@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons NEED TO LOCK UP Cade Cunningham

Detroit Pistons NEED TO LOCK UP Cade Cunningham

you know what’s also going to be a fun day what up though when Kade signs that contract o the question is when and what’s the Nick price what’s the right price you think they’re GNA offer it should they offer him let’s just let’s just let’s just cut the let’s just cut it I make sure was my mouth in here we’re in a public place Kate you get the max it seems like you’re a supporter of that is that because he’s earned it because of his play in the court is that because this is the right timeline for that to happen combined with the belief that he is the future of this team what are the reasons for doing it this summer yeah a lot of it is going to have to do with the belief that you have in him as a player and who you believe he can be if you build around him appropriately so if you’re giving him the max you’re making a commitment to going out there within this window of time and making sure that you have an opportunity to not just make the playoffs be a serious Contender Within These playoffs within those 5 years because you’re not giving him this contract to just say you know what goodbye on the next one you’re hoping that this is somebody that you can build around long term have some type of longevity Beyond even this next contract that’s what you want to see out of a k Cy nobody goes into these situations and says you know what we want a guy that can be here just for a couple years that we can trade and we sign him to the max if you don’t believe in him but you give him that Max how are you trading him if if you think that he’s not that guy if you’re just looking to flip him so there has to be this extreme belief in him and then I hope it signals that this team is going to move rather expeditiously to get something built up around him which has been been lacking his entire rookie contract he has not had anything built up around him flano did a good job on uh I think two shows ago kind of breaking down what K Cunningham has and hasn’t have to kind of dispel that notion of what the team is or isn’t without him the team has had better Talent on the court when Kade has been injured and when he hasn’t been injured most of that other Talent has been injured that’s kind of been this EB and flow as it relates to K Cunningham get him something reliable and that’s what this Max contract represents it’s about belief and who you believe K Cunningham to be and what what you believe your team is going to be if you build around them you know we talk a lot about the Tigers looking to find that Foundation find out who their core players are to build around that’s part of the the the patience we’ll call it of Scott Harris not to make any drastic changes yet that’s that’s at least the the route I’m taking to defend the the slowness of of making a a significant move is that I know the Pistons have had a worse stretch or a worse season but are they in a better situ not a better situation than Tigers but they are in a good situation knowing that Kade Kade Cunningham is that Foundation is that core now they just need to build around him and to do that you got to solidify it with that contract first yeah definitely definitely and I think him it helps him uh feel comfortable and during the exit interviews K Cunningham had a lot to say about it he did say yeah I’m already thinking about that that contract he i’ be lying to yall if I wasn’t he’s said but you know knock on wood I got to make sure that I do what I have to do in terms of improving as a basketball player making sure that my health and my stamina on the court and how many games I play a year improves put myself in the best possible position but he also mentioned this this is his first off season he gets to just go in and not worry about rehabbing not worry about coming back from injury he just gets to go out there and focus on getting better as a basketball player for the first time in his NBA career he’s expecting even bigger things I know that a lot of people they scoff at what he did this season because of the team’s record but he took the necessary jumps forward when we all talked about the types of jumps we wanted to see we wanted to see plus five points in he went from 17 to 22 he did it we wanted to see the assist day about the same the assist to turnover ratio was it was it it aligns with some of the other top guards in the league he was top 10 and assist as well top 10 in potential assist uh he he he showed the necessary Improvement and he showed that if you put the right players around him he’s the type of guard that is looking to distribute get his teammates the ball get them involved and really try and be uh not just a leader but a coach on the court as well two two questions I have for you Kool-Aid yes sir two I want to ask you if you’re concerned about these two are you concerned about injuries at all does he do you consider him injury prone I know you probably don’t have behind the scenes medical information but like is that something fans should be worried about also our turnover is something to be worried about I I I I actually I’ll let you answer that first uh and stated it one more time the turnovers are heard and what was the first question first one are you worried about injury concerns long term like is is he considered an injury injury-prone player around the league or is are we just hyperfocused on am I just hyperfocused on that because the Pistons have struggled the last two years and he’s been hurt well the struggles are kind of uh a part of it as well when you have a team that’s struggling what you’re not going to do is send your prize possession out there to say you know what no we need you to play every game if you know who he is sometimes you’re going to have some aspect of load management that goes into it the surgery he had is to make sure that long term he’s going to be a guy that’s going to be in the court a lot more than he has been but early on after that surgery you don’t want to necessarily run him out there for the full Gauntlet of an 82 Game season so you’re going to want him to a year after having the surgery probably take a little bit easy okay maybe play 50 games maybe play 60 games and that’s what we saw this year and it was kind of that that’s what it was the doctors who suggested that this is the the operation he gets they said long term he’ll have no complications but obviously early on it’s a situation where you want to treat it uh uh with the opportunity to fully heal and have that strength there and that’s what he’s looking forward to I think for Kade Cunningham it was all about being able to get to this offseason healthy being able to get to this offseason knowing you can go 100% and put yourself in a position to do things like you know what like he said yeah at The X interviews I need to cut down on these turnovers I need to get tigh with my handles it was cool to see him kind of taking responsibility uh to Matthew Krueger’s Point K Cunningham also said he needs to get better defensively so it’s awesome to see that he’s going into this offseason working on his deficiencies and to the tune of those turnovers he did get better as the year went on obviously the start of year those turnovers were sitting at like about five five 5.4 a game as the year went on those came down to about three a game and put them kind of in League with some of the other top point guards in the league as it relates to turnovers when you have the ball in your hand so much and you’re the the team’s primary playmaker 55% true usage that’s insane and that’s what we’re seeing with Caitlyn Clark too like she just got the ball in her hands more and the game is fast still although Kade he’s able to slow it down it’s still fast for a young player and you’re going to make turnovers what I want to ask you though is the decision making when it comes to putting pieces around k yeah who’s it going to be because there’s a name there’s a name that’s been floating around does it make sense to bring in a former Gary Player for the Pistons does it make sense to bring in taan Prince as the team’s new GM you know what I would love it we’ve talked but on this show as well I remember we say listen if the Pistons are serious go out there and get a person like tan Prince go out there and appeal to somebody who knows and understands what Detroit basketball actually is the history because it’s not just what those former team were it was the relationship between those players and those fans and making sure that you don’t let them down to have a person who understands how our heart beats in that front office to understand you know what even if I’m not the president of basketball operations he was the vice president of basketball affairs with the Grizzlies so he does come with more than just GM experience with with a lot more of that front office executive experience as well he’s a person that can carry a lot of weight if he’s in that Detroit prison’s front office and honestly we don’t know exactly what he’s been responsible for which moves with with the Grizzlies but we know that they’ve had a lot of success and they’ve had a decent rise while taan Prince has been within that front office and he’s held with in high regard not just there but across the league as a front office executive taan Prince to me would be a fantastic hire and it would make me ultimately feel very comfortable about this trean langon kind of uh era that’s about to begin that seems like a Savvy move to me a good move for a a new president of basketball operation t on Prince home yeah that’s exactly what rake said bring him home Chuck Brewer says can Prince play some three for us grandma says Pistons blood I’m seeing a lot all raino smalls all for bringing taan home y hey I I’m a fan we’re going to break it down a little bit more as as these decisions start to come out I’m excited to hear you break it down for us but just looking from a a bird’s eye perspective I like the idea taan being back in a leadership position for this team nonsense when you remember taan Prince’s second stint with the Detroit Pistons he was a guy who didn’t get in the mess he was a guy who stood on the outside of that tried to be a leader and he didn’t have a problem calling out stuff when he had to call it out that’s where the famous saying buffoonery came from the buffoonery years of the Detroit Pistons it was taan Prince who actually uttered the phrase to the media because he was like you know what we got to be better got and it’s like you know it was awesome to see him as a vet during that second St and to see the type of Charisma and character that he carried I would love to be able to see that in the front office where I believe that these young players that we have here and they need talent coming in they’re going to need structure think about how important it was to have a person on the team at the end of the season like Aaj Gibson like like Taj Gibson was getting air time just because of the effect he was supposedly having on these young players CU they didn’t have that type of leadership that veteran leadership and structure within the organization or the on or on the court they were trying to make Taja Donis Haslam which I think they need but it wasn’t even bad at the at the job either like I can’t even hate on it but it was just like you still won sub20 games [Music]

Matt Broder and Detroit Kool-Aid join you from the famed Oakland Hills Country Club to discuss Cade Cunningham’s contractual status with the Detroit Pistons. Should the franchise lock up the former number-one overall pick? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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