@Boston Celtics

Celtics overcome Luka’s triple-double & Tatum’s struggles to beat Mavs in Game 2 | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Celtics overcome Luka’s triple-double & Tatum’s struggles to beat Mavs in Game 2 | NBA | UNDISPUTED

man clearly ski and I’ve been saying this all playoff long yeah they’re the best team in basketball 64 win team I mean look look at the talent disparity it’s so hard to guard the Boston Celtics because we went away from game one saying all right what does Dallas have to do about porzingis he’s clearly an X Factor in all of this then we come in a game two it’s like oh we shifted our our decision ision making or our Focus off of porzingis now it’s Drew holiday so they’re just a difficult team to scout when you look at it from top to bottom especially in their top six or seven guys now next game you’re going to say is Jason Tatum gonna finally find his shot is Jaylen Brown gonna have an actual Breakout game but clearly The X Factor in all this Drew holiday is out playing Kyrie who would have thought that coming into this you know Drew is a solid player great defensively but he’s out scoring him he’s out rebounding him he he’s doing everything better than Kyrie and Kyrie was playing so well in the playoffs that if he’s not playing at a high level and giving you about 28 to 30 points a night the Dallas Mavericks are in trouble fellas I mean right now I I can’t even tell you if the series ended who would be Finals MVP it may be Drew holiday it may be Drew holiday if the series ended today 19 points a game nine rebounds shooting crazy 60 plus from the field defense on Kyrie all the little intangibles I mean this is looking more lopsided than I originally thought you know uh Paul it it’s interesting because you said that they uh they have a hard time scouting no they don’t have a hard time scouting what they’re having a hard time doing is trying to figure out who they know who it is but who’s the next guy up from game to game you talked about porzingis you talk about obviously Drew holiday and his ability to do the things that he’s been able to do on both ends of the floor going into this game going into this series to try to tell Skip and get skip to understand countless times over and over and over again they run deep and I think when we say deep Skip’s thinking nine deep no I’m just talking about the six guys that are actually getting real quality minutes on the floor now porzingis didn’t finish up the game due to a little you know a little bit of a hiccup of an so-called mysterious injury but he gave you he gave you 12 he gave you four but everybody everybody across the board from the start of that game although Tatum didn’t shoot it well he contributed in many different ways whether it was rebound and assist whatever you want to call it they all came to the party now when you look at somebody coming to the party everybody was plus 18 in scoring for the Mavs where he’s the only guy I mean for Celtics and he’s the only guy for Luca the only guy for the Mavs to hit 18 or more you can’t win that way there’s no possible way because you the Celtics run so deep and that’s just I don’t know what else to say uh I don’t even think they played well they didn’t play they didn’t shoot the three nearly as well as they capable of doing I just for whatever reason Luca Luca Luca he’s going to get it 30 points just because and he had an efficient game his high usage rate but he had an efficient game triple double he can’t do it all by himself efficient game did you just say efficient game he had efficient game he turned it over eight times no no but I but I I didn’t I’m not talking about the turnovers I’m not talking about the turnover disability I’m talking about but we haven’t even gotten to Luca yet we we going to talk about Luca I’m just saying we going to give him a grade at some point and I’m just talking about his ability to score rebound assist turnovers they happen he’s a turnover machine you already know what you’re gonna get from a turnover standpoint from Lucas so I’m not surprised about the turnovers I’m talking about the other people helping him out lifting helping him out and lifting some of the pressure off of him the things that the Celtics do so well is they don’t apply all the pressure skiers you know to Tatum when Tatum is struggling it becomes Brown and brown is struggling all of a sudden there a Drew holiday then there’s a Derek white who chips in then there’s a porzingis come on now skip you got to give him the credit about how that six deep runs six deep it it actually went seven deep last night his little Pritchard hit one out of his rear end off the backboard he lucked in a shot at the end of the third quarter that gave you back a nine-point lead way to go Paul congratulations little Pritchard actually came through with one shot last night got still on Luca what s he I mean he played defense too don’t don’t count this count that his 12 minutes was vital really oh he down y’ X Factor and your young Lively need to start to play okay I thought he what about Vinnie microwave Johnson that skip label before the season he said Jon Hardy was like the microwave coming off the bench I’m glad you brought him up he played two minutes last night he should have played 12 minutes cuz he would there’s a reason he played two minutes you know what Reas better play 20 minutes in game three on Wednesday night make difference that’s not going to make he will make a difference what do you tell me role players play better at home okay the role players better roll on Wednesday night at home but this is the same team you tried to sell me won five over skip has been rolling over you sold me that okay so let’s let’s cut to the chase here please here’s what happened last night Paul your Celtics were begging to be beaten at home home they were saying here here here here here they missed 29 three-point shots I told you live and die by the three They Were Dying by the three what they wind up with 10 out of 39 10 of 39 25.9% and would you believe the Mavericks shot worse from three they they shot 23% the Mavericks have to play obviously at Boston a little closer Just a Little Closer to their Max than Boston has to play because I’ll give you Boston’s starting five runs deeper than Dallas’s starting five but the top two are still the top two and I still say that Luca and Kyrie can be when they play up to their potential the best two players on the floor and obviously Kyrie went missing for a second straight game after he called out the Boston crowd and said I thought it’d be a little louder in here so they’re all over him as was Drew holiday I give you that and and I don’t disagree with your point that maybe Drew holiday after just two games of this series is the finals MVP so far but the point was Paul you’re begging you’re you’re you’re dying to be beaten and it comes down to finally Luca just hit the wall in the second half he ran out of gas he’s hurt he gets he gets the LeBron Memorial excuse he’s running out of gas and now he’s got he’s got bruised ribs on top of a sprain knee and a sprained anle so it’s didn’t look like it’s to me yeah uh you know and that was a miraculous game that he put up stat-wise except for the eight turnover so I’m going to get to those in just a second but Luca finally with about a minute left he actually makes a three-point play at The Rim he finally got in the lane and made a three-point play and all of a sudden I’m saying wait a second this is getting closer than I thought and then Derek uh Dereck Jones Jr at the other end he blocks what yet again what did Jason Tatum go he blocked Tatum six of 22 six of where is he whatever happened to Jason somebody APB him in Boston we got to go find him and also he there I saw him what’s that I saw him he was there you saw him man the dude had 12 assists and nine board so what did he miss like 12 layups that he left on the front of the rim something like that I don’t know he miss some layups okay so he gets blocked at The Rim by drick Jones Jr former slam dun champ and all of a sudden Kyrie’s got the basketball full speed the other one bounce pass to PJ Washington and two fouls happened PJ Washington should have been shooting four free throws if that’s possible they should have given him one foul and another foul but they didn’t give him any fouls because what about that foul right there skip that was a foul where oh Jason Tatum going to the basket Jason Tatum going I think this game this game was this game was ref perfect they weren’t giv out these that was aoul no that was aoul you tell me that Derek white got all ball I think he got all hand hand he’s all hand no he got all ball hand is hand it’s it’s fingers B slap right across the hand that counts that counts as that that’s a foul not to mention that jayen brown obviously pushes PJ Washington in the back he pushed him in the back and then he got leverag to jump up over him and block his shot all right let’s just say they do call that foul skip we the Boston Celtics are still up three if he makes two free throws okay but if he makes two free throws which he is prone to do I would have trusted him to make those two free throw throws all of a sudden your team is it’s getting colder and colder by the moment and it’s getting warmer and warmer on that hot seat over there for Joe Missoula because all of a sudden you’re only up three with the basketball and you can’t buy a basket and you have scored a grand total of 22 points in the only 22 in the fourth quarter and you can’t buy a three and you can’t buy a tum knock down that three yeah that’s what great teams do they find other ways to win yeah but he knocked it but he knocked it down when he needed to somebody pour some water on him he’s on fire he’s 1 for seven way to go I I would have loved to have seen what would have happened at that point to your Celtics who as we know can Teeter at home they were 17 and 14 going into these finals at home over the last three playoffs and again you know and I know because you were sitting right there in the front row it was starting to get a little nervy in there because all of a sudden throats are starting to get tight in Boston down that bench yeah it looked like it looked like Dallas Maris got tight to me they blew the layups I saw Derek Jones Jr shoot a wide openen three-pointer and airball I’m just saying listen Dallas Mavericks don’t have room for error skip look they don’t have room for error Luca has 20 points in the first quarter ends with 32 yeah he shot well but what happened the Celtics adjusted what I saw was a difference in the coaching staff over there in Celtics Side Jason kid has been great he made some adjustments I like some of the things he did with bringing Luca off the screen taking him off the ball for a while you know setting the down screen getting him in an ISO situation straight into a pick and roll and and because when he’s at the top Boston can load their defense on them so they changed up in that aspect so now Luca gets the ball and he’s coming out these pick and roll the other adjustment that the Celtics made they trapped them they trapped them off the pick and roll and they helped on the sent them Baseline and got help and forced luuka to make those I don’t know what kind of passes he was making but we’ve never seen we’ve never seen him played like this before no we’ve never seen him play like this before you know we trapped him in in late parts of his drive and he was just throwing it all over the place traveling and I thought the game plan was wonderful with the way they played them yeah you wake up this morning if you didn’t watch the game and you’re just a social media bug and you just watch highlights and you say oh Luca had 32 111 you’re like he was balling but no Celtic defense slowed him down he had 12 points in the second half uh I mean the rest of the game from the first quarter and yeah he got his assist but they turned them over and they did a phenomenal job at putting different Defenders on Kyrie this is going to be a problem for them moving forward because if they they don’t have the room for error no you might go from a a gentleman sweep to something else look when you when you decide when they decided to looka got hot sry he he hit the 20 when they decided like you saying Paul to switch things up to trap him to force him to do things from a turnover standpoint he didn’t know what to do with the basketball because he hadn’t seen it coming before he’s he’s never been trapped in his life he’s never been doubled in his life it it’s not that he hasn’t he has but at the same time when you throwing different things and mixing things up skip you confuse players I don’t give a damn if you’re the greatest player in the world you’re going to be confused if you’re not expecting those things to happen to you okay so here’s what I saw from Luka he scores 13 in the first quarter I’m like okay here we go and then he scores 10 in the second quarter and I’m pretty good with it and then he takes two shots in the third quarter he made both of them one of them a three but winds up with only six points in the third quarter with uh three turnovers and then in the fourth quarter Luca donic the best closer in basketball as we’ve seen repeatedly throughout these playoffs he goes one of six in the fourth quarter because he just hit the wall and the one didn’t come until there was a minute left and he made the three-point play that gave him three total points in the fourth quarter along with two more turnovers why did he hit the wall those Skip tell me give me give me some he’s he’s gotten the hell kicked out of him he’s banged up he’s banged up and he just ran out of gas LeBron that excuse all so I’m going to give is on vacation the LeBron LeBron is on vacation yeah Luca is actually older than LeBron you didn’t know that he’s been playing pro basketball since was 3 years old so he’s actually older than LeBron we bring it but you bringing LeBron into this LeBron is on vacation I don’t care LC is your guy okay he’s your guy you said he’s the greatest player and he’s a this and he’s a that he’s supposed to be able to figure out in the fourth quarter yeah how to get over those bumps and bruises okay he didn’t he didn’t used to be my guy because he was such a pathetic late game free throw shooter and all of a sudden the demons are back in his psyche y he goes four of eight from from the free throw line and to his credit he took total ownership he said my turnovers and my misf free throws and I’m quoting Luca cost us the game period end of story I agree and the eight turnovers were Beyond Comprehension of me for a guy with the highest IQ in basketball this side of LeBron you know how many turnovers he had last game though right yeah I know exactly how Okay so doe to Mas K all right but they cannot afford eight turnovers because here’s the problem here’s what I saw last night Luca is getting slower and slower bringing the ball up the court and obviously they Hound him mostly full court they definitely pick him up at half court holiday was bothering him Jaylen Brown was bothering him and after a while he gets careless because he gets frustrated and he’s like oh what the hell I’ll just throw it behind my back the offense gets so stagnant because he is dribbling the air out of the basketball and it’s getting worse and worse he led them last night with 34% usage rate trust me that’s really high Kyrie was next at 22% usage that’s right on par for them though what changes that’s right on par for them that’s what they’ve been all year long he gets slower and slower walking the ball up the floor how did Indiana score on you guys I know it was a sweep but at least they scored I’m looking at Indiana scores they the fastest Paces team they’re the fastest paced team in the league 128 110 111 102 scored the Indiana Pacers on the Boston they push the ball because they beat you down the floor and they would score before you could get your defense set Luca lets the defense not just get set they like dig in they they D dig trenches across the court right you can’t come in here but you can’t keep up the pace when you got to whena SK yeah I thought he played really good defense in the fourth quarter because you guys scored a grand total of 22 points and Luca was moving his feet on defense the problem was Luca was not moving his hands correctly on offense because I’m going to show you the eight turnovers the problem with these turnovers is almost all of them lead to runaways the other way for an easy dunk or an easy basket the other way and porzingis comes out of nowhere with the greatest stretch of his entire career and saves your night and and arguably saves your season because he dug them such a hole they couldn’t quite dig out of that one and then last night you missed 29 threes and Luca turns it over eight times and misses four free throws and Kyrie in the same game where Jason Tatum shoots what 6 for 22 what do we have hereas yeah in that same game in the same game where we just didn’t play well we didn’t shoot the ball well I mean there’s a number of factors that go into this skip listen holiday was our best player like you can argue like Jason hasn’t been playing well and actually you know what I’m G change that you know what Jason has been playing well he just hasn’t shot the ball well he’s been Distributing he’s doing other things to make this team better and I told you guys before the series our Superstars don’t have to play like Superstars every night because of the other great role players we have in Drew holiday Derek white porzingis these guys are more than capable of being the best player on any given night on the other side and I said this Indiana was harder for us to defend you know why because they had unpredictability especially when you lost halberton it was like who who do we what’s the focus on in the film room so then you have guys come out and have the games of their lives Dallas we know the focus on Luca we know the focus is on Kyrie we’re not going to be able to stop LCA he does so many great things when he not when he’s not scoring you see he gets 11 points I mean 11 rebounds 11 assists but Kyrie we know we can slow him down because if he’s not scoring at a high level he can’t beat you in no other ways he’s not a high assist guy he’s not a high rebound guy he’s not like a lock down Defender and so we’re saying look we’ll focus on you know we’ll focus on slowing Kyrie down stopping him because we have a plora of different Defenders we can throw at him that can bother him throughout the course of the game and so if he doesn’t play great they lose game three guys I’mma have I’mma have two extra seats for y’all on that duckboat interesting so Paul Pierce I saw you on TV last night sitting next to Shaq and you had some giant gold chain on around your neck and from it was hanging did it was that a leprechaun at the end of it yeah yeah you saw that oh man I wish I had it I’mma have it for the next break I actually have it with me I show it to okay yes so so is it possible that that leprechaun on that play with 50 seconds left he he sprinkled magic dust into the eyes of the referee so they went to sleep for just a second so they couldn’t see what happened the the double foul play at the other end no that’s double foul SK call foul on those every play yeah yeah they missed the foul and they’ll come back with an NBA report today to say yeah that was a foul it happens every game this is the playoffs this is you know what the NBA stands for no boys allowed no boys allowed we’re not calling those fouls on our home court come on I don’t want to hear that you know why because they wouldn’t have gotten out with their lives last night if they’d called that foul that’s what would happened right it was a fivepoint game even if they do call the foul skip I’m not sure PJ Washington goes up there and make two free throws and then say Boston comes down next possession misses the shot Luca has the ball I’m not sure if we found Luca we might have to go to the hack of Luca we can go to that down the stretch because he might go up there and miss two free throws so listen they to play near basketball oh man you saw what happened you you saw what happened yeah you saw I also saw the team that you gave 10 points to lose by only seven right well it doesn’t matter you lost so you lost another dinner to me so I actually celebrated last night I lost but I won because I won a third dinner so I’m up three now that’s right I’mma just uh make sure we get some pictures of you with me on the duckboat that’ll be more satisfying for me duckboat Paul from holiday getting ready to be the MV Finals MVP he just might be and listen no player would deserve it more for a career retrospective you know after all that he’s done for so many teams in this league at such a high level I I would enjoy that actually all I say is no actually listen if the Celtics win and they continue at this pace though I will say you this not only is Drew a lock for the Hall of Fame but maybe Al Horford if they sweep Dallas Maverick this can go down as one of the greatest teams I don’t care who they play but if when you look at their record you see the point points disparity out in the regular season one of the top tops in the league if you look at the points disparity for all of the playoffs this could go down as one of the top five greatest teams oh come on greatest teams in NBA history no you tripping Paul but wait a second at the end of the day you’re mean Tatum is trting toward Hall of Fame no you so is brown no you tri so is Drew holiday and then if you look at the end of the day you can say this could be the greatest defensive back court all time and you can look at the end of the day you can say this is a possible team that has four hall of fame I I love you I love you to death PA you my guy but when you start saying top five greatest teams of all time I can just think of four teams off top of my head that oh ply wiped the floor with them stop the point here is Paul you already said your’ 08 team would beat this thing yeah St so are you a top four team then all time maybe skip I think you I think you’re excited right now Paul come on man I can point to about four or five Laker teams I can go to Golden State Chicago y’ Detroit I mean I can just go on and on and stop it’s fine we you can’t go on you gotta look at the numbers you got to look at the numbers excited this team I mean their point differential yeah you excited I get it you excited all right up next thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the Boston Celtics win over the Dallas Mavericks in Game 2 of the NBA Finals.

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Celtics overcome Luka’s triple-double & Tatum’s struggles to beat Mavs in Game 2 | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. 👺💨💩Fluukkaah duukkah keep the ball a little to long he needs play n the post to slow up front yeah yeah he can score but Mavs need quicker guards up front where hardaway Jr. Fluukkaah duukkah shoots himself out early by the time 3rd n 4th quarter he shooting scuds

  2. Please tell Luka to stop turning the ball over…He had 9. He does scores many points. However, if you were to look at his turnovers and TOTAL LACK OF DEFENSE….he’s average AND very overrated. He made first team all NBA and doesn’t even know how to spell DEFENSE. Thanks to Adam Silver, the NBA has become a 3 point shooting league (which is the ONLY way the European players can compete in a league where defense used to be revered. The NBA should be called the Euro League NBA…ALL OFFENSE AND NO DAMN DEFENSE.

  3. First why do yall ALWAYS skip over Jaylen Brown for Finals MVP? Jrue Holiday? While Jaylen brown feeds Holiday c’mon…

    Mazzulla is the man…

    Keyshawn made a pivotal point ➡️ he said “the Mavs, have a hard time scouting, what Celtic player is up next? And that my friends is the problem… The Mavs don’t know… 💚🤍🖤☘️ all day! I’m TeamCeltics #7 #42 #0 #8 #9 #30 #11 #4 #40 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


  5. Skip needs to be committed and I'm not talking about to his craft. Dude is really off his rocker. He contradicts himself so many times. What game is he watching?? Why can't skip simply accept that the Celtics are simply the better team? Luka can score 50 points and the mavs will still lose because the Celtics have a balanced offensive attack whereas Dallas only has 2 scorers. (And Kyrie ain't doing much)

  6. There are 100 players in the NBa who can get 30 points if they take 25-30 shots every night 😂! 30 point triple double means nothing when you lose especially when you have 8 turnovers that leads to 12 points for opponents and then you miss 4 free throws!

  7. this show would be better if skip wasn't trying so hard to be the opposite of everything

  8. Holiday mvp bucks are sorry traded him and fired their champion coach for doc rivers… Holiday better defender more efficient plays more games then dame he may average 5 points less but he makes up elsewhere big

  9. The paid analysis today is dumb. This is the bottom line…. Dallas is not built to run a championship offense. High pick and roll with a super ball dominant small forward? If the lob threat is shut down these offense is stuck in read and react.

  10. Skip grabbing and reaching for anything to hate on out of thin air it's funny. Celtics shot their worst game in the playoffs from 3 and still were up the entire game end won by 7. I mean just think and put that in perspective for a second lol


  12. Mavs out manned, it is not posible to go 1 against 5, also boston super thought defense almost hand checking NBA, yoy can always see 1 or 2 hands to the body + 1 or 2 on the ball

  13. All us Celtics fans might have to accept kyrie’s apology if he keeps playing like this😂😂he’s finally helping us win a championship

  14. everybody keep talkingbout best player luka but he being hunted . Somebody need to teach defensive slides in slovenia

  15. Waiting for that Luka 18 or 22 point game to surface (like he shot vs OKC). Hopefully it will while JT is going off. Game of runs baby!!

  16. Pauls argument at the end about top 5 team isnt that crazy in the context he put it in. Definitely a stretch now but when we look back in 15 years and see 4 hall of famers starting this finals it's not going to sound so crazy.

  17. Dallas not gonna win because Luka is to ball dominate the other players can't get in a rhythm like Boston because on there side the ball moves and everyone is in a rhythm

  18. Aaron Rodgers and Lebron James combined don't make half the excuses as Skip does for his awful takes

  19. Who is this Skip guy? His argument is that the Mavericks are the better team because the Celtics tried to hand the game to them but what – were Luka and Kyrie too much the gentlemen to take the win? This is why I'm closing the video after this comment.
    How do these people get hired?

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