@Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland Guardians stay hot vs. the Marlins + Cleveland Cavaliers linked to big time star via trade

Cleveland Guardians stay hot vs. the Marlins + Cleveland Cavaliers linked to big time star via trade

[Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jay Crawford Adam the bull Garrett Bush tyus Powell Jason Lloyd plus da da you’re loving him Mikey McNuggets and so many big names it would take me hours to say all of their names the ultimate Cleveland sports show starts now [Music] booah welcome to the J&J show it appears that there has been a sickness swirling through the house of ucss right gbsh out what’s gbsh have he just texted us about 8:00 this morning saying got to call out sick guys don’t feel good okay he’s it’s back and neck who knows yeah and it’s maybe no coincidence that g does a show with Earl on Saturdays and Earl who was going to sit with us we made the call at the last minute he just was not capable of uh he was here till 2 minutes ago I just sent him upstairs this was a game time decision you know Luca was probable and questionable going into game two of the finals last night Earl was questionable and we just was a game time decision have to make some tough calls sometimes and we hope Earl feels better but he was in no shape to I walked in at 1057 and he looked like his dog got run over head in his hands and yeah he’s not not in good shape at all and he said you know I did a show with G on Saturday so you know they might want to get that studio over at 923 fumigated because there’s some ucss germs swirling around in there we didn’t do it on purpose I swear um so yeah it’s it’s the J&J show today I hope everybody had a great weekend did you have a good weekend I did baseball I mean baseball fills our lives now it is when you have one that’s your age and their travel it’s it is your life have you seen the funny videos on Instagram where it’s just the same guy I can’t think of his name and he’s he’s playing all the parts but he’s basically the travel league coach tell the schedule and how much it’s going to cost it’s not far from the truth no thankfully we missed last year the team that we’re on now went to Pigeon Forge yeah and that was pricey so we dodged the bullet on that one we’re not doing any farway tournaments it’s crazy um when Corey was of Ling age we lived in Florida yeah and they they play professional baseball 12 months a year there for kids yeah they literally think that that is your son’s life and that there are no other sports and that that’s it and so you there’s three travel Seasons so imagine that wow I mean you’re buying new $400 bats every three months you gets just I mean it gets out of control and the travel for for us fortunately in Florida it was mostly Florida Bay sometimes Georgia but mostly Florida Bay so it wasn’t like you know you were doing these 14 16 hour drives or flights right but it it really is a lot well we just started swim season and football starts in a few weeks like bed into the goes and goes and go I remember vividly in Florida Cory played everything so and because most of it plays 12 months a year at some level he would it was normal for him to be changing in the back of the minivan had days like that while we were going from soccer game at 9:00 a.m. to travel baseball game at noon it was and there were some days where there were three dates and times on the calendar which it was nuts uh but he’s doing good I I saw us AJ swing uh over the weekend I think the triple yeah he’s got a real compact not a lot of lower body movement jab at the ball and he’s you can he’s a thumper I mean he yeah he he hits the ball he hit we had him in studio last week and bull was making fun of how big he is compared to his friends uh but that ball he hit over the weekend was the loudest pop I’ve heard off a barrel it was it’s fun it’s fun man it’s a fun age it is it’s great enjoy it because I’m telling you it goes fast man it was 10 minutes ago I was in of that yeah and you blink and you’re like now I’m following and cheering and rooting for the kids that my son is coaching who by the way shout out to ruter and Corey and a young lady named Khloe um oh God I should know her last name her first name’s Chloe she won the NCAA PV Vault championship in Eugene last week set the NCAA Championship meet record wow yeah she is something else um next up Olympic trials he’s got a bunch of kids that he’s going to be and have at the Olympic trials which is quite an accomplishment so good luck to all those kids but yeah one day you’re rooting for your kid and the next day you’re rooting for his kids that he’s coaching it happens fast life comes at you fast as commercial says lot to get into we talk guards Browns Cavs later in the show I’m excited about this I haven’t seen him in many many years pton Hillis is going to be here I can’t wait to ask him about the story because you know sometimes Leroy can embellish Leroy famously tells the story about he shows up with a dead deer in his truck in his trunk oh I haven’t heard that story I think yeah Mike do you remember that story I do and you know we love Leroy yeah they’re part of the Browns running back fraternity so I have no reason to believe Leroy would embellish this story but he’s Leroy so I’m going to know for a fact he embellished it a little bit but I also have heard some stories about pton Hillis and it fits right on bran with pton that he would show up with a dead deer in the back of his truck to a go outing or whatever it was he’s a unique dude Payton Hillis uh man once upon a time he he got the mad cover right yeah because I remember I was it grant that he was up against or maybe I can’t remember no 2012 no yeah it had to be it was pretty grank um I don’t remember I remember we had the finalists in studio to interview before they announced the cover yeah and I remember thinking just to myself there’s no way pton Hillis is getting this I wish I could remember who he was Michael Vic I think it may have been Mike Vic cuz I have a picture somewhere of me Payton and whoever the other finalist was and I want to it was Mike Vic he beat Mike Vic 6634 in the phanom yeah I know it’s nuts and well that was was that pre or that had to be that post that was post dog conention well yeah then there’s no way he was going to win no way um that’s also just the lunacy of Browns fans it really is yeah Browns Mafia just full full effect they got it out there and they voted like crazy and also we’re going to talk about some proposed Cavs well one proposed Cav rumor it’s a rumor yeah rumor I don’t want to call it a propos trade this is just a rumor we actually have a little bit of breaking news guys so I’m going chime in let’s get the fan D out of the way and we got an update on uh Ben Lively which could be isue I don’t know if you guys saw this yet we’ll talk about in a sec but summertime means baseball the NBA finals and more and you can bet on it all with FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks you can use to bet on everything from the finals MVP award to who’s going to hit one out of the ballpark just visit ucss and add a big win to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one sports book Anthony’s also working from home today so it’s literally just me and you two so a three-man show with director Steve so apologies if tag board anything’s moving slow so we don’t have the update from Paul hoyy who tweeted out the article a second ago but he said Guardians right-hander Ben Lively returning from road trip to undergo test on a possible injury if you go into the article he was removed from his Saturday start after just 65 pitches he stayed an extra night in Miami while the rest of the team traveled to Cincinnati for the upcoming series that starts tomorrow he’s going to be examined it’s an arm injury the elbow epidemic is ramp it across Major League Baseball there’s no specifics whatsoever yet on what said injury may be no but he’s been incredible for the Guardians this year they didn’t be like elbow or shoulder did they no it just arm he’s going to get his arm looked at I immediately went to Elbow because that’s what what’s going around um it certainly has affected Guardians pictures a lot I like your wristband by the way watchband well that’s devastating yeah if he misses any sort of time you know we were having a conversation last week and you weren’t here so I’ll sort of call back to it we had a I think it was a super chat that wrote into to the show oh no no bull said that there was a media member in Cleveland that he didn’t want to name but he knows and he reached out to this media member who had said you know just imagine if they could get more out of Ben Lively yeah and bull immediately reached out to him and he brought it up to us on the show and I’m like get more out of Ben Lively he’s got a sub three er like what they’ve received so far from Ben Lively is why this team is in first place quite frankly they’re up by four I think he’s got five or six wins he’s six and two with a 259 erra I mean that that’s insane this is Ace caliber numbers almost you know I mean he’s he’s a b pitcher top of the front of the rotation for sure and um now the irony of it is they may be staring at losing him for a while they can’t afford that they they just cannot afford it no I it what’s odd and I mean I I don’t want to get too far ahead because we don’t know the location of the injury but could be arm or shoulder could be elbow but most of the severe dramatic injuries that lead to Tommy John occur within the first like 100 days they do usually I I thought that we were most for the most part out of the woods with that not quite we’re approaching it but if you count spring training we are are we not well if you count the 30 days leading in basically if so it would be count March yeah April May that’s 90 we’re at June we’re right on the we are 100 days day 100 and so we’re certainly at the but you’re right you know that better than anyone I always I always say that if you get past the middle of June you’re probably not Tommy territory might might have a shoulder but it’s just bad timing we don’t know yeah we don’t could be shoulder we don’t know I hope whatever it is I hope it’s not serious for his and the team’s sake can we put an APB out on Gavin Williams man like what this was supposed to be a twoe thing I know he was supposed to be back in mid April it’s June well isn’t he at Columbus yeah he had his third Rehab start yesterday by what were the numbers I meant to look and didn’t his third Rehab start yesterday 50 pitches 33 strikes he went three Innings three hits two ear in runs three strikeouts I mean if he’s at 50 pitches he’s still two weeks away yeah well it all depends you want to stretch him out slowly and you want to bring him back slowly but I can’t imagine they’re going to give him three more starts in Columbus I just can’t especially if Lively if he’s at 50 you go to what 65 and the next one and then maybe you you go to 80 and then you’re free you’re good yeah so that’s 10 days I mean I don’t know that’s that’s uh maybe you get to 65 and bring them up if you got nobody else I don’t know if we have the same physical therapist we have I I used the the Guardians guy for my procedure I’m without a pitch count now I’m four starts in um and I threw Saturday I didn’t start it was the first game I didn’t start I just came out of the bullpen I actually went 78 n and my I was at my 75 count limit yeah um this was my last uh appearance before I can now be no pitch count and I only threw like 40 some pitches in three Innings and I’m I’m good and I if he’s using the same Physical Therapy schedule that I am and I don’t know he’s a major leager and there’s a hell of a lot more State and he throws a lot harder maybe he is a they’re going to bring him along a little slower but I don’t I’m not sure my fear though you know with the elbow I have it with myself you know if it’s there it’s never fully right yeah yeah I I’m still not entirely clear on what the injury was with with Gavin well it was elbow right but but but what yeah that’s the question and see they don’t give you specifics I don’t know if he had the 10 jet procedure that I had um I know in talking to the Guardians team about my issue that they had said that they’ve done this and they’ve had quite a bit of success with it yeah now I don’t know maybe are the is the tire is the rubber on the tire getting thin now yeah and it’s it works for a bit and then it wears off I don’t know that he had it this is total supposition you know they they’re not allowed to tell me who’s had what um those are Hippa things and the other thing with I I don’t know if Shane Bieber had that yeah I don’t know I know that they were dealing with elbow issues and short of a uclr which is a 15-month rehab right these this is a shortcut that’s supposed to get them back and get them going earlier now is a Band-Aid as good as a new skin patch right I don’t I don’t know we’re finding out in real time well I don’t I certainly Gavin’s not ready now and if you’d imagine Ben’s gonna miss some sort of time you don’t come back to Cleveland and then they say okay you’re good and you’re one start I mean yeah yeah he’s going to miss some time even if it’s brief even if it’s a short Ison or whatever I don’t recall the guy ever going back and then saying yeah you’re good we’ll see you on Tuesday so no it doesn’t work it doesn’t work that way so they’re going to have to come up with something in the interim until Gavin is ready I would have to imagine Gavin is still a week and a half out at least you’re going to have to figure out one two I would think two starts so so if he went yesterday he’ll probably go Thursday maybe Friday I don’t know what what their schedule looks like just say Friday and then perhaps the following Wednesday and then maybe he would be ready for a Sunday here two weeks from yesterday I would take that if we could get him then if you can finagle the next next couple weeks Bullpen day occasionally uh zavon Curry I don’t know no you you know what you do what they have done and that’s you mix and match and you probably lean a little heavier on the bullpen which is scary you can only do that for a short amount of time that is going you pay that Piper at some point and it’s typically in August in the dog days when the heat is there guys get dead arm and they are at their they’re over the inning consumption where they want to be for their Bullpen both Total and probably with everybody except for maybe class um individually they’re over they’re just they’re running hot right now it leads to again we’ve talked about this I’ve talked about it with Adam multiple times it looks like they’re going to have to make a move for some sort of arm you would imagine at the deadline can’t imagine they don’t I don’t know I I they just I know they don’t want to go that route you don’t want to pay those prices especially the premium at the trade deadline how much more expensive even a middling guy is and power is still is absolute no call not you will pitch for the Guardians before Trevor will pitch for the Guardians so I’ll have him come out and Scout me Sunday Jay I got question for you guys real quick yeah so I just reread that’s funny Paul Ho’s article again just to make sure I didn’t miss anything right did he specify elbow or shoulder no he didn’t which I don’t ever want to be you know glass half empty as opposed to half full guy but he’s coming back to Cleveland to get more tests on an injury they won’t disclose any information on that’s usually not not good right like I I just want to make sure I’m not reading that wrong that’s typically not no good yeah um and the Guardians are famous for downplaying injuries again Gavin Williams being a perfect example yeah they downplay injuries at the beginning um that’s not good no it’s not I don’t by the way I mean there are teams that are transparent there are teams that probably are overly transparent when they don’t need to be yeah but I’m just a I’m a big fan of more information you don’t have to come out and you know specify everything but the fans have a right to know we’re we’re you know they’re out supporting this team this year they have a right to know and um I it hypothetical yeah are you more likely to believe that it is an elbow because they’re not disclosing it and they don’t want more elbow problems in the organization well no I don’t I don’t know it’s going to come out eventually if it’s elbow it’s going to come out but why not just say it now I don’t know like there’s been a lot of elbow problems with this team a lot of elbow Williams Shane Bieber um uh Tristan McKenzie and you’re right is there any talk about why is it spin I I think it’s more spin rate than anything I think it’s a no one no one has the answer they would have solved it right I do think I I think you do have to look at the pitch clock I think you have to look at how hard these guys you’re throwing they’re telling guys now throw it as hard as you can just throw as hard as you can and that was never before that and and how hard you were talking about this how hard they grip pitches now compared to before of hold it like an egg that’s gone yeah and by the way when you grip grab a tennis ball and squeeze it and the harder you squeeze it the first thing you’re going to feel is right here yeah your flexor tendon your UCL that’s what you’re engaging when you’re when you’re gripping hard and that’s what’s going and there’s certain teams I mean Tampa Bay has had an epidemic of elbow injuries and they’re they’re finally and aren’t they our miror organization yeah but it has wrecked their season like they’re they’re going to probably be sellers at the deadline wrecked our season last year yeah all of their top pitchers all their top pitchers have had Tommy John within the last 12 months 12 16 Shane mclanahan uh Jeffrey Springs and these guys are coming back now well mclanahan won’t be back till next year Springs will be back probably in about another month or so but I just think I’ve said it before I think there’s something about the way that they are having their guys throw sliders yeah and the Royals are another example and the Royals have ties to the Guardians they took all their guys and the way that they’re taking these guys that were Journeymen that were just middling pitchers and have turned them into Bonafide studs look what he’s doing this Lively here yeah Cole Reagan in Kansas City Springs in Tampa these are guys that were just arms they were just guys Chris bbic was a highly thought of prospect with the Royals for years nothing ever came of it last year he had a breakout three starts in Tommy John yeah and and he’s another one that’s getting close now but it’s I don’t know if it’s the way that they’re having these guys throw sliders I don’t know what it is but you look at Cleveland Tampa Kansas City and Seattle’s got a really good pitching development thing too going but they really haven’t had I’m talking off top of my head I don’t recall Seattle injuries yeah I don’t remember them they may have I miss those three and and Kansas City hasn’t been hammered with injuries to their pitchers I don’t think it seems like Tampa and Cleveland Tampa and Cleveland I mean they are it’s just it’s almost an epidemic it’s everywhere it’s all across is sprinkled but it seems like these two organizations have been hit particularly hard with it I don’t know what the what the true answer is I don’t know if it’s pitch clock I don’t I don’t I don’t know right you’re increasing you’re you’re you’re keeping the same number of reps but you’re shortening the span what physiological effect does that have on the body you’d have to talk to a muscle guy now I do know I do know last year I’ve heard people within the Guardians felt like the clock is what really impacted CL class struggled to adjust to the pitch clock well this year he’s back to Emanuel CL yeah like he has adjust Ken didn’t adjust to the clock I think Karen was more sticky stuff as well do you he never really he’s never been the same guy since they took the sticky away no he has not so I think he he was more sticky Shane was where’s his injury stat what’s his injury I have no idea I haven’t checked on him either he’s in Siberia somewhere like he’s not even disgust mentioned that I’m aware of uh but I think I think Shane was another sticky stuff guy like he hasn’t been the same since they cracked down on the on the sub yeah but Shane has had that’s when he lost a lot of his too dominance yeah but he lost his velocity he did off the off after that but anyway um it’s terrible news about Lively they’re going to have to figure it out hopefully Gavin will be back two weeks hopefully yeah no more setbacks and they’re just going to have to figure out through the rotation a couple turns through rotation like maybe zavon Curry yeah I mean I with you you’re going to have to part with some Pro backs part with some of these guys that you’ve gotten to look at that you’re not sure I don’t know what kind of trade value Aras and Baylor have at this point deflated but the more I watch them the more I’m realizing they’re probably not there yet and I’m questioning whether they’re either going to get there yeah and I it’s probably too early to do that yeah you just never know with these guys on when when the light goes off it goes off I don’t think Naylor they would move at all I feel like they’re really attached to Bon and there’s a lot I like about them but man you can’t hit 170 and stay in the lineup not when David fry is doing what David fry is doing and he is not Elite defensively but I don’t think he’s terrible back there he’s serviceable yeah in my view now obviously you here when we talked about the pitch framing stat I don’t know if you saw that no I know that those I well they’re all so I call I don’t know what the official metric is I go I call it um calls One MH ball pitches one strikes one Whatever meaning w n so calls that are pitches that are outside the box that are stri yeah yeah yeah yeah and I brought that up last week you weren’t here but number one at the time and they’ve they’re way over 94 now cuz just in the last week and i’ I’ve been paying more and more attention to it they’re getting them and they’re getting them in critical spots they got one the other in a win the other day class had two balls clearly outside the zone that were framed beautifully both called strikes both key spots yeah um they were at 94 the Mariners and the Yankees were second tied for second at like 71 and then fourth was like 27 there was this huge drop off and Seattle and Cleveland obviously have the vote connection and New York is clearly prioritizing this from defensive catchers too but that’s something I think all the other teams in baseball are going to start paying attention to now that they’ve seen someone break away from the pack it’s not a statistical anomaly they’re working on it and they’re conscious of it and the Guardians have always wanted Elite defensive catchers they’re willing to trade the off def for the defense at that position but when you’ve got know I don’t know what his Hedges hitting Buck 30 I’m not even sure it’s that High nail he’s around 130 125 nailers last I looked was at 175 or something I think if you combine nailor Jay if you combine nailer and hedges they’re hitting exactly 300 so it’s 170 and 130 essentially exact no not essentially exactly 170 130 okay that’s what I thought now you look at David fry now here and if you combine their ops’s it’s like 806 David fry is 200 points higher in Ops than those two combined and 33% higher in at some point the conversation organizationally has to be had are we gaining enough defensively to keep this triumphant thing going when you’ve got a guy that’s white hot what do you want to do with a guy that’s white hot keep him in the lineup every day in the same spot if you can yeah so I would I mean this conversation I would hope is taking place already make Frid the every day use Hedges as your every fourth or fifth to give fry a spell and I think there you could potentially harm a young player when you keep them up and you you reestablish the fact every day you’re a buck 70 hitter well and I I like the fact that see when when we were at the game when Naylor got hurt yeah and votes said after the game it was strategy it was an injury that they wanted to get David in the lineup in that spot that’s why they took him out but he oh so he could continued that’s what he said but then he hasn’t played since right that’s why I wondered about that and it could be you know you go to bed you wake up now it hurts worse sure but it’s also a nice little excuse to give them take a sit and watch clear your head we’re going to let this arm or whatever the injury yeah that’s what I would call it ha to send you don’t have to embarrass some and send them down you know but at some point I understand the Goodwill and the family connection and I get all of that but at some point the the lead is four now yeah you’re looking at losing a front of the rotation guy for a number of starts four becomes none in less than a week I if you’re not right so I I get all of that but you’ve got to play this thing to win it but the pitching injuries is also why I wonder if you stay with him because he is Elite defensively and and you need that component right now especially when you’re as thin as you are at the rotation that’s true they what what they have to ask ultimately is the defense that we pick up overshadow the 200 well that 130 he’s hitting 200 points higher than Hedges and 170 Point 160 points higher than Naylor that’s not just a little bit if it was 220 and 270 you live with it it’s double and the power and the onbase the production it is uh we’re going to continue our guards conversation in one sec but a quick reminder if you don’t like Jay and Jason talking guards which you’d be crazy not to you can check out bow and Zach on the ultimate Guardian show that is tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. it says every Monday this week and next week it is on Tuesdays because of the travel days so make sure you guys check out the ultimate Guardian show tomorrow morning 10:00 a.m. Adam the bull and Zach M I wonder why they’re in black and white cuz Zach’s picture on the athletic they only have white and black uh black and white head shots Jason’s was black and white as well you certainly could have found a a color I’m sure Zach has a color when he can send Zach was like I like this one so made B black and white too so got it now by Zach we appreciate they do a great job guys over the weekend though the Guardians won two of three from Miami they got some contributions from roio H his first uh career home run or first of the season first career career right on Saturday three- run two-run shot Freeman had a three-run shot yesterday some guys who didn’t necessarily produce last season are now producing in ways we hadn’t seen the question I wanted to ask do you guys think this is just more experience age and maturity for these guys finding their offensive footing some to a higher extent than other or is it more of a change in the philosophy at the plate that Steven vot and this new coaching staff has brought what do you think can it be both it could absolutely be a myriad of things actually because that’s my answer I think I think some of it is maturation and getting a little bit more comfortable I mean just because Roku at one home run I’m not ready to declare that he’s ready no I mean he’s been he’s been a zero did you see yeah he has did you see his his uh entrance into the Dugout his his reception Freeman that was Freeman oh that was Freeman you’re right yeah and I intentionally did not put that in here because that would derail the entire conversation yeah no I don’t want to see that if you missed it you can look for it but we’re not going to show it to you yeah but Freeman’s I mean he’s well I’m talking about rokio how the team ignored him when he came in theg Tyler Freeman pop locking dropping it yeah no that I don’t want to talk about I don’t want to see that again it’s some things you can’t unsee but you need to like I don’t want to see that again so we’re not even going to talk about that I’m talking about roio’s reception when he came in The Dugout everybody just was you know how they do they IGN it’s it’s a form of hazing they were completely ignoring him and then they celebrated like crazy once he finally celebrated on his own but it was fun yeah it’s good to see him the least contribute offensively and Arius like both of those guys have been just zeros for the most part offensively uh Freeman I I Freeman’s going to play every day whether it’s center field for the rest of this year whether they figure something else out and move him back to Second next year I think he has done enough his overall numbers aren’t great like if you look at his Ops I think he has six home runs now yeah that was uh Earl must have got the stats from yesterday Ste take 307 yeah I think is I mean hell the if you have six he’s you know he may have nine at the break that Paces him for 18 last year how much did they get out of center field not a home run Steve go back to 318 ignore the Tyler Freeman side of this but the mil straw stats are correct yeah okay that was his entire season yeah that’s nuts Freeman has 6 and 27 Freeman already almost you’re combining for the for the 23 and 24 straw had no home runs last year I think that home run was in 23 thought he had won last year Earl made that graphic I’ll be hon Earl was way out of it just drop it Steve ear was way out of it today I actually well he combined 23 and 24 and that’s fine I get that yeah he played it straw has played in 24 I think he oh yeah was he going for 22 20 yeah I don’t why would he put 24 for I don’t know no he had a home run last year okay I thought then he had none the year before Earl on that side of the graphic was right okay the other side was wrong but I know Freeman has six the one he hit yester yeah no he Freeman has six the Freeman numbers were wrong on that the straw numbers were right so what I loved about the Freeman home run was first of all uh after the game they asked him about you know pitch selection or whatever what what he hit I think so much of this is coming from Analytics Advanced scouting and really really really solid hitting coach advice MH So the plan for his at bat was sit soft and there’s certain guys that you’ll do that with and you can be okay because their fast balls aren’t going to blow you away and basically sit soft means you’re looking for off speed yeah um you can do that on certain guys and get away with it because if you recognize that a fast ball is coming just try to go the other way with and just make contact but the The Scouting plan for that at bat was to sit soft well he got like an 82 or an 83 mph little cookie I think it was that sweeper yeah well that’s exactly what he’s looking for and what major league hitters are supposed to do is when they guess right and they get it in their spot they’re supposed to do what he did hammer it and they did it yep and so all of that information I bring up to say I think it is a myriad of a lot of different different things number one we know the point on the hitting Horizon the philosophy has changed it’s no longer put the ball in play at all cost that’s no longer the and and what has happened they’re at or near the top of a lot of American League batting categories which no one would have gathered they had to shift that point what I would like to know and I don’t think we’ll ever find out was this an organizational decision was this Steven vote coming in and saying guys no no it’s okay to swing and miss it’s okay to take the Walk of Shame you’re not going to get the glory if you don’t go for it right so um I don’t know who made that shift but it clearly happened and it is clearly working I think it was more organizational and you I tal we talked about before that Stephen Quan spent the winter practicing missing it was so ingrained in his head not to miss yeah he had to get comfortable with failing at times and you’ve seen I mean it’s a shame he missed a month with the he still going to set a a career high in home runs even missing a month to the hamstring I think he’s got four or five already and six is his career high I think but that’s just an example of learning how to drive the ball a little bit more and being okay if you Quan’s actually a crazy example I think he was hitting like 350 when he hurt himself when he hurt the hamstring he’s hitting 370 like he’s he’s hitting even better now than he was but still being comfortable with driving the ball and if it cost you a couple strikeouts along the way so be it it doesn’t matter just to and you don’t even have to hit it over the fence just getting more Barrel on the ball hitting gaps more more doubles not just singles makes a huge difference what’s his contract did he extend no okay Priority One needs to be extending him it’s too late you do think it’s too late too late because he’s he’s arbitration eligible next year this is year three this is his third full year he’s arbitration eligible next year yeah but you could still offer an extension and get one you’re saying his his team wouldn’t do it no I think the window they tried extending him coming off his rookie year right he didn’t take it the windows closed he’s a West Coast guy too I wonder does he want to go home and play in Seattle or play in you know that scares me yeah I mean Jason you see it I see it we all see it every day this is the kind of guy who and I I I I hesitate to make this comparison because everybody say oh why because he’s Asian no that’s not why I’m going to make this comparison he’s got a lot of ichir Rose similarities he has he Embraces that he said erro was his hero his St makes sense I’ve never heard him say that no I said that when he first came up his rookie was like God this guy looks like ich and everyone’s like all right racist I know that’s why I’m serious me his game if you if you put a a mask over his face his stance and his the way he makes contact the way he can slap the ball to right field yeah he runs aggressively but he said like he he patterned his game after ich row and it’s obvious but but it’s it’s hard to like when you talk extension it’s hard to put a number on this guy because it’s such a unique player the the closest comp that I can think of is Luis arise and he has oh yeah with the average yeah that’s high average but but Quan is faster he runs a little bit better he’s got more power better defensively too much better defensively but that’s the closest comp in today’s game and what was AR rise’s deal I don’t know if he signed I don’t know if he extended I don’t think he extend maybe he did no I don’t think he did did he I can’t remember he because the twins traded him to the Marin he did not sign he’s uh next year he’ll be a free agent year next year and then free agency and so that’s a year yeah after next year he can so he’s a year ahead of quan on that scale so that’ll set the market but like that’s the other thing like what if the Guardians blew him away with a number though they’re not going to why wouldn’t they this is a guy they’re the Guardians I mean I you never you hate to do this for a guy that’s so young he played did he play all four years in college I think so went to Oregon State right so he’s probably 27 26 27 yeah 26 27 in there stevenh Quan is 26 years old turns 27 in September okay so at 26 you hate to project this because it’s dangerous right but if longevity is there he could be a 3,000 hit guys absolutely and I I hate when those guys go into into the Hall of Fame and there’s four caps and you’re like well what what is it one right and and the Guardians have to be looking at him saying this is a chance for us to do with Quan what we did with hosy and make sure he stays here that would require Quan to sacrifice tens of millions of dollars like Josie did potentially sacrifice tens of millions Jos did it because he had the offers in hand he doesn’t know there’s some unknowns here that’s why you could get Market reduction he doesn’t know that he’s not going to get hurt right but I think with pitchers there’s far more risk than there is with hitters and but he plays the game 100 miles an hour once he reaches arbitration next year now he’s going to start making a little bit of money sure and so the the onus on signing one of these pre-arb deals goes away so I I personally I think the window I think the window’s closed on Josh Naylor I think the window’s closed on Steven Quan both these guys are going to get away then in your it is what yeah like you you know and I wrote about this last week like you got two years left with Naylor you got this year and next year of team contr that’s it I think I think that’s right I’m trying to go off I think you’re right too I think he’s got two years left so Quan Quan has this year and then three more of Team control and the Blitzer group won’t have full control of the Guardians at that point yet no not not within the next year was it projected seven when when they came in I think like when you look at the end of the Jose deal when you look at the end of the Jimenez deal I think that is blitzer’s problem like those those last couple years I think are not problem but those I know what you’re saying he’ll be onook for those I have not gotten a firm and fast timeline from anyone yeah I can’t either uh I I I don’t know if there is one in place or if it’s sort of a loose agreement I don’t know the way I I understood it at the time of the transaction or of him coming on was he could continue to purchase increasing amounts each year until eventually he would be the majority owner and I thought the math timetable on that was s years from him coming in coming in so if that’s the case that was a couple of years ago probably about five out then so it looks like and we boy I just tell you you know you’ve got to lock up these guys when when you look at them and you know what they are right and everybody else is going to know what they are too I mean the the trend now is you sign them before their debut you’re right yeah and and they are not in that camp the Guardians don’t they’ve yet to do it I don’t think they’re going to do it I don’t think that they B buy that philos you know when you look back to the ’90s run the reason they had so much success was that John Hart said you know what I’m going to take a chance on all of these guys they were the pioneers of the and they all worked out yeah now you’ve got to really Le had a track record when you signed them you at least had a couple a year or two but baseball they weren’t doing it that way in the game now that’s of course the way the smaller and mid markets have to operate agents tell the guys those are bad deals don’t sign those deals because of what you could get right because of how much you’re passing up so I I really think the windows closed on on Quan and on Josh Naylor what if we offered to Stephen that we would change the name of the team to the quanlin Indian Guardians be tough to pass that up give them part ownership and the team I don’t know I’m GNA hate to see him in another uniform that would bother me and and even Josh Naylor you know yeah I hope it doesn’t happen give them that flag too let’s throw that flag in whatever the Guardians can offer we’ll add the flag and a free UC a shirt and mug just we have some left yeah we got a couple left and give one of these bobbleheads maybe the Antoine Jameson that is a deal Jer that’s the clinch that’s the closer all we’re talk little Browns now guys G bush is also he’s not here but he pre-recorded an ultimate brown show that will Air at five o’clock on our YouTube page so if you want to hear G Bush and his brown takes today make sure you guys tap in at five o’clock if you’re watching the show we appreciate you guys as always hit the like button hit the Subscribe button it cost 0 and0 and helps us out a lot on the back end Plus helps get the ultimate Cleveland sports show content to everyone on YouTube so we appreciate you guys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and make sure you guys check out G show at 5:00 all right guys over the weekend tyus sent us a tweet from Jack Duffin of the obr which went through how much the Browns are spending at each position in terms of just their starter so this is just the starter oh this was just the starter the starters for each position group yes so David N joku is the second highest paid tight end now it’s not in capit it’s how much money that Jimmy ham and the hams are actually spending this year in terms of the bonus and what in 2024 that number is going to said player yeah that it confused me that confused me too because when I saw that the tight end they were number two I thought well that must be Total Team tight end salary and running back was 31 because Nick chub is all incentiv so this is the money right now that these players are guaranteed heading into the season not capit this is the money the guaranteed money so real quick through the list offensively they’re paying Deshawn the sixth most guaranteed money in terms of the actual cash that has them not the capit this is the actual cash I got it that is going Nick chub is 31st because his deal is so heavily incentive based once again not the cap it the actual cash Cooper 10th Judy 15th elij more 58th now can I ask you a question on the wide receiver three is that amongst wide receiver threes that’s all all wide receivers tripped up on that yeah I I just had questions so now we have a little bit of clarification all wide receivers in joku second Jed Wills 10th bonio fifth W uh poic ninth Wyatt teller fourth and that right tackle that’s Jack Conlin right so for the sake of this that’s Jack Conlin that’s number 10 and then I got to switch tagboard because ant’s not here let’s go to the defensive side of the ball miles Garrett getting the seventh most money for any defensive end in football this year my God which is a bargain and Deshawn Watson sit amongst quarterbacks

The Cleveland Guardians keep on rolling, taking 2 of 3 from the Miami Marlins over the weekend.

Some unsung heroes stepped up in big ways to help lead Stephen Vogt’s squad to another series W.

Jimmy Butler to the Cleveland Cavaliers? It’s been speculation up to this point, but a few big time NBA reporters are linking the Cavs as a possible landing spot for Butler if the Miami Heat decide to trade their star wing and start over.

The Cleveland Browns spend a ton of money, but are they spending it in the right spots? We compare the team’s spending habits at each position to different groups around the NFL to see if Jimmy Haslam really is putting his money where his mouth is.

Plus, what makes Nick Chubb so likable?

A full breakdown and analysis of all the best (and worst) swings from David Njoku’s charity softball game this weekend in which Travis Kelce won the HR Derby.


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  1. We need probably 2 starters at deadline hopefully bichette for shortstop and a bat combo and I know this is all a huge stretch another decent bat for the bottom of the order would be nice the chance we get more than 1 of these is about nil so world series win eh I doubt it 2nd round playoff exit? Most likely

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