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Miami Heat: Why the Dwyane Wade disrespect? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Why the Dwyane Wade disrespect? | Five on the Floor

welcome to latest episode of five on the floor in the five Reon Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app if you’re apple apple podcast if you’re Android recommend Spotify or the Five Reasons YouTube channel also check out off the floor that’s our Discord server $2.99 per month you can communicate with other Heat fans and with a host of five on the floor and others for the five reason the sports network get off of Twitter again the link is right here in the description on the podcast feed and on the YouTube channel again $2.99 per month also check out the great sponsors of the five reason Sports Network it’s NBA Finals we know that some of you really don’t want to watch this but if you’re going to watch it make it more entertaining go to prize pick use the code 5 FIV get that initial deposit matched up to $100 again that code entitles you to that money right away and this is basically the same game that they had legal in the state of Florida before they just tweaked it got it past the regularities and look at that they’re playing prize picks again use the code 5 FIV get that initial deposit matched up to $100 and now today’s episode all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan Skol can follow me Ethan J skoling and a five reason Sports and we’ve got our primary playback host Eternal bass you can find him on the playback Channel also sometimes here on five on the floor he’s been part of the draft series that they’re doing along with uh our guy digital Adell uh as well as Matt hanen and others on the playback uh Channel go playback. tv/ RSN or just download the playback app and you’ll find it there if you just look for the five re in sports room and again that’s where you can watch the games with us but also we do episodes between games um and we do them on other sports as well all right so Eternal and I the topic today is gonna be Dwayne Wade because man he’s been retired now how long is it he’s been he’s been retired since 2019 so we’re talking five years I mean it feels like legit yesterday um where he’s passing a hlam for the triple double and of course Jimmy Butler sitting next to him at the table that’s how long it’s been okay before Jimmy came that’s how long Dwayne has been retired obviously he’s moved on to other things he’s a podcaster he’s a Trailblazer uh you know he’s a philanthropist he’s an activist a whole bunch of things that Dwayne’s doing he was briefly a game show host I don’t think that worked out as well um but uh he’s again he’s everywhere and I think he still has part ownership of the Utah Jazz but his name is always in everybody’s mouth um and I I don’t really understand it so we’re going to go through a couple of things here right and some in some terms it’s been in a good way all right like Brian wior who covered the NBA Finals literally sitting right next to me for that entire time so I mean I know Brian was paying attention you know Brian said recently that LeBron who again Brian got his uh start covering LeBron at St Vincent St Mary but then over time he’s covered LeBron less and less he’s talked about that I knew about that even during the big three era when he moved down to South Florida for a couple years um and he’s more of a national NBA guy now and you know he doesn’t always sort of unlike some others he doesn’t always carry LeBron’s water um even though people thought he did and 2011 he talked about that finals and of course that’s I call it the Now or Never finals because Eternal I was in Dallas um and at a w bger about 3:30 in the morning and Le had been struggling he was famously asked a question by Greg Doyle who’s made some news lately about a question he asked of Caitlyn Clark uh he he was asked a question about Greg Doyle about shrinking in the fourth quarter and LeBron couldn’t stop talking about it privately at that time I was pretty connected to the people around him and it was like totally in his head all right and of course that was the cough series and a whole bunch of other things like that and um well I’m in a waterburger at a drive-thru I won’t say my condition I was not driving uh and uh you know everything W burer looks good at 3:30 in the morning in a certain condition right I mean Dallas doesn’t stay open that late and so uh as we’re ordering I’m checking through Twitter and I see that he’s tweeted now or never and I remember turning to Joe Goodman and chandel Richardson and saying yeah they’re losing um because everything was in his head like right and and so I think what gets forgotten and wior brought this up is that Dwayne was having a terrific series and likely would have won the MVP in that series if they had won it would have been very hard even for the biggest LeBron stand to give it to LeBron even if he like dominated the last two games of the series because Dwayne was just better throughout that series um and Dwayne was that was kind of before the bone bruise so it’s before Dwayne started uh to decline it was more so just finding role so joural that was a positive one but then there’s been this other stuff okay um Colin coward comparing Jaylen Brown to him which on its face is not that offensive because I actually think jaylen’s the best player on the Celtics I know that’s controversal but he also he said that Jaylen had what an unappealing offensive game like Dwayne did I miss Dwayne dunking on vou and Germaine O’Neal did I miss uh the Artistry early in his career did I miss and the athleticism uh did I miss what he evolved into later in his career with more of an old man game uh where again he still had moments I mean I running up on the table and screaming this is my house is not entertaining offense I I that and again Colin’s Colin’s an idiot generally um but so so I’m not totally surprised but but that one and then there’s been again there’s been some Robin stuff which I’ll let you get into which is some of that is fair um but then the The Continuous James Harden comparisons and I I I just I feel like I’m compelled like I get a signal like a bat signal every time one of these is put out by someone where somebody I think it was Josh Eberly this time who’s been on our podcast who basically had he put a list of players this is what I was looking for beforehand he put a list of players that were better than Wade or arguably better than Wade and he had Harden is arguably better than Wade and I just do not understand how you can have somebody’s arguably better than Wade when he’s literally shot 25% or below in 25% of his playoff games I I just I don’t understand that when have a guy who gave the greatest finals performance of all time and by the way James Harden had one of the worst finals performances for an award winner in this as a six-man in the 2012 Series against the Heat um so let let me ask you this okay why in your view is there this ongoing need to throw Dwayne into these conversations when it’s pretty clear like what he is he he’s the third best two guard of all time I don’t think it’s disputable I think a lot of that is is Gap separation right when you talk about time and time is something that is both mysterious and very silly when it comes to the way people perceive things um you you look back at the early parts of Dwayne Wade and it’s it’s crazy Ethan because what was that last August last July was me you and Greg or somebody else that did this whole weade and James Harden discussion Wade versus Paul Pierce thing like it’s it’s sad that we’re back here again because Wade deserves so much more than that but Wade won his third ring won his first ring in his third year as the guy there’s a case that you could probably make that he probably wins it the second year as the guy had it not been um for the rib injury it doesn’t make sense to me while we keep revisiting the situation you know this conversation over and over again um especially when there are stats that you can pull there are videos that you can pull there are players um they speak very highly of battling against Dwayne Wade um one of the greatest competitors in NBA and sports history Kobe Bryan spoke spoke about like what it took to battle against Wade so it doesn’t make sense to me um but you’re going to have guys that discredit um you know great and legends as time goes on WE we’ve seen it with other Legends in the game yeah one thing we were talking about before the podcast is that obviously Dwayne has taken um some very Progressive political positions um and and I I remember um I can kind of Trace Dwayne’s Evolution with this stuff I I always say I covered Dwayne’s first Summer League game in Orlando so you know I was there from beginning to end um and you know at the beginning you know Dwayne was just I mean kind of a naive kid sort of I me I remember his first press conference and we don’t need to get into the personal stuff obviously that went on throughout the years although that shaped him in some ways also um but you know I remember that first press conference and like all that he was really talking about was shoes honestly like it was just like there wasn’t a lot of depth there um and then over time I mean some of it Shaq came in and Dwayne became sort of more media Savvy uh sometimes I think to the detriment of reporters because they they had this whole game where they would make stuff up and we would have to kind of guess if they were telling the truth or not and then Shaq left um and like Dwayne then sort of had to come back from that injury you know get up what fall down seven get up eight uh and then obviously the Dream Team too and and all of that stuff or the redeemed team I’m sorry and then you know was basically know one of the best players if not the best player in the league over a two-year period and and then the big three came in and he had to sacrifice obviously in a way that others had not and but not only did he have to sacrifice but he had to police you know I always come back to that that first press conference that they had and there were too many people so they did it at the hex Center at um they didn’t do it uh they did it down there to open it up to everybody and I remember Dwayne sitting between LeBron and Bosch and Chris you could tell was a little bit nervous LeBron was nervous as hell and was tapping his fingers the entire time so Dwayne basically took the mic like Dwayne took the mic and sort of controlled the ceremonies um in that and in a lot of ways did that over the course of the first three years of the big three one of the reasons that I was always told that LeBron kind of stayed in line with a lot of things was because Dwayne did things a certain way so LeBron unlike what Jimmy does now okay Wayne’s not here uh Lebron would speak to the media all the time LeBron would uh they really didn’t have a lot of those kind of issues behind the scenes with braon and it was mostly because Dwayne then they had had Dwayne since the beginning they kind of raised him right so to speak right like the heat way from the very start him and UD together and then you kind of see it with bam now he’s kind of the natural sucess successor to that so I saw Dwayne evolved but over time I think what did happen though was LeBron got Dwayne more involved in causes and you know we saw this uh you know obviously with a lot of the political issues uh that went went down at the time and and you Dwayne uh whether was writing names on shoes or other things that he did along those lines he got involved in more of these issues but then as he grew even more um you know he got to the point where he he has you know essentially been a beacon for certain causes and and I you had said before the podcast we should address it here quickly that you think that maybe that plays into this a little bit why his because he is so public still he keeps getting brought into all this stuff yeah I think because um Wade also it’s it’s kind of a two-part thing I think because Wade had personality like he did toar where he didn’t mind handing the keys um as far as allowing LeBron to be the lead guy and things being shaped around LeBron and you know they’re kind of taking off in year two of of the big three and also because of how public he has been with his relationship with Gabrielle yion um you know how supportive and outward he’s been of his daughter um you know Ethan again like we’re not going to dive super deep into it but I mean we do live in a society where as for think as you would think we would be we’re not right um and that does impact the ways that people perceive just even Common Sense things like one thing that shouldn’t be debated on court is the way dwade is one of the best players of all time in the third best shooting guard of all time like Undisputed but it keeps getting bringing it keeps getting brought up um year after year and it seems like every three to five months at this point yeah no doubt about it uh and and I I do think that that again it keeps his name in the news because he he has stayed public um he’s stayed public obviously the Hall of Fame ceremony which was very touching uh but a whole bunch of different things like Dwayne has not you know some guys just disappear in retirement we’ll never see kawh Leonard again uh you know Dwayne Dwayne is someone that you knew was going to be a public face and so again he gets thrown into these conversations but he gets thrown into these debates that are honestly kind of ludicrous from a basketball perspective so we’ll go through them after the break here uh quickly and and kind of you know talk about which are legit and which are not legit all right I do want to tell about one more sponsor of the five reason Sports Network our friends over at autograph make sure you download the app using the code five and you can find all of your Mii heat content or the fa your content from your other favorite teams in one place I also putting up some exclusive videos just there so check them out download the autograph app from the Apple App Store the Google Play store or autograph. using the code 5 it is totally free and you can win lots of cool stuff we gave away a bam a bio signed $500 that was the value uh Jersey uh for 13 bucks about a week ago so we’re gonna have something else in the space there all right let me get to this um this was a positive one uh eternal would you say he’s the second best Robin of all time because one of the reasons he’s got thrown into this this time is because of Kyrie right so Kyrie was LeBron’s Robin and I guess now he’s Luca’s Robin he better be a better Robin in game two uh than he was in game one and he’s being compared to Kyrie a lot I know LeBron came out talking about he wishes he was still playing with Kyrie kind of making about himself I covered Kyrie’s first season up there I did a lot of comparison because I didn’t think Kyrie measured up to Dwayne as a as as a teammate uh in the way that but but again Dwayne was a more mature older player uh than Kyrie was at that time is it fair to say that Dwayne was a better Robin to LeBron let’s just say than Kyrie has been or was you’re on mute oh man I pulled a Infamous youu and Alex um I think it’s ludicrous because I I obviously it’s within a a vacuum is very hard to say because you know LeBron and Wade only played Four Seasons together that first season you can’t necessarily say way was the robin because uh they were kind of co-leading the ship in in the finals he outperformed him um and really to be honest Wade had a very very strong playoffs um run that year outside of you know I guess you could point to the Chicago series which Wade never really played well Chicago um but that second season even the the finals Wade has some very strong performances I guess you could say you know he was I don’t know they they had him second on the list to Scotty Pippen yeah and if at that no point was Scotty ever the lead man with Michael not with Michael yeah the year that Michael left and then of course there was there was the famous timeout in the K coach the Run play run for K coach right but Scotty was great that year he was an MVP candidate right so I I think I think the Nuance of that conversation is just very difficult because to me I would say I guess it is Scot it because you want six in that role we talk about the Miami Heat W you’re the superstar in your role and I don’t think anybody played that role as as great as Scotty did but Dwayne was a better leading man yeah talking about with LeBron you know right but but but he was a better but Dwayne was a better leading man uh pre- Lebron Pippen never had a pre- Jordan right right um but Jordan never won without Pippen and I I I I think it’s reasonable to say Pippen is the best Robin of all time in terms of understanding that role Dwayne uh assumed that role and again we we’re cycling back here to the 2011 finals uh where he didn’t he assumed that the the lead the lead role kind of by accident because LeBron was so ineffective in that series and Mike Bibby was the starting point guard and like somebody needed to do something but I I’m just I I I would say it’s Scotty because again yeah there are others in history that we could look at but to win six titles as the second guy to do all the dirty work stuff and Scotty could have been a lead guy and he showed it in that year uh afterwards where he could have been an MVP candidate uh it’s hard to make the AR but the KY one I’m not going to accept because I I I the thing about two I understand Kyrie made huge shots to win the championship I get it and all of that and some may want to make the argument that Kyrie was more skilled than Wade I think it depends on what you’re focusing on certainly not more skilled defensively uh when Dwayne was engaged as an off the- ball Defender I mean Kyrie has never been a plus Defender he’s been adequate at times when he’s wanted to be but I to me it’s it’s Dwayne and the other argument here um before we close is this idea of others trying to throw people in into the conversation as the second as the third best two guard of all time when honestly I think and I know this is controversial Dwayne is closer to Kobe as the number two than anybody is to Dwayne as the number three I Iverson was more of a point guard I had this conversation with LeBron and Dwayne they actually argued about it I’m not gonna put Iverson ahead of Wade uh and in in any context and I’m not putting Jerry West ahead of Wade and so the only other person we’re talking about is Clyde Drexler or again Harden who I’m not putting there um is there anybody in today’s game that you think someday I mean I heard people talking Bradley Beal early in his career but before we close is there is there anybody in today’s game that you think would approach Dwayne uh to to take that number three spot I’m just going to give you some numbers and mind you the 2000s for people that don’t remember these are the positions that were really the start of like I really to be honest with you Ethan I guess you could probably say the 2000s had stars at every position right like you had Superstar point guards you had Superstar shooting guards you had Superstar small forwards power forwards um and centers right like they just they’re scattered throughout the 2000s Wade and that’s really to be debated he never made first team all defense and there are some cases you can make that he should have right I think a couple of times um especially the 0809 season um he outplay Kobe right well Co Kobe made it I think by default because of the offense sometimes but Dwayne should have gotten that and now we all know later in Dwayne’s career uh he stopped running back on defense he cherry picking and he was he was cherry picking but but he he was great at that time no I’m with you on that and unfortunately we got to close here but I’m just like well before we close I so Dwayne Wade from 20 from 0304 season to the 2010 2011 season right we can just say the 2010 2011 season was the end of the height of way been in his Peak right uh Wade averaged 25.4 points 6.3 assists 5.1 rebounds and 547 games between 0304 to 2010 2011 Wade also as a shooting guard finished top three voting in MVP and defensive player of the year we can stop all this ass conversation we can just stop and that’s where we’ll stop it check out our sponsors autograph use the code five prize picks use the code five go to playback back5 RSN follow aernal there we’ll be on for the NBA finals and draft previews we’re not going to start putting other people ahead of Dwayne just because we got nothing else to talk about have a good day everybody

As always seems to happen in the playoffs and NBA Finals, even 5 years after his retirement, Dwyane Wade is being discussed a lot. So we discuss the Miami Heat legend also. Ethan Skolnick and Eternal Bast on all the comparisons to other players, and where Wade really fits.

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  1. Idk people saying harden was better is crazy he didn't lead or wasn't a winner plusbits lebron fans who like to paint the picture lebron does everything has or had never any help smh😅

  2. It's getting tiring listening to these national idiots. It's laughable for these buffoons to keep this crap going, but whats new. A Miami player getting any credit is like asking for an air-conditioner in hell.

    (1)Scotty wishes he was as good as Dwayne.
    (2) Kyrie will NEVER be in the conversation with Wade.
    (3) Wade is definitely closer to Kobe than anyone is close to him.
    (4) Wade got screwed out of plenty of awards that he deserved. Kobe was getting lifetime achievement awards while Wade was in his prime.

  3. James Harden is better in the regular season…. The playoffs, when it counts, there is no comparison…. Wade was so much fun to watch…. Explosive, exciting, winner, great teammate, defender…. What more do you want…

  4. Pippen was awesome but no way would you take him over Wade…. Pippen’s offensive game was nowhere near what Wade was.

  5. Doncic may pass Wade but he has to win a ring…. Do you consider Doncic a SG, SF, PG? Doncic is incredible…. Would still rather have peak Wade….

  6. Lebron and Wade weren’t a great fit IMO because they did the same thing..Yeah Wade could play off the ball better than Lebron could but Wade at his best hand the ball in his hands.Making plays for himself and his teammates.For people to say Harden is better than Wade is crazy to me.Theres no way Wade is ringless with the same teammates Harden has played with..Harden has played with Durant,Westbrook,Embiid and Kawhi who were all league MVP..Then he had other Allstar players like CP3,Kyrie,D12 and PG13.Theres absolutely no way Wade doesn’t have 5 or 6 rings with those teammates..Harden always folds like a lawn chair in the playoffs.

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