
“Terrible” – Christine Brennan on USA Basketball’s Caitlin Clark Olympics Snub | The Rich Eisen Show

“Terrible” – Christine Brennan on USA Basketball’s Caitlin Clark Olympics Snub | The Rich Eisen Show

so what’s your opinion on this subject matter yeah well i’ I’ve given it you can as you know over the last 60 hours I broke the news right around midnight Friday to Saturday morning and um I think on both fronts marit and publicity you of course mentioned it you know uh it’s just a a total swing in a Miss by the national governing body by USA Basketball uh just a missed opportunity and uh but I’ll start with my answer by saying I have covered this Women’s Basketball team and I’ve covered it longer than anyone else probably I I reported on that team at the 1984 Olympics in LA and every single Olympics after I haven’t missed one lucky me so fortunate I have dropped into the women’s basketball uh team at some point I think I I counted five at least gold medal games that I covered and what happens when you go to a woman’s gold medal game US Women’s Basketball the greatest team most dominant team on the planet men’s women’s any sport rich I could make that case um the they last lost in the 1992 Olympics uh that’s how good they are but when I stand in that Press Tribune it’s tumbleweeds there’s a few reporters here a few there Bob Ryan you know a couple others I remember Bob and I talking in London at the 2012 Olympics of course others but in general nowhere near the coverage that they deserve and I will say this many of our buddies in the sports media uh male dominated Sports media obviously fine uh the men the guys have laughed at me for going like oh I’m not doing that they’ll cover the men’s basketball team but they won’t cover the women’s that is a fact it is part of the story so you put Caitlyn Clark on that team the team that so richly deserves attention and doesn’t get it and won’t get it without her because there’s just so much going on in an Olympics on that same day there could be there probably will be 30 other gold medals given out and sports editors and others have to make a decision do you go to Simone biles do you go to women’s soccer where do you go it’s it’s not you know there’s just too much going on you put Caitlyn Clark on that team and every single one of those guys that can’t stand women’s basketball are running to watch that team and not just Americans I was at the Masters a British journalist came up and said he couldn’t wait to cover Caitlyn Clark uh for of course his audience in Great Britain and around the and around Europe uh at the Olympics that’s not going to happen think about the Dream Team in 1992 Rich uh how that the men’s team how that grew uh basketball around the world especially for boys and men and where it reached Africa well the opportunity with Caitlyn Clark’s popularity Africa Europe Asia think of how many number 22 USA jerseys would have been sold money that could have then been pumped back in to help have developmental programs in the US and maybe around the world gone not happening and I know people might say oh I she’s crazy you know whatever well I was there I’ve been there I covered I’ve seen the lack of interest and right after you my next hit is a New Zealand radio show I’m sure nowhere near as good as you or have the reach Rich eyes in New Zealand I when the guy got in touch I said really what he goes we love Caitlyn Clark here were devastated and then he even texted me my mom is devastated New Zealand that is how terrible this decision was and we haven’t even started talking about Meritt and her good play so then let’s get to the why then based on your reporting why did they leave Caitlyn Clark off this team you know I’m working on that I’m continuing to work on it in my piece that people can find there’s no pay wall USA Today that uh was up Saturday afternoon I didn’t get much sleep over the weekend but uh Saturday afternoon I report two sources impeccable sources you know me you and I both have been around a while no way am I gonna you know torch my reputation uh without knowing that I feel very comfortable uh two different sources told me uh these are people been decades and decades in women’s basketball that they had been told that one of the concerns about Caitlyn this is by the way before the decision before I was able to break that news that the concern was that if she’s on the team and only plays a few minutes which of course she’d only play a few minutes that the out cry and the Uproar in the United States from her fans millions and millions of fans of course which by the way that’s a good thing for the WNBA and um of course radio shows and everyone whatever would be furious that she wasn’t playing more when I first heard that I laughed I thought well that’s a joke well that’s absurd that’s absurd it’s like it’s like seventh grade isn’t it and uh maybe it’s fourth grade and so okay put that like you do you talk to people that’s reporting you put it in my back of my mind don’t give it another thought about five hours later I run into another source equally a strong great and steeped in women’s basketball for probably 50 years I asked this person hey what are you hearing you know Caitlyn Clark Olympic team he says the exact same thing and I’m going oh my God this is wow something I I put the a paragraph or two and I said I’m continuing to confirm it I did hear one other person uh basically say it was true as well I haven’t gone further with it because I’m waiting for USA Basketball 60 hours and counting not a word from USA Basketball I think they’re waiting for the Embargo for the Today show tomorrow but that that’s 1950s PR you know they’ve got a firestorm on their hands and I’m trying to get answer so I’m staying on it because the other piece of it too the coach of the Olympic team Cheryl reev I do not know her but on May 3rd when the WNBA was promoting Caitlyn Clark’s first preseason game against Dallas then Cheryl reev put out on Twitter you can watch us too she’s the Minnesota links coach and she said in a hashtag the W is more than one person the WNBA is more than one person catch the rich eyes and show every single day on the Roku Channel 12:00 to 3 Eastern for free

USA Today columnist Christine Brennan tells Rich Eisen why Caitlin Clark getting left of the roster for the Paris Olympics was a “swing and a miss” for USA Basketball.

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  1. I hope she abandons the WNBA for greener, more lucrative pastures. They need her more than she needs them. The same for the Olympic team. Women’s BB needs the exposure but petty jealousy is gonna kill both of them.

  2. The Olympics is a GLOBAL event, so no one really cares that Clark was left off of the team. Clark's numbers are not good (35% from the field; 29% from 3; leads the league in turnovers), so I'm not quite sure why people are so surprised that a player with THOSE numbers was left off of the team. Of course, we all now how delusional Clark's fans are because they care more about her jersey sale numbers versus actually winning basketball games. Well, Team USA wants to WIN. Clark has proven that she is a weak player, so Team USA doesn't want whiner and complainer on the team. Clark is not even in the TOP 15 of players. Diana Taurasi IS, which is why she made the team and Clark didn't. The Olympics is about WINNING…WINNING. You know, that thing that Clark can't do? Clark is a 2X NCAA loser. Facts are stubborn things, and they don't care about your feelings.

  3. They are willing to blow a huge opportunity to grow the WNBA as a whole, which would benefit all players, and all for spite.

  4. The fact that they continue to deny CC based not on basketball but on politics is bad. There is no other real reason is because the old guard (Britney Grimes, Diana Taurasi, Breanna Stewart, Kelsey Plum, Aja Wilson, etc) aren't inclusive. It's ironic that they yell about being inclusive and DEI but this is blatant.

    So CC was denied a spot not because she wasn't any good but because they were "worried" CC would be on the bench. Every athlete should be honored to represent their country in any role even on the bench. This was never a problem in the NBA with so many talented players, now it's suddenly a problem in the WNBA. I guess it's gonna be the same thing with the All-stars.

    Next, Olympics CC should demand not to have any old guard and only play with 2023 players and newer. Have her own Indy coach as the USA Basketball coach.

  5. Fire, the national coashe talked bad about Caitlyn Clark from the beginning. How is it possible she can make a decision like that? How is that possible?

  6. So the margin of win was 20+ point every game in all of these gold medals olympics but CC wouln't get on the court? All the girls play from what i was watching

  7. USA Olympics – well at least it’s not political. It’s personal. Tumbleweeds vs flowers for the coach of the Lynx at the Olympics

  8. This is a "cut off your own nose to spite your face" situation. If WNBA and Team USA players/coaches who've been crying for years that there isn't equality in basketball for women on pay, attention, etc are now going to deny Clark a spot on Team USA because they don't want that equality of interest and attention if he means continuing to elevate her as the, currently singlular, reason that many new fans watch and care about women's basketball then they're not serious about being successful.

  9. What would that interest be if Clark is hardly playing, as Brennan admits? It would turn everything on its head, to the detriment of the rest of the players and coaches, who would feel blamed for it, and have to spend lots of time defending themselves. It would be insulting and demoralizing. Worse, it might even get boos and cat calls in the Olympics stadiums from "disappointed" attendees. Clearly, Brennan hasn't thought through the reality of the matter. What's especially interesting about this whole discussion is that the former WNBA players are unanimous, as far as I've heard, in supporting the committee's decision, while it's reporters who've never played on a sports team that are pushing Clark's inclusion.

  10. Hard to be logical with certain people. What are you optimizing for? Legends? Best players? Best team? Can you win a gold medal and still grow women’s basketball? I get it. One player is getting is getting a disproportionate amount of attention. Meanwhile your flying charter and bitchin the whole way. Yeah, only reason I’m even remotely interested in women’s basketball is because of Catlin Clark.

  11. Power. Abuse. Narrative Control. – None of this is about true basketball. Caitlin Clark isn't just another college player. She is the best college player ever. But she came from Outside of the Program, so she not only cannot be accepted, the goal will be to destroy/discredit her. (have we EVER seen ANY narrative, about a great record-breaking rookie, where "fans", "size/strength", or ''turnovers'' were used as a reason TO DEBASE that rookie?)

    – Clark does not subscribe to the Insider's Club – that has controlled HS to college talent for decades and serves a few select colleges, the WNBA players who were cultivated through them, and the media who align them with The Narrative.

    – Clark had the courage to buck the Program and to build her own Legend – the right way. Her Unexpected, Underdog, Organic, and Amazing path – with the best Coach and team in college – created a phenomena that exposed the destructive failure that has been wNCAA to WNBA basketball.

    For this, they are trying to break her. They are trying to break her physically, emotionally, and socially.

    – They thought they could abuse her into submission through the Institutionalized Abuse that they've used for decades on rookies – who then are only allowed in when they submit and become abusers of the next generation.

    – Not only will Clark not submit. She will break the cycle of abuse. She already reached out to Juju, as a mentor (who of course will be 'advised'' against Clark).

    – Clark has the "Neo-type" of character, with independent strength, born of the quieter yet MUCH bigger pond of support that both allowed her to always believe and strive to be her best self and then buoyed her with loyal support – until the world could no longer ignore her. The support behind Clark is The Sleeping Giant and is much much greater than the cheap-shot WNBA leech-abuse club can even imagine.

    Most of all, Clark will always have the most reliable (Iowa) fanbase, family, and friendships (including Hawkeye teammates) that are grounded in the Real Culture of Christian values, tradition, and integrity. She will always have the strongest people behind her who are positive and will support her always – whether winning or losing games.

    – The media can force the Narrative of their distorted sub-culture of bigotry and power seeking. They have now found themselves in The Quicksands of Truth, and the more they lash out the more they sink themselves.

    – The WNBA/media efforts to exclude Clark can only backfire as they burn themselves. The bigotry, jealousy, envy, and attempts to abuse only expose them for their cruelty to her, which has been their cruelty to all women – all for a distorted grab for power.

    The WNBA Insiders Club is in full self-destruction mode with every violent hit on the court, every abuser's-excuse given at press conferences, every side-eye passive-aggressive statement (from team mates, opponents, or media). Now Clark doesn't have to do anything but – Let them Burn Themselves.

  12. The quote about fans doesn't make sense.

    Surely they knew that fans would be angrier over leaving her off the team completely than including her but limiting her minutes?

    Either way, fans would be angry. But if they included her and gave her 5 minutes of play time they'd at least attract the TV ratings of her fans wanting to watch those 5 minutes.

    And maybe, just maybe, her fans would take an that in the star teammates: Diana, A'ja, Kelsey, and more.

    This doesn't make sense. I don't think it's the real reason.

  13. And how many rookies are on the Olympic team? That would be ZERO
    She has only played a few games in the league, she hasn't earned the right yet.
    Stop making it about PR , it's about talent and experience the latter of which she is sorely lacking

  14. W might be more than 1 person, but CC gets 20k attendances, games without her get 7k. Stop pretending they want to renegotiate the next tv deal, BS. Stop pretending they want higher salaries, BS. You have a way to make that happen and you dropped it. Maybe if CC was also celebrating this month, like all the current stars, she'd be on the team… but what do I know.

  15. Coach Reeve’s rational for not including CC on the Olympic Team is illogical. The excuse is that CC fans will be upset if CC doesn’t get much playing time. If the selections are truly based on a merit system, wouldn’t the amount of playing time that each player gets depend on how well that player performs during the game itself. If CC were to be draining 3’s and setting up teammates for multiple assists, why would she have limited playing time? Answer that coach Reeve!

  16. New Zealand and Australia are huge on womens basketball.
    Plenty of Womens Bball fans across all the Euro leagues.
    Major loss in revenue. So you can put Old Lady Tarausi.
    And she played as a rookie in 2004. So a veteran stepped outa the way for the future

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