@New York Knicks

Knicks Insider REVEALS Players Available For SUPERSTAR TRADE… | Knicks News

Knicks Insider REVEALS Players Available For SUPERSTAR TRADE… | Knicks News

it’s widely expected that the Knicks are going to make a massive trade for a superstar this off season and if they do that they’re likely going to have to trade away significant assets that begs the question what would New York be comfortable with trading away in order to get a superstar on this team well thanks to NBA Insider Ian Bagley he reveals all of this information we’re going to break down this and so much more today if you’re not already subscribed to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button now and make sure you have notifications turned on so you don’t miss a second of the new content and now let’s get started what players would the Knicks trade for a superstar that’s the main question being asked right now because given all the reports that have come out recently about the Knicks we all know if a superstar player becomes available New York will pounce and do everything in their power to try to get that player on this team we’re talking about the Joker level players the Giannis atenta kmo level players if they become available best believe New York will do everything to try to get them on this team but let’s say that happens and one of those players become available what would New York feel comfortable with giving away to try to get that player on this team would they try to protect the core of Julius Randall Jaylen Brunson and OG an anobi but everybody else would be available or depending on the Superstar would the Knicks feel comfortable in giving up more well thanks to sny’s Ian Bagley we have that information according to Bagley once again New York enters the off season well positioned for a significant trade as they have three picks in the top 38 of the 2024 NBA draft and they own all of their future first round picks and the rights to three additional first rounders if the Knicks want to upgrade their roster this off season or down the line according to Bagley they do a trade is the most likely option Bagley continues here and States my read is that any player outside of Jaylen Brunson would be available in the right trade as you’d expect shout out to Ian Bagley for giving us the following updates about the Knicks and the players that are likely going to be traded if a superstar is available honestly even though belyy said as you would expect regarding jayen Brunson being protected but everybody else being available for me that actually shocks me a little bit because I would have thought that potentially maybe Brunson and Randall or Brunson and OG maybe two players on the Nicks would be Untouchable and then the rest of them would be available but to hear that only jayen Brun would be protected and any other player would be available depending on the trade depending on the player available and his cost that speaks volumes to me because it tells me the Knicks have a tier system when it comes down to Giannis and players like that the Knicks feel comfortable in giving up all of the assets that they have to get that player on this team but to pair that player with jayen Brunson that’s the key there after that tier there’s another tier players that you’d like to add to the roster but maybe you don’t give up everything you give up a few things maybe it’s Randall and a couple of picks or maybe it’s Randall bogey a couple of picks maybe Mitchell Robinson a package like that where you’re giving up players significant players at that but in return you’re likely getting back a very impactful Superstar level player that can help make this Nicks team even better than it was before you made the trade and again that’s the only reason you make a trade like that and then after that tier there’s another tier protect the core tier is what I’ll call that where Julius Randall Jaylen Brunson and OG and Obi cannot be moved at all in a trade and the only thing you’re doing is you’re making additions to add to that core and for me the targets there right now are just Mel Bridges because that’s the only player that you can add to this core legitimately too add to this core without hurting the Knicks and hurting their future and what they’re trying to build because Mikel fits like a glove and it’s often hard to look around the league and try to find another player that fits this team so perfectly and often times you can’t but with Mikel it’s very easy to do it because the fit is there you can see it you can see the chemistry with the Nova boys you know he’s going to grow into an incredible Defender even better of a Defender than he is right now Under head coach Tom tiido that’s why I think the Knicks have to look at all of these tiers look at all the players available all the stars available and then evaluate that based on their cost their fit and what we need on this team it all starts on draft night ladies and gentlemen everything the Knicks are going to do in the off season you’re going to find that out come draft night if they draft the center and a wing that means Mitchell Robinson’s likely leaving ogn and Obi is going to get resigned the wing that we drafted is going to be his backup you’re likely going to resign iHeart as well and then what are you doing you’re likely using bogey you’re likely using pick and you’re using everything else that you can to dangle out there to see if you can get a superstar a star an impactful player whatever you can get to add to this team I think that’s what the Knicks are going to do now clearly that trade package is going to increase depending on what disgruntled star is available if that star maybe is Donovan Mitchell I don’t think the Knicks are going to go as aggressively to try to get him because of the Season that the Knicks have just had because of the super stardom that we just saw Jaylen Brunson reach Jaylen Brunson doing what he did last season really changed a lot of things for the Knicks because before last season you could make the argument that if Donovan Mitchell was available he would probably be top of the list for the Knicks this year though after what Jaylen Brunson did not really the same at least according to reports from Ian Bagley the Knicks don’t have the same desire to go after Donovan Mitchell as they did in previous Seasons likely because of the evolution of jayen Brunson and also what we saw this Nicks team do hobbled and injured when fully healthy we have the roster that can go all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals we are built that way you add pieces to continue to add to that development the Knicks can go as far as that team can take them that’s why the pieces here are going to matter so much I don’t mind trading Randall but if I’m trading Randall I need a superstar back in return I need a Giannis level player back in return if I’m not getting that player back I’m not trading Randall that’s why there’s tears to this and I think that’s exactly the way the Knicks are evaluating everything because that’s the only way to do it if this player becomes available then I’m comfortable giving up this if this level of player becomes available then I’m comfortable giving up this and the way you understand that the way you make those decisions is doing exactly what the Knicks have been doing calling around trying to figure out value calling about players and that’s exactly what reports have been indicating because they have been calling of course shopping around their picks but what have they been talking about trades and when you’re talking about trades and talking about how to trade your picks you’re always understanding value at the same time okay I’m looking to trade my number 24 and number 25 pick based on all the conversations that I’ve had these two picks are likely worth maybe the number 15 pick if I pack them with a player and moved up or maybe I can wait here get a couple of players and try to utilize those players that I draft along with these other picks that I have dangle that trade package out there and see what that gets me the Knicks have a lot of options they have a lot of directions that they can move but it all starts on draft night that’s number one but number two is also and nobody’s really talking about this Bogie’s option whatever they do with Bogie’s option that’s going to tell you everything they’re going to do moving forward if they pick up his option they’re likely going to trade him because that makes all of the sense in the world if they don’t pick up his option it’s likely going to mean that they have a trade in mind already to trade him before they need to extend them either way though what it does mean is a change is coming I don’t think that the Knicks are looking to trade for each and every Star available they’re looking for the right fit and the right fit matters to them more than anything else Superstar status matters too if that type of players available and the fit is crazy good then yes everybody basically is on the table except Jaylen Brunson JB has now turned into a superstar he did it right before our eyes so because of that he has now entered a territory that not many people join when you’re on the Knicks Untouchable he is Untouchable nobody and I repeat nobody out there that the Knicks would feel comfortable trading Jaylen Brunson for JB is a Nick lifer he is never leaving this franchise that’s it now we just have to add to what we’re trying to build to New York JB is a big part of that in my opinion Randall is too and so is OG you need to add the right players to this team so we can move forward the right way don’t just add each and every Star that’s available because they’re a big name and it sounds good often times that doesn’t work keep doing what you’re doing now Lon because you’ve been doing the Right Moves and each and every single one of those moves has helped the Knicks their future and helped us move forward the right way I cannot thank you enough there has not been a president of basketball operations that I’ve thanked admired and appreciated more than Leon Rose for me it went from heavy criticism to heavy praise and it all happened in the course of one season that’s what happens though when you make the Right Moves lon’s not going to let us down and he’s going to make another right move this off season and in my opinion that right move is going to be for a superstar if and when one becomes available but what about you guys what do you think about these latest reports coming out from Ian Bagley indicating that if the right player became available then Knicks would trade everybody they could outside of Jaylen Brunson of course to get that player on this team let me know in the comments Below guys because honestly I would love to hear from you but that’s going to do it for this episode I hope you enjoyed it and if you did go ahead and smash that like button leave a comment below and of course guys please subscribe to the channel until next time Nick fans peace

The New York Knicks are widely expected to make a massive trade this offseason for a superstar. If they make that trade, significant assets will need to be dealt in order for that trade to go through. An NBA Insider with SNY (Ian Begley) recently reported what NY would be comfortable with giving up a trade for the right player. It was NOT what I was expecting… Troy Mahabir breaks all of this down!

00:00 – Intro
00:49 – What Players Are Available For A Superstar Trade?
01:45 – NY’s Best Option To Upgrade Roster This Offseason Is Via Trade
02:14 – Everyone Other Than Jalen Brunson Is Available For The Right Superstar Trade
03:12 – Knicks Have A Tier System In Terms Of Trades
05:10 – Draft Night Will Be The Start Of Knicks Offseason Moves
07:35 – Knicks Trying To Understand The Value Of Their Assets Before Trade
09:40 – Knicks Should Prioritize Keeping Core Players Together
10:26 – Leon Rose Will Not Let Us Down This Offseason…

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  1. What happened to "culture"? Would the team be better? We will have to reinvent the Knicks. Lets NOT trade for a SUPERSTAR

  2. JJJ and Marcus Smart should be a outlr star trade this offseason!! JJJ is a defensive minded stretch 5 and he's CAA

  3. Josh Hart hell no untouchable. We made a mistake when we gave up on John Starks. Never again will Knicks fans will ever forgive Tom if he trade Josh Hart.

  4. Bro this report makes no sense , how will they give up the farm that actually got us to the second round for one of these bum ass players , that’s rebuilding again , it doesn’t make sense at all , everybody needs to close their mouths and stop speculating on the Knicks next move – this is getting very annoying !!!!

  5. This is all BS , like always nothing but Bull Sh.. Give up our core for one dumb ass player , more Bull Shi. Like always 🤬

  6. The knicks do not need a super star, Look how Boston has built their team, if the knicks get bridges they become a legitimate threat in the east

  7. You have to keep the 3 boys together an Randle an then add Bridges or Murray and Capela… OG qe sign,if we can add without killing the team. Yes OG is good but the dude plays 50 games a year and he can be a player that one injury can sit him out for a year.

  8. I want to keep the core of this team together. That core would be, JB, OG, I Hart, Ragu, Hart, Randle, Deuce, Precious. If we could pick up Bridges that would be ideal. Mitch, love him to death, is a liability. We need a backup big. If Mitch wants to play that role we're good. I don't know what it would take to get Bridges but I wouldn't cut my right arm off to get him. If Bodega and AB want to hang around cool, then everyone would know their role and we can improve on the chemistry.

  9. im sure we aint making no trades ..just rumors ..maybe we give up some picks ..all I want them to do is get zach edey ..the perfect fit the NBA is worried about
    kat is too soft and markkanen cant handle big markets .. was trash on the bulls

  10. I believe Keldon Johnson is somebody that fits this team almost perfectly he’s young he’s on a decent team friendly contract he good for 15 to 20 points a game he can create his own shot he’s athletic n he plays defense plus the spurs r lookin to trade him he doesn’t have a big name but I think he can impact winning I think he’ll help this team out tremendously

  11. Troy, there are no Super Stars available for the Knicks. The Knicks don't want or need a superstar. Just solidify the bench and draft one or two players Period

  12. The players coming out of college are not as good as the players from the 80's and 90"s. I would draft a center that know how to score, and trade Robinson.

  13. I really don’t understand why the Knicks need a superstar. If the team stays healthy and we get young talent, this team will be even more successful

  14. The Knicks as far back as Walt Frazier lacks wisdom in their front office. They suffered greatly when they traded picks and 3 STARTERS for mellow yellow Anthony. They have a pretty good squad now only if they can remain healthy. They have a talented bench that can hold their own but bc of haste and not thinking soundly you have players right now young, fit, in their prime and plays well together they want to break this up. Go figure 🙄.

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