@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls trying to trade up for Matas Buzelis in NBA Draft? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Chicago Bulls trying to trade up for Matas Buzelis in NBA Draft? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

n [Music] what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to a fresh week of the Cho Bulls podcast coming to you live from our studios here in West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek Bulls pek Big Dave with the Chris PAD as always bam bwl Sports will the go goly will _ go our power producer on controls Joey’s spus at Joy’s spus the whole crew hanging out on a Monday y uh happy Monday to all of you out there in Bulls Nation lot to get to today more talk and rumors about the Bulls and what they are going to do in that NBA draft coming up in just a couple weeks now hey Cody couple weeks time Cody I got to I got to call him out I watched part of his ping pong game against Ry just a minute ago he his heart was not in it it wasn’t in it man he just looked like a ping pong player who was frustrated to be playing ping pong you know I watched the final uh set of that you know I mean you’re right as soon as he lost he threw that paddle down he went over there there was upset and I went over to him I was like what’s wrong Cody whether it’s the Cubs or whoever else in Chicago sports phandom or his ping pong Cody takes El’s hard I asked him what he what was wrong he was like everything’s wrong everything’s wrong everything’s wrong he said everything’s wrong in my life and I said I’m in your life Cody that’s a lie wow that is like a see smile a weirdly confident and also kind of charismatic Flex uh it’s the truth a little bit a little bit of happy news uh just to to give a out at the beginning of the show news just broke you too Cody uh I think earlier today our pal Kendall Gill’s son Phoenix currently a junor at St ignas here in Chicago has officially committed to play ball for the Northwestern Wildcats after he graduates congrats Phoenix shout out I’m just wondering how secretly ticked off Kendall is that he’s not going to play for the Eli where he also got an offer it’s I don’t think he’s happy about it obviously but knowing how Kendall operates the SC ship that I’m sure he got on that and you know what I’m saying easing that financial burden on on the parents I’m sure was pretty awesome too and the fact that he got to Northwestern also shows just the intelligence of the young man as welled you know what I mean so that says a lot about Phoenix but it also adds to the Rivalry now so when they play Northwestern Kendall Gil will will be talking copious amounts of [ __ ] when that happens so that’s that’s going yeah you think he’ll get himself one of those like split down the-middle parent jerseys and have his old Ali jersey on half and and Phoenix’s Northwestern Jersey I’m going to ask him you’re right we should ask whoever needs to get Kendall Gill a gift there you go there it is right there man that’s really cool man to have his son you know what I’m saying playing uh college ball and then the ability to just watch him all the time because now you know they’re at the crib yeah exactly and also just like it’s cool it’s always cool when like local products go to local colleges or play for their local team so um I think that’s great and I’m just excited to watch them at the college level indeed you know we can go catch a game or two of his Evon right up the road I’m guessing that I’m guessing that Kendall and Wendy are also pretty happy about that they don’t got to drive down to Champagne every time he’s got a home game again saving all kinds of loot right here but you’re right cuz Karm always has tickets uh to to a Northwestern game man so we’ll be taking them up on that off you hear that K you got a you got a year before you got to start throwing us all of your free Northwestern tickets that’s right toss them this way sir we want we want to get some tickets today K really L’s asking about Northwestern getting their program really going uh is boooy coming back for year six question I do not know I don’t know either does he have another year of Eligibility that’s a good question I have no idea damn that’s a good question I didn’t even thought of that man you bringing me college basketball right now I’m focus on the draft not a lot of people talking about Big 10 college hoops in June shout out to you though for the commitment man shout out to you man that’s awesome stuff right there indeed um and on on a bit more of a Sommer note but Circle of Life young up and covers in the basketball world the basketball World lost a legend over the weekend uh Bulls Legend NBA legend nay Smith Basketball Hall of Famer Chad the Jet Walker passed away at the age of 84 yeah uh just a few short months after being inducted in as one of the members of the first inaugural class of the Chicago Bulls Ring of Honor um I mean there’s plenty to say about Chad Walker’s NBA career and accomplishments for some of you younger generations of fans who aren’t familiar he uh is an NBA champion with the 76ers team that ended the Celtics 8-year Reign yes uh seven time All-Star four of those coming with the Chicago Bulls and in a way kind of saved the Bulls from potentially leaving Chicago because the team was in such rough shape yes he came and uh joined uh some of some solid teammates to build that program back to a point where the Bulls were a playoff team again actually helped lead the Bulls to consecutive Western Conference Finals appearance in 1974 and 1975 absolutely true um and also about that Sixers team at the time when they won they were that was the record for wins during the season 68 and 13 so and that was Will Chamberlain and and uh uh Bobby Jones you know what I’m saying all those just elite players were on the team and Chad was definitely a part of that uh always a score like Chad wasn’t like a fast guy or anything like that but he he reminds you of Demar or I should say DeMar reminds me of him because he had an elite pump fake fake Elite it was Elite man and that’s all he did it was a pump fake but he would hold it he would never bring it back down it was always right here after he were pump faking and then just rise and it was buckets and I mean 20 a game great shooter shoot always shot like well into well over the 80s in the free throw at the free throw line I believe his career high was 56 he did that with the bulls misten did which stood until MJ’s 63-point game against Boston as the franchise High uh total uh for points scored in a single game yeah he he could he could hope man and of course the reason I even remember is my brother has talked a lot about him as far as those two teams you just mentioned yeah uh especially that uh Golden State team they lost to uh this the the second time in 75 because that was the team that my brother is still mad about that they lost uh that game because they were stacked as far as who they had on that team in the bulls with Bob love and Jerry SLO te they had a squad do and one one game shy of going to the finals that’s it just that one game they couldn’t get it together they couldn’t throw it in the ocean as they say and also that was when the Bulls were in the Western Conference yeah as well so yeah they lost to the eventual Champion Warriors yes Jes we probably been more happy they in the Western Conference B conferences yeah but if the Bulls were in the Western Conference that we would have way more of those 9 and 930 tip offs like our poor CH Blackhawks crew because the Blackhawks are Western Conference Team thank you for saying that and bringing me back to reality I’m just say I’m not saying I’m just say you’re absolutely not that I’m complaining about our work hours from October to April you’re absolutely right though way to bring me back to reality sir that’s very well conferences and make all games start at 5:00 p.m. okay I’m taking over all Grandpa Willie’s on it man he ain’t playing dog right when the early birst start game by 900 p.m. every night get a fan go a f now that so much to ask no not so much to ask it’s not it’s not uh large in the comments saying rip Chad Walker had a game ahead of his time Chad and Bob love both would ball out in today’s game yeah they are pro the typical for this indeed uh Charlie saying wish those were uh the which of those teams were the Bulls now you don’t remember them Bulls te before he got there trust bro yeah you got to go through that that’s just how that has to be sometimes you got to go through those things but yeah man just like we all had to go through the uh the Tim Floyd years ah well I guess maybe not all of us did have to go through the Tim Floyd years if you’re Joey Joey didn’t have to go through the Tim Floyd shout out to Joey for not going through that that’s why he says who he has no idea he has no idea shut up but something I wanted to make sure we also highlighted for maybe some of those younger Bulls fans uh out there who weren’t aware of what Chad accomplished not only on the court but off the court he was a integral member of a collection of Players Association members back in the day to really start fighting for more freedom of the players when it comes to the choices of where they’re playing and which teams they’re playing for and the money they’re making doing it he was hugely significant 1964 allstar game Chad Walker alongside Oscar Uh current uh at the time president of the Players Association uh Tommy Hinson shut up Bill Russell among others uh threatened to boycott the All-Star Game just hours before tip off unless owners agreed to a new Pension Plan uh and this is a segment from shout out to our guy Jack silver AKA re Jack column that he sent out to all of you subscribers out there about chat Walker over the weekend owners were banging on the locker room door Walker said elen Baylor and Jerry West were being threatened with their careers they’d never play again we wouldn’t come out until they agreed to talk finally the commissioner promised he would discuss a pension plan so that was the All-Star Game in 1964 by the way chat Walker’s first All-Star appearance and he was willing to stand up with his fellow player associ members and say hey we need more those are the things that make you a Hall of Famer you know going beyond the game and things like that and that was definitely around that time when those things were starting to happen and occur a lot in sports you know I mean black athletes actually meeting and standing up for their rights because that was three years prior to the big meeting with with uh the Jim Brown Kem Abdul Jabar Muhammad Ali you know what I mean when they were calling for those kind of things um so no that set precedent as far as uh how guys wanted to move and move forward in the NBA L Brock you know what I mean another one of those guys that was involved in that around that time like being basically like that free agent and he start started that precedent right then and there during that time frame so yeah man it’s those things have to be discussed and honored because it didn’t just come out of nowhere you know what I mean yeah and so guys actually sacrifice certain things and like you said it’s your first time being an All-Star game man who wants to sacrifice something like that yeah well it was for the good and well-being of the league and the players coming after you so that’s awesome and that’s exactly where I was going to go with this is like we talk a lot about about how guys perform on the court and you know we have the Jordan debate a lot not that there is much of one it is not but like you know all all players that are playing today they they evolved from the players that played during the 90s and from and then in the 80s and 70s and 60s before that and I think we talk about it a lot justifiably so from a basketball perspective what’s happening on the court but I think when you learn about some of this stuff that they were willing to fight for and sacrific for and how that impacted the the way that the game evolved from a business standpoint right to where players did have more freedom and and that evolved into what we see today now where players can sign free agent contracts players can uh you know have like endorsement deals and things like that and not only that but then now we’re in such an era of player empowerment where you can demand trades and you can hold out and stuff like that and so just to understand how as we know I love talking about like the luxury tax and the financial elements of the game and it’s just it’s so interesting to learn about some of this stuff and I know we like made fun of the Bulls Ring of Honor this year uh because they failed it miserably because they yeah um but I do think CH didn’t fail Mis it shows it shows the value in it to me because you know maybe you don’t retire his jersey um but like you know he’s a Hall of Famer and he’s NBA champion and he was a star for the Chicago Bulls that was way before my time and so I don’t know too much about him but I do like that the Bulls and other teams who have done similar things are honoring some of these guys that really mattered in the history of the league and the impact that they had whether it was direct or indirect like you really feel that in the way that the league works today so yeah I I I think I hope the Bulls Ring of Honor continues to get better and so that we’re not only talking about the accomplishments of a chat Walker when they pass away that’s a great point and you know you mentioned kind of being a a a self-described NBA math nerd a cap nerd somebody who like is you know peaked in curiosity by uh you know just like the financials of the league and how it goes into which players get what contracts and how it all works your colleague on the Bulls beat uh quick plug not that he needs it but happened to have my copy that I found in my library at home the one and only Sam Smith author of the Jordan rules la long time member of the Bulls beat longest tendered member of the Bulls beat also has a book called hard labor that is about the early days of NBA players fighting for free agency rights and for more money uh it is a phenomenally fascinating read um and in this book and I think our guy re Jack pulls a couple excerpts from this book when he was writing about Chad in his substack earlier because uh Sam Smith talks to Chad Walker in this book about these processes back in the day and lawsuits and and objections and all the ways that these players were protesting and fighting for the rights of not only them but as you were saying will generations to follow when we look at these NBA contracts now and they’re like holy B Jesus how are these players making this kind of money it’s the efforts of Chad Walker and some of his um you know his contemporaries of his time that made it happen check out the book har labor by Sam Smith fascinating read yeah I mean we talked about last week how this new salary cap is gonna allow for players to make like 80 90 maybe a hundred million dollar in a single year yeah on their contract and like imagine what chat Walker would have thought about that yeah I mean that’s just like from where they were and what they were fighting for into now where it is now like I I like the salary cat because I like to think about what the Bulls can do and what their options are and how they can make their team better but at the end of the day this is a players League the players are the product and the players are the ones that deserve to be like paid and appreciated and a lot of what they were fighting for back then allows what we see now with these contracts and so yeah it’s just it’s an incredible Evolution and it’s I think really important to look back at and and learn more about and the you know kind of the sad part of it is that chat Walker believed that a large part of the reason his NBA career ended when it did is because he was blackballed for being one of the players who and in particular was that lawsuit in 1970 The Players Association filed against the league fighting to block the merger between the ABA and NBA because uh merging them together would have meant less competition between the leagues and the teams in the leagues to create bidding wars for these players that makes sense because after his tenure with the bulls after that loss that was his last time playing that his career ended and he walked out as a guy who was still making all-star teams right exactly and he was still averaging 20 you know what I mean with the bulls he did in the playoffs as well so no that’s that’s a great way to look at it and yeah man like you you want to leave things better than you it I think that’s really what you always just want to do in general so they had it they made it better for guys in the 80s who made it better for guys in the 90s and so on and so on and so on there’s a reason Kendall Gil complains about or shouldn’t say complain how he wants to play now because of the money you me because of the money that they’re making cuz he’s like it’s more money than he was and I’m like well the people before you are probably saying the same things to him right you know what I mean so that’s kind of how it goes on man you just want to make it better then you found it and chat was one of those people that definitely did that go go look up Kendall gills career earnings on hoop side he’s he’s doing just fine he’s doing just fine but still I mean his career earnings are not if he was playing now we saw MTV Cribs I was I I saw kennall flipping through his his you know nice laminated stock portfolio booklet one of those nights we walked in NBC remember I remember that man that binder was this freaking fast kall B sorry to call you out Kendall but shout out to Kendall Gil he’s doing just fine shout out to as well uh and of course shout out um much love and uh rest in peace to Bulls great chat the J Walker M um all right let’s take our first break there we will come back and dive into these latest uh Buzz mock uh tidbits going around NBA draft people including more stuff and more talk about the Bulls moving up from number 11 for certain targets that’s on the other side while we are sharing these sponsors uh friendly words and great offers hit that like button do it for troll Joe do it for chat uh Dave who’s first today beer ah yes people drink it they enjoy it this fine product it’s delicious and the way you should do it is that fine product as he just mentioned is a cold Kors light because between work social media and the choices life throws our way it’s no wonder we’re more worked out Kors light celebrates Rising above and choosing a chill mindset so why not turn that rain out barbecue into the will to go go Le 88th annual karaoke house party invit in the mail in the M lost lost just show up or after a tough loss settle scores with an ice cold peace offering make the choice and choose chill then reach for that Frosty cold Coors like beverage cuz when those mountains turn blue oh you know what to do cuz this as cold as the Colorado cold logger cold filter and cold package for a smoother finish so when you Embrace a chill 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with over 100 different strains to choose from with easy online ordering and then in store pickup stop in the store nearest you throughout Illinois for expert guidance from their staff or select from their quality lines like Cresco or Flor Cal mhm of course my personal favorite those good news brand Tangerine gummies perfect hit just right head to Sunnys side. shop use promo code HG at checkout for 35% off those wonderful Brands and more to elevate your first purchase and to elevate your summer Sunnyside Canabis dispensary bright buys every day only for 21 and over or Illinois medical card holders what’s up B uh all right guys we are getting uh closer and closer by the day to the NBA draft 2024 Wednesday June 26th is the date speaking of which uh keep an eye uh keep your ears and eyes peeled for our details coming soon on our Cho Bulls draft party that will be happening at a bar here in the west loopa Chicago y’all invited come hang out it’ll be a fun time fun time uh hopefully it’ll be fun in that it’ll be Bulls fans hanging out together and maybe on top of that we’re all happy with who the Bulls pick maybe maybe maybe seems like there’s a lot of in the discourse of bulls fans I’ve seen on social media for the last month or so as we start really focusing in on some of these prospects I I do not see one name more so than others some people are like gim me Devin Carter some people are like Dillingham some people are like um you know Isaiah some people want one of the bigs I feel like it’s like there is no front runner among Bulls fans right now I agree some people want Montes buis M we should probably talk about I think we should get uh so he was uh at the NBA draft combine go you spoke to him at the combine he was there telling you and others that he’s not worried about his three-point shooting from his G League ignite season I definitely remember I loved it and I put a pin in that worry uh and here we are because in Jonathan gon’s latest newest brand super newest mock draft okay top 100 for ESPN plus he has Matas buis at number five on his top 100 but has this juicy tidbit saying sources say bu’s Hometown team the Chicago Bulls watched him work out privately and La early in in the pre-draft process Chicago has shown a willingness to explore moving up in the draft for the right price the BS Lithuanian president arturis car chz has extens extensive knowledge of bazis who is also Lithuanian Jonathan gavone ESPN plus uh this isn’t the first we’ve heard that the Bulls might be interested in bazis we’ve wondered whether or not he could fall to them at 11 or if he would get scooped up before that but here is just the latest example we talked about this I think on what last two Fridays ago Dave there was a report from somewhere that the Bulls are going to trade up because they want Donovan Clingan I remember and now it’s bazis again what do you make of this and also this new little wrinkle with like the AK connection that he’s maybe had an eye on him longer than we maybe previously thought I mean Chicago area native uh of Lithuanian descent you can see the connection there um but he’s also one of the top prospects in this draft he has been considered one of the top players in this draft we know that the uh the Bulls like other teams have a close eye on the g- league ignite because they play within like the NBA Universe I mean they’re playing in NBA g-league games so there’s been I’m sure a lot of scouting done on this guy and he’s one of the top players so that’s what they should be doing they should be doing their due diligence they should have an inside track on him because they’ve been able to watch him since his early high school days um and I and they should be looking to improve their team and to take some swings here by any means necessary correct um and so does it surprise me that the Bulls are kind of being talked about as a team that’s moving up maybe a little bit just because um you know this isn’t necessarily a draft to where like you’re going to find an obvious franchise Cornerstone player but that doesn’t mean that there’s not going to be really good players and so if you have your eye on a guy and you think he’s you know you that’s your guy like why not go get him because this might be your only chance to move up in a draft without having to sell the farm to do it um you know we’ve seen in previous drafts like the Luca Trey Young trade was I believe uh five for uh five and next year’s pick unprotected for three yeah so they moved up two spots to get Luca and ended up trading them cam reddish and Trey young that’s a trade that I think they would be pretty thrilled to do again if they had the opportunity um and so I think in a lot of ways like this is the cheapest some of these guys might be it may also be the most expensive they end up being and I think that’s the risk but to me the idea of moving up I’m fine with it like there’s probably 13 or 14 players in this draft that I would be like okay but not thrilled with the bulls Drafting and I think they’re going to end up with one of those 13 to 14 um I don’t know who it’s going to be but if B balis is their guy why not go go find a way to go get him and I feel the same way about the Donovan cigan rumors that happened a couple weeks ago like if you feel convicted that that’s your guy and you have a chance to go get them and it’s not going to be too expensive then sure why not I don’t know what the price will be and that that’s something that probably we won’t know until it either happens or doesn’t but um to me like the Bulls need to be exploring Avenues to be aggressive and like this is in the draft you’re going to find hopefully cheaper contributors and so if you have a chance to take a big swing on a guy that you really like like why not go get him so I want to pick your before I go I want to pick your brain a little bit I have several questions where do you have bazilus in this draft so I’m a little bit lower on Matas um the the shooting does concern me I know we talked about uh you know how he said that that was not a big problem for for him but uh to me so buellis uh measured 68 and 3/4 with a 610 wingspan 38 in vertical um he’s going to be 19.7 years old on draft night um and you know he is kind of pegged as a shooter but he just didn’t shoot the ball well so that to me is concerning um he definitely is a good athlete I think he has really nice defensive chops in terms of his ability to slide over and help and protect the rim um he generated a decent amount of steals if I recall correctly I’m going to pull up the numbers here as I’m talking um he had a 1.28 seal rate which is not great but a 5.74 block rate which is really good um he’s not somebody that I view as like a shot Creator he’s more of like a you know off ball tweener forward I think probably works best as next to another tweener forward so I think like the fit next to Patrick Williams could be pretty good pretty interesting cuz both those guys can switch both those guys can protect the rim um but like yeah I mean 3o uh percentage for him 27.3 threo attempt rate 27.9 both really low numbers and so not only is he showing you that he’s not a good shooter he’s telling you that he’s not a good shooter because he’s not um taking a lot of Threes either and so 67% from the free throw line the indicators to me aren’t quite there and yes he’s explosive he can dunk he can do windmills he can put it through his legs um but if he’s not really creating offense for you and he’s not able to be a really high level shooter off the ball I just wonder where he fits in offensively and you know some guys they’re just so good in other areas that they can overcome some flaws like that but um I’m just a little bit lower on Matas that I think consensus I have him right now at 8 um on my big board which I’m constantly toking and and messing around with but to me like if you are going to swing for upside there’s there’s better bets that could end up being like the guy like a Ron Holland or a Stan Castle I think or a nicoa topic those are guys that I’d feel more comfortable gambling on because I think they’re if you hit the 90th or 100th percentile outcome that’s like a star- level player whereas if you hit the 90th or 100th level outcome for a buellis it’s more like a second or third option on a good team really good role player yeah it’s still a great player but at the end of the day like if you’re moving up in the draft and you’re swinging for upside there’s other guys I think I might prefer but I I also don’t dislike buellis I think he’s going to be a high level contributor it’s just a matter of like can he get to that like Fringe All-Star All-Star level and I’m I’m just not sure as far as a trade uh concerned for him obviously the piece that they have is Zack LaVine that they want to get rid of for you know to move up would do you think that would be worth it if he’s going in that top eight where you kind of have him do you think teams will still kind of covet that a little more than picking a player that they might not be as high on because of what this draft is so I should say I have at eight um looking at my consensus mock board which I updated today um which basically looks at all the other like major mock draft Outlets um ESPN has him at five blue report has him at four the ringer at four No Ceilings at 7 the athletic at 5 ESP Nations new one today at 6 and Yahoo at 6 so I’m just a little bit lower um and I think teams could like fall in love with them I know we got to take a break here so maybe we can get into that more after um but I think it’s just really it’s like an opportunity cost question if you spend the 11th pick what more do you have to attach to that and is the difference between whoever you get at 11 plus whatever that asset’s value is is that greater than or equal to how good you think Matas will be if the answer is you think Matas will be better then the combined value of 11 plus the other asset you have to move then go for it if not then don’t go for it like I think and this is true about how the bull should be operating I think in general is like value propositions is this more valuable or less valuable take the one that’s more valuable or make the move for the one that’s more valuable and don’t just settle because you prefer to keep your guy or you believe and whatever so I think um they just have to be a little bit more analytical and surgical in that way which they have not been in the past uh L is in the comments uh saying bz’s at 11 is fine but too much to trade up for him it’ be bad and create too much pressure for him I mean I don’t know about like added pressure on a player because someone drafted up to get them I’d like ask Luca if he felt any additional pressure or if he just started balling right away I don’t know maybe that is what doomed Mitchell trabis but uh different scenarios we uh yeah let’s put a pin in that and we’ll come back and continue this conversation on the other side of our second break because I I did see one particular proposal in general uh of bulls trading up for the sake of Bas um and I did not care for it uh so we can keep talking about whether or not it would be worth it for the Bulls to move up for this guy on the other side of the break hit that like button if you didn’t do it the first time around do it for Baby Joey Dave who’s next you should be a die heart yes you should now we gonna beat around the bush on this you yes you the one looking at all this finess right here you should be a Die Hard come hang out come join us it’s a wonderful thing to be why why is it a wonderful thing to be man well of course break it down for you on time because you cool like that of course you’re going to get the podcast and the live shows every day we already know that of course you’re going to get the post game you know what I mean and the pregame that come with it and of course go live from the UC doing his thing in Parts Unknown wherever he broadcast from but the premium written content guys is what it’s all about I’ve said this a million times reading the stuff will writes especially this draft board will make you a smarter and better fan is exactly what he does he it’s your brain and your mind too and we have several writers that do that for every sport that we cover here at chgo you get 20% off the events I just told he just told you about the draft party we having guess what boom automatic 20% off for you just because you a die hard and you get to come hang out with us man and if you tell us you a die hard you’ll get extra Love Actually that was free to attend yes but maybe we shout out our die hards in person at the live watch party I think that’s a good idea right love that idea did it at the Bears one yeah I definitely did it then yes yes dope merch for all the teams cuz that’s how we roll you get a free shirt when you become a member so just like this awesome one is rocking right hey hey that could be the one that you rock any team you pick it it’s yours and of course the members only Discord yo we call the chgo lounge several things to talk about in that Lounge man you want to do basketball you want to do hockey you want to do baseball you want to do wrestling they got it all covered out there in that l all these awesome things and more that you get by just being a Die Hard you can go to sign up become one and join us in this wonderful thing that we do here at chgo that’s right also that go draft database only for die hards yes only for die hards that’s it uh and yeah our our bulls die hard Discord is a real fun place to pop into and hang out chat with your fellow Bulls fans people in there talking about um the latest uh that that other guy the clutch points reporter BR Brett seag CLE uh also in his latest mock draft talking about how he’s heard from people that the Bulls are looking to trade up into the top 10 we got people in the Die Hard Bulls Discord talking about Dan Hurley telling the Lakers to f off wow and go away how Wild is that uh whatever is on your NBA and Bulls mind chat about it uh with your fellow Bulls fans in RC Jo die hard Discord yeah uh Today’s Show also brought to you by our friends at Circa Sportsbook the NBA finals are happening actively don’t ask first take because they’re talking about a beef between LeBron and Kendrick Perkins but the NBA finals are actually happening right now folks game two was last night game three is a couple nights from now and you could be having fun and making money on those Bets with the Circa sports book for these finals games at Circ they’re always striving to have those starting odds at minus 110 whether you’re looking at point total lunders uh game spreads for these NBA finals games unlike a lot of other betters these days who are pushing it to minus 115 orus 120 out of the gate from the Sportsbook for no good reason at all they encourage their betters to download and explore this wonderful cir 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Hooper how he also said he was a football player so it’s a whole different monster sir all right you will not and Luke cornette equals Robert Ory yeah don’t you ever put me in that category Ricky Bobby don’t you put that evil on me don’t you put that evil on me put his knife in my leg but he but he’s definitely he’s what he is that was my first thought like no this dude hoop man and there’s there’s uh no fear in his game like he plays with a confidence in his game for a 19y old that’s kind of Beyond his years that I like I like that he he plays with his face to the basket and he’s a Ballin hand kind of guy you know what I mean like he got to have the ball to work his thing he’s a mid-range dude yeah you know what I mean that’s where he will he will bust your ass at and man he’s just Shifty you know he’s got a little quick to him and he’s got a little handle he has to have like the special handle like I’m not looking at him to you know run your offense cuz they were trying to uh tout him as like a point guard when he was coming up kind of one of those guys so he’s got Vision you know what I mean those kind of things but the handle isn’t Steve Nash it isn’t J kid it isn’t Magic or nothing like that but it’s good enough to get him open and get to the spaces that he wants to get to to get the shot that he wants he doesn’t use his strength to get his shots either you know what I mean he’s just crafty with it and he’s smooth with it and he will go and he will yoke on your ass like for real the things that he has to improve on obviously a three-point shooting I love his form though I really do I like his form and when he shoots man so I when I see a guy with a good form that kind of makes me be like okay you’ll be okay you’ll get it together this why Patton is here do his job he should be a better shooter yes Joey thank you very much he should be a better shooter for that so that’s one the two is the strength aspect cuz if he doesn’t put on weight he’s going to get his ass busted but he’s got a frame that looks like he could put exactly where I was going because that for me those are things that just come with time you know what I mean you’re coming in as a rookie you’ll put on that weight you’ll get better but he’s going to get work this first year in in the paint they’re going to try to exploit that for sure yeah because he doesn’t really use that I’m glad you mentioned the defense too will I love his help defense he’s a very good help defense yes man I I truly enjoy watching it uh the blocks that he gets he’s he’s a guy that can get lost on there but I honestly I equated it to being young more so than him not knowing the game I was just like he just fell asleep on that you know I’ve seen many guys do that many of times and they’re usually young if you’re still doing that in in year six James Harden then you can you know have those kind of issues then but I really truly like his game and I feel like he’s somebody you can kind of build around I think if he has a point guard he’s even better because he’s awesome in transition uh but he shouldn’t be a guy that you’re like taptap bringing it up doing those things like that but he is good man and I just like his game I think he can be a dude that gets you 30 and 15 and 30 yeah wow he’s got that I see that him let me dig into that a little bit more because to me like the scoring is what I’m most concerned about so how do you view him as somebody that ends up with 20 25 30 points per because when I also the players I thought of watching him one of them was W Wagner yeah down in Orlando that saw somebody comparing the two in the comments a minute ago that was one of those guys I thought of and that dude is can get you 30 you know what I mean if you need it and he will get you 10 15 rebounds the comparison watched his G leag coach uh coach Hart shout out to him uh I watched from what he said and his comparison was kolinko and thought that he had some Gordon Hayward in him as well as far as how he saw the floor because Gordon Hayward you know thing was always good vision and how he ran transition and things like that that was his skill so he compared that’s a heck of a comparison and again those are two dudes who will get you 30 you know what I’m saying they could definitely do those things it’s the fact will that that mid-range game it’s pretty awesome to me watching him do that and if you give him the ball and let him handle it and go to work I think he can get you that man and the other reason I think is because of the three-point shot I think it will come and it will be there but he’s got to have a point guard for sure I think he’s got to work on you know I’m saying obviously the shooting and he’s got to work on his strength and a couple other things because you’re 19 years old it’s just what it is but I really really really like him man I think he can really change the team well uh Sean Charon comments is at least one who agrees with you Dave saying Matas has a quick trigger I really like his form the handle he has at 610 is just ridiculous though um yeah I I mean i’ I’ve seen his form I like his form but I I I’ve also seen the numbers that Will was yeah I’m a numbers guy I’m a numbers guy you show me what that dude shoots percentage wise from behind the three-point line for a full g-league season and uh I’m not I’m not super stoked about that understandable understandable man I believe as coach said he shot 40% when the season first kicked off for about a month and then it went down to what you saw but he like Will said he wasn’t taking a lot you know what I mean not a huge rate or anything like that yeah but just looking at it I’m like no that dude can shoot that that was my thought it wasn’t like watching D Terry when I saw him shoot and I was like no he needs to rebuild everything and start over and then he can get to a shot yeah but I mean like when I first saw D and Terry shoot I was like oh my God Bill cartright had sex with a wood chipper what likeu what so the I’m going to just go right by that one um makes sense if you think about it but the the one area I think like even if you do buy the scoring and I’m not sure that I do but I’m definitely open to it sure like I think in order to be like a A1 player and maybe that’s not what you’re saying he is oh yeah he I I think you need to be a good passer you don’t have to be like a great facilitator but like you have to be a good passer right now he is not that he averaged um one 2.2 assists per 75 possessions and 9.7 assist rate that’s lower than um everybody else in the top 10 I mean not great Ron Holland his teammate had a 19.7 to put that in perspective Stan castle 18.4 and then you get into some of the point guards that’s like in the 30s topic 33.9 isaah ker 30.9 so his assist percentage is lower than Donovan kingin um and yet the turnover percentage is higher than just about anybody else’s in here too 17 1.9 turnover percentage higher than topic higher than Castle higher than SAR higher than um you know Rob Dillingham so um I do think that caps you a little bit like for example cam Whitmore last year incredible score and we saw that at the NBA level we don’t know why he ended up sliding but I think what prevents him from being like what what will take like A1 star out of his potential outcomes is the fact that he is just a negative passer he will not he will not do it and I’m not saying can’t but I just think that kind ofes some doors for him in terms of his ability to run in offense um I do like the mid-range game I think that’s good I think he can get to the basket pretty well um but if you can’t shoot and you aren’t a great passer that means that unless you are so good at scoring then the ball’s not always going to be in your hands and when the ball’s not in your hands how are you contributing how are you fitting into the ecosystem of a winning basketball team and the g- league KN team was not that I’m not saying he can’t be a winning player cuz as we’ve talked about with regards to Zack LaVine I don’t really believe in that but it just it just brings up some questions um but yeah I mean 19 years old playing in a professional League like I still have him easily in the top 10 and if he did fall to 11 I would be pretty thrilled with that yeah but moving up for him and passing over other guys I think would be a little bit more I would have more questions with that but certainly not like I wouldn’t be like mad at it because I do think he has potential to be a very player and that’s why I said that I believe he needs a point guard you know what I mean cuz he’s going to need that that’s going to come in handy being a terrible passer I yeah the numbers indicate that for sure the stuff I was watching and looking at I’m like you feel like there’s something there there’s something there bro like I don’t find him to be just I’ve seen terrible passers and he doesn’t strike me as such you know just watching him but again I don’t need him to be bringing the ball up running my offense either I don’t feel like that’s his game I don’t need that if I need you to bring it up because they’re double teaming somebody else and they won’t let him get the ball he can do that fine cool get there get the ball to somebody get to your spot run the play but as far as him being the top of the key calling stuff out doing all that no absolutely not that’s not his game and I don’t need him doing those things but man there’s something there with this kid when I was just sitting there watching him and watching his game that just I’m like this can definitely translate to the NBA like immediately like he he excited me like just sitting there watching him and the things that he does and again that confidence and that IQ that he has on both both sides of the floor will keep him on the floor because the off even if the offense isn’t going you know that defense is going to be working for the Bulls and they’ve shown it’s least AK has shown the guys that he likes drafting have to be defensive guys you know what I mean when you’re talking Patrick when you’re talking dalen you’re talking Julian when you’re talking IO like these are all guys who are defensive guys when you think about them so you have to have those things cuz that has to put you on the floor but I think he can be good in this league man there’s something there for me when I watch him so let me um just kind of like POS pose it this way to you guys because I again I’m not like anti mates buis I’m just like maybe a smidge lower on him than others but and I’ve also said like I don’t think the bull should be drafting based on who they have on their roster right now sure but I think we can also agree that like it’s unlikely that they rebuild it’s unlikely that they tear it all down so let’s think about Kobe IO and Patrick Williams as like the core building blocks of this team Kobe IO and P yes in three years from now after dear’s next contract does zeis look better there does Stefan castle look better there next to those guys like who do you do you feel like he fits best in that role because I think it actually does look really good next to Patrick Williams in between Iowa I think that really could work the question is more just like if you’re trading up for this guy is there somebody who you think might work better is there some with with the young guys you’re saying exactly I don’t know um I’m sure there is if I sit and I just actually run through my brain but I’m just thinking about what mat fits and I just see it so easily when I watch it even when I’m thinking about throwing Dal Terry out there and Junior Phillips out there with him like I don’t think that misses a beat or changes anything uh with him out there on the floor but they’re going to need a ball handler like somebody’s got to handle the basketball uh and run those plays and get it out there like I said he’s a Ballin hand guy so he’s going to have to have the ball if he’s going to be a mid-range threat yeah and be that kind of player you know for the Bulls but as far as fit I’m sure there are other better fits out there uh but the guys we’re talking about who might be better fits are guys who are also going to be higher in the draft anyway you know what I mean so if that’s the comparison I’m talking about then I’m pretty cool you know what I’m saying with getting a guy like that I think I think when I frame it that way like it’s maybe more appealing because you look at like nicoa topic for example or Stefan Castle guys that want to have the ball in their hands like there’s maybe a little bit of conflict there with Kobe and iio when you look at Ron Holland I think that works um and it’s why I’m excited about him Donovan kingan I think that could work um Cody Williams maybe a little bit less than Matas I’m a little bit lower on him so it’s not like the worst fit in the world I think he’s got potential to be a very good player um and like I said if he fell to 11 I think that would be a steal so I’m not like low on him I just I feel like there’s there’s some bets that I would prefer to make right I got you I got you you want to make that move to trade up to like eight or seven you know what I mean to go look if SAR Castle topen which Reed Shepard Ron Holland Rob Dillingham Donovan kingan are all off the board and he’s there at 8 and you’ve got a chance to maybe move like that Portland pick and your pick yeah like hell yeah yeah I see that I see that uh a bunch of people in the comments including sville Adams and uh sure somebody else oh Jeremy Munos saying okay so like is this guy is mod Bas or is anybody worth trading up for in this draft and I I think it’s a fair question because I think I still count myself among Bulls fans who are saying I don’t want them trading up for anybody okay and I have not watched any of all the names that we’ve talked about thus far I have not watched the tape of any of those individuals and said go get me that guy yeah and do what it takes to get him if you got to move up move up I do not feel that way about any player in this draft I love re shefer sure yeah I feel you he’s good at basketball but you’re not WR I am sick of what we’ve been for the last few years of oh oh we got to send a pick to Orlando okay cool oh oh we got to send a pick to Orlando okay we are we done with the V trade now oh do we still need do do we still need to send San Antonio something for the Demar signing trade from three years ago cool and now we’re talking about trading up and what it when I think about what it would take to do that and this is just one example but our guy James L Edwards III Pistons beat reporter for the athletic we had him on before the deadline on this here program talking about the bull Pistons rumors and Zack LaVine on his latest thoughts on what the Pistons are going to do at 5 he proposed a bulls Pistons trade okay here Bulls here’s the number five pick everyone is talking all over the place how the Bulls want to jump up a handful of spots in the draft to get the guy that they want whether it’s Matas or dilling game or whoever give the Pistons number 11 this year and a top four protected pick in 27 and I said I literally almost threw my laptop against the wall of my office when I read that why you do this to yourself well and look it’s just a Pistons beat reporter proposing a trade where the Pistons trade down out of five cuz I think the Pistons are cranky yes that they’re picking at five correct again very cranky we were there at seven it’s okay but like I trading up giving up number 11 and a future first round pick to move up a handful of spots in this draft I’m sitting here saying are you freaking nuts I completely completely agree stay at 11 take the best player there or trade down if you can in my when anytime I talked about trading up or putting out in my mind the only thing I bring up is zline cuz that’s if you’re having an issue trading this young man for actual capital from the NBA team well in a draft like this teams might be more willing to give up the draft pick to get a guy like Zack LaVine no I don’t want to give up extra [ __ ] with Zack LaVine no I I would love to keep that pick but that’s what I think of when I talk about a trade is what you going to give me for Zack would you give me a pick for Zack LaVine and I think you could I think you get a pick for him yeah yeah or Caruso but I think oh definitely I want two for Caruso I I like for me I think this this is like a fake trade I’ve been sitting on that I think makes a lot of sense gold trains 11 plus Zack LaVine for five plus Isaiah Stewart you get your backup big to replace Drummond who’s making $15 million a year you save $28 million on this contract and you move up from 11 to 5 in the draft and have a chance to draft your guy whether it’s buellis or someone else I think that’s the kind of trade that could make some sense for both sides basically if you’re the Pistons you’re not really giving up that much You’ already got a backlog of centers that you can’t play all at the same time and you’re basically moving down six spots in the draft to get Zack LaVine like that’s that’s a great deal for both sides I think yeah I think so too so I think that’s the kind of deal that could work but here’s the other thing and I don’t I’m not saying I agree with it but like AKA has said we’re going to have to get creative again the way that we did in 2021 like how did they get creative in 2021 they traded future picks if they’re unwilling and I think there’s a reason they have not been willing to do that in the past or in the recent past sure they’ve seen how that those trades have gone it has not gone well so I think there’s a hes hesitancy to move on from some of these guys but there’s also a hesitancy to move on from the players because they haven’t traded any of those guys either they know they need to trade Zack now um sounds like maybe they don’t want to trade Caruso they may have to because he may walk in for agency next year and if you can’t retain him then you absolutely must trade him um yeah but they don’t make the play in tournament next year without him will but if you’re unwilling to do if you’re unwilling to trade draft picks if you’re unwilling to get improve the value of your own draft pick if you’re unwilling to trade players like nothing’s going to happen and that’s why nothing has happened corre if you can’t part with anything that you’re if you’re clutching your pearls too much you’re not going to make any tradeit so they have to make some changes and I think in the past the ones that we’ve seen them make are ones with future draft picks yeah yeah and so if if that’s what they’re saying we’re going to get creative again the way that we did in 2020 2021 M maybe the the future picks are what’s going out and I agree with you though like trading a top four protected pick to move outside of the top four in this draft like no way I’m doing that yeah um but like that Portland pick that is probably going to be a second but still appears to be a first for now like I would trade that to help to get help now and and especially like for a young player that you feel like could be a foundational piece like I’m I’m much more inclined to trade for youth that can help build towards the future than to trade for another 33y old that can help now and that you’re you’re like by the time that their contract ends with you that that like you’re that pixel won’t won’t have conade corre that’s where I think they get tricky like the the last year the vo trade they had to resign him in order to still have V by the time that pick conveyed always hating on the older gu as well always hating on the veteran I’m an aist Joey I’m I’m I’m C I’m always asking you this your opinion on the draft guys out here so I’m curious about yours on uh Mattis and how you feel about him yeah I’ve liked mates for a while I haven’t been I haven’t been that locked into some of the evaluations around him recently and some of the buzz from people who are in the league and which way he’s trending but I in general like that player archetype I mean there’s obviously a big level of variance for what his outcome could be but I do think that in general you know this isn’t groundbreaking you dra on size and traits and stuff like that but having a big 68 plus guy that can handle and has playmaking flashes like that I think is one of the more valuable types that you’re can come across so but you know is he going to be fron Vagner or is he going to be poku right it’s very like there’s there are a lot of these guys that come in with this and it’s it’s a hard it’s a hard role to succeed in sure but I also like I think that um like what you talked about the hopside defense the IQ I I see some upside as a playmaker and so you know I think that probably raises the floor a little bit and ultimately I would actually be I’d be pretty excited because I think he’s he’s skilled and gives them something that they don’t have he’s got tools he’s got skills he’s big like I think there’s a lot to like here um to me it goes back to what I was saying before about value right do you feel like this is a value play for you or are you just trying to make a move to make a move and I just think that they need to be prioritizing building value even if it’s a set even if it’s value that takes you a step back now and becomes more valuable later like that’s the way I would be doing it and I know um there’s still a priority on being competitive now and so maybe that makes things a little bit harder or the value is displaced in that way so that’s just stuff that they have to consider but um yeah I just I wouldn’t I I agree that I’m not like giving up a bunch of unprotected or protected future picks to move up in this draft I just I wouldn’t do that yes sir uh Rob saying only way I’m trading a a protected top four pick is if I know uh I’ll be in the playoffs That season with uh which look into the future you can’t uh Anthony pointing out speaking of some of those player comps that he saw an NBA Scout compare Matas to hio turku I think I saw that one as well yeah I did too meanwhile Jeff Rock’s just saying poku out here catching Strays out of knowwhere you just need both sides of a spectrum Joey picked two names being fair being uh meanwhile uncommon Vision asking can we hire the goat as our Bulls GM serious question well I’m afraid that that position has been filled I’m not qualified for that job you guys you’re right you’re qualify for vice I’m not going to comment on that I do however have a snarky comment available about Mark everley getting an extension get your SN did we talk about that I feel like we already addressed that yeah yeah we did still still nothing still nothing yeah we got into it I mean like I’m I’m not about to throw shade at the Bulls for issuing a press release on the passing of Chad Walker good for them you expect that when a legend of the game that spent time with your organization passes away Everly contract press release no can we get one of those no do you think it happens if it ks in in July and that that’s what the press release goes May so if in Darnell’s column it said he said I believe that his new three-year contract begins in July yeah maybe if in July we hear the Bulls in a official press release way say that they have extended Mark everle I will give them a bit of a pass but it’s okay still don’t like it it’s still just a report for now though like they have not in order for it to be like they they have to confirm it and they they haven’t maybe they’re not has not been confirmed has not been confirmed so we don’t even I mean not to like discredit Darnell I’m not saying that he’s wrong but they have not said that that’s true yet yeah and when they say that that’s true that will be the official release well and and it being a thing that happens and then blls fan is not hearing about it for a while and then eventually hearing about it later cats out of the bag somebody gets wind of it and reports it and then the team confirms it this is how I feel the Bulls are operating as an organization that’s how they’ve been doing shout out shirtless Wonder also who’s been hanging out outside he just went back in for a second but shout out for him for just being who he is they jit shout out to the Wonder yeah oh my goodness fish you think after they signed the extension they all had cake I mean probably oo maybe some high fives some hand pounds uh I love cake oh my goodness know how you roll baby a fact Rob asking do you think AK is going to trade AC maybe Zach for 2025 picks if he can I mean that would be forward thinking it would be it would be forward thinking that’s GNA be interesting to see will they be that Forward Thinking of an organization you know when it comes to this kind of stuff and again this this is the exciting thing for me about this draft in particular even though it’s weak is because the Bulls are in a position where they have to do something and they have to change so I’m interested in who you’re looking at as far as your draft who you’re looking at as far as your keeping and what kind of Trades you’re talking about making because you honestly have to hit on all of them because of what you’ve done in the past these past couple years you’ve got to hit on all three of those things man if you’re gonna move forward and be a better roster it’s just what you got to do and like even if even if AK is really prioritizing like next year and that’s like the single most important thing and the only important thing to him sure getting a future pick for Zach yeah you can trade that and you can package that with other stuff to get you help now and I think like there has to be a flexibility to like not just making one move but maybe the move that gets you to the next move and I think like it’s okay to to sidestep or to collect a different asset to then try to flip that and I think they’re just going to have to be open to making multiple transactions this summer because yes that’s like the only way that this will possibly work yes multiple transactions one of my favorite phrases uh Anthony asking does Billy have any input in the draft my guess would be that yes he is having conversations with AKA eversley and everyone in their scouting Department yeah about all of these players um I doubt he is like saying I’m sure he’s like saying I like this guy I doubt he’s saying like I don’t think I think his like voice is this is just a guess but I just I can’t imagine that the Bulls are making decisions based like personel decisions based on the head coach’s opinions about things the only thing that goes against that is the new Bulls Windy City head coach that’s a personel decision but but see but that that could be just throwing Billy a bone and say here we’re going to hire your son to coach our g-league team still looking out with leave us alone about the rest of the going on here pay no attention to the man behind the Iron Curtain bill you’re doing a great job way to make the playe again here’s a job for your son don’t bug us about anything we don’t want to do anything and then let’s move Mo Cheeks up in the front office position as well that’s his boy yeah cuz I feel like I don’t think he’s I don’t think he’s in the front office I think he’s I outside the doing the P thing the John paon job I think he’s just like in a still on the coaching staff but in a less involved day-to-day role okay if I’m Mo Cheeks I’m like hey Billy I know I’m Your rightand Man have been appreciate the gig here in Chicago but I got to get the F out of here everything about this place is broken as [ __ ] I’m telling you it is Mo Cheeks ain’t no dummy no no never has never has been I’m I’m running for the hills I’m Billy I’m running for the hills and this dude moves up and Joey moves up you better believe I got something to do with it that’s real hey and that’s just letting y’all know you’re moving up raises in your future positive affirmation liaison right here come on right here on the Bulls letterhead that’s if we running a basketball team and will will be the head of the team I might make you the coach man really yeah I can see you coaching that’s a lot of responsibility I’d rather just be your counterpart no but harsh criticisms liaison HCL that’s my job title but I want I need somebody that can invoke that fire and that passion on the team and Joey be like your lead assistant cuz you know his Brilliance you know with the offense and defense making up the plays and stuff yeah I don’t hate that idea I mean I can yell at people I’m really good at yelling people espcially people who are not doing their jobs properly oh my God God man basically my job what’s my job I said you could be the lead assistant and not goat no goat’s running [ __ ] okay okay you know what I mean running [ __ ] even though gohost said he’s not qualified for that job we’re just going to Breeze right past that yeah yeah no no no ghost the first hire name go the head of basketball Ops as the lead assistant I will be meeting with goat to discuss the strategy that’s fair that’s fair my only qualification for any of this is we’re top down organization that’s it wow I know how little I know and that I need to hire people who know what they’re doing hey the person the person that knows that they know something know they know nothing at all hold up so yes did Joey just say that if he was Miley assistant he would go behind my back and over my head to talk to go is that what you heard that’s what I heard no that’s not what I meant yeah you are the head coach you are responsible for the egos of the players and the rotations yeah and you are Outsourcing The Playbook to me okay and I am Outsourcing it to the goat that sounds fair because of his ex’s and O’s prowess yeah goat is going to be there in practice on the floor he’s watch I think it’s one of those things where goats like I’m the general manager but then he’s at practice and he’s like no no no don’t do it like that right exactly right right watch the form buckets GM shooting coach that’s right tell you m boy yeah that’s head coach uh Anthony saying you can throw hats at the press conferences too it would only be a matter of time until I hit somebody with a a stiff brim and got sued yeah have have that’s when I’d have to have a talk with Matt kid Matt you cannot throw the hats into the crowd you have to throw them on the ground I mean we lost by five to a team we should have destroyed oh yes m is the head coach for sure can’t wait I mean yeah if we have a couple of games in a row where we put up 12 points in the first quarter I’m going to be throwing some [ __ ] and I want you to yeah and that’s what I want too and me and will to be up trying to find better players to get for make this team better yeah uh we are out of time for today thank you everybody for tuning in hopefully you enjoyed this conversation about the NBA draft uh mat bazes plenty more conversations to be had in the coming weeks about all of these Lottery prospects that the Bulls are keeping an eye on and everyone from every NBA Corner talking about the Bulls as a team that might potentially be looking to move up we will continue to cover it as it unfolds we will be back tomorrow same time same place 400 p.m. Central in studio in the meantime read goat stuff uh the mailbag from last week if you haven’t gotten to that yet also check out that go draft uh database recently updated and by recently I mean earlier today with all that draft Intel die hards only speaking of which Joe you know who the most recent two Die Hard signups are Pete and Manu oh are they CU I I don’t know I looked this morning and uh according to our Kevin KCK the two most recent csj die hards are Matt and Joe wow that’s true it happened we finally did it Joe follow Big Dave at B bwl Sports willor goly Joey our pal producer on the controls is at Joey SPS on bulls we are CSU bulls have a great Monday night no finals sad man find some way to entertain yourselves watch wrestling sure that see be good love peace what

The CHGO Bulls crew discuss new intel from ESPN’s Jonathan Givony that the Bulls could try to trade up in the 2024 NBA Draft for Matas Buzelis. Buzelis’s family is from Lithuania, where Bulls VP Arturas Karnisovas is also from. Givony reports that AK has had his eyes on Buzelis for awhile. The 6’9 forward also has Chicago roots, having played part of his high school career at Hinsdale Central. Is Buzelis a strong enough prospect to warrant the Bulls trading up for him on draft night? Matt, Big Dave and Will also react to the passing of Bulls and NBA legend Chet “The Jet” Walker.

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