@Boston Celtics

Celtics Take a Commanding 2-0 Lead Over Dallas | NBA Finals Reaction | RJ, Big Perk and More!

Celtics Take a Commanding 2-0 Lead Over Dallas | NBA Finals Reaction | RJ, Big Perk and More!

[Music] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Zer welcome welcome welcome road tripping is live Richard Jefferson chaining fry Kendrick Perkins I am Ali clipton wow let’s just get right to the reacts I do want to mention though that we’re going to be very interactive with our comment section if you were in game one reaction we will um have some fun with y’all and if you want to throw in some questions please do it throughout this because we will get to as many as we can uh just have a little bit of fun having said that react game two Josh Hart wasn’t wrong Josh was not wrong when he said Derek white may be the most like the most impactful player in the series like that huge three at the end of the shot clock on derck Jones Jr the block the defense like I know other people are playing great but those intangible plays to me make a huge difference make a huge difference he I’m impressed like I’m just I’m ex I’m happy that this is what I thought it would be and I’m just like dude the Celtics play they ass off today like you know I kind of hate on the Celtics sometimes kind of a lot a lot like everyone El 98% of the world I got nothing to hate on I got nothing to hate on to that I appreciate that style of basketball that’s that’s the [ __ ] you come up with that’s your reaction that’s your reaction Drew holiday just probably had his best game in the Celtics uniform and you come on here talking about Derek white dere white make some plays look did Derek white make some plays late huge play did he make some play I’ll let you speak don’t interrupt me do not [ __ ] do not [ __ ] interrupt me today okay look did Derek white make plays late yes Drew holiday was the best player on the floor on both ends of the floor he got Kyrie Irving in the straight jacket he was making he’s playing the darker spot at times on the offensive end you want him to stretch the three I do that as well you want me to post up bigger players finishing traffic I’m going to do that as well like deflection steals he done it all he done it all best player on the floor best game in the Celtics uniform that’s that’s what I got and I know people let me say this I know people want to say oh y’all don’t put pressure on Jason Tatum he got a great team around him I won’t I won’t my expectations for Jason Tatum has went out the window okay cool if you want to fall into you know a team guy winning the championship I’m all for it that’s all that matters but let when we start naming the best players in the world and we start having MVP conversations again I don’t want to hear [ __ ] from the Celtic fan base about them complaining about us not mentioning Jason Taylor because again it’s not what it’s about so y’all don’t want it for him damn it we’re not going to give it to him the one thing chenning I will give to you Derek White’s line there was nothing light about it even though I agree with Kendrick Perkins I wanted to know if Drew holiday could be in the running for MVP even though we’re only into game two however his impact on both ends as Kendrick laid out but Derek white 18 points four of 10 from Deep six of 15 the efficiency five rebounds two assists three steals two blocks not to mention that block down the stretch did he end up getting that did he end up getting that well that also was a foul that was also a foul that was not let the get in the way of a good store I agreed I was more like PJ Washington you got no bounds it looked like he got he had a flat tire on that and I was like was he trying to dunk it and then when you see in the back when you get push in the back it kills your elevation it just like you know you start to take off and it’s like no that pushing the back that that messes you all up so I can see why you jump like that um and someone said and LeBron’s was a go tend and Le uh man where do we JJ said it best to me he said the Celtics make you work so hard or make you work on uh you have to give extra effort multiple efforts on every single possession and the moment you don’t Derek white has an open three Dam has an open three D you know what I’m saying it’s not like the ball is ending up in someone’s hands that you’re okay living with a shot no one on that roster are you okay with living with an open shot so that this team is is so well built they’re playing well their defense has been Elite Luca got going but they’re going to need more help from somebody somebody else somebody else gotta do something let’s look at this it was disgusting Lively with two points Josh green with four points Exum with three points like that that’s all you’re getting you’re getting n what CA nothing well I didn’t need you already touched on CA I before come on man it’s the finals You Gotta Give me some C touch the rim yeah he got the rim I mean at the end of the day too though you go 179 with the bench all five players for Dallas in double figures all but one obviously Al Horford just Five Points how about just the free you lose by seven and you go 16 of 24 from the free throw line well and you did a great job defensively against them you know 10 for 39 from three 25% m what you gonna do this is y hold about about hold on Ally allly we’re not about to let Shannon and Richard off the hook so y’all just named everyone y’all said that Luca needed help and y’all named everyone on the on the M roster except for Kyrie Irving no no we’re getting him’s been the chat wants us to get to why LeBron the chat wants to know why you unfollowed LeBron you said not everybody followed Jesus so um you know we’re gonna get to all of that perk we in no rush just just good booty let me let me go on my so boox two games in and let me say this two games in got quiet usually I’m wrong about maybe two out of three three out of four I’ll be right on something I’ve been very wrong about so far about my three big takes one obviously is Lively I don’t I don’t know what’s happened to him I I’ll admit it two I thought the Mavericks bench was better than the Celtics bench but pyton Pritchard all those dudes are coming in and defending their ass off and playing good minutes like they’re not out there getting barbecued in Dallas where where’s Hardy he not even playing no more and like like there I don’t know what’s going on with the bench anyways I was wrong about those two and then honestly what was the other third one I said uh I like Joe moua is doing a great job I never thought I would say that in my life I think he’s doing a great job of what of what what no no no no because listen here’s what I think he’s doing say I’m not trying to be funny but if you saying he’s doing a great job a Dr a great job of what he’s able to play number one his bench is getting abused number two he made adjustments in the middle when Dallas punched first the first quarter of this game he settled that team down and went to their stuff Al Horford is not a dck pton is not being a d the way that they’re playing defense and that structure of how that defense is is not allowing them to be put on an island and get abused which is what Dallas is looking for their rotations their ability now to drive to the hole consistently even Jason Tatum even though he’s not scoring I thought today was his best game as a overall player to me he did a lot of he didn’t shoot the ball well he did everything that team needed to do he defended solid especially Luc at end of the game made the right passes he was rebounding his ass off and he wasn’t putting his head down he didn’t have a bad attitude he didn’t shoot very well but he did everything else great sometimes as a coach you’ve taught your players to do something something and then when a team makes an adjustment you got to tell them how to get back to who they were and I thought today’s game when I watch the Celtics I go I like the way they’re playing I like what they’re doing so I’m thinking that’s him too you gotta give him credit if we gonna roast him you gotta give him credit he’s not wincing at the moment perk go ahead so one I mean I’m not going to jump off the Derek Lely train right now we have to go two games hold hold hold on G in hold on we’re two games in we’re talking about a rookie being on the road right we all know that role players play better at home your Superstars supposed to take over on the road Luca came to play tonight Kyrie didn’t if Kyrie was even like somewhat half of what he was tonight Dallas would have won that game let’s be honest here like if he would even Kyrie was awful if he would have been average or a little above average Dallas would have won that game tonight I can’t I can’t tell Y how many times I was so [ __ ] pissed at the turnovers that Dallas had that led to fast breaks Derek Lely in the first half under the basket right throwing it back to his half court easy transition Luca he had like two of them one where he got picked up by Drew holiday and then he you know you know the pass came to him he tried to make the pass back to how did they deflected D white get to get the steal then he drives in the corner and he throws like this overhead pass across Court I’m sitting up here saying like look Luca is gonna make some fantastic plays but some of those plays be some boneheaded passes like no bro make the s a pass Daniel Gafford I thought stepped up but I do have a question for look overall the Celtic show why they the better team Christ zingas I thought he came in in the first half gave them a little spark on both ends of the floor I want to know this why is Tim Hardaway Jr in the dogghouse in a like seriously I get it I know he probably had his struggles but I know he could shoot the ball a lot better than uh Josh Green I know he could give more than what uh Maxi CER is bringing right now why is he in the dog house I I don’t know that I I you know why he is atrocious on defense he is absolutely atrocious and at the end of the day he’s a volume guy he’s not GNA get volumes Josh Green can be somewhat effective with two or three shots and do energy Tim every time Tim gets in the game and it’s hard as a shooter as a scorer he’s trying to go find the ball go just like his energy is not what they are used to right like Hardy should play more than Tim Hardway because he can get the ball and create on his on the swings but Tim is always ball hunting always it’s just who he is it makes him good makes him great but in this series he’s gonna get chewed up they’re gonna go right at him and now you’re in rotations where you don’t want to be in rotations anyways I I just don’t know if I can trust him in the finals if you can’t trust him in the western cover finals or the second round in the playoffs how you going to trust him now okay real quickly like to get back to the Kyrie thing Kyrie had 12 points six for 19 in game one Drew Holiday Four for nine 12 points then go to game two right Drew holiday he was balling 11 for 14 for 26 points Kyrie seven for 18 for 16 points Drew holiday individually has outplayed Kyrie Irving end of story end of story so when your your guy that’s hovering somewhere between fourth and fifth because the Celtics are that loaded they are that special they are that good when someone that’s hovering around your fourth and fifth best player on any given night is out playing your your second best all NBA guy and and look we all know that there is no way to guard Kyrie there is no stopping Kyrie there is no stopping certain players they just need to play well we we we’ve seen all the defenses Luca there’s Luca oh Luca had one assist and LCA did man came out here and gave you 32 11 and 11 right they gonna figure it out Kyrie hasn’t hasn’t figured it out yet and we started the conversation saying that maybe it’s maybe it’s Jason maybe it’s Luca then Kyrie well at this point in time it’s Luca then a bunch bunch like Kyrie inels bunch of and it’s like of all the people that you know can up the game is Kyrie but to to perk’s point if they’re gonna play like this if Kyrie is going to not reach that level that he has they have zero chance zero zero zero chance this is not going to be a Luca carry them some guys hit some threes now you’re GNA need multiple guys playing well with support with support is this just simply experience too I got a diet Joe oh my God diet Dr Pepper I got a diet too I got a diet I got a diet I mean it’s Ally allly you got to take steps you got to take baby steps okay I I put down the no I would crush a diet Dr Pepper every day with you that’s Coke oh man so do Dr Pepper just took over uh as like the number two soda what Coke is number one and people are like who the hell is keeping Dr Pepper in business and now we know my God so good um is it is it experienced though right now with Boston when you look at when you talk about obviously Luca we talk about how much Luca has just been playing at this level at this stage since he was 15 years old but then when you go down and and what is it with Kyrie tip your cap to Boston is there more for him to figure out on his own or is it the defense can he will he be able to because you read his line Rich about seven of 18 but he’s over three from three he can’t even get a three off he he cannot get a shot off and it is the defense and this is where you got to credit Joe Missoula this is when you cuz at first we was like all right Celtic fans especially me don’t poke the barar don’t poke the B but guess what it seems like to me the players are feeding off that energy that one possession that jayen brown was ISO with like the court spreaded anybody else would have got burnt up by Kyrie Irving I mean like he literally defended that at a high level now you know what else comes into play J kid in my opinion has been the best coach in the postseason to be hon like this entire postseason up until now now I’m looking at Jay kid and I’m like all right you see Derek white on Kyrie you see that you see jayen brown on Kyrie and you see Drew holiday on Kyrie we’re talking about three of the best winging guard Defenders perimeter defenders in the league what can you run to get Kyrie Irving going like can you can you can you run pin Downs I don’t know if they even run that [ __ ] no more but like what action can you put Kyrie in to get him going where he where it’s not all isolation because the isos is not working right now like the Celtics are too good Luca he’s getting off because of the great pick and rolls right the the screen set and just like he’s 6768 250 like he putting that shoulder into you Kyrie irvan needs help at this point from his coach I I feel that way I do I mean we’ve seen it two games in a row and well obviously Jason Tatum told us in his postgame interview after game one the recipe is allow Luca to get his and stop everyone else they’ve done it two games in a row yeah I even saw Jaylen Brown Jaylen Brown is was faceu guarding him I think C Kyrie was on the ball and and Tatum had no responsibility he was just like faceu guarding Luca saying we don’t care what happens behind so even when Luca is off the ball they’re not even playing around and like oh let me help and let him get an open three they’re trying their best to shut it down and he’s still gonna give 32 in end of the day we all have been there your stars have to play great in the finals and then they’re going to need help and they’re going to need support game to game that’s the only way to win it and we were surprised we were all surprised at the way they dismantled um the Minnesota defense but some of them that was that Minnesota’s offense was dog [ __ ] Minnesota did not shoot the ball well um Carl Anthony towns did not play great Anthony Edwards did not play great so then we started focusing more on man they’re dismantling their defense the problem with here is that this is a better defensive team the Boston Celtics are a better defensive team with more offensive Firepower across the board yeah that’s just the that’s just the truth they don’t have and like you know Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown they are the equivalent to Anthony Edward and C but they have more balance throughout their board again Drew holiday doing what he’s did Al hardford knocking down shot poring is given 20 points and 20 minutes last game those are the things that make this team different so maybe the Minnesota series might have fooled us and I’m so we just waiting to see I think maybe the Minnesota series might have fooled us to thinking that they could go and handle the defense and the offense from the Boston Celtics which no one has this season do you guys agree with that last comment KP and Al Horford are better than Rudy goar and that’s a fact well I think did they mean Rudy and cat but yeah that the Dre that’s that’s that’s stupid it is stupid like no no look look we all say some stupid stuff it’s okay and yeah and I you could be 12 years old but yeah and especially like when you look at the two of Al Horford and there different players yeah different responsibilities different everything but yes porzingis and Al Horford combined are way better than than than Rudy gobear there’s they they’re better offensive play offensive players than Rudy is yeah that’s yeah that’s okay first of all I’m not even mad at you Dino I’m not even mad at you I’m mad at whoever put that [ __ ] in our chat to make us comment like hey let me get the me get the most obvious random statement and put it in here then we flame him yeah thank you thank you for the apology you are picking on people right now here’s a question here’s a question of the day if for zingus doesn’t play game three how much on a one to 10 10 being the most one being the least does that affect the Celtics well after today clearly it doesn’t no no but the like to play a full game play a full game without him is a lot different than to play the last six minutes of the fourth quarter without him like you’re just like hey man just let’s just keep this going and if let’s be real if BJ washon didn’t get that [ __ ] blocked no I mean christas every time he came into the game Off the Bench like the Celtics were down tonight right he came in Off the Bench all of a sudden he provided another sparkk game one it was like a one-point game on even tied up he comes into the game next thing you know they’re down 10 like he’s been he’s been very impactful look I got Dallas winning game three anyway that’s why I picked this series to go seven games because I feel like every each team is going to win their game at home that’s how I feel about it and it’s gonna come down to game seven and Boston is going to win that game because it’s no way in hell Derek Lely uh PJ Washington by the way Derek Jones Jr he’s been he’s been playing his ass off he’s been doing everything everything that’s been asked for him to do all the energy plays the effort plays finishing around the basket knocking down his free throws yes he’s been up and down from the three-point line but if they can continue to get that and it may not show up in the Box Score but he has been playing some really really good basketball there’s the update right there on christops porz inas by the way from Joe Missoula himself that’s from dude stop it first all Joe moula has weirdest interviews of all time like he you like Joe muli what what’s the sky I don’t know I’ve been in a gym 24 hours I don’t know like what the [ __ ] just just say blue just [ __ ] say blue like of course he’s gonna say zero and good I yeah there yeah we don’t need get why do you ask that dumbass question when you think oh it’s severe we’re gonna shoot him up with needles tomorrow like what it’s a one game series now it’s a one game series oh it’s real talk it’s a one one game series at this moment if the Dallas Mavericks don’t win it’s over so we all the analysis all the this and that there’s one game now now look you win that game you win that game three it’s going to be it’s going to be interesting but right now we all get to sit back wait a couple of days I’ll be at game I’ll be at game three like okay well this is the series this this is the series this game right here if you don’t it obviously we know it’s over unless it’s going to be the greatest comeback since us ever n homie can I ask you can we reassess and go back to the question that we talked about series is over Richard we reassess and talk about tell your bookie tell your bookie one of the questions that we talked about and put a lot of time on coming in and then J kid put everyone in an uproar um between between games one and two who is the best player on the Celtics Jaylen Brown Jason t is the best player Jaylen Brown is playing the best okay I don’t I don’t agree and this is crazy it’s a hot take if I had to start a team give me Jaylen Brown all day all day long me jown I’m doubling down on that [ __ ] with you Shannon that’s that’s fair I’ve seen 50 points I’ve seen 50 points from this man because we talking about career we talk we we saying Cory Cory Brewer had 5050 points yeah but okay really quickly are we talking about who is the best player or who is playing the best brown is playing better Jaylen Browning as he did as he did in the last finals like every single time listen every single time we get to this point on the biggest stage we get back to having this conversation and again I know they lost in 2022 to Golden State Warriors but Jaylen Brown was the best player on that team then and now here we are again in 2024 and he’s the best player on the floor again best player for the Celtics again like he keep making timely plays man he keep doing everything that that needs to be done in his powerful like just when you thought Luca had drained the energy out of the arena in the first quarter I’m like oh [ __ ] Are we about to have one of these game five Minnesota moments the way Luca came out you know what jayen brown did came down up split the defense again let me go up two hand snatch the screws out the room like these are the things that he’s doing truth Bearer says Tatum still living off that 150o game no okay listen when I say who would I build a team with I’m not saying Tatum is that he Tatum is great Tatum is a great player me personally janon Cy if I’m going to build a team with the CER piece I would want my first player to be one of the best two-way players playing basketball agreed agreed and like he does other stuff he didn’t make all NBA and he everyone complained about it basketball Jason Tatum was first team all NBA so there seems to be a big gap Rudy go has four defensive defens Fu keep bringing up like [ __ ] on other [ __ ] sorry inance he ain’t worried about us what do Rudy have anything to do with Rich you know Ry can’t you send him the link and have him tap here tap in here and defend himself this just Ain nobody nobody okay so there’s a big gap there’s a big gap between that is First Team all NBA and someone that’s big gap Richard there’s not a big gap Richard hang on let Rich finish let Rich finish okay let’s see what he says I am not disputing that Jaylen Brown is playing better than Jason Tatum I am not saying that by any means not even remotely close the only thing that I’m merely stating is that if you want to say You’ start your team with Jaylen Brown over Jason Tatum I think you’re greatly underestimating Jason Tatum in that space that’s just my personal opinion as you have your personal opinion I fully support it I fully support it I wouldn’t take I if I was starting a team I wouldn’t take Jaylen Brown over Jason Tay this man still had 12 assists he still had nine rebounds like but like we’re we’re pissed off at his scoring and understandably so and understandably so that’s all so the guy does now no not let me not be a hater there we go try your best I’m not gonna be a hater but let me say this he rebounds well he has 12 assists which is amazing one game and we’re giving him Praises but he don’t guard the best player 90% of the game you don’t see Jason kid the other coaches say hey Jason Tatum’s not picking up Luca full court and getting you those points and getting you those assists every single game I value that I know Jason Tatum is to me way better offensively than Jaylen Brown way better at times I think Jaylen Brown can get you to the rack establishes your offense by getting to the hole touching the paint and creating opportunities and guess what if he’s not doing well offensively he is not a de on the other end he’s still your second best defender next to Drew holiday who’s a all-timer the Celtics are up 20 because we get to have this conversation oh totally yes the fact that we’re having this conversation about which player is the best on the Celtics after Drew holiday just did that the fact we’re having this conversation let you know that that these dudes are are that much further along than everybody else that’s just my opinion lesie I agree with you Jason Tatum doesn’t give a [ __ ] also yeah does not I don’t think he cares I think at this point if he wins he like man we won now say what all these could you imagine hey somebody just said this Drew holiday is about to be a two-time champ so for Giannis who traded his ass out of there for Dave Lillard who traded his ass out there for Dame Lillard and then they at home and and look he ain’t with like he wasn’t happy about it drew wasn’t happy about at all at all it was a it wasn’t a Kobe sha reunion da up but it was definitely a cold da up it was definitely and this is and to be honest with you this is exactly why all franchise guys should stay in their role and play the game play the game of basketball right he put Giannis put pressure took Drew holiday for granted and what he bought to the table and now all of a sudden he at home and he watching Drew on the verge of helping his team hang a banner in the same conference in the same conference they had the had the Perfect Chemistry they’re about to be the new Warriors this they’re about to be the new Warriors in my opinion from the Celtics I think I think they have hear me out hear me out really quickly really quickly hear me out this team and if they bring back everyone there is a big gap between them and the next team so if you told me they had a chance to win this one and two out of the next three or one out of the next two right when I say next Warriors I mean the next team that has a chance to wheel off two or three out of four or five that’s my that’s my opinion who else is out there right now the Gap is so big between them let me ask a question let me ask a question Derek white right he’s gonna be the last guy to really get his bag that’s on the Celtics right gonna ask this question yes oh my bad Al no no you got it yeah this is great I love this because I was so so he’s GNA be the last guy I don’t know how much the Celtics could offer him but while there so me so much [ __ ] going on in Philly about whether or not they should go after Jimmy Butler or whether or not they should go after uh Paul George a got a GU that is sitting right there in the same conference that they should make a push to go after because they have the money and the bag is Derek white is Derek white not a dere you mean in Philly in Philly I’m just saying listen is Derek white not 1 15200 million plus dollar player in this in today’s game no I believe he is 150 absolutely 200 ah no I I I Derek white Derek white to me and maybe he can make that per that’s I like the I like the idea of him there I’m not no I’m just asking look yeah I I love it yeah if if you had a choice if you had a choice to like say like Derek white as my number three option or Paul George is Derek white right now a better basketball player than Paul George the it’s there’s it’s a lot of in in theory in theory in theory you’re saying my thing is this the reason why you want a superstar next to Joel embiid is because when he goes out you want somebody to carry the load I don’t know if Derek Derek white no no no it’s alongside MB and Tyrese Maxi or that’s I just I was about to say Derek white and Tyrese Maxi they don’t they’re they’re I’m not buying that Derek white is on PJ PG’s level and as as disappointing as as the Clippers have been we can’t disrespect the man should get his money he should get all of his money they should pay all the tax they should say [ __ ] apron like we ain’t won a championships since’ 08 so let’s try we who the Celtics I’m talking about the Celtics the Celtics no I’m just asking so Ally Shannon RJ y’all telling me jayen Brown 300 plus million Jason Tatum 300 plus million what Drew holiday just got 160 Christa’s got what like a $60 million extension so you mean to tell me like they’re going to have that many guys they’re gonna have four guys on their roster that’s making a hundred plus million dollars yeah sounds like Golden State Derek white 200 million yeah yeah pissed off about it and they gon magic that is crazy when you think about like the most recent with the Warriors and how they were able to keep that together well it’s because of that salary jump that that that happened it was the salary jump that happened and Steph was on a like member step signed like a a $10 million contract because his ankle was all messed up so a lot of that success he had was when he had a very quote unquote team-friendly contract like he was like the third highest paid player on their team maybe second highest paid player when he was winning championships and then he then he got his money but he signed like the same deal as Ty Lawson just to put it in perspective him and Ty Lawson Ty Lawson in Denver Steph Curry and Golden State before they had gone to the postseason they signed the same time type a deal so that meant there was a lot of money in cap space that they could bring in people cap jumped up they brought in Kevin Durant now when they paid everyone is when they got into the tax situation that there are now Boston has all of their guys pay all of your guys you’re going to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in tax in the next two three years keep it keep it pushing does Al Horford retire after this year somebody says Dereck white five years 200 million Sounds Like a Phoenix Sons deal D who alord yeah yeah n he he rides it out he better he he got two years why not run it back like if they win the championship he gotta stay a Big Al gota come back he’s in great shape yeah great shape take minimums and hang out bro enjoy your life take minimals win championships being relevant games that’s the most fun I I just think in today’s age Derek White’s value I can name four teams that would gladly overpay for Derek white and one of them is going to be Minnesota where Mike Conley’s deal is up isn’t that up next year who mik Conley’s deal extension Conley extension Minnesota think about Orlando could use him think about hell just imagine how good he’ll be alongside ad and braa let me turn on my ceiling fan real quick it’s hot you start swe you gonna start sweing I don’t mind okay okay okay let um is impressively bald somebody go wait wait wait Richard Jefferson is impressively bald like it’s honestly beat like it’s what like it’s like it’s an accomplishment how bald I am it’s just a beautiful bald head and I don’t’s been bald since he’s been 17 so what saying I used to I used to shave my so I used to shave my head in high school just to look mean walking their skinny bald head head just trying to rip the rim off Couldn’t Shoot to save my life you have to shave your head every day no no no no no no and I told you look look guys let me just tell you this be careful of the filters right this is all lighting watch this watch this ew like I’m now now I’m unattractive and now look I have a glow now I have a glow watch filters guys watch them filters out there man they’ll get you every time I cannot you know I actually had great things to say about Richard today on the phone call what you say I I had a phone call with somebody today and I spoke real highly Richard because you know I couldn’t stand Richard as a player most people couldn’t I could either most people CLE I couldn’t stand his ass and then all of a sudden I started to work with I’m like this dude is okay you know what huh was like this dude is all right he’s a actually pretty good brother man I had some high PR to say about you but he is an [ __ ] yesterday yesterday I called him I was on my way back from Dallas and I called him to talk about something I forgot what the hell we was talking about and he literally told me to tell my wife that he miss her that’s not what I said did go yo I’m in the car with vanity I’m like tell her I miss her God what you got to look what can I just can I give some love to the family to to the the Perkins Family yes yes that’s what we call it yep absolutely that’s what we call it all right all right well we love you guys I’m I’m tired of talking to you guys are you guys all are you guys all out yeah it’s I mean I’m good it’s my it’s my favorite it’s my favorite question though what’s that what’s going to happen in game three what adjustments what do you want to see per you have Dallas winning game three how why because the role players will play better at home and it’s no way in hell Kyrie is GNA continue to keep struggling like this like it’s I I can’t see it and I’mma I’m G say this one of the most underrated Arenas in the league is Dallas Arena it gets loud in enough like they fans are pretty damn good in the fight like they’re pretty damn good in the finals they’re going to be great in game three I feel like Derek ly is going to feed off of that he needs some of that home cooking you know guys are going to make shots who haven’t been making shots um and [ __ ] Lucas is gonna be Luka well it’s a one game series now currently right now who you got who I got look I said Dallas and seven because one I’m not you said Dall you said Dallas and six right no I said first of all no never I said Dallas and seven I said Dallas and seven because I don’t know who is going to win secondly I didn’t want to tell your bookies exactly don’t tell me Tell your bookies also I didn’t want to be on record going against my two point guards I don’t give a [ __ ] I’ll say Mavericks win I’m rooting for Jay kid I’m rooting for Kyrie those are my teammates yeah knock yourself out they better win the game or it’s over first must win first must win and we’re going to figure it out but I’m not going to sit up here for the next two days saying oh they got they have to win it’s not are they who’s they have to win if they don’t it’s over a lot of brooms in the comments a lot of brooms in the comments dude I uh I I don’t see it I don’t see it I think the Celtics win this game somebody said when chicks get waxed they go and ask for the Richard Jefferson special Richard look like a clean butthole I don’t even need adjustments that’s the line that’s the line of the night sh you got you got the MS getting swept I don’t know if they get swept I think they have a gentleman Suite but I I don’t see if Drew holiday has a great game and Jason Tatum doesn’t have a great game and neither does Jaylen Brown if if Jaylen Brown has a great game and Jason Tatum and no one else has a great game and they keep winning these games there’s only so many players you can let beat you like what are the Mavericks gonna do and all of a sudden are they just gonna what just not turn the ball over are they just not to get tired is there’s a lot of they the the Boston Celtics have yet to have a game where three four guys go off like really go off they’ve had two each game I think there’s a game where Dallas at the end of this game they weren’t even rotating they were like yep that’s going in yep that’s going in like I just think the way Bost is uh is playing I didn’t I didn’t see Dallas not being able to um adjust to it and I think Boston has seen everything that Dallas has and says y’all can’t beat us like this so I I do have a question I got a question for all three of y’all is Luca now the best player in the league because look he’s not you you asked us you asked us a question and we I just said I just said I just said no who why were you wondering no but who who Who’s the best player in the league I I I go the best player off of who I would draft over him and I’m still taking Giannis over him and I’m still taking Giannis yes yes that’s why that’s why all is Luka the best player in the league no I’m still probably taking Nicole yic okay I was just asking yeah I’m sorry I’m sorry not because the reason the two MVPs in a ring Luca don’t have an MVP yet bro [ __ ] don’t do that don’t do that I’m with you on standard the standard two MVPs Defensive Player of the Year Championship Finals MVP what show me what show show me would be four five6 in my in my realm one two three would be like obviously joic then I’d say wemy and then maybe Luca and then whoever else you put there I’m taking that’s that’s fair that that’s Fair that’s fair the the reason that I’m asking is because every year we Crown somebody different based on them completing the mission right so like the the year Giannis won it he won MVP I mean he won finals MVP in the championship was was like oh Jan’s the best player in the world then Steph end up winning it we was like oh Steph is the best player in the world then joic won it last year was like oh yeah joic is the best player in the world so I’m just just wonder because this series like the best player in the world is not going to win the finals MVP this year Jason Tatum Jason Tatum is he’s not winning the finals MVP this year so with that being said so if Jaylen Brown wins the wins the finals MVP then he was just is it a like just another Andre equad Dolla type story oh no I mean but Andre is nice no I’m not knocking igy I’m not saying that Arizon no no no I’m not saying that I’m just asking like once this this mission is complete the Celtics going to win this Championship if jayen Brown gets the finals MVP who who’s the best player in the world no no let me say this for one a rare situation that we are currently in rare situation that you’re in whoever wins the championship isn’t going to get that Crown it doesn’t like whoever because there was years that Kobe was best there in the year because there’s no one up there it takes more than just a championship to Crown you it takes more than just a finals MVP it takes years of works it takes actual MVPs it takes you were the most dominant best player in the league Undisputed and then you want win a championship he’s the first scoring title leader to be in the championship I think since Jordan Maybe since Jordan to be in the finals so that’s what I’m saying it’s like there is a resume that comes the best player in the world is a like if we’re changing that every year and a half that’s like changing the MVP every year well we have well we changed the MVP yes but no no no we’ve changed who is the best player of the world every single year agreed but it was also based off resumes when we changed it to Giannis is because he had won two MVPs and then finally he got the championship in the finals MVP and we’re like fine someone finally took that Crown right someone took the crown Crown then there was a dud then joic won two MVPs got over the hump won the championship the finals MVP so then boom hey okay and it wasn’t like off a one-year thing it was like we saw a body of work for him dominating the league and then finally got the final piece so then it was him Luca’s gotten here no one was saying that Luca was the best player in the world until this finals run you don’t get to do it for three months it’s a sustained effort for years or a year I got another question follow follow don’t leave don’t leave Rich you good it ain’t like you you good you all right listen now real talk I’m I’m watching this team right and I’m watching this roster I don’t want to damn it I don’t want to throw shade on the mouss but it it the real is the real Luca to me is the best player in the world Luca is the best player in the world for him and I like I know he has Kyrie Irving Kyrie has been fantastic we’re not going to sit up here and try to diminish or demoralize what he’s done this season to help them get to the NBA finals but like to be honest with you look at the pieces that luk they don’t even have close to a legitimate third Allstar caliber player like on some real stuff PJ Washington is just fine but they don’t really like if you look what PJ Washington PJ Washington would have been the fourth best player on our championship team that’s what I’m saying RJ I said he’s he’s fine like I that’s I’m saying it’s like yeah he’s not yeah so it’s like like he’s really doing more with less Ser doesn’t he still have to win like he would they would need to come back and win this series that’s what I be saying like I’m looking day I didn’t know this I didn’t know Luca after he won Rookie of the Year for the like over for the last five years he’s been First Team all NBA like what the [ __ ] they are they got him ping they got him pingis porzingis wasn’t it they had Brunson they screwed that one up even though I don’t know how good I don’t still think Brunson would have elevated to this level next to Luca but that’s my opinion I don’t think he would have right Kyrie can just be an off the- ball bucket getter catch and shoot he can kill not saying that Jaylen Brunson wouldn’t have been nice but I don’t think Jaylen Brunson would have elevated similar to like James Harden I don’t know if James Harden would have elevated to Houston James Harden if he would have stayed in OKC I just like he was going to be nice he was got to get an Allstar but I think what when he left and went to a place he elevated himself so they’ve been putting guys next to Luca they put together they were in the Conference Finals two years ago had a shitty year now they back so they’ve been putting things together next to him that’s just in my opinion but they need more tell them they need more people well look I will say this it’s not five guys that are better than Luca Don I know yes yeah First Team all NBA for five years yeah he got to be top three and there aren’t Five Guys that are better than you Kendrick Perkins so thank you for gracing us with your presence on the show all the time well I appreciate look look at their faces what y gota say what’s wrong nothing man nothing man you don’t got nothing nice to say say nothing at all that’s always rude how is that rude gave so many compliments and then one compliment and you got a hate on him yes yes wait wait everybody’s asking the one question big perky lurky oh [ __ ] what man are you really gonna go there Chan yeah we have to that’s what the people want you gotta save we’ll save it you want to save it no go ahead no no F hey you got unfollowed buddy take that take that perk oh oh did you see my quote tweet yeah explain the quote treat quot twe yeah everybody a follow Jesus I’m okay okay y why y’all break up why y’all break up hey man look he some people be like LMA man you know what I’m saying they be in their feelings is that are y’all both in y’all feelings here here’s the thing right leave it at this the one thing about it is this bro I have a job to do okay and I’mma do my job and I’m not gonna let anybody persuade me to say something that I don’t want to say right I’mma critique everybody fairly if you’re doing well I’mma give you your flowers if I feel like you on some [ __ ] I’mma call you out on it you know what I’m saying that’s part of my job and to be honest with you since we here y’all got time cuz I can dive into here’s the thing right here’s the thing right real talk like I bust my ass to get in this position that I am in this media space right and my thing is we all know this Hall of Famers franchise guys when they retire they get the red carpet rolled out for them in the media space whether they good or not we know this right like let’s not so you got to work to get to a certain stand of where you at and I’m continuing to grow and I’m trying to get better every single day my thing is working at a network if they feel like that you’re being biased in any type of way especially coming from a guy that was a former role play in the league your ass going to be on the chopping block so I’m just saying like you know if first of all my phone always on I don’t duck and Dodge anybody phone calls or text messages if you got a problem with something I said I didn’t like I didn’t talk to plenty of people about things I didn’t said on the television right like whether they agree or not like even I’m for example an incident where I was like with Tobias Harris you remember I was like oh yeah Tobias man they asked he he told the team he was going to Chick-fil-A he asked him what they wanted and he came back with a bag full of napkins and straws right he so look it I said it in a joking matter but I did get a phone call from his dad right and I was like his dad represent him like he’s his agent so I answered the phone and we had an hour conversation about it I didn’t take back what I said but we talked about I didn’t but we talked about it though we talked about you know Tobias and his role with Philadelphia and things to that nature not even diving into details but look if somebody go unfollow me on Twitter man or social media because of something I said on TV okay cool here’s the thing right last thing I got four kids I got three boys 16 12 and seven I’m teaching you nasty I stop shy I’m listen man I’m teaching I’m raising leaders over here not followers okay and I’m also raising my boys to be like to be respectful but at the same time never to walk in the room I don’t give a damn with who you walk in the room with never to feel less than anybody no man but you don’t feel like you above nobody as well right like so my thing is is that at the end of the day I cannot kiss nobody ass about because of something that I said on television I won’t do it I won’t do it and if if that caused for somebody to be upset with me and not follow me on social media and don’t talk to me then damn it the Friendship wasn’t what it was anyway you know what this this is like okay when we talk about the NBA being the most dramatic League oh this is this is this is what we talking about look I’m here for it I know you here for it perk we support you we support Braun like we support our brothers you know we hope y’all figure this out y’all y’all work this out and hopefully y’all can start following each other again but the funny [ __ ] to me is that there’s 40y old men on here talking about who’s following who and [ __ ] oh that bothers me so much look I’m not I’m not putting it on you perk I’m just saying in general when I saw it started popping up on the internet I was like who people pay attention to that [ __ ] I don’t even know who follows me and guess what I mean people are mad that they’re not following around the next coach for the Lakers in the a Aerospace I know people are mad like it’s but guess what on some real [ __ ] I consider each one of y’all seriously as my friends that’s why I’m on here right okay in a group message y’all drop we talk about the game of basketball all the time I would never ever say in a group or tell one of y’all to say you know what y’all don’t [ __ ] with me no more because y’all y’all don’t talk to y’all don’t [ __ ] talk to me because y’all still [ __ ] with bro no like y’all keep y’all friendship with him because I would never put y’all in the middle of it and our friendship is our friendship if me and Bri ever happen to cross paths and we want to talk about and have a conversation I’m here for it I’m not going to bash his name behind his back to anybody I’m not gonna do none of that [ __ ] I really haven’t even spoke on this [ __ ] to be honest you huh you hav I really don’t care like I don’t care like the the sad part about it is is like bro I don’t need a phone call just the last part bro we go back since like 99 2000 yeah I don’t need a phone call from Rich Paul Bro to speak on your behal like you got my phone number you do like if you really feel some type of way dog just hit me and if I feel like I was wrong on something I apologize and then we move on from it so now apparently we have the new age version of The Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan beef now it’s LeBron Kendrick B it’s not bro it’s not like I’m not like bro more full full trust that if as you mentioned if the two of you cross paths you’re two grown ass men and you’re going to handle it the way you need to yeah you’re addressing the question that was asked Channing put it out on the table you answered it respect and and guess what and guess what if we have I go on first take tomorrow if we happen to bring up the subject of who’s the goat LeBron LeBron or or Jordan and we’re in the middle of the [ __ ] NBA Finals covering the Mavs and Celtics but if that topic come up I’m still gonna say brunn is the goat I still feel that way that ain’t going to change like I’m not like just because we at odds right now and it’s a lot of [ __ ] that we do need to have a conversation about it’s not going to change the way that I do my job whether it’s right or like whether it’s me criticizing him or giv giving him his flowers look end of the day I think we can all agree to that doing this job there’s nothing easy about it no so having said that I hope the two of you have a discussion and can figure it out because as Rich mentioned we love you both absolutely um anyways game three is on Wednesday and road tripping will be back after that hey see yall after game three ho forever [Music]

The Celtics beat the Mavs in Game 2! Road Trippin’ crew and ESPN analyst Kendrick Perkins is here to react to Game 2 of the NBA Finals between Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving and the Dallas Mavericks and Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Jrue Holiday, Kristaps Porzingis and the Boston Celtics.

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  1. RJ talking Celtics might be the next Warriors dynasty and it’s only been 2 games in The Finals 🤦🏾‍♂️

  2. MVP = most valuable player

    Tatum was +19 yesterday in an 18 point win and +6 today in a 7 point win. Tatum leads the Celtics and the playoffs in +/-.

    How do you argue that the most impactful guy on the team that is up 2-0 in the finals is not the most valuable player?

    Those nice easy shots that Jaylen and Jrue have been getting…? They are getting those shots because Tatum is creating them.

    Also why does Jaylen always get away criticism free? Tatum was criticised game one for his turnovers and that's fair. But Jaylen had 6 turnovers today and nobody said a thing about it and just keep hyping him as "the best Celtic". Lets be honest, people just hate Tatum.

  3. Its old talk for us but always a great debate as cs fan. a brown centric team vs tatum team is interesting

  4. Who the hell is Perk rooting for? Never seen a former Celtic root against the Boston so hard. Celtics put a ring on his finger when he was averaging single digits as a starter… he should be wearing green every day and giving the #1 team in the NBA its flowers

  5. Hahaha, 41:54 hahaha Luka has no MVP. Best players in the league NBA just the fact they all said a few times it doesn’t matter Luka will show up and will make 30+ no matter who you put on him. And will have assists and will have rebounds to go but he has no MVP that some media people decide on is wild! There is no player you can have more confidence in showing up beaten up with minor injuries he got it.v Also consider that Stephen A Smith has a vote all I have to say.

  6. I love it when the guy who played 12 years for the Nets and 1 year with Cleveland, and you would think it's reversed with how hard he claims them. Damn RJ, Jersey just doesn't mean shit to you, huh? J.Kidd and K.Mart making your career just means nothing because you got to D-ride James for a year. It's disrespectful and frankly disgusting.

    You were on some damn good teams and finals teams, but you just act like you only ever played with James.

    It just says so much about you as a man and a teammate. Disgraceful

  7. I love Perk, one of my favorite Celtics of all time and it’s such a joy to see him transition so seemless to his new profession but I got to disagree with the J Kidd needing to scheme Kyrie open people can’t call him the most skilled player of all time then say his coach needs to find a way to get him open. Also I disagree with the Tatum being a top player in the league. I still think he has that in him not sure with a team like this his whole career he’ll ever be the best player in the league but that’s only because it’s not necessary in my opinion with all the talent around him. And he is having a horrendous shooting slump right now

  8. Do we only judge Tatum on FG%? I remember Anthony Edwards going 6-24 against Denver and everybody compared him to Kobe.

  9. To answer Perk's questions on why THJ isn't in the rotation is because he's a defensive liability and your already having a hard time stopping this Celtics team from scoring why in the world would you throw somebody out there that would make matters worse?

  10. Since the arrival of Magic and Bird in 1980, every NBA champion has had a 'top-50' player, with one exception: the 2004 Detroit Pistons. [Magic, Kareem, Bird, McHale, Dr J, Moses, Isiah, Michael, Hakeem, Timmy, Admiral, Shaq, Kobe, DWade, KG, Dirk, LeBron, Kawhi [?], Steph, Giannis, Joker]

    The 2024 Celtics are trying to become the second.

  11. The Celtics are a superteam. Dunno why we’re acting like it’s not. It’s not about individuals. It’s a super team.

    And none of these other teams were actual title teams, even Denver. You can’t run jokic 45 mins and expect to go back to back. This season looking back is so obvious haha

  12. MVP is regular season award. JT was mvp during the season. Steph has 1 finals mvp and that’s on the 4th championship. Kobe has 2. JT is fine.

  13. Dallas shooting too many 3s to get back in the game and missing them and paying for it in the other end. Luka looked low energy, making unnecessary turnovers. Kyrie, dont step it up at hime, this series will be over. 😢 wont be goid for the NBA either.

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