreclose on anything because the Hawks are not doing that either so because has been report does mean they wouldn’t take him um how would that work do you think let’s assume for second that TR young tray Young’s on the team team um how soon would he be up to speed like what are you worried about as well obviously you like him a lot but like what’s where does it go wrong with r h if it goes wrong uh if it goes wrong you are looking at a guy who struggles uh as a shooter he’s he’s a pretty much relegated to a slashing only type of role offensively and he’s not able to make a lot of uh passing reads out of that I I I I still think the passing stuff is a little overblown I think he can handle a bit better than people think and I do think that he’s capable of making more simplistic reads but um he’s not going to be consistently doing that in in the worst case scenarios and then I think defensively he’s going to be someone who still play makes defensively but is is more gamly than you would like and I think is you know probably making more bad decisions than you would hope for in a defense that is um under Quinn you know a probably a little bit more uh relegated and in string despite you know having deante there doing what he does um so I think I think you probably do see some like deante parallels defensively is is how I would frame it uh but I think that there’s in a in a hawk scenario you you are a team that has a lot of wings as is so I think he’s in a situation where he doesn’t have to be coming out the gate as a 15 18 point per game scorer um but I think it’s a scenario where if he comes along in the way that you hope uh he starts to overtake you know rung by rung each each Wing that’s ahead of him uh over the course of the season and and maybe into next season to is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs and when you’re hiring for a small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the roles that you have available and that’s why check out the folks at LinkedIn jobs is the best possible place to go ahead and do all of that they have the tools how you find the right professionals that you’re looking for your team for fast they do it 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guy um if you have to default somewhere I think at one point in time I used to be more that way I think as time has gone on especially at the top it’s just who I think is the best player in the draft is is really where I lie and irrespective of what archetype or what position they most predominantly play I think it’s just comes down to who I think is the best basketball player in this draft and and that’s sort of where I lie now currently maybe that I’ll change again that’s part of this whole draft philosophy experience but right now that’s sort of where I’m at yeah and I I tend to agree I think that maybe they’re tiebreakers or whatever and also just positional value you don’t want to think about trade stuff down the line but like you know uh it’s a lot easier to move a guy down the line if he doesn’t work whatever if they’re in certain positions and that’s again kind of a tiebreaker for me and just also theoretical like on a team that has you know Trey young and Jay Johnson for instance um you might think about what what they uh what they what might fit with them and all that stuff but it sounds like from what you said he’s in his own so fit wouldn’t be a tiebreaker for you with like you you’re taking Ron Holland you’re kind of let you’re figuring out later based on what you’re saying right that’s correct yeah and that Mak that’s and that’s um understandable for sure because I think if all things po I have heard this said I think I might agree with it if everything came together in the best possible way for like everyone in the draft uh I don’t know if ronall would be number one but he would be close to number one if not number one as far as like if it if if everybody hits their 95th percentile outcome which doesn’t happen by the way but Ron Holland’s cealing outcome is extremely high because I mean hyper athletic hyper competitive two-way 66 Wing is a very appealing thing especially if he can score the way he potentially would be able to if he can make shots um so if you’re drafting for ceiling that definitely makes sense too I think uh yeah and I I’m typically not one I I try to factor in you know what are low value median end and highend outcom especially at the top yeah I think you want to factor all those things in and uh not only what each of those look like but like the attainability of those things um so for me it just comes down to to Ron and I do think that in this class in particular when you’re look looking at you know what are some guys that really have those bets to be like a a top two or three player on teams uh in a draft that’s somewhat void of that I think that Ron maybe is a little overlooked for some people and in that aspect where okay you might have a player that’s safer but do you really want to take that player at pick four when you know Ron might still be sitting there and has that capability to to be that type of player for your team uh I think that that value is a little bit swings a little bit higher in this class than it normally would um to put it you know in a respectful way hopefully to other players yeah no I I find myself you know reading through mocks or uh you know I before the Hawks won the lottery I was I I operated as the Hawks in a few mocks and he was like getting to me at 10 on occasion I was like that’s that’s silly to me shouldn’t get there but maybe maybe he will maybe someone will benefit and uh like I said I’m not I don’t have him one but I’m higher on him than the consensus seems to be for sure I can I buy the package with Holland um I did bring up Reese Shay I promise I’m not trying to compare Holland Rees Shay but Rees has been getting a lot of helium recently it seems like you know he’s number one in a lot more MOX than he was before I know um the most the most well-seen uh expert is John theone he’s had number one for a while that probably asks the conversation no matter what you think about that um what do you make of aay because it feels like he is both like I said Rising but also kind of polarizing because he doesn’t really have he he profiles more as a more as a role player um I think people that like him will tell you that he profiles more as a role player at the NBA level and when I say I love role players I am not people say role player in a denigrating way I’m not I’m just saying he doesn’t really have profile as a number one I don’t think that anybody believes is going to be that and you know I’ve gotten the response from Hawks fans when I say that it’s like well why would he be the number one pick if he’s not if he’s not this guy and I understand but also there’s the appealing just package of a 69ine wing who can shoot and defend like that player everybody seems to like that that archetype in the league for good reasons so long way to te it up but what do you make of Reay um even you know dependent or independent of like the the noise about him but like as the evaluation of the player yeah uh I have re a little bit lower than I think some people do I have him at nine on my board but I think that he’s so player I like it’s just I I to really struggle with seeing like a number one pick level with russet even in this class I just I don’t see those outcomes I struggle to see those outcomes with him um but I do think that you know having a player who’s a good team Defender I would say better Team Defender than individual Defender is usually how I like to frame it with him and somebody that I think I I still buy the shot with him at the very least as a spot up shooter I don’t know if I buy the the off the dribble stuff quite as much as some but um I think a guy who can you know do things on both ends of the court is is valuable especially as a bigger Wing um I think he’s a a pretty interesting finisher as well so I get the appeal with him as far as even like a top four or five pick in this class but as far as number one I I do struggle to see those higher end outcomes with him and what he does to get to that level like I’m not really sure what he has within his game that he would really need to improve on to be that sort of you know top two or three player on a team yeah and I mean I I try not to go back to the crutch of this being a weak class at the top but it’s true and I do think that even the people that I’ve encountered that are high on Reay kind of all all acknowledge that he wouldn’t normally be in the mix at number one overall even if they have him there um and this that’s part of what we that’s obiously a short way of putting it but like just the he doesn’t really have the standout I mean the shooting I think he could be a real highend shooter from what I have seen could be not will be is what I would say I’m not as I’m not super convinced about that nor am I super against it um it’s been a little bit up and down but he’s had really good stretches and again the size like he can get a shot off catch and shoot there’s some movement shooting Equity there too I think I don’t think he’s gonna have to be a guy who has to be open and loaded up I think can he get a shot off and he is long it’s just the for me it’s the the secondaries it’s like he’s not a great passer from what I’ve seen um and I think he feels the game well from what I can from what I I can glean but like if you don’t if you’re not going to be able to get to the rim consistently off the dribble and you’re not a high-end passer and you’re a wing it’s like and that’s that’s intentionally simple but that combination is a red flag for me at this level again like I think in a in another class where it’s like more normal I could see be like yeah I’m I’m high in this Rec sh guy I have him six or whatever you know what I mean like but now I feel like I’m I’m not even against the Hawks taking I want to say like I’m not going to throw a fit at the Hawks Tak number one I’m not because in this class I feel like there’s almost nothing that would make me do that but uh I won’t be over the moon I’ll say like I’m not going to come on and like throw a party if they draft number one for for those reasons I think for me like I like the defense I like the shooting and I think I project him really well as a high-end role player it’s just if you don’t have the the playmaking or the ability to really put pressure on the rim that combination is am I missing something there or is that reasonable no I I’m I think pretty much in agreement with you and I think that you know again like i’ be really happy with him at six or seven like I mean I think that he’s still got a pretty decent outcome as an NBA player I just don’t really see Star and I know it’s a class where it’s not a lot of that anyways as is but I just I I I think even when comparison to somebody like Holland or SAR like I just think those higher end outcomes are less attainable for somebody like re than it is for them that’s again not to say he won’t be a good player like he could still be a very valuable player um I just I personally at the number one pick would would want something that has somebody that has a little bit more of a chance to get there um and I I think he’d probably like be off the blocks faster in Atlanta than Holland would uh as a as a player for them I think that he he does more immediately as a shooter as a Team Defender um but I don’t think he’s I don’t really think he’s a like a lock down perimeter Defender individually I think that he’s still gets a little bullied on the way to the rim there’s some things that he he’d still have to work on um but he’s not totally like a you know great two-way Wing coming into the league but he does offer things um he I like him I just I don’t like him at one is the way I put it no I I think that’s very similar to where I am I I like his game I’m I’m not surprised that he’s risen late because he had this really good stretch where he was having his best games basically ever at the perfect time and that’s not his fault like he he’s playing well at the right time to ra to raise his stock and look there’s something to be said for a 69ine wing who can shoot and defend like that’s a intentionally broad characterization but if that’s all I told you I’m gonna like that guy more often than not and so is the league so I do totally get it all right that is all for part one of two with my guy ston Hansen talking about the NBA draft part two should be available in the same podcast feed right now so go ahead and subscribe to this podcast on YouTube or apple Spotify Etc follow the show on Twitter SLX lockon Hawks follow Stone as well def appreciate everybody listening to the podcast as always I highly recommend listening to part two it should be Avail at your podcast feed of choice at this very moment in fact literally right now CLI on over there it should be there and we’ll see you all next time

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland) hosts episode No. 1734 of the Locked on Hawks podcast, and he is joined by Stone Hansen (@report_court) for Part 1 of a 2-part discussion. The conversation focuses on the Atlanta Hawks and the 2024 NBA Draft, including options for the No. 1 overall pick ranging from Alex Sarr and Zaccharie Risacher to Donovan Clingan and Ron Holland, as well as Stone’s favorite players in the class.

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  1. Yeah , just take Alex Sarr and call it a day. We know they are going to trade a significant contract. So they can play around with that.

  2. Alex Sarr is the pick. What if the hawks keep trae, DJ, and Jalen? Everyone else can be delt. If kyrie and luka can make it work, why can’t trae and DJ?

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