@Toronto Raptors



good morning Raptor freaks my name is Alexi and welcome to the Saturday share of The Love Club that’s right today is my 1,000 stream and 1,000 days 1,00 Days let’s count to a thousand real quick so we know how many that was one two three you’re wasting time oh sorry yeah we got to check out that’s why I’m started at nine o’cl because I want to do do things correct on this stream today because it is important to celebrate 1,000 streams but also at the same time uh there’s a lot to talk about all of a sudden because Manuel quickley became my twitch friend last night that’s right I hung out with the manual on Twitch last night for like three or four hours it was crazy and he was ignoring all the Nicks fans in there and talking to me the Raptor freak and also all the other Raptors fans in there if you had like Canada and your your name or anything that have to do with up here he was talking to us and man he was an open book I learned so much about Emanuel last night and I’m gonna say this right now guys he may be a RFA but that man is 100% coming back to Toronto there’s no other reality coming towards him in his future he’s just not speaking like there is some other reality other than being in the red and black of the Toronto Raptors as starting point guard and Messi yuiri signing him to the right number this summer in fact there were a lot of people in the chat saying Messiah is going to come correct and pay you right Emanuel and he’s like not any kind of like weirdness he’s not even making it seem koi or weird I mean his team’s playing in Raptor’s jerseys I mean he’s talking about Scotty Barnes like he’s a glowing BFF it’s amazing the things we learned about Emanuel last night and the team like things like Grady dick has no rhythm and Emanuel quickley is really trying hard to teach him how to dance right on Tik Tok so yeah all kinds of fun stuff to talk about on the 1000 stream of the Rapter freak Channel and I’m wearing my glasses today because the future is so bright I Gotta Wear Shades that’s right yeah w we did it we got to a thousand all right that was a horrible Cabbage Patch but anyway all right let’s see Amit gaming first in good morning to you I’m well actually good afternoon to you sir good morning Lex and congratulations on a thousand consecutive streams I appreciate that onit and I appreciate your participation in the channel over the years and I appreciate you my guy and yes there will be thousand to come maybe 10,000 to come I’m a mad man uh let’s see Dana is saying congrats on 10 a thousand streams you rock let’s go Raptors let’s go Canadian Dana putting me in the Vince Carter Raptors logo on blast a lot of talk last night on emanuel’s stream about uh new jerseys this this season some of the fans in the chat saying we got to get new jerseys and I was talking about yes it’s the 30th season of Raptors basketball so it’s very likely they’re going to do new jerseys and what I was thinking is they might do what they’ve kind of done with G jerseys anniversary years already when we had the 15th an or the 20th anniversary of the Raptors they came out with a purple dinosaur Throwbacks when we had the 30th or the 25th anniversary we had uh the white Throwbacks with Mark Gasol and the bubble remember that remember that we had a throwback jersey that year in the bubble and we played johnar and the Memphis Grizzlies and they wore the Memphis Grizzlies throwback jerseys with the Vancouver Grizzlies and uh so this year if it’s kind of progressing through the timeline of raptor jerseys I’m really guessing and because of the recent Hall and Fame induction of Vince Carter that they’re going to be wearing the Vince era jerseys as the throwback 30th Anniversary jerseys the purple front black back jerseys and that’s what I was thinking last night now they’re weird but they may look really cool in today’s era against other team’s jerseys as a throwback that Vince Carter purple front blackback Jersey yeah that’s what I’m guessing that’s just an educated guess by the Raptor free and how they’ve done the 20th anniversary the 25th anniversary and now the 30th anniversary is this year and I’mma bet you that’s what they’re gonna do I’m gonna bet you money right there all right we got the very special VIP of the day is here it is today’s Monique’s birthday party today at the n ba restaurant at the Queens key in downtown Toronto uh we will be there at 400 p.m. some of us will be there at 3:30 p.m. so if y’all can get down there uh at some point uh tonight uh between 4: and 900 PM we the Raptor freak family is going to be full effect down there having a birthday party for the Super Fan Mo’Nique Lawrence and uh it’s gonna be awesome I’m so excited about today I know a lot of you are coming and it’s going to be so fun oh my gosh you don’t want to miss this you get a chance to get the classic cards in person from me that you see on the channel every day and also you get the chance to hang out with me have a meal and talk and and meet superfan Mo and and other great Raptor freaks from this Channel and it’s in the NBA restaurant environment what’s not to like on a beautiful Saturday afternoon in downtown Toronto in fact it’s right on the water and it’ll be during the day so if we want to take breaks and go walk outside and stand by the lake it’s beautiful there so yeah I highly recommend if you’re on the fence come on down if you don’t talk in the chat at all you just watch me vicariously maybe later on or whatever you are totally welcome to come down there all you needed to say is rabor freak and boom you’re in the house you are in the house with the Super Fan Mo’Nique Lawrence so let’s say what super fans got to say this morning and happy early birthday Mo’Nique your birthday is on Monday and I’m very happy to celebrate with you this weekend in fact my niece’s birthday is on Monday also and she’s doing her birthday party today down in Atlanta so so this is just when June 10th birthdays happen on June the e8th because it’s a Saturday and not a Monday so I totally get it she’s saying Good Morning rapor Freak family congratulations Lex on Thousand you knew you’d make it uh three hours watching IQ for me on Twitch so fun who’s ready to celebrate with me tonight we are ready and we’re coming down I got my rapor freak shirt on Adriana’s got her shirt on she’s come she’s coming down with me on the truck and we’re gonna come and bring uh David and Morgan too there she is she’s saying hi you want to show your shirt show your shirt Adriana I can’t it’s hard to get in there there you go see we’re wearing our shirts Evelyn that’s right and Evelyn did a messaged me last night say she’s gonna try real hard to get to the event also I know cowboys gonna try and come down Kareem country Kong we’ve got a good group of um possible Raptor freaks coming down hopefully Blackhawk’s gonna come Nako the nacho yeah it’s gonna be they’re gonna be start coming today Monique we’re going to find a group that’s going to be coming down there either way we’re going to have a fun time no matter who comes and shows up so yeah happy birthday to Mo early and I’ve got some gifts for you I’m G bring down today so we can take care of U giving you some gifts and celebrating your birthday right Mo yeah IQ was awesome I know you were having an early birthday present last night watching IQ we’ve gotten this kind of fun with Scotty on Twitch before but this was Emanuel and I don’t really know Emanuel that well but now I do honestly I felt like I had an open dialogue with him you can ask Mo’Nique he was talking to me pretty much every comment I put in he was answering and it was crazy like I asked him all kinds of stuff in fact I found out a lot of things guys Emanuel told me last night that he believes that team Canada can beat the US and will win the gold at the Olympics yeah and that’s him as an American saying that seriously he also told me that he is gonna fly to Paris and be there for RJ and Kelly to watch Team Canada so he’s coming to the Olympics to watch the Olympics to sub support his teammates on the Raptors his best friend RJ Barrett and Kelly oen also he also said he’s going to be in Vegas for the friendly game between USA and Canada before the Olympics so AR Emanuel is supporting RJ and Team Canada pretty strong in many ways it’s pretty awesome he also talked a lot about Zach EDI last night saying that he would love to have Zack Ed on the team he’s saying he’s hearing a whole lot about Zack coming to Toronto he heard through the grapevine that he had a really good workout with the Raptors this week so uh Manuel was like kind of talking about Zach Ed openly last night about him possibly getting drafted by the Raptors and that was really interesting like he was an open book he was talking about all kinds of stuff last night now Manuel I appreciate your open honesty and uh just interacting with the fans like that you do not have to do that and it’s such an awesome thing like I really do feel like I got to know your personality a little bit better just from going back and forth with you communicating on there of course Emanuel was playing 2K while he’s talking to us and it’s very much he’s the floor General he’s directing his team and getting them all organized and stuff and it’s so fun to watch you really can see the kind of leader he is he was openly asking us last night fans what do you want me to work on this year on my game and I told him I was like dude transition threes I want to see more transition threes he’s like all right Raptor streak I’ll shoot more transition threes I was like pick and roll with yakob you know we’re all putting in things in there and skills for him to work on and he said the biggest thing he’s gonna be working on for this season coming up is running a team and not just being a scorer Off the Bench the way the Knicks used him in his career so far has been as a scorer Off the Bench like instant offense Off the Bench like a Vinnie the microwave Johnson but he’s ready to become Isaiah Thomas and that’s that’s what he’s really looking forward to about next season is running the show and being in charge of a team and being the leader point guard floor General and he’s so excited I can tell that Emanuel has a very strong connection with Scotty already he were talk he tried to call him like two times last night while we’re on the air and I I said hey you can play Scotty and he said you know what R stre I’m gonna call him right now and he got the phone out he tried to call Scott while he was on the twitch talking to us well Scott didn’t answer he was really busy last night I guess but uh Emanuel is very much planning to have a game on Twitch against Scotty live that we can watch and uh everybody’s kind of talking about who would win and I was kind of telling them I was like look I watched Scotty play a lot of 2K two years ago and his team he’s good he’s good at it trust me he’s good individually but his team just doesn’t have the good organization and he has some weak links on his five at least he did two years ago now if he’s recruited and upgraded his team a little bit around him maybe he’ll have a good fight but if he comes into that fight with his old team and where they were the last time I saw them play against Emanuel and the well-oiled organized machine of Wei the nor 2K yeah they’re going to lose they’re going to lose emanuel’s going to kick their ass watch but yeah they played a bunch of games last night they won most of them I think there was like one game that was kind of ah why did you lose that and it was kind of like ah but most of the games they dominated in fact there was a couple games where they pretty much doubled up the other team there was like 103 to like 50 or something crazy crazy games but emanuel’s a badass and he really reads the floor well and calls the plays out right and he’s telling his teammates where to go and where what kind of play to play so he’s a play caller and it’s so cool to see it in that environment on Twitch like straight up right in your face Emanuel quickley doing play calls on Twitch so you see his style from what he might do in the NBA game I told him another thing that I want to see more of this season is more skiple that’s right and more fan interactions on court side because that’s some stuff that has been just so endeared ing of Manuel quickley done in his early career with the fans in Madison Square Garden and even a little taste of it at Scotia Bank Arena in the second half the season after he came to the Raptors so he’s like yeah more skipley and his buddy said hey this guy wants more skiple Emanuel like yeah more skiple please Emanuel I even asked him about Dennis shuder and his relationship as friends he said yeah Dennis is cool he let me borrow his celebration for a little while that’s what Emanuel said that’s funny all right let’s see what else y’all are saying Monique saying way to be spot on the jonte porter news what yeah there’s more to the story of jonte Porter that came out last night and I’m gonna save it for tomorrow Mo for the Sunday special report today tomorrow’s Sunday Special Report 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning I will be talking about gambling addiction and it’s a serious serious issue Addiction in general can be a very very serious problem in people’s lives you can get addicted to a lot of different things that you don’t even realize you can and some of them are innocuous and innocent and won’t hurt you really you know some people are addicted to exercise coffee coffee you’re addicted to coffee you and Leo Ron and yeah in some ways that’s what I’m saying so we’re going to talk about gambling addiction tomorrow on the Sunday Special Report and it’s going to be centered around the new news out about Jon so we won’t cover him today today’s a good day a positive day a day to celebrate yumo and a thousand streams so n we ain’t doing redacted today tomorrow we’ll talk redacted but not today we ain’t talking about Jon of course people in the Stream were coming at Emanuel about Jon in different ways on there and Emanuel did make a couple little uh jokes about it he say no man I’m not doing no parlays yeah it was pretty funny I was saying ban these words parlay tank and curse Manuel read that comment he’s like ban these words yeah it’s funny all right let’s see MOS also saying it’s amazing to see uh pop out content every day even though it’s it’s uh it’s hard you know I just love the new age of social media and the connections that you can find like I pinched myself a couple summers ago when Scotty Barnes was literally on a live stream and I could communicate with him well it’s just amazing and twitch is amazing Place sure it’s for young people to play video games and be goofy but with sports and a pro athletes you can literally talk to and have a a a a source to be able to talk to them like I feel like in some ways I did an interview with Emanuel last night and I am just doing the report now for you guys on the Raptor freak stream you know I was I had to pinch myself when I was talking to the Rookie of the Year after Scotty barnes’s rookie season and hanging out with him so much and actually literally getting to know him I think that Emanuel kind of knows who I am and also he’s the one running the we the north 2K account I’m pretty sure uh uh uh Mo because he very specifically talked to me like I had been communicating with him through the messages on Instagram about him playing Scotty so he told me straight up he said what is that a Adrian oh you’re alarm he told me straight up that like uh he’s gonna get Scotty to play against him on Twitch for sure for sure but yeah this new social media age I mean I’ve hung out and talked to Scotty extensively I’ve talked to Emanuel now I hung out with Chris Chris bue and gotten to know him a bit on here and Terrence Ross that’s amazing my twitch budes the r Raptors and former Raptors that play for us it’s amazing Trevor Jay is here good morning Raptors family Lex Lex happy 1,000 stream today I made the good the bad good I made the good Lord give you strength and capability so you can go on to do thousands upon thousands keep up the great word thank you commissioner Jay and with your support and direction as our Commissioner of fund I really do appreciate your participation and your part in contributing to this channel also Trevor J and well let me do the Leo’s words of wisdom real quick I appreciate what you’re saying I hope and I I pray for the strength to be able to do it also and the longevity to do and serve the Raptor fan Community with good information and good uh streams every morning for a very long time uh uh Trevor I appreciate you yeah all right let’s see Leo’s saying this morning be a rainbow in someone else’s Cloud I like that you know I would say this you know we all have tough days and stuff like that and sometimes maybe this stream is a rainbow in some of el’ cloud I know that the Super Fan Monique Lawrence and her un un unwavering rap support as a fan is a sunshine in my day also and a rainbow in my world too and I I just love that we share a passion and love for our our team our franchise the Toronto Raptors and uh you know you can’t beat that and that’s what bonds us as our passion is for our team and y’all are a big rainbow in my life especially on rainy days sad days for me that are going on you may not know about you guys really do pick me up so I really appreciate that and let’s do the cosmic card of the day oh this is why amit’s here he’s here anyway and welcome to the Facebook Chat Canadian cowboy and Amit Amit adding on Facebook and now he is in the group and he can see our chat now you can see all the fun stuff we’re talking about in there and next time the manual goes live you’ll get uh the warning I know that you’re probably asleep omit last night all right this one is an interesting one today this may be too easy uh we’ll see how this goes so please uh don’t half ask me write the full ass name and we’ll be good now I do need a strong cut off at 9:30 guys because I have to finish the stream at 10 a.m. no matter what because we got to check out this hotel by 11: and we got to get the cars and the the bags in the car and start heading back to Toronto so we can make it for Monique’s birthday so all right let’s start this here here we go this is the card y’all it may be too easy that’s really easy y’all he’s in a Blazer Jersey but it is a son’s card he signed with the Suns but he was on the Blazers this is too easy you could see that Amit said Dan Marley that’s wrong that is not right uh Dan Marley is not right Kareem you guys are spelling the last name wrong too it’s really interesting you’re getting this wrong but that is not who that is this is interesting if I showed the back you guys would get it right away I’m not GNA show you the back of the card because it is too easy with the back of it no no and that’s not it’s not right I’m not even though they’re spelling the name wrong I would have given it to them if it was that person that is not who this is this is not thunder thunder uh yeah Kareem knows that’s the baseball player from the Jays he doesn’t remember his name though come on Kareem you know what I almost give it to you for that because I have the baseball card of him on the Jays this player right here in my collection of cards I have a a Toronto Blue Jays card of this gentleman that’s on this card that’s the best clue I’m going to give yall because honestly and you can’t remember his name oh come on Kareem You Know It uh cin beio no that guy plays for them now petravic no that’s a good guess onit uh uh let’s see he looks like uh who from Space Jam Wayne he looks like he was in Space Jam this guy no he was not on Space Jam let’s just say this guy’s still very much involved there you go Tommy got it was that easier right there guys to see who that is there you go Tommy knew it Tom Duke getting the classic car of the day today good job Tommy that is Danny a guys Danny a the GM of the Utah Jazz currently yeah yeah he is Danny a there you go look at Danny in his goofy face yeah yeah that’s Danny H it doesn’t look like him on the front because he looks like kind of weird in the face he looks kind of like he has a double chin right yeah that’s why y’all didn’t think it was him yeah and uh I’m gonna give Kareem 100 points just for recognizing he’s a Toronto Blue Jay uh too yeah you want me to give your points to fiery Tom Tom I don’t know if I can do that seriously I don’t want to do that because I want this to be a Fair competition between Amit and fiery and it should be between them yeah he does look like Dan Marley and because it says suns in the corner I mean I can totally see why you guys think that seriously but yeah it’s Danny a I’m gonna give a 100 points to Kareem and I’m gonna give 100 points to Tom uh because I’m very impressed that uh that uh Kareem realized this was the blue jay that played yeah all right let’s see what else you guys are saying in the chat real quick most saying IQ really went for four hours on Twitch I don’t know how long he this is the second time I’ve watched IQ on Twitch the first time I didn’t talk to him I just watched him last night I talked to him and both times I’ve watched him on Twitch he has I can’t watch the whole stream I have to go to bed I have to tap out now in the past when Scotty would be on Twitch I’d stay up till like 400 am watching Scotty even if he was still on talking to Aiden Ross at like 3:30 in the morning or something like that so I can’t do that with Emanuel and especially with all the driving I got to do today I had to leave before 1:00 a.m. but I don’t know how late he was on uh Mo’Nique maybe Trevor does because he was in there watching him too but uh he could have been on till like 3: or 4 in the morning last night I have no idea in fact he said this during his stream this is what emanuel’s doing today he’s flying to Milan Italy he thought he was flying at 900 amm this morning he’s in Miami right now just so you all know he’s still working out down in Miami and uh he he looked at his ticket and he said oh it’s not 9:00 a.m. it’s 900 p.m. Saturday night so he’s leaving tonight at 900 p.m. to fly to Italy to be in Milan so he said after that when he realized he didn’t have to fly out in the morning this morning I’m going to play until my eyes bug out that’s what he said literally I’m gonna play until my eyes bleed or something like that and so he he probably played all night last night but I had to tap out I had to get sleep because I gotta drive a bunch today but yeah he was on late last night very very very very very late yeah yeah yeah uh let’s see Trevor saying IQ did not get off in till 1:30 this morning that man’s got a lot of energy okay so he was on for maybe 45 minutes more than I watched yeah because I jumped off at about 12:45 so yeah he probably played another two or two games or so but yeah really fun to hang out with him and talk to him and like I said he’s not ignoring the chat and a lot of my questions were good he answered them in fact I can’t remember every single thing he said oh here’s one that’s really interesting for you guys that you need to know he told me last night that Darko came and saw him on Thursday yeah Darko flew into Miami on Thursday to surprise Emanuel at his workout and took him to lunch or dinner they went and had a meal and Emanuel was not expecting Darko to show up this is something we’ve heard about with Darko that he will go and check on his players and just show a personal interest in them and just say hey he was he was really delighted that Darko came and and saw him and Ted to him and he said this is one of the things that was said on the stream last night is that we talked about whether Darko was the most likable NBA head coach in the league and Emanuel was kind of like yeah I think he is of course he’s only been coached by him in Tibido and we know Tibido ain’t one of the most likable coaches in the league but still you know that says something that uh Emanuel quickley from his perspective feels like Darko might be the most likable coach out of all the NBA coaches so that’s very cool to get inside information that Darko rakovich flew to Miami a couple days ago just to hang out with a manual quickly and go to dinner with him so yeah that’s The Insider stuff you might just get on this Raptor freak Channel because we’re such freaks about the Raptors we are taking in and watching everything we can yeah that’s what it is that’s what the you wonder what Raptor freak means well there’s fans people that are fans of the Raptors that’s just a that’s a yeah I love fans you should be a fan of the Raptors the fans are of the Raptors are awesome you can be a ftic who’s pretty intense about it and really doesn’t miss games or you could be a freak and if you’re Raptor streak well you really really like the Raptors you’re a positive passionate fan who stands by your team no matter what you’re a team first fan and you’re also somebody who you know wants to know what’s going on with them like crazy and that’s why this channel exists Raptor freaks that’s right that’s right right there 1,000 streams baby and G is saying congratulations thank you g original Raptor freak trivia champion from season one I appreciate you g my guy G he is one of my smartest uh people watching me all the time I love it I love it I love it yeah I know just wild he’s he’s crazy in some ways I learned more about Emanuel in some ways personally Emanuel is very much a man of God and it’s interesting like he there’s certain things about him that are very very true like somebody tried to talk to him about his relationship status and about his like maybe even sex life and in some ways Emanuel was intonating last night that he ain’t got no time for that kind of thing because he’s so focused on his NBA career and getting as good as he can he he even kind of said he sell AIT so this is interesting as a man of God I can understand he doesn’t want to be a philanderer running around and just kind of like being spread out all over the place with a lot of different people all over the place you know what I mean so I think that in some ways you guys got to realize some of the players are not doing about that kind of life and that they are really who they say they are as far as he’s a man of God and he’s not out there trying to just get with everything that he can get with so it’s very interesting to hear that from his own uh Voice last night so I don’t know that’s for sure and I don’t want to say anything for real because in some ways listen that’s none of my damn business but I would commend him if that is true uh because focus and being very very much concentrating on your career is very admirable in some ways these are the sacrifices that are talked about sometimes when NBA players said we make sacrifices to be who we are and I’m just saying I mean that was interesting to me yeah that’s you may not hear anywhere else on Raptor’s content what I just said uh Tom saying getting that daily record will be a journey but hanging out for a few more years will be a privilege there you go Tommy I love that man that’s so sweet of you man Tommy that’s one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever gotten uh around this channel I really appreciate you I’m gonna give you a dunk my man Tom man 64 you got a Nintendo 64 my guy Nintendo 64 for Tommy uh let’s see a way to go on getting to a thousand Lex unique knowledgeable and a huge heart Tommy man that does really mean so so much to me and I miss you guy and I know that you and I will hang out again someday whether I’m coming to BC to see you or we come you’re coming back to Toronto to see us James is saying a thousand streams no days off keep going bro thank you James and with great uh friends like you involved in the channel it makes it easier I mean somebody will say how the hell do you find something to talk about with the Raptors every single day for a thousand days even the off season my guy they’re no not playing they haven’t played for like two months like what are you doing well that’s just how we are we’re Freaks and we will find things to talk about every single day on the rapor freak channel do you guys feel like I’m stale do you guys feel like I say the same [ __ ] over and over again maybe a little bit but I feel like we get enough new topics and new things to talk about and the Ever Changing world of Canadian basketball whether it’s the Raptors team Canada the new WNBA Team all of that yeah we’ve got enough to talk about and cover here and it should be a daily live stream and the interactiveness of the channel is one of the funnest things about it you all can get your voice heard here Emanuel very supportive of the WNBA I asked him uh Emanuel do you like the WNBA and he said I love the WNBA I go I used to go all the time he was a big fan of the Liberty obviously when he played for the Knicks and went to their games a lot but he said straight up and if this doesn’t say that he’s staying in Toronto I I don’t know what does he said he’s going to be ready to sit at Courtside at the Toronto WNBA games well that team’s not playing till 2027 Emanuel so that sounds like you’re signing with Toronto this summer yeah yeah yeah it was really interesting he was talking about the draft too he’s like I’m really excited to see what a messiah’s gonna do on draft day that’s Emanuel quickley saying that so he’s really interested to see what our front office does he has full confidence in Bobby and Messi in fact he said that Bobby’s his dude he really likes Bobby and that uh um that these dudes he really looks up to them as far as their Acumen and what they do in their position in the NBA as a front office as general manager and uh Team vice president Messi uger and Bobby Webster so yeah it’s gonna be fun man and he was talking a lot about Zach Ed he did a little bit of talking about Dillingham and Reed Shepard uh and a couple of other players but really the person he was talking about the most around the draft was Zach yeah and that was very interesting to hear Emanuel talk about Zach yeah let’s see Trevor saying so many people wake up day after day and take a lot of stuff for granted but some of us will never thank the good Lord who who wakes you up this morning there you go Trevor that’s right always have blessings and gratefulness be grateful have graciousness you know you’ll have a better life if you have gratitude it’s so important you’ll have a miserable life if you have no gratitude and you don’t take if you take everything for granted and just me me me me you’re [ __ ] oh my gosh you’re [ __ ] all right let me see if there’s stuff I want to cover because we don’t have a lot of time we’re halfway through the show already uh of course it is the 5-year anniversary of the Raptor championship in 2019 and I highly implore everybody to check out my my stream my show from then that’s in the community tab if you could go watch there you can relive five years ago with me during the finals against the Warriors and see what I was saying at that time and how hyped we were getting the closer we were getting to the championship in fact at this point five years ago today we were up 3 to one over the Golden State Warriors so yeah we were feeling pretty good like that championship’s coming up here to the north to Toronto and yeah it did yeah it did we know the outcome of this story so y’all check it out it’s in the Raptor freak family private member group uh uh there you can watch them and also in the community tab on this channel all right let’s do the Instagram stories real quick Scotty is a huge Mish Productions fan of huge huge fan of uh Theater in Toronto and we see a nice picture of him with the wicked cast after the show last night in fact the the actress Lauren has Samuel has posted Scotty visiting them uh the other night at the show and he reposted her so he’s saying spectacular about the show and he’s in the picture with the two women who played the leads of course there’s the the the Wicked the the wicked witch and then there’s Glenda the Good Witch and he’s with those two actresses in the picture and he’s just smiling you could tell Scotty really loves this kind of stuff so yeah also Scott has done a p post this morning very early this morning about two hours he posted pictures of his three gold medals from playing for Team USA in the underage brackets he has his under 16 under 17 and under 19 gold medals for Team USA and it’s written right there one day I’ll get gold in the Olympics and he’s got the little prayer symbol after that so I believe in that too Scott I think you’re right I think you will and I’m not gonna doubt you on that slim duck has interesting stuff on his Instagram stuff right now he’s working out with everybody’s uncle and do doing good stuff there uh Chris buet and then there he is sitting at Courtside uh he’s uh resting and he loves uh Fuji and Lauren Hill and he said that the song The Way She sings it goes straight to his spirit so he really loves the sound of Lauren Hill’s voice and I can’t disagree with them she’s she’s one of the greatest singers ever honestly she’s very underrated there’s a nice picture of Chris bue with Ephraim they got nice suits on they’re looking very slick Chris with the shades on and the not look with the suit very very cool and there they are I think this is at the I think this is at the the CBL game the other night when they were there and there’s one more picture on Chris’s uh Instagram stories it’s so fire it’s basically three Montreal NBA players together it’s uh Chris lud Dort and Benedict Muran all together in a picture I love to see the team the Canada guys Al together great NBA Canadian players in there now I got to say something Something’s Happened with Maris well in the last couple days and it’s got me a little worried he has wiped his uh profile of Toronto Raptors and he’s not showing Raptors colors on himself anymore in in in workouts I don’t know if that’s just him keeping his options open or something changed who knows but it could be that Maris is out with us and maybe not at the summer league but he was saying he was gonna be playing summer league for the Raptors but I don’t know that’s the case at this point in some ways things are can change really quickly and there’s a lot of stuff we may not know about microtransactions especially with two-way players and the g League kind of guys so I have no idea what’s going on with Maris right now it looks like he may not be a raptor next year that is what it’s looking like on his social media sometimes those kind of things can kind of tell you what’s happening and he’s got 50 Cent quoted saying it never happens on your time it happens when it’s supposed to happen yeah that’s good advice some ways if you push so hard you ain’t going to get there yeah Maris is wearing blue now so it’s a little I don’t know we’ll have to see what happens th young is very happy with the renovation of the gym that he uses in Memphis the 360 gym so very very good stuff they redid the floor uh Jeff dton is at the mystics WNBA game last night I don’t know why I’m covering him Jeff dton uh let’s see uh who else do we got um precious is uh traveling and he’s eating Chef nice Chef food very very good food uh and he’s just hanging out and kind of like being goofy and fun precious is just such a fun guy he’s at a restaurant doing that kind of stuff and man that food looks good precious oh my God that food looks good we the north is shouting out NBA splashy for putting them on blast in fact I believe that’s Emanuel shouting them out and then uh he’s also they’ve also got Pro and team started by Emanuel quickley is ranked seventh in the world there he’s working out Emanuel on his official account man he looks strong he’s like taking a weight and pushing it with one arm and it looks very heavy Emanuel you’re badass keep working the way you work my guy you are doing so good all right let’s see is there anybody else that I need to talk about that’s pretty much it for the Instagram stories today uh let’s see Jose Calderone has a new book coming out guys it looks like 20 years is the name of it 20 years something so uh let’s support our former Raptor’s point guard Jose called theone in his new book it may be in Spanish so you might need to speak Spanish all right let’s see what else you guys are saying in the chat real quick uh Cowboys got congratul Lex 1000 Yeehaw that’s right happy birthday to Mo also Cowboy I hope I get to see you later Bradley Tom Duke has got the birthday cake out also for Mo happy birthday to Mo G saying happy birthday to Mo that’s right we’re gonna go down there this is gonna be a fun party I can already tell this is gonna be a hoot this is gonna be a lot of fun Mo we’re all coming down there for you and I’m excited to see the NBA restaurant a little bit longer than the last time just I got a little bit longer than last time this time let’s see most saying welcome to the Facebook group chat uh once again cowboy and Amit happy you’re in let’s go that’s there you go yeah you’re locked in now Cowboy I know you’ve been on and off Facebook in different ways but yeah you’re gonna see we’re how active we are on there all the time and then omit yeah you’re G to get all kinds of uh you know we want your help too Amit because I know that you’re on Twitch and you may see when people like Scotty or Emanuel are on live and if you see that happen come to our uh Facebook Chat and raise the alarm and tell us that that’s happening that’s one of the things we do to help each other know that what’s going on fiery is the one who told us that Emanuel was on last night and I appreciate you Marie for raising the alarm and telling us that Emanuel was on live last night because I don’t talk to him and get all the information that I just told yall without fiery telling me that so yeah Isaac Tom Duke uh Mo’Nique Amit fiery everybody who’s in that Facebook Chat who raised the alarm when our Raptor players on Twitch I appreciate you and Amit I know you’re active on Twitch so you can help us with this also yeah Paul B’s here good to see Paul B holding it down in the great state of Wisconsin we love you Paul I hope you’ve been doing very very good and your job and whatever is going on with you with your family right now always thinking about you Paul and uh holding it down for us in Wisconsin he’s saying happy 1000 stream what an achievement Lex thanks for using your platform for spreading love not hate I’m trying I know it’s not perfect every day I mean I’ve been crazy I’ve said a lot of [ __ ] Celtics I’ve said uh you know pretty hate things at times in some ways I don’t know I have to balance it and just try and become a better person every day and you guys see my process right all displayed on TV on this uh stream so it is what it is I appreciate you Paul and only blessings to you and your family and everything that’s going on with you right now I I appreciate seeing you pop up today I know you’re watching and you’re always around and you’re in the Facebook group too but um you know it’s always nice to see you catch the live and I know maybe part of it is because it’s the weekend and you’re working during the week but Paul I appreciate you being a longtime Raptor freak for the years that I’ve been doing the stream uh Trevor saying the last thing IQ said Nicks fans are here but I’m going to bed they were asking them all kinds I mean Nick’s fans in there are silly in that stream they’re basically saying come home come back to uh New York Emanuel come back to New York we love you still in New York Emanuel they’re saying all this kind of stuff like that one guy tried to bad M Jaylen Brunson at one point and uh Emanuel wasn’t having it he kind of set him straight right away he’s like uhuh no you’re not going to talk about JB like that that’s my guy I mean listen Nick’s fans you got your starting point guard you greedy [ __ ] you think you can have two starting point guards on your team with him on the bench no he’s got to get that starter point guard money and that’s why he he’s in Toronto now guys so yeah and he loves the spot he’s in I’m telling you he really does like this one of the things that Emanuel talked about last night was Scotty and talking about how he didn’t realize how good Scotty was until he got on the team he played with him in practice and he’s like yeah Scotty’s really special and when somebody tried to ask Emanuel to compare him to any other players he said I can’t he’s his own kind of player for himself you know so it’s pretty interesting to hear Emanuel talk very glowingly about Scotty and we talked a lot about Scotty on the stream and it wasn’t bogging him it really is like you know he has no ego on this and in some ways we were asking a lot of questions about Scotty but he didn’t care he liked Scotty a lot and he wasn’t getting jealous or any weirdness about it of course talking about RJ a lot also he told us a funny story about RJ uh when they played on the Knicks because one of the Knicks fans asked him what is the thing you missed the most about playing on the Knicks and this is what Emanuel answered it’s really funny he said the thing I missed the most about playing on the Knicks is playing the card games with my teammates he named a couple players that he would play cards with constantly and it was Julius Randall Evan forier RJ Barrett and they would play cards and apparently one day they were betting money and RJ was betting $220,000 on a hand and basically Julius beat him and took $20,000 from him and then he tried to get it back he was really trying hard to get the money back from him and he beat him again so he went even more in the hole and apparently R.J wouldn’t talk to anybody on the team for a couple days after that because he was so upset that he lost so much money in the card game the game they play is not necessarily what y’all think it’s not poker they play like a hybrid of Spades with less cards is what he was explaining and it and it’s not like Spades where you have a teammate you’re all on your own and you got to uh uh make the bets that you uh say you’re gonna get the books and that’s how they play that’s the game that they were playing in New York but yeah I thought that was funny and the thing he misses the most about New York is the card games with his teammates man was so awesome last night found out so so much last night I’m telling you yeah g saying IQ is going to Paris to watch RJ and Kelly wow yeah he said it he’s excited about it and seriously G he told me straight up he thinks Canada will beat the US for gold in Paris he’s rooting for his buddy RJ in our team up here guys what a guy that’s I’m telling you if he’s not playing for the Raptors why is he doing this if he’s not coming back to play for us why is he so invested with uh Team Canada the Raptors and the WNBA team coming to Toronto so that these are all signs that point to yes he will be a raptor starting for us next year any of the insecurities some other teams may have about their free agents decisions like maybe seak or anobi it’s not happening with us with a manual quickly yeah it’s pretty set and stone is what it feels like uh Dana saying happy birthday to Mo yeah I love that that’s cool uh Kareem saying I’ll be there for a very short stin today I never met superfan Mo so it’s definitely my driving force got to drive up to the cottage to S sand and paint the deck or my wife will behead me yikes well we don’t want that and I definitely want to give you your copy uh as the dunk champion of 2023 Kareem has a copy of we the north by Doug Smith a hardback copy that I have signed and a special sign signature autograph for Kareem especially uh as his prize for this I don’t even know you own that book Kareem do you own the book we the north because if you don’t you can read it it’s awesome the forward is by Vince Carter and I think it’s very telling that you’re a huge Vince Carter fan and that you’re the best dunker in the Raptor freak family well Vince is the best dunker in the greatest uh history of the NBA he’s the greatest dunker in the history of the NBA just like you’re the greatest dunker in the history of the rapor freak family so hey it just makes sense yeah we don’t want you beheaded so yes stay as long as you can and hopefully you’ll get to see as many of us at that time I would say get there at around five if you want to make sure you see everybody for sure because some of us may be getting there late but I will be there definitely before 4 and uh David will be there with me and along with Morgan and Adriana so there will at least be four of us there right away and we’ll see when Mo shows up I’m going to hold it down for her just in case she doesn’t get there right on time and everybody who shows up there will be somebody there at four for sure just so yall know Bryce is saying good morning Lex and good rapid freaks had to pop up and celebrate the thousandth stream I know it’s amazing in some ways it’s surreal to me the way I think about it is like look nobody who does something every single day for a thousand days we looked up the record for how many who’s done the most streams uh recently this week and it was like something like 3,9 3, like 900 or something like that and it’s some guy who’s done daily streams for like pretty much since YouTube existed so it is what it is I’m gonna do what I do and I’ll try and get my number up there and who knows maybe I’ll be in the top 10 someday it it’s something I want to try and do it’s a Iron Man streak that I want to continue to do for a long long time Bryce is saying tell Mo happy birthday for sure we’ll send the birthday wish from the KCK up to the T Dot and we’ll make sure she gets it yeah Tom Duke saying uh gutsy Paul B good to see Paul B really great info about IQ so fantastic to have him leading our team more skiple please indeed I know when I wrote that in he’s like what do you guys want to see more next season I said more skiple and his friend said he wants more skiple I Emanuel he’s like all right we were talking about different celebrations and uh just stuff like you know what he’s going to try and do with his game this year and I’m like man dude go for a most improved player or Allstar and some of us were talking about Emanuel quickly becoming an All-Star in the future we believe Scotty’s an Allstar now already and RJ needs to be an All-Star also coming up the big three for Toronto looks real good and this is another funny thing that Emanuel said last night we were talking about barbecue like BBQ the BBQ era started I even said the spicy barbecue era was very short but it was fun and Emanuel said at one point he said why can’t it be qbb he’s like oh yeah that that isn’t anything that’s why can’t be that’s what he said he wanted to be qbb he said why can’t it be qbb he’s like oh wait qbb doesn’t mean nothing so I get it barbecue all right we’re BBQ oh so funny Dana saying coffee yes coffee yes Adriana is seconding that she wants her coffee we’re gonna go get some breakfast after this nak saying anything that provides dopamine can be addiction happy 1000 this is true I think Gerald’s just hit on the the nail on the head head I hope you’re making it down noo uh just for a little bit come by and see me I want to see your electric vehicle and see what you’re driving uh Gerald but yeah this will be the subject tomorrow we’re going to talk about addictions and specifically gambling addictions and the new developments in the jonte porter story yeah that’s the Sunday special report for tomorrow that’s too serious for today we’re having fun today yeah fun on Twitch hanging out with a manual quickly last night and today hanging out with the Raptor freak family down at the NBA restaurant 4M if you are just watching watching this for the first time and you’re in Toronto and you have free time today and you want to celebrate the birthday of one of the greatest fans of the Toronto Raptors ever in the whole ever like I I call her like the Bret Hart of bre of of raptors fans she’s the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be as far as Raptor fans so if you’re a raptor fan and you want to meet me you want to meet the Super Fan Monique Lawrence you got to come down to the NBA restaurant today from 4:00 p.m to 8:30 or 9 we will be there celebrating Mo’s birthday it’s going to be so awesome I am so stoked I’m ready to drive down Young Street and come right on down young street from the top of it right on down to downtown I don’t think I’m gonna take the 404 I think I’m gonna take Young Street does that sound all right we’ll take Young Street we go sightseen she’s like she’s just I’ll go for the ride I just want to look out the window and look pretty you well that’s what you do you do that very well Adrian I’m more than just being pretty oh I know you’re more than just being pretty I know I know you’re you’re amazing woman I love you all right let’s see what else is going on Tommy saying I guess there isn’t a record for watching a daily Vlog on YouTube but I’m going for it and it all hinges on you Lex thanks for being so faithful to us and all the positive stuff you do I don’t know maybe I can beat them with hours maybe this guy did a daily stream for like five minutes every day maybe if they collected all my cumulative hours maybe I can be a YouTube champion because I have lexon I have like four to five hour streams at some points when I was doing this place like I I don’t know why I did like almost five hour streams on here y’all got me talking well may be the cumulative number may be up there that may be an interesting stat to check YouTube let’s see how many hours I’ve got online streaming at live that may be like I may have some crazy hours like a pilot in a plane like this guy’s been flying the Raptor freak Channel on YouTube for like a 100,000 hours already I’m like holy crap you know it’ be interesting to see that total I probably could find it I probably could find it but yeah I don’t know Tom I don’t know how they C tabulate how much you’ve been watching uh Kareem saying I second that Tom Duke there you go Diane’s here good to see Diane Hart a great Raptor freak who’s been watching me for a couple years now and uh isn’t always in the chat involved but I great to see Diane come in and celebrate the 1000 stream with us good morning Alexi and crew happy 1000 stream Alexi congratulations on this great achievement and also happy birthday Mo’Nique have a blast tonight yeah thank you Diane and I appreciate you so much and I know that you’re one of the many people that watches me it isn’t always interacting on the live stream but you know you can always come in and give me your two cents like you did today we appreciate you Diane we love you too thank you so much for watching uh fiery saying morning fam on my way to my niece’s communion weekend in Montreal I wish you a happy celebration Mo’Nique enjoy and be blessed to be so much loved uh Lex congrats on a thousand consecutive streams thank you fly you’ve been a big part of it you’ve been a very very strong Raptor freak one of my favorite Raptor Freaks and man this has been so fun to be on this journey with you guys and get to know you I love that you’ve called me on the live shows fiery and you’re just such a great personality and such a DieHard Raptor freak just like I said MO is like uh one of those top Raptor freaks ever top Raptor fans I know Marie is also and I hope you have a great time at your niece’s communion today and Montreal so we’re holding it down in a lot of places here in Canada the Raptor freak F family is strong that’s right Mo saying thanks everyone means everything happy to build the rtor community oh man and I couldn’t do it partly without you Mo you in some ways make me Bonafide because you are a Bonafide superan and in some ways just having the honor of your presence daily often with this channel is I don’t take that for granted Mo just as much as Trevor says get up and be thankful to be alive again well I’m thankful that I’m your friend and that I get to interact with you all the time because we are birds of a feather and we really do share the same thing in our heart and that’s that’s the amazing thing about us right there yeah uh Isaac’s here thousand streams ago you started something great thanks friend and you’re a part of it too and in fact I switched up the picture for the stream today to include uh the five of us in there Isaac Tom Sue and Mo’Nique and I from uh the great uh game we went to last year where we’re all together yeah I I love to see you Isaac every morning and just like what I’m saying to everybody else you’ve been a huge part of this channel Isaac and in fact Isaac you’re going to be a part of what happens today at the whether you like it or not you don’t even know it you’ll find out later I don’t want to ruin the surprise but you will be a part of what happens later too so yeah Isaac I appreciate you I appreciate your benevolence and I appreciate you holding it down in the nation’s capital for the Raptor freak family in Ottawa yeah yeah nakos saying with recent memory IQ seems to be the most bought in out of players we got from a trade yeah but we don’t know the privacy of RJ Barrett and because he really isn’t on social media right now he is very much under the radar it could very well be that he is still reeling from the the passing of his brother this season and he just wants privacy he could be that he’s really in very intense training for Team Canada and Paris but I will tell you this don’t question the the bought inness of alen and Barrett to Canada and Toronto and the Raptors then IQ may be more publicly abounded on social media right now and the things he was saying last night but hey these guys are from Toronto and now they get to play for Toronto and it’s the childhood dream of Kelly oenux and RJ barretts and they don’t take that lightly either NOCO I don’t have to see what these guys think about it because I know I know what they think about it but yeah I agree with you Gerald I completely agree with you it is very much seeming like a slam dunk that Emanuel quickly is a part of the Raptor’s future there’s not gonna be any dubiousness uh let’s see fiery saying cheers to a thousand more thank you for your dedication and your unselfishness and providing it knowledge yeah no problem I want the Raptors Fan Nation to be one of the most educated least toxic NBA fan nations in the league and in some ways the Raptors Fan Nation was messed up a couple years ago with a lot of toxicness a lot of pessimism a lot of putting down the team a lot of kind of like yeah what we’re Toronto what do we have why do we have pride or anything Toronto is a loser sports team Toronto is a loser Sports City all this kind of [ __ ] I’m not about that leaf culture can make people feel like losers because of what’s happened with the Leafs over the decades so I want to keep it separated and in some ways our team the Raptors is is a different kind of culture and in some ways what we’re trying to do on this channel is build a positive good culture for a fan base a place where you can come and be a fan that just loves a team and you don’t sound like a crazy idiot for being optimistic and positive about the Raptors when other people want to be jaded pessimistic and put them down so yeah I just wanted to build a safe space for good fans like us to be able to hang out organize and and be right around each other in some ways that is uh that’s an amazing community and I am so grateful to all of y’all to being a part of it because you guys are the you guys are what it is basically right there Dana’s got rainbows all over the place that’s right Leo we got some rainbows here that’s right and fy’s got me and Mo on blast that’s right there we go there’s the classic card guesses there that’s right and I’m gonna give Kareem and Tom both dunks on this Mo saying we aren’t going live at the party sorry for your see Lex will explain yeah what we’re going to do is we’ll take pictures maybe we’ll do a short like Instagram uh Facebook live or something like that not like live but maybe just a short or something in the stories of us there a little bit maybe we you’ll see some images but I’m not going to do a live stream there uh there’s I don’t want to set up things and try and figure it out I just want to enjoy myself so the stream for today is right now but we will probably have media from the event like pictures and maybe some shorts that may be on uh Instagram or on Facebook shorts stuff like that yeah Dana saying now he got a DFA yesterday wow oh who got DFA yesterday uh I don’t know who you’re talking about let’s see all right uh let’s see uh let’s see what else what’s going on [Music] here damn it Tommy you stole it he does look like Dan Marley uh C forc thank you for the happy 1K I appreciate that thank you for watching and being being a part of the Raptor free Channel also C forc I see you pop in here every once in a while it’s always good to see you let’s see Tom’s fiery wants the points from Tom I’m not GNA do it though guys I can’t that’s not fair to Amit and uh we’re not doing like what survivor they did on to screw over Maria where Liz ran back and got the stuff for uh for uh Kelsey or Kenzie and screwed over uh Maria on Survivor yeah we’re not going to do that guys as much as the sentiment is nice Tom I want this to be be fair and fy’s got to win it on her own and omit has to do it on his own also so yeah Trevor saying Canada beat Brazil yesterday it was a little scary to the end it was close but they’ve qualified and today they will play the USA in the semifinals so yeah Canada versus USA and under 18 basketball today so if you want to watch a USA vers Canada matchup you can watch it today I’m not sure what the time is Trevor probably knows what it is yeah uh let’s see full ass is saying I’ll also like to donate my points to fiery if it’s allowed no we’re not going to do that guys I’m going to give you a 100 and I’m going to give Tom a 100 but yeah the sentiment is nice but we don’t want to do it this way we want her to win it on her own if she’s gonna win it as much as we want Amit to win it on his own if he’s gonna win it too but I appreciate you guys being so nice and kind to want to do that I believe she’s gonna do pretty well either way I don’t know who’s gonna win it’s very close I mean they’re literally 20 points apart right now it’s absolutely insane Amed is only 20 points points ahead of her like that’s it 20 points that’s not even a that’s like twice an answer an answer is twice that so yeah it’s crazy uh Bryce is saying Lex you’re the goat thank you for always being the best host on the best show your positivity has helped me as a person and as a raps fan I’ve learned so much from you and the Raptor freak family so thank you all too man that’s awesome I mean that’s part of what we’re trying to do here I in some ways listen I’ve had a a tough life in different ways as far as like going through a lot of stuff when I was younger as an alcoholic a lot of different problems that I caused for myself I’ve been on a journey in my life to self-improve and like you guys said I was like look I’m not like KFC I’m not trying to hide my secret recipe for how I got success and being happier and trying to live a better life I want everybody to get that and some people may be like I want to make money off of this like some [ __ ] may be like yeah I could charge you $100 and I’ll teach you how to be a happier life but no I’m not like that that’s not what this is about Scott Foster this is about helping people because people should live happier lives and we’re human beings we should want that for each other the selfishness of today’s society is messed up and I am so happy Bryce if I’ve helped you in any kind of way have a happier life with whatever things we talk about here because we do talk about life tips and ways to try and look at the world and ways that can help you to be a little bit happier so Brites that is a big part of one of my goals and I appreciate you for letting me know that I have have had an effect on y’all’s lives and also our other people have had effect on you also so good stuff Bryce I love you man and I really appreciate you watching us from the states all the time it’s great and it’s exactly why I’m doing this is not only to inform and have a place for us but to help try and help people be happier in their lives we need more people doing this let’s just put it that way uh Kareem saying wait uh no Fe 50 to fiery and 50 to Amit I have no dog in that race yeah and no I’m not going to give your point your points will go to you you earn them because you knew he was a blue jay and that’s enough right there I’m saying I’m going to be here just lurking it’s all good Amit you’re awesome and I appreciate getting your friend requests recently and uh all the best to you my guy seriously seriously I hope that pizza party was fun last night uh let’s see Tom saying Darko rules just saying uh and also love him lurking around his players yeah Emanuel City surprised him that he did not know he would see Darko yesterday not yesterday but Thursday so that’s cool and I don’t know what darko’s doing jet sitting around maybe he’s in Vienna next to go see yako who knows but darko’s very involved and boom he’s on top of it yeah I love our coach and the more I learn about him the hear about him the more I understand that man this was the right decision getting Darko rakovich to coach the Raptors that’s right Dana saying we are all freaks Here We are family here that’s right let get some uh uh uh uh we are yeah I got all my Raptor freaks in me yeah yeah race Mode’s here good to see eond happy birthday Mo’Nique Lawrence happy birthday Mo and thank you Edmund for coming by we always love to see you Edmund original Raptor freak one of them the first people started following me right from the start all right Gerald’s got my cut off 93043 he said he wants to be done by the 10 I know I’m two minutes away race saying congratulations lexon wow yeah you’re one of my biggest fans for lexon like Edmond I guess it’s because he’s race mode maybe he likes long races he’s like yeah Lex is on for another five hours and Edmond would always come in and be like the lexon is on I feel like Edon he’s the one who coined the phrase lexon I believe he’s the one who brought it up yeah Trevor’s G me the cut off right there and randol’s coming in right at the end here uh Saturday morning blessings to all our beloved rapor freaks most informative gang celebrate each moment knowing how blessed you are to be alive do not allow haters to influence your progress thank you Randol for your blessings and your words of wisdom I love this this is right celebrate each moment knowing how blessed you are to be alive you know that’s the thing stay present and don’t get ahead of yourself don’t think about the past just live in the moment because the moment is the most beautiful place it’s the only thing that actually exists so don’t get ahead yourself if you have some tough stuff coming up that you’re not really looking forward to well stay in the moment enjoy the good stuff while you can you don’t want to ruin the good stuff you’re about to go through through because you have bad stuff coming up that’s kind of overwhelming it in some ways stay present it’s very difficult to do sometimes if there is a lot on your mind but staying present is one of the biggest biggest powerful things you can do to be a happy person just trust me on this I know about it all right Randolph blessings to you and the Phillips family and thank you for coming in and seeing me on my 10,000th stream in a row it’s amazing yeah uh fiery saying holler up I didn’t ask for the points I just shouted out at Tom because he’s the best and also won today’s Classic Car of the day yeah no problem for I know you didn’t ask him it was Tommy’s idea and Kareem was thinking about it too and we just can’t do it I don’t feel like it’s the right thing to do as the person who’s running the game and being the official I want to make sure that it’s fair and in some ways those are Tom and Kareem’s points and I know that you didn’t ask for them it’s just that Tommy’s a very nice guy and he’s he’s just trying to be very generous to you uh Rand up saying Lex congratulations on your 1000 live stream streaming may the Lord bless you with many more years of successful streaming love you brother you’re blessing I love you too Randol and seriously I mean it’s amazing the connections we’ made through here and uh you know what I love seeing you guys every single day I really really do I wouldn’t do this I mean honestly y’all make this easier because I really do enjoy interacting with you let’s see Tommy saying cheers to fiery have fun today yeah W for Emanuel W for Mo’Nique and W for me let’s go woo and he’s got the the Raptor Duncan into the trash let’s go rap there’s 1,000 thank you Tommy you’re a big part of it I really do appreciate your contributions as the producer of this Channel and you making all these little modons like the little manual face it is not happening without Tom Duke so y’all need to give him praise and and thank him also for 1,000 streams because he is a driving force behind the scenes on this channel he definitely is most saying thanks once again W streams W Vibes keep at it always always good times good times approaching yes Mo Good Times approaching at 400 pm today and I will see you in person then Mo I’ll be so happy to see you and celebrate your birthday y’all it’s open invite if you like the Rapters you like the Super Fan Monique Lawrence you like my channel you just want to come and hang out with fun people they’re going to be laughing and smiling and having a good time come to the NBA restaurant today 4M we will start and we will be there till about n so please come on down make make yourself known and just say hey Raptor freak I watch your Channel man it’s fun and just come in and say hi I don’t even have to know your name if you just watched my channel even once you’re like I don’t want to see what this is all about well come on down don’t be afraid we’re very very nice fun people and it’s it’s going to be so awesome the NBA restaurant is an interesting place it’s like a Hard Rock Cafe for the NBA so we got to come down there and check it out and see what’s going on down there Tommy saying take a picture that I can use for a new Lexa modicon well we’ll just have to see we’ll try and figure out we’ll do a group picture obviously if we can and we’ll also maybe yeah we’ll try and figure out some pictures and stuff like that all right let me just review I’m three minutes over 10 and I just want to make sure I don’t didn’t miss anything that I want to talk about today uh I don’t think I did I did the Instagram stories I did uh Juan Jose calderon’s book I don’t really care about the final stuff or jonte right now so we’ll talk about that tomorrow there’s no birthdays today other than we’re going to Monique’s birthday party today there is not a raptor birthday on the the the calendar for uh the 8 and yeah WNBA keep playing your teams and doing what you do in the WNBA fantasy league that we got going on too all right y’all thanks for watching me today thank you for supporting me and helping me get to a thousand as I said this channel is just part percentage me but a big huge chunk of the contributions and what happens on this channel is y’all write in your comments I don’t know what to say without y’all talking to me Monique is my Q cards often and you guys are so off thewall and crazy with some of the stuff you say really make this uh stream interesting and fun so I appreciate every single one of you everybody who’s ever watched me even for a second even you came on here and said this guy’s a jackass and you you cut it off right away I appreciate you all right y’all let’s go to the MBA restaurant and let’s go Raptors and I’ll see y’all at 4 pm don’t don’t don’t be on the fence come on down you will not regret it if you do that’s right there you go let’s go I wish you could come down there Edmond hopefully maybe you can I don’t know we’ll have to and thank you fiery for the modicon parade let’s go Raptors let’s go Monique let’s go IQ let’s go Darko let’s go Lex

Join us LIVE for a Special 1000 stream in 1000 days celebration of the Raptors Freak YouTube Channel!


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