@Milwaukee Bucks

Kevon Looney will be released by Warriors and is working on 3 ball, could he be a good pickup?

Kevon Looney will be released by Warriors and is working on 3 ball, could he be a good pickup?

by Suspicious_Team_9133


  1. theconfuserx3

    bucks need to be all over this. at worst hes a good backup center

  2. Skeleboi846

    Looney was a beast rebounding during the warriors big run to the finals a year or so back, we desparately need any big that can secure boards consistently and set great screens. He’d be a great fit imo! Not sure what his salary would look like though

  3. breadbinkers

    Yoooo please bring him home I went to high school with him lol

  4. snowstorm608

    I like Looney as a player but I don’t think he is a good fit in Milwaukee like at all. We either need centers next to Giannis who can protect the rim and are willing to take 10 3s a game (younger Brook) or highly switchable 3 & D forwards who can play next to Giannis at center (the idea of Jae Crowder).

  5. the_godfaubel

    He’s only a good pickup if we move on from Bobby and/or Brook

  6. drutastic57

    If I remember locked on bucks correctly, we are currently in the 2nd apron and can’t sign anyone til mid August right?

  7. I’m pretty critical of most of the suggestions we get here, but this makes a lot of sense to me.

    Looney is a smart and switchable defender.

    He’s good on the boards on both ends, and we badly need some pressure for offensive boards. Brook doesn’t just avoid the paint because of spacing, it’s also because his recovery is slow AF. Looney wouldn’t need a 1/3 court head start on defense, so he could pressure the offensive glass.

    The playoff and starter experience could lead to more rest for Brook.

    I’m more keen on us finding a wing prospect in the draft than a big man. The hit rate on athletic, raw bigs is so low. Ware seems likely to pop into the lottery, the others are long term projects.

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