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San Antonio Spurs DRAFT Nikola Topic!? San Antonio Spurs News

San Antonio Spurs DRAFT Nikola Topic!? San Antonio Spurs News

Co topic not only dealing with the partially torn ACL but it turns out he’s also coming up a little bit short in the links [Music] Department what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports came across an article from Spurs talk last night and I was like you know what I want to share that with the Spurs Community because we’ve talked about them here and there but we haven’t really dug deep into Nicole topish and what’s going on with them and well it’s been uh there’s been a lot going on with them let’s get right into the Articles first fans Nicole topic the 18-year-old point guard from Serbia was once projected to be a top pick in the 2024 NBA draft suffered a partially torn ACL and his reported 7ot wingspan turned out to be only 6’5 and a half this week when he was confronted with an official tape measure just under 6’6 now to put that in perspectives first fans I’m 6’4 and have a 6’8 wingspan yes I measured so this story is coming up short usually wingspans are about 3 to 4 in maybe a little more maybe a little less but well on average about 3 in more than a player’s height or person’s height and he got short little arm so take that for what you will anyway let’s get into the article European Scouts have unanimously told me that the Spurs weren’t one of the teams doing the extra leg work tracking the servan play this season interestingly topic admitted that he hasn’t been contacted by the Spurs during the draft process which might confirm San Antonio’s lack of Interest okay so not interest at all interesting if the were never never ined into topish this news doesn’t change anything they weren going to pick him before and they aren’t going to pick him now however there’s a chance that the Spurs like topic so much that they were doing all they could to throw other teams off their Trail perhap if they were super playing they pick him at four the Spurs would simply wait until number eight now so let me throw my two cents in right there if the Spurs pick him that four I would be livid the injury scares me there’s other things with his game that concern me much like everybody in the draft but the injury is the biggest thing and if we used our fourth pick overall I would lose it if we drafted him eighth honestly at this point I’m not a fan but I would accept it maybe he’d be like a you know drafting stash well chat Hogan was a draft and stash but he’s eventually stashed with his injury maybe he’s a player we just hold out for year and get him at 100% drop a comment down below if we pick this poke P at eight would you be okay with that are you just nope nope nope no way that’s the reason I want to do the video cuz I still a lot of you are on board with him so I’d really have to get you know feedback after we discuss this article the case for drafting Nia topic the most promising trait for topic is unquestionably his passing he has great Court Vision reads defensive perfectly passes with pristine timing and his basketball IQ is extremely high that’s one thing we like right high IQ basketball he’s a type of point guard who knows exactly where all four of his teammates are on the court and at times is prepared to punish a Defender that takes one false step he processes the game so fast that he knows to be he knows how to beat a shot oh my gosh I’m struggling here how to beat a shot blocker before the shot blocker has even formulated his plan overall topic plays a smart mature game in theory he could form a deadly Twan game with Victor wedman Yama a case against drafting Nico toic lack of athleticism is a concern while he exhibits some wingle when he gets in the rim he’s otherwise underwhelming in the athleticism Department defensively his lack of speed quickness or length are definite issues it’s not clear what type of player he could guard in the NBA okay I’m not even sure he has the athletism to elevate Above the Rim and traffic successful below the rim finishers in the NBA are typically blessed with strength burst power or speed and he isn’t that type of athlete while he shoots free throws well topic doesn’t shoot anything else well oh oh ouch that’s that’s a bit of a dagger right there huh doesn’t shoot anything else well is that true I haven’t seen him play a ton can not shoot anything else for three throws topage is also a poor three-point shooter at this stage of his development we’re seeing that with a lot of the guys of Spurs are looking potentially looking at his mechanics are primitive and he struggles to shoot off the Dremel or off of movement in short this would be another Prospect whose shot we have to fix we talked about step Castle him there’s there’s a Thor of players that if we draft them this is one of the things we’re going to have to work on we be drafting essentially a non-shooter we’ve talked about on this channel that’s something we can’t really afford right now but then again you can also make the argument TSR we’re not trying to win right now so non-shooter away from sources I’ve talked to NBA teams are operating under the assumption that he will miss the entire 2024 and 25 season so if we drafted him at eight I’m going with eight here oh my gosh not four we draft him this would be a stash for a year recover learn the system and hey CH hog will turn out fine after sitting for a year so I’m not saying you’re going to be CH H room at point guard but maybe for those you that are all in on you know having the best draft position in 2025 having one of these lottery picks not playing next season would certainly probably help us not be as good that being said I still think Willies too n good for us to be anywhere near as bad as we were last year look at the last few weeks of the Season we started winning some games left and right and that was without soan and Vel don’t start we’re better off without them I don’t that’s not the conversation I want to have here final thoughts on the Spurs drafting Nia toic let me move that down a little bit from everything I’ve heard and this is ljs Spurs Spurs talk the Spurs were never looking to draft tobic but obviously there’s always a chance he has quietly been their main target in this draft getting a tall smart pass first 18-year-old point guard who shoots 90% at the free throw line has to be enticing at least on vaver if topic was their player two weeks ago he’s most like he’s most likely still San Antonio’s player now we are just a little over two weeks away from the NBA draft and I I honestly I can’t wait that’s going to be such a big night for us pick number four pick number eight and there’s the intangibles what do the Rockets do at pick three cuz that could heavily shape how we draft moving forward it seems like SAR and rash are pretty much guaranteed to go one and two but what if they’re not what if SAR goes number one and then the Wizards take uh Klingon we just don’t there’s so many variables so many question marks what’s going to happen in front of us could there still be a trade and then with all these guys we’ve been talking on the channel Stefan Castle Rob Dillingham Zach race Kean Salon Ron Holland even to this point as much as I personally have covered prospects for the Spurs and you guys have given feedback on who you feel will fit truth is we don’t know we have no idea who the Spurs are going to take we have a feeling you know a little bit a feeling but feeling not going to translate to anything on draft n we’ve seen it plenty of times where we thought our teams were going to Zig and then they zagged so topic if he’s drafted at eight not my ideal pick I still would rather go I I’ve said my perfect draft and you guys have asked recently you know what what’s your your draft board or who would you like to see I still like to get something like race at four and castle at 8 I don’t think there’s a chance of either of those being available there at their respective positions at the respective draft spots at those draft spots my goodness so maybe castle at 4 the Spurs feel like you know Willi F his shot and then at eight a wing you guys there’s definitely been a very interesting debate on the channel on which Wing we should take if we draft the wing and eight should it be Holland should it be buellis um so we maybe take it so we draft Williams there’s another player I’m forgetting that uh Saloon I mean it’s G to be a very fun night but a stress one and Miss TSR sparts is making her debut on the channel that night too because she’s a huge Yukon fan she’s I think at least sort of a Spur I guess she’s a Spur fan now so I’m just looking forward to they made draft and whatever happens good luck to topic I hope this injury does not cost him a lot of money because the further you fall on the draft in the lottery the less money you’re going to make it was one perspect you know not once projected to be a top five pick I can’t see that happening probably still know the lottery but not as high as he was going to that’s all I got hit the thumbs like Channel again drop a comment your thoughts DRFT or stay away and subscribe to come part of our awesome San Antonio Spurs Community thank you and always ghost SPS go [Music] to

Would the Spurs risk it for the biscuit?

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  1. Nope, nope and nope. There are better players in this draft (like Castle who is athletic, can play 1-3 and will be able to contribute next year). If you are going to draft and stash, I would do that for Salaun, not Topic. As far as guards, Devin Carter will likely be available at 8 and I’d much rather have him than Topic. If Risacher fell to 4, I’d have no provblem taking him and then Carter at 8 (assuming Castle is not on the board). Most likely, SA will take Castle at 4 and either Carter or Salaun at 8. Big question for Castle is whether he really only wants to play PG. As a combo guard and wing (3), he is very appealing. As a PG, less so. Castle may develop into a good NBA PG, but that will take time.

    I have several assumptions for SA. First, a top 10 pick should be able to step in and contribute immediately. Castle can do that as a player who can defend 1-3, not solely as a PG. Second, SA needs players who can make them better now, not at some point in the future. SA already has lots of young talent that needs time to develop. They don’t need more of these players.

    At minimum, SA should be fighting to make the play-in next year and the only reason they might not get in should be due to the strength of the Western Conference. Topic does nothing to help achieve this.

  2. Hell no, hard pass on Nikola Topic. The Spurs can't afford to draft an injury prone player with their #4 or #8 pick. It's just a bad idea all around. Like I said before, I would be perfectly fine with any one of these scenarios with our #4 and #8 picks on draft night……

    – Stephon Castle & Tidjane Salaun

    – Stephon Castle & Dalton Knecht

    – Reed Sheppard & Tidjane Salaun

    – Reed Sheppard & Dalton Knecht

    I like Donovan Clingan too. I wouldn't be mad if we drafted him with one of our picks either.

  3. Spurs have drafted players that they didn’t show interest in. Who knows what they’re thinking.
    I’m really not overly excited about any player in the draft. I don’t expect a starter or even normal rotation guy, so I would be cool with reaching for a high ceiling guy with no immediate impact.

  4. Agree 100%! CBS has him consistently going #4….I cannot believe…They are not even talking about his ACL….Not sure what they even are thinking. Love your thoughts. Thanks!

  5. I don't know this guy. From the article you read, at first he sounded like a 6'6" John Stockton – until you said he can't shoot. No thanks. Given Wemby's rapid development and his overall ability within the league (I mean, is it a stretch to say he is a Top 10 player in the league right now? Top 5?), I'm starting to lean toward speeding up the process a bit through trades to get a 22 – 27 year-old point guard and a big, who are both athletic and can shoot. Probably have to give up some draft capital for them, but I disagree with those who say we are currently not very talented. We have some talented players who just need to develop a bit more (Jeremy, Julian, Blake, Malaki, Sidy, and Dominick; Devin, Charles and Sandro are already rounding into good players; Keldon is probably as good as he will get, but he is a spark off the bench).

  6. Personally I feel that the 4th pic should be used on someone they are more sure of or can be versatile like castle then with 8 they can swing for upside and potential, I'm leaning towards Rob Dillingham, which I know for spurs fans is a bit of a hot take, but i just think its worth the chance

  7. I think we should play it safe since he’s injured. Draft Castle at 4, draft best available at 8th. Hopefully Clingan drops to 8th or draft Salaun

  8. I'm telling you the first round is a crap shoot. The first 10 players either can't shoot, can't defend, are too short or a combination. I still think the second round is where the diamonds are. There are a few that are ranked past the draft. The two currented not ranked are at center Braxton Meah and at forward Zacharie Perrin. I would also throw Josiah James in there also. Second round listees are guards Cam Christie and Ajay Mitchell (compared to Derrick White per NBA Draft Room).

  9. Take a wing at 4, Buzelis or Holland. I’m assuming Risacher will be gone by then. Then take topic at 8. He’s by far the best passer in the draft. He’s only 18 and his shot can get better. TP couldn’t shoot at all when he came into the league either. Topic reminds me a lot of Jason Kidd, who also couldn’t shoot when he first got into the league. Take Topic at 8 and let him heal. With 2025 draft being as good as it is and having 3 potential lotter picks is enticing. then you get healthy topic to take over the point

  10. My thoughts on this, i wouldnt be mad about it. He has height, hes a playmaker and he has a really good FT percentage which indicates he can be a good shooter. Sure you might worry about the injury but its not going to affect his career as we think. He doesnt rely on athleticism to get his shots. Interestingly enough ive seen a video of them comparing him (Nikola) to Magic Johnson, and to be honest, i can see it with the pass first mentality. I wouldn’t be mad about it. We need a playmaker that can get Vic into his spots and i can Topić doing that for us. Besides, we can possibly have Showtime 2.0😎 GSG.

  11. Castle and Risacher are top picks for the Spurs in my opinion. Also, really like Dalton Knecht and Pacome Dadiet. No small dudes.

  12. 1.) Draft Topic
    2.) Red shirt him for the year
    3.) Get the same record as last year
    4.) Draft Cooper Flag
    5.) Win championship

  13. #4 Best wing available (Risacher🤞)
    #8 Devin Carter (absolute dog)

    Would be ok to trade down #4 pick with Grizzlies for pick #9 + another first round, and we pick at 8 and 9 (Devin Carter and Cody Williams/ Tidjane Salaun)

  14. This is a little off topic (no pun intended), but maybe the best way to improve the team immediately is to draft a SF (3) and PW (4) who are not defensive liabilities and can really shoot. SA has a number of guards on their roster, but how many players do they have at the 3/4 who can really shoot consistently???? Not saying that SA doesn’t need a PG, but which move would have the greater impact? We’ve seen draft boards with SA taking 2 guards at 4 and 8 (which I think is crazy), conventional wisdom has SA taking a PG and wing, but little mention of this option. Why not???

  15. draft clingan at #4 coz spurs need a tough guy at center and at #8 dillingham, carter or cody, salaun if still available at #8….trade Collins and others for for garland

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