@New Orleans Pelicans

#Pelicans VP David Griffin: 5-Year Report Card Pt 2 | PPR Update

#Pelicans VP David Griffin: 5-Year Report Card Pt 2 | PPR Update

you are now listening to the Pelicans postgame report that’s true but they might not have uh uh what’s the kid name or no I think they did have him because they drafted him when we drafted dice so they still would have had jayen he might be better yeah it’s very interesting man the Pelicans man like we saying this the playoffs the Pelicans playoff history that’s on the screen man and um two playoff appearances since David Griffin’s been in the building for five years so it’s basically two two and three I call it epic I also call it epic faue because of this remember when in 2019 and 2020 we had the best young core in the league and the most promis and all of that right not only have the Thunder pass us up in that part department so have the Cleveland Cali and so have the Orlando matches we didn’t get dusted by one team you got other organizations that well that have passed us up that were in similar situations with rebuilds that started off with less ammunition than we had so the team where he came from is actually better off than us you you would say David Griffin left Cleveland and judging five years later Cleveland got better yeah I mean that that’s interesting point man for real because Cleveland have been competitive since you had JD JD bicker staff because he left right after uh what a year after the Championship and he picked up the Pelicans job in 2019 and ever since he been here like I said the the stats it’s on on on the on the on the screen it’s on the screen in five years in 390 games 390 games worth the Pelican games in five years since he been a VP the team is 188 and 202 in five years so we basing it on wins and losses and you only had two playoff appearance in five years two out of five two out of uh what two and three two and three in he he would be doing excellent if we base it on how he serves up word Sal well he’s success there but the word salad is used to to distract you from the failings but see that’s what we saying the only the the only thing the Pelicans have is uh in in terms of the to sell the the people that’s not really thinking about what we’re presenting them is the fact that each year the team got better in terms of wins and losses and that’s an easy measure for the Pelicans to promote to people to come out watch the games is the fact that the Pelicans have won every you know we’ve won more games than the previous year the issue is this is going to be different because in and this is like I said we’re saying this man be here for five years it’s it’s plenty of time to say they can’t really sit up here and say to anyone that hey man listen you know we it’s gonna take some time it’s been five freaking years man that’s half a damn decade you know you supposed to see some tangible stuff right here if the Pelicans are supposed to be building to Something in terms of like a conference Championship you know and we haven’t seen that all we’ve seen is two playoff losses to the Pelicans and not even even recent years then the last one was a disaster 49 wins to go into the playoffs get wiped out and you talk about injuries all you want but the the Pelicans aren’t the only team dealing with injuries during the damn season we’re not the only team we’re not it is what it is but uh last even even that even that b you if the people want to relay that to injuries right so if we constantly had injuries matter of fact we’ve had issues with injuries before you change you’re a competent uh vice president of basketball operations you kind of Spotlight not Moonlight as the GM as well um you should know that this franchise has a history of having injury concerns right so wouldn’t you make that a primary priority upon coming into this team and then Zion gets injured his rookie year so our training and conditioning staff from that point on and you give him a pass for 2019 and maybe slightly pass 2020 because 2020 you’re trying to implement it and get it together right which you should have been doing that 2019 but okay you getting past 2019 2020 it’s getting off the ground why are we still dealing with injury concerns in 2023 2022 before you finally hire a physical therapist we didn’t so you mean to tell me you’re the vice president of basketball operations you come from a winning organization where you’ve seen LeBron spend a million dollars every year on his bike right you come into this organization that has a history of injury concerns with it players before you got here and you don’t think in four years to hire a physical therapist at least Epic Fail You C the simplest of simplest of does not get done until it’s way too late and then you see the impact that it has getting done and you’re like wow that really made a difference man I wish they would have did that four years ago maybe things would look slightly different I would I would say I would say because this when Griffin takes took the job he was supposed to have uh he was supposed to be a season executive at the level understanding what the team needed and the Pelicans was not they were not devoid of talent they had tradable pieces when he came in they tried to reach out to Anthony Davis’s stay but his mind was made up to leave because they wanted to pair him and Zion together he turned it down so ultimately they had the pieces in place the Superstar to trade to be able to build a competent core to start R winning right away with the right Matrix but instead of doing that he kept Elvin Gentry here who was a failure who had multiple years of failure with the Pelicans pride and obviously wasn’t the man for the job a half of Co coach that caugh that taught offense but his defense suffered so I mean he would out score teams 125 to and then they they’ll score you one you have 127 they’ll beat you 127 129 so he talk about offense but his defense was lacking then he bring in a outdated coach in Stan Van Gundy who did give you point Zion but not very much else those are dumb decisions in my book by a person that’s supposed to be very seasoned at that level he made a bunch of critical errors early that really handicap the team uh in by the third year so like I said it shows that a person how how really good is David Griffin and how really good is his talent as a as a vice president of basketball operations is he make dumb decisions like that early on you supposed to know it’s like it’s not like you go out you locking on a coach that you want like Tyron Lou or or not just saying Tyron L but coaches in his IL or people that’s a subbs in terms of coaching who they know who’s ready to coach and which guys to bring in to make things shake and pop they know the good coaches why are we you know why you know doing stuff like the Stan Van Gundy thing was dumb as hell and of course God underneath him like a TR and langon couldn’t get credit for it because he’s a micromanager and things like that so like I said all this stuff is just it doesn’t make any sense for a person who’s supposed to be incredibly seasoned to know what he’s doing it’s not like this was a bum ass organization in terms of talent the the Pelicans and the New Orleans franchise basketball franchise has been a mediocre franchise over many many years was because of bad leadership that’s what it come down to bad leadership especially at the general manager position and years they kept Dale Demps up there when he should have been fired a long time ago they kept him there and they really didn’t fire him until the whole Anthony Davis thing when the floor fell out then he decided to get rid of get get from up under him and then he’s some type of VP now with Minnesota so I mean like I said is is it really with or really was the P like I said man the end of the day I just don’t think that David Griffin is as good as he’s indicating and his record is showing you that 390 games he’s 188 and 202 if you preface that but by the years that he was in Cleveland when he was in goddamn Cleveland his record in Four Seasons with Cleveland was 178 to 101 that’s a big damn difference that’s 77 games over 500 he’s like 12 games I think it is 12 games or so underneath 500 in five years this is not two this not three this is five freaking years of being the VP of the Pelicans and now he’s re setting the core once again I’m telling you he’s resetting the core which means he’s sending players out that supported the core like bi and ultimately CJ to bring in other players to reset another five years of Pelican basketball he just got another extension so like I said I just think the New Orleans organization is a bunch of suckers you know I’m just gonna see at the top M Gil Benson is a sucker she’s a chump she doesn’t know anything about basketball she not a cat checks Dennis L uh uh laa is not a basketball he doesn’t know anything about basketball he doesn’t know anything about basketball he’s just a Chief Financial Officer he doesn’t know anything and the highest basketball mind in the building is this guy according to him I think it’s really swing cash but we need to have more of a like a a committee approach in deciding the the these decisions because none of this stuff made sense when he was bringing in three coaches in three years nobody that knows what they doing would do something like that and then these trades that end to nothing not being not being active in trades when you seen things like a couple years ago when you seen Jared Vanderbilt and all these other guys moama being picked up by the Lakers for two for second round picks and then it happened in this past year with Dallas when they were doing that Gafford and PJ for what second round no P PJ I think was actually Grant Williams so you you still need to have that salary but still still steing all bro you know what I’m saying man we were we just sitting up here watching Everybody trade we just sit up here looking around and if guys no we got to keep our second round picks to fix the mistakes that we actually make we don’t use them to be proactive to get stuff we need and we should get we use them to get rid of guys that we got and messed up by getting that’s how we that’s what we do with our terrible you didn’t know trading assets that’s how I was try we trade for stuff that we don’t need we get guys that don’t work and then we use more capital on top of the capital that we used to get them to get rid of I just think this guy is a snake all that’s that’s my whole point about this no credible person that’s supposed to be a season as he says he is would be at would be making these curious decisions three coaches in three years and Willie was the guy ultimately because he was cheap he was they he came out the gate as a cheap head coach who was willing to take on assistant coaches that the team you know that was one of the things that David Griffin was asking how do we know this did the Pelicans tell you this no you know who who you know this Jack Vaughn said this we covered it at the time when Jack Vaughn said that they wanted him to take on uh several assistant coaches from the previous staff and he was like nah I want my own guys because if I lose you’re gonna blame me so we need our own guys so you know but Willie was willing to take on those coaches so I mean like I said man it’s a curious decision a lot of this stuff was stupid it was done it wasn’t much of a plan you mentioned the uh the the physical therapist which is something that should have been happened but like I said it’s just this is I don’t think Dave I’ve been saying this for a while David Griffin is not as good as you think he is I think he’s he he he performs in word salad and all that the batt for you would be as because of the we that he’s lacked he tries to talk himself out of it and spin all of these things these words and all this kind of foolishness to try to distract you from the fact that the team five years under his leadership is 188 and 202 in five years that’s a losing record by the way fam and if you don’t if you don’t know for the people in the back but anyway DC considers it an epic failure because of all the hype that came with David Griffin we’re not even close to a championship here we can’t even seem to put the core together that make any sense and it’s not like they didn’t entry issues they fortifi the team with Personnel to help to help with such a thing we knew that coming out the gate that with Zion we had a few issues here and there you knew when the first couple of years what was going on that you would need to fortify the team with Talent Off the Bench and have a coach that can be able to coach him up go ahead DC we’re gonna I’m Gonna Leave You with it was it wasn’t the hype of David Griffin it was the fact that you come in and you basically you have a layup of a trade to knock out the park to get things started there’s very few teams that have had a better restart at a rebuild like you have Zion which the one caveat I’ll give him is you know Zion hasn’t been able to stay right okay I I give you that one C but everything else man you had a a very good start to be able to do something special here and you just can’t get out of your own way God just constantly gets in his own way you’re the vice president of basketball operations put people in place CU that’s your job that are smarter than you at doing the basketball part you focus on the media perception of the team the image and all of that and you put intelligent basketball people you be smart at finding those people incredibly and then give them credit incredibly when they actually succeed no no incredibly insecure he’ll never put no absolutely not because his you gotta be the smartest person in the room all the time you don’t go nowhere can’t be in every room at all the times all the first one talking and the last one talking that’s the bottom line W credit why else would you uh be as vocal and of course you got a general manager and the media talking to you over the general manager tell them to go talk to G to the general manager that’s why Lon got we’ve been saying this Q H are there any other situations in the NBA where the vice president talks more than the general man I bro I don’t know maybe I don’t know I don’t know not one with I think gotta be at least one man I know he can’t be the only one I don’t know not one one of them that’s doing and Sam pry don’t even do that and Sam prey should be doing that but I don’t see him I don’t I don’t see about Danny I don’t even see Danny is he the is he the president of basketball operations no he yeah he he’s above him because uh James Jones I think is the uh the general manager I thought James Jones general manager Phoenix Phoenix yeah I don’t know in Utah Danny Ang is in Utah yeah he in Utah so I don’t know I don’t know but he’s I don’t know but then again that’s different because they uh Danny Angel a is a NBA legend as a basketball player so but still I’m just trying to to uh why the VP thinks that he should talk so much so basketball broadcast and everything to where everybody thinks he’s the general manager he’s an attention he wants the attention that’s what it comes down to it what else would he be talking he ain’t just talking to stay healthy he’s talking he talked like that because he wants some people do need therapy some people do need to talk to that they do but not but this guy obviously doesn’t need to talk as much as he do talk when trer Lon is actually the general manager you need to be speaking to the media skips right past TR and langon I used to make jokes about it all the time like this guy’s not the general manager why are y’all sticking mics in this goddamn face because he can’t turn him down he gotta talk about like man listen go talk to Tran langon you know I’m not talking what not because he’s an attention he’s a he’s a he’s a micromanager he’s a Flim Flam man that’s what that’s what I’ve been saying about David Griffin since here none of the even the hardcore David Griffin Fanboys out there can’t deny the fact that in five years of him being a general manager you got two weak ass playoff appearances and 188 wins out of 390 wins he 188 and two 202 in five years that’s not that’s not that’s that’s ridic at this point who is a David Griffin Fanboy but trust me they got him out there they got some the team was hurt all them years he we won 49 games last year what y’all want every year the Pelicans won more games and climbed up they won 30 then 31 then 36 and it went from 36 to 42 and from 42 to 49 see them type of people they don’t be they don’t be happy until you you in the actual full rebuild because everything was epic F you move on from Zion bi CJ everything you just burn it all down and stuff they got they don’t realize it’s a failure until then now they don’t see completely starting all the way over and then I would wonder if they would say we want to start this rebuild all the way over with David Griffin yeah David Griffin was a good general manager he was a good General like I said you can’t you can’t deny this ain’t gonna cut it in the west this ain’t gonna cut it in the west ke we got to be better so hope hopefully uh maybe Bryson Graham and who’s our assistant general manager did they announce who the assistant general manager is sh no don’t they have not I don’t have a clue on who that who the person is but D David Griffin um I’m sure he has some people that he’s looking to put in place that he can um utilize some of the basketball minds and intelligence because you’re not a GM um we you know when you was a GM you got a pick and number one is Anthony Bennett who’s the worst pick in the history of the NBA draft and number one um I think even even when you think Big Country Wasn’t big country from uh remember when the Grizzlies was in Toronto and they had the boy big country then they take him number one am I Brian re Brian Rivers he was number one right I don’t know if Big Country Rees was number one overall I don’t know if he was sh he was better than uh Anthony Bennett he wasn’t that good that was 2013 too yeah man so that was David Griffin’s first year at the general man wa hold on let me make sure horrible horrible you’re horrible at drafting draft this year I don’t I don’t know if he drafted him or not because um he took over over the Cleveland franchise let me see because they fired Grant Chris Grant he was fired uh let me see February the 16th they said uh Grant was fired and they made uh appointed GM they said appointed interum GM when Chris Grant was fired so they made uh Griffin the the interim GM when Chris Grant yeah he was permanent GM for 52 2014 that would be before the draft yeah he so he was the guy he did draft Anthony yeah that would be like saying not right now but somebody came into the position three to four weeks ago right so it’s more than enough opportunity to look at those guys and evaluate the talent and see who you gonna pick so you can’t be like oh they put him in there and the pick was already together no no no you had time to lean away from that look at look at it where is it now this is an article right here for that was that that was that was his answer to it you f up sometimes former C GM David Griffin on team drafting Anthony Bennett you f up sometimes that was what he said Ain that something that’s wow Griffin was blunt you f up sometimes and said that Bennett had desire to overcome adversity whatsoever how did you do that though you know so yeah this is what your put it all on it was all on benett huh vinett could have overcame adversity he could have lived up the expectations Q that’s all it was had nothing to do with the talent had nothing to do with the fit on the team had nothing to do with none of that if you drafting them maybe too high and or Drafting and not knowing what the hell to do with him had nothing to do with none of that it was just you know he couldn’t live up to adversity not the fact that you don’t know if he could live up to adversity Q would have worked that’s how he worded it Griffin said sometimes youfo the man with all that word salad he wasn’t saying beautiful he’s speechless it’s crazy this man and we can go ahead and let it go do you think there is hope that David Griffin can write the as much as I would like for him to be gone I know that in order for him to be gone we have to completely because he has a fiveyear extension right big he’s been given a five year extension right no probably it’s probably five years it’s probably another five year extension man Miss Benson Miss Benson if you listen to this please baby she don’t know stop giving out these extensions they don’t know what they man that’s that’s you extend people and then they come to find out a year or so into the extension you gotta let them go that’s and then what happened what happened baby you got to pay some money to somebody who a’t even on team no more because money is guaranteed it’s crazy man and that’s the thing about that’s what I’m saying we stuck with Willie Green because of uh because they they sign St gy too low this gave Willie an extension him out here let’s end it down because you asked me the question go you could turn around turn around the thing is it’s it’s they’re doing it and I’m saying it’sin this looks like it’s process of elimination that’s what it is then like went through okay this didn’t work this didn’t work so it’s showing me like his vision his vision in terms of what he talking about it’s a lot of word salad it’s a lot of BS and bunk all of it is always built in uh generalities with no specifics and when he comes out spinning that’s usually a person that don’t have a plan not a real legitimate plan that leads to uh an NBA championship because that’s what we want to hear pelicans have a superstar and zon Williamson how you need Superstars to win do the Pelicans acquire Superstars for bi more than likely me and DC talked about it all the time providing contrast more than lik it’s gonna be Trey young because the Pelicans are can’t obtain superstars no other way they can’t go in the free agency to get them right now that’s not David Griffin F who fault is a DC that’s the product of us being a small Market team like how many how many players are breaking their neck to go to Oklahoma or Milwaukee and they won a championship like you look at all the small Market teams they typically can’t sign the Superstar so that’s not really well you gotta I mean they got the stories about Dame lard out there in Milwaukee and he’s unhappy because he’s in Milwaukee like you don’t he don’t like being there so it’s you you you got that aspect I can’t blame it for all I said the small Market thing don’t really apply when you see other small Market teams when who’s signning superstars that are small Market though do you have to do it through trade there there is a way to do it and there is a blueprint you don’t have to read give us the blueprint brother blueprint is what OKC doing the blueprint is what San Antonio is doing they got other small Market okay so you have to you have to do it through the draft you can’t sign you don’t worry about signing them you got to draft Superstar bro let me finish yeah I’ve given you the blue already know what top is the blueprint is you got to be a the way you is San Antonio gave you a blueprint OKC gave you a blueprint and for for you to know Milwaukee is a small Market team these teams are competitive they’re competitive every year except for San Antonio they had the little fall off the clip because they tried to do a youth movement there but outside of that the majority of The Times They there’s a proven way of doing this so the Pelicans are small Market team they have to be able to compete because they they put together they drafted guys Zion of gued they drafted they acquired Brandon Ingram via trade for a drafted star that they had here so there is a way to get Talent here but once you get the talent here you have to win that’s what it comes down to you have to win so that’s what I’m saying so there is a blueprint out there now what the Pelicans are doing they’re picking these players and you got to also have decent coach DC a lot of these other coaches that we talk about when we talk about a Milwaukee when we talk about a OKC we talk about a San Antonio any other small Market team that’s having success they have a good coach on staff they have a guy that knows what he’s doing and he’s coaching the team up he’s taking advantage of all the talent that we have so that it’s a recipe here to make sure you have the right coach the right talent and if you do the right things you’ll get the right results it’s the bottom line it’s it’s a it’s it’s not a difficult thing to figure out the problem is with the Pelicans is they’ve been making a lot of dumb moves like you said so yourself we talked about the three coaches in three years we talk about moving out first round draft picks because of bad contracts we talked about the Steven Adams trade trading to get Steven Adams and then trading them out with with draft picks trading out Eric that’s just foolish so in the can they turn it around process of elimination you stuck with David Griffin you are definitely stuck with Willie Green right now so the bottom line is these guys have to improve they got to get better and whoever the general Bryson Graham steps in as a general manager I don’t anticipate anything changing in terms of him being more visible or vocal than try and langon I just don’t see it because David Griffin is picking certain people that are quiet this is a micromanager he’s not g to pick up a guy that’s vocal that’s gonna outshine him remember he has that that that that uh issue from Cleveland where LeBron was getting all the praise from what he was doing everybody knew Le Bri was orchestrating at telling them what to do and he comes here and he wants his own credit for doing it his own way with this good human beings nonsense the hell with all of that get players down here professionals that want to play that got dog in guys that do have some courage and have some heart that don’t want to get stumped out old to four and S up here all cool and calm and we don’t want hear all that about good human beings we want basketball players that got dog in them because that’s what the NBA is made of the Champions got dogs in them they they not a bunch of damn choir boys talking about fan Basketball family and all this nonsense man you playing these people to be you’re playing you’re paying them to be here you’re paying them to be here this is a basketball team man not a goddamn YMCA group this a basketball team you’re paying them to be here so anyway that’s what I’m saying man I’m done on this in terms of my idea my mentality of what I’ve seen for David Griffin over the five years and I’m inviting you guys out there in the comment section to let me know how you feel about it maybe you feel similar to what me and DC feels maybe you don’t I think we have more they snake all salesman then we do an actual general manager I think we need more back I think swin needs to be elevated to a higher position to be honest with you because I think she’ do a lot better job than this snake all salesman five years 188 and 202 with two mediocre playoff appearances out of five years three coaches and three years that ain’t good man and F he been here for five years three coaches five years is not stability it’s not all this this old gobbly goop and these y words he like to prattle off all the time got nothing to do with that it’s a basketball team not a not a basketball cult he’s trying to build here good human beings get family the hell with that man you paying these people to be here to play basketball get dogs like the rest of the NBA have and a good coach that know how to orchestrate them man who know how to talk to him who know how to draw plays who know how to adjust when it’s time to adjust that knows how to strategize and compete mentally and and strategically with other coaches in the NBA and don’t get Molly whopped and pushed out of here and don’t know what the hell he doing got Shooters who he don’t use Shooters here Shooters there Shooters everywhere you don’t even use them so the hell with that man we need we need seriousness if we gonna compete for an NBA championship we need to get real so in terms of what I’m seeing over the F the last five years from David Griffin five years think about what I’m saying it’s a half a goddamn decade you didn’t get close to the Western Conference Finals not even close that to me is a failure when you have good talent we have some talented players and good people here you have if you’re facing injury like most teams are fortify your team better do the best you can to fortify draft and develop your draft picks develop your draft picks to be good role players to help you because if you want Championship run you have to have good role players and the coach has to be willing to play these role players and not overplay certain guys and keep other guys on the bench that won’t work that’s my take you guys let me know how you feel in the chat how do you feel about the five years that David Griffin has been a vice president of basketball operation did he did he deliver to you epic failure DC says epic failure what do you guys say in the comment section below let us know we up in this thing PPR y’all hit the Subscribe button hit the like button as well thank y’all what’s up fam this big Q from PPR thank y’all for watching please feel free to hit the Subscribe button the like button and the share button hit all the notification buttons and make sure you follow us here every week as we talk about all things Pelicans

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Join Big Q and DC on the Pelicans Postgame Report as they delve into the performance of Pelicans VP David Griffin over the past five years. How has he fared in shaping the team’s future? Don’t miss out on our comprehensive analysis, lively discussions, and exclusive insights into the state of the Pelicans at the highest level.

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  1. Alvin Gentry also got hired right after he was fired from here. I was excited when we got certain people. Jaxson Hayes was supposed to be wayyy better, CJ was actual good this year except at the end of the season and playoffs. NAW sucked when he was here.

  2. Worst teams in last 5 years
    1.Pistons, 2.Spurs, 3.Rockets, 4.Wizards, 5. Hornets, 6. Magic, 7.Trail blazers, 8.Bulls, 9.Hawks, 10. Pacers, 11. Kings, 12.Thunder, 13.Cavaliers, 14. Pelicans

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