@Phoenix Suns

Basketball Brains vs. Brawn: The FINAL Round, a Phoenix Suns game

Basketball Brains vs. Brawn: The FINAL Round, a Phoenix Suns game

welcome into Valley Vibes brains and bronze the final round Saul versus [Music] espo gentlemen are you ready yep it’s a Jordan versus Barkley kind of match up there your first basketball or son’s word is Bank Shot Bank Shot espo you are the first one to hold the weight here we floater floater all coming out of the gates hot Maran Ty esbo keep holding that Chris Paul Chris Paul uhoh esbo you got to get a word in here mad house mad house just going to wait a while just hold this thing big big three big three ESO pass it back to Saul I was about to say big there damn it next son’s basketball word is coach Bud coach Bud next up we’ve got b ty so keep holding that weight Sunburst Sunburst all right esbo on a heater now here we go Valley Valley good one our next son’s basketball word is Dany damn it that was close though espo got the edge [Music] there D Davis I’ll take it okay pass you have me you have me by a half a second through [Laughter] playoffs if you pass it we don’t even need a ref right Leandro Barbosa yes I’ll keep holding on to that weight next up we’ve got [Music] Charles Barkley nope no there’s no C I’m just do you need a hint yeah the second word starts with a B that didn’t help for [ __ ] I’m trying to make the hints harder it’s the final round you need another [Music] hint [ __ ] around damn it go ahead give us another first word starts with an a ankle breaker anle breaker I wasn’t getting shake them arms out next up bris bazito nope I love that he bought it too I was like wait what let’s see they’re going to start getting a little bit harder I think do you need a hint sure this word could be considered more slang when it comes to basketball terminology could be it’s widely used but it could be considered [Music] slang do you need another hint sure cam Johnson has done this to many players Landry shamut has had this done to [Music] him oh posterize posterize oh wow all right shake them arms out espo starting to feel the burn next up do we need another hint sure starts with an i no the faces you guys are making are fantastic for Saul’s sake give another hint I don’t want I inbound close no [Music] close who does the inbounding inbounder there you go all right next up ah the good old acuo yeah I’m out oh Championship good job so congratulations esbo for winning our first ever brains and bronze tournament where’s my confetti [Music]

The Phoenix Suns play basketball. The PHNX Suns Podcast plays games. In the FINAL round of Brains vs. Brawn, Saul and Espo duke it out!



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